HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-05-15, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1947 HENSALL Dl. Arthiil' McAllister and daugh- ter; Miss Helen McAllister of ,Georgetown visited over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. L Baynham, Miss Helen Moir and lir, and Mrs. Melvin Moir, Miss June Saundereock of London visited with her mother Mrs; Annie Saundercock over the weekend ' Mrs, E. C. Murray of Toronto was a weekend guest with Mr, and Mrs, W. B. Cross. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Seruton and family of Port Dover spent the weekend here. Miss Goldie Cross R.N. of West- minster, hospital, London, visited re- cently with her parents Mr. and Krs. W. B. Cross. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton and Bar- bara spent the weekend in Toronto 'visiting with Miss. Helen McNaught- on and Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan. Dr, Wm. T. Joynt of London was a visitor with ,his mother Mrs, Alice Joylt over the weekend.• Mr, and Mrs. A. L, Case were re- sent visitors with the forner's' par- ents Mr, and Mrs. J. Reid in London. Birthday Party Largely attended The Women's Missionary Societ of the Hensall United Church hel their annual birthday party on Fr :fay, May 9th in the schoolroom the church. The President, Mrs. W 3. Cross, presided and opened th 'program with a hearty welcome t the guests from Kippen, Chiselhur' Evening Auxiliary and the member' if the W.M.S. The hymn "Breath in me Breath of God" was sun and the Lord's prayer repeated i ninon. Miss M. Ellis had charge o the devotional which was followe by prayer by Mrs. R. A. Brook 3ymn "Unto the Hills around do up mine Eyes" was sting. Mis Greta Larmie favoured with a beau- tiful violin solo, accompanied on the Fano by Miss Gladys Luker. Misses Bolen and Ann Sinclair of Kippen ng two vocal duets "To the little ..:-hiren over the Sea" and "` Robin Redbreast", Mrs. Sinclair accomp- r;en on the piano. Miss Audrey Walsh sang a delightful solo accom- ..anted by Miss Edna Walsh at the piano. Mrs. John M. Glenn of Chisel- s-•1'st gave a splendid reading entit- ed "Mine and William's Thankoffer- ng". A beautiful hymn entitled Tell Mother I'll be There" was sung by a trio consisting of Mrs. 'Milton Lavery, Mrs. Geo. Hess and Mrs. Maud Hedden. Mrs, Thos. Sher- tt accompanied at the piano. The :nest speaker Mrs. E. C. Murray gave a splendid address on the "Assets of life" showing that every ;woman has some talent of which they can use it in helping on the Missionary work for it means a great deal to every church if every woman would be .a faithful worker :n Missions, for what the world needs today is more of the Christian spirit in the hearts of the people. The offering was then taken up by Mrs. John Passmore and Mrs. C. Cook. Hymn "We Give Thee but 'Thine Own" was sung. Mrs. Cross then expressed thanks to all who took part in the program and the meeting closed with prayer. A dain- ty lunch was served by the ladies. A meeting of the Community Park Board was held on May 9th in the Council Chambers with the fol- lowing members being present. W. R. Davidson. F. Smallecombe, W. Brown, L. Cook, Geo. Armstrong, E. ?aiowcliffe and R. H. Middleton. Min - ,es of the previous meeting read. Cook and Brown, that the minutes lie adopted as read. Carried. Bills and accounts read as follows: Vil- lage Hensall auditing expenses, $5`: 99. J. A. Paterson, express on trees, .35; W. Brown, material, seats, $9.- 15: A. Spencer and Son, material, eats, $216.65; A. Clark, material, =eats. $180,15; Drysdale Hardware, i teriai, seats, $11.95. Total 5423: 2'�. Smallecombe and Middleton that -.2as read be paid. Carried. J. Tudor appeared as a delegate from the Baseball Club stating they were not satisfied with the charge 15ri of the gate receipts but would be willing to pay the 15% of •he gate receipts up to a limit of $100,00 only. Brown and Cook, that we rescind the motion of April 30th re the charges for the use of Park. Carried. Middleton and Rowcliffe.' That the rates for the use of the floodlights be $2.00 per night for. any Community Organization and. outside organizations $5.00 per'' night, Carried. Armstrong and Brown, that we hold a frolic on July 23rd and ask the help of the follow- ing: Chamber of Commerce, Fire- men, Ball Clubs, Women's Institute, Legion and Spring Fair Board, Car- ried. Rowcliffe and Smallecombe, that R. Middleton, W. Brown and L. Cook be a committee to engage a roan to look after the floodlights. Middleton and Brown, that we now adjourn. J. A. Paterson, Sec''y-Treas, W. R. Davidson, Chairman. Regular meeting of the Village Council was held on Tuesday, May 6th in the Council chamber with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting. also four spec- ial meetings read. Brown and Parke, that the minutes be adopted as read. d of smith on Thursday, May 8th, of ; Francis Alexander McMillan. a life - e long resident of Tuckersmith with o the exception of a few years spent st, in Detroit. He is survived by his s wife, formerly .Margaret Williams, e and one daughter and one son. The g, funeral was held on Monday morn - n ing from St. James' Church, Sea - f forth. Requiem High Mass was cele - d, brated by Rev. Fr. T. P. Hussey. In- terment took place in St. James' I Cemetery. CROMARTY Mothers day visitors: Miss Jean Me Culloch of London with her parents Mr;, and Mrs. Roy McCulloch. M1•. and Mrs, Donald Wallace, Car lingford, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks and son Mr. and Mrs, Percy Adams and family with Mr, and Mrs. George Wallace. Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Aldington of Seaforth, Mr, and Mrs. John Aiding ton of Varna with Mr. and Mrs. An drew McLachlan. Mr. and Mr's, Ross Forest of Hen, sell with Mr. and Mrs. E. Treffry. Miss Christina McKaig has returned to the village after a two -mouth stay in Sudbury, Miss Mary Currie, who has been it 'in Stratford for the past two year's, has returned to her home here. CONSTANCE Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard Everson of Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mrs David Millson over the weekend, Mrs. Everson will be remembered by' many friends 'as the former' Ruth Millson. Mrs. Ethel Stephenson visited with Sirs. Gardiner in London on Friday. TUCKERSMITH The death occurred in Tucker - For The Finest Body and Fender Repairs and Car Painting bring your Car to Daly's Garage SEAFORTH. DUBLIN 3'Iiss Marion Meagher, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher. _Miss Jean Costello, London, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cost- ello. Misses Dorothy and Catherine Jordon, Kitchener, with their mother Mrs. Loretta Jordon. Misses Theresa and _ Margaret Ryan, London, with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan. Attending the Feeney -Walsh wed- ding in Seaforth on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baden, De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Feeney, Kitchener, Victor and Martin Feen- ey, Kitchener. Mr. Dan Williams Jr., Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams. Miss Marie Kiauskopf, London, with, .her mother, Mrs. Cal'therine Krauskopf. Miss Rose 'Burns, Stratford. with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns. Mr. Peter Matthews is critical in Seaforth hospital. The Guild of St. Marys Church held their monthly meeting on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Chas. Friend,. after the usual business meeting the ladies spent the after- noon quilting. Lunch was served by the hostess. WINTHROP Mother's Day was observed in the Sunday school. The readings and sing- ing by those taking special parts were most enjoyable. Attendance was ex- ceptionally good. Sunday school will be at 10 a.in, until further notice. At the regular church service the following children were presented Tor baptism: Lynda Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Glen Pryce; Ronald Allen, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen CanlpbelI. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters and daughters Aileen and Amy, of Tucker.. smith, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Campbell on Sunday. Miss Hazel Dodds, of Auburn, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dodds. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Madden and Lillian of Milverton and Mr, Norris Davis of Wisiton. Sask,, with Mr. R. K. Davidson. Mr. R. K. Davidson spent a few days in London. 311'. and MIs. Garnet Taylor and Dorothea of Staffa with, Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Papple and fam- ily of Tuckersmith with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Pryce. Helping Hand Mission Band held their meeting Saturday, May 10th. Iris Byerman led in prayer, Mac Montgomery took the scripture. Roll call was answered by naming a spiting bird. Mrs. Hogg took the. study which is India this year. Busi- ness wastaken by Mrs. McClure. VARNA The United Church held a joint service with the Sunday .School on Mother's Day, also a baptism service when five babies were baptized. The Varna and Goshen young people are putting on their play Petticoat Ranch" in Kippen on Monday evening next. ' • A number of Orangemen of L.O. L. 1035 visited with. Clinton L.O.L. on Thursday evening last. The May meeting of the Varna W.M.S. was held in the church with president, Mrs. Lee McConnell, pre- siding. We sang City of God how broad and far, as the opening hymn. The program from monthly was fol- lowed. Mrs. W. Johnston, Mrs. Sher- lock Keys, Mrs. Fred) Reid and Mrs. Ernie MCClinchey each read a part. Two members led in prayer. We then. sang In Christ there is no east or west. Roll call was answered with word life. Text word for June -to be help. Mrs. W. Stephenson and Mrs. Geo. Reid each gave interesting' re- ports of Presbyterial held at Exeter. Mrs. Ben Keys, who was about In move to Brucefield, was presented with a. parting gift. Mrs. Fred Reid read the address and Mrs. S'herlocic Keys made the presentation. Mrs. S. Keys was made a life member of the society by her aunt, Miss Maude Stirling of Bayfield. Our appreciation of this was expressed by treasurer Mrs Geo Reid Card of Thanks The Hospital Aid wish to thank'. those who came to the Hospital on Monday and gave so generously in gifts and money, and particular mention to the School Children for their gifts, including the lovely posters made by. the Public school children. Card of Thanks wish to thank my maty friends who sent. me cards, fruit, candy and letters during my recent =Wen t. _. RONALD BUTTERS TEACHER WANTED Applications will be received by the under- signed for a fully qualified Protestant teacher for S, 5, #2, Tuckersmith, Kippen P.O., Enron Co. Applicants will please state iNnlifi- cations, experience, references and the mune of last' Inspector ,if experienced. Salary will be according to experience. Duties to com- mence Sept, 2nd. S. II. WHITMORE Sec.- Treas., Tuckersmith Township School Area. No. 1, Seaforth RR3. - TEACHER WANTED. ' Warted,- Protestant teacher for S.S.' No. 6, Hulled. in Huron Co., duties to commence Sept. 1 Y st.School has hydro, new desks & blackboard. Apply, stating sassy & qualific- ations to Sec,-Tr eas.JOHN McEI\G,BIybhOnt. - TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher wanted for Rtirnl Public School in Village of Constance, S.S. 41,- 1111110U, Huron County. Modern equipped brick school 'house. Duties to commence Sept.- 1st.' State- expeyence, qualifications and salary ex- pected. Apply to 0. V. DALE, Seco-Treas., Clinton RRr, Ont. Phone 841-r-5. FOR SALE. Dwelling with small barn, 2 to 3 acres, suitably - located 'for poultry, 1r/-, story frame dwelling, .John' St. ph story asphalt shingled dwelling on Victoria Street, withimmediate possession. M. A. Reid, Seaforth FOR SALE 7 roomed frame house, North Main St. Centrale location, harfhvood floors & three - Piece bath, furnace, fireplace. Early posses- sion. Phone 378. EDWIN JOHNS • FOR SALE 11 young pigs, 7 weeks old,. BILL EDGAR, Seaforth: WANTED Farm wanted to rent for a year, with option to buy. Year's rent in advance. BILL EDGAR, Seaforth. FOR SALE A member of young sows coming in within two weeks. Apply to MILLER ADAMS, Phone 845 r 22, Seaforth. FOR SALE Number of weaned pigs for immediate sale. Phone 05211, Seaforth, MAURICE ETUE. AT FINNIGAN'S HOBBY FAIR We were keenly interested to read in Monday's Free Press Accounts of Hohb• Fair in London. Hobby Fair is the result of the service clubs of London uniting their efforts in .youth service. In this community there is need for something of this sort.. The hest agency in Seinforth to prontotc the work would no doubt be the Canadian Legion. This group, led by thecapable Charlie Sills, has set its shouse In order, We suggest they consider something of this' nature in their, recreational. ,plans. IN STOCK New shipment of Candy incl Chocolate Bars, Canned Meats, Puddjog Powders, Jelly Powders. SERVE BISSET'S ICE CREAM 75c BRICK W. J. FINNIGAN & SON In Memoriam ZAPPE—In loving memoryof a dear husband and father Bemy C. Zapfle who passed away two years ago May.10,. 1646. Though 'absent from us yet ever near, Unseen by the world, he stands by our side, And whisper's, dear loved ones, death can not divide. Ourlips cannot tell how we miss him, Our hearts can tell what to say. God only knows all, Lr the home that is lonesome today. —Lovingly remembered by Wife and Family TENDERS. FOR WIRING Tenders are .invited up to May 24th for the wiring of No. 7 School,: Tuckersmith: The wiring to be subject- to the approval of the Wiring Inspector, and to be completed during midsummer holidaya. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Secretary - Treasurer. S. H. WHITMORE, Sec. -Press„ Sdhooi Area. FOUND A small black and white terrier found on our farm this week. Fran- cis Coleman, phone 838 r 22. FOR SALE 35 Pontiac Sedan. Phone 79 r 24, Hensall. FOR SALE C.C.M. bicycle in good condition. Phone 133 W. FOR SALE Massey -Harris bean scuffler and puller in good shape, practically new. Charles Eyre. Phone 651 r 31. FOR SALE 23 feet of porch railing, Al condition, painted white. Phone 344, Seaforth, FOR SALE A 13 -disc Fertilizer Drill, International. Apply to RUSSELL WORDEN, Staffa. Phone 11r19, Dublin. FOR SALE One 100.0 International tractor on steel, in good working shape. WILLIAM MCLACHLAN ,hone Hensall 801,14. RR3, Kippen. FOR SALE 20 pigs six weeks old. Apply to FRANK MURRAY, 862r24, Seatorth. FOR SALE Large barn in good condition, half new steel roof. Also square timbers all sizes and engths. Apply LLOYD MEDD, RR1 Clinton. Phone 801 r 41. FOR SALE Beaty hand washer, with copper tub, and wringer, like new, Also 2 -burner coal -oil' oven, like new, MRS. KAY THORNTON, Dublin, Ont. Auction Sale OF OUTSTANDING ANTIQUE FURNI- TURE and Household Effects of the estate of M. G. RANSFORD at his late residence, Lot No. 39, Con. 1, Tuckersmith Township. on No. 8 Highway, 1 mile east of Clinton, on Saturday, May 24611, at 12.30 p.m, sharp (D.S.T.) Terms cash. if weather is unfavorable sale will be held 1 week later. H. G. Meir, Executor of the Estate. For further particulars 01' listing apply to: EDWARD W. ELLTOT'r Auctioneer Clinton, Box 208. Phone 203 Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND EFFECTS — Mullett Twp., r/ mile east of Londesboro, on Thursday, Slay 22nd, at 1 p.m. ' CATTLE—All Holsteins: 1 cow 9 years, fresh ; cow, 4 years, fresh ; cow, 0 years, fresh ; cow, 6 years, due AIM.; cow, 3 years, fresh ; cow, 6 years, due May ; cow, 5 years, fresh ; heifer, 234 years, _ due September; i calves. 66 Hens, Sussex,- 4 sows, 15 young pigs. IMPLE1IENTS—Oliver tractor 00 on rub - ler, with combination cullvator; Oliver 2 Currov plow, like new; bean puller; MH binder, MD mower, MH hay loader, hay rake, 1",..,M ruling plow, walking plow, one - mac s,ulfler, wagon on rubber & rack, MD cream separator in good condition, hay fork. carriage &. ropes, 2 wheel- trailer, other articles. Full line of HOUSE FURNISHINGS, M- inding 3 pe Chesterfield, dining room suite; Beach cook stove, couch, kitchen Cables, bath room scales, RCA Victor radio like, new, electric; dishes, pots & pans. Conner washing machine (electric). Terms cash. JOAN BROMPTON, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E, P. Chesney, Clerk. FOR SALE 1929 Ford A Model coupe in good condition, new tires. Frank 0,' Rourke, yDublin, phone 37 r 6. FOR SALE 3 -burner Coleman gasoline stove with oven in good condition. Apply E. A. Dilling, phone 659 r 41, Sea - forth. FOR SALE 11'4. storey frame house 20' x 28', on highway just east of Dublin. Her- bert Smale, Dublin R.R. 1. FOR SALE 2 purebred Durham bulls, 12 months old. Edmund Godkin, phone 848 r 31, Seaforth. FOR SALE Man's suit in good condition. Ap- ply The News Office. FOR SALE A driver, well-bred, no blemishes, also set of harness and buggy. Thos. Storey, Seaforth. Clearing Auction Sale LIVE STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, ETC. —At Lot 15, Con. 2, Grey Twp., 17/4 miles north and 1/•-, mllo enat of Walton, on Wed- nesday, May 21st, at 1 P.M. CATTLE --11 Durham young cows, some due time of sale, and others recently fresh. 4 young calves. 8 Durham steers and heifers, 1 year old. 1 York sow wit litter at foot. HARNESS -1 set of breeching harness; 1 set of single harness. Number of horse collars IMPLEMENTS—MH bider, MH mower, 0 ft. MIT ildisc fertilizer drill (like naw) • spring tooth cultivator; 9 section diamond harrows; 1 disc borrow: scuffler•; walking Plow, riding plow, MH hay loader, hay ted - der, sulky rake, turnip drill, brooder stove; post auger; set of bench Sleighs; rubber -tired wagon, gravel box, 1.0 ft hay rack; Buggy, cutter; feinting mill; 2000 Ib scales, stone boat f. root 'sniper; DeLaval creamseparator; pig crate:, 3 barrels; grain bags, bag holder; sap pan & 130 buckets, iron kettle. Quantity of. lumber & plank; 4 white -ash tongues. Grain—Quantity of mixed grain. Logging chains, whippletrees, neckyokes, forks, shovels & host of other articles. Terms cash. WALTER G. BROADFOOT, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. FOR SALE Thirty-foot windmill, Gould - Shapley -Muir )lead in good condi- tion, 99 r 4 Hensall. J. Scotchmer, Jr'., Bayfield. . HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper wanted for farm near Mitchell; 2 children, State wages wanted. Apply at The News office. For Sale LAND, BUILDINGS AND FENCING ST. JOSEPH'S, ONT. Subject to prior sale or withdrawal War Assets Corporation invites binding offers for the purchase outright of the Crown's' right title and interest in the property described below: The complete eatabiishment, .land, buildings, fencing. etc,, but .exclud- ing power line and equipment, known as St, Josephs Aerodrome situated about. Ave miles south of Exeter, Ontario, or 12 miles north- west of the Town of Centralia, and consisting of the fenced areas forming parts of Lots 6, 7 and 8, in Concession East of Lake Road, Lots 22, 28, 24 and 26 Inc/naive and the east part of Lot 21 in anConcession lb ; 7.4 acres more or less, consisting of part of Lots 18 d 19, Concession 12, and the west part of lot 25 in Concession 14, containing in an 641.8 acres more or less. All data contained herein are necessarily abbreviated and subject to. correction. Sale of this property to any purchaser will be subject to the approval of the Gov- ernor -in -Council. War Assets Corporation reserves the unqualified right to reject any or all proposals received for the above property.. Proposals to purchase should reach' the address given below not later than: Monday, May 26, 1947 Lands and Buildings Department WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 4096 St. CATHERINE ST. WEST, MONTREAL 6, QUEBEC, P.O. BOX 6099 PHONE: BElair 3771 233 1 N. otic eo To farmers mens Goderich elevator refunds are now available. The refund from the .Goderich Elevator and Transit . Co. Ltd. of overcharges made on grain loaded in bags during the period of August 16, 1943 to June 1945, is now held in trust by the Federation of Agri- culture of Huron County for Distri bution. All farmers' and..feeders in the County who assumed this overcharge may secure refunds • by furnishing proofs as to grain purchased on which overcharges were paid. A sheet of explanations as ,to proofs, etc., is being sent out to the township units and may be secured from your local secretary. By agreement with the Goderich Elevator and W.P.T.B.,`the unclaim- ed residue may be used for Junior Farmer organizations in the Coun- ty. Anyone wishing to do ,so may assign their claims for this purpose. All claims must be made within thir- ty days of the above notice to W. V. Roy, Londesboro, Secretary -Treas- urer of Huron County Federation of Agriculture. Any Huron County farmers who purchased grain from Bruce County dealers, should present their claims to Bruce County Federation of Agri- culture. Wool Wanted ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson Seaforth. Phone 3W & 33 BABY CHICKS ' Order your day old Chicks from a breeder Hatchery under 0.B.S. super- vision. We are able to supply a limit- ed number of orders of Leghorn x Rock,' and Rock x Leghorn crossbreds for April and May delivery. Glazier Poultry Farm, phone 617r31, Clinton, R.R. *4, Ontario. ' FOR SALE By tender, 115 acre grass farm, lot 34, con. 14, McKillop. never fail- ing spring creek. Thos. Nash, R.R. 5, Seaforth. RENFREW SALES AND SERVICE Hand turned and electric cream separators, also' repairs for Anker - holt separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. Phone 618 r 21, Clinton PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envel- ope with price list. 6 samples 25o; 24 samples 51.00'.' Mail -Order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamil- ton, Ont, NOTICE The Pure Bred Belgian Stallion WEST PINE SUPREME —5241)— Enrolment #3017, 1st class, Form I. The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion ROYAL CARBROOK. (27101), Enrolment 413500, 1st Class, Form I. The Pure bred Perc eros Stallion REFINER. (13280). Enrolment 214, 1st Class, Form I. Route for 1947—Mon. & Tues., Vicinity- of Dungannon, Lncknow. Brussels and Blyth, Wed. & Thura,—Vicinity of Seaforth, Clinton, Dublin. Fri & Sat --Vicinity of Kipper, Hensall and Zurich. Terms: 515 to insure, payable Mar. 1, 1948. T. 5. McMICHAEL, Prop. and Manager The Standard Bred Grade A Premium Horse BARON LULWATER 4750 (68989) Will stand at his own stable, Eat, Lot 39. Con. 3, McKillop. 915 to insure, payable April 1st, 1048. Accommodation for mares from a distance, GEO. B. DORRANOE, Propr. and Manager, Seafotb R.R,2. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clin'o SEAPORTS SHOWROOMS are open each PI ESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41J. Exeter. BOX "� Jfiurtrral #rruirt AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office Residence 43 18 McConnell & Hays Barristers, 'Solicitors, Etc. Patrick. D, McConnell, H. Glenn Hays: SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 Alvin .W. Sillery - Barrister, Solicitor, .&c. Royal Apartments Phone. 173 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. , All kinds of Insurance risks effect• ed at lowest rates in First -Class:. Companies. The McKillop. Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, - Ont, Officers - President, F. McGregor, Clinton. Vice President, 'O, W. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and. Manager, M. A. ,Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank. McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore„ Seaforth 11 113; Chris Leouhardt,., Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; J H.. McEwing, Blyth 1151; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton;, Harvey Fuller, Gods - rich RR 2. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher•, Dublin; J. F. Prueter„ Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties' desirous to effect insurance or transact other•, business, will be promptly attended to by applications: to any of the above named officers. addressed to their respective post offices. . SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster•,. M.B., Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon: Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may' be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. . JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H: Ross' office. Phone SW MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A,,M.D.. <Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr, W. C. Sproat Phone, 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant` New York: Ophthalmic and .Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square, throat hospitals, London, . Eng, At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third. Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 FRANK KIRKBY Licensed Auctioneer Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable. rates "Phone: Seaforth 842 r 24. Address -Walton, R. R. 4 JOSEPH L. RYAN AUCTIONEER • Licensed in Huron and Perth Specializing in Farm Stock and Farm Implements, and Household, Effects USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres,, WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., . , ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRE0TOEs JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON .... , . Cromarty JOHN MCGRATH Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1 'AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS .... Mitchell THOS. SCOTT .... , . , . Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham. SECRETARY•TREASVP,ER B. W. F. BEAVERS Exeter SOLICITORS Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter • FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CAI TU • NONSES • HOSS. SHEEP • CALVES heap* and E isl nfly Removed Simply Phone Collect t!...2,1 MITCHELL 219 STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 VIE DO THE RESTI WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO