HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-26, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THE SEAFORTH NEWS Snowdon .Bros Publishers 11,111011111011111111111411110111111111101111111111,1141111101111.1111 WALTON Garden Party "TO BE 'HELD ON DUFF'S UNITED CHURCH LAWN ON FRIDAY JUNE 27 A Good Variety Programme Supper served from 6 to 8 Admission 60c and 25c Sponsored by members of the 16th and Sth groups of the 'W.A. 1111111111111111111111 iiiiiiii 11 lllllll 111111111.001. iiiiiiiiii 111111111 WALTON Mr. and Mrs: Earl Dow and children at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kearney. Mrs. R. Richmond. neat Blyth, at the home of her sister Mrs, D; Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger and children at Guelph. Mr. Baker of Henfryn in Walton, Mrs. George Williamson and Charlie at Goderich, Phe Walton group of the W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. W. Thamer, Wed, evening with a good attend- ance; The members of the. G G, -LT, enjoyed a picnic in Goderlol1,' fat ui day. Mrs, Merle Campbell spentthe weekend with IVIrs. Hollman. Miss' Edith Hackwell and Miss Smith of Stratford visited" at the. ic, home of Mr. Jose It H k ell w The dry weatherofthe past week has enabled farmers to finish the corn planting; Kenneth Murray of London visit- ed his another Mrs, A, Murray. Mr, Geo. Jackson, who has leased. his farm to Mr. Lawrence Ryan, held a Successful sale last week and in- s t'tking' a trip West, June Hackwell entertained some of her school chumS to a birthday party. The Walton W.M.S. met in the «htn•ch on Wed. June 11. Mrs. R. G. T-T.,lewood presided. The topic "What of the Church in Asia", was e'1 t aken,bv the ladies of the 17th group. The supply secretary re, ')erted'that three pairs of mitts had ''een fovwarded for the bsile• Mrs. Kirkby gave a very interesting re - 'mit of the conference at St. Marys. It was decided that our W,M;S. send Leona Watson to Leader Training School at Alma College .this summer. Meeting closed with the singing of a hymn followed by prayer. Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Holman at- tended the graduation ceremonies of Toronto Western Hospital held in Convocation Hall on June 12. Their daughter, Marjorie, was a member of the graduating class of nurses COMING — A DAY OF RECKONING — the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them, that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" 11 Thes. 1:7.5. "Vengeance is mine; I will repay. saith the Lord." Rom. 12:19 OBEY THE GOSPEL — THE GOSPEL IS SALVATION THROUGH CHRIST NOT THROUGH — GOOD WORKS --- FAITH IN ANI' LIVING MAN BUT by faith its the shed blood of our SAVIOIIP. LORD JESUS CHRIS•!', Believe. and escape the judgntrnt that is coining, TUNE IN: Pilgrims Hour 7.7.30 (daylight saving) Sunday Evening Local Station — CKLW Windsor Old-fashioned Revival Hour—rebroadcasts ou many stations at various hours Chas. E. Fuller, P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California which was one, of the largest in the hospital's history: • On Thursday evening,'Jiixt ": tli a very enjoyable evening was spent the community hall when 14Ir. Wand Mrs., Wallace Shannon. newly weds were extended coneratulatiens and presented with a purse, of money. 1VIusic for dancing was supplied by the Wilbee orchestra. The following address was read by Mrs. ,Ernie Toll and the presentation Made by Lorne Roe. Dear Jean and Wallace—In honor of your recent marriage which is a very special occasion; we,, your 'friends and neiglibourat of Walton, have gathered here -this evening to celebrate with you and to extend to you our heartiest congrat-I ulations as you embark on the matri- monial sea. Wallace, we have known you all your life and have always found you cheerful. You volunteer- ed your services to your country in! her hour of need and without a doubt had many a hard- road to travel. With God's grace you were spared and are with us tonight be- ginning a touch happier journey' which we hope will be a long and 1 happy one. To you Jean, who is a. stranger in our midst, we extend a hearty welcome and want you to feel at home with us tonight 'and trust! you will make many new friends.' Everyone knows that no true love runs smooth. You will have •your trials and sorrows, along life's Path,' but we hope they will be lightened as you think of the warm feelings of friendship and •well wishing of these your friends and neighbours' of Wal- ton. Soon you will be taking up your abode in a distant city but we will be very glad to welcome you hack with us any thine you hale the opportunity. As a token of our good wishes, we ask you to accept this purse of money. Our wish is that you may both be spared to enjoy long life, happiness • and prosperity. May you build your home on faith and love, and live in peace like turtle -doves. May God's - richest The Great Day is almost. here again. Can- ada's great day of music and entertainment et Waterloo, Ontario, in beautiful Waterloo Park. Music all day and evening. Scotch dancing and "piping cowtests. Contests for hands and instt'mnentolists from S:09 in the morning. Monster Musical Tattoo in the evening. Great display of bands and fire --I works. Came early and bring your family. Ample parking space Tor cm's and buses. Fend on the V'nund:;, or bring your own, A great thrill for young and old alike. RE- MEMBER THE DATE—SATURDAY JUNE 2,th, RAT\ OR SSIINE THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1946 blessing rest upon you always. Signed on behalf oj:-;,,y�-¢si,�r, friends and neighbour's. Watlaeg thanked all for their thoughtfulness"' and ,good wishes., BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dotzert and; Wallace, Miss Florence Berg of Am- ulree with Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Hinz. NIr. and Mrs.. Kenneth ReaneY and Patty Lon of Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. John Amstein. Mr. and Mrs. John- Mueller of Hamilton are holidaying with her parents Mr, and Mrs: Aug. Hille. brecht. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leon'hardt, Henry and Richard, Mr. Martin Meyer and Mrs: Wm. Bennewies spent a few days last week visiting relatives in Detroit. Mr, and „Wire. Geo. Mogk and Nancy accompanied Carman Mogk to Wallaceburg. Rev: and Mrs. Schultz and Eric visited with' Rev, and Mrs. Gelhaar in Listowel. Mrs. Elmer Tnffin and Geraldine are spending, several weeks with her sister Miss Bertha Murray at Toron to. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Doyle, Linda and Sharon spent. the weekend in Toronto, - Mr. and Mrs. WM. L. Queren- gasser, Mr, and Mrs. Howard. Quer- engesser and Susan and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice attended the Anderson—LaPensee wedding in Windsor (Gloria Anderson is the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Anderson, the former Georgene nuerengesser) on Friday and spent the weekend in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Spencer (Alma Quer- engesser) and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swigger (Elsie Querengesser). Mr. and Mrs, John Jacob are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Herman Bauer at Glencoe. Master Gary Sholdice is spending , a week's holidays with his aunt and ' uncle Mr. and Mrs, Howard Queren- tt'nser at Waterloo. The'pupils •of the school enjoyed a picnic on the school grounds on Wednesday afternoon. Races and treats were enjoyed by all. WE 311 INING3P Air EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS, LIMITED SEAFORTH, ONT. PHONE 354 ,,,,1,1,,,11,1,1,1,,,111,1,1„11,1,1,11,1„111114„11141„1111111111111 i,i„1111, 4 1411,111111111„ iti,141,1111111,41,111,111111111111,1111111114,41111111,111111,,,4444,11411 111,4,11„444,4111441444444,4„ 11111,11„ NOW OPEN Balanced Ration Plant of Turgeon Grain & Processed Feeds manufacturing PIG STARTER HOG FATTENER HOG GROWER DAIRY RATION CALF MEAL CHICK STARTER CHICK GROWER LAYING MASH GROUND WHEAT WHOLE WHEAT BARLEY MEAL WHOLE BARLEY GROUND OATS ROLL CRUSHED OATS WHOLE OATS Are now available to Dealers, Wholesal- ers, Retailers and Farmers at Mill door.. FEEDS EXCELLENCE . in NAME and QUALITY .. _ �e/af'iaia, . Tn Oh 8 jou., We know ... being team captain has its responsi- bilities. But when you're rounding up your team, will you try not- to make too many calls at once? Remember -some grown- up may need that party line in a hurry ... Thanks a lot: PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCH 1 NG... • putting' it into practice on every call you make is your hest guarantee that others will do the same for you. 1. Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. • 3. Give right-of-way to urgent calls. • RN YELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Of CANADA _ENT REG Seaforth NOW PLAYING "BLONDIE'S LUCKY DAY DOUBLE FEATURE'. with A. LAKE — PENNY SINGLETON — R. STANTON ' AND— "GALLOPING THUNDER ,, with CHARLES STARRETT —SMILEY BURNETTE, MON'. TUES. WED. -- Matinee at 2.30 P.M, July 1st - In Technicolor ',THE SONG OF SCHEHERAZADE" with YVONNE,.DE CARLO JEAN PIERRE AUMONT Little'has been overlooked in Romance, Snectaale, Color, the Russian Navy of the Mid -19th Century and the International Setlileent of a Moroccan town exemplified by Eve Ardemn NEXT T3IURS. FRI. SAT "MY DARLING 'CLEMENTINE" with Henry Fonda Linda Darnell — Victor Mature An outstanding super-Western.—Every trick in the holt has beanpolished, sharp- ened, honed and curried to sutroass anything you have seen before in Western pictures Coning: "THE LATE GEORGE'APLEY" with Ronald Colman — Peggy Cummins The Ladies' Aid members s'pelit an enjoyable afternoon on Wednes- day as guest of the Ladies' Aid of St: Paul's Lutheran Church, Ellice Township A Swing Bowling Tournail-ent Church at which six teams of ladies was organized some time ago at the and six teams of men are competing. Games are being played every Mon- day and Wednesday evening and considerable interest is being shown in these games. Mrs. Fred Ellig'son it confined to bed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. S. Reihl. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy on the birth of their daughter at Seaforth,hospital. Musid = Fireworks — . Scotch Competi- tions at Waterloo, Ontario, in beautiful Waterloo Park. Saturday, June 20th. All day and evening. Come with your whole family. Something• for all to enjoy. The monster Musical Tattoo rn the evening is the great- est Show. of Its kind in Canada.. Ample pro- vision for picnics on the grounds. RAIN OR SHINE. Ford Ferguson Owners We have in stock: Glider.. Sweep Rakes Cordwood Saws - Transport Boxes Blade Terracers Disc Terracers Soil Scoops Manure Loaders Rear End Cranes Sherman Step-up transmissions Daly's Garage FORD MONARCH DEALERS Seaforth Radio Service Repairs to all makes 24 to 48 hour service All repairs guaran- teed 90 days Walker Electric! Phone 95 SEAFORTH 1nn11111111u111111111111u11i11w1111n1111nuu11111111nu11un11 BLYTH One .of Blyth's oldest businessmen, Alonzo P. W. Smith, diets unexpected- ly of a' heart set?tire. He waS-79 years olcl and while he.' had been suffering from a lteai't•condition for almost a year death was unexpected. Mr, Smith was born in Norfolk County, a son of the late Elbridge Clinton Smith and Mary Agar Smith. About 1914 the fancily purchased the Jacobs farm two [Hiles west of, Blyth on the East wawanosh boundary where they .re- sided Until 1932 when they retired to Blyth. Mr. Smith was a machinist and plumber. He was a member of Blyth fire department for 14 years and' acted as fire chief for a number of years. He was a member of the United Church. Mr. Smith was married to Miss Ruby D. Gibson of Blyth in 1936, who sur- vives, with one brother, Clinton E. Snlitit of Seaforth, and one sister, Sirs, T. (Gertrude) Butt of IEippen. The funeral was. held Monday at Blyth. GOOD j YEAR TIRES. • (.IP • It's a wise motorist who insists on long -wearing, money - saving Goodyear Tires. They give many more miles of dependable service ... at lower cost -per -mile. We have Goodyears in your size • o• 1 come in today. YOUR • GOODYEAR DEALER Seaforth Motors Chev:Olds. Sales Service PHONE- 141, SEAFORTH, ONT. 11141111111111141111441111111111114111111144„i„iiiit 1414141111111111111144114111111111141111111111111111111111111 ll 1 4 14 11111 41114 4 4 11411 lll1114,1,41111,, NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1947 licenses for sante on or .before July lst, 1947. Licenses will be i,; sued from the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax -Collector, J. Cummings: After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags. 111111„11,1111.11111111110114n11p111111un1m11.muu1111110nu11n11111411 m11u1111• 11411111o11un"111111n11u11111111111111111.111111d9 WANTED ! Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves,- Sheep. and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION — WE DO THE LOADING DARLING & CO. OF, M1TEDA Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r-6 -41