HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-12, Page 1The Seaf. rth HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPE. WHOLE . SERIES, VOL. 70, No. 24 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, . THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1947 $1 a year ,,"MAGG'TE" SCOTT • We've lost a tub and honored friend. We . hoped,we preged, that she would mend, But peacefully, and' Suddenly, • The spark of life put out to sea. There inher flower laden bier :Those silent messen0eys of cheer • She lovedthem so, each one was rare, They grew for her 'most anywhere. She knew the Joy of honest. toil, Bet garden plot she loved the soil, Bar life was filled with kindly deeds, She sacrificed forothers' needs.. The home, the: ehurch,.the lodge; the street. The - willing hands, the hnrryin, feet, leIdhteeAwyan word; n She laved to go the second mile, Hers wasa life,a life worthwhile, "If there's a better land, she lives in bliss, 77 there is none, she made the most of this" -JOHN BEATTIE STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY - AT NORTH SIDE The services at Northside United Church on Sunday next are of a special order, ;when the services will be conducted'. by visiting ministers; Rev. A. 11. Johnston of Mitchell' will conduct the horning worship and Rev. W. J. Woolfrey of `Clinton, Ontario Street will be in charge in the evening. It is expected there will be a special rally of members and 'adherents and an effort made to advance the interests of the work: Northside church has the distinction of celebrating its 70th year of ser- vice, this year, and plans are being laid for an outstanding ,observance, in the latter part of October. • - NOW.. ,is good bllsineSS, and protection to fill your bins. Coal to be paid for Within 15 days. • E. L. BOX . PHONE 43 HOSPITAL BOARD ASKS PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL FOR GRANT RETIRING TEACHER Members of the Public School The June session of the Seaforth Board ,met with theteachers grevi- toivn council was held Monday even- sous to the opening of school Wednes-. ing in the council chamber with day afternoon to honor 14liss .Maude Mayor M. A. Reid presiding, Pre- Hal•try who retires from teaching at sent were Reeve Frank Sills, Coun- the close of the term in June. Chair. cillors Teall, Keating; 1VIcMaster, man Clare Reith presented her with Christie and •Ross, a !cheque on behalf of the .Board and Councillor Keating asked the read the following adthessi council's decision on a tax sale, A • June 11th, 1947. Dear Miss Hartr•y: resolution was passed asking. the '011 your retirement from the 'Staff, collector to return the roil when a tire Board cannot let the opportunity warrant will be signed for the sale, pass of expressing to you their ,ap- Reeve Sills reported that County ,predation of your long and faithful Engineer •Patterson had said the 'service to the School and to the -Com- county, would be unable to under- ;nunity. Your outstanding gifts in the take the street oilingin town this -realm of Art` have been especially en-' year. Council will get in touch with joyed by the Board. It is the sincere a private contractor, . carload of 'wish of the Board that in the days to oil will be ordered. Cost of this work come, you may have many, and that has been between $1,200 and $1,- they may be full of peace .and (.01'- 300, •on300, including the gravelling. - Clerk D. H. Wilsoir read - corres- pondence from Mr. -McLaren, deal- er at Goderich for the Dominion LEGION TO HOLD DECORATION DAY, Sunday, June lath, will be ob- served as the annual Decoration Day set apart by Branch No. 156, Sea - forth, and :en which day all - graves. of service men and women in our local cemeteries will be suitably de- corated. A short special service will take place at the cenotaph in mem- ory of those who gave their lives in World Wars I and II. i lowers will be' placed on the monument and the Seaforth Highlanders Band will play appropriate hymns, after wbich the president of the local Branch will make a - few remarks relative to the castors. T i will oc his be followed by the sounding of "The Last.Post,".,by Bandmaster E. H. Close and bene- diction by' one of the local chaplains will complete the ceremony. The tentmont and a full measure of, general public is asked\to grace the `health. As a tangible recognition ofoccasionwith their presence as a your long service the Boatel are 'mark of respect and thanks for ser - pleased to enclose a cheque, for live, vices.rendered themselves and our Road Machinery Co., who said he hundred dollars for 1947. This to be, country. The time of the parade is would have two good u,bed snow- 'followed by a similar cheque in June' 1,30 p.m., D,S.T,, starting point in plows in September which- - council 1948; gigned on behalf of the Board. front of the post office, from thence could inspect; he did not yet know 74 MCKELLAR, Secretary -Treasure' i to Highway No. S. east to Victoria the price of this equipment. Coun- Miss. I-Iartry made a very suitable, street-- and to the cenotaph. -Chas. cillor Teall said -new snow -plows sold reply.' Secretary 1F, McKellar. Frinci- P. Sills, President, Branch 156. for over 5600.00. pal P. B. Moffat and Miss McLean) Reeve Sills suggested eouncil re- each spoke of the pleasant relations, DOGS TO BE• TIED UP move the stumps 'from Victoria that lead existed between Mimi Battey; Park. Councillor McMaster suga and the Board and Staff and wished gested flower beds for the park. her many pleasant years of happy l'layor Reicl said he had favored the retirement. ]Miss Henry concludes 48 ,creation of a parks committee' of years of successful teaching in Pals- l met in the town hall, Seaforth on 4 W, e mourn the sudden passing of our founder and owner MR. FRED. S. SAVAUGE Onaccordancewith his wishes the business will continue to serve the public as it has since Mr. Savauge came to Seaforth 37 years ago SAVAUGE'S Gift Store Jeweller Optometrist woe D U B L i N forth: and ,Mise Ally Looby, Kitchener. with their mother, 41','. A. M. Looby; Rt :1•'v. Bishop Cody "t lir. anti Mrs. Jeseph Meagher. hiss Itis Lsceilency BislOp _Ki',d t •- It ton Meagher and Miss irih miise , don 1)1ocese, aclnl1ni-tei.ed c a..- L a ire. London, Miss ll•.ttina tion to a class of '11 candidates a, St t,. h. Fs1t1i„11 a, 1111(1 )01111 Stock. Till- Columbatt Cluu•c•h last Wednesday. A nm:b,u Jalui .11„aght', tl0dc•ti,•h. IN TUCKERSMITH peelituinaly examination nt 110- 1111` with lir, and Mrs. Jelin ,l1el:l:le A•; x s made by Bishop Cary 14' .s"' Mi ,i ne.yieve Fceney, Termite, is Tuckerstnith municipal council a sl,t[rl by Rev. •Father' ti 11 tltc. (,,mune with her mother 31(e the council, Councillor Keating' re..ley, tied Deer, Edmonton, and .See- 'Monday, June 9th, for their regular ported he had had a communication forth. She has I f Seaforth meetuig•• R taught n eeve Nicholson presided from the Canadian Legion in 'con- :Public School for 27 years and has all members being present. Court of nection with the monument. Mr. C. had au enviable record of attendance. Revision on the 1947 assessment roll P. Sills, President, later appeared She has specialized in the teaching was held and appeals dealt with as :before council, and said the Legion of art which subject she took in other follows: Rudolph Etue. lot 11, con. was holding a decoration day on grades hi the school in addition to her S, ERS, 5 acres land sold to County Sunday, June 15. 07711 gt•ade. of Huron, assessment reduced $250; beta Jorclatt, Loretta -_limits liar, students. at their respective gnomes; (Thhe British Flood relief had re- • I Alex. Simpson, lot 11, con. 7, HRS, Morris, 'Mary Catharine Stapleton. Ja eph W. Evans and Miss :Bary $90 in cash, reported Reeve Sills clow, and the pastor.. Ret 1. •J it.thiecn Feeney Joseph .11orri,ou, O'Drotvslci, Rev. J• B. Ffoullcea Ia.c'.I,. Windsor. and Joint Morriscnl. Toronto,. Dublin, $ev. T. P. Hussey. ar•ufortli With then patent Mr. and lir.. • and Rev. F. J. Bticktin, ll iu 1,u)11 J mics Morrison; -111: s,.•s Eifeeu. Je-,:r w.er•e in the sanctuary: TIte candidate. alicl I.o?•aiue Jordan, London. ws'ii Por •nnfirivatiou tter< Aura \tarda tI:••ir parents, 31,';and Mrs. -Joa,-•,L McMillan, Mary Margaret Coy11r Jer,a0; hisses Angela Morris keel Anne O')(11ey, Veronica Jordan.- liar- Geraldine Ryan, Stratford \oi•ma1 •ce d 83 bundles of clothing and MEETINGS TO BE HELD 5 acres sold to County of Huron as- Marie Dalton.Patricia Doyle, Lole:ta Evans. Windsor, and Frank P Evar•, BY MEDICAL SERVICES esstnlent reduced $250; Jaynes Love, Barry, Rose Marie Duchartne, \iai on Toronto, with their utothei Mrs, Kath Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister, T F h hill hold a meeting for all those in_ County Huron, assessmt an , E Stapleton Galt with Mr and lira reported that he had no town - terested both urban and entre 1 who was chairman of this project. •Huron County Medical Services lot11, con, 6,.HRS, o acres of land Roach, Mary Lou McQuaid, Regula aline Scans; Dr. and Mrs. Frani( The shipment weighed 2500 lbs. sold to of H ro Bo ran Eleanor Bowman, Cleo Bow Stewardship Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m, Worship Service. Rev. A. Johnston, B.A., Mitchell, will preach • 7 p.01. Worship Service. Rev, W. J. Woolfrey, B.D., Clin- ton. Music by Sr. and Jr. Choirs. Welcome to these services: Anglican • June 15th, Second Sunday after Trinity. S t'' ward ed Council for a ss stance t0 F Ones lF tt0uey Leon lIzlo•t L n piano. fitter the read 10 a.in:, Sunday School !would bring in a petition for a COMING SOON ward cost of operating hospital, Murray, Joseph Murray, Fra'11c Kraus• lit of the minutes. of the previous • 11 a.m., Morning Prayer. • drainage engineer "soon. Mayor Reid Hollywood's widely -known new outlining the fact that it costs ap_ kopP Frank N,,1uu, Jinn-lI,:lan meeting by the Secretary, NTS. C. P. • St. Mary's, Dublin only with consent of McIaillop and with the famous commentator, El- over and above what is received Murphy, Leonard Nall: lt<;iti?i by the corresponding secretary, \Its, Thomas' -Seaforth: Town oresnan, Jon Cuinn u• ngs l reduced $250; Peter Simpson, lot 17iman, Mary Hrcknell. Mary Margaret lt'illiaut Stapleton• o. con. 1 HRS 10 acres bush elemp Maloney Loraine 'Maloney, Marie to k' t the a people,, in Exeter Town hall on June ployees working a e. corner o 25, at 8:30, in Agricultural rooms tion, granted; Dr. M. W. Stapleton, Maloney, Marion Maloney. Mildred James and West William streets in lot 13, con FIRS 10 acre bush Ryan, Rita Murray Florence •;toau Wtngham town hall on June 27 at exemption, granted. A motion was Cecelia. Connolly, Marie lIanley, The June meeting of the Catholic was cut. The telephone ,company's 8 30 p m recorded providing that no dogs be Charlene Corlet, Helen Nolan, Patricia Women's League was held in the bill amounted to $103. Messrs T. The speaker at these meetings struck orf assessment roll after the Nolan, Anne Nolan, Catharine Braun- Separate School hall on Monday Oliver, G. Kleber and H. Hoggarth will`be Wm. G. Nicholson Pres.:of assessment is made. icopf, Margaret Rose 711auskopj, Iitn evening June and. In the absence were Present re this matter. Co-operative Union Short Program J M. Govenlock approached neth Lane. George Brewer. Gordon of the President, Mrs. J. Slattery, C. W. L. MEETS on June 26 at 8.30 and al2, s u Y = • January when a Bell telephone cable Clinton, ' ern i r lIessrs Jack Mackenzie and Wm 11 b f g 1 Council for grant towards Seaforth Fietnnecty, Petar Hteknell, Tedciv Rett. llrs. Wm. Hart, Past,President, pre - Hart a eared before nc' r _ Pre- vail arranged eaten ng loco pp council to e Fall Fair And was given 8100, land, Jerome Morris, Gregory Morri,, sided and opened the meeting with talent, Everybody welcome. quest repairs to the bowling green i J. M, Scott and P. D. McConneIl Jack Melody. Ronald Ry;t1 Silly prayer followed by the singing of fence along Main street. 'of llie Seaforth 'hospital Board ap. Iirausltopf; Thomas Eckert, Par Slot;n, "0 Canada". with Mrs. : VI; Dever - a a e • Councillor Wallace Ross said he "MOM AND DAD" • eui t th r, . 7 pan. Et ening Prayer. said .alt engineer could be brought in hygiene attraction, 'Mom and Dad", proximately $1.00 per patient day Fraak Maloney, Ray\I<,lenThomas Sills, the correspondence was read • Tucket•smitlt. Th• Summer morning services begin riot Forbes, in person, is at last from the patients. While Council Procell, Thomas Dueller:11e, 1,1•1(.3L Devereaux. The financial state - Thoth rtes*ranch general discus- heading this way ons its coast -to- were of the opinion that heap shouldlIrtrphvStephen Maloney =l=rwi Pe+r•r trent tta0 given by the treasurer, with nothing' prayer at 9:30 b D. S. T. aeon about drainage. It was pointed coast tour. Manager Mr. Crowe be given the matter was laid over Maloney. Mrs. C. Trott. Mrs. A. Price and The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert. out the cost of the engineer would announced today he has succeeded until such time as the Board could T e 79th anuivereary et t= l,;_,,, -Miss Alice Daly reported that two B.A., at all services. be assessed against the lot owners in getting it dated into the Regent give a definite figure as `-o tl,e! :ing of dt, Mary' Am, tics r that oo'oes of canned goods had been and not against the town. Solve theatre for an engagement which amount of cost to the Council Dalai'', ecu•: el,lebt•,t••1 Egmondville United Church p •=t ., ,.,. packed and sent to our sister tete+r.- councillors thought drainage work will open on June 23-24-25, Permission was Granted the '.>x- _' i+h a eaten •ity < +nxr :',r,. r .n sir het'' in England. firs, J. Hotham and Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B,:A:, B.D. m1„h0 not prevent flooding during Breaking attendance retold, forth Lions' Club to hold o Brom ten,lanc", T•his :nnii,•l-;try ,,-ic;.r.+- ;Jake Ac:. rran>rr€?•ice were appointed to unusuall • wet weather such as this everywhere, this new combination and Raffle at the Lions Summer tion velli, it 1ms hc, ,:;