HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-19, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, 'JUNE 19, 1947 HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fowler and son, Mansel of Wolseley, Sask, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. John E. McEwen, Mn and Mrs,' J. W. Bonthron spent the weekend with their Hang- s liter Mrs. McAllister Greer at Or- chard Beach. Mr. Thos. Chuter opened his ser- vice station opposite the Public. School,"on Monday, June 16th with a full range of British American Products, Miss Blanche Thomson R.I. of Stratford visited over the weekend withher parents Mr. and Mrs., Bobt. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby and daughte Roberta of Windsor moved into the Specials for Saturday, Monday & Tuesday Ten MEN'S SUMMER TWEED SUITS. Small Sizes only Reg. 14.95. To clear 7.95 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS -Fused collars. Varieties of shades colors. Stripes & Checks. SPECIALQ 2 to a customer rd� MEN'S FANCY SOX mercerized lisle. reg. .49. To clear 31c BOYS JERSEYS, short sleeves. Colors: blue, red & grey. Reg. .69 and .75. Spec. 46c Ladies & Children's Ankle Sox, all colors. Reg. .25 and .35. To clear 2 for 25c Ladies Silk Panties. Small, med- ium & large. Tea rose & white. Reg. .59. Spec. 45c LADIES NYLON HOSE 42, 45, and 61 gauge 98c SPECIAL FACE TOWELS. reg. .59 Special 39c each BABY DIAPERS, Birdseye weave. Special 3.98 doz. CH. TRAINING PANTIES Sizes 2, 4 and 6. Reg. 59e & 45c Special .35 -.3 pr. for 1.00 Ladies and Growing Girls OXFORDS. Black & Brown. Spec. 1.98 Men's Black & Brown OXFORDS. Also two-tone Special 1.98 Green Front Dept. Store 'eme 2rrree FIND OUR BANK IN THIS FARM PICTURE aiSS :>: HE addition to this barn has been made possible through the banking services and helpful fin- ancing of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. You, too, may need to repair, alter or construct new build- ings on your farm. �i Farm ,naProvement Loans For e- • Purchasing Farris Machinery and Equipment • purchasing Livestock onrem m, e Modernizing Far Fencing and Drainage a Improving ow ® Installing Electric PerLandtorFarming • C,tearingandBreaking Investigate the many advantages you have under the Barna Improvement Loan plan. Come in and discuss your -financial needs with our local Manager. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch, G. C. Brightrall, Manager 11247 residence of Mr. N. E: Cook on Mails Street recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser and Mrs. J: Kaiser: Dir. and Mrs. Norman Jones have Simpson of Eketer, contributed a de lightful solo entitled "My Cathed ral" accompanied by Mrs. Dougall at the piano. •Mrs. Hudson intro duced the guest speaker Mrs. • Goa: - don Bissett, Presbyterial Paussident of Goderich, who gave a splendid ac- count of the synodical meeting held in Stratford, April 14 -16th. Follow- ing the address Mrs. Paterson and Mrs. Edwards extended a vote ,of thanks to the speaker. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang a "solo entitled "Thinking of Thee" compoaed by a lady 94 years old. 1Virs. Dougall ac- companied at the piano. The meet- ing closed by singing nO My Sa.. viour Lifted" followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. A daintY luncheon was served. Mrs. Goddard from the West is visiting with her son and daughter- in-law Dr. and 1VIrs. S. C. Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson left on Sunday for a trip to Western Cana- da, and the Coast. Miss Goldie Cross R.N. of Lon- don spent a few days last week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mr. E. L. Nlickle made a business trip to Toronto this week. Miss Aany Laramie of London spent the weekend With her mother and sister Mrs. Lanunie and Greta. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laramie and Bob- bie of -Centralia visited with them on Sunday. The Arnold Circle Evening Aux- bary held a most successful "Blos- som Tea" in the school -room of the Carmel Presbyterian Churc'h on Sat - Mr. and Mrs. Otis 1VIinor, Joanne and Jackie of Port Huron visited re, cently with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mac - Laren and Donald. - Holy Communion Service was held in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning conducted by Rev': P. A. Ferguson when ten new nembers joined the membership of the church. Special' music w•as con- tributed by the choir under the dir- ection of Mrs. 1VIalcolm Dougall. Mrs. j. Henderson visited re- cently with Mrs, J. Morris in God - Little Patsy Jones entertained a number of girl friends at a. birth- day party in her honor at her home on Wednesday, June lith. Patsy was the recipient of rnany lovely The spacious lawns at the home of Mrs. E. Shaddick provided a ovely setting for the annual Even- .A.uxiliary picnic, which event was held Wednesday afternoon, June 11th with many mothers and children, members and guests in at- tendance. A delicious picnic lunch- eon was enjoyed by all. Much credit s due Mrs. Shaddick and her assist- ants for this successful affair, There was an attendance of 60. Miss jean Brandon and Miss Erma Kipfer, sports committee arranged the fol- lowing entertainment: Running race, 6-7 years old, Connie Corbett; 3 -legged race, 10 years and older, Jean Lavender, Marg Stephen; 5 years and under, Stevie Kyle; hop- ping race 8-9 years old. Bob Lav - cry; Rick' the slipper, 1Vliss Nfichie; treasure hunt. Audrey Walsh, Orion Stephen, july Shaddick, Gordon Henson Institute Picnic The Andbal In.stitute picnic is scheduled to take place at the Hen - sail Community Park on Wednesday afternoon, June 25th at 4:30 o'clock. Bear in mind the roll call "Sing, Say or Pay", The committee in charge will be Mrs. W. . Sangster, Mrs. J. Sangster, Mrs. G. .Schwalm and Mrs. C. Forrest. Mrs. Shortt and Miss Tate will have charge of the sports arrangements. Please 1ring your picnic lunch cups and silverware. Each member may invite a guest. moved into their new home and are getting nicely settled.' Members of the Masonic Lodge attended divine worship in Kippen United Church on Sunday morning, W.M.S. Birthday Party '• The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter, ian Church held their annual birth day party in the schoolroom of the. church on Thursday afternoon amid a beautiful setting of peonies and spirea. Mrs. C. -Hudson presided and opened the meeting by singing The Lord is my Shepherd. Mrs. 1VIcKen zis led in prayer. The scripture Psalm 91 was read by Mrs. R. Caul eron. The hymn "Blest are the Pure in Heart" was sung. Mrs. Harold AT FINNIGAN'S ATTENTION THE HOUSEWIFE ARRIVED THIS WEEK Shipment of Jelly Powder (with sugar) all flavors. No. 1 clean Dates. Also shipment of Super Sufis and Vel Have you tried Kraft Dinner Prom Harry Horne arrived Jelly, Maker Dessert Powders, Gravy Maker, Bulk Peanut Butter. Theseitems are on display Large shipment .Overalls in stock W. J. 'FINNIGAN & SON Card of Thanks The .family of the late Mrs. George McClinchey wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for the many expressions of sympathy and kind- ness shown them during their re- cent sad bereavement. Also for the beautiful floral •tributes and cards, and those who so kindly loaned cars. Special thanks to Rev. Reba Hern, pallbearers and flowerbearers. Card of Thanks Mrs. Emerson Kyle wishes to ex- press her thanks for the sympathy shown her in the loss of a loving mother, by friends in Kippen and the community. Also, for the lovely flowers and cards sent. In Memoriam CAMPBELL -In loving memory of a dear husband, Joseph Wilson Campbell, Who passed away one year ago, June 10, 1046. One year• has passed since that sad day, When the one I loved was called away, God took him home, et was his will, But in enyhesrt, He Ilveth still. -Ever remembered by kis wife, Muriel Campbell. Card of Thanks The family of the late John.Forrest wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathyduringtheir bereave- ment, and for the loin of ears ; also special thanks to the doctors and nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital Clearing Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, In the Vill- age of Varna,. on Saturday, June 28th, at 2 p.m., at the home of Mrs. C. S£eick. 3 -piece Chesterfield suite; dining room table.; dining room chairs & arm °har ; ex- tension table; buffet; glass cupboard; electric radio; couch, coal oil stove with oven ; wood heater and pipes; 3 kitchen chairs: porcelain top table;; 2 small tables; end table; fern. stand; toilet set, trunks, dishes, kitchen utensils & some hooked rugs. Terms cash. MRS. C..'STELCR, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. URGENTLY REQUIRED House to rent in Seaforth or VlcinitY• Apply to GEORGE ERIOKSON, Daly's Garage, Seaforth. FOR SALE 200 Rock -New Hampshire non -sexed chick- ens six weeks old, 66e apiece. About 100 Rock- NeW Hampshire hens laying average, $1.50 apiece, 'FRANK GIVLIN, St: Columban. BOX Duni at #rrui u AMBULANCE ' Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office Residence 43 18 Auotion Sale FARM AND FARM IMPLEMENTS AND TOOLS -At Lot 13, Con, 15, Grey Twp, 2 miles north and 3 miles east of Walton, on Friday, June 20th, at 1. 80 'p.m. DST. McCormick Mower, dump rake, hay loader Massey -Harris, binder 7 ft.. cut, with sheaf carrier, truck and . tractor hitch. ; M=H cul- tivator; grain drill; fanningmill,screens and sieves.p hay car fork, ropes and pulleys; gutting box, root pincer; set.-. of scales 2600 lb, with stock_ platform; 2 -horse cart; wagon and rack with roller rack; wagon .and gravel box; high wagon; discharrows; wagon box with stock rack; set of sleighs; 6 -section diamond harrows; Peron •riding plow; Wilkinson -walking plow; Verity walk- ing Plow; 8 -inch grinder; ' International 3 - horse engine; circular saw, small engine; 2 sugar kettles; stone boat; 26 ft. cedar ladder;, 16 f t. ladder; 16ft. ladder; quantity of cedar rails; number of hemlock plank ;.top buggy; cutter; road cart; team harness, single har- ness, whiffletrees, neokyokes, chains, etc. REAL ESTATE -Farm consisting. of 100 acres more or less,. 11 acres bush, balance in pasture, On the premises is large -bank barn, flame dwelling, drive shed and work shop. Farm offered subiect to a reserve bid, Terns on Machinery cash. -.Property to be 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. JOHN A. STEWART, Proprietor. Frank Kirkby, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Phonola battery raffle, 4 tube, size about 1S"x9"x10", nearly neW. Apply at: The News. FOR SALE A number of young sows due in July. Apply to FRANCIS COLEMAN JR, phone 859r22. CONSTANC'E Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, Dorene and Kenneth and Mr, and Mrs. Matt.. Armstrong of Londes- boro, attended the anniversary on Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dale. Mr. Chas. Stewart, Miss Kather- ine Ladd, of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yungblut and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Good of Londesboro spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dexter, Con- stance. Farmers Attention. ALBERTA COAL- We have it "Riverdale" Lump The Best from the West "PITTSTON" COAL One of Pennsylvania's Best We have cars rolling of Nut and Stove Size $17.00 per ton. Cash Direct from car. Haul your. own Place your order and fill your bin, When the cars come In. The Coal is bright, and the price is right. J. H. SCOTT Phone 336 SEAFORTH SHAVINGS FREE JOHNt1 BOSFIAR.T (SONS o Seafort get them. FOR SALE 135 f5, of litter carrier tracking and n feeder box. Phone 844r41, FOR SALE Bean acullter, MoG.-Deering stiff -tooth, 2 row, gon'd. oe new. Phone 5351.15, Seaforth, HAROLD SHERA. FOR SALE G. W. saSTONE,Harris Walton, corn cultivator Seaforth. FOR SALE 28 pigs, six weeks old. Phone 540 r 12. Robt, Beattie. sommemiammememzeknermemm For the finest Body and Fender Repairs & Refinishing bring your car to DALY'S NO JOB TOO SMALL NO JOB TOO LARGE Katadyi) & Irish Cobbler POTATOES SUITABLE FOR SEED $1.25 BAG Joseph McConnell DUBLIN W. J. THOMPSON Jack's Shoe Repair Harness, Hardware, and Shoe Findings One clay Special, Fri., June 20 Team Martingales Brass mounted with Dee $1.00 ea. SALT SALT We have two loads of Salt. ordered for last week in - June. Phone your order as we will only call where salt is ordered WM. M. SPROAT PHONE 655-r-2 TAXI Day and Night Service. Phone 95 CLAYTON J, DENNIS.. • FOR SALE Frame asphaltcovered residence, on Rail- way St., bath, immediate possession. Dwelling with small barn, 2 to 3 acres, suitably located for poultry, 1% story frame dwelling, John St. . M. A. Reid, Seaforth FOR SALE • Two young "sows due in a week. Apply to J. S. O'REILLY, phone 37r23, Dublin. FOR SALE Massey -Harris hay loader. WM. ALEX MARTIN W. STAPLETON, ANDER, .phone 84145, Seaforth central. B.A.,M.D. Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT.. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in - First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance.Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, Ont. Off leers President, F. McGregor, Clinton, Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer- and: Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth R R 3; Chris Leonhardt„ Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; McElwing, Blyth R R 1; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rioh RR 2. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F. MoKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter.. Brodhagen; George A. Watt„Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance, or transact other business, will be, promptly attended to by applications, to any of the : above named officers addressed to their respective poet offices. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M,B., Physician.. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to '9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone OW FOR SALE Iron well pumpin good condition.. Apply to B. BRADBURN, .North. Main St,, Seaforth. FOR SALE House 18x29, Kitchen I6x20 covered with asphalt shingles. Hen house 12x24, All are in good repair. DAVE WATSON, phone 891-22, Seaforth central, FOR SALE Shorthorn cow 4 years old. with heifer calf. HARRY NORRIS, phone 6581.4, Seaforth. FOR SALE Allis Chalmers "60" Combine complete with scour clean, pick-up, bean & clover attach- ments, straw spreader. Apply to HARRY CALDWELL, Kipper, Phone 6671.14. FOR SALE Seven chunks pigs around 50 lbs. Apply to Phone 33 on 70. Hensall. FOR SALE Quebec cook stove in good condition. Apply to MRS, C. WOOD, Side St„ Seaforth. NOTICE I will take convalescing patients. Gond nursing care provided. Pensioners also taken. MRS, GEORGE DUBS, RR1, Londesboro, Phone 27r5 Blyth cental. TEACHER 'WANTED Applications will be received by the under- signed for a fully qualified Protestant teacher for S. S. 4'2, Tuckersmith, Nippon P.O.. Huron Co, Applicants will please state.riuelifi- cations, experience, references and the name of last 'Inspector if experienced, Salary will be according to experience. Duties to cem- -mance Sept. 2nd, S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.- Teeeo.,. Tuckersmith Township School Area No, 1, Seaforth R111. Phyrlolan and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. - 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. C. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchells Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 TENDERS FOR WIRING Tenders are invited foo the wiling of No. 7 School house, - Tuekersmih. 1't wiring to he subject to the approval of the Wiring Inspector. and to be completed (luring midsummer holidays. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Secretary - Treasurer. S. H. WHITMORE, Sec.-Treas., School Area, NOTICE TO OWNERS OR HAR- BORERS OF DOGS iN THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Owing to the excessive damage being done in the killing of pnnitiy by dogs running at large in the Township - of Tuckersmith, the Munitipnl Council requests the co-operation of the ratepayers in curtailing Poch damage. It is suggested that owners keep dogs tied from sunset to sunrise and under proper con- trol at all times.. If such co-operation is not forthcoming, it will be necessary for the Council to enforce Sec. 0, Part 2, of the Dog Tao and -Livestock Protection Act, S.S.C. 1917, which provides that any person may kill any dog. (a) which is found killing or injur- ing livestock or (b) which in a township or village is found between sunset and sunrise 'straying from the premises where the dog is habitually kept or ic) which is found stray- ; trot. where livestock are habitually Sept, E. P.CHESNEY, Clerk, Grade A - Premium Horse THE PUREBRED PERCIIERON STALLION ST. BLAIN BIARQUIS (17084) Enrolment No. 4316 -First Class, Form 1 Mon. -Tues. -Vicinity of Kippen and South. Wed,-Thurs.-Vicinity of Farquhar & south Fri: Sat Vicinity of Dublin and Seaforth: Terms -$2 down; 812 Apr. 1st, 1948. Phone 98x24 Hen all ; or 14x14, Dublin. WILLIAM COLD, Prop. and Manager NOTICE The Pure Bred Belgian Scallion WEST PINE SUPREME --5249;-- Enrolment #3017, 1st class, Form I. The Pure Bred Clydesdale -Stallion ROYAL CARBROOK (27101), Enrolment #3500, 1st Class, Forma I. The Pure bred. Percheron Stallion REFINER (15280) Enrolment #234, 1st Class, Form I. Route for 1047 -Mon, & .Tues., Vicinity of Dungannon, Lucknew, Brussels and Blyth. Wed. & Thurs.-Vicinity of Seaforth, Clinton, Dublin. Fri. & Sat. -Vicinity of KiiPen, Henson and Zurich. Terms;' 51.5 to insure, payable Mar. 1, 1045. T. J. McMICFIAEL, Prop. and Manager The Standard Bred Grade A Premium Horse '"BARON LULWATER 4750 (68989) Will stand at his own .stable, -E3fj Lot 84, Con. 5, McKillop, 815 to insure, payable,April 1st, 1948. Accommodation for mares from a distance, GEO. B. DORRANOE, Propr. and Manager, Seaforth R,R.2. 110. at any me an not under proper con- RENFREWSALES AND SERVICE Hand turned and electric cream separators, also repairs for Anker - holt separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. Phone 618 r 21, Clinton PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envel- ope with price list. 6 samples 25c;. 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamil- ton, Ont. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORT/I SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY' for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CAME • HORSES *HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect" 2.. .17 MITCHELL 219 STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 WE DO THE REST INGERSOLL, ONTARIO