HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-19, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1947 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND SUMMER SEASON OPENING SATURDAY. JUNE 21ST Dancing Every Night Gordon Delamont and his Orchestra Vocals by Vina Smith 11 11111111 d11111 11 This lis undoubtedly111one 11of Canada's finest 11 piece orchestras and the best that Gordon Delamont has ever led. Come out and welcome back this outstandingmusician 611111111111 u1 iiln11 ""161 1111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii 1111111111/1112111111111111111111141161111461111116111 MIDNIGHT DANCE THIS WEEK -END JUNE 23RD -, 12.05 A.M. Admission-- Mon., Tues., Thurs. 50c Wed., Tri„ Sat., Midnites & Holidays 75c HERE'S A REAL TREAT ! SUNDAY JUNE 22ND AT 9 P:M. "VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" • You know how grand these -shows were last year — this year they're batter than over. Silver Collection • Up to date equipment, electric stoves, refrigerators, washing ma- chines and other labour saving ap- pliances improve living and work- ing conditions around the farm home. Farm Improvement loans are readily granted for painting, interior decor- ating, the purchase or improvement of heating, plumbing and sewage sys- • tems or to help buy household and dairy appliances. Modernization is in vogue and we shall be glad to help you save for the improvements you are planning or assist you in purchasing what you want immediately. Come in and talk over your plans with us; • THE DOMINION BANK Established 1871 SEAFORTH BRANCH: E. C. BOSWEL'L, MANAGER Free! Free! Free! 10t Prize, Beautiful New North- ern Electric Radio 2nd Prize, Leeder Electric Auto- matic Iron, All you have to do is guess closest to the number of beans in the jar on display. in the window of Walker Electric. Contest opens Friday noon, and closes June 30th. Walker Electric Phone 95 SEAFORTH Radio Owners Leave your Radio at Box Furniture Store for Experi. enced Service, Work guar- antee 90 days, and charges are reasonable. BatteVes delivered free, and we service sets at your • home. Phone LAWSON RADIO SERVICE, S41-23 Seaforth At Box •Furniture Store Thurs• day afternoon & Saturday evening SWUM You Will Find These WHIZ' Products Useful Tar and Road Oil Remover Hydraulic Brake Fluid Commando Rust Preventative London Coach cleane}• London Coach liquid wax Mirror and Glass Finish Air -fro Auto Polish, Instant Sealer for radiators Metal -Seal for cylinder blocks Fire Extinguisher Fluid Tube Repair Kit Loosen -all Touch-up Enamel Gasket IVlaker ...., iii ; Valve Grinding Compound • ' Daly's Garage .65 .90 .60 .75 .75. .59 .75 .75 1.75 2.00 .25 .60 :65 .50 .60 Ford Monarch Dealer Seaforth. TOWN TOPICS Mr. Peter Ballge, Vancouver, and Mr. William Ballge, Kitchener, are guests at the home of their brother, Mr. John Ballge, I4ut'on Road., Miss Helen Smith of St. Joseph's Hospltal, London, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Nits. H. E. Smith, and is visiting Mrs. Hank Ford, '(Jean Wright), in Cincin nati, Ohio, ' A group of four Cadets from. the Seaforth High School have been chosen to attend this year's camp at Ipperwash, commencing July $rd. Mrs: Joseph Marinelli and daughter Margaret, Sault Ste. Marie, are visit- ing at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. C. Case. Miss Kathleen Holmes, Toronto; was a Week end visitor with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs, C. Vanitlil have re- turned home from a two -months' visit with relatives in: Holland:. Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph Sills and son Joseph, Baltimore, are guests at the homes of Bir, and 1V1rs. C. P. Sills and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sills. Miss Terry McIver, B.A., spent a few days in Petrolia last week. Mist McIver has • accepted it position mi the staff of the Petrolia High School. Mrs. Tom Blake and • Mrs. Will Stoddart visited in St. Marys for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes and Mary spent the week end in London with Mr. and Mrs.'Stewart Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Morrow, Hugh and Jean, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Wright and family of Brampton spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright. Mrs. Etta Eyre and family of Sarnia spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wright. BORN IIOPF—At Scott Memorial Hospital on June 15111, to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon IIo!r. Sen. forth, a. son. WRIGHT -- At Scutt Memorial 'Hospital on June 17th, to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Wright, a son. BALL—In Clinton Public Hospital, on June 9th, 1947, to Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Ball, Auburn, a daughter (Sharon Christine). BAYFIELD Mrs. William H. Talbot The death occurred at her home in the village early Tuesday morning, June 3rd, 1947, of a highly re- spected citizen in the person of Eliz- abeth A. Stevens. widow of the late William H. Talbot. The deceased wo- man who was the daughter of Esth- er Camin and William Stevens was born in Stephen Township, Febru- ary 27th 1867. She was married in Hensall on May 22nd 1889 to Wil- liam Henry . Talbot and they made their home in Stanley Township, coming to the village in 1929 when Mr. Talbot retired from the farm on the Blue Water Highway, now own- ed by his son Leonard Talbot. Mrs. Talbot was a quiet industrious wo- man, devoted to her family and St. Andrew's United Church of which she was an active member in the W. A. and other organizations. She was about as usual until stricken with a heart ailment last fall, since tlien she had been confined to bed. She leaves to mourn her loss four daug- hters, Verde (Mrs., Will Cameron) Seaforth; Minnie (Mrs. E. Vodden) Woodham; Esther (Mrs. Lloyd Ma- kins) Bayfield; Freida (Mrs. Roy Scotchmer) Bronson Line, Stanley Township; two sons, William R. and Leonard, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township, and a sister, Mrs. A. Murray, Exeter. She was predeceased by a daughter Lila, who died in infancy, and a son Melvin, who died July 1937. A brother and sister also predeceased her. The funeral service was held Thursday, June 5t11 at 2:30 p.m. and was large- ly attended. The service was in charge of the pastor of St. And- rew's United Church, Rev, F. G. Stotesbury. Mrs. W. M. Nediger of Clinton, sang a favorite hymn. "Some day He'll make it' -plain to me". Pallbearers were four grand- children: Arnold Makins, Ebner Cameron, Ernest Talbot, Dewar Tal - 'bot, and two nephews. Clifford Tal- bot and Cecil Murray. The flower bearers were four grand children: Marion Making, Rena Murray, Billie (Jr.) Talbot, Kenneth Scotchmer, Bobby Talbot. Interment was in )Bayfield , cemetery. The sympathy of the community is with the bereaved ones. Doctor Jowett, Mrs. Jowett and sons John and Robert of Clinton, Iowa, are visiting Doctor Jowett's aunt Mrs. Cecil N. Brown at Briar Cottage. The Misses Kruke and their bro- ther and his family spent the week- end in the village Doctor Gordon Lee, Mrs. Lee and young son Billy of Prince Edward Island are . visiting Mrs, Lee's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Archie Armstrong NH's, Alexander arrived from the West this week to 'visit Mrs. David Volume and: her sister Miss Margar- et Volume at Blink Bonnie cottage. Miss Marion Fairbairn enter- tained several guests from Detroit over the weekend. Many will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. George McGlinchey, mother 'of Mrs. Ivan Steckle. Mrs. McClinchey was laid to. rest in the Bayfield' cemetery on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon •.Galbraith and family of Hamilton have taken up residence at their cottage on the Signal Bank and . will spend the summer at their cottage beside Lake Huron. Miss Laing of. Detroit is a guest of Miss Catharine Rankin. Mr. N. Rolfe of London spent the weekend at his cottage. Miss . Helen Mc1{ercher of Sea - forth and party of .friends spent the weekend at one of the -Jowett cot- tages Mr. Simon MacKenzie of Rainy, River was a guest of Mr. Hugh and Miss Mary Gilmour and called on many old time friends here. The Harvey family of Dearborn, DANCE ! in Cardno's Hall Saturday, ,June 21 Norm. Carnegie and His Band ADMISSION 50c Michigan spent the weekend at the Little Inn; Miss Margaret Ferguson left this week to visit her brothers at Sud- bury. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Smith and family, Mcliillop and Mrs. John C. Diegel visited with Bir. and Mrs. George Diegel on Sunday , it being the occasion of Mrs. Diegel's 70th birthday. Mrs. Harold 'Diegel spent a few 'days with her daughter, Mrs. Don Markle and Mr. Markle at Wood- stock last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Leonhardt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Matthies at Tavistock on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mogk and Nancy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Berry at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and Audrey visited Mrs. Green's father Mr. J. Livermore at St. Joseph's hos- pital, London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton _ Hinz and Gerald visited Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sippel at Tavistock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sins, Bobby and Barbara, NIr. and Mrs. Howard Querengesser and Susan, all of Wa- 111111161 /111111111161111,11111111111111111111111IIIIIIII11,11111,1111111,111111111611111,,111111111I111111111111111111116111111111111111111 AMUSCAL RECITAL ILL BE HELD IN Brucefield United Church, Brucefield Thursday, June 26th, at 8.30 p.m. (D,S.T.) By Mr. George S. Lethbridge, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Paurs Cathedral, London, accompanied by "The Boy Choristers" of St. Paul's Cathedral, London; with "Soloists" and " Girl Trios" and 'Duets" Colne and hear this eminent musician leading in an e of out- standing musical entertainment, using the new "Hammond Organ" recently installed in the Brucefield United Church Admission — Adults 511c. Children 25c I1 ilnn111lnln11111111111111111111111111111111111111u111,n 111111,n111unp,1111111111111,11"1111111"IIn111n111111111 1/111111111 terloo with Mi. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Carlton, Mrs. Carlton, Sr. of Niagara Falls, N.Y., Mrs. Barbara McLeod and Jean of Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hinz and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell, Ml's. Adam Steiss of Manitoba, Miss Elsie Steiss of Toronto, with Mrs. Sophie Bennewi es. Mr. and Mrs. W. Agar, Carrie Mogk of Penticton, British Columbia visited at the hone of J. F. Prueter on Sunday. Miss Marlene Bennewies of Mitch- ell has been visiting with her grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ben- newies. .11111116111111111611111111111111,111111111111111111"II)I11a11111111111111111111111an11111 n111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111U6111111111a1" Notice WE WILL BE UNLOADING HARD COAL NEXT WEEK Please phone your orders to No. 9 Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative 111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111 ,111, 111116111114111 lllll 111111116111111111411161111111111111111111111111111611111111411111111141111141 A FILM 11 114111614 IN WINTHROP HALL Tuesday, June 24 AT 8.30 P.M. EVERYBODY WELCOME McKillop Federation of Agriculture SAM SCOTT, Pres. A. R. DODDS, Sec.-Treas. 1111111111111"1111111111111„,111111111111111111111„11111111111111111111,. Tuckersmith Tp. School Area 1 WILL HOLD ITS Annual Basket Picnic .FRIDAY, JUNE 27 at the Seaforth Lions Park An attractive Program of Races and Games has been arranged to begin promptly at 2.30 p.m. COME AND BRING YOUR FAMILY .1111111111”1111111111111111111111111111111111110nu11u111n1",a11neR Asly "No masculine muscles needed to drive a Chevrolet! The gearshift on the steering column lets me shift gears with one finger—without shifting my grip on the wheel. And because every control responds so readily to the lightest touch, I can drive a Chevrolet all day long without strain or effort ... park it quickly and conveniently whenever,I choose." "If you're like me—if you value appearance—you'll lose your heart to the winning charms of Chevrolet. You'll love its long, sweet lines, its roomy and luxurious interior, its rich upholstery. It's truly the most beautiful car we've ever owned." "I never worry about delays or unexpected breakdowns in inconvenient places ... now that I drive a Chevrolet! I wear my smartest, gayest costume, my most frivolous shoes—knowing I can depend on Chevrolet to carry me over good roads and bad, mile after utile, month after month, with never a need for even a minor repair." CH EVIIOLET .....mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ill Yes ... it's Chevrolet ... the car that offers Big -Car quality at low cost. You'll recognize this Big -Car quality in Chevrolet's Big -Car beauty, Big -Car comfort, Big -Car safety, and in the many vital features found only in Chevrolet and higher -priced cars. And every model brings you the great plus value of Chevrolet's traditional economy of operation and low coat of maintenance. . .r The smiling demand for the naw Chevrolet is setting an all-time record. Ire cosmos hope for maty months to fill all The .orders pouring in. If you are among the many who have tel' your sights on Chevrolet's Big -Car Quality at Low Cost, we suggest thus while you wail, you rely ori your Chevrolet Deakr' s service to keep year present car running smoothly and safely, 04470 Seaforth :Motors