HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-07-03, Page 3CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED FOR. SALE A BUSINESS ofyour o1ni Want a rein- ' Aol'toble yoarlY income? ,john R, Credoo' Co!Penny, manufacturers of food sueclultles, flavouring 00(120ts, packaged idruge, soaps, Patent medicines, eta., have art attractive' Proposition for theeo who can qualify for one of the ezeluoivo. Cressydeelersltila which are now available, This 'te a pleasant, profitable peelDation for progreedlve, industrious men and women, :'Write today for full particulars, glving a few detailsabout yourself, to: ,Toho. R. Cressy- CoulpanyW1585 W, Dundas • St.' West,. T'orenlo., 2, Ontario. OILS, GREASES, TIRES, • Insecticltles, Electric Fence Controllers Howse end 33ern. Paint, Roof Coatings, etc. Dealers everted. Write Wargo Grease & 011 Limited, !Toronto. 'EXCELLENT commissions. to 'agents eaIIIeg on houuhnldera with inewi Postwar line of eleitttcnl appliance not on gale anywhere in Canada. Enquiries invited from men now • ,0n ro0tee. Flu-O-Itny Corporation, Hamilton, Canada.. EARN MONEY gathel'Ing and growing Aledl• r10nt P10010. Worth 01' 50 012 Pound. 1000- dreds of Roots, Herbs, Weeds crowing will have ea011 value.Send statim Tor details, Write Bos 07.1. Leflugton, Ontario. 8A15Y- (7111(7100 BARGAINS Iii Cnlmdlas Approved chlckn for this Week and next. Burred 1100110, New -Tea0001,lres, White Rocks, Light S0Oeex, Black Australorns, non -flexed 0.55, pullets 12.05, cockerels 8.05. Assorted Heavy breeds non -sexed 8.05, pullets 11.05, cockerels 7,95, 'White Leghnrne X Barred Itocic. Akelra. Whites 8.06, pullets 17,01, cockerels 8,06, While Leghorns 8.95, pullets 17.9S, cockerels 1,00, Asser1,00 Light. Or Medium Breeds non- .aexe0 7,05, pullets 10,00. Two WeeIe old add' 0.00, throe •11,001c 01(5 add 11.00 per Hundred. Shinned 0.0.1). This advertisement must ac- emnl any .'our order t0 receive :these special m9tee Also pullets eight weeks to Myles:. 'Iron Notch Ch clterles, Cluelph, Ontario. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS O.(0 ;mets: lar Baby Chick's and started Chicks wit: :surprise you, A11 Chicks from blood meted stock, Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Hetgbt0, Oak .SA''30 TIME, fuss One feed with these well started two and three week, old chlcics. We have the following in non -sexed, mullets .end cockerels to :Meows from; Barred -Rocks, 'White Leghorno, New llnmnshlres, Mode .Solas Reds, 'Light Sussex, 111110 Rodce, New Hampshire ire X Barred Rock Barred Rock X New l-lampahires, Black Aust iter; R White Leghorn, Barred Rock 1 White Leghorn. Light Sussex X Barred Rook Light Sussex X New Hampsllh'e. Send for special 0(800- tlet, Also pullets eight weeks to laying:. 'Twaddle Chick 7Tatcherice Limited, Persia, :Ontario. ST'S TIME to order your Auguot chicle now.. Write for nrleenot, 11 you want chicks now, we have some for immediate delivery to most breeds, aloe some 01(u'te0, Bray 1•Fatehers•, 180 John N.. Iiandhon, Out. EAST to raise 0011010. No brooding hent re- quhed. Two to four weeks old, 50etial Price' 024.75 to 530,75• Pleat class healthy stock. Also day old ehieks any time. Write for m•ice0 or send 51.00 deposit for early .shipment. k'isho' Orchards, I11.11, No, 2, Freemen, Ont. YOUR ;ARE not too late to pm:C11ase those Pant maturing Tweddlo aide:ce, We will have four harh08, 0. week up until July 11111, We can give mempt delivery' on the. following Pers breeds: White Leghorn., Black Minorcan. -enemas, Fltownl Leghm'ne, Barred Reeks, While Ronne, New klampshireo, Rhode Island Reds, white Wyandolles, Light Suese1, Bieck .AOelrelorpe, Jcl'eey While 01:nt0,. elan 1e crone bre0170 to choose from 11t day aid noi- .8exed, pullet's or cockerels, Also two and three week old and. 6 1vee(r to .557008 1(015110, Send for reduced ipt'leea fol' 701,0' and 7117, dellvery. Fro catalogue. Twe001e Chick .1{alcholes Lhnn0(5, 1•'ergns, 'Ontario. D,1TI(R00I1 OUTFITS CARLOAD llf Imported notllr0onl Dllirt(O FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE Cbrselsh0g oft TUB: n' recess, Cast iron poreeInin with chrome fillings. Shower end Shower Itoll. , T011.10T: Toro-piere rilreous china with went turd 101101'. BASIN: brit rrons Or cost 'ran, chrome centre. linter monody and fittings, complete. 2%A(I ABL h•' In lots of one to ten omtl'its IO -ghee mills/ or Tubs un0 Basins (will) fit t MPS) Oemtrorely. SINGLE unit inquiries will be handled through n rtliablu healer in lube district. Write to: H. J. PARR & COMPANY Inenorier4 — Wholesnlo Distributor; P.0, Bos 001, London, Out. DYEING AND. CLEANINO .HAVE YOU anything peens deeing or clean- ing7 Write (0 us for in(ormotlon, We are lead to answer your questions, Department H. Parlter'a Dye Works Limned, 701 ]ooze Street, Toronto, Ontario, 1',11151 S. FOB 5.11.E 300 -ACRE farm 'for ante, 76 tillable, well watered. bank barn, frame hOOee In good .repair, p000ess)on any time. Archie Simpson, L 0v0nt Station, Ontario. 106 ACP.ES, excellent roomed, solid brlek reeldene0. lovely lawn, bank harp, nig Pen, -other buildings, good mater, rich loamy soil, crop !(eluded, some bush.. Hydro at door, school 00(1 4htssenger bus aervlcel would mike Ideal gentleman's 81010, situated on highway on outskirts of Orange- ville; a real buy, act quickly. Apply to Box 441, Orangeville, 011turlc. DAIRY farm for sale, 267 acres, spring creek, good bulldinge, daily contract; immediate 000se00101; clock and Implements if desired, .Cheap for rash. Box 12, hfntheeoh, Ontario. _..... FOIL SALE .... ATTENTION TARSIERS •PO0 SALE—Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on eteei wheels, 51.5,00 each, roar Wheels; 07,00 each, trent wheels, When ordering elate diameter and width of Wheel., National Rubber Co. Lta„ 5 Wlit- ahire Ave., Toronto, Ont, BILLFOLDS, genuine black leather, four windows, change puree, stamp Pockets, a1P- Per closing 2.1.00 delivered, Money refunded .guarantee. Williams 01011 Order House, 8040 .836, Toronto. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Agricultu rel fnsetUeidos, spra70, powders, disinfectnnle, deodorants, selentltlenlly for- mulatod Tor best results'. For Infornualon and Prices write Canadian Dlstrtbutoro Ltd.. 254 Niagara St. Toronto CHENILLE SPREADS $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance, first quality Cor Onuble and single beds 111 Gemellus two -toned colour's, worth double the price. Money re. funded 1f not eat10002, Sent C.O.D. plus,: ,postage In Cenariu, Tiaodlcraft Dlstrlbotoo, 20.1 Sherbrooke 07., W., Montreal 18, Qua Electric Power Plants 1 ICV.1 (8,000 watt), 50. or 00 cycle, 120 volt, Onan engine and 570nereter. A 01.(01117 unit. Idem for lighting; refrigeration, water punning and smell solver t0o1s In camas, Boxed and waterproofedfor uhlpment. Priced low, Write -101 detests. SHEPPARD ELECTRI(;:1L LAB'S' 104 Sparks St., Ottawa, FAST SELLING Oil Burner, Electric 8l1W0r Ty01, 0011 burn wood, coil or oil anytime. 00 nhatteing 000008815, all terilorie0 ellen. Also -plumbing fixtures available. In0Orntn floe to. sla,0p, Economy Distibulors, Ring: !floe, .Ont FIRST 480 Mins 11h11 I ,ss driving 0r saddle hnese, 1200 1110., 0 70210, sound. MIf11ie, .11.00, 0, Woodville, FLAGS All eizop 17010n ,lecke. or Canadian Ensigns',. sewn Wool bunting. "8000101 offering on.. 41/4. and 5 foot Union Jacks. Pant deo sewn cotton, , Discount for quantities'.. Brighten your community or home by flying a good quality flag,- John Leolclo Limned,' 77. Wel- lington et, West, Toronto.' IHARNESS and shoe repolr mime and. equip- ment 004 0)00 belt :fp/Icing - e0nlmnnnt for mals and 11100 a-7' room 2 storey. brlek house, in medlale podsosalon.- For particulars. write A, •C, Irwin,' Gerrie, Ont. P1UN'TER'S siloclal—brand now War sweets released web rifle sl10,7u. Pita standard swivels:, .The bargain you 11008 been waiting for—while they last only 00e each, Sling swivels for these clings 760 Per pale, 011- 7100.1 115110 S0011111g Goods, Clinton,_ Ontario. IRON AGE Potato Planters—ole ortwo row. On 01ee1 or rubber, Immediate delivery. 11. M. Fleming & Sone., Blenheim, Distributor, PHO'I'OGRAP1IY COAST to ooaat-11011o. loinbed 0 prinks 25e, 6 x 7 enlargements Mounted 80a. prints copied 40c, Repr nt. 30, Ideal Snapshot 13or- v100, Iting:don, Ontario, SATISFIED 'CUSTOMERS all: over Canada RECOMMEND STAR SERVICE roe' get finer "snaps" and prompt service from 'ridsbig. reliable pludio. ANP 857,02: ROLL. 1 or 8' exnoeuree DEVELOPED and PRINTED 30e Reprints' from your negatives 40. 2 mounted enlargements 4 x' 6" 25e, En- largements framed 7 x 0" In. Gold. Shyer, Walnut or.. Black Frames. 74e. It olcture colored 94e, Prints and enlargements made from nrlrlte Ot -loot negatives: Dept, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE DOR 170. POST OFFICE A, TORONTO FEATI-IEIt TAIL Irish Retrieves' people. 2506' months Old Parents 'W ndeeful hunters. 811nles 120, females 310, Anon, Chinni001,.. Chatham, 11.11. Nu. 1. LONG-1'IA/RED guinea plug, breeding stock. 04,02 pair, ledger Markt, Ilex 513, Arn- prior, Out, .. 5IA1'LL SYRIA' MAPLE 'weep 1047 crop. Iteaso able prices. No coupons. Jean AL Gllleoi4e, Abbotsford, Quebec., nic(ORMICI7-DL;E111\0..eus11000 horveeter, with 0tanda'dized' solver takeoff, -Vied four dare, Harvest your corn at its beat wills one or two 1000, Price greatly reduced. I:ninedlate delivery, Write Graham 13111, Pont -Rouge, Cul, NEW BED OUTFIT Now Sint n ns' Panel tied, nen-sag eprtng and m0ihesa 0=4 81, (Write for free catalogue. Mallorder Furniture Warehouse, 175 Portia. meet Street, Toronto. OND COCICSHLTT and ono Ford new 1047 tractor mc. rubber.. Complete With two fur- row plows :end double dimes, Ilumediate -pOA- session. H. Clecot1, Rltson Road South, Oshawa, Ont.. PUREBRED Persian suttees, b1nteh-gray ' 0111,1ee 78,00 males. Mrs. Phemister, At- wood, Ont., RE01STERED Heath Collies, mules and females, scabies, three menthe, reneoltably priced,. Wesley Nienidreben, R 6, Pembroke, REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SHEEP FOR SALE A small select Cork with Lambs, Patterdale Form. 40 Wing 4. Woodbridge. TIRES 148 are overstocked at the present at good used trn0o-In tires (guaranteed to he 10 ex- cellent chapel. 600 X 16 — $5.00 All orders ohipped C.O.D. Special eeulumen: for vuleanloing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEArON TIRE corner Queen and Toric Sts., Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN ' EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Walled TOILETS Par Summer Collages, Farms. Schools. and Camps. Can be used tvinlor without running water, Collette Sanitation. Ltd., 21 RIdtey 81v,1., Toronto. Ontario. Watchmakers Attention Lowest Prices on atoms, Wafts, malnoprings. crystals. watch parte. Write for price 11ot. Durbin C'ompotlr, Dept. -5, 74 Sussex, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Deirdre:mina the Robertson method,. Infer/nation On request regarding elaaees, Robertson's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Ave. nue Road. Toronto 11E1.P WANTED. WARTED immediately, Doctor for Bracken end. district 10001111 Unit number one, Pees guaranteed, write or wire Mrs, 7, S. Mooney, Secretary. Bracken 1•Iospital. Board, Bracken, Slott. I'URNIT'L'RE CHESTERFIELD SUITES Chesterfield Suttee abeolutely new, full spring filled c0nslrurtioe, every style, finest Mohair, V0lou,, Prion, lnecattelh, Slips. Da :also and other rile hard Wearing upholstering fttbrt0, 101) NEW C111.N't'1ORFIEI.D SCITES TO (7'(800010 1It0111: PREF. DELIVERY TO TOUR NEAREST STATION. TODD hns been In the :Mite defor 30 yenta mud l0recognionnt Use trade as a upeclnllet and the moat particular buyer in ate' bushloss. Listed below are a few ,of our malt prices for QUALITY ClILlSTEll7oELD SUITES. $119,00 0 mere coverePorlodd 81(110all ower — [meetwln1 oualono Gnu eunlity velour. $149.00 3 piece modern sultes. Balloon alohah•. $119.00 Beautiful 5 piece Lawson Suite. $119.00 cion Finest 2 piece CIarlee 01 Lon. aUlten. .Many other outstanding value.. SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 10,nl' absolutely new nlanufaciarere factory ehnwrooni sample suites direct from TODD. S. J. TODD & SONS; 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), • TORONTO. Phone GROVER 4843 - 01ED1CA4 A T10IAL-E8'cry sufferer of I'ihoumalle Paine or Net:ri 10 should try Dlsou's Remedy. Mmuo's Drug Store, 086 Elgin, .Ottawa. WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheun,nttc torment when Breenntone et. fere prompt haling relief. One menthe' treatment 01 00. postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vahtouver. IT'S IMPORTANT—Every.-mutterer of Rheu- matic Paine of Neuritis 'should 11y Dixon's Remedy. Munro:. Drug 510(0, 386- Elgin, Ottewa. Poet,aid 01.00. FOOT AILMENTS ICirx Foot 011 effectively remedies corn., eall000ee, cracked feet, NO Masters, 110 pads, no caustic. Price 60c, Comaocic Products Co,. 701 Ottawa Electric Bldg., Ottawa,, Canada OPPORTUNITIES 0011 1Vun1Ere BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn 00'Hairdressing Pl1anent dignified orofeaalon, good wag08, Lh0u00.nd0 suceeaeful, Marvel -graduates America'. grnateet. system, Illustrated cats rogue tree. Write or Gan' MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Bloor St, W„ Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamlltoo & 74. Rideau Street, Ottawa UPPER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of (even. Clone and full Information sent tree. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Atlorneys. 073 Bank Street. Ottawa, PATENTS PETTHERSTONAUGFI & Company Patent Solicitors, Eetttoll,ehod 1800 14 King Well Toronto Booklet 01 Inlormollon On r00000t t g R50SAL LON1-000107 — 100 eau desire rcapevtnble fl11001011ITV/ Hu1rY, 11018 is fleeting, Some. where von' future sweetheart seeks eell11nm1- enc Splendid posl11o119; means. In lm'nlntlon Iroe. Canntlinn Friendship Society, Box 113, Durham, Ontario, ROLLS PRINTED AND ,'00 DEVELOPED 25c Renrints le each BY CANADA'S MOST: COMPLETE PHOTO- .. GRAFFITO SERVICE ANSCO COLOR ROLLS PROCESSOR -$1.20 each Frinton Color Enlargements—prices on re. quest, -Full clock of Anseo Film at regular prices. COMET PHOTO SERVICE )3ox, 5, Station D., Toronto. PEACEMRS WANTED 01110AKA, 0.1). No, 1 requires teacher with first crane certificate effective September lot. Salary 01.600 year, furnished tcacllornge, fuel. .Apply stating marital clams and qualifications to AI. G. Reid, .Sec. -trent, Mlnalet, Ont. WANTED WANTED—A1( kinds of dreosee poultry. Top price. for top bird'. Joseph Cooper Limited. Poultry Dept„ 2054 Danforth Ave., Toronto 1, (We do cu0tom grading). Train of Tomorrow Like Hotel on Wheels One very definite advance is transportation is now making a per- sonal -appearance tour of thirty key cities in the United States. This is General Motors' "trails of tomorrow," a sort of rolling hotel. Drawn by one of the compora- tion's Diesel locomotives, this train makes so much use of space and glass, as well as change of level within the cars themselves, as to resemble very .little one's idea of even the most luxurious current rail- road equipment. New suspension, almost doubling the transverse space, eliminates sway and complete articu- lation makes the four -car train stop and start as one unit. One can telephone home or to ships at sea while slipping along at 100 miles an hour, enjoying mean- time an extraordinary bird's eye view of the route from the "astro- domes" which have been built into each car by the producers, Pulltnan Standard, to General Motors' speci- fications. These observation roofs, thirty feet long and ten feet wide, seat twenty-four persons. A host of other features of air control and in- sulation bring the train far indeed_ from the cinders and the cliekety- clicic of the 5:18 local. Its perform- ance lends substance to the car names of these first four sample units: ."Moon Glow," "Slcyview," "Dream Cloud" and "Stardust." Guilty Party He droph' when 1 L is match / l C 1 tC lit 1715 cigar, And it fell in a bunds' of grass. And then he went on to shoot his liar In the distant ,mountain pass. The blaze shot upward, the wind it riz, The fire spread over the patch, And the melted pante. buttons they found was his— The fellow who dropt the neaten. Timber Topics. NOW AVAILABLE For Immediate Delivery SNOW PACS Tough, waterproofed leather 'inners securely stitched to all -rubber bottom. Made under rigid U.S. Gov't epecl- fieutlmm, Come w'Itb Innersoles. and rawhide laces. Beet weather re- sistant for hunters, .lumbermen, farmers, etc. Sloes 6 to 13. Or- der regular shoe size. 15 1H Fv $8.98 111011 POSTPAID. Order br 5l1:11—x(11151 EDMUND 5;11,105 CO.. 55010 0087 CIIICAGO, 1LL, Enclosed Is 0 1 ) Cl2ECE (. ) MONET ORDER for ern, SNOW PACS, adze ' fit 58,98 each. NAME ADDRESS CIUT PII0V,. CLH ISSUE 26-1547 Somebody Put the Bee on This Truck—Apiarist Leroy Church- man is shown collecting a swarm of some 40,000 Bees which picked a parked truclt as a swarming .place. Using s pro- • tective hood, sniokepot, and dipper, lie finally got 11(cul into that hive on the truck's hood, a half -hoar chore. Sports -- And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") We have 1011g been of the opinion that many of our professional ath- letes are greatly overpaid. (Like most people, for that matter, we have a sneaking suspicion that any- body who makes more than we. per- sonally do must Lr overpaid.) But, as regards the athletes, we are will- ing to make one exception. When you figure the battering their nerves and emotions must constantly take, these tournament golfers earn every 'last ditne the hard way, and must be real gluttons for punishment, 4: 4 Golf, if it is a game—a question on which you can get. many argu- ments either way—is one of the few in which you are absolutely on your own, and in which your toughest op- position is your own little self. There isn't 111 11711 you can do about the other fellow. You can't clamp a headlock on him to spoil his drive, or boot lois ball out of danger when it's heading straight for the can, and your ruination. You just senile the real emotions seething inside you. We have often envied the feeling of a jockey booting home a Derby winner —a halfback scoring the decisive touchdown—or a batter winning a World Series with a base -clearing clout. But we wouldn't have been in the shoes of either Lew Worsham dr Sant Snead, in the dying moments of that U.S. Open, not for double 1'lie $5,000 or so involved. 41 4 0' 7110SE STORM -TOSSED AIR- WAVES. We also sometimes pity our hard-working nticropnonc-0lacs- tros who labor so hard to make sure that we, the listening customers, are kept properly on edge—sometimes wilt unexpected and naltlsng results. Like the announcer al that sone golf tourney who signed off zt'illt a gent that rail roughly as follows—"But we'll be bath again this afternoon, friends, to bring you 111e closing scenes of this, the most sensational and thrilling finish to an Open Golf Championship since—st)lcr—last last year's—" * All expression often used nowa- days to express a state of nervous tension or jitters is "I was 'fairly stall -walling": and recently Vee were somewhat surprised when a friend expressed interest as to its -origin, also admitting that he didn't know the earlier slang phrase about "get- ting somebody's goat" derived front exactly the same source, Just in case some of our younger renders are equally in the dark, we'll try to ex- plain and if it happens to be old stuff to you—well, there isn't much you can do about 11 except turn to the Comics. Anyway, race -horses of a specially. nervous type often develop the habit called "stall -walking." Instead of get- ting their proper quota of shut -eye they fidget and swell around their stalls all night, showing up in the morning all tuckered out, just like 00111e 11111o1111oS the A,itI. after the P.M, ,before To correct this con- dition trainers put other animals in the stall for company, such as a dog, sheep or goat—the latter often being found the most 500111ing of all. And in the bad old days somebody who didn't want a certain horse to win would—the night before a race—. swipe its companion—in other words "get his goat." IT'S A IOUGII LIFE, COM- RADE. Just as soon as Henry Wal- lace, The Toronto Star and the rest of then[ flet its nicely re -convinced - that the Russians would be O.K. if we'd only trust thele alnd treat then: like little pals, Stalin busts loose in Hungary or some other fresh spot, and all that exploiting las to be done over again. And—probably for no good reason — These explanations about Stalin always remind its of old Mrs. Huggins the time it was !tufted her late husband had been somewhat land -greedy. "Huggins wasn't no such thing as a land -hog," she hotly replied. "A11 he err wanted was just what allied lds'n." Subsidies And Cost Of Living "Upsurge" We have it reported that the cost -of -living index, "still on a heavy tipsurfe", advanced 2.5 points during the month of April. Perhaps not as bad as it seems, comments the Ottawa Journal. April may have seen us pay 2 points more in prices, but it also found us paying a whole lot less in subsidies—which come out of our pockets just as much as prices. Also, April saw a considerable re- duction in taxes—which also come out of our pockets. There's a lot more to the cost of living than the cost -of -living index put out by the Bureau of Statistics. Aye, Scotland Then there was the American who told the Scotsman he be- longed to the best country on earth. "So dae I," said the Scots - matt, "but ye dinna speak lilce a Scot'." "Limeys As we understand it, the BritioYlt long ago discovered that citrus fruits; were about the best thing to use to combat scurvy, All British merchant ships carried limes, which were issued regularlyto the crew to pre- vent outbreaks of the disease, Sail- ors of other nations began to speak of "line juicers" when they referred to the British merelianlmen. From "lime juicers" to "1inleys" was not a long step, The Si. Reis Hetet T01rONTO, 30 Every Room With Duna Shower pad Telephone Sln le, Dn'ultie, S0I86d8o uUp Good hood, Dining and Danc- ing ,Nightly Sherboarue at Carlton Tei. RA, 4156 1100118 BEAUTIFULLY 1l'URx1SUh:D $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA PALLS OPP. — C.N.R, STATION and other Weeds WITH in Lawns f EED-NO. ORE, THE 2-4-D WEED KILLER One spraying will kill dande- lions, plantains, ragweed bindweed, poison ivy acid other broad -leafed weeds, destroying them right to the tip of the root but will not harm grass, Non-poisonous to humans or animals and will not stain hands or clothing4' f t+s A A. tS ``GREEN CROSS",Ill PRODUCT AT YOUR DEALER CtiGARETTE PAPERS Folnaus Pre -War Quality BLUE COVE PURE WHILE Free Boning Double Rook Automatic 100 Leaves Tha only Cigarette Paper er P MADEIN FRANCE on sale in Canada --'a For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG 25 ° CIGARETTE ROLLER or constant ' Smoking Pleasure eta folio ;xf 414/4 rH, dog \\ FINEST V\RG\HIP • trdAl^�r • (IFIDEFeakeeeveznesmenssamemem -_ amisuamnetlEeralpa ALSO AVAILABLE IN 1 POUND TINS MUTT AND JEFF—Jeff Is A Little Early For Football Practice AW;MUTT, LET ME PLAY! I KNOW MOWTO PLAY BALL! I NEED A GOOD SHORTS -rot)! G.K. I'LL IVE You A' CHANCE I GoTTA SHOW MUTT NOW GOOD I CANPLAY! REALLY By BUD FISHER WATCH ME TACKLE THIS GUYi r. �k1 l sl y 8, C`�`...m-,•t,c'�ii tr �? ilii '