HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-26, Page 7CLASSIFIED -ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED' A BUSINESS" Of Your own! Wanta comm tortablo yearly Income? .70110 R. Creasy ,Company, manufacturers of food specialties, flavouring extracts, packaged drugo, soaps, patent medicines, ale,, have an attractive propooltion for those whocan qualify for one of the excluelvo' Creamy dealerships which are 'now avellable. This le a.. pleasant, profitable occupation for progressive, Industrious men and women, 'Write todayfor full particulars; ;glvles a few details" about yourself, to: John 11, Creoay Company, -1620 'W,, Dundas St, Went. Toronto 8. Ontario: , " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' MR. WOOL GROWER We, operate a Government Lleeneed Weal Warehouses' and are prepared -.ao 'handle your worn either direct or through our collectors. Toe can apply all or part of your wool creat , agalaat htanket purrhaees. We do. not handle used'woolleno nor customs work. THE STRATHROY." WOOLLEN 'MI -LLS LIMITED Strathroy, Ontario 66EN.be your Owe b0aa. Write for free folder describing our "collection at 137 plans for operating,„a ;imamate] business of; your own," Start In 'full or snare time at home. No personal mulling:. Little or no investment re - (Mired.. ,Send for Your bossy today. National 14usinesa t!lntorprlses, 474 Colbourn/ 8t., London, lint, : ATIAZING profits inmix weeks, In your snare time, No experience, capital or Investment nece008ry, Send only $1.00 today- for. com- ' pieta information. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' A. (1. Henry, 10118 Madison Ave., No. 66, Cleveland 8, Ohio, EARN MONEY gathering and growing Medi- cinal Plante. Worth up to $12 pound, Hun - 'dyads of Roots, I1'erb0, Weeds growing' wild have cash value.Send Otamp for details. Write Box 67-7, Islington, Ontario. BABY CHf0198 BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices for Baby Chicks and started Chicks will' eerprloe you. " All Chicks from blood tested /tock. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont.' CATCH up with these well started chicks.' We can give prompt delivery on two and , three week old non-acxed andpullets and two- week old cockerels 3n the following breeds: White Rocks, Barred Rocks, White Leghorn%, New Hampshire% White Leghorn X Barred Hock, New Frameable%. X White Leghorn/, Aubtra Whites, Light. Sussex X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Bared. R00k. Send for apednl price list. Also older, pullets "eight weeks to. laying, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Zimlted, Fergus, Ontario. 9c HURONDALE CHICKS 11c- Sussex X New Hamra. Rock X Hamm., Barred Rocks, Neve Ramps„ Rock X Leg -horns, Sussex X. Leghorn, New Hanip, X Leghorne and Pure Lecherne lie. Pure Sea sex 12e. - Asserted Mixed Chicks Oc. HURONDALE 'PULLETS 19c All heavy breed pullets" 19c. after Junes 109 7c. Medium Breed. and Leghorn/ 21c.. Ae. 'oorted Pullet. 17c. Heavy Breed Cockerel. 8000 BREEDERS All double bloodtested, bended and culled by hn,pectore, backed be -high pedigreed Monde.' Rion stock: Many customers report ivonder• dol success. "Best Chicle, 1 Ever. Had.". STARTED, CHICKS AND PULLETS ' e WEEKS TO d WEEKS OLD, '1 weeks add 4e. 3 weeks add 10e, 4 weeks add 120. .6 weeks add 200, 6 weeks old pul- lets '60e.. 100% .live delivery , guaranteed. 11.00. roar '100 deposit on day olds. 1oq on, started' orders.' Order' from and, ENCLOSE .1 tblp ad. 'HEAVY AND A MEDIUM • COCKERELS Meat type New Hamm 6c, ail other heavy hosed' 659c, Assorted heavy Cox 6560. Rock , X Leghorn Sussex X Leghorn!, 256c, Day old •Cox only. Hurondale Chick Hatchery, LONDON.. ONT. ',DAY OLD chleks, Immediate 'delivery. pullets, non-00xed and cockerels- Just right (Ir tate Sall and early winter production. We also 'have some started chicks, 2-3 weeks old. Write 'for 71st. Bray Hateharsr, 190 John N. Remit - Con, Ont. LAKEVIEW "CHICKS 12c :Saone .high quality at thea° dote prices. Here's Your opportunity' to get this high ouolity stock .et these reasonable prices, :Puke Sussex, Sus- sex X New Hemp... Barred. Rocks, Rock x New Hanna.. New names., Suasex X . Leg- . dlorn% Rock 'X Leghorn, New Hnmm...X Leghorn/, Large Type White Leerherna mixed :$12.00 per 100, Assorted (Mixed $10,00 per 100. LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c All day old pullets 20e. Started Pullet, and 'mixed' chicks. Two week's old add 6c, 0 weeks old add 10c, 4 weeke old add 18c, 6 'week old Pullcla 45c each, 6 week old "Pullets •60c each. BREEDER HATCHERY • OF 5000 Breeder's, Alt double blood tested, bondedand Welled for body type and ruggedness, Hatched •under Ideal conditions. "Best Chicle, we ever had; Pullets are laying Dwell. cockerels gond' alxe," from" Llnroln Lisette. Eden Grove, •Ont,- :'Neverhad ouch good luck :with -pul- let%" reports Ernest C. BnrnhnardL Hawke- stone. Ont. --Oiler from thin ad. or send for Price LIM and Catalogue and Lull particplar%' 'To receive these prices enclose Ma ad. with 'your order, Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros., Exeter. Ontario. BARGAINS in chick's for " this week and next, Barred Rooks, New Hampahlres, Nov1 Hampshire X Barred Rock0, -White Rocks. 'Light Suasex, Light Sussex <X New. Hamp0hlres 'non -ahead 9,06, pullets 15.96, cockerel. 6.06.- Ae0Orted' Heavies .non -sexed 9.86, pullets 14.96, cockerels, 7.96. White Leghorn X' Barred Rock. P517, pullets 10,00. cockerels. '8,96.. White - Lebhores 0:96, Pullets , 11,00,', •cockercle 66c. .Two week old add $0,00. three week old odd 11.00 .per hundred. Shipped •61,0,0, Thisadvertisement meet accompany your order ter receive these special prices, Also .pullets eight Wea1c0 M laying, Top Notch .Chlokrrlee, Guelph. Ontario, 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets Alae' mixed chicks and cockerels. All raised, In brand new alr-rondrtloned brooder Plant ,under idem conditions, -Bend for weekly •Baeclnl Lint " of Marled chicles. Lakeview, Poultry Farm. Exeter, 'Ontario, READY MADE CAPONS Ct nays 50 raise Capone.- Thu .Price of Gap0nn• • le noproxlmotely 60 1b, higher than the price .of cockerel', We en.no1100 the cockerels at 8 Weeks and send the ready made Capons out. nt 4 weeks; no [mss,no trouble. Send" for Price Listandfull Particulars. Prompt delivery It yell act quickie. Lakeview Poultry Farm Web, -Bros,. Exeter, Ontnrlo. 'TH4ERM'S •01111 time '10 buy Twed0lo Chick., .Tho ,Tung chick should be a money maker 0 Allis Year. Your feel billo will .bo lower with ;nutritious green grass nesse:0,1e, Before: you 'know It your dltbits wilt develop into pullets that will be turning out plenty' 29 Ogg0 .You; That in If You make sure your chicks :game from a' healthy,' vigornn, fast growing strain. It they're Tweddleo—they're :gond. Satisfied cu0lomers Savo 'been putting their ,eiamp of approval on T9veddlo chicks for the, Past' 23 year.. We can give YOU prompt de- livery on all. the popular pure breeds and d 'hybrid crosses Innon•sexed, pullets and cock- erels, In day .old, 1800 and three week old' ,Alen pullets eight weeks to laying. Scud for • seduced price list for Juno, Tweddle C111011 Hatcheries, .Fergus, Ontario, FOR SALE • TIRES We aro overstocked nt the present .nt good. mead trivia -1n tire, (guaranteed to be 10 ex. .cellent ehnn l e, 600 X 18 — $5.00 .An ordos chipped C.O.D. Special enuir'mem for vulcanizing Truck and Form Trnetnt 'Tires. BEACON. TIRE coiner Queen. 00,8 '1'ohk .Stn , Hamilton Ona ONTARIO'S 6100T MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted ., Font saran ARMY' ' Surplus: Steel 'boxes, make excellent tool boxers. Size: 2156 IP. x 9% x 9, 81,26: 2199 x 8tt x 89,9, 81.60. B. W. Kirkby Com- pany, Llmlto'd, Brocleville, Ont, ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE -Tractor 'Tires, made of rubber, suitable for 'bolting on steel wheels, -$16.00 each, roar wheetel -$7,50 each, front wheels.' When ordering state diameter .and width of Wheels, National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 6 Wilt. shire AOL.._ Toronto, Ont. BILLFOLDS, genuine black leather, tour windage, ahhande puree, etam6 pockets, Mo- ller clooing $4.00 delivered. Money refunded. guarantee. Williams Mall :Order House, Box 330. 'Toronto. -. BLACif cooker Spaniel, female.. regialered, housebroken. Mrs, H. Tonkin, 12 No. 8, St, Themes, Ont, BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Agricultural' tnaecticldeo. sprays, powders,. disinfectant% deodot•ants,: eelontitically for- mulated for best results, Poe Informarinn end m•lees write• Canadian: Distributors Ltd., .254. Ringers St., Toronto; CALLING A11 •Invallda New Cenadlun In- dustr, now. producing Electric Lnvalid Cain. Send for llluslrated folder, Baintord-Regle Limited, 104 Sparks 8t,; Ottawa: Ont. FAST1ELLfNG 011 Burner, 'Eleotrlo BIo'wer Type. can born wood, moil or 'oil anytime, no changing- neeeseary, ,911 'territories open. Also plumbing ffetus°, available. Inlorma- tlon Tor 'stamp. - Economy Distributors, Mng- aton,Ont,. FLAGS All sizes Linton Jaoko or Canadian Ensigns, sewn wool bunting, Special ofloring on 4391 and 8' toot, Union Jacks. Fiat dye sewn cotton. .Dlacount for quantities. Brighten your community or home by flying a good quality flag... John Leckie Limited, 77' Wel- lington St. Went, Toronto. FOR SAL10—A. money-maker for seine one. "Fully licensed hotel, beer, wine and hard liquors, large .quotas. doing good business" 1n rooms, dining room, two beverage rooms,. well situated In centro of mining, lumbering and farming district In Abitibi. ,Price and terms reasonable. Write Box 1310, I7ouYn, Que. FOR SALE—Used Heating Plant for sale 1a nret class condition—Taylor-Forbes- Victor Boiler No, 609A, also stoker- and porno—oily Men in "use a fewyears, imitable for fairly large. building. 1-200. -gallon Protwater tank' and n number of showerswith all connectionswith indi- vidual cabinet% For particulars write Robert Chnpnlon, Ofltchell,.Box` 262.GASOLINE POWER UNITS 55 HORSE' POWER Chrysler Industrial power milts complete with radiator cooling, electric starting and battery, heavy duty clutch and now/ take oft. Avail able from stock.- Write Aliaes Polar Co. Ltd..' 617 Jarvis St,, Toronto,: or 1557 Mackay Street. Montreal.. HARNESS and shoe repair 01,op .and owns - :met and also belt enticing equipment for sale and also a 7 room 2 storey brick house, Immediate posnosslon. For particulars write A. C. Irwin. Gerrie,- Ont. HEAVY MILITARY farm wagons, mend foe circular. Percy J. Boebrldge, Room 805 Plaza 33146., Ottawa, Ont, IRON ACE Potato Planters --one or two row. On steel or rubber.Immediate delivery. H. If. Fleming & Sons., Blenheim, Dlotrioktor. NEW 900/13 GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES -$50.00 For 8. cwt Army trucks, fully guaranteed, Largo stock other new Army truck tires, Full - line, of retreaded tires, Firestone tread design, Deniers wanted. City Tire and Battery Co..' 708: Queen went, Toronto. O1L3 Greases, Tires, Insecticide% Electric Fence• Controllers. House and Barn Paint,• Root Coatings. etc. Dealers. wanted. Writ• Warco Crease & 011 Limited,.. Toronto, PLANT le01e: -Premier Strawberry Plants: Long healthy root, 02.60 hundred: 114.00 thousand, preoald. `Seely & EIIIo. Stamford Centre. Ont. STORE EQUIPMENT Traded -in. computing settles. meat sincere, electric meat clloppeto, err, Berke! Product's Po. Limited. 219$ Bleor W.. Toronto, TOILETS For Summer Cottages, Farms, Schools, and. Camps. Can be used with or without running •venter. Caustic Sanitation, Ltd., 21 Ridley Blvd., Toronto, 06100 ,. TROPICAL ash, buy direct from the hatchery and nmsureyoureelf of a wider selection of larger, healthier fish at lower cost, Write for Price net. we ship anywhere, W. G. Bagshaw. 60'.Eu01id Ave., London. Ont. TYPEWRITER,: Underwood Standard 149100. and Portable with ane. 146, Both excellent condition. Will 01119, 01.0.D, Write 637 Bcs- 'serer St., Ottanva. Out 13" %your) Planers, Jointers, Wood Shavers, 14" Band Sawa, Drills, Po'leble Sander'. If you need .ono write: Giffin Machinery. P,O, .Box 273, Toronto. Ont. WEBSTER PAINT EQUIPMENT` NOW available for Immediate dellvery. For (tome, or hobbyist. tine- model 800 priced' at 927.00 complete'with stray gun, Inose, belt and pelley, less mono'. The Webster Model 'R" Palettes Outfit 10 a dependable machine' recomlilendedfor maintenance work in " In- dustrial plants hospitals, etc. Complete with hose, 'gun, compr0n0a1• and 2 gal tank, Two and three omit production' painting oulals also available. Write now to etagere Prompt de- livery. PAINT UP, -CLEAN UP, THE WEBSTER WAY, Complete aockk of .household and Industrial ]Pans. 8", raid 10" Kitchen, 1,2" to 24" Exhaust. Fan., IVhILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79. King,St'eet West. Hnmlllon, -Ontario. BATHROOM OU'T'FITS CARLOAD Of Imported Bnthroolu Out fits FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE Cooslethus oft • T'U11: 5' recess. Cost iron noreelnln with chrome fittings. Shnlver and Shover Rod,' 7011,11r: T'wo-plecueltreuus cbtna with sent• cover. BASIN, T'itreoes or cast Iron, dlydme centre. water supply and -fittings. omelets: AVAILABLI, in Iola of oaf 10 .ten. outfits (3 -place enlist or 'Pubs and Basins (with fit begs) aeinnentelo'.. SINGLE colt inquiries will br,hnntllyd through a reliable dealer to your Matelot. Write to:. H. J. PARR & COMPANY importers- — Wholesale Distributors P.O. :pox '604, London, 0,10, HAIRDRESSIIgt. LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method. Information. on remota reseeding classes. kobertoon'e ReirdreeeinY Academy, .137. Ave. nue Road.. Toronto. HELL' 1VANTEO REGISTERED' NURSES, WARD AIDES For genera dull 10 1550 bed Sanatorium. AL tractive nalary. Dias full n aintenlnee, 6 day week. 4 nvi1 N vocation , 0'11 P. after one Year's service. APIy station quulIOlan, age,to Sun, of No es, Niagara Pe n insula Sanatorium. 01, Catharines (nal. 01 lOt1Tl1NlP1ES FOR %V06IER BE'A HAIDPESSER 501N CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Oponrtunlly Learn He I rdressing Phe ant dlstnId d profession, good wn es thousands successful. Alaroe tirade. ire. Amerieu's greatest eyslem. 'lustre led en tn. , Matte tree. write or C,11 MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS' 858. Blonr St, W,. To00010 Brenuhee 44 Ring St,. rtninlltnn ,e 7/' Rideau Street, Ottawa DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clout - IMO Write to up for information. We are. Mad to answer your questions. .Department H Parker'■. Dye Works Llmlted, 731 300460 - Street. Toronto, .Ontario, 61EDICAL DIXON'S, Remedy—For Neuritis and :Rheu- nratlo Pains.. Thondande oatle0ed, 71Tunro'a Drug Store, 835 Elgin, 'Ottawa, ' Postpald al. TO EASE that horrible -pain caused by arth- ritis sae 'Mica Liniment'. Large bottle. 11,26, P.O. Box 414, Saint. John, N.B. It)0AD. 'this—Every' sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neurltia Should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro'0 Drug Store, 386 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1,00. - - ' Y -O -U -R S -K -I -N Why stiffer;;the physical - and mental' agony' usually accatnpanylllg . eczema. Bor0% lmpellga and outer akin ailments ,when Formula 01 may help you,. A safe, soothing, healing un- went. Relieves, teething raah too, Asir your druggist fee Formula Dl. If Ile cannot supply you, mall. One Dollar for the gener000 two uu00 Sar postpaid, FORMULA;' PRODUCTS .1 Box' 284, Terminal A, -Toronto, WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and :rheumatic torment when Breenatone ef- fete prompt lasting roller. One "months. treatment $1.00 postpaid. -Indian Remedies, Box 118.. Vancouver: OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every Inventor—List ot tnven- Hone and full information vent free. The Ramsay Co., Reglotered Patent Attorneys. 170 Bank Street Ottawa, PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH le Company .Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King West Toronto; Booklet of Information on request%,' PERSONAL LONESOME—De you desire ' respectable friendahlP? ,Hurry,time le fleeting. Some- where your Luturo eWeetheart eeeka acquaint. Onc. Splendid position': means. Information free. Canadian Friendship Society, Box 116. Durham, Ontario. PHOTOGRAPHY COAST to const—Rolle Rnlahed 6 prints 260. 6- x 7 enlargements Mounted 800. Prints copied 400, Reprints.. 3c. Ideal Snapshot Ser.. vice," Ktng8tol, Ontario. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Tkia big,. reliable studio does quellty work AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk your films. Send them W Star Snapshot Service, ANY S12E ROLL U or 6. Exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED 800 Reprinle from your negatives 4c, 3 mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 25e. Ina- lorgementa framed 7 x 0" 00.Gold, Silver. Walnut or Black Frames 74c, It picture colored 94c. Prints and enlargements made from 'prints - of lest negatives. Dept. 91 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 110X 129, POST OFFICE. A. TORONTO • ROLLS PRINTED ,AND , DEVELOPED 25c Reprints 3c .each By CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE PHOTO- GRAPHIC SERVICE ANSCO COLOR ROLLS PROCESSOR .1.20 each 'Priam Color Enlargements—price's on re= quest, Full stock of Armco Filmat regular prices. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box, 6, Station. D., Toronto. TEACHERS WANTED PUBLIC So10o1 Teacher. S.S. No, 8. Char- lotteVllle, Norfolk County, hydro. Indoor toilets, furnace,' twice dally bus, good board. State 'salary. Ilse. A. Loedham, Forestville. 2,11NAKA 40,D , No, 1 requires teacher with aret elm% certificate effective September 1st. Salary 6,1.600 year, furnished teaeherase, fid. Apply elating maritalelates and q otifications to TL G. Reid, Sec.-treae., Weak', Ont. WANTED—Teacher, Protestant for assistant In Sparta. Continuation School, Meet be able to teach French rind Lnfint Salary $1,900. State aualilfcationo, Sherman Smith, 500,- 901100,. Searle Continuation : School, RR No. 6, S. Thomas, Ont,' WANTED WANTED—Alt kinds of Dressed peum'y. Top prlcee for top birds Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dent. 2064 Danforth .Ave:, Toronto 8. (We, de custom grading). IVAATED, lkreal1100 Machine, in good. con- dition, 20 or 22" cylinder, metal hotly ore, fared. r:aymond Norton, .Bloomfield, Ont. Amazing new anual tells hew to male money m et hoe. ap Yell e o full' time Stant. your own busmen,. BIC pronto Easy, peeeanl workYour own o Conlslne TEN big_ plan Including "Pro8lable Flower a ,Intoe. Started 'on 0340!" '2075 A fear Fon, Trees; "A Living From H ba in • 6 by 6 Foot Sp ce" "1583 L MADE A hes, For 20 Hour. weeny.- etc. etc. Can be operated by my one - housewives, men, students, Invalids, etc an envy way to. make the money you need All 00 plans - sent postpaid, - ' only 2198 Bend.. NOW' $975" WITH ONE IDEA IN THIS FOLI0 FLETCHER'S Bowie, Maryland ISSUE 24-1947 Communists Prominent in France—Maurice Thorez, secretary- general of the French Communist Party, addresses a crowd estimated at more than 60,000, in the Place de la Concorde during the May Day celebrations in Paris. Thorez has since been forced out of the French cabinet. Sports — And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") One of these days, if we ever get round to it, we are going to write a thrilling murder story. Right now we can only give you tI1e plot in a nutshell—which might be the most appropriate container, at that. Any: way, it starts off with this 'husband and wife going to Thorncliffe Race Track together. He is a deep stu- dent, who sits up all night working his . handicapping figures out, to 13 places of decimals; while she knows so little of horses that she thinks a quarter-crack is a guy who calls football signals. * * * The husband announces .that his figures show that BIG DICK can- not possibly lose. -The wife con- fesses that she fancies a thing call- ed CRUMBY because It has eyes like Fred MacMurray's ,and the cutest -looking jockey. Rightly dis- regarding such nonsense, the hus- band bets the entire bundle on BIG DICK, w110 stops to take a few bows coming down the stretch and finishes ninth. The wife then pro- duces a $2 ticket on CRUMBY, who has won paying $59,20, Laughing merrily she waves it in his, ,face, s'tying "Didn't I tell you so, dear?"; whereupon the husband borrows a betsy from a passing mining brola- cr and shoots her plumb through the heart. * * fi We fatty you now saying to your- self that there's nothing ?hovel about this—that ' it's the sort of tiling that could !rappel to anybody. But stick around tilt you hear the big court- room scene. The defence attorney, who has been careful to include only horse -players on the j]0hy, states the simple facts of the Case; and the jurymen, without leaving their scats, give a verdict of "Justifiable Tlotni tide." 77hc tale ends with the Judge, himself a place -parlay addict, ex- pressing 'regret -that he cannot give the husband a medal; and.we think the title will be SHE HAD IT COMING. Whoever it was that coined the old saying "No News Is Good News surely cannot have been an investor In Irish Sweepstake tickets; and once again we find ourself talc- ing what satisfaction we can out of having made' another contribution to these Irish hospitals which, by this time, must be furnished with gold beds and platinum bedpans. However, mindful of the warning regarding phony ticicets published in this- space some weeks ago, we took extra precautions to matte certain of the genuineness of the %one we bought on the Derby. When the seller assured Gs he gets them di- rect 'from i-rect'from a man 10110 lives right in Glocca Aforra, we knew it must be O.K. * 'k M In these t7•mtblohts times it is grat- ifying to note how everybody,:witlh- ottt' exception, is agreed on one thing—that the other fellow's prices are touch too high. The esteemed Globe & Mail ,solemnly ?earns Labor that it is threatening prosperity by demanding too touch, and Labor comes back by asking the -G. & M. when it is„going to wipe out the 66% increase in its own selling price, tirade some time ago. * * * The noble 'sort of Wrestling is P g being still further elevated by the inclusion of man -grapples -alligator contests on the same bill with reg- ulation bouts. Outside of wondering where our Governmental authori- ties—who license such things would be prepared to draw the line, we have no personal comment to make on this innovation; but we rather enjoyed that of an old friend who remarked, "It must be pretty hard on the alligator's self-respect; but if the reptile can stand it 1 don't suppose any of the rest of the supporting cast have a kick com- ing.” * * * HUMAN PROGRESS NOTES: After untold centuries the March of Civilicatio; Inas now advanced to a point where, if Mahatma Gandhi and Gipsy Rose Lee were billed to enter front opposite sides of the sante stage, 90% of all eyes 7uould be on the stripper, 10% On Uie great spir- /hul leader. You deny that those figures are correct! All right—make it ninety-eight aileKuo, Business Forecast: No Cause for Alarm No pessimists are Winthrop 'W, Aldrich, chairman of the board of the Chase National Bank, and Thomas J. Watson, president of the International Business Machines Co. They see no cause for "boom and bust" alarms and predict that the United States will not Suffer a major depression as the aftermath of War. Afr. Aldrich and Mr. Watson could be wrong, but tlicy didn't get where they are in the world of business by making a habit of it. Their forecasts are on the record and or reasons they must regard as sound. Time, it certainl3 is to be Hoped, will Dear them out. WHAT A BREAK! Lt's the sante Superb Max'. well Hoarse Coffee blend. in either the Super" Vacuum Tin (Drip oe Regular Grind) or the Glassine -lined Bag (All Purpose Grind), SAFES Protect your ROOKS Clod CASH from FMB .nod TIIIEVICR. We have o elite and type of Safe,_ of Cabinet, for any purpose. cleft ae, or write for pricers, etc., to Dept, W. O.s&J.TAVLWW LIMIreo TORONTO SAFE WORKS 146 Front St, E„ Toronto metabnahca .0861 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness. Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Stacy Leather Goods dealer, The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture In our fac. tortes — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staeo Brand Trade Marked Goode, and you get satisfaction. Made only hv• SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington S,t. E., roronto WRiTE FOR CATALOGUE VOA CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War Quality The only Cigarette Paper MADE IN FRANCE on sale in Canada BLUE COVER PURE WHITE Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG ' O�-� CIGARETTE ROLLER 5/ For constant' Smoking Pleasure R f „6/ Stag e..., "EXPORT” Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILABLE IN 1,6 POUND TINS MUTT AND JEFF—Hot Dog! Cicero Mutt Knows His Onions By BUD FISHER HM! -FINE STUFF!•I ASKYOU :10 MON-THE &AC9-YAR'DLAWN so You BRING IN THE . - � NEtGHSoR`S COW To DO ITP A 1 YONDER WHAT .THE- FUTUREN' GENERATION is GONNA BE Llj{G? AA L0TTLE HARD WORI< 85 Too MUCH FoR'EM!- DID YOU WoR < IPARD. WHEN You WASABOY? DID;I?LEMMETE •VOH WHAT I DID — MY FATHER HADA ONE HUNDRED'AC 'E R PLEASE PASS THE BREAD MA, HERE COMES THE BALONEY! C IJf •. FARM -r A M AND - \ I Ta' I I y nr,..lFr/. ;1f I I y .� y y. t i tt t,•. 9 y 1 C. � A, 'f " i - t A s, 'Ji, -env? -...f ;�. 1 ''fir• t t �l }f, �' Tl a.��f�'" �. �' t-,::.. I `,-� er ,r � t�,tt pp '1 �. '� 't' 'I•' 'P'fJ. . E• 3. '. �/% ik J �i ^r�::cja 1 ✓'y� : i/d / b, MP,. ","t S a, ear• ':/ r.7 i err . 1 YS;;q.Y t0 ICD z r .. . ii 1 cat. -� ltd !ii,-7.�asC .a•',N L7" 3" ,vt±' kc � � P 1 1 � e 1 n�d ,•,1%144:;,.- r1 — l: .a.: -�` G e, ..: : ..r 1 L u4. t3' .. i 1 X17 % 2•.}:t� �f 15t1� - ..1.- ,. -� ,Fr, ... h. I t yy l"S' ,(,p "�S'h�5'xf':rTjjr��.,,'''I$ 6t''' -v.". -U,- .. nrr•r, •t8