HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-03, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Dr, Norman Cook of Toronto is
holidaying with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. N. E, Cook.
Mr. Kenneth Passmore of Hamil-
ton spent the weekend with his par=
eats Mr. and Mrs: John Passmore.
Rev. R. A. Brook conducted an-
niversary services in the Elimville
United, Church on Sunday evening.
Rev. Wni. Mair of Thames Road.
conducted the services in the Hen -
sal]. United Church.
Provincial Police Charles Salter,
Mrs, Salter and daughter of Blyth,
visited on Sunday with Mrs. Salter's
mother Mrs. Mary MVlcKaig.
Miss June Saundercock of -Lon-
don spent the weekend with her
another Mrs. Annie Saundercock.
Miss Amy Laramie of London
visited over the weekend with her
mother Mrs. Laramie and sister Miss
Greta Lammie.
Miss Mary Buchanan R.N. of Nia-
gara Falls, N.Y., spent the weekend
holiday with her mother Mrs. Alex
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and fam-
ily are holidaying at Grand Bend.
The Women's Missionary Society
held a very successful home -baking
sale in the school -room of the church
on Saturday, June 28th. The school-
room was prettily decorated for the
occassion Tea and lunch was serv-
T. Munn extended sincere thanks to
the social committee of which Mrs.
Wm, Sangster was convener, also, to
the sports committee, Miss Tate and
Mrs. Shortt and to all others who
had contributed to this enjoyable
outdoor event.
Mrs. Carl . .Passmore - returned
home from St. . Joseph's Hospital,
London, on Friday, following a
cent operation
Misses Margaret and Barbara
Shepherd and Miss Mary Goodwin.
are vacationing in New York: ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shepherd of
London were weekend visitors at the
former's parent's home Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Shepherd.
Master Keith Wolfe, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Wolfe had his
tonsils removed: at Stratford .Hos-
pital on Thursday.
Mrs. Edwin Rock, ,Gwendolyn,
Joanne and Jane are spending this
week in London with the former's
sister, Mrs. Jack Ford and Mr. Ford
Mr, and Mrs. Albert '. Smith and
Sandra of Simcoe were holidaying
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Smith motored to
Durham on Sunday to visit Mrs.
Albert Smith's parents Mr. and Mrs.
ture was read by Dorothy Cuthill
rDUBLINas sol- Hymn
by prayer by' Joan Sinclair.
A very pretty g Hymn 598 was sung and offering
enmized at St. Leo's Roman Catholic was taken . by Kenneth McClure,
Church, Mimico, on Saturday morn- piwtaken by Mrs. E. Tolland
ing, April 19th at 10 o'clock when buTosinessc as byt Mrs. McClure. followed
Noreen Karlyn Shannon, daughter by hymn 614. The meeting closed
of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Shannon was by ail repeating the Lord's Prayer
united in'the holy bonds of matri' and singing the National Anthem.
moray to Peal Francis, youngest son The Sunday School and Anthem.
1 late' Winthrop, are
of Mr. Joseph Givlin and the a tion of Coven Church, Wl t 1 p,
Mrs., Givlin of Dublin, The ceremony holding their annual picnic in the
was performed by the Rev. Fr. Lion's Parlc on Friday, July 4, at
Markle who sang the Nuptial, Mass. 1:80 p.m, The ladies are asked to
The bride given in marriage by her take sandwiches, cookies and tarts.
father wore a gown of white , satin
with net yoke trimmed with • Ma-
crame lace. Her finger tip veil was,
held in place by a wreath of orange
uet of red roses and white sweet
peas, Miss Eileen Shannon, sister of and. Wellington.
he 'bride served as maid of honor in Mr. and Mrs. Ben ICeyes of • Bruce
gown dance blue silk jersey with field called •on friends here on Sun,
ribbon tiara to match and carried a day,
ouquet of '.Johannah Hill .roses.' Rev. and Mrs, L. W. Diehlof
Miss June Price and Miss Joan Shan-, Thamesville visited friends here over
on, cousin of the bride acted as the weekend.
ridesmaids, gowned in pink net L.O.L. 1035 held their annual
ver taffeta and wore, court veils of church service in the United Church
pink net held in place by a wreath', on Sunday evening last.
f small pink rosebuds. They carried Mrs." Geo. Connell of Varna has
olonial bouquets of pink Johannah returned from.Toronto after nurs-
ill roses and Orchid sweet peas. Mr. ling a patient for the past two
at Shannon, brother of the' bride months.
ery ably supported the groom and'
Gerald Shannon:. and Jack Tait acted TENDERS FOR. DECORA TNG
s ushers. Mrs. M. Malone presided' Tenders will be received by the undersigned
f r redecorating of the ante -rim S h' 1
Mr, and Mrs. Lee McConnell and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson spent
the weekend with friends in Toronto
blossoms and 's e• carried a fan bon-
ed from small tables. There was also Backus, at the organ, and the soloist was N
o r of coos
• Nos. 1, 2 and 9, Tuokeremith. Work to be
completed by Sept. 1st. Tenders will be con-
sidered fir one .or more schools by any one
1'contractor, and a first -class job is desired.
- For further particulars and details apply to
SchHol Area, ROR E8, Seaforth.
a white elephant booth. The ladies of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Baskin of Tor- Austin. The bride's mother received
the W.M.S. wish to thank all those onto with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Eiek- in a gown of grey crepe and Mrs
Tor -
who so generously donated toward merit Dan Manley, sister of the groom as
the sale, to those from other, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Rose and sisted in a gown of fuschia wi
churches and community who helped,Yvonne of Point Edward with Mr. navy accessories and a corsage o
to make it such a success and also and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt. pink roses and sweet peas. Atte
to the caretakers as well. I Mrs. Elwood Smart Dennis and the ceremony a wedding dinner wa
Hensel) Community Park grounds Carolyn and Miss Sylvia Bennewies served to the bridal party at Kir
provided an excellent background of Windsor are holidaying with their cooley Gardens, and in the afternooi
the annual picnic of the Hensall parents Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ben- a reception was held at Connaugl
Institute members, guests and child- newies. Mrs. Bennewies and Glen hall. The bridegroom served over
Windsor 48th Highlanders
5 Tenders will be received by the undersigned
for the n Schools No h 'i and '0,
C lretakmg of
I Tuckersmith, for the coming sc oo year.
11 The .seal duties of Sohooi Caretaker to be
Performed in a satisfactory
Particulars and details, apply _
VHITMORE, Sec. -Tress„ Tuckersmith School,
. Area, R.R.. 3, Seaforth.
1 pway. For further
-,-en who assembled there (50 in accompanying them back to seas with the r d d
number) on Wednesday afternoon for a holiday.
June 25th. The enthusiastic crowd 25th Anniversary Services of the
partook of a grand picnic supper, dedication of St. Peter's Lutheran
consisting of an abundant supply of Church will be celebrated on Sunday
tempting and appetizing foods. The July Gth with Rev. Gottfried E.
president, Mrs. Kerslake then pre- Alberti of Ridgefield, N.J. preach -
sided for a short business session.
After the singing of the Ode, the
minutes were read. In answer to the
roll call "Sing, Say or Pay
amusing thoughts -were expressed.
At this juncture Miss Gladys
Luker made the presentation of a
Bank book and address to Mrs. A.
Shirray for her infant son "Bruce
David'. Mrs. A. E. Munn presented
interesting comments on the Dis-
trict Annual held at Thames Road
Church, May 27th. The Secretary
announced that the yearly programs
are being efficiently printed_ as
formerly by the Dept. of Agricul-
ture, Clinton. The next meeting will
be the September meeting for which
Mrs. R. Elgie and Mrs. Chipchase
are acting as hostesses. It takes the
form of a pot -luck supper. Roll call,
name and imitate a domestic 'animal.
The national anthem closed this
session. An interesting period of
games followed under the direction
-of Miss Tate and Mrs. Shortt.
Clothespin race, Mrs. C. Forrest;
stick relay. Mrs. W. Smale; throw
the rolling pin, Mrs. Kerslake; news-
paper race, Mrs, G. Schwalm; needle
threading contest, Mrs. Orr, Mrs.
Kerslake; potato race, Mrs. Harry
Horton: kick the slipper, Mrs. Orr;
peanut scrambei, Beth Goddard;
Shoe scramble, Beth Goddard: child-
ren's race. .Margaret Elgie. Mrs, A.
ing the sermon at the morning ser-
vice beginning' at 11 o'clock, at the
evening service beginning at 8 o'-
clock with Rev. 3. H. Reble A.D.,
guest speaker. Monday evening 7:30
to 8:80 band concert on the church
grounds. 8:30 p.m. services, guest
speakers, Rev. A.T.C. Stockman,
Tavistock, Rev. R. B. Gilhaar, List
owel, Rev. G. E. Alberti, Ridgefield
N. J. Social evening after. service.
Everybody welcome.
Messrs Albert Querengesser and
Wm. L. Querengesser attended the
band tattoo at Waterloo on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cressman of
Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Miss Aletha McMillan has gone to.
her home at Gadshill.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Heinz,
Maureen and Winifred and Mrs,
Chas Ahrens attended the band tat-
too at Waterloo, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'John Arbuckle, Jim-
my and Billy of Toronto with Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Querengesser.
Mr, Vincent Dittmer of Toronto
with his mother Mrs. Mary Dittmer.
Mr. Rov Amstein of Kitchener
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Dorothy 'Tait. Jean Benneweis and
T,attl• Jean Heinz and Erma Vock
were successful in passing their en^-
••n•tCe eXamS.
Out-of-town guests included the STOKER COAs
bride's grandmother, Mrs,. P. J. As miners are out on strike; this Coal will
Shannon of Trenton. Mrs. Robert t musr.aRn
R b t be scarce and ' hard to get.
Burns, Mrs, Kay Hussy and Mr. LUMBER & COAL CO.,
Dick Hussy, all of Trenton. Mrs. L. FOR SALE
M. Howe, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Bainwagon, good condition. THOS. NASH,
Dan Manley, London, Mr. and Mrs. Seaforth. Phone 852r4.
Massey Harris Hay Loader. WM. ALEX-
ANDER. Phone 8981.15, Seaforth central.
J. P. Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mintzer, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Eckert, Mr. and
Mrs. Edd Stephany, Mrs. George
Bilohlavok. Mr. Don Kesseler and
Mr. Norman Schiltzer, all of Ro-
chester, New York, and Mr. Earl
Carrol of Buffalo. After rip to
Niagara Falls, the happy couplewill
reside at 15 Tyndall Ave., Toronto.
The work in the McKillop Manse
has been completed the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Nichol and
baby daughter of Stratford spent
the weekend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. T. Blanshard.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Osborne
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. K. Davidson and family.
The three daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Mel. Blanshard of Montreal are
visiting at the home of Mr. and. Mrs.
H. L. Blanshard while their parents
are on a trip to the Western Coast.
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey McClure of
Walton visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John McClure on Sunday.
The Helping Hand Mission Band
held their regular meeting Satur-
day, June 21, Meeting opened by all
repeating the Mission Band purpose,
then hymn 605 was sung. The scrip -
Building 2044,. excellent for garage; also
hay rake and mower, both in good condition ;
fin' fork, cultivator, riding plow, walking
plow, seed drill, wagon and rack, trailer in
oeas w
et of driving harness, good SS good
set of4
section harrows. MRS. SANDY MCMILLAN,
Cash ,
aturda Specials
Burner Hot Plates,$4.95
Vel, large
pkgs., k s 2 for .55
McKillop, Logan & Hibbert Telephone Co.
wish to announce that due to resignation of
Gerald Holland as Secretary -Treasurer they
have appointed James Malcolm, R.R. 2,
bbtoorsol sdteeuimry
e paid him atDilSoramounts
Tan bulldog pup, on Sunday, Finder please
call 33 on 79, Henson.
New McCormick -Deering binder, jut cut
60 acres. Apply to JOSEPH GREER,
field. Phone 80r21, Hensen.
1'Iouse 15x24, kitchen 16x20, hen house
12x24, all in good repair, DAVID WATSON,
881x22, Seaforth central
1934 Dodge Sedan, 6 good tires, perfect
running order. JIM FLANNIGAN, Seaforth.
1 good 7 -year-old Holstein cow, doe to
freshen within a week. Apply to MAC SCOTT.
Phone 68058, Seaforth RM.
Never Before Value Like This
at low cost—found only in 'Chevrolet
j/�tdlya '
„itv J ,pS:..vc � .
The Big -Car styling of a large, luxurious Body by Fisher
—found only in Chevrolet and higher -priced cars.
The Big -Car Safety of
Fisher Unisteel Body
construction and Posi-
tive -Action Hydraulic
Brakes—combined only
in Chevrolet and higher -
priced cars!
The 1947 Chevrolet offers the finest motor car quality
at a real saving in money. It's the only car giving Big -Car
Quality at Low Cost! It brings all the following Big -Car advantages.
at lowest prices and with low cost of operation and upkeep.
The Big -Car .performance and
dependability of a mighty Valve -
'in -Head Engine.
The Big -Car comfort of the Unit-
ized Knee -Action Gliding Ride —
both of which are likewise found
only in Chevrolet and higher -
priced cars!
The growing demand for the New Chevrolet is setting an all-Iims
JLET, record. We cannot hope' for many months to fill all the orders pouring
in. If you are among the many who have•set your sights on Chevrolet's
Sig -Car Quality at Low Cost, we suggest that while you wait, you rely on your
Chevrolet Dealer's service to keep your present,car running smoothly and safely.
CH i
Seaforth Motors
Warning; to Motorists
* Important Amendments
to the
Ontario Highway Traffic Act
Effective July 1st
Know your responsibilities under the new law
See your Automobile Insurance Agent for Complete
Published in the interests of the motoring public by the
member companies of the Canadian Underwriters' Associa'
tion and the Independent Automobile Insurance Conference
In Memoriam
DALRYMPLE—In loving memory of my dear
husband, George Alexander Dalrymple,
who passed away July 13.
A shadow rests upon .our home,
We .miss his smiling face •
Wherever we turn;
Wherever we go we see his vacant place.
—Ever remembered by his wife and family.
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank all who sent me cards and
letters during my illness in Victoria Hospit-
al, London. Mrs. 0, W. Roggart.
Caed of Thanks
We wish to thank all the neighbors and
friends and the Seaforth firemen who helped.
at the fire in our house on Friday.
- Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements, also, some
Furniture. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has
received instructions from the undersigned
Executors to sell by Public Auction at Lot
15, Con. 4, Twp. of Logan 2% miles North
July 4th. Sale oocomm commence 1 on0 D,S Y,
the following:
CATTLE -1 Durham cow supposed to be
due middle of Aug.; 3 Durham cows not
with calf 1 Durham bull, 3 yrs. old; 2
Durham s.old; Heifers
heifer JanDurham ees steer
yr. old;- 4 last fall calves; 1 calf 2 months
old; 1 calf 2 weeks old.
HOGS -1 pig weighing about 80 lbs,
POULTRY—About 60 Leghorn hens.
IMPLEMENTS—Coekahut -binder 6 -ft. cut;
Cockshut manure spreader; Cockshut 2 fun
row tractor plow; M.H. cultivator;. double
disc for tractor; M.H. sides ke;ahoy rack;
truck wagon; gang plow ; cutter;
buggy ; trailer; extension ladder; blower ex-
tension pipe; set slings; .set scales 2000-1b.
cap.; Renfrew cream separator; gas drums.
fanning mill ; quantity cedar poste; 2 cords
4-fr. wood; Stewart clipping machine, cream
and milk cans; Cyclone seeder.
HARNESS—Set single harness, collar'tops;
bridles; set double lines; n
FEED -30 bus. mixed grain. About 3 tons
hay; quantity of red clover and timothy.
FURNITURE--Heintsman piano and stool ;
plane cabinet, Quebec heater: 3 rocking
chairs; Davis sewing machine; couches;
hail mirrors extension table; electric heater;
2 wooden beds with spring and mattresses1
2 bag; small. tables Shovels, nnspades,ds forks.
hoes .and a host of other articles too numer-
nus to mention found ;Mout a farm.
Vo reserve as everything will be sold to
wind up the estate of the late Wm. J. Stin-
son. Auctioneer decision final in case of all
disputes. TERMS—Cash, Thomas Earl Thom-
as Meltensie Jr., Frank Parrott, Irvin Getke,
Oscar Thompson. Executors.
FRED W. AHRENS, Auctioneer.
Young Durham bull, red, serviceable age;
also a young improved long -nosed York hog,
Priced to sell. Apply to JOSEPH CARLIN.
R.R,4, Seaforth. Phone 601r24.
Wanted to buy 4 loads clover or mixed hay.
delivered. R. McLEAN, Egmondville, phone
684148, Seaforth central.
Auction Sale
FECTS. In the Village of Dublin on Wednes-
day, July Oth, at 1.50 p.m.
PROPERTY—Frame house, situated on the,
highway West. of Dublin. 154 sore;, 8 room
house & shed.
CONTENTS — 2 double beds complete; 1
single bed, stair carpet, Premier vacuum
cleaner; set of attachments for Hoover
cleaner; 1 electric table .lamp, feather pillows,
1 pair blue velour drapes; 2 pair wine velour
drapes; 2 antique tables, odd tables, chest of
drawers, hall mirror, tapestry carpet 3x3,.
hanging lamp, small table lamp; odd. chairs,
2 stoves, creeks, jars, toilet set; 8 pair cur-
tains, Congoleum rug; - towels, table cloths,
etc., hall oilcloth. dining room floor covering,
dining room table, 2 clocks, odd dishes, rose
drapes, glass cupboard, kitchen table, silver
knives & forks & spoons. -one rose rug, scat-
ter rugs, bed spreads. Terms cash.
Prop. Estate of late Margaret Matthews;
Executors, Clara Woolcott, Olive McClnrey.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Harness, Hardware, and
Shoe Findings
Special for Frid. & Sat.
50c EA.
For the finest
Body and Fender
Repairs & Refinishing
bring your car to
Tenders wanted for purchase of hen house.
Tenders willbe received for the purchase of
a frame hen house 12 feet by 22 feet, up to
and including July 5, 1947. Building must
be removed within two weeks of acceptance
of tender
Address tenders to P. D. McConnell, Secre-
tary, Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
Modern dwelling, North Main street, Im-
mediate possession.
Frame asphalt covered residence, on Rail-
way St.. beth, immediate possession.
Dwelling with small barn, 2 to, 3 acres,.
suitably located for poultry.
1% story frame dwelling, John51...
M. A. Reid. Seaforth
Beatty metal tub hand washer with wring-
er, used only 5 years, in perfeet condition,
also a large Sired coal oil oven. Apply. to
Mrs. IC. Thornton, Dublin.
Four Collie pups, two months old. Apply
to Reuben Buuck, phone Dublin 46 r 14.
Wood shavings .free. Come and get them.
Hand turned and electric cream
separators, also repairs for Anker -
holt separators. Basil O'Rourke,
Brucefield.- Phone 618 r 21, Clinton
Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed
postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price
a samples Mall
OrdeDept. samples-74.Nov-Rubber Co., Box
Hamilton, Ont,
Notice to Creditors
All persons having claims against Estate of
Margaret Matthews, late of the Township of
Mcliillop, in the County of Huron, Widow,
deceased, who died on or about the 17th day
of Mos, 1947, are hereby notified to send in
to the undersigned on or before the 17th day
of July, 1947, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last mentioned
date, the assets of the saidestate will be
distributed amongst the partiesentitled
thereto, having. .regard .only to claims of
whichthe undersigned shallthen have notice,
to the exclusion of all others, 'and the under-
signed will . not be liable to any person of
whose claim' the undersigned shall not then
have nottey for the assets so. distributed or
part here•£.
Dated at .Seaforth this 26th day of June„
1997. •
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executrices.
Promptly and Efficiently Removed
Simply Phone Collect