HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-26, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 26; 1946 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Lakeview Casino - ▪ Grand Bend ,Dancing Every Night" Gordon Delamont and his Orchestra Vocals by Vina Smith Hear Pat Raeburu — voted Canada's #1 tenor Sax player—in the "All Star" Orchestra — one we are really proud to present for a second season SPECIAL HOLIDAY MIDNIGHT DANCE JUNE 30th— 12.05 A.M. "VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" SUNDAY, JUNE 29TH — 9 P.M, Look at this programme!. Edgar Willter—Violinist; Ernie Hewitt—The singing Trouhaclom; Cliff Kelly—Pianist; Bobby Yohn—Trumpet; Jesse Argent.—Trip Banjoist. This is the first appearance of the special "Capitol Theatre Hillbillies and don't miss them ! Silver Collection. SPECIAL JULY 1ST TOURNAMENT LADIES' SOFTBALL Games start 2 o'clock sharp — D.S.T. — 8 games Thedford — St. Marys — Brussels' — Dashwood Winners of 1st two games sleet in final Wednesday July 2nd —7 p.m. DST Ladies' Softball League Game Exeter vs. Dashwood At Lakeview Casino Ball Diamond. Music - Fireworks Bands all day and evening at Waterloo, Ontario, in beau- tiful Waterloo Park. Saturday, June 28th. Be sure that you don't ..miss this greatest of all outdoor shows: Music from 8:00 in the morn- ing until midnight. Great parades of bands; dancing; fireworks. Come and make a day of it. Ample facilities for picnics, ov meals available on the grounds. Bain, OR SHINE. WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven, Winthrop, are holding the regular monthly meeting on .Wed., July 2 at 2:30. (d.s.t.) at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Smith. Meeting is on Temp- erance. A1•11111, Insulate . Your Home It has been proven that Attic Insulation creates a twenty per cent saving in Winter fuel consumption. Equally so, it retards the Summer heat in the' house. We have a. stock of. Mineral Wool Bats, S" in thickness, at 6120 sq. feol 24 FOOT EXTENSION LADDER , $19.00 OIL STOVE'O'EN $5.00 STEP LADDERS $4.00 to $5.00 SET OF STAINLESS IONIVES & FORKs, 6 of each $4.50 CATTLE SPRAY in bulk • 91.50 per gal. GRANITE CANNERS, 7 qt. $2.50 to $2,95 It pays to treat them well with Climax Bug Killer, Bordeaux Mixture, Arsenate of Lead. We have them Let us check your FURNACE, estimate your PLUMBING, install your PRESSURE SYSTEM Geo. A. SillsBz Sons Hardware Heating and Plumbing Engineers • P ROCLAMATION Town of Seaforth On instructions from the Council I hereby proclaim that no dogs shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth during the months 6f May, June, July and August. Under authority of By -Law *111 for the. Town of,Seaforth any dogs so found running at large contrary to this Proclamation shall be liable to be killed and the owner or harbourer pros- ecuted. M. A. Reid Mayor a TOWN TOPICS Miss Mary Neville, Sarnia, Arpn.t the weer: end at the home of Mr. and Mrs: 3, McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parke and Dor- othy visited last week in Dundas. Miss: Mary Crowe, London, was a visitor at the home of her brother Mr. Ernest Crowe and -Mr's. Crowe. Miss Helen Devereaux, London, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Devereaux. Miss E. O'Neill, Reg.N., Hamilton, Ohio, end Miss ,A: O'Neill, Dorchester, spent a few days 'with Mr. And Mrs. Dunn. • Misses 'Joan. McMaster, London, and Jean McMaster, Haritilton, were week encs visitors at the home 01 their par- ents Dr, and Mrs. E. A McMaster, Miss Lois Whitney, Wingham, spent the week ,end with her ,parents Mr, and Mrs. A. Whitney, Miss Helen Smithhas returned" to London lifter spending three weeks' holidays at her home. Mr. Donald Munn was successful in passing his second year 'in' General Science at the University of Western Ontario. Miss Frances Downey, Constance, spent the week end with Misses Vera and Laura Mole. Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Mills= and children of Clinton were week end 'guests with the latter's father, Mr. E. • Mole. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Snowdon and Messrs. C. and 0. Snowdon spent the week end at Manitoulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Earle, and dau- ghter, Centralia, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Earle. Dr, and Mrs. F. J. Bechely and Michael spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Savauge, Toronto. Michael remained for a few claMys.r, and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds and son, Toronto, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills. Miss Marguerite Westcott, Hamil- ton, spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs.'.T. A, Westcott. Mr. Harry Scott, London, spent the week encl at the hone of his mother Mrs H E Scott 11I1 George MacDonald, Stratford, spent a few days with his daughter and Son-in-law NIrs. Ralph McTatidin and Mr. McFaddhr. Mr. W. 3: McIntosh underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital. Lon- don, on Monday,. Mrs. George Eaton received word of ..the death of her aunt. Mrs, Andrew Parks, Nelson, B.C., on Saturday. Mrs. Parks visited here last summer and was 36. She was a sister of the late John Bullard Mrs. S. Somers of De- troit and Mrs, R. G. Murdie, Stratford, are sisters. Born in McKillop, she had: lived in British Columbia for years. Mr. Edward Devereaux, Toronto, is TheVeteran Painters Have secured the services of Ml'. W. Demeter, who is an. expert in Spray Painting. When it's painting Homes, Barns, Garages or Places of Business, give us a call. We use only 100% Pure Paints, Oils, and Varnishes. guaranteed by the Manufacturer. So why hire someone +to "slap dab the white wash brush," when we give satisfaction and service• with High Class material and workmanship. "The Customers Boost The 'Veteran Painters" We specialize in spraying Roofs, s paint or creosote stain Call 851-11 for Free Estimates Advice in Color Schemes, Decorating, etc., by Mr. 'Fox visiting with his mother, Mrs. F. Devereaux. Mr, and Mrs. F. Cudnlore: Wallace - burg, spent the week end with her mother Mrs. J.T. Reid. Mr. and Mrs, Max Hadfield: visited here for a few days. , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nolan and family, London, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and MI'S. James Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stewart, Toronto, spent the week Mid with then parents Mr. Jack Cleary, Sarnia, is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Cleary. Mrs. J. M. Cole, Windsor, Mrs. J. L. Downey, Detroit, and Mrs. Reg. Big- ger, Detroit, were week end visitors at the .hone. of Mr. and Mts. Wm. Devereaux. Major 17, L. C. Leitch,,Western Qnt- aria Supervisor of Commodity Prices Corporation Ltd., who is an old- Sea- forth boy, and played football with the Seaforth Hurons around 1905, is spending a few days here this week. Miss Maude •Keys of Stratford .i3os- pital visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys last week. Mrs; Riddell, Mrs, Menzies, Mrs, Wanklin, Mrs. Stadelbauer, and Mrs. Flynn spent Tuesday. with Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Close. Mrs, Close returned to London wilhthem. BORN 7200E --At Scott Memorial 7iospital on ,lune 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chr!sl!mr hock, Rli2, Monkton, a daughter, HOEGY — Al Scott Memorial Hospiial on June 21rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilber. Roegy, lirotlhagen, a daughter, MeLEAN . At Scott Memorial Hospital on June 241,11, to Mr. and Mrs. Ian. McLean, $earorth, a daughter, KIPPEN MOFFAT— KYDD A pretty wedding took place in Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, when Dorothy Grace, youngest daug- hter .of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kydd, became the bride of Eldred Alfred (Tony) Moffat. of - Lond'on, son of Mr. And Mrs. D. A. Moffat, of Kip - pen. Rev. Iennetli -Maclean per- formed the ceremony. The church 1111111/11111111110111111111 lnunuuua,,,tom,u„u,n,,,",u,n„n„nuu,,,,nm„o„ n, nnuu"nunuuu,00nu"uumuua MUSICAL RECITAL WILL BE HELD 1N Brumfield United Church3 Brucefield 'Thursday, June 26th, at 8.30 p.m. (bS.T.) By Mr. George S. Lethbridge, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, acdompanled by "The Boy Choristers" of St. Paul's Cathedral, London; with "Soloists" and "Girl Trios" and 'Duets" Come and hear this eminent musician leading in an evening of out- standing musical entertainment, using the new "Hammond Organ" recently installed in the Brucefleld United Church Admission — Adults 50e. Children 25c . • /1111111111 11111111 Become J Yyr° e A TRAINING CLASS WILL COMMENCE AT SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL IN SEPTEMBER The Three -Year Course, which will be in charge of competent instructors, will lead to 'Registration. During th o training period full ,maintenance is pro- vided, and in addition students will be paid as follows: First Year Second Year Third Year - $15 per Month - $20 per Month - $25 per Month Applicants, who are required to have completed junior Matriculation, are urged to communicate immediately with Miss Dinning Superintendent SCOTT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Seaforth — • . Ont. roll ivund Sure your ca Just seeGi SEE ''"HE now- DEALER FOR r,� SEAFORTH MOTORS treaty r to the fun anda satisfaction °f travelling fnastrouble-frecLetthe OMDeafergive your ar.at�or°Ughn Tune-uP NOTYithe elf lie has and to ppb skilled serr car nv c equipment,de months of Motoring drape' for Drive in and, see trim tto aY asnre. • GM9.2.475) CHEVROLET • PONTIAC • OLDSMOBILE • BUICK • CADILLAC • CHEVROLET and GMC TRUCKS wasdecorated with carnations, peo- nies and lily -of -the -valley. The wed- ding music was played by Mrs. A. Y. Willard and Miss Marguerite Ho- garth, of London, sang. Entering' the church on the aria of her father, the bride was charming in a'white gown with lace bodice and full net' skirt over taffeta, Her gown featured a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves which tapered to points over the hands. Her full-length veil was caught to her hair with tiny white roses and she carried a cas- cade . bouquet of white .carnations and stephanotis. Her only ornament was a necklace of pearls, the gift of -, the groom. Mrs. Win. Kydd, Jr., eon - sin on-sin'of the bride, and Mrs. J. • P. Saunders, sister ofthe bride attend- ed her as bridesmaids, the former in pink flowered rayon taffeta, the latter in blue' flowered rayon taf- feta. Their gowns were styled alike with sweetheart necklines, tiny sleeves and r,ery full skirts. They wore mitts of thatching maternal and carried corsage bouquets of pink roses which matched the flowers in their hair. Miss Margaret Willard, cousin of the bride, as junior. brides-. maid, -was gowned similarly to Mrs. Saunders. Miss Ethel Lydd, sister of the bride as maid -of -honor. was gowned in a two-piece dress of pink rayon taffeta. She wore matching mitts, flowers in her hair and carried pink roses ift corsage bouquet. Gerry Moffat was his brother's best man and ushers were Wayne Hayter, Robert Kydd, Stuart McBride and J. Peter Saunders. The reception was held in the church parlors where a- buffet lun- cheon was served. Mrs. I{ydd re- ceived in grey with black accessor- ies and Mrs. Moffat in white with black accessories. Both wore cor- sages of Better Times roses, For a 1n otor trip to New York the bride donned a pink printed silk dress, white accessories and blue shortie coat. Her corsage ,was pink roses. On their return Mr. and Mr. llioffat will reside in London. Guests were nresent from London, Detroit, Mt. Hope, Mitchell, Varna, Iippen, Rensall, Lucltnoii- and Exeter. HENSALL The annual Wohelo Class picnic (Miss Ellis, teacher , was held at Turnbull's Grove on Tuesday evening, June 24112. with a large attendance of members. guests and children. Follow- ing the delicious picnic supper which was' heartily enjoyed by all, a period of baseball was indulged in. Miss Michie and Miss Margaret Glenn con- ducted an interesting series of sports, as follows: Men's race, Ed Corbett. Dave Kyle; ladies' race. Miss Michie, Mrs. Dignan, Mrs. R. Drysdale; wheel barrow race, Ed Corbett and. Alex Munn; kick -the -slipper, Mrs. Edison Forrest; children's race, Donnie Kyle; pass - the -ball, Harry Armstrong's '*roup. The Class president Mrs. Wes Jones, Miss Michie, Miss Glenn .and their assistants are to be commended for their successful efforts. A' sing- song was the closing feature. VARNA The service in St, John's Anglican Church will be withdrawn Sunday 29th, owing to the fact the members of L.O.L. No. 1035 will attend v„ -sir - ship in the United Church. Mr. Floyd McAsh is visiting the parental home. Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Reid in com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Cole- man motored to Indians last week. rl'Irs. Soper returned Monday after 1. for'tnight's vacation in Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott motored to Brantford Sunday to visit their son .t'vitt and Mrs. Elliott. ':11r. and Mrs. Laylhetn and fancily of London spent the week end with the latter's mother and Edith.. Billy Jameson of Centralia is visit- ing his grandmother Mrs. Getrtie Reid. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson snent the weekend with friends itt Tot onto. Mrs. Hugh Morrow of Edmonton is spending a week with her many friends around the village. Mr. R. Cooper has resigned his position as manager of the Co-opera- tive o-opera-ti ve after many years with the coot- ny. MIr. Joseph Dayman of Fort Erie is railing on ']tis many friends in these parts. Mr. Wnt. Sproat of London is visiting with his parents. avansrscremanalmronowercoplom DANCING! in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY, JUNE 28 NORM CARNEGIE AND NiS BAND ADMISSION 500 Free! Free! Free! 1st Prize, Beautiful New North- ern Electric Radio 2nd Prize, seeder Electric Auto- matic Iron. All you have to do is guess closest to the"nuiubet' of beaus in the jar on display in rhe window of Walker Electric. Contest opens Friday noon, and closes' June 30111. Walker Electric Phone 95 SEAFORTH 4