HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-06-05, Page 1The Seaforth News
Mrs. (Dr.) McMaster entertained on
Thursday evening in honor of Miss
Isabel McKellar, R.N., whose nearri-
age to Mr. Hugh Williams, medical
student of London, takes place 9n
dune' 14th. As Miss McKellar entered
the drawing room Mrs. McMaster
pinned a corsage on the ..guest of
honor who was then sheevn to a chair
decorated in -pink and blue and white,
with streamers leading .to hidden
gifts: many beautiful cups and. sau-
cers and candy stick tumblers were
among the gilts. Later bingo was
played and musical numbers were
given by Mrs. McMaster .and Karen. 1,
A delicious lunch was Served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs, Williams,
Miss Alice Reid and Mrs. (Dr,) Brady.
At the home of Mrs. John Carter
on , Tuesday evening, Miss Isabel
McKellarwas honored by Scott Mem-
orial Hospital staff and their friends,
about thirty -being present. Isabel was
. seated in a decorated chair by Isabel
`Brigham and Frances Fcrtnne and
she was presented with a. decorated
basket full of miscellaneous gifts, also
a, pressure cooker from the staff of
the hospitals Euchre was played, win-
ners being Dorothy Parke, 1st prize;
Doii'othy Smith, Ione Bands; Isabel
Brigham, consolation. Musical num-
bers iver.e given by Edith Hilleu and
Mrs. Gladys Ferguson; readings by
Miss Dinning and Miss Isabel Brig-
"'7ram. • Lunch was served by the host-
eee, Mrs. Carter, assisted by Frances
Fortune, Margaret Carter, Isabel
Brigham and Mi s, 22, McKellar.
The engagement .is announced of
Janet Eileen, only daughter of Mrs.
Thos. R. Hodgert and the late Thos.
Hodgert, Tuckersmith, to . Harold
James, son of Mrs. Roger Rice and
the late Roger Rice, Tuckersmith.
The wedding to take plate the latter
part of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Mdlcolm McKellar
announce the engagement of their
daughter Lillian Isabel, to Mr. Hugh
Jones Williams, son of Rev. and Mrs.
H. R. • Williams, .Alvinston, Ontario.
The wedding to take place the 14thof
June in'Northside United Church.
•NOW. •
It is good business and
protection to fill your bins.
Coal to be paid for
within 15 days.
Northside' United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., The Communion Service
and reception of new members.
7 p.m,, Worship Service. Sub-
ject "Highlights of Our Conference
Friday 8 p.m,, Precommunidn
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Grace 'of Meekness"
7 p.m., "The Supreme Allegiance
of the soul to God."
• Anglican
June 8th. Anniversary Services.
St. Thomas', Seaforth.
10 a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m., Morning Prayer •
Preacher, Rev. Canon• A. A.
Tramper," of St. Matthew's Church,
London, Ont.
7 p.m. Evening Prayer; Preacher
The Rector.
St. Mary's, Dublin
3 p.m., Church Service.
Preacher, Rev. Canon A. A.
Rector: Rev. C. F. L. `Gilbert, B.A.
The Salvation Army
Officer—Capt. E. McBride.
Special Services will be held on
June 8th, 1947. conducted by 'Capt.
0. Legg, of The Toronto Headquart-
ers. 11:00 a.m., Holiness Meeting;
3:00 p.m., Sunday School; 7:00 p.m.
Salvation Meeting.
After an illness of five weeks the
death took' place at Roscoe Farm,
Tuckersmith;' of Hugh More Chesney,
about 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 3.
He had spent all his life in T.ucker-
emith and in .October, 1929, was
married to Miss Sadie Howatt, who
survives with four children, Marilyn,
Grant, Carol .and Glenn, at home.
Also two brothers, Edwin, Tucker -
smith; "James, of Cornwall; and four
sisters, Janet , Chesney; Cleveland;
Mrs. Vern Walker,: Rochester 'Bertha
Chesney, St: Petersburg, Fla.; Mrs.
W. K Ament Kitchener., ;He was a
member of Egmondville Church and
'was a commissioner' of Tuckersmith
Municipal Telephone, and was a
school trustee for 12 years. The fune-
ral, which will be private, will be
held on Saturday afterpoon to Mait-
land Bank -Cemetery,
, Larry Gower, the former Salvation
Army Lieutenant who is se , well
known to this town because of the
fact that he was stationed here' last
summeris now on the staff of Radio
Station CJKL, Kirkland Lake, Ont;
where ale is staff pianist;
Marguerite Westcott, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Westcott, Sea
forth, was among the class of gradu-
ates of 'Hamilton General Hospital.
held at, Convocation Hall, McMaster
University, Hamilton, on Veduesclay,
June 4th. This class of '47 was the
largest yet to graduate, umbering 97.
Miss Westcott attended the public
and high schools in Seaforth and
graduated in 1944 when she received
the Alumnae' Scholarship. There are
14 awards made to the graduating
nurses and Marguerite has the honor
of receiving the Second General. Pro-
ficiency, given and presented by
Dr. W. F. Langrill.
The Junior, and Intermediate nurses
formed the guard' of honor as the
graduating class entered Convocation
Hall, each nurse carrying a bouquet
Of red roses tied with the school
colors, a beautiful sight against the
white uniforms. Hon. Russell T,
Kelley, Minister of Health, was the
guest speaker at the graduation.
After the ceremony the graduates
and guests attended a reception at
the .university given in their honor.
Completing her Theory in -Febru-
ary, Marguerite stood first in her
class for her Senior year. She has only
four days sick.leave to fill in, and will
complete her training. on Sept. 9th.
The annual picnic of the, Huron
01d Boys Association of Toronto will
be held at High Park area 1 at Bloor
Street, on Friday, June 13, commenc-
ing at 4 p.m. There will be baseball
between teams of North and South
Huron, games for all ages and special
prizes for older people' A new feature
will be a horseshoe contest for the
best pitcher of shoes in the Assecia-
tion. It will be a basket picnic with
coffee and ice cream being served. to
everyone. A11 Huronites will be
made welcome.
Mr. John. Forrest passed away in
Sc'ott Memorial Hospital on Satur-
clay, May 31, 1947. The deceased
was the 'fourth son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. John Forrest of Stanley
Township and was, born on Easter
Sunday, April 17th, 1870. Thirty-
seven years ago he was married to.
Jessie Emily Elgie, who predeceased
him eight years ago. After living
three years in Algoma, the rest of
his married life has been spent on
the farm in Tuckersmith. A loyal
husband and loving father, he was
very highly esteemed by all who
knew him, He was a great, reader
and knowing the value of an educa-
tion strove to give his family the
best. He Was a faithful adherent of
Egmondville United Church, He
bore his suffering without a word to
the very last. He is survived by his
five children, Margaret, Isabel, Eliz-
abeth, Mary and William. The fun-
eral which was private was held
from the original family residence
on Tuesday afternoon. Serviceswere
conducted by his pastor. Rev. A. W.
Gardiner. Interment in 'Maitland -
bank cemetery. The pallbearers were
Alex Boyes, Eddie Boyes, James Mc-
Intosh, James Carnochan, Alex co, William Finnigan. Flower bear-
ers, Peter Simpson, Wilfred Mc-
Cartney, Glen Slavin, Robert Me -
The death occurred on Sunday,.
JInle 1st at 12785 Cloverlawn, De-
trbit, of Margaret Ann Thompson,
widow of the late T: G. Scott . of
Seaforth. Mss. Scott, fell and frac.
tared her hip on March 22nd, Born
in McKillqp, 76 years ago she had
spent most of her life in Seaforth.
Surviving are four sons, G. Thomp-
son Scott, Detroit; Leslie, A. Scott,
244 S. Laverne, 'Chicago; Walter
aril John F.. Seaforth; also three
brothers, Beattie Thompson, Van-
couver; W. P. Thompson, Tucker -
smith; Henry, of Alberta. She was a
member of First Presbyterian
Church and of the Rebekahs. The
funeral takes ':place on Thursday.
afternoon from her home on John
Street to Maitlandbank cemetery,
Rel. R. H. Williams officiating.
Pallbearers will be, the four sons and
Scott Chaff and T..P. Clark. '.
The closing meeting of the season
of St. Thomas W.A.' was held in the
parish hall June'3rd'with 19 members'
and three visitors present. Mrs. Gil-
bert . opened, the meeting with the
W.A. hymn "The Love of Christ Con-
straineth,, the litany, and the mem-
bers' and the Lord's prayer in uni-
son. Mrs. Southgate read for the Bible
reading Psalm 99.'The various reports
were read and accepted. -While the
members stood a special memorial
prayer was read recalling the pass•
ing of Mrs, Wm. Smith.. Mr, Gilbert
then addressed the meeting speaking
briefly on the work of the W.A.
Of interest to all present was a.
presentation of a life membership to
Miss Carolyn Holmes. Mr, Gilbert
read the service of admission, Mrs.
Southgate presented the ticket of
membership and Mrs, Ada Reiii pin-
ned on the badge. The meeting was
closed by the lector with benediction.
Tea was served and a happy social
hour was spent.
The Board of Seaforth Public
School met in the Board Room last
Wednesday night, with all members
Present. Two resignations from the
staff, from Miss Maud Hartry and
Miss Winnifred Savauge were ac-
cepted with regret. A male teacher
has been advertised for to fill the
.position left vacant by Miss Hartry's
resignation; while Miss Savauge's
position will be filled by Mrs. H.
Mason, who has been supplying in
Grade 1 during Miss Savauge's
leave of absence.;
;Tribute was Paid to -the faithful
service given the school by Miss
Hartry during the 26 years she had
taught here. In addition to her regu-
lar work, she had specialized in the
teaching of art for many years at no
extra expense to the Board. It was
decided that a substantial grant be
given Miss Hartry in consideration
of her extra services, -
On Saturday, May 31st., at 2:30
p.m., the„ wedding took place in St.
Mary's Church, Walkerville, of the
Rev. Stephen Wilson Langton Gil
Following an acute heart attack
late Monday night, Fred S. Savauge,
one of Seaforth's prominent business
men, died early Friday morning.
From the time .he came to Seaforth
from Toronto in 1910 he took a very
active part in the business and
church life of the community, and
his influence was felt in every circle
in -which he moved. His cheery smile
and ready ;jukes will be missed on
Main street where he was respected
and liked by all. •
Mr. Savauge' was born in .Lind-
say, Ont., 69 years ago. He came to
Seaforth in 1910 with his father -in-
law and established the jewellery
and optical business of Savauge &
Stollery. In 1916, upon the death
of Mr. Stollery, he continued the
business, which in recent years has
been enlarged to include a geneial
china and gift line that has attracted
tourists from considerable distances.
He was very proud of the friendly
relations that existed between him
and his customersand was never
too busy to stop and have a chat
with them
51 a year
• c cOorthy ?ribute...
fir i. c
‚She will admire
your goodtaste if
you choose this en-'
=—= gagement ring
Popular heart de- Q
sign ,n a -sterling. c,.;
silver locket of ex JJ
quisite beauty.
Adorna pendant 511
and chain. Gold .
filled two-tone ,-
ish end stone
Jeweller and Optometrist
Opposite Post Office, Seaforth
Cott, Nelson Cardno. Glenn Hays,
John Bell, W. J. Duncan, .Bev.
Christie, Al Close, Ed. Smith, Lorne
Webster, M. A. McKellar, Dr. Beche-
ly, James M. Scott, Sain Scott a and
Hugh Wright. '
He leaves to mourn his loss l,i
wife, the former Lulu Stoller,, to
Groups 1 and 2 of the W. A. of
Northside United Church held a
combined meeting in the basement
of the church on Tuesday evening
1 June 3. Mrs. James M. Scott, leader
of group 2 opened meeting by read -
Gilbert, to Miss Margaret Lash Bart- ed in Northside United Church, in l whom he was married in Toronto in ing Mr. John Beatt e s poem n e
let, daughter of Mrs. Gordon T. which he had spent so much time in 11902, and two sons and one daug-. Garden". Foo the beauty of the
Bartlet d h 1 titer Ross of Seaforth' Murray o£ earth was sung followed by the
Toronto and Wrnnified at Home r s Y
Walkerville. The marriage was per -(.Workman conducted the service, as-�
formed by the Rev. H. M. Lang- sisted by Rev. A. W. Gardiner of
ford, Rector of St, Mary's •Church,Egmondville and Rev. ,R. G. Haile -
assisted by the bridegroom's father, wood of Walton, representing the
who was Celebrant at -the Commun- Presbytery of Huron. Mr. Workman
ion at the conclusion' of the mar-, spoke of his sterling .. qualities and
nage-rites. A full choir sang.the.of his ardent interest in the work
wedding .Psalm, the choral portions of the church. He told, how he had
of the Communion, and an anthem. been superintendent ,of the Sunday
Entering the Church .on the arm of School for a period of '25 years,
her brother, I4r, John Coburn Bart- from which, he retired a few years
let, who gave her in marriage, the ago. He spent many years as a mem-
bride were an exquisite gown of bei of the choir. He was an elder of
candle light satin, and heirloom veil � fhe church and held the position of
of rose pointe • ]ace and pointe Clerk of the Session at the 'time of
d'esprit extended into a long train, I his death. He Was a lay preacher
Her bouquet was of Johanna Hill, and very acceptably conducted ser-1roses and lilies of the valley. Her lvices at some ;time or other in most
cousin, Miss Margaret Jane Car- pulpits throughout the Presbytery.
ruthers, as maid of honour, and the, 111T. Hazlewood spoke of the loss
bent, son of the Rev. C, F. 'L.' The funeral service was conduct -
an t e ate Mr. Bardet of many official positions. Rev, H, V
bridegroom's sister, Miss Clara the Presbytery suffered in the death -
Frances Edith Gilbert es bridesmaid, of Mr. Savauge, who has been its
were identically gowned in aquamar-, treasurer for many years. and of
tie faille, the very •full skirts over the active part he played in all
crinoline, and wore bandeaux of pale) meetings of the Presbytery. He
pink ostrich tips in. their hair. Their
bouquets wer,e of pink roses. Mr.
Henry Holland ;Gilbert - was his
brother's best man and• the ushers
were Rev. H. A. Seegmiller of Pelee
Island, Mr.. Edgar McGregor Bart -
spoke of the part he had played in
the building, maintaining and en-
larging the Goderich. Summer School
of which he was the only remaining
original trustee.
Mr. Savauge displayed a keen in-
let, Mr. George Bartlet Carruthers'terest in the affairs of his commun-
and Mr. Wm Kerrigan. Iris, snap-
dragons and other spring flowers
were used at Mrs. Bartlet'a home
fdr the reception following the cere-
mony and the bride's' table was
centred with the wedding cake in a
bed of stephanotis, with white tapers
on either side, Mrs. Bartlet wore
for her daughter's wedding a gown
of smoke blue crepe trimmed with
rose' sequins, her corsage was of
sweetheart roses as was that of the
bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Gilbert,
who wore a shirred dress of powder
blue -silk jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Gil-
bert left for a motor trip to Musko-
ka, the -bride travelling in a navy
suit and nylon blouse with lace jabot
and ruffled lace cuffs and a veiled
off -the -face navy hat. They will later
travel by boat to their new home,
St. James' Rectory, Murillo, Ont.
Guests from a distance include
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Dingle and them
daughter, from London; Mrs. E. C.
Kerrigan, Miss Barbara Brown and
Mrs. Mary B.A Strong of Toronto;
Mrs. S. E. Gill of Severn Falls; Mr.
and Mrs. John Coburn and . their
u a Miss Margaret' Lash cesaful,in seeing many of his plans
D ndas,s; Dr. and Mrs, W. L.
Richardson of Indianapolis, Miss and ideas carried thi coot h until it is
now one of the finest Cemeteries in
Florence Robinson of Vancouver the district. He 'instituted very
Ottawd Niiss Ruth. Mcl)ougald of a. tient book-keeping systems.that
helped to eliminate errors in burials.
Many of his ideas and plans were
sought and instituted by surround-
ing Cemetery Boards,
ity. He was a member of the town
council for two years. He was the
chairman of many campaigns for
raising funds' for worthy causes in-
cluding the Navy League drives of
First World War years and in re-
cent gears of the Salvation Army
drives. Tie was one of the charter
members of the Seaforth Lions Club
when if was formed 22 years ago.
A few hours before he took the fa-
tal heart seizure he took his place
as President of the Club, leading in
the installation of seven new. mem-
bers. At home afterwards he re-
marked how much he had enjoyed
this very pleasant and successful el-
vening. Lion Fred"' was well liked
by district and provincial Lions of;
ficers as well as by members of his
own "club. • •
He was laid'' to rest in Maitland -
bank Cemetery, the cemetery into
which much of his time and effort
had been put as secretary -treasurer
since 1922, which position he held'
at the time of his death. He was
keenly interestedin the beautifies•
tion of the cemetery and was sue-
The death occurred aboiCt 7 a.m.,'
Wednesday, June 4th, following a
sudden illness, of Mrs. John McIntosh;
at her home on Centre st.. Formerly
Helen Henderson she was born 73
years ago in McKillop. in December.
1904, she was married in Hullett to;
Mr. ledintbsh who now survives her.
After living In Saskatchewan for 15
.years they returned to Seaforth in
1919. A private' 'funeral will he held
at the residence on,Friday, June 6th,.
at 2 nail., conducts?! by Rev. H. V.
Workman of Northside United church,,
Interment will be in ;Maitland Bank
The Choir of Northside Church.
was present at. the\funeral and -a
quartette consisting - of . Miss Ruth
Cluff• Miss Mabel. Th3nnbull, Mr.
Sam Scott and Mr. Jas. Stewart
sang "Softly and Tenderly Jesus is
calling," The Honorary Fall Bearers
were Clinton E. Smith, G. Arthur.
Smith,- Dr. Harburn, Dr. ' Barr'ows,
Chas. Barber and H. G. Mear;.Ac`tive
Pall Bearers, Helmer Snell, Chas. P.
Sills, Harvey Leslie, Richard Parke,
Herald' Lawrence and C; W. 'Iron -
side. Flower beayexs: Arnold West -
' Lod' Pra er m unison. Mi s Au
grandsons, three grand- dreg Hall and ivliss Janie Moffat
daughters, and one great grandson. rendered an enjoyable duet'"We
Among friends and relatives at would be building" accompanied by
tending from out of town were Mr.' Mr. P. B. Moffat. Mrs. Roy Lawson
William Savauge, Toronto; Mrs, introduced the guest speaker, Mrs.
Alex. Smith, Toronto; Mrs. A„ D. Ritchie who spoke, on Ottawa
Schmidt, Stratford; Mrs. J. Stortz, drawing a parable, patriotic and
Stratford; Mrs. H. Patton, ee, Christian, from her visits to Ri-
Guelph; The T. Eaton Co. of Toron- dean Hall, The Mint, The House of
to was. represented by Mr. and Mrs.: Parliament, The Peace Tower, and
Cliff Elliott, Mr. Sam. Howard, and the Churches. Miss R. Fennell moved
Mr. Bailey: and the Imperial Optical a vote of thanks to Mrs. Ritchie and
Company of. Toronto by Mr. Harry we closed meeting by singing "Oh
Carl and Mr. Longpre. District Al let us sing of a wonderful Love"
of the Lions Club was represented followed by Mizpah Benediction.
by District Governor Hal Mer and Mrs. G. Hogarth, leader of group
by District Deputy Lloyd Edighof- conducted an interesting contest
fes; of Mitchell, Mr• and Mrs. Mur-' "Tolle Art Gallery". A social half
ray Savauge and Mr. Ronald Sa- hour was spent over a cup of tea.
vauge of Toronto. ; T)ae two groups met separately for
The many beautiful floral trib-. a (short business session.
, utes and kindnesses shown by W. I. TO MEET
friends from near and far were a
tribute to one whose life had meant The Seaforth W. I. will meet on
so much to his connnunity, as - well Wednesday evening, June 11 at 8:30
as to his home where a loving hus- p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
band and father will be sadly missed. Gordon Fapple, McKillop. The roll
call will be "Something i have learn -
LADIES' AID ed about our bird friends." Guest
The June meeting of the' Ladies' speaker will be
Mr. Leroy Brown,
Aid of First Presbyterian Church Agr. Rep. We would like to sec a
full attendance of members and
their husbands and all non-members
and husbands or friends who are in-
terested. Come with your questions
which you would like to have Mr.
Brown answer and discuss,
Mrs. Alex Boyce and Mrs. Alex
Pepper are convenors of this agri-
cultural meeting.
was held in the basement on -Tues-
day afternoon at 3 o'clock with a
good attendance, the president pre-
siding. Meeting opened with Hymn
"0 God of Bethel by whose hand"
followed with prayer by the presi-
dent, Mrs. H. R. Scott, Reports were
received and adopted. Several items
of business were discussed. It
was decided that the Ladies' Aid
would cater to the Rallies that are
being held in Sept. and Oct. in •the The death of Mrs. J. E. McGregor
church. A very pleasing solo "May occurred in Walkerton Hospital. after
Morning" was sung by Mrs, Munn. a long illness, on May 25th. In her
Mrs, D. Ritchie was guest 'speaker, younger years Mrs. MacGregor lived
choosing for her subject "Scotland'. at Constance: She was the daughter
She gave a very interesting thaned in- of the late Mr. and Mrs. George
structive address .telling of in-
fluence .of the lives of outstanding
poets, Sir Walter Scott, Burns, Car-
lyle and others. She also enlarged on
the influence they had on the life in
Scotland and the world for the good
of humanity.
*Following Mrs. Ritchie's address.
Mrs. Munn, by request, sang "An-
nie La3u1e"'. In closing the meeting
a favorite hymn "Now the day is
over" was sung in memory of one
of the members, Mrs. T. G. Scott,
so recently passed on to her reward.
Miss Belle Campbell -' closed the
meeting with prayer. Refreshments
were served by Mrs, Russell Sproat's
Mrs. Henry Smith
The death occurred on May 26 of
Mrs. Henry Snaith of Milverton,
mother of Mr. H. E. Smith of town
after an illness of several months
She was born in Rostock 77 years
caro. There are also three dauehters:
Mrs. J. Unsworth, Toronto: Mrs. A.
Thompson, Toronto. and Mrs. J.
Propp, Milverton; also a brother and
three sisters. Mrs. Smith lived on a
farm near . Milt+ertbn until 1920
when the family moved to , the 'vil-
The funeral was held on May 29
froom the Evanaelica] Church at Mil- Taylor,at the Londesboro hall, Fr'i-
verton, Rev. Mr. Feist officiating. day evening,
McCully, Her husband, Mr. J, E. Mc-
Gregor, died four years ago. She
leaves one daughter, two sons, eight
grandchildren and one great-grand-
daughter. Two sisters,- Mrs, Isaac
McGavin of Walton and Miss Bella.
McCully, St. Marys, two brothers,
William and George McCully, Sleet
ford. Mrs. McGregor Was a member of
the United Church and the mission-
ary society at Walkerton,
Mr. Stacey Ferguson of Warwick
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Britton.
Mr. Gordon Buchanan is epend-
ing a few days with his parents Mr.
and Mrs,,, A. Buchanan,
Mr. Donald Stephenson received
word. Wednesday that he had passed •
with honors his second year in En-
gineering Physics, at the University
of Toronto.
Mrs. Albert Trewin of Toronto is
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs, Win. Britton.
Miss Doris Lawson and Miss Mar-
ion McMillan visited at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lawson over the
weekend, also attended the presenta-
tion for their .uncle, Mr. Lawrence