HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-05-08, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY Si 1947 QRTH'NEtWS Nos ital Day,p1 2th • There will be Open House at Scott Memor- ial Hospital on Monday, May 12th, after- noon and evening. The Public is all invited. There will be afternoon Nurses' Residence from 2.30 to 4.30, tea at the and7to8.30inthe evening. Donations of money and gifts such as canned fruit, fruit nappies, water glasses, towels, ' wash cloths and soaps, dresser scarves and pillow slips, will be very gratefully accepted. Everyone, welcome, . *au We FIND OUR BANK IN THIS FARM PICTURE • (./7r:, 7 �'ittF'/ O fA%�%/f//® BEHIND the activity on this 1I progressive farm stand the banking services and helpful fin- ancing of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. You, too, may need a new tractor, a combine or other farm machinery or. equipment to develop your farm. Mbar Farm improvement LOUIS For • Purchasing livestock • Constructing or Repairing Buildings • Modernizing Farm Homes • improving Fencing and Drainage • installing Electric Power • Clearing and Breaking Land for Farming Investigate the many advantages you have under the Farm Improvement Loan plan. Come in and discuss your financial needs with our local Manager. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch, G. C. Brightrall, Manager TOWN TOPICS brother, Mr. Lennon, word this week of ttte death of her BORN in Detroit. Mrs. s R. J. St. Jarmaine and family, Espanola, are visiting with her mother Mrs, Margaret Morrow, Miss Betty Anderson, ` Hamilton, spent the week end at the home of her grandmother Mrs, Robert Bell. Mr. Jack Fortune, London, spent the weekend at the home of Isis par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Leo fortune, Miss Vera Mole spent a few days in Toronto last week, Miss Mary Crowe, London, was s week end visitor at' the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and .Mrs. Ernest Crowe. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Lamont, Detroit, were guests over the week end at the home -of his brother, Mr. Frank La • mont. Mr. and NIrs. Harry W. Hart and Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Hart spent the week -end with friends in Galt. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Spencer and Gwen anti Greg of Hensel], Mr. Rus- sell Blackwell and Mr. Ronald Tanner -of London Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Farquhar, Mr, Con Eckert, St, Jerome's Coll- ege, Kitchener, spent the week end at the home of his 'mother, Mrs, Gerald- ine Eckert. Mrs. Charles Baynes and daughter Miss Donny Baynes, London. visited recently with friends in town. Mr. Edward Brady has received word of ,the death of his mother, which took place in Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Earle and dau- ghter Judy left Saturday for Centralia where Mr. Earle is stationed, Mr, and Mies. jetty Comartin have left for a month's holiday in Montreal Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Cloutier have gone to Kitchener and Northern Ont- ario for a month's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, Win- chelsea, and Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Laithwaite and fancily, Goclerich, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hothain. Mrs, William MacKay. Seattle, Washington, was a guest last week at the home of her sister, Mrs, C. P. Sills and Mr. Sills. Mr. L. A. Gibson, Toronto, was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. E. Mole and family, Misses Jessie Peart and Beatrice u Hopkins, Toronto. were the guests of Rev. R. H. Williams and Mrs. Will- iams at the Presbyterian Manse, over !• the week end, NIr. R. B. Ferguson, 1l-Iiss Jean Fer- guson and Miss Adele Cooper of Tor- onto spent Sunday with Miss Annie and Miss Maud Ferguson, Those who attended the funeral of the late Miss Dorothy O'Connell of Detroit last week were: Mrs. J. D. O'Connell, Mrs. James O'Connell Jr, and family, Mrs. Ted Sullivan and son Mr. Joseph Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. McDougall and daughters, alI of De- troit; Miss Margaret O'Connell and Mrs. O'Rourke, Buffalo; Miss Kate O'Connell, London; Mr. Joseph O'C'ou- 1 nell, Mrs. J. Bruxer and Mrs. tvil,ilie O'Connell, Dublin; Miss Alice fl,"'- eaux and Ed Devereaux, Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Devereaux, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills Jr., St. Marys. 111.47 '1MMut0Mn01M011tp0M1111t11101M11M1 tl1111tttff inb rUOff I0uM01M1111.1M1110101,1111111111111n1M11,0011uu111,1eO umml Sherman Stip Up Trarsmkskns FOR Ford Ferguson Tractors RESERVE YOUR ORDER NOW SUPPLY LiMITED DALY'S GARAGE, Seaforth FORD - MONARCH CARS AND TRUCKS FORD FERGUSON TRACTORS %M Mull,Mlll„11,11,0,,1,0,llll110llllll 1,,0111p11L1l1,1,,,l lull 011t1M11110111111r111110Ji1111101,1111111fl01f1111,111111111tl11.1111 WANTED! Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION -- WE DO THE LOADING DARLING & CO. OFCANADA Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 136441 Mrs, H. V. Workman went to Tor-' 11Y'AN — At Scott Memorial Hospital onto on Monday of this week. She on May 3, to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph will be for a time a patient in the Ryan, Walton, a son, Private Patients' Pavilion of Toron- AUBIN—At Scott Memorial Hospital to General Hospital. J on May 5th, to Mr.`and Mrs. John The nurses of Clinton, Godericli Anbin, Bi'uceflel'd, a. daughter. and Wing'ham and Seaforth will PRINGLE=Mr, and Mrs, Russell honor the memory of Florence Pringle (nee Rosalie O'Reilly) `are Nightingale by meeting together at happy to announce the arrival of the evening service of Northside twin sons at St, Michael's Hospit United Church, Sunday, May lith at al, on Monday, April I4, 1947. 7 p.m.- The Scott Memorial nurses Raul James and Gordon William) will serve lunch to the visiting nurses at the Nurses' Residence at the close of the evening service. LOGAN Logan Council met'on May 5th 1 p.m, in twp. hall, with all member present. the reeve presided, minute read, adopted and signed. Corres pondence read. Reeve F. W. Ahren was -appointed to represent Logan the Thames Valley meet at London on May 27 next. A. petition of ratepayers of Hille brecht Award Drain praying that council assume the award and con- struct a municipal drain, was ac- cepted. Engineers, Gaffney and Mc. George were appointed to examine and report to Council as soon as possible, 1(Oon, 8-9. lots. 29-80 i& 81. Councillors Gaffney :3t Bach were appointed to interview Elms, council concerning the removing of willows from the Nicholson drains, to report back to council, Resolution by Simon & Chaffe to continue the agreement with Strat- ford Hospital for the balance of year 1947 was carried. Resolution by Gaffney '$: Bach and carried, authorizing the assessor Edmund T. Wood to collect 1947 dog tax at the same time he is making the assessment for 1948 roll. \ToI dog tax will appear on 1947 tax roll. All dog taxes must be paid to they assessor when he calls for same, lst. dog. $2.00 {two dogs $d,00) or 1 female and 1 dog $6.00, single fe- male $4.00. (Pure bred dogs, kennel license $10.00) P.. Nicholson was paid part on Cameron contract $1200.00, work nearly completed. Treas. to prepare and sell debentures on Cameron drain. Reeve and treasurer were in- structed.to dispose of Victory Bonds held by the twp. On request of the Reeve, the Road Supt. withdrew his resignation which had been on file for the past two months. Road ac- counts amounting to $2,247.40 were ordered paid. Municipal drains 81219.24; Fuel relief $11.80: Miscel- laneous accounts $19,74. Council adjourned to meet again June 2nd, p.m., D.S.T. During the period from Jan. 1st o May 5th. 1947. For snow plowing the following contractors were Paid. Manuel Beuermann, $9,240.25; Carl Priestap, 88,545.00; Cameron Rill -- tool. $2,874,00; Leo Steinke, $8,- 837.00; B. & M. Construction Co., $1,862.00. John A. Rudolph, Clerk, Secrets Of The Stratosphere The dramatic story of space— hurtling rockets that provide science will new data about the mysterious upper atmosphere is told in a special article, "SECRETS OF THE STRA ,' TOS'PHERE' , one of many instruc- s tive and entertaining features ix. s: The American Weekly magazine -, with this Sunday's (May 11) issue s of The Detroit Sunday Times. a HospitalBenefit g Cel Auspices of Nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital. FRIDAY, MAY 16TH, 10 - 2 Cardno's Hall, Seaforth Musib by Skyliners Band Dress Optional. Admission—$2,50 Per couple. With lunch Patrons and Patronesses --Miss Din- ning, Dr, and Mrs. McMaster, Dr, and Mrs, Stapleton, Dr. and Mrs. Brady, Dr, and Mrs.. Corwin, Mr. and Mrs, James Scott, Mi•. Merton Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills DANCE! The C.W.L. of St. Columban are having a dance on MAY - 1IITH. Carnegie Orchestra, PLAY " SECOND STORY PEGGY Presented by Young People of Hen - sail Carmel Presbyterian Church WED,, MAY 14TH I In Sunday School Room of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth Under auspices of Tuesday Night Club Admission 35c and 25c Proceeds fur Chime Fund DANCING/ in Cardno's Hat(, Seaforth SATURDAY, MAY -10 NORM CARNEGiE' AND HIS BAND ADMISSION 50c Mr. Andrew Little returned home Saturday after spending the winter in Brantford with his son and daughter- in-law Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little. Mr. W. H, Little and son and daughter, Roy and Margaret, spent the week end here, Mrs. James Devereaux received CONSTANCE - Miss DoneIda Adams spent Satur- day in London. ':iC,tea,• ----...,,.,,0r..n...�".. ,•_I xia..,lu tmgEte valM5ilma;[1Aec¢oma2661 Sti«^m FLOW X3.5 Cat Flowers Mixed Pans Pot Plants GET YOUR FLOWERS FOR MOTHER'S DAY AT Baker's Greenhouse sgaroRTH W t:iv' u full line of garden and flower plants. Panst _, head letruc? and .spani'th onulns rtny now, Tank Type Cleaner DeLuxe The Finest and Most Powerful Cleaner Built FINE DISPLAY OF Simmons Spring ,1: attresses & Springs SUNSHINE STROLLERS and Prams. OX FURNITURE STORE tt ITS Nt E TO TRAVE4 Ai; ON—AL RAILWAYS 'ENNINE ar a Canadian National, the largest railway in North America, can take you everywhere in Canada .. from the surf -washed shores of the Atlantic to the evergreen Pacific toast. There is a type of train travel for every purse and purpose : berth or enclosed space, coach or chair :.. and for everyone, Canadian National courtesy and service. Get to know your country via C.N.R. ^ the comfortable, dependable way to travel: &mous CaeadJars l4atimunl Craw. ria *mai VitttohlemOlLhmOd Ocean L indtdd NATIONAL THE jutumAy TO BtVERYWRER I st CANADA let us help Om your trip 1pg c4i Ian National l'Ie 011 b f nor. iPe p ,tr 1'o bap yax,