HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-12, Page 4• THE SEAFORTH NEWS,. WALTON Mr. and ivies, Mark Hamilton ant! Billie, visiting on Sunday with. friends at Hespeler. Mrs. Lillian Dennison Mrs LdIlian M. Dennison of 61 Allan St. West, Waterloo, died sud- denly at her home. She was 66 Years of age. The deceased was born June 13,• 1880in McKillop Township. She was a member of First United Church, Waterloo. Tier husband, Al- fred W, 'Dennison, predeceased her on Aug, 24, 1946. She is survived br a son, William Alfred Dennison of Waterloo, ,and four daughters; Miss Elaine Dennison, Miss Dorothy Dennison and Miss Iris Dennison of Waterloo,. and Mrs. A. J. (Evelyn) Heal of Whitevale, Ont,- There is also a brother, Harvey Wiltsie of Waterloo, and - four , sisters: - Mrs. Harold Deem of Burlington, Mrs. Julia 'Dennison of Detroit, Mrs, Harry Douglas of Edmonton, and Mrs. Maria Harris of -Freston. Bride -Elect Honored By Friends Mrs. Dale entertained 'on Monday ' afternoon in honour of Miss Mae Shortreed .whose marriage to air. Elgin Johnson of Wingham •takes place on June14. As Miss Shortreed entered the living room, Mrs. Dale pinned a corsage on the guest of honour who was then shown to a chair decorated in pink and blue and white with streamers leading to hidden gifts. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received, An im- portant feature of the afternoon was a mock wedding which caused Jamieson, who had s been training for a nurse in. Stratford hospital. We are very sorry to' hear that Mrs. Thomas Colson of Blyth and formerly of Harlook suffered a heavy 'stroke 'on Saturday morning last week. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and 3'Irs. John McIntosh and f:'nuly spent the Week end with Mrs. 1IcIrytosh's parents;' Mr..and Mr. C. Haugh. Mr. B, O'Rourke was confined to his room last week through illness; Friends hope he will soon be able to carry on his work. The W. M. S. 11e111 their monthly meeting on Tuesday with site presid- ent Mra' H. Dalrymple in; charge. Mrs. C. Haugh conducted, the -worship orship ,arvice, which opened with prayer. Hymn "Jesus shall reign". was stub; Atter scripture reading Eph 211-22, ^n,` prayer, hymn "bp Christ then e. 1» no east -nor west" .the president had charge of the business; roll call was answered with a verse .on Unity". Miss E. Bowey then gave a report of the London Conference Branch which was held in Aylmer in May. We:re- gret there were not more present tc hear this very sxeellent report, A vote of thanks was tendered Miss Boivey. The meeting closed with pray- er by Mrs. Dalrymple. The July meet- ing will be taken by Home Helpers. The choir will present their play "Happiness Ahead" on Friday 'even- ing, June 13th, in Varna, under the auspices of the Women's Association great excitement and lots of laugh- of the United Chueck there. ter. Those taking part were: Bride, Next Sunday at the morning ser - Isobel McDonald; Groom, Mrs. Bill vice the sacrament of the Lord's sup- Brown; maid of 'honour, Mrs. O. per will be observed; preparatory set, Searle; best man, Edna McDonald; vice will be held -on Thursday evening. minister, Mrs. Pat Bradley; father, Mrs. Jas. Berry is visiting With Miss K. McDonald. Miss Philis Cut- friends and relatives in London. hill sang a solo, Mrs. Harvey Brown, Mrs. Jas. Moody returned froni•a pianist. visit with friends in Goderich. An address was given by Miss I{. Rev. E. Stanway and Mr. R. P. McDonald as follows: Dear Mae — Watson attended the London Confer- We have gathered this afternoon to elleS in Chatham last week. honour you on the event of your an- Rev. C. Down, a retired minister of proaching marriage. We are sorry Exeter. occupied the pulpit here on you are leaving us but realize that Sunday morning while Rev. E. Stan - what is one's loss is another gain. way took the Sunday School anuiver- Please accept these gifts as a slight nary service in Main St. Church, token of our esteem. We hope they Exeter. will give you many pleasant mem- Some' from here attended the Odd oi'iee of your sincere friends who Fellows service in Clinton last Sun - wish you many years of success and day morning. happiness. Signed on behalf of your Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry attended the friends and neighbours. flower service at Wingham Sunday. Miss Shortreed expressed her Several from here attended the thanks in a few well chosen words. graduation of .nurses at Stratford last A delicious lunch was then served Wednesday. Miss G. Smith of Bruce - by the hostess. field was one of the graduates, Mr. George Caister of Cass City, Mrs. Coffin from California visited Mich., and his sister, Miss Caister, at the home of .her cousins, Mr. and have returned to their home after a Mrs. -L. Eyre over the week end. week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mrs. W. Logan, Mrs. M. Harvey and Kirkby of this village. Dr. H. F. MIrs. S.Z., Carlile of Hensall visited with Kirkby accompanied them. their sister Mrs. W. Douglas Monday. Mr. Jarret Noble of Wawanesa, Man. and his brother, Mr. Dick K I P P E N. Noble and wife of Clinton spent W M. S. Meet Sunday with friends here. l The W.M.S. met on Wednesday The funeral of the late Mrs. W. H. Maunders took place Friday, May 30, to Br'uzeet's cemetery. She passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Coates. of Pickering. Mr. Barry Marshall. Ajax, at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John 'Marshall. Mr'. and Mrs. Harry Bolger at Listowel. Mi•. end Mrs. Wm. Bennett at Wingham. Mrs. Earl Watson a: Wrox•:ser. HARLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirkby of Wal- ton, Mr. and Mrs, White and child- ren, near Iiinburn and the Misses June Lear and Jean McVittie were callers on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leo Watt. Miss Jessie Watt expects to soon have the first cast taken off her leg ' ontietlt led in prayer. Mrs. Chip- and another one put on. We hope chase pronounced the benediction. the Doctor will find her getting A dainty lunch was served by Circle along well. No, 1, Mrs. James Watt who is at the The annual divine service of Hu - home of her son, Mr. Leo Watt has nen Lodge A.F. and A.M. will be in not been quite her usual for the St. Andrew's United Church, Kip - past week. We hooe she will soon be pen, on Sunday next, June 15th at fine again. eleven o'clock. Visiting brethren Mr. Wm. Taylor a pioneer who from other Masonic Lodges will also claims to be 92 visited last week at be in attendance. The minister, Rev. the home of his nephew and wife A. Hinton, will conduct the service Mr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor. with a full choir leading in the ser - Miss Helen McGregor spent the vice of praise. AIt people residing in weekend at the home of her parents the community will be made heartily Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor. welcome at this service. Mr. Leo Watt and Donald attend- The Sunday School of St. And - ed the funeral of the late Mrs. John rcw's United Church has' been re•. McIntosh of Seaforth on Friday of 'ereanized and starting m Sunday last week whose maiden name was next, Jane 15th, will hold the ses- Miss Nellie Henderson of McKillop. 'inn before the church service, und- Donald was one of the pallbearers. an the joint superintendence of IMS. We wish to extend sincere sympathy Harry Caldwell and Mrs. John Sin- to her husband who was formerly a ele* together with Edison McLean pupil at Harlock school, end Wm. Alexander secretary and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laidlaw vis- t"easurer respectfully. Classes have ited last Friday at the home of their been formed in all age groups, daughter and husband Mr, and Mrs. Enthusiastic teachers have been Bert Beacom. appointed for all these classes. Par - The pupils at No. 7 school had a ents are asked to note the change of holiday Wednesday of last week as there and co-operate in e;tarting the their teacher, Mrs. Arthur Colson 'Sunday School sessions punctually at and husband were attending the ten o'clock. graduation of her sister, Miss Lois • Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutcheson of St. afternoon June 4, at the home 'of Mrs. Jones with Mrs. McMurtrie as co -hostess. There was a large attend- ance and Mrs. Ernie Chipchase pre- sided. The meeting opened by sing- ing hymn 526 and the Lord's prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. Hinton then read a poem which appeared in the Danville, Quebec paper, com- posed by Rev. Mr. Hinton during his long illness. The title of the poem being, Sowing for seed Time. A duet was sung by M:rs. A. Gackstetter and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs. Rend - :'son had charge of the study, ass- isted by Mrii. A. Johnson, Mrs, W. Workman, Mrs. E. Chipchase, Mrs. :Cres:, MCMu:tr'ie, Mrs. M. Cooper, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. N. Long, Mrs. A. Gackstetter, Mrs. E. Ander- eon, Mfrs. R. Peck, Mrs. W. Alexan- der and Mrs. Harry Caldwell. Mrs. Prreaider GEORGE DREW wiil speak in the "PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS" SERIES over the C.B.C. Ontario Trans -Canada Network Monday, Marcie 16th 10.30 to 10.45 p.m. E.D.T. LISTEN TO STATION C B L ss Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cobb- of Vancouver, Mr. and Airs. 'Gibson, Mr. John 'Gibson, son Art, DIi' and`AIi's. ` bei las Burke ,all of Wroxeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and "Mrs; W: L. ivlenis. Mrs. Archie' Parsons visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Parsons in Londor'i on Tuesday. Capt;" Dass of Vancouver and Mrs, Brazill of Toronto; visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mr. and Mrs. David R,v`cltnrau (Mayme Pju'sone) of Pollock, -North Dakota, U.S,A., are visiting relatives and friends in this community. Mr. and IM's. Harold Jones visited: ou Suhtlay with ;the latter's sister, Miss and Mrs. Gordon Westlake of Bayfield. Messrs, Russell and Bert Butler of Cromarty and Mr. and Mrs. Nel. son Hood and Joyce of Stanley twp. visited on Sunday with 'MIS and Mrs N. Long. Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Pyni and Mr, Cephas Pym of Thames Road and Miss' Lila- Pyni of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. W. Rorney were • repent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gack- stetter. • HULLETT Hullett'Council Meeting The regular meeting of the Huliett Township Council met on June 2nd in She Community hall, Londesboro, at 8 p.m, The Reeve and three members of the council were present, Mr. Les- lie Reid being absent. The minutes of the last regular meeting, May 5th, and the adjourned meeting of May 7, were read and accepted. W, R. Fewitt and Win, J. Dale, that 'we give the Seaforth Fair Board' a grant of 335. Carried. Council then opened as a Court of Revision. John Armstrong and J. H•a Rapson, that we lower the assessment of John Riley $150 on the land at Lot 15, Con. 10. Carried. Armstrong -Jewitt, -that We take $70.0 off the assessment on the buildings of J. Stone, Lot 13, Con. 2. Carried. Jewitt -Armstrong, ' that we take no action on the appeals on Lot 31, Coir. 7; Nys'Lot 31, Con. 6; Lot 16, pt. 17, Con. 3; Lot 14, Con. 3; Lot W3 17, Con. 5; Lot 16, Con. 4. Carried. Armstrong -Jewitt, that all appeals on dogs be granted. Carried. Jewitt - Armstrong, that we give the :Clerk authority to add all new assessments as presented by the assessor to the roll for 1947. Carried, The Court of Revision was then closed, and council resumed business. Jewitt -Rapson, that our Clerk prepare a by' -law appointing Mr. Bowman as an assistant to our engineer Mir. F. A. Edgar. Also a bylaw to prevent dumping. of refuse mi the roads of the township. Carried. Council adjourned to meet Monday, July 7th at 7 p.m. EST. The following accounts were paid: Geo. W. Cowan, part salary, 370; Roy Tyndall, .rebate on telephone, $12; Municipal World supplies $10.19; Provincial Treas., insulin, 34.34; Bernard Tighe, snow, 34.50; Frank Flynn, skew, 34.50; Samuel Spencer, snow, ,$4.50; Ray- mond Finch, snow , 34.50; Joseph Quigley, snow, $4.50; .Tack Medd, snow 64.50; Lloyd Medd, snow, $4.50; Wes Vodden, washout $1.50; Sidney Dolmage, snow, 32; Glen Carter, road repair, $1; George Elliott, road repair, $180; Oliver Wright, road lights, $13.10; Wm. Livingston, road lights, $9,25; E. J. Crawford, woad lights, $2; Bert Hunking, road lights, 62; William Carter, road suet., 530.00; George Radford. sno`r & washout, $270; Ken, neth Rapson, washout; 61.50; Arthur Wayurouth. grader operator, $126` George Aberhart, gravel 615.60; John Bach, grader repair, 38.30; Armco Metal Co. sewer pipe, 6163.06; George Goode, oil. $1.90; Gordon Radford, gas, oil & repairs, $107.57.—Geo. W. Cowan, Clerk. THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1947' MRS.' ROSS Mel -BAN' -' Mrs. Ross MCLean, :a former well luiown Hensall resident, tiled in the Ford Hospital, -Detroit, after a few weeks' illness. The former Georgina Jackson, she was the youngest dau- ghter of the late Mir. and Mrs. John. Jackson of Hensall, born 52 years ago. After iter marriage to Ross McLean in 1920 they farmed for a short time in Tuckersnlith Tp.,. afterwards ;mov- in, to Detroit. She is survived by her husband, one soil Jack anti and dau- ghter Doiielda, both of Detroit, Also bytlu•ee brothers, Isaac and Joico, of High River, Alberta, and -Robert of. Hensall; three sisters, Mrs. Tom Brier!), and Mrs: Wesley,Coleman of Exeter, and Mrs. Will Smith of De- troit. The funeral tocskplace from the - Alfred E. Crosby mortuary on Sat° urd'ay afterndon, June 7211. The pall. bearers were Lloyd McLean, Alva Ingram, Lewis Gable, Charles Craig, 'iVilliitm Horton and Oliver Rot'cliffe. The many .beautiful fioral tributes from relatives and friends were a tri- bute to one whose life' will be sadly missed by her husband .and family.. She was laid to rest in Forest Lawn Cemetery with the Rev: Edwin 13, Pearce officiating. BRODHAGEN Visitors with Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Diegel were MIl'. and Mrs. Les Ratz,! Kitchener•, Mrs. Ida Brunner and Clarence, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Suehring of Sebringville and Miss Verna Holman of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel and Arthur accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Suehring on a motor trip to Tohermory on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock and fam- ily attended the graduation exercises at Western University on Wednesday at Which their son Robert was among the graduates. Rev, W. Schultz and Mr. Ed Prueter are attending the Synodical Confer - once being held at Pembroke this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser, Dorothy and Joyce, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Stanch in Kitchener on Sunday. Dorothy returned to Toronto Sunday eveniug. Miss Violet Diegel of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Doyle. Mr. and Ml's. Cecil Philips and Roger and Roy Amstein of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. John Amstein on. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Herald of Ell- ice with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tait. Mr, and Mrs. Herman Leonhardt, Henry and, Richard, Mr, and Mrs. Rudolph Bauer, Helen, Lloyd and Rolph, visited their sister Mrs. Nor- man Wilson and Mr. Wilson at Neu- etadt on Sunday. Mr. Carman Mogk of Toronto at his home, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Queren- gesser at Waterloo. A' number of neighbor ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Manuel Byerman on Monday evening on the occasion of her birth- day, She was presented with a table- cloth by Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens on tie - half of those present. The evening was spent in playing cards and a de- licious lunch was served ]deluding a birthday cake. VARNA. Mr. and Mrs, Schell of Detroit spent Sundayin Varna. On their return Trey were accompanied by the latter's mother, Mrs. Austin, who is not en- joying the best of health, ' Mrs. M. Reid hasreturned home after visiting her son Dr. Reid' and family in. Toronto and other friends in Galt and Guelph. Mrs. Soper' left Monday" on a two weeks' vacation. She will be joined by otherfriends when they will visit Sudbury, Timmins,- Tobermol'y and other points of interest. T11e school area meeting was held in the township. hall Tuesday. The surrounding S. S. were present when agricultural pictures were slrotvn. HENSALL Miss Catharine McEwan.— Private funeral service for Miss Catharine Isobel-McEsvan, pioneer district resident, was held on Mon- day afternoon from her late resid- ence one mile south of Hensel], con- ducted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. The deceased was in her 81st year and was born and lived all her life at her late residence,- She had the misfor- tune some time ago to fall and frac- ture her hip and leg. A member of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Miss McEwan is survived by three sisters, Miss Mary McEwan at home and' Miss N. MvEwan of Vancouver, Mrs. Flora Salmera, California, two .bro- thers, John and Duncan, Grand Pra- irie, Alberta. Interment in Hensall Union cemetery. The Arnold Circue Evening Aux- iliary are holding a Blossom Tea,on Mrs. F. G. Bonthron's lawn, oppos- ite the post office. on SeturdaY, June 14th from 4.30 to 7 o'clock, Hensall Minister Honored._ The 70th anniversary of St, Paul's Anglican Church was marked by a special service which included a presentation to the departing min- ister. Rev. M. A. Hunt, popular rec- tor for the past twelve years and who is IeOui11. ,... o take charge at Mitchell. Rev. Mr. Hunt was pres- ented with a purse of money 'foll- owing the services by Mr. John Hen- derson, people's warden. Mrs. Ken- nedy Wand Mrs. Scholl of Carmel Prresbyterian Church, assisted the choir at the morning service. Rev. M. H. Elston of Centralia was guest speaker at the evening service. the Danville, Quebec paper, Cora - Love -Forrest Reunion — The Love -Forrest reunion. an an•. nual event, this being the 40th suc- cessive gathering, was held at Bay- field. Monday, June 9th. A. large at- tendance was present and the follow- ing is the list of sports: Girls' race, 6 and under. Norma Love, Kathleen Love; :boys, 6 and under, Gerald Love, Russell Desjardine; boys, 9 and under, Billie and Toni Love; boys, 12 and 'under, Ronald Webb. Alex Love; boys, 15 and under, Keith Blanchard, Bob Love; young ladies, Audrey Campbell, Betty Love; young men's, Keith Blanchard, Ross Keyes; mar- ried men's, Percy Campbell, Ellison Whiting; kick the slipper,' Mrs. C. Moir, Betty Love; clothes pin race, Audrey Campbell, Ruth Whiting; neck -tie race, Garnet Patterson, Nola `Love; relay race, Fergus Turnbull's side. step -11 the plate, Mrs. Percy Campbell, Fergus Turnbull; sack 'race, Lorne and Jimmie Love. Sumpt- uous meals were served during both the dinner and supper hour. after which the , slate ofofficers was brought in for the coming year. Pres. ident Ross Love, Hensalll; vice pres., Wm. „-Love, Grand Bend; sec.-treas., Hugh Love, Hensall, It was decided to hold the reunion at Grand Bend 'in 1948 on the King's Birthday. Mem- bers of the clan attended from Hen sail, t' Zurich, Grand Bend, Exeter, Londesboro, Seaforth, Saskatchewan and Clinton, The event was an out- standing success. Loolcnrg for laughs? Read -"FREE LOADER", by comical Arthur 'Bugs' Baer, in Pictorial Review with this Sunday's (.Tune 15) issue of The Det it Sunday Times. You'll find rriany amusing features by such new -Witmer stars as Mark Hellinger, Westbrook Pegler, George Dixon or,' • other headliners in Pictorial Re- view with this Sunday's 'Detroit S. --lay Times. Mrs. Ross MacLean a former well known Hensall resident died in De- troit Hospital, Detroit, Mich., Thurs- day, in her 52nd year, following a lengthy illness. The former -Georg- ina Jackson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. , John .Jackson. Mrs MacLean was born near Hensall and received her earlier education here. After her marriage to Mr. MacLean they took up residence in Detroit. Surviving are her husband, a daugh- ter Donelda at home, and one son John; three sisters, Mrs. Wesley Coleman, Herisall, Mrs. Frank Brier- ly, Exeter, Mrs. W. Smith, Detroit, three brothers, Robert, Hensall, Isaac and ,John, High. River, Alta. Funeral services were held in De- troit on Saturday at 1 p.m. with hurial in Detroit. BRODHACEN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherbarth, Kenneth and Card, Mr. and Mrs. ltrnie Hertel, Sharon and Joyce of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ben n.ewvies. Mrs. Alvift Pryce of Galt is visit- THEATRE Seaforth NOW PL'AYIfiG IN TECHNICOLOR 'THE.JOLSO.N STORY" with Li ARRY PAR3C3 and EVELYN KEYES - The last three days for the showing ofthis, truly groat Picture. As Jolson says, "Vim ain't :heard nothitl yet," for until the. public, •has heard' his, they have probably„ never been so stirred. [ly- the presentation of dozens of songs that made them happier In by -gone days MON. TUES. WED. ADULT' ENTERTAINMENT "THE DARK MIRROR with LEW AYRES— OLIVIA DeHAVILAND — THOMAS MITCHELL This absorbing story meals wWth air attempt by Ayres. and Mitchell to help solve the murder of a: prominent physician, by breaking through some tool -root alibis of identical titins played by Olivia DeHasilmtd' , NEXT THURS. PRI. SAT. "HOME SWEET HOMICIDE". PE 0Y ANN GARNER RANDOLPH SCOTT LYNN BARI This-nleasaat�omedy is charming enterainment for those who. crave a change, from the usualcomedy fare• re?Ea;I® .a Special Road Show Eng g ement - . MOn. Tnes® �V�d' Only June 23, 24, 25 HYGIENIC PRODUCTIONS. through the management of this theatre presents a picture vitally important Ajar to the rising generation! 'r Ajar It deals frankly with the tEGREGATED AUDIENCES subject', rarely spoken of above a whisper! WOMEN ON1.11:it 2$7 . DOOM OPEN AT 140-8.30 MEN ONLY at 9 p.m. ALL-STAR HOLLYWOOD CAST! AND IN PERSON ON THE STAGE 50 E ELLIOT FORBES FEARLESS HYGIENE COMMENTATOR F j1 1010'SOOM grow HAii S TO C Os110�011SS Pp 1014. jaE ,i,Hp B{1 -It', 1i GS PugIIG 41111 SE.00 O WOO (ERESt OE ANO Itf.. Ii 1S iO In E pp1.SE SIE SEpII1 ER O IVO j10N P1Gi11R PIAIIItSIGOV S 1ptAl MO SIGNIF1Cpl� TICKETS ON SALE AT 1.1• LIMITED TO E E AT 1 N CAPACITY GENT THEATRE, Seaforth ing with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Harry Beuerman. - Mr. Don Markle of -Woodstock spent Sunday,, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel. Mr. Robt. Rock who has finished school for this season has taken a position on the pleasure 'boat on Lake Ontario and The Thousand Islands for the summer months. The Sunday School teachers of St. Peters Lutheran Church attended the Sunday School Convention held in Zurich on Sunday. At the Musical Festival held - in Mitchell in the United Church on Friday the following were winners from our school. The School took se- cond prize, Rural Choir. 74 marks; Gary Sho,idice, 1st for boy's solo 7 to 10, 73.5 marks; Maureen Hinz, let for girls' solo 7 to 10 With '72.5 marks; Betty Jean Hinz and' Erma Vock, second for duet; Erma VoCk,. 3rd for girls' solo; Audrey Hinz, 3rd for girls' solo 7 to 10 with 71.5 marks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kleen of De- troit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Koehler and Wayne of Galt, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Messerschmidt and Arlene and Wm, MacLean of Detroit with Mrs. Henry Kleber, Mrs. Kleber returned to De- troit with them for a three weeks visit. Miss Elsie Steiss, Robt. Murray, Toronto, Elmer Tuffin, •Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Walton with Hies, Sophie Bennewies. Mrs.. Jno. Amstein and Robert at- tended the funeral of their neice and cousin, Audrey Philip at Bridge- port on Wednesday. Donald Ahrens, Eric Schnitz, Gwendolvn, Rock and Doreen Wolfe spent Saturday on. a sight seeing trip to Niagara Falls, The trip was made with other. High School child- ren by hildren,by one of the High School busses In Memoriam KAINE,—In loving memory of a husband and rather, Rev. C. C. I{dine. "The dearest dad this world could hold, You 'asked us to be brave, And we have tried so hard to be, But each day grows more lonesome when your face We cannot see. You were always so kind and good, With a cheerful word for all, The dearest husband and father this world could hold, With a cheerful dreile and a heart of gold."—Sadly missed by wife and family. Wool Wanted ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S., IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 3W & 33 BUILDING I SUPP .:_ S L are. difficult to obtain HOWEVER WE HAVE IN STOCK ASPHALT SHINGLES in various blends. . ROLLED ROOFING medium and heavy. INSULATION by the bag or carton OAK FLOORING -13/16" thick • PLYWOOD—°,6", 3/16", 3/4," birch and cedar. JOHNS -MANVILLE DURABESTOS SHINGLES and CEDARGRAIN SIDING (Grey, and Dover White). BEAVER BOARD HARDWALL PLASTER, MASON'S LIME, FINISHING LIME. DOOR FRAMES, DOORS, SASH, CEDAR POSTS. LUMBER "B. C. FIR, SPRUCE, PINE, B.C. HEMLOCK, WHITE ASH, MAPLE, BEECH All types of millwork done by excellent workmen. Coal OF ROSEDALE ALBERTA LUMP JUST ARRIVIOD. STOVE and NUT ANTHRACITE, COKE, BRIQUETTES, ALBERTA NUT, BUCKWHEAT. Be wise. Economise, Ila your cellar now end don't be disappointed in the Fall. A CAR Seaforth Supply & Fuel "Where The Best Costs No More"