HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-05-01, Page 4THE SEAFOR,TH NEWS Tau. SLr t1 0RTIi NEWS Snowdon Bros., Polishers St. Marys, at the home of their aunt Miss Mary Smillie, Miss Alda Williamson, Wingham, WALTON} at the home of her parents,. Mr, and I Mrs. Thomas Williamson.. IP and a M G E. Pollard and The Huron Presbytery Young Peoples' Union met in Walton Unit- ed Church on Wednesday, April 30 with Mr. D. Lawless, president, in the chair. The Walton Young Peo-. pies' .Union 'conducted the opening` worship service. Beginning Sunday, May 4, Sunday School will be held " at 10:30 and church at 11:30 Daylight Saving Time. Mr. Joseph and Miss Ida Taylor, , , children at Owen Sound, ELIMVILLE Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Hanna of Seaforth spent last Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford of Eden visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Russell .King of Crediton visited on Sunday with the • latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper. Messrs. Murray and Laurie Ste - BUILDING phens from London spent the week- end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. SUPPLIES I Charles Stephens. Mr. and: Mrs. Eric Garscadden of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Miners. D'Iiss Florence Bell R.N. of Lon- don spent the weekend with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finlobeiner of Shipka spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1,Jelson Coultis. Mr. Samuel Miller and family of Dashwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard, Margison are difficult to obtain 'HOWEVER WE HAVE IN STOCK Asphalt Shingles in various blends. Insulation by the bag or car- ton. Oak flooring 13/16" thick Plywood ", %", ?!t" birch and Bobby of London and Mrs, Ed;. and cedar. Johns - Manville Johns of Exeter spent Sunday with Durabestos Shingles. Beaver Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns.Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Board. Philip Mureh were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bratby and Isobelle, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Murch, Donna anti Latrine from London. Mr, and Mrs. Maynard, Margison and Bobby visited Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Delmer Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis. Miss Joan Hamilton and Mr. Jack Dougall of Orillia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis. We welcome Mr. and Mr's. Fred Mordens and family to our commun- ity. They lived in Toronto before moving here. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brock attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Oke of Seaforth on Sunday. Miss Edith Sparling returned Mis- sionary from China gave a very in- teresting talk on Sunday, at the morning service which was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner have got settled in their new home, the residence of the late Jno. Corn- ish. We welcome them to our com- munity. BRUCEFIELD Door Frames, B.C. Fir (bone dry). Spruce dressed 4 sides. B.C. Fir timbers 4x4 and Sx8 excellent quality. White Ash planks well dried. Cedar Posts.. All types of millwork done by excellent workmen. Seahh Supply & Fuel -Where The Best Costs_ No More" Mr. anti Mrs. D. 'Warta, of Clinton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, 0. Swan. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zapfe.. 'and Wayne, of Loudon, spentthe week end with relatives in the village. Mrs. Dr. Moir of Hensall` spent the weekend with Mrs. Jas. Moodie. Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson of Wards - villa visited friends here over the week end, anis took part in the dedica- tion service of the new organ on Sun- day morning, Misses Ina Gild Ellen Scott of Lon- don spent .the week end with their brothers Ross 0.1u1, Rill. Mrs. Ross Scott, Mrs. Alice Rani and Miss M. Swan spent a few days last week in Toronto, Wesley Ham, who has been attending university in 'i'oron:o returned hone with thein, Toronto, Mrs, Clara Dutot spent a few days in London. The members of Mrs, H. Zapfe's family entertained at a birthday pat- ty for their mother on Saturday even- ing at the twine of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armstrong. The Y.P.U. are hoiding their anniv- ersary On Smlday next, May 4. Rev. Mr, Rogers of Dungannon' will be the guest speaker, special music by the I.P.U. choir. Soloist Marie Gliddon.l lvlusic in the evening by the male) choir under the leadership of Rev. Stanway. O11 Monday evening. May 5, the Ontario Street United Y.P.U. will present their play Sunbonnett Jane of Sycamore Lane, in the basement of the church under the Y.P.U. auspices. Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick and Kenny spent the week end with her mother at Kingsbridge. Mrs. E. Stanway, Mrs, T. Baird, Mrs. B. Scott, Mrs. C. Haugh, Mrs. H. Aiken11eacl, Mrs. A. McQueen and Miss Marks attended the Huron Presbyterial in Main St Church, Ex- eter. The guest speaker, Miss Harri- son of China, visited Rev. and Mrs: Stanway at the manse here. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Haugh gave a birthday party last Friday evening in honor of the for'mer's father, Mr. C. Haugh, when about sixty guests were pi'eaent, including guests from Dashwood. London, Stratford, Pres - THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1947 ton and Guelph. The evening was spent in games' and music. Mr, Hen- ry Krueger, of Dashwood, whose birthday is the same day,' was pres- ent,- These two men. while boys, ived in the same neighborhood) oil the 14tH concession of Hay. An address was read by Mr. L. A. Birk of Guelph and presentation by _Mr.' Wm. Haugh of Dashwood. An. excel- lent lunch was served with two birthday cakes filled with candles.' Mrs. A. Ham, Miss M. Swan and I Mrs. R. Scott spent a few days in' Toronto last week. Mr, W. Ham who � attended 'Ajax college returned: with them. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie of De-, troit and Ml'. and Mrs. A. Zapfe' and son of , London visited with their l another Mrs. H. Zapfe over the weekend. ' A new Hammond .organ was in - stained in the church here last week. Dedication service was held at the morning service, Rev. G. Atkinson, a former pastor, assisted in the tied', cation service. Rev. G. Atkinson his old spent a few days calling on rs friends. Miss Ina and Miss Ellen Scott visited with their brothers and fami- lies here during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. B. Keyes of Varna, Mr. and Mrs, M. Keyes and daugh- ter of Favorable Lake and Mr. and Mrs. J. McNaughton and daughter were guests at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. Haugh on Sunday. FOR ONTARIO WINNERS 96 Regional Cash Prizes 5 Provincial Cash Prizes 4 Inter -Provincial Cash. Prizes Any bona fide farmer may enter, who agrees to plant at (east 5 acres of one of these approved varieties:— Montcalm, 0. A. C. 21 or Mensury (Ottawa 60). ENTRIES CLOSE JUNE ist /k'e " ebb For full details and entry forms see your Agricultural Representative, or write the Provincial Chairman, National Barley Contest Committee, cfo The Crops, Seeds & Weeds Branch, Department of Agriculture, Toronto. vsto 13°4 Vox .0918e"'� 44, 4 OUT OF 5 WOMEN WHO WIN, 'PRIZES FOR HOME;. BAKING �� y EOEJ\ T THEATRE Seaforth NOW PLAYING "THE KID FROM BROOKLYN" Patrons will laugh themselves slily at the antics of 1:C, ,.+ eroiected Into the .prize fight .racket, THURS. DRI. SAT... with "DANNY KAYE" ye' as a Brooklyn Milkman, MO In -Technicolor - THREE LITTLE GIRLS IN BLUE MON. TUES. WED. with lune Haver - George, Montgomery' and. Vivian Blaine A gay, technieolor'ed,nutstcal delight, frothy, funny and fictional: The music! there is'iuuch of it and it is all good. I. SAT, "LADY LUCK" with' R NDXT,THU t. IF Obert Young - Barbara Hale Frank Morgan A' well -acted romantic.conedy which is rated as good entertainment' for everyone — loaded with amusement and fun. COMING: "THE RAZOR'S EDGE" Tyrone Power and Gene Tierney, 1st show begins et 7 P.M. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin and family' Of Londesboro visited the Austin home Sunday. Mrs. Schell hes return- ed to her home in Detroit alter spend- ing several days with her mother Mrs. Austin, who is not very well and has gone to Seaforth for a change. It will be a change for her, and we hope she may improve. Mrs. Beatty, Miss Mosso)) and Itir. Stephenson are all recovering from an attack of flu. Tlie death occurred of Margaret Jane Foster, in her Stith year. She was a lifelong member of St, Johns Anglican Church, also a valued mem- her and vice president of the W.A., which she had entertained for Years on the 24th of May, full of hospitality and every member looked forward to enjoying 24th with Mrs. Diehl, and 1946 was her last meeting. The church, the W.A. and the community will Miss her very much on account of her neighborly, kind and obliging disposition. She was the Iast of her family. She is survived by one cleugh- ter Erma (Mrs. Durham) of Hullett: one son' Carl a home. who has the sympathy of the community, and two grandchildren, George and Margaret Durham of Hullett. A daughter Fanny passed away 6 years ago, and her hus- band, Mr. Diehl, passed away a year ago last September. The funeral was held from her late residence Tuesday. Rev. F. H. Paull, of Listowel, a form- er rector, assisted by Rev, L. Diehl, of Thamesviile, cousin of the deceas- e.(. also Rev. Mr, Morgan present. rec- tor. Bearers were Adam and Fenwick Stewart. E. Clutter, G. H. Beatty. M. Elliott. Wilmer Reid. Interment took place in Baird's cemetery, KIPPEN Mr. Howard Clark of Winona is spending a couple of weeks with his many friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Damm of the village spent a pleasant visit with friends in Walk- erton recently. Mrs; McClymont of the village was taken to London Hospital re- cently for treatment and all hope sire may soon be restored to her usual health. HENSALL The Play entitled "Second -Storey 1 Peggy" which was presented in the Town hall, Hensall, Thursday and Frday evening under the auspices of Carmel Presbyterian Young Peo- ple was largely attended A large number attended the meeting held in Carmel Presbyterian, Clmrch school -room on Tuesday! evening under the Ladies' Aid when Mrs. Lorraine Ballantyne of Toron-1 to was the guest speaker in the sub-' jest "Handicraft". The President, Mrs. Roy MacLaren presided Mrs. Wm. Venner is confined to her room with an attack of 'pneu- monia. Miss Barbara Michie visited with 'relatives and friends in London over the weekend. Mr. A. Pearson of Toronto visit- ed with friends here over the week- end. Special meeting of the Village Council a tax -rate of 5 mills taxable was struck, the same being the sante rate as last year when Provision was made by the council for test drill- ing. The rate struck was as follows:' Village 16.2 mills; County 6.5; High School 3.0; Public School 8.2; Park 1; Library 1.1: total 35 mills taxable and at a later meeting held with the drillers in the Council Chamber after testing the third well located at the corner of Roy Bell's property with the fire engine at the rate of 135 gallons per minute for 104 his, it was decided to install a 12 inch pipe and again tested it feeling sure sufficient water will be secured and a sample sent to the Dept. of Health for a test as to pur- ity and softness, .1fiss Jennie• Jolly returned home after spending .the past .six weeks. visiting relatives and friends in Wes- tern Canada. Dr. MacLean and Mrs. MacLean of Toronto have purchased the prac- tise and residence of Dr. D. G. Steer and intend moving here early in. May. E WA w'a ,.TED Laborers Wanted Apply to Looby Looby Construction OFFICE opposite Bank of Commerce DUBLIN DANCE/ in Cardno's Hall . Saturday, May 3rd Norm Carnegie and His Band ADMISSION 60c COURTEOUS You TRAY never meet her but you do know her corr. teoue, friendly "Number Please" and polite "Thank You". Though switchboards are busier than ever with the many new telephones, hers is still "The Voice with a Smile". Vlore switchboards are being added, more operators trained so that you may continue to have the beet telephone service at the lowest coat. 5eE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 14610 For the Money You Need When You Need It Seaforth Motors FOR SAFE, NEW u 600DAEARS See HOUSEHOLD FINANCE You may burrow from $20 to $1000 without endorsers at Household Finance, and you may take 12 or 15 months to repay. Or even 20 or 24 months on loans of larger amounts. Household loans are arranged promptly, with no delay. Just decide how much money you need and how long you want to take to repay. Phone first, then come in. Your money can be ready the same day you apply. 29 Downie Si., corner Albert Royal Bonk Building Phone 265 STRATFORD, ONT. Hours 9 to 5 or by oppointment Loons made to residents of ntrarby lawns mom or 69 ',ERRS or EXPERIRnCC )tee, Goodyeare give more miles of safe, econ- omical service than any other tire. Get brand new Goodyears today! See Your GOOD EAR Dealer Seaforth Motors Chev:Olds. Sales Service PHONE 141, SEAFORTH, ONT. e An craven —Abavn/.a 130 Ca-rreLP 0 5t 404 dtk•