HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-03, Page 5THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1947 41111.111.011 ii III iiiiiii mn,u„ _ in ' imn„ aqiiiii11. iipnuu,iiii 1111111.1111t MOM iiiiiii Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY GORDON DELAMONT and his ORCHESTRA MIDNIGHT DANCE JULY 7th, 12.05 A.M. SUNDAY JULY Gth, 9 P.M. "VARIETY EN'T'ERTAINERS" Alhstar Programme _ Ruth Cole—Acrobatic Dancer. Bill Davies— Ventriloquist. Joyce Whorwood—Persouality Singer. Lou Rayne-- English ayne—English Comedienne, Cliff Kelly—Pianist COMING THURSDAY — JULY 10th MART KEN'NEY and his WESTERN GENTLEMEN MAKE IT A DATE! ciiii llllllu".uuu un�unu xauwllll llmcum THE SEAFORTH NEWS 11,1111116111411111," 1,4ununuu„ ununuu. OLD TIME Social Strawberry ON THE MANSE LAWN Brucefield United Church FRIDAY, JULY 4 Supper 6 to 8.30 p.m., followed by a Play "HAPPINESS AHEAD" By the Brucefield United Church Choir (Play Repeated by Request) SUPPER MENU: Sliced Cottage Roll Salads Rolls, Bread and Butter Tarts, Cake Strawberries and Cream Tea Admission: Adults 75c Children 25c COME AND ENJOY A'GOOD EVENING TOWN TOPICS Mr, R. E. Bright is confined to Scott Memorial Hospital with a broken leg and broken ribs as the. result. of a fall on Tuesday evening at the `'Coiumereial Hotel where he has been living. Mr. Bright fell over the bannister on the ,stairs, landing on a showcase below. Holiday, visitors with Mr, and Mrs. C. H. CGerniss. were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Garniss and Patricia of Hamil- ton, Mrs. J. A. Ballantyne, Mr, and Mrs, Alan Garniss 'and Gail of Lon- don; Miss Olive Scott and Mrs, Laura Kirton from Bluevale, Mrs. 'Eleanor Ritchie, Mr. Fletcher Ritchie, Mrs. Edythe Wallace and ,James and Mr. Mel -vin Ritchie were in Toronto on Saturday attending the Ritchie -McBride wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ritchie- and family of St. Marys are visiting at the home of Mrs. Ritchie. Mrs. Acla Reid and Miss Galbraith spent the week end with their sister anti brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Charles Marks, Bayfield. Miss Ethel Storey is spending 'a few days in Kitchener at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clendon Christie. Mr, H, Langford, London, spent the week end at his home here, Mr. and Mrs, H. Minnett, Toronto, spent the week enol at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Box. Miss Jean McMaster, Hamilton, is spending three weeks' holiday with her parents, Di'. and Mrs. E. A. McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barrett and fam- ily, Hamilton, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Aberhart, Miss Ann Christopher, London, is spending holidays With relatives here. Miss Jean Brodie, Kirkland Lake, and Miss Ann Brodie, Toronto, spent the week end With their parents, 11Ir. and Mrs. Charles Brodie. Mrs. Orville bale . has returned from Burlington, where her sou Keitl recently opened a wallpaper ant paint studio, • .. Dr, and Mrs. M. Stapleton are visit ing with relatives in Lewistown; Penn Miss Jean Kelly, St. Clements, spen the week end with her parents, Mr and Mr's. Leo Kelly. • Miss Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, is spending the sunttner holiday with her mother Mrs. J. B: Thompson Mr. and Mrs. F. Kling and Marilyn, spent the Week end in Hamilton with Ms sister Mrs, 0. J. Smith, Marilyt remained.. . Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Kiug ant Heather, Brantford, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs 'Robert Joynt. Miss Hazel Anderson, Toronto, is three weeks' holidays with her par eats, Mr. and Mrs, W. Anderson, NA•, and Mrs. H: G. Meir and family visited the latter's mother Mrs. L. Henry, Windsor. Mr. Meir attended the District "A" Lions convention. Miss Marion Chamberlain is holi dayiug at the home of Iter sister Mrs R. Huras, and Mr. Hues, Stratford. Miss Dolores Bergey, Listowel, is spending a few days with Miss Eleanor Weaver. Miss Clara Iirauskopf, Detroit, Mr and Mrs, Allen Keller, Pioneer, Ohio and Messrs. August and Joseph Kraus kopf, Morenville, Alberta, Are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 30111 Beige. Joseph has not been here 901 97 years. Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Savauge and son Michael, Toronto, spent the holi day week end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J, Sills and Joe have returned to their home in Baltimore, Mr. Ronald Sills accompanied them, Mrs.. Peter McIver and daughter Miss Margaret BIcIver are visiting with the fornmer's brother, Mr, Thos. Jolntson, Flint, Mich, Nliss Mary Devereaux, Toronto, Miss Helen Devereaux, London, spent the ONTARIO AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO THE MOTORING PUBLIC Re : 1947. Amendments to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act Every motor vehicle owner anti driver should become familiar with the new 1947 amendments to the Highway Traffic Act. The purpose of this legislation is to encourage safe driving and to assure the collection of damages awarded by our Courts for personal injuries suffered or property damaged. On and After July 1st, 1947 On and after July 1st, 1947, your driver's license and all motor • vehicle permits registered in your name will be suspended if, following an accident in which any person is injured or any property is damaged, you are convicted of: (a) Any violation of a provision of the Highway Traffic Act. or (b) If, upon conviction for a violation of the Act even though no occide.nt occurred, the penalty imposed by the Magis- . trate includes suspension or revocation of your driver's license or motor vehicle permit. or (c) if you are convicted of a criminal offence involving the use of a motor vehicle. After July 1st, 1947, your driver's license and all motor vehicle per- mits registered in your name will be suspended if you fail to satisfy a judgment secured against you for damages on account of injury to or death of any person or on account of damage to property. Such judg- ment must be satisfied at least up to the limits of $5,000.00 for personal injuries to one person, $10,000.00 for two or more persons and $1,000.00 for property damage arising out of any one accident. Application bf Suspensions Where a suspension is applied following the registration of a conviction, some will remain in effect until proof of financial responsibility is filed. Where a suspension is applied for failure to satisfy a judgment, same will remain in effect until the judgment hasbeen satisfied or arrangements made for its pay- ment by instalments and proof of financial responsibility is also filed. Proof of financial responsibility may be filed (a) in the form of an insurance policy certificate; (b) the bond of a guarantee company; (c) the depositing of money or securities to the value of $11,000.00. Application of Penalties The penalties for a person operating a motor vehicle while .his license is under suspension include a fine up to $500.00 and imprisonment up to six months, also the impounding of the motor vehicle operated. The penalty for the operation of a motor vehicle, the permit for which is under suspension includes a fine up to $500.00, imprisonment for six months and the for- feiture of the vehicle to the Crown. DRIVE CAREFULLY AND AVOID ACCIDENTS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT Minister HN 147 latANWIMINIMMINIONNIMMONIMININOW week end with their parents. Misses Anne and Geraldine Eckert, Chatham, are spending their summer vacation at their home. • 'Mr.' and Mrs, J. Jack, Gerry Jack, and Patsy Cotter, Detroit, spent the week end with Mr:. and Mrs. Dunn, Mr. Jack Fortune, London, spent the week end with his parents, 111r. and Mrs. Leo Fortune. Mrs, C. Ryan, Cochrane, is spending her 'vacation at her home. Mt. Iioy Sorennte returned to Winnipeg. Mr. Bud Smith is vacationing in Winnipeg with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dunlop and Cheryl, Ottawa, are holidaying at the borne of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. 'Dunlop. • Mr. George Abel is in Victoria Hos. pital, London, where he underwent an operation and is making progress. Mrs. J. E. Willis is spending a few days in Dundas at the Monte of her sister Mrs. Russell Walter and 11r, 1,lalter. Mr, win, Bell, Toronto, spent the week end with his sister Miss Mary Bell Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Armstrong, Toronto, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Arm. on Mr.g. and Mrs. Dolph Masse, Wind- sor, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. E. Bannon, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scofield and Nancy, Detroit, are spending a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Case. Miss Pauline Matthews has return- ed to Kitchener after spending three weeks' holidays with her parents, Miss Laura MacMillan, Toronto, is spending her holidays with her mother NIrs. W. F. MacMillan. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Aldington were Mr. Sandy Mc- Kellar. Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. Car- ter Kerslake and Joyce. Stiffs, Mr. and Mrs. Sant Hanna attended the funeral of Thomas Bell at Exeter Monday. Mr. Bert Colclouglt and sister An- netta of ,Dinsmore. Sa katenewan, visited 91:'. and Mrs. Sant Hanna a few days this week . NIr, Curtise McAlister and wife and Mary, of Sudbury, Ont., spent the week end at the hone of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna. Bobby McCowan won first prize ($3), and Audrey Dalrymple 2.nd prize ($2) in the Crich Bakery contest. Patricia Hawkins and Con Eckert Jr. were winners in the Walker Electric contest. Mr. Kenneth Eaton, son of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Eaton, has finished his DVA course in business administration at London, BORN AIKENHEAD — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aikenhead, RR3 Kippen, a daughter. TOWNSEND—At Scott Memorial hos. pital, on June 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Townsend, Seaforth, a daughter. DANCE d in Cardno's Hall SATURDAY, JULY 5TH Norm Carnegie and Ills Band ADMISSION 50c KiPPEN EAST Saturday Cash Specials — Two, burner Hot Plates, each $4,95. Vel large pkges., 2 for 55e. W. J. Finnigan The June meeting of the Kippen East Women's Institute was held on the spacious lawn of Mrs; Ross Love on Monday evening, June 30, Around 40 women and children sat down to supper served buffet style, Mrs, I3•ugh McGregor poured tea. After supper a ball game was held which was enjoyed by all. Tlie winitPi•5 in the sports were as follows: Children under 6, Douglas Eyre. Gail Finlay- son and Andy McLean; girls race, • Gladys Chapman, Erica Schultz;tz• boys s anti girls race, Gladys Chapman, Bob Love; 9 -legged race, Gladys • Chan man, Erica Schultz; married ladies race, Mrs, Ross Chapman , Mrs: W. Doig; kick -the -slipper, Keith Love— Helen Love; paper plate race, Mrs. R. Peck, Gladys Chapman. After the sports, the members retired to the house where the meeting got under way with Mrs. Glen McLean presid- ing. Opened with the Institute Ode, followed by the Lord's prayer in uni- son. The minutes of the April meeting were read by Mrs. A. Alexander and the roll call was answered by Say a thing, or Pay. M'rs, A. Alexander then told of her visit with the Institute soldier boy who is a patient in Chris- tie Street hospital and who will be eon/hied to a wheel chair the rest of his life, The report of the afternoon lesson of the District Annual held in Thames Road United Church was given by :1Irs. 1'i'. H. McLean, A de- scription of the 50th anniversary cel- ebration of the W.I. held at Guelph was given by NIrs. A. Alexander who was one of the 10,000 women who attended the large celebration. Guest speaker of the evening' was Mrs. Paul Doig of Seaforth, whose topic was "Getting the most out of life." A few of the main points she stressed were: To watch how you spend your time, practice concentration, control your thoughts, be sociable, keep healthy, don't grumble and last of all, be good natured. A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. Glen McLean to the speaker and to the hostess. Meeting closed with God Save the King. DUBLIN The annual picnic of the Dublin Separate School was held at the Re- creation grounds on Monday. The main features of the outing were a program of races and a baseball game. A picnic lunch was served, including ice cream. Misses Joan Evans and Dorothy RYAN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, Ann Costello entertained a group of on June 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. school friends in honor of their re- eph F. Ryan, RR1 Dublin, a laugh• spective birthdays, on Monday and ter. Tuesday. The lunch tables on both KENNEDY—At Scott Memorial Hos-II occasions were adorned with "Happy pital, on JuneIlth, to Mr. and Mrs.l Birthday", cake. Games -were played Frank Kennedy. Egutoadvill,', a' during the afternoon and a singsong sou. . concluded the parties. A reception in honor of Mr, and Mrs. William -R. Lattner, Kitchener, recent newlyweds was held at the CROMARTY James :Scott Sr. is proSressing faI% orably iu Seaforth hospital, after his recent 'illness. Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Russell at- tended the wedding of his brother Clarence Stanley Russell and Marg- aret Gillies at Toronto. Miss Mary Agnes Hamilton has left to teach at the summer physical training camp, Gay Venture, in the highlands of Hsliburtmi. Miss iilary Abbotts. Toronto. and Gordon Houghton. Ailsa Craig, with NIrs. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs, Neil Lammond and Isabel, London, with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Sorshahl, Mr, and Mrs, Mac McDermid, Sea - forth, with Mary B. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Corhisb, Sea - forth, with Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton. Romance, Adventure and Humor— All In Comics For thrills—"Dick's Adventures in Dreamland",—for laughs—"Blon- die and Dogwood", — for adventure —"Steve Canyon". For these and many other great action and comedy hits read "Puck", The Comic Week- ly, the big color magazine in Sun- day's Detroit Times. 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 3, Man- ley. A large group of neighbors and relatives assembled to extend con- gratulations to the guest of honor. An address was read by Miss Mary Mchaue'hlin and presentation was made of numerous gifts of linen, silver, china and money. The bride- groom responded on behalf of his bride expressing their appreciation. A social hour of dancing followed, music being supplied by the Mc- Quaid -Delaney Orchestra, Dainty re- freshmente were served by a group of youn_ ladies. Mt•, and Mrs. Lat- tner have taken up residence in Kitchener. KIPPEN Saturday Cash Specials — Two - burner Hot Plates, encu $4.35. Vel tater. pies,. 2 for 55c. 9..J. Finnigan & Son. :1'A'. and Mrs. John Modeland were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Henderson. Mrs. Cecil Kaiser accompanied by NIr. Edgar Kaiser and friend were holiday weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Sproat. Mr. William R. E. Sproat was successful in his 4th year in meth - rine, obtaining honours at Western University. WANTED! Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION — WE DO THE LOADING DARLING & CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r-6 PROCLAMATION Town of Seaforth On instructions from the Council i hereby proclaim that no clogs shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth during the months of May, June, July and August. Under authority of By -Law #111 for the Town of Seaforth any dogs so found running at large contrary to this Proclamation shall be liable to be killed and the owner or harbourer pros- ecuted. M. A. Reid Mayor