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The Seaforth Ne
Although the weekend shower's
put a stop to • haying operations
temporarily, the moisture was most SEAFORTH
welcome` indeed, especially for the Betty Addison, Eric Anderson,
vegetable and hoed crops. General Loretta Marie Armstrong, Garfield
observations indicate that the hay Baker, Ronald Broome, Patricia Ann
crop this 'year will only be just fair. Brugger, Fred Buchanan, John Cald-
Another observation made during well, Grant Chesney, Gladys Collins,
the past week is the much increased Andrew Davidson, Dorothy Dodds,
acreage of field beans, husking corn Robert S. Doig, Bernice Dolmage,
and buckwheat that have been seed- Donna Fowler, Lorne Robert Goudie,
ed this Spring, according to Mr. G. Marie Handy, Marilyn' Elizabeth
E. Nelson, assistant Agricultural Re- Hillis, Ruth Holloway, Harry Jacobi,
presentative for HuronCounty. 'Ruth Keyes, Muriel King, Theresa
We have been successful in locat- King, Winnifred. Kong, Frances
ing three co-operators for the Dem,,Lane, Loretta Maloney, Eleanor Mc-
onstration Hog Production Policy.Cartney, Patricia Ann Meir, Dudley
These co-operators are Ed. Cham -„Milton, Kenneth • Moore, 'Margaret
bers, Stephen Township, Grant Ster- Moore, Phyllis Elaine More, Barbara
ling, Goderieh Township, George Nicholson, Ronald Rennie, Grace
Michie, Morris Township. It is hoped, Riley, George"Alexander Shaw,
that meetings of interested farmers Mavis Storey, Robert James Wal -
and hog producers will be held at�lace Catherine Walsh, Blanche M.
these farms some time later in the .Westcott, -Stuart Wilson, Allan
year- WrightBarbara Dawn Wright.
We are attempting to hold two! Certificate granted under regula-
meetings of each of the seven Junior) tion 10-5—William Trapnell.
Clubs, which we.have in the County.
Last Thursday a meeting of the MANLEY
Grey Township Baby Beef Calf Club Regena Bowman, Raymond Cham..
was: held at William Turnbull s farm, hers, Marie Connelly, Grant Dennis,
Grey Township, with eight members Bernice Doerr, Laurene Doerr, La-
in attendance. The Junior Farmers vern Godkin, Lorraine Maloney,
of Clin-
ton and Exeter s Cluibs, Bnutn'lreting Pearl Regelehen al Robert J Ryan, el MuDo tis ford, Robert Currie, Lucille Daer,
about 145, had a very enjoyable day, Siemon, Thomas Sloan, )onna Joanne Duckworth, Steve Elliott,
at the Western Ontario' Junior Far- Sntith, Lorraine Smith. William Elliott, Isabelle Feagan,
g n, BernardFish-
er, Vivian
At a meeting of the Public School
Board held in the board room on
Tuesday evening the estimates of
1947 expenditures were discussed and
prepared for presentation the next
meeting of council. The property
committee was authorized to secure
12' new portable desks and 4 pencil
sharpeners;, also to have necessary
repairs to the slide and boiler made
as soon as possible. Owing to' in-
creased costs of maintenance,. it was
found necessary to raise to $3 per
month the non-resident fees, which
apply to all who are not assessed as
supporters of the Seaforth Public
School, Inasmuch as this would' in-
clude attendance at kindergarten, the
former fee of 10c per month for sup-
plies has been eliminated.
Accounts passed by the Board in-
cluded salaries $1,127.50; coal $6655.71;
radio phonograph 098.95; plumbing
and electrical work and supplies
0108,30; paper 019,05; light $11.71;
text books $27,54; bats and flags
$8.65; Gestetner supplies $21.74; rent
of school bus for music festival at
Goderich $25; 'softballs $5.06; toilet
su)iplies §14.18; miscellaneous sup-
plies, advs. for teacher, etc. $18.78,
$1 a year
The . Seaforth Women's Institute
held a very, successful picnic on
Tuesday evening, July 8, at Lions
Park. A bountiful supper was par-
taken of by about 100 members, their
families and friends. A full program
of sports was run off under the direc-
tion of Mrs. Elmer Cameron. Results
were as follows:
Children 0 and under, Ken Cole-
man and Marjorie Papple. Girls 9 and
under, Betty Goudie. Boys 9 and
under, Ronnie Williams. Girls 12 and
under, Verna Forbes. Boys 12 and
under, Ronnie Williams, Girls 16 and
under, Elinor McCartney, Boys 16 and
under, Ronnie 'Williams. Married lad-
ies, Mrs. Earl Papple; married men,
Wilson McCartney and Elmer Cam-
eron, tied. Kick the slipper, Mrs. Gor-
don McDonald. Necktie race, Mr, and
Mrs. Gordon McDonald. Coat race,
Sue Nixon and Dave McLean. Relay
race, 1. Bob Archibald's team, 2, Andy
Crozier's team, Peanut scramble, Mrs,
Gordon McDonald, Graceful walking in
couples; Mrs. Gordon Richardson and
Cecil Oke. Youngest person in at-
tendance, Bobby Chambers.
The committees wish to thank al]
who helped make the picnic such a
mer Field Day at the Ontario Agri-
'John Herbert Fea a
cultural College on June 27th.1 BAYFIELD Fisher, Mary Jean Fuller, music examinations which were held
Huron County girls softball team,{ Grace Apfelbeck, George Beatty, Edward Fulfordt Lois Ginn, Richard•i recently at the Convent, by Western
represented by the Brussels Ladies,. Gerald Bell - Ethel Blair Ronald Goodwin, Benjamin Graham Isabel I Conservatory of Music.
were victorious en capturing the Castle, Barbara McConnell Anna Grant, Robert Hays, Adrienne IDI Piano—Grade IX Alice Stiles
Challenge Trophy i» the Girls' Soft-' Porter, Jack Proctor, Norma. Stur- debrand, . Bruce Holmes, Colin (honours).
ball Tournament: I Grade VII. Pe
Up to the present time, approxi- geon, Betty Jean Talbot, Clifford iHnswJeano Irwin oy� Gerald Kenneth Johnson lours), ggy Willis (hon -
mately 125' applications have been,. Talbot, Grant Webster. Alma Johnston, Mildred Johnston' Grade VI. Josephine McIver.
received for Western men. As yet,' HENSALL Bridget Melly, Dorothy Langrid e I Grade V. Donna Fowler (hon -
Gladys Chapman, Douglas Dick, win Lewis, Frank Little, Kathleen! e IV. Mary Lou Sills (hon-
ing a group to arrive some time thiste Eileen Kelly, Donna Lemmon, Elva Longmire, Austin Matthews, Gordon ours), Phyllis Boyce (honours).
Love Robert Love, Ronald MacKin bIcGabe, Mervyn McCullough Sandy ode III Mary Margaret Mc
The following are the results of
no n theestern County,ebnt we has been are received! Donald Adkins, Donald Bell, _Annette Lassaline, Viola Leitcch, I ours.)
u s) d
week. Gr
'ono VelmaMcDonald, Ian' M class honours). Ruth S
*thine coal'.
Sunday, July'18th
St. Thomas', Seaforth
11 a.m,, Morning Prayer
(No evening service)
St. Mary's, Dublin _.
9:80 am,, Morning prayer,
McDonald, ld V 1 ilea (first la h
non, George' MacLeod, Jean McAl- )
lister, Virginia McClinchey, Bruce McFarlane, James McLaughlin,' I{eyee (honours). Donald McKind-
Moir; Douglas Moir, Thomas Peters, Gladys MoLean, Morley McLean, sey (honours):
Lily Schultz, Keith Voiland. Wileam McLean, Joan Murray, Grade 11. Bee Finnegan '(hon-
) Ruth P1
Theresa Pickering, Wm, Robertson, ours . u Pullman (honours), O
BLYTH Phyilis Ruddock, Muriel Schram,'
Gr de
(F. J, Lawrence)
Mr. Fred J. Lawrence, of Van-
couver, B.C., author of the accomp-
anying poem, graduated from Sea -
forth Collegiate Institute with,
honors in classics, in 1903. Going.
immediately to Alberta, Saskatch-
ewan, and in 1910 to Vancouver, he
has been engaged in teaching right
up to one week ago, Mr. Lawrence
says: "I am enclosing my own com-
position, a Blank Verse poem on our
friend of our school days, Joan of
Along sweet -scented path, with book
Tight clasped to bos'm, and, with
her mother dear,
She ' holds sweet converse, as they
wend their way.
Like Solar ray that penetrates dark
With face aglow with love she
bears to Church.
The Church -bells ring,
But, from the distance far, sound
other bells,
Denoting strife and baleful battles
To save the -ravaging of her dear
By her ancestral foe: across the
Lantaeter, scion of ill-fated line.
The Church -bells ring,
The dutiful and pious damozel,
Plying bucolic task—her loved sire's
hest --
Oft sat, to moan her country's dire
For, daily, messengers from far
bring news,
"The Dauphin's leagured Pride is
, due to fall!"
The Church -bells ring,
The Maid, o'ercome by sleepless
nights and heat,
lumbers herself, betimes, her
sheep the nonce,
ecline in calm contentment, under
f stately elms. placed here and
there, to act
s succor against either sun or
The Church -bells ring,
he naive girl smiles, not this time
at church -bells:
n her sleep, there stands the forum,
f an Angel, direct Herald from
onjuring her, "Go often to your
e ever ready to give help in need!"
The Church -bels ring,
1. Mary Ann Haugh (hon
June Beadle; James Buchanan, Christine Schutz, Andrew Smith, outs)
Cecil- Campbell; Donald Cartwright, June Sowerby, Lois Sowerby, Doris Viain—Grade II. Jack Kelly A
Bruce Falconer, Shirley Falconer, Thompson, Kathryn Thorpe, John '(hong rs)..
Jean Glousher, Helena Gwyn, Mar-
Thurlow, Bruce Thurlow, Jean Watt-' Sining—Grade 1X. Betty Moore
guerite Hall, Loraine Hamilton, son,.Doreen Webster, Charles Wil- (honours), T
George Hamm, Delphine Flunking, liams, Ann Willis, Helen: Willis,! Harmony—Grade 111. Alice Stiles
Maxine Flunking, Doris Johnston, Marjorie Willis, Emily Wilson, Mari- (firsts class honours). I
Joan Kerniek, Donald King, . Jack on Wilson, Cynthia Young.•
Kyle, June Lear, Dorothy Lyddiatt, .Certificate granted under regulal BAYFIELD ! o
Vera Ly Carman aconon C m M D ald tion 10 -5 --Neil Beda rd Jn aroh CI •k Ms, r Spencer, Erw
in and her new
Mary Howitt, Ella Nethery, Ronald David Goddard, Leone Lamb, Jack little daughter are home from the C
Philp, Evelyn Raithby, Marjorie Met.iare, Mac Sparks, , Clinton General Hospital.
Roe, Johnnie Seers, Floyd Stanbury, DUNGANNON Miss Dawe of London is visiting B
Margaret Trewin, Edward Turner, • : her sister, Mrs. Charles Rogers at
-Watme Turret, Brock Vodden, Kari Madelaine Anderson, Eldon Aust- the Rogers summer home Char- S
Rector, Rev, C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. Whitfield, Douglas Whitmore, Nor- in, Allan Barbour, Donanne Caesar, min.”
tion Wightman. Ira . Campbell, Margaret Pauline Mr'. and Mrs. Norman Touts spent T
Services in charge of Mr. C. G.' ' 1 Cooke, Alma Culbert, Donald Dow, the week end the guests of Mrs,
Markham, B. 4„ of London. BRUSSELS !Eldon Emerson, Freda Johnston, John Toms.
Louise Bowman, Ronald Campbell, Helen Little, Elmer MacKenzie, Wm, k'Ir• and Mrs, Harold Weston and H
Lloyd Cardiff, Elizabeth
Egmondville United Church ar r , iza eth Cousins, Kenneth McAllister, Donald Reich family are spending a holiday guests B
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. Gerald Dressel, John Hugh Edgar, Murray, Betty Nivins, Billie Parlc, of Mr. Weston's father, Mr. George
10 a.m., Sunday School Shirleyllis, Gordon Engel, Jean- Earl Rivett, Anna Robb, Danny Weston:
11 a,m„ Constructive Goodwill's ette 4. Gemmel, Kenneth 'Jacklin, Rose, T,sabel Scott, Louise Sproul. I Firs, Bristol's nephew and family In
7 p.m., The Christian's Reward Harold Knight, Lilian Viola Lake,' Certificate granted under Regula., of Virginia are guests at the Bris-
Doris Julia MacLean, Frederick Al- tion 10-5—Donald Caesar. tot cottage, having : motored here W
vin Martin, David Ian Matheson, from Virginia.
Ross Arthur McCall, Clarence Mc- WINCHELSEA ; Doctor Jack Jowett, Mrs. Jowett T
Nichol, Clifford Morrow, Esther Betty Bailey, Muriel Coward, and their sons, John and Robert,
May Raymond, Helen Margaret Rin- Walter Creery, Roy Ford, Billie GiI- paid a return visit to their aunt, Di
tool, Alma Smith, Isabelle Snaith, filler:, Ernest Harris, Marilyn Hern, atm. Cecil Brown at the "Briars,"
Tuesday night service, and in ser. Geraldine Stretton, Flora Turnbull, Kathleen Johns, Mary Ogden, Al Doctor Jowett enjoyed a successful W
Certificate granted under Regula- deep Pvmishing outing in the north land and
les of talks on the Bible entitled "The Jnne SiSinclair, Benita
Revelations in the Bible." tion 0-5 —Kenneth Schnook, Mae Smith, Ruth Whalen. is now returning by motor to his To
"(ghe contents of this
beautiful set in tarnish -proof
chest are eight each of the
following—teaspoons, dessert
spoons, forks, salad forks,
knives and one butter knife
and sugar spoon.
Available in LADY HAMILTON
(illustrated) or CORONATION
patterns. Other services in
tarnish -proof chests from
$34.75. Retail purchase tax
he woke, with heart attuned to Watch Repairing
less gross strains
hon emanate from metals forged Vs hile, as their head, she leads her
by ratan, men to war;
ears, day by day, the same Feeling her work was done, to don
Cherubic Voice, shepherd's dress
edding her arm, "Go forth! to Int loved Doutreniy, lay near to her
breathe new hope heart,
to the flagging hearts of your) Once more the bells ring out,
llies!" l At last, bereft of faithful knights
ith mind distraught through Angel on field,
Voices heard, Who, so gallant fought to save their
hough, dressed alone in hone spun,' Chief from
coarse and red, Inonninious clutch of hostile hands,
d• she, in vain, .essay to view the They sound again to rouse the
Court, townsfolk, brave
ho sought, with ribald laugh and But Fortune smiled not on their
stern rebuke, 1 high emprise.
turnher thoughts and aspirations Like abase felon, forthwith she
igh, 1 is bound
Chinthinch-bells call. eschewing Both hand and foot, Iike to some
common clown,
And heaven heard that prover: !Sold, too, like Him, of old, for
e That tlley but grant her
simple, petty sunt,
r audienceThen placed in iron eage, thereafter
,With her liege lord, that he In
learn from her I4lways in holies that her most
e Plan Divine, she so learned in` Would now save her, as she hal
lile blissfully her sheep sought once 'saved him.
rest and shade 1 The funeral pyre is laid, around
ath stately elms of her ancestral i about,
home. 1A. sea of avid eyes behold the girl
The bells ring out; but all around Being, led forth to her Gethsemane;
is din, (With head erect, she •walks with
d shouts of men in vengeful queenly tread,
battle joined: I Like dying gladiator she sees naught
ht at the portals of the doomed Save crucifit, clutched closely to
`own, her breast.
drtclad renchtnen all, in, The faggot is applied, the vulgar
armour mob
avnde lis"oft her flag, the "Fleur- � spontaneous close in, while high in
charger white, the new Coin -1 air
mender rides. Ascend the cinders of that vengeful
ow the conflict slackens a i Her visage lighted by an inner fire,
when flow -tide Those standing nearest, see, by her
strong undertow, beseigers' drawn face,
stand. 1 That Joan, at last, is with her Lord
d, feeling before Heaven their and Bing!
cause was just, I (Finis)
straitened townsfolk, witht
fervor renewed,
ding their loins, fighting with 1/ARiVA
might and main,
The Varna and. Goshen Young Peo-
ced the intruder back to island pie's society held a tve}ner roast at
home, Bayfield on Monday ev'enitig.
A number of local Orangemen at -
he Church -bells ring, tended the Orange service at Bayfield
e more her countrymen can feel Sunday morning: also the service at
free blood Clinton in the evening.
rse through their veins, the L,O.L. 1035 are celebrating in Mil -
hated Sassenach verton on Saturday, July 12.
Mil -
met his match; our joyful Maid `
The Orich reunion will be held
July 23rd at Sats ett's Grove, Bayfield.
Denied this frank request, Sports called at 2.80 p.m.
Sorely against her wilI, did she
inveigh, Mrs, J. D. Atkinson of London is
Doubting meanwhile, if Heaven spending this week visiting her sister
would be pleased, Mrs. Henry lloggarth,
The Salvation Army
Corps Officer, Capt, F. Halliwell,
Assistant, Lt. A. _1vtiller.
11 a.m., Holiness Meeting.
3 p,m., Sunday School,
7 p.m., Salvation meeting
In police court at Seaforth on
Tuesday, before Magistrate J. W.
Jackson. • - ; home in Clinton, Iowa,
CLINTON ZURICH I Miss Lillian Morley had the Mor -To
III Joanne Mercedes Bedard, Berne- ley family of Pleasant Ridge, Michi-:
Audrey Baird, Helen Ball, Doris dine Bedard,'Piere Cantln, Ellis gan, over last week end.
Cole( Bernice Denomnre, ' Donald Charrettet Helene Marie Farwell, Professor . Lloyd Hodgins and
pps, David Fairservice, Kathryn Alice Maybelie Forrester, Barbara Miss Mabel Hodgins are in reridenc
loaner, Ruth Groves, Barbara Anne Gascho, Elaine Geiger, John at their Bayfield Terrace cottage fo
esom, Ilene Hesselwood, Reg. Frederick Haberer, Ronald George the summer months.
Morley, three young men from God -'E
erich pleaded guilty and were fined Fa
$10.00 and costs of $13,00 each for He
having Iiquor .in their Possession,',
The liquor' was confiscated. The
charges were laid by the Provincial
Police, and Crown Attorney Holmes'
Hesselwood, Edna Jackson, Lola Heamrich, John Hendrick, Earl Hor- Many are journeying to Zurich
Jervis, Frank Johnston, Madeline ner, Glen Herbert Neeb, Dennis for the Wednesday evening Lions Tli
McCullough, Donald McGregor, Len- Overholt, Gerard Rau, Grace Regier, frolic
ore McGuire, Marie McLeod, Ronald Wallace Edward Rose, Myles James' The Misses .Druen are in residence WI
Moore, Carl Murray, Dennis Pen- Uttley. 1 at theirttsr,
found, Gladys Pepper, Ferne Potter,' Passed under Regulation 10-6 Mrs. Grey and daughter of De Ne
Lorna Prosser, Patricia Shaw, Wil- William Merrier, ! trod are guests of Mrs, Jim Fetgu-
Jean Churchill of Columbia ` Sta- Barbara Steep, Helen Mary Stewart,1 ETHEL I Mrs, Jean Manson returned this
tion, Ohio, granddaughter of Mrs. Morley Taylor, David Tighe, Joyce! Donna Baillie, Homer F. Barlow, week from visiting friends in Tor- An
James Campbell, McK{illop, was Weeks, Jack Wilson, Ruth, Wooley. Stanley Brown, Shirley Cumming, onto and .Clinton.
graduated from Baldwin -Wallace ss Eckel -der, Mauna Hayden, Jul- Bay field is enjoying one of the Rei
College, Berea Ohio, June 23, and DASHWOOD - enia A. Heibein, Mary MacDonald, busiest seasons on record. Cottages
received a Bachelor. of Music: degree'Audrey-Bastard, Elaine .Gill, Mar- Shirley, Machan, Marion Mann, and summer guest homes are filled So`
with the special honor of "Cum garet Gill, William Gill, Barbara Douglas Shaw., a to capacity. Bayfield never loses
laude for high grades during her Hartman, Joyce Haugh, John Alex- its charm s pleasant h
ham Shearing, Carolyn Spaaling,l ! $on, • I
four years at the college. , ander Love, Ruby Miller, Audrey WINGHAM 1 and a a p easan , hospitable W
peaceful resort Many old t'm
.CELEBRATES son! BIRTHDAW beth Bell, Murray Bradburn, Helen ail of y summers and say they!
bull Ronald Wein William O Will r return. each
Page, James L. Peachey, Marilyn i
Pfaff, Max Tiedeman, Alma Tura- Wilda Agar, William Bain, Eliza- era h v been coming for thirty-five 0
' n e Will- Breckenridge, Ruth Brooks Elmet look forward to their
Many friends here .will be inter- 7ei-t, Theresa Mary Zimmer.
d to know that Mrs. Annie But -'I
ton of Toronto will be 90 years old
on July 11. She resided for many Betty Allison, .Gloria. Apr,c ,,,1 Curr
years at Constance and later aE Nancy Armstrong, Sheila Baileys-son,n
Seaforth. Clare Balkwill, Joe B rt, An- bar, Marion Felker, Mary Finlay, United Church Choir Picnic I
drew Blommaert, Claudette Blowes' Donna Fitch, Nora Faasei, William A lar The
Margaret. Bray, Gordon Bush, Ken- Fraser, Barbra Gaunt, Ruby Gray,' and large attendance of members
eth Campbell, Glenn Campbell, Bob guests attended the Heifsall
Coates, Leona Davey, Lois Aucklow,i JeffeuHanna, Vivian Hastings,
Uni'sdG Church
con ic held at Turn- Ger
Tom Haley, LeRoy Harrison, Elaine Wednesday, July
�etiick Raymond Luck Rosalie knits Evelyn Leaver, Shirley Lock- A. delicious picnic supper was en- Far
lack, Betty McDougall, Kenneth ridge,
I se e__, Margaret 1laclnnis, Barbara joyed by all after which sports were
ort, Douglas Murray, Hugh Par D•owelly 7att, Lloyd Mc- featured under the direction of Miss Jr
ons, Delores Pfaff, Dorothy_ Pooley,, McIntyre, Raymond Ruth Hess and 13011 Mickle with the
Douglas Rivers, -Alma Silleiy, Lilleain hierkle5r, Melva Montgomery; Le following results:: Book balancing on,
tire, Orland Taylor, Lorna Taylor,' Verne ArnoldNewman,T Marilyn Newman, contest, 1st Betty Mickle, Ruth
Wayne Tuckey, Bob Wade, Ronald Mary Isabelle \ethety, Helen `Nidi- Hess and Bernice Jinks: and 1drs, Cou
Walker, Gilbert Witmer, Olson, "Stewart Nimmo, Willard Broderick, "Mrs. Drysdale, Alis. Sher-
Passed under Regulation 10-5
Platt, Helen Pocock Colleen rift• men' throwing Has
Bruce, .Maii Bushfield, Grace -Cam summer to this Lake Huron para
bell, Mary Campbell, Betty Case- dise away from the rush and bustle
more, Lois Cruickshank, Barbara 00 city life.' `Ba
Currie, Jacquelyn Currie, Mae Daw HENSALL
Jacqueline Doyle, Kenneth Dun -1
Misses Annie and Rose Simpson
at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 1
Craig. !
Mrs. Campbell of Carberry, Mani- 10
toba, with her sister, Mrs. John! s
Harris at the home of Mr. and Mrs,!
Harold Sellers., IS
Mrs. M. J. McNair and daughter
Sadie of Hantelton with relatives,
Mrs. Cameron of Lanark County'
at the home of Mrs. 'Win, Kerney,
• •Mr. Best and Miss Annita Col
clotigh left Monday for their home
iu Saskachewatn. ; I B
Mr. Harvey Walker ,and his sister Don
Mrs. J. Eassom of Grimsby with Bei'
;;relatives. Their mother, Mrs. G. Bre
Walker, who has been visiting Tela-' Ch
tives returnedhome. with them. me:
Yvonne Snaith..
Andrew, Lionel Arbour, -ropsha , Robert Sumamon, Mary' Tlae following choir members were
illylBean. Norma Beattie Mary Somers, Barbara Stainton, Maurice responsible for the successful affair.
, _ Stainton, Zelma Stamper, Mary Social Gommittee, Mrs. Drysdale
l rias Bloomfield; oniFaes Tofting, William Warne, Eleanor Mrs. Broderick; sports, Ruth H
Campbell, William Wightman,' 73111 Mickle. At thecall
Cha Albert Clements, BettyCie-! I closeosoftball Certificate 10-5—Bob Cunder Regula- was indulged o in, the score 9-7 in fa-
ts, Dougall Clutton, Ann Craw- tion Currie. 'your of the men..
r s t oatng softball, S. G,
Willlam Robertson, Jack Salter, Dor-� Rennie, Lee Redden. H: McEwan; The
othy Sanderson, Joyce Sanderson,. open running race,Bill Mickle; ex -
Jessie Scott, Glen Showers, Jean change of ripe f • tit, -, I's slue Whi
Shropshall, 11
beholds •
Dauphin 'dolt his crown as Ring
of France,
ch douse, she begs him to let her
go home.