HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-19, Page 3CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED A BIJSINESB '61 ,your own! Want a 0010- 001101110 yearly lncome7 John R. Creepy Company, manufacturersof food einelaltles, u flavouring extracts; packaged drugs, eonpn, •patent medicines, etc„ have an attractive. proposition for those who can quality for one of the exclusive .Creasy dealerships: Which are now. available. Thiels a pleasant, profitable Ocpunat/on for m'ogresslve, Industria. Men and women, Write today for full particulars, giving a few details about yourself, to: John It, Cressy Coinnany,-1686 W. Pandas '. St. West,. Toronto 3, Ontario. 8A81/ 0E10E8 BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our pekes for Baby Chicks and started Chleka. , will eur0rlae you. All Chicks from blood tested stook, Carleton Hatchery. Britannia- Heights. Ont, — YOU CAN still .get Twaddle Chicks, we will have regular hatches every.. week up until July 14th, and they will be the same vigdFous, thrifty chicks that have been doles so well for so 1110117 people, Vigor, fast growth, early Fall development aro double o bio . eynt 1p the 011 id.n You start Y Front now on, They help ho van catch up and caalt In, Aek ..yeas who teas ralsed Twetldle chicks hots they can lake hold 0x00 and develop. We hnye 12 pure breed. and 12 hybrid crosses In non -sexed, pullet. and cockerels to choose from... Prompt delivery on day old, two and three week old and older pullet. eight weeks to laying, send for re- duced prices for June and free catalogue. TWeedle Chlek 'Hatcheries Limited, Inerguh, Ontario. - 9c HURONDALE CHICKS Ile Sussex X New Hamas.. Rock X Ramps.. Barred Reck,. New flatlpa„ Rock X Leg - horns, Sussex X Leghorne; New (fame. X Leghorn. and Pure Leghorne 110, Pure 8ds• ecu 12c. Assorted Mixed Chick. 10„ 1HURONDALE PULLETS 19c All heavy breed puileta 19c, after June let 17c. Medium • Breeds and Leghorne 210. As- sorted Pullet's 17e. Heavy Breed Cockerel. - 3000 BREEDERS A1l double bloodtested. banded and celled by Inspectors, backed by, high Dedlgreed remain. Con stock, Many cstomer,, report wonder- ful emcees. "Bent Chicks I Ever Had." STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 WEEKS' TO 0 WEEIKS. 01.D. 2 weeks add 4c. 8 wee. add 100.- 4 week. add 191. 6 weeks add 20e, 0 weeks' old pul- lets 62e. 100live delivery guaranteed. 51.00. per 120 deposit nn'. day Olde, 10% on started orders. Order from and ENCLOSE this ed. HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS 11001 type New Howne. 20. all other heavy breeds O1fic. Assorted heavy Cox 6;yc. 'Rock X Leghorn Sussex X Leghm'na 216c. Day old Cox only. Hurondale Chick Hatchery, 1,0740074,.. ONT. "WANT started cliides7 leo have pullets, ami -sexed and cockerels, prompt ehiplpent. Alin some alerted. Most breeds, but write what you need, and ger our Ilst. Bray'Hat- chery, 130 John N,, Hamilton, Ont. 1ASY to raise pullets. No brooding tient re• 0utred. Two to tour weeps -old. Special .'tees )24.75 to 1,30.75. First class healthy Mlorlr. Also day old chicks any time, Write for prices Or send *1.00 deposit for eerie shipment.: Fisher Ocoheres, ILE, No. 2, Ferenc.. Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12c e8nmo high quality at these low prices, .Here's 1,0110 opportunity to get Ms high 00allty stock at these reasonable prices. Pure Sussex, 0110 - sex X New Ramp., Barred Rocks, Rock 2 New Ihtmps.,. New Harps,. Sussex X Leg horns, Rock X Leghorne. New Ramps: .X Leghorne, Large' Type 'While Leghorne nixed 811 00 per 100. Assorted blind 810.00 per 100, LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c .All day old pullets 20c, Started Pullets' and mixed hldcs, Two weeksold add le, 8 weeks 1,14 odd lOr, 4.weells old add 101, 0 Week old 'Pullets 45e -each, 6 week old Pullet 60c eneh, BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 Breeder. .All double. blood (ested, banded ntld culled far body type 81111 ruggedness. Slatched under Ideal conditions: "Best Chicks we ever had:. Pullets errlosing swell, cockerelsgond elm" from Lloeoln Lucdke; Eden Grove, Ont. "Never had such good Iitekwith- put lets," reporin Ernest Cl, Barnhardt, Hawke- Mtonc. Kett. Order from this ad, or send for Price Last end Catalogue and full particulars,. 7o receive these prices enclose Flits aa, with Your order. Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros., Exeter, Oetarlo. B.VI(:.1 INS In elite. for this week and next: Tel red Rnek, Now Hampshire, White Rork, Light 01,0000, New Hamnahiro X. Barred Bock, ]Jarred Rock t New Hampshire& Light Sus-: pox X New: Hnm0Ohlr0O, Light Sussex X Bar- red Hock 000 00000 0.00, pullets 15.03. cork- erels 8 95. Aeso,ted Henvles non -flexed 1.16, pullets 14.91, cockerele 7.96. 'White Leghorn X. Barred hock, Amita While 8,05, pullets :3.98, cockerels 3.90. White Leghorn 8.01, 2,011010 1.8.96 eockeeels 1.00, Assorted Light or Medium breeds non -sexed 7.06, pullets 17.95, '•wo week old add 6,00, throe week: old add 11.00 per hundred. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must erc0mpany your order to receive these 000010 prices. Also pullets eight weeks In Myles, Top Nole11 Chlckrries, (Mehdl, Ontario. READY MADE CAPONS It pays to raise Capons. The price of Capone 15 apnreeirnat'ely 2c lb.. higher thou' the price is of cockerels. c e 'tV n ennoni8o �heOckerela o al 8 weMls and send the ready made Capone out at 4 weelco, no fuss. no trouble, Send for Prk:n .List and full particulars, Prompt. dclivme. It voe act quickly, • Lakeview Poultry Farm Wee Bros.. Exeter. Ontario. FAIKMS FOR -8A'LE MEDICAL 100 ACRES, 76 acre. under cultivation, 25. .bush, excellent clay loam, natural drainage, Renxonable Forma, Mrs, G. Menotfie, Ater- rinliurg, oat. 200 -ACRE "Farm for sale, 76 tillable, well watered, bank barn, frame house in rood repel& possession any time. Archie Simpson,, Laynnt Station, Ontario,• :11(116 BALE ATTENTION FARMERS! Se Ye that hay. Grain feeds will be In short comply, .Insure the maximum valuefrom year hay' crop 'by using the ROANOKE'HAY BAILER—made 'especially for the farmer, light' 1n -weight—mounted engine . driven or Dower take off attachment—alvei or rubber tires—pl'oven In performance, fair in price and available, for Immediate delivery, Write Or phone now' for tell particular.. - GREENWOOD AND PLAUNT 55 Darling St. " B:RANTFORD, ONT. ATTENTION leAR61ER8 FOR BALE—Tractor Tire., made of rubber, imitable for bolting a steel, wheels81ee00 each, rear Wheels:• 87.60 each, front wheals: When ordering state diameter and widtl, of wheels. National Rubber Co, Ltd., 6 Wilt. shire Ave„ Toronto.,' Ont. BILLFOLDS,' genuine' blackleather, four windows, chonge Puree. .Lamp. pockets, 013 - per closing 14,00 delivered, Money refunded guarantee. Williams Mall Order Hone, Box 830, Toronto. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Agricultural insectleldee, morays, powders, disinfectants, .deodorants, oolontlllcally 'for- mulated for- hest' results, For Information and prlcee write- Canadian Dla(rlbutore Ltd., 2541NIagara St., Toronto, FAST SELLING 011 Burner, Electric Blower Tyne, can burn Wood, coal Or ell anytime. n, changing Ileceaeary, all territories ODen, Also plumbing fIeterea. available, Informa- tlort for Oaten. Economy Distributors, Xing - Mon, - Ont. FLAGS All sizes Union Jack. or Canadian Enelgn., 0ewn wool bunting. Special offering on 4r,L. and 6. foot Union Jacke. Fast dye sewn. eaten. Discount for quantltle., Brighten Your eon111001ty or home by flying a good quality ' flag, Jobn 'Leckie Limited, 77 Wel- liuglnn St. Weer, Toronto,•. FANS Oar clock in complete. We slow have for Inu,iedlate delivery 11" and 10" deal, Lone p vetNfrom 87 96 up, 8' Kitchen fan. 12160 10" TCtteben Pane 825.00 12" to 24" Ex- haust fans far restaurants, -hotel bank., fuvtorlee, elf., all guaranteed. 10", 18". 20", and 24" pedestal fans In both bench,. celling, and floor model.. When ordering.. please stele whether 26. or 00 cycle, Order now to mecum prompt delivery. Molina all Mae., 25and c0 Cycle: Write now for your .cede to MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 King Street West Hamilton, Ontario. FOR SALE -creed Healing Plant for ante In Got dans condition—Taylor-Forbes Victor Roller No, 000A,aloe stoker and puilip—Only been In nee a few years. Iultable for fairly large building, 1-200 gallon 'hot weter. tank and a number Of showers with all connections with dndi. yid.' cabinets. For particular*, write Robert Chapman. .Mitchell Box 262, HARNESS and oboe repair alien and oaulp- .lent and also belt epiteing equipment for sale and also a 7 room 2 storey brick house. Immediate possession. For particulars write A. C. Irwin, Oorrie, Ont. HEAVY • MILITARY farm wagons, ue0d for circular. Percy 1. Berbl'ldge, Room 806 Plena Bldg., Ottawa, Ont. 112024 A3r'. Potato Planters—one or tworow; On bled or rubber. Immediate delivery, H, if: leleming & Sona.. Blenheim, Dietrlbutor, FEATHER TAIL Desk Retriever puppiestwo menthe cid. 'Pa renis wonderful hunters. Moles 120, Females *15, Thos, Chinnlck, Clmllnam, 11.13, No. 1, LARGE White Pekin Ducklings. broad Imea.l- 04 bronze Turkey Peelle, Quality Electric Hatchery, IKitchener, (WO, Ontario, NEW BED OUTFIT New Simmons Panel bed, non -sag airing and mallreno 824.86. Write for free catalogue. Ma Herder Furniture Warehouse,1.70 Paella.' meet Street, •Tm'onlo. OILS, Oreaaes, 'siren, Insecticide", Electric Pence .Co0lrollera, Rouse and Burn Point, Root Costings, etc, Dealers wonted, Writ. Worco Orenoe & 011 Limited, T'nronto, TIRES 110. are overstocked at the present of good used trade-in Urea (auarnateed to be In ex.. cellent 1111011.1. 800 X 16 — $5.00 All Drama Milpped C.O.D. Special equipment' for vulcanizing Truck 0nd Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen nue York Ste Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED: TIRE SHOP Oealera: Wattled 'TOILETS For Sumpter' Cottages. Farms, Schools, and Camps. Can be used with or without running. water. - Caustic Sanitation, Ltd., 21 Ridley Blvd.. Toronto. Outarlo, - TYPEWRITER, Underwood Slnhd., rd 840.00 and Portable with case' 840. Both excellent condition.. 'Wltl ship (7.0.2),. Wriee 137 Bee - serer St., Ottawa, Ont. 12" (1'000 Planets, Jointers. 1000,1 Simpers, 14"• Band Sane, Drills, Portable Sanders, ft youneed one write: Giron Machinery, P.O. Box• 276 Toronto, Ont, 1I f SAVE 118117,'hues and feed with the.o. two 111111 three week old started .chloke.. We have the following breeds to chose fro., In nen-sexed.• pullel0 and cockerels: Berton Rooke, NOW - llnmpshh•c \ 7,1Hann.'t Sussex. New Hamn shire t -Barrer) honks, WhileLeghorn& Mark Au0trahnT S Wliite.1101,0rns, Barred to Rode X white 1,eshorns, New I{ampslll'e& whlro Rocks, 0.111,2 Sueaex X Bernd Reeks, 00 idgbt Sussex \. New N'antnshiroa, 2,10111 Sun- 1n sex, Send for neccinl nricellot also pullets 7,1 eight weeks to I0Yi,,g, Ttrcd4le Chick Hat- a ohrrioo 1.11u110I 2, 4, .& 6 Week Old Pullets Also tnixkd cljlche and cockerels, All raised In brand new air-conditioned brooder plant. under Ideal conditions. Send: for •Weekly Special 1,101 of started chicks, Lakevie\v'. Poultry Porn, Exeter, Ontario. 1,U11NI ri4a.: CHESTERFIELD SUITES hebterfietd Suites nbuolutoly new. full spring lied conetructlot very el.11e finest Mohair. .lour, Prise, Brnentiele. Sols, Damasks nd other tins Lard 'veering ullholste, hoe a brl_s. .109 1iYP;1F.:CII1BTr,RPuELD-: SUITES TO C1I00811- PROM:FREE DELIVERY TO YOUR NEAREST STATION. TODD O 'been N In the ,eotorlleld tulle bus noes s, r 69 yen'and Is: t•ecOgntxnn l Flt the '1 rade n. rn'Oln 11st . and the most purticula, buyerthe beelnees, Wed below ore n. few nl mfr' rash .rices for LI4LITY CHESTI11110IELD SUITES, l Vera.. Orli arlo. $119.00' 3 piece modern mites. l2alloon. 0001011.0 covered nit ever with fine quality velour, 1001, 3 • d1ie41,', ne Period Suite — Uncut Beautiful 2 ple00'Lawson Suite. sheet 2 "Isco Charles of Ian - 110:1 blitpN. - ' Many ower outaandh,g values: SAVE AS MUCH AS $100.00 Buy ahsolot.el'y .new menufaalurerb factory showroom :tonight suites direct from 'TODD: $1 $f 1st BATH/100M -00,,I1I''1T8:, CARLOAD OI Imported IRItlroon, O.trite FIRST QUALITY BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLETE ' f olmi.tlllg. 01, TUB: 5' recess. ('50t iron. porcelain 1.111, Ohre., titthlg.4- SIIOIM• 111111 Shower Rod. T011,I9'l', 'Two -niece vitreous eh'nn with seat nnll ea 41n, BAS/N: Vitreous or ravthron, ohreun centre, tenter supply and fittings. anplet& .40,17?!AVAIIAIII,C in IMO of 0110 10 len 110tfitp (3-a:100 unite) or Tubs 11m1, Basins twilit, 1:11,11:01 setnrntely. SINCLE L , t inottirles will be 'walled through 11 1, hells denier in your district. 11,rito te:' H. J. PARR & COMPANY l,nnlarlrl'N — Wholesale Distributors I'.(l, jinx .011.1. London. (ill.. „. I)V lid N(:. AAU CI:64 AIN IN(1. 49.00 19.00 19.00 S. J. TODD & SONS, 745 WOODBINE AVE. (Rear), TORONTO. Phone GROVE18 4343. HAIRDRESSING: LEARN Hahrdreealns the Robertann method. Inlurmarlon on request re00rtlinu clasps. Roterlson a Halydreeein¢ 'Academy. 137' Ave. nue 'Rand Toronto, HELP ]TANTED 1tIDD1,E \OE Woman for han00lceeper, noel- able, ReLr encs, reliable. Chliatlan, fruit term, 'Len Houeser. B nnlnviao, Ont. WANTED Immediately, Dealer for. Bracken and Wal.riel. Health Ltnit number one, 'Pees guaranteed Welle or wit•e.11re. J. S. Mooney, Secretary, Blacked Bobpi lal Board, Bracken, RA le 11 1(111 n,4lh105 neon dyeing et Olen. 81,11(01(41 les 1l ell r to ue for in formal don We ere i\AT(72;0 11111.1" U; motet, Retedr for 1104 In e : r your genet In... Depart meet 1 he Non itc Pa ins Neu el tix Tnoueamle H 1P( rltt'r n e 150110 Limt1c6, 791 ToninOrel log. It. Almire's Drug Slots, 329' Elgin, Street, Toronto, Ontario. - Ottawa.'..PostOuld $1.00, WHY SUFFER ARTHRITIC and rheumatic:. torment 'when Breenatona.of- tern prompt Ian'ing relief. One months' treatment 04,02 postpaid, Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver.. (3002) RESOLUTION.— Every 00010/01 of Rhei ntatic Paine or Neur1110 should try Dixon'. Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 888 Elgin, Ottawa, Pootpald 21.00., OPPORTUNITIES FOR •WOMEN BE A IAIDRESSER • JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity' Lepa r • Hairdressing • Pleasant dlgnlfledDroteealon,, good was., thoueand successful. 6lnrvai. :graduates: America's grgat.t aYstem.:' Illustrated eaten leg. free. Write or Call ' MARVDL,HAIRDRESSING. SCHOOLS 86*. Bloor St. W.. Toronto • Branohea' 44 'King St., Hamilton A 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa ` OFFE6T U• INVENTORS AN .OFFER to every Inventor—List of lnven- 11on0 and full Information sant - free, The Ramsay Co„ Regletered Patent Attorneys,' 270. Bank Street,' Ottawa,. PATENTS F1THERSTONAUGH, & Company Patent Solicitors, Established 1890. 14 KO. Wee& Toronto. Booklet of information on request: PERSONAL. LONESOME — 1)0 - you desire respectable frieu0ahip7 Hurry, time t fleeting. Some - here w your "future nweetheart Weeks acaunlnt- anc. Splendid position/ means, Information tree. Canadian Frlendehlp Society, Box 112, Durham, Ontario. PHOTOGRAPHY COAST to const—Rolle finished 8 print 28a 6 x 7 enlargements Mounted 800, Prints copied 40,, Reprints 3c. Ideal Snapshot Ser- vice, King -eon, Ontario. - - " GET BETTER PICTURES from this big, reliable studio AT LOWER PRICES Don't rink your films, Send them to Star. Snapshot Service. ANY 812E ROLL 6 or 8 ExDosuroe DEVELOPED and ('00NTED 80a Reprints front your negatives 4a, 2 mounted enlargement. 4 x 6" 260. En- largemente framed 7 x e" In Gold, Sllvdr. Walnut' or Black )Frame. 74e. If pictures colored 94c. Print. - and enlargement made from print. of Met negatives. Dent. el STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 129, POST O1"FI0E A, '-TORONTO ROLLS PRINTED AND , DEVELOPED 25c Reprints 3e each 89 CANADA'S MOST COMPLETE PHOTO- GRAPHIC SERVICE AN8C0 COLOR ROLLS PROCESSOR 01.20 each Printon Color Enlargements—brices on re- queet. 'Full stock of Ammo Film at regular prices. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Dox. 6, Station 0., Toronto. TEACHERS WANTED DIINAKA 1.2) , No. 1 requires .teacher with Salary 31,500 yeart eine. , furnishedvto cher,igo. fueber l. Apply stating marital statusand quallaoatlono to M. O. Reid. Sec.-treus., Minekl, Ont. WANTED WANTED -All kinin Of aroused poultry, Top prlcee for top birds, Joseph Conner Llmited, Poultry Dept, 2004 Danforth Ave., Toronto 4. ( We do custom grading), Push -Button Rain It is reported that Soviet scientists, who have had pretty .good luck in persuading clouds to produces rain, are now working on a scheme for making it stop raining: The idea, says a Russian newspaper, "Is ap- proaching, reality." Well, perhaps the elements may thus be removed from the class of uncontrollable things. Possibly, in a short time, the rain will Ito longer fall o11 the just and the unjust alike. Wonderful! But it is hard to keep the eiit!tusiasm from being Couched with melancholy. Is it not a pity that Science so far has made tee headway in control- ling human contrariness? Somehow it seems a lot more important to pre- vent push-button War than to pro, duce push-button rainfall. NOW AVAILABLE For Immediate Delivery SNOW PACS Touch, waterproofed leather upnera 0ecureiy caliche,' to all -rubber bottom. ' 6110. un tier Held U.S. Cavil am'rl- fcntions. Colne with Innersole. and. I'nwhide laces, Best weather re. 140tunt for hunters, lumberme,i fa einem, etc. Sixes 6 to 18 Or.. dor ,cg alar rine site 11 IN.•M " max ='" rov'rl•AID. Order by 81011-1'(1031 FntlCNI) 9ALER CO., -BOX 6687 CHICAGO. IID., nnolosed Is 8 , ( I Cr2Lrrx ( 1 61ONET 01002112 fc,r pre. SNOW PACS. else P IR 98 each, NAME ADDILESS 0114 00100, C1,5 ISSUE 25-1947 Yugoslays Leave Canada for Homeland—Departing' Canada, their adopted home for soine years, 1,500 Yugoslays have re- turned to their native land to help in its reconstruction. These three troubadours seem happy at the thought of being united with loved ones. There were so many -musicians in the first batch which left Montreal a fortnight ago that two orchestras were immediately organized on shipboard. Sports And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Those hard-working International Athletic Federation lads have been doing a bit of pre -Olympic butt -end- ing and gouging, their bone of con- tention being the old one of just how much money an athlete may accept and still take that amateur oath without the tongue in his check showing too plainly. Over the years we have heard this question of "What is an amateur?" discussed countless times and the definition we always like best was that of an old friend—"An amateur is a guy who can't play well enough to get dough at it, or else is too dumb to ask." * * * That definition is, perhaps, a trifle on the cynical side. For, there is a —third kind of amateur—tile type who play tennis, golf and other sports we might mention for the shed- love of it, and who scorn all offers of money for their efforts until, of course, such offers get so big that nobody with common sense can turn them down. But these, it .tight be noted, usually have sufficient incomes that they don't need to worry about tite weekly board and room-rent—like the great amateur polo -player who said that the first essential towards excelling in that sport was an easy- going millionaire father,. * * * • And- trot that it has any connection with the foregoing, 7l'¢ would like to record there the remark of a small girl of our acquaintance, Made at the • time Totten all Canada Was ringing with the exploits of Miss Barbara Ana` Scott. "If Barbara Ann has been practising eight 'hours a day curs since she was thirteen, like they say';` Mused the little maiden, "1 guess maybe she didn't ha.'e to help her tJrnrhlna with .t'illi the dishes and housework as much as 1 do." * * * Examples of fine, sterling sports- manship are always worthy ut nate; and the latest to con17 60 our startled attention \vas that of Atr, Eddie Arcaro—haiIcd,'in some quarters, as "the \co'ld's greatest jockey." As perhaps you will. recall, \Ir,. Arcat'o had the' to -in on the favorite PHALANX In boll. the Kentucky Derby lull Pixaknt•ss, failing 10 get down in front eithe0 time, to the consternation of many investors. Then, in the 13clmont .Slakes,, the coln1)1001••11ly :unknown Dot:oso was in the saddle, an(1 won in handy style. And (lid Air. Arcaro, who only makes scvcnty-flue thousand 01' 80 a year, rush to congratulate young Donoso on his winning effort? Mr. Arcaro rose to the occasion in a manner worthy of the best traditions of The Turf. "Any one of the fifteen guys in this jockey -room," snarled Mr. Arcaro, could have won that race on PHALANX just as easy." Just a pint-size Galahad! * 6 UTTER IGNORANCE NOTE— Various American C011Wltlttl'ts are in a high state of agitation over the news that Russian children are being taught Net the Red Forces won the recent World War practically unaid- ed. If those poor Russian kids only had the advantage of reading certain largely -circulated American periodi- cals they would understand, of course, that this particular honor be- longs sl1Ctly to the United Stales Navy, Army and Air Force. * * * You .may have noticed photographs of the English Derby winner, PEARL DIVER, wearing what looked like a thick white muffler on his aristocratic shoot, this being al- most invariably tabbed by the news- paper. caption -writers as a "white nose -band." Not that it matters a tinker's dam, but just. to show our superior fund of nseles information, we may tell you that it is not a nose- band, but a shadow -roll The idea is that 001ne high-spirited steeds, when they sce a shadow on the track ahead of then, got nervous and try to leap over gains; and the shadow -roll is supposed to prevent this. We might add lliat the kind we have wagered on lately need noticing of the sort, not having enough life to hop over a rattlesnake, let alone a shadow. Lucky Seals The fur seal,: says a naturalist, may have c as many as 150 mates. And all of them sporting beautiful seal coats that didn't cost him a nicked—Stratford Beacon -Herald. Look First "Where you going?" asked the farmer of his hired man, who had just borrowed a lantern. "Courting." "Carrying a lantern is a waste of Inoney. When I went ,courting I went in the dark." "Yea, and look what you got:" .: 5% DDT Rena 1011CTK12! DESTROYS •* FLIES, MOTHS MOSQUITOES ROOMS, els. Stainless , Economical YOUR GUARANT9d len 5101 ON rat 1.046 0l7100 10U1030_ kAOOtD P. 51101,0, COMPANY IID. j'G01 1G CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War .Quality BLUE COVER PURE WHITE The only Cigarette Paper MADE IN FRANCE on sale in Canada Free Burning (Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves For E&S)r pou.syG use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER S� • Headaches? ch es. Don't you �✓ ewe`, :i" . envy people who never S, hove head- aches? The Si fact that 50/00 folks 1 ! are free from them Ls*shows that there must be a reason why you get them. Very often the cause of headaches is found in faulty elimination. Poisonous waste substances accumulate in the system and the result is headaches and depressed feelings. And that's your cue to try Kruschen. Start tomorrow morning with a small dose of Krueehen in your ten, coffee, hot water or fruit juice. Your organs of elimination will soon respond and your body will gratefully experience n cleanliness from these poieenotet want.. Kruschen is helping thousands of heodechoy, liverish people to feel better and look brighter. Let.Kruschen1ell you. At all Druggists: 25e and 76c. KRIJSC. . Helps keep yot, up to the mark! 41111111.. ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH 72 CIGARETTE TOBACCO MUTT AND JEFF—And That's Not All, No Rudder Either! GO ON! YOU DON'T Ay! YOU'RE KNOW HoWToRoW! I DO Too! pRETTY000D GET iN I'LL WITH THE SHOW YOU HOW OARS AT • 6000 I AM! . THAT! YOU 000'11lT To. SEE ME WITH THE ANCHOR URI fy By BUD FISHER