HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-12, Page 3tl' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ATTENTION: Tonrlot 'Resorts,Souvenir Shops, Drug Stores, 1. have a practical two tone combination: ash tray and cribbage board; Liberal commission, For particulars write Rudolph Carlson, 1Clpting Ont. MR, WOOL GROWER • Weoperate a Gevermnent .Licensed Wool Warehouse and are prepared to handle. your. - won elthery direct or through our eblleetors. You Can apply all or part or your Wool credit 00010,E blanket purchases. We do not handle 'used woollens „nor. customs work. THE STRATFROY WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED Strathroy3 Ontario MEN.be your own boss. Write for free folder de0crlbing. our "collection of 137 plans for :aerating a successful buolness of your own." Start In full or spare time at home: No Per,ofal selling, Little or no investment re- OlUlled. Send for Seer copy today. National •EUaine/is Tenterprisee,. 474 Colbouroe St,. • London, Ont, EARN MONEY gothering and growing Medi- einal Plants, Worth up to .512 pound, Hun - ;deeds of Roots,. Herbo, Weeds growing wild have oash value,Send stamp for details, Write Box 07-Y, lolingtot, Ontario, SHELL Craftsmanship profitable home beet.. nese. Make beautiful jewelry and novelties. Learn, earn within a weep, ,New complete Bono 7nstructlon course; with materials only 60.50 poetttald,' Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back, 73raoe Mall .Slop, Dept. N 1-5, 628 White Bldg;, Buffalo 2, N.Y. HART C7810129 BABY CHICKS AND • STARTED CHICKS '0pr prices for Baby Chlcite, and started Mae !Will surpr•10e. you, All • Chicks fromblood tested stook.; Carleton H0tcbery. Britannia 'Heights. Ont, 'GOVERNMENT Approved chicles at reditced Prlces for this week and next. Day old: New ,Hampshire, Barred 'Rock, New Hampshire X Barred Bock, Light Sussex X Barred • Rock, ,',New Hampshire X Light Sussex,. non -sexed ,9.95, pullet, 17.00, cockerels 7.11e,- ...Assorted 'heavy `breeds non -sexed 8,55. pullets 10.96, eoeker073 6.96. Co kerelst White Leghorn X Barred Rock 1,95. 'White Leghorn, 050.' Two t : week old add 6.00 per hundred, three week !rid add 1/.00 per hundred, shipped C.O.D. This advertisement must accompany 5.000 or- ' der to receive these special pr1ce0. Also older mullet. eight weeks to lasing, Top Notch 4Chidterles, Guelph, Ontario. SPECIAL for June, Heavy Cox, 85.00 per 100, Barred Rock, N.H.-Red.,. Sussex,' Red X' Surtax, hybrid roared hybrid pollee& 020.00 ,Per 100. Leghorn "pullets, 514.00, immediate shipment, Order from this ad or write for, circular, -7310 Rock Perin, Mille Roche,, Ont, LAKEVIEW CHICKS 12c Same high Quality at these low prices. Here's' 3mer o10porttenity to get thie. high 'futility stock "at these reasonable prices, Pure Sesame Sus- 'sex X New Hama., Barred Rocks, Rock x New Ramps., New Flampa,,. - Sussex X Leg - horns, Rock 2 Leghorns, New Hampo, X 'Leghorn, Large Tyne White' Leghorns mixed 7012,00 per 100, Assorted Mixed 810.00 per 100. LAKEVIEW PULLETS 20c Alt day old pullets 20c, Started Pullets and mixed chicks, Two week. old '. add fie, 8 weeksold add 10c,, 4 weeks old add 18c, 6 week old Pullets 46e each, 6 week old Pullets 600 each, BREEDER HATCHERY - OF 5000 Breeders, Alt double blood tested, banded end culled for body type and ruggedness. Hatched under /deal conditions. "Beet :Chicks we ever had: Pullets are laying swe11, cockerels good size," from - Lincoln Leeeke, Eden Gro'.. Ont, "Never had 55011 good luck with put, 107a," reports -Ernest G. Barnhardt, HuWlm- stone, Ont. Order from this ad, or send for Price List and Catalogue and full' particulars, To rimiest theseprices enclose tide' ad, with 0000 order, Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bra,,, Exeter. Ontario, GET nee new 741001ist, effective now. We have cockerel,' and petiole in sums breeds, for-im- mediae delivery, ohm non -flexed chicks. And order now Cor o June-,7uly. delivery. Bray Hatch- ery. 730 John h N. Hamilton titke Ont. TWEDDLIO CHICK7 tette the chance out of a right start to a peoftablo poultry neaten. You ere are nt starling healthy Woke, fast proving chicks when you depend on Tweddle. Tont le why many 0ueceseful chicken raisers buy only Twoddlo chicks year alter Year, We. have the following pure breeds to choose from: White Leghorn,, Black Minorca&, Ancona, Brown Leghorn*, Dared .necks, White Rocks, New Eramnebires, 'Rhode /eland Reds, White Wyandotte*, Light Suaeex.. Black Austro- lorps, Jersey White 070011 and also 12 -hybrid' creases, All ftom Government' , .,proved .pull - arum tested breeders, .hon -sexed, allot. or cockerels, day old, two and three week old or Pellets eight weeks to laying. Send for tree• catntogue old greatly reduced prices for June. TWVEDDLE. CTIICIC HATCHERIES. LTD., Fergus... Ontario; SUSSEX X !LAMPS FOR • SUCCESS 6tAY .delivery, book gout order today' at 114 following prices Unsexed Chicks 912.00 per 100. - Pullets 022001 Cox Oci Leghorn X Hamps, unsexed. 012,00 per 100: Pullets -Mc( Cox 00,' . Pullerum-Tested Gov't Approved Stock 0100 Down, hemnce on .delivery. 'RONNIE'S emelt HATCHERY.Box 260, pltnira, Ont. 9c HURONDALE CHICKS lac Sussex 20 New Haines.- Rock- X Hames., Barred Roclfs, New Reines., Rock X Leg - horns, Sussex X Leghorns, Nety Hgm0."X Leghorn, nod Pure' Leghorns 110, Pure Sof sex 420, *Assorted.' Mixed Chides 5e. HURONDALE ,PULLETS 19c. All bea7y breed millets 19o.' alter June. 1st '170. Medium -Breeds and Leghorn,' 210, As- sorted Pullets 17c: Herm Breed Cockerels- 3000 : BREEDERS A11 double bloodtested, banded and 001104 by impactors, backed by high pcdlgreeed founda- tion stock.. Mane customers resort wonder- ful success.. "Beet Chicks 7 Ever Had" STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 WEUR$ TO 0' WEEKS OLD, 2 weeks add 40. :8 weell0 acid 10c. 4 weelrs add 15e, 6 weeks add 20c, 0 weeks old pul- lets 600. 10071 live delivery guaranteed. 31 net 100 denoolt on dee cid., on started orders, Order front. and ENCLOSE Ole .0d... HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Meat typo' New Beings 5e, all other heavy breeds 60c. Assorted heavy Cox 0',tc, Rock X Legkern. Sussex: 1 Lesto•ns 212c. Day old Cox only. Hurondale Chick Hatchery, 00275)ON, ONT. READY MADE CAPONS It pays. to.ra100 Capons. The price of Canons is apm•011ltatoly 0e 113. higher than the price at cockerels we canonize0:the cockerels at 3 weeks and send .the ready made Capons. out et 4 weeks, no fuse, no. trouble, Send' fbr Price "List and full pdrtlettler& Prompt delivery it 000 net quickly, Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros„ Exeter, Ontario. ,WE CAN givo prompt deilveryon two end three week Ola pullets, c0Ckerele or nen-sexed (hicks. In the following bnecdsl.Barred. Rocks,. Now Hampshire'', White Pocks. .. New Hainp. shire 1t Barred Rook, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X. Barred Rooks. You will save tlmo, labour, feedand fuel with these wellstarted chicl.. Send for special price' list, also older collets eight 'weeks to 'laylltg• 'TWEDDLE 0IIICIC HATCHERIES,' LTD., Fergus. Ontario, 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets Alco mixed chick, and cockerels. All raised. in brand- new 010-cnndltIoned brooder plant under ideal. condit Ions: Send: for Weekly Special fist of eta vied' ehleire. 'Lakeview Poultry Farm. Exeter, Ontario,. DYEING AND CLIMAXING HAVE YOU anything (code dyeing or Mtean- hg7 Write to uo for tnformatlon. We are glad to (Mower your questiono, Department H; Parker's Dye Works Limited,751 Tonne Street, Toronto, Ontario. Iron S&L17 AIR COO/LED .GAS ENGINES Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall 6fontreal, or write nearest -office — Hal Rouyn, Toronto, Winnipeg, H111, Itaz, ATTENTION FARMERS. roil SALD—Tractor T1re7, made or rubber, suitable for bolting on. steel Wheole, *16,00 each, rear wheels; 37:60 each, front. -wheels, When ordering state -diameter and width of wheels, • National Rubber Co. Ltd.. '6 Wilt shire Ave„ Toronto, Ont. BALED SHAVINGS FOR SALE, paled 00ft wood shavings • load lot' only. Write ,Plus Producl,„ Box 70, Montreal 3. car- P.O.' ELECTRIC MOTORS A.C. OR D.C. 6-81-110.660 volt, Large stack—Alliance 'elec- tric, 1001 Beaver Hall 10111, Montreal or near- est of floe — Half fax, Rouyn,. TOroit to, Win. nines, Vancouver, - ;GASOLINE POWER UNITS 55 Chrysler lodun HORSE POWERwer unites with radiator cooling, electrle 'starting and battery, heavy duty clutch and power take 'off. Avail- able.from stock, Write Atlas Polar Co; Ltd,, 617 Jarvis St., Toronto, e: 1657 Mackay Street, Montreal Indian Hill Turkey Ranch We guarantee the genuine broad -breasted' bronze turkey poulta, Our flocks are tube tented and were headed by Kopeks Toms direct from Oregon, Write for 'fret circular to Indian Htll Turkey Ranch, Boz 208, Stayner, Ontario. ARC WELDING MACHINES Electrl`c or Gasoline, driven — Alliance Elec- tric` Works, 1081 Beaver Hall H111, Montreal, or write nearest office, Halifax, Rouyn, Winnipeg, Toronto. . MODERN GUN SHOP ANTIOCH AND MODERN ARMS D01'GFO', SOLD, EXCHANGED EXPERT REPAIRS FREE date ova liable upon request, 3000 DAN1'ORTH AVE., 'TORONTO. NEW 900/13 GOODYEAR For TIRESI SAANDI�TUBES—$50.00file eed. Large stools other now. Army h•uch tires Full line of retreaded tires, P4restonc treed design. Dealer's wan led, City, Tire and Battery CO.. 768 Queen west, Toronto. OILS, Greases,. Tlrea, insectieldes,Eleciric- Fence Controllers, house and Barn Paint,. Root Coatings, ate. Dealers wanted. Write Waren Greese A 011 Limited, Toronto. PAINTING! SAVE TIME, HARD WORK AT LOW COST—USE A WEBSTER PAINT SPRAYER NOW Is the time to repaint. Order a new Model 500 Webster Paint tpra prayer. works in- side 0.e well n0. oelde; 5 and saves s umanyth, hours of liar -d work, . Model 060 Unit to worth E17.00 and Includes Compressor, Spray Gun, 26 feet o1 hose, motor belt and pulley, Larger unite available from 564,00 up to 1a4go commercial unite worth 5700,00. Air compressor," available from stock will give un to 150 Pounds pressure. Motors all aims, 26 and 60 wale. Write for full details, MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED "- 79 King Street West Hamilton, Ontario, PLANT NO,w: -Prodder Strawberry Plante: Long healthy roots 52.00 hundreih; 514.00 thousand,- nrepal4. Seely &' Ellis, Stamford Centre, Ont. POTATO GROWERS be sure to see the New Holland potato 'har- vester: Digs and bags. your .crop on one machine. Ivan Merlin, St. Jacobs, Ont, POULTRY an lanes immediate delivery, General Thee Recorders, 08 Church St.. Toronto: 7 STORE EQUIPMENT Traded -In, computing scales, pleat ellnera, electric meat cllonnera, etc,, Berkel Products Co,. Limited, 5100 Bleep w„ Toronto: ,TIRES We are ovabt0cked at the present of good weed trade -In Ores (guaranteed to he In ex- cellent shape). 800 X 10 — $5,00 All orders Wetted C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm 'Tractor Tires,. BEACON TIRO corner Queen and 'Yak Sta., Hamilton. Ont ONTARIO'S MOST .MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wan led 12" WOOD Platers, Jointer", Wood Shapers, 16" Band Saws, Drill,, Portable Sanders. It you need one write: NUM, hlgebinery, P.O. Box 273. Toronto. Ont, TYPEWRITERS. Two Standard and Portable withCarryingCase le excellent condition: Sacrifice. SVrite particulars 'P.O. Box 40, Ottawa ,. Ont. 6 VOLT WINDCHARGERS' complet0 with tower — 546,00. Alliance Electric; 1081 Beaver Hall 8111, Montreal, or write nearest o1nce — Iia111ax, Rouyn, Tor- onto. Winnipeg., • RIFLE .303 Lee Enfield, formerly used on Maley Team; excellent cooditton Sacrifice 505,00, Write P,O. Box 49, Ottawa.. Ont. HEAVY:' MILITARY farm Wanes, nand for elrbelnr. Percy 7, Borbridgc, Room 306 Plaza Bldg„ 'Ottawa, Ont, FOR SALE—Uecd Heating Plant for hale. In first alae* condition—Tttylor-Forbes Victor' Boiler No. G07A, also stutter and pump—only been In use a -Lew Years, suitable for tatrlY largo building. 1.200 gallon hot water tank and a number� of showers with all, connections with dMal- vldUat cabinets, For particular, ?Pito Hobert• Chapman. Mitchell, Box 511. BEES, 16colonies, good Mock; oleo e,Nlpihent for extractlon, name double wall hives, all young (meet8, free from disease: cosi, Bale; Apply after 5 end. on week -end Chris PaVloft 648 1lrchntnhnt Rd,, Scarboro Junction, • PUPPIES, longlish Pointers, Wire Terriers, Dachshunds, Selected breeding, Registered, S. R: Taylor, Route 2, Brantford, Ont,. FARM MACHINERY TRACTOR PLO'IVS, Cultivators, Oral,, Blnd- ere (]corse and traitor drawn). Air-cooled Engines, American Separators- and Milking Machlneo. American. Separator Sales, Cod-' 0rich, Outn rl0. FanstnnS' Tractor Cultivators a and 7 toot width', Ideal for entailer *lee tractors. Also Cot's Planter complete with Tractor h1107., Phone 28G6 or write Hanna's,. International Sara and Service —McCormack Deering, Guelph, Ontario.. MOTEL. FOn SALE HOTEL for sale, In Waterford, Ont, Amply A. Serer, Box ' 306, Courtland, Ont. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method, Information renueat regarding classes. Rnberteon'a Hoirdreosing Academy, 137 A. . nue 'Road: -Toronto. 'HELP WANTED HONEST and reliable man to work In ,dairy,' Apply Sbelcoolr Bros„ Thorold, Ont, MARRIED. COUPLE. wanted, cook and house- man for country residence on bus line near Brampton. Private quarters, b1g11 wages,' no laundry. -Telephone. 50. Brampton, or write Mr,. W. L. 1100on, 4 GRADUATE •Nuneos, General'Duty, Wanted.' for a 88 bed Municipal Hospital, In a thriving town, population 2,000. Recreation facillties, good, Salary 5110.00 with full maintenance Increased to 0120.00 per month after els month, eervlce, 8 day .week, 8 :hour day, 8 weeks .holiday. withpay' after one year eervlce, Taber Municipal Hospital, Box' 680, Tatter, Alberta, 6IEDIOAL 1,1oottLY rseoumended-Every 00100q,- ot. Rheumatlo Paine - or Neurltle- -should try Dlxon'o Remedy; Munro'. Drug Store, 516 Elgin, Ottawa, Poet7a14 E1:08. TREAT TOURSELP et home with electro- magnetlem for Arthritis, Rheumatism, In- somnia, Varlco0e Velma and other circulatory aliment*, trree explanatory pamphlets from CoopeRemedles, Yongo Street, Toronto, WHY SUFFER- ARTHRITIC and.. rheumatlo torment wheat' Breenetone ot- rel'a Prompt lasting relief, One mouthed treatment. 01,00 npsinahl, Indian_Retnedleo,. Box 118, Vancouver, DON'T wait—Every adoreror ltheumatl''� Pains or Neuritis should try .Dixon's,Rem- edy. Munroe Drug Store, 036 Elgin, Ottawa. Peatnald •51,00. • - TO EASE that horrible pain caused 0y ¢0t11- Mktg uoe 'Fuca-,LIliment'. Largo bottle '51.26,. P.0 130x 4 t'I. Saint John,N.B. MUSICAL 'INSTRUMENTS" FRED A. DODDINGTON buyst. sells, ex- cha,to el musical Instruments. 711 Church, Toronf. '.'OFFER TO INVENIIORS AN. OFFER. to every In00totor—List of Mame- Sone and full Information ant free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 378 Bank Street„ Ottawa, OPPORTUNITIES GREAT. OPPORTUNITY Exchange FOR - WAR VETERAN 100 Spree in Mnlnsville, '60 miles from Ot- tawa (6 miles from Cardinal,- 10 miles from Prescott), very good house with • hardwood" floors end hot air furnace, 8 rooms and bath- room with toilet. Hydro: on farm. Now' Stable to house 25 head or cattle with overhead barn to hold CO tone of hay and a new flay track. Stablebuilt oe cement blocks with concrete floor:- new chicken -house 22x100 feet, 56 vrind0w,, .each 4x4 feet,.. concrete -floor.. Ha - chine house, garage, grain barn, teres wallet. about 250 *10010 trees and 100 maple trees. f gravel yard, remaining land cultivable and. pasture. Buildings insured for $4000.00 until 1949. Government mortgage 51200,00, repq- able In 17 years, To exchange against a new 1947 000—Oldsmobile of Dopge..For pa, ticulars *0010 to Dr. A. Reich, 70 Belvedere Rend, Quebec oily, Que. OPPORTUNITIES run WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn lfalydressing Pleasant dignified profession. good wages, thooeoo4s sueceearul Marvel .graduates, Amelica's, grentesl system. illustrated mats, toque free Write or C,11 MARVEL HHAIRDRESSI NO SCHOOLS 368 Steer .St, W., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Slane Street, OLtawe PATENTS FETHEl4STONAU004 & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 18110, Id King West, Toronto ldooklet of Information on reauest, PHOTOGRAPI1Y FILMS DE OPEC - VEL and Printed, 25c Roll; Reprints, Se Each SPECIAL COMET folding camera,. 1011 127 size, guar- anteed, ;6.95: with leather shoulder carry - Mg ease. Eli. 40; chipped po0tpald. We hnre Anee0 Films In stock, COMET PHOTO SERVT.CB Box 0, Postal Station D, 'Toronto GET BETTER PICTURES from 1111e big, t'ollable stalky AT LOWER PR;CES Don't reek Your film', Send them to Stn, Snapshot Servine, ANY SIZE (601•L 0 or 8 Exposures DE%ELOPED and PRINTED 80, Reprints from your negatives 4e. Y mounted enlargements 4 x 6" 260, Ea targemento framed 7 z 0" in Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Femmes 74c, It nicturee colored 94c. Prints and enlargements made front uun nrinta of lost negntlyee. Dept. N STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 50071- 120.. POST' OFFICE A, TORONTO TEACHERS WANTED roost . QUALIFIED Public School Teachers for Sehoo1 Arc* No. 2 Monteagle end Herschel. Salary. 51500, per year. Duties to commence - September 2nd,- Apply stating qualifications to Earl Meadow, Sec. Trona. 61ueclow, Ont. NOR1rOLX On000y, Protestant teacher wanted for School Steelton 25, Windham, Modern x017061 with 26 0un11a, Duties to commence Sept, 181, Apply, slating qualifications and salary, to Orio Goold, Secs,-Treas., R,R. No. 1, Wlloom'Ilte, .Ont. WANTED HARDWARE =MESS wanted for gash. town or village Box .'143, Room 421, 75 Adelaide W„ Toronto TYPEWRITERS wanted, otato make and model write 637 Besseroe St,, Ottawa Ont, WANTED' -Ali kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds, Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry' Dept. 2014 Danforth Ave,. Toronto 6. (We de custom gradin).-` DAIRY WANTED, email beiduess around 300 0uart0. Box 134, Cobourg. All of which leads The St, Thomas Times -Journal to assert that "Kipling was right when he` said the female is the more' deadly of the species." New Feature Your Handwriting and You Your Handwriting Reveals Your Character and Secrets. About Your Inmost Self. Beginning Next Week Watch For It ISSUE 22-1047 SPRING CLEANING ON THE HOOF Romeo, favorite elephant in the Rome, Italy, zoo, welcomes spring cleaning because he loves the back -scratching effect of the broom wielded by his keeper. Sports And One Thin or .Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") Our 1947 horse -racing season start- ed off In the finest possible fashion, with a near -record Daily Double payoff down at Beautiful Woodbine, (In our league you'gct suspended if you don't refer to Wodoine as beau- tiful at least once per column.), For you've noticed, of course, that while the actual -results of the races get buried in the rear pages, four -Figure mutuel dividends always rate front- page headlines and pictures—proving yet once again that "the game's the thing" or some such. * * sr Our personal position as r cgats these immense payoffs is similar to that of the chorus damsel who, when asked if .she'd ever eaten caviar, wistfully replied, "No—but I've been where it was." For we've been among those present on a lot of these occasions, all elle way back to the afternoon when a pair of beetles named WINIFRED ANN' ` and TABSON pal(1• off at $5,498.35 at Thorncliff-e. But that's as hear as we ever got tothe jackpot, picking one winner in a row being difficult enough for our system of handicap- ping, let alone two of them... . * * * OutoIi k Otto says that Barbara Ann Scott needn't think she's s the only" ohe ever to sited tears .ver losing a car either—oily in kis case it Was the Finance Company, * * '0 The question of whether or not young kids should be allowed to have BB guns is again much to the fore—recalling the time the old lady stopped a rosy-clteeked 7 -year- old cherub toting one of those wea- pons. "You wouldn't be cruel enough to shoot any darling little birds or kittens with that, would you?" she said. "Heck, no, lady," was the prompt response. "It don't shoot near hard enough—I'd borrow my brother's .22." ' * * What most' of its are eagerly ' awaiting` is a soap that will be adver- tised as "No Roth, No Rinse, No Theatre Song." * * * Almost unknown to the present generation', Hal Chase has passed away. Never a, really terrific hitter, • when it came to fielding he was "Mister First Base" in person—and the picture of !lint doing his stuff 'was a sight which, once seen, was never forgotten, He played so. far off first that you'd swear he could • never get back in time, and his fel- low infielders had to be trained to peg the ,:ball at ',die empty sack— "Prince Hal" invariably turning up to make the putout. Like many an- other great athlete hp became slight- ly mixed up with sure -thing gam- blers, and lived 'to rue the day. '7 4< 41 WiUifrt • the past fort,' -eight hours or so' we have noticed three radio stations, one daily newspaper, a cleaning and - dying establishment and a74 of -the -arm restaurant all stressing the fact that tltc'ir chief aim in life is "serving the community." Iso'/ anybody in business just for the purpose of making a profit any store? 1 • ,y We don't know just what genius should be credited with the inven- tion of the artificial playoff system, so popular in many sports, and de- signed to keep up interest in a losing team long after normal hope has fled, We thought, however, that the hockey people had brought it near to perfection, with their plan whereby a ' team can finish fourth in a six -team league and still win the World's Championship: But a Toronto soft- ball league has made them look like merest pincers. The four teams in the loop will play out a regular schedule of games—then all four will start even in the playoffs! Beat that, and go to the top of the class. Then there were the two small boys, on their way home front Sun- day Se/tool, zt'llo were ga0iag at the front of a Movie 11o7L.8 displaying the words ADULT ENTERTAIN- MENT. "What does 'adult' Mean, Tommy," asked one. "I'm not lust .litre," was the reply. "But I kinds think it's what they tally about in the Seventh Commandment." Mi Throughout the length and breadth of our fair land, organizers and pro- moters of amateur sports—especially of the track-and-field variety—are appearing in large and increasing numbers. The other day somebody was asking where these gently, so vocal and busy now, had been hiding in years gone by. "I think that be- tween Olympics they crawl into the woodwork," replied a somewhat bili- ous observer, "and it takes the sun- shine of a prospective free overseas trip to bring them out," * * * DEFINITIONS DEPARTMENT; When manufacturers ¢rsrais¢ factor Utep t r ce of goods, that's stabilization. Whets organised labor raises wages, that's ecollonlic adjustment. But when the farmer raises the price of what he has 7o sell — Oh, brother, that's MURDER! The Illustrated London News is generally said to. be the first illus trated newspaper ever published. Bi Tourist Business Is Not All "Velvet" - According to the Dbmi:doB Bureau of Statistics 21,000,0011 tourists carie to Canada last ypar and spent $221,000,000, Good bllsilless, comments that Ottawa Journal, However, it may be well to know that all this money wasn't "velvet", this, for the simple • reason that there is another and debit side to the tourist business. with ,the debit side -showing that Canadians spent an annual average of about $100,000,000 in the United States. Actually, our tourist trade balance amounts annually to be- tween $50,000,000 and $75,000,000. This , doesn't mean that we shouldn't be anxious for tourists -- 4;50,000,000 to the . good from theta isn't hay. It means only that when we discuss thetourist business we should see the whole picture, "Loran" Aircraft on the North Atlantic' routes have been assured the con- tinued use of the long-range aid to navigation (Loran) station operat- ed by the Icelandic government at Vik, Iceland, under an international. financing agreement which has been signed by Canada, the United King- dom and other nations' at the In- ternational Civil Aviation head- quarters in Montreal, SIMPLY DELICIOUS! The Superb flavor of Maxwell House makes it the most popular of all brands of coffee. It has extra flavor because it contains choice Latin. American coffees. and other Weeds WITH in Lawns. WEED -NO - ORE THE 2-4-D WEED KILLER One spraying will kill shade. lions, plantains, ragweed bindweed, poison ivy and other broad -leafed weeds, destroying them right to the tip of the root but will not barn: grass. Non-poisonous to humans or animals and will not stain hands or clothing; A ¢e "GREEN CROSS" V a PRODUCT AT YOUR DEALER CIGARETTE PAPERS Fpmous Pre-Wat Quality The only Cigarette Paper BLUE COVER MADE INR FAN CE PURE WHITE e on sal in I Canada Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE ROLLER 25 z 70 CIGARETTE I o ACCO Vf' ��mek MUTT AND JEFF—Maybe Jeff's Mind I's Still On His First Visit In The Suburbs MUTT,- IT'S BUTTERFLIES? HAPPENED I DON'T 509 ANY AGAIN! 'BUTTERFLIES, BUTTERFLIES .TEFF! You JUST ALLOVER ME! . IMAGINE: THAT! No, I DON'T, MUTT! JUST LOOK AT THEM ALL! JEFF I KNoIN A\ PSYCH IATRIST! I'LL TAKE YoU To SEE HIM Fog AN FXAMINATIoN! HE'LL FIX' You 'UP! I FIND THERES VBUT, DOC! NOTHING WRoNG T SEE WITH THIS MAN! BUTTERFLIES HE'S JUST AS THEY'RE ALL SANE AS I AM! OVER" ME! ca. 3Y BUD FISHER FOR GOSH SAKES, WW1' $RUST -THEM o1 F ON ME!' / l'IIIIIIIIIIIl)IIIt IIIIIIIIIIInMIIIIINIIIIIGIIIIi dt Wit. ;;,;. 4 4 1 '1 4 4 • 1 1 dr: