HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-05-01, Page 3CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABY crams BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our prices for. Baby Chicks and started Chicks wih surprise you. All Chides from blood Mated stook. - •Oarleton natatory, . Britannia. Height., Ont, .. BETTER: CHICKS for bigger profits.' Rates Top Notch chicks this'. your. Heavy meat and egg producers, Top -Notch chicks grow' fast, ..feather fast and get into egg ,production quloOlY. Now 10 the time.. to order for de- livery when you' say. An order now 000040x. You of the 'fewest mice and of haV104 the kind of chicks you want :when you want them.' We have all the most peppier breeds Pullets. .cockerels, non -sexed, day old 'and older. All aro: approved chicks; - from Pullormn tested utoclr. 100% lived delivery. of strong, huslcy, profitable ehlelea guaran- teed. Send for Free Top' Notch oatalbgue and prleolist. Also started 01:10188 two w'eoko to five weeks, also older pullets eight woke to laying, Top .Notch Chlckerlea,. Guelph, On tart o. CHICICS, roma immediate ehiPment—Aue- tralorpp, New Haumshiros, L,8,. x.. N.H. Order now. Also Home started heavy breed cockerels, catch good markets with these, 'with • a minimum of time, labor, feed. 2102' Hateherl•, 130: John N., Hanhlion, Ont, DON'T DELAY! . Every day means tees profit next Foil. Twaddle bred chicks will. assure. yon of a proper starttoa profitable •1044 season. Order :now and be euro of .11,0 kind' 02 -chicks you want on the date you wart them. We have the following pure breed.: White Leghorno, Black Minorene, Ancones, Brown Leshor'ns, Barred Rocks, White hocks, New..Hamp0hlree, Rhode Island Reda, White Wyondottes, Light Sussex, Black Austrolorp, • Jersey White -Giants. Also 12 crossbreeds to choose from, non -sexed, pullets- or cook- trots, Theyare from strong, pullorum teat - cal stock—Government approved, true to type, 882111 proved records of livability and high production. !Meddle chicks are fast growing, heavy producing birds, and our prlcos are right. We have been In business for 23 years. We guard our reputation by shipping only husky, healthy, pre -selected • chicks. Better send .for the free :Tweddle• catalogue and prlcelist right away. Also started chicks and older pullets for Immediate delivery, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BAROATNS in two, three, four -andel five week old. chicles while they Inst. 2 week old Barred Rock, New Hampohlre X Barred Rock non -sexed 818.95, pullets 921.21, cock- erels 910:86. Three week old add $3,00, four week old add 50.00, five week old add 87.00 per hundred Leese Ego quality add 51.00; Specially Selected add $2.00 per hundred to above Prices. Assorted breeds 600 per huh-. dred less, T1110 advertisement must accompany yourorder with 10% deposit to receive these special prices. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Top Notch Chlekerles, Guelph, Ont. ELECTRICAL BROODERS MEDIUM size. Delivered for only 812.06. arming you 20.00. Write now for particulars. Gordon'a Poultry Equipment, Dundalk, Ont. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Special Low Prices on day old and started. Thousands• weekly. Assorted heavy breed 00x. 6o. Overhateh Asserted chicks 100. Also 2-3 week old- cockerels. Send for Snodal Price List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. HEAVY COCKERELS $6.00 per 100, Holly- wood Leghorn pullets $24.00 per 100, Sussex and Red Sussex pullets 920.00, Barred Rock, N.H. Red and legroc and redroc hybrid pal - lobs, 920.00. 131g Husky guaranteed to live' chicles from bl0odtesled pullorum free hens. Chicks sired by 260.300 egg males with high egg records for past. 10 generations. Their inherited egg laying ability .added to their extra health and vigor make them the biggest chick bargain for 1047. Write for prlcellst or order direct from this ad. We ern ship twice each week during May and Tune. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. POULTRY PROFITS 80,002d be good this year but you moat start. with chicks that have money -making cbarac- terfstics, With feed costa Increased you can't afford to gamble on chicles, By buyingchicks from an established firm, paying stricter attention to management' practices than ever before, and constantly culling the laying hens, it la possible to realize even lower production costa than formerly. Oalnforth'e Chlcka are hatched to live and bred to lay, Day old and started chicks for immediate delivery. Barred Rocks, Light Sussex, New Hnmpshirea, Wltlto Legherne, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks and Light Sussex X Now Hamnshlreo. Gainforth's Hatchery, Trenton, Ontario. Pro- ducers of 40od baby chicks since 1527. ROCK PULLETS 920.00 per 100, Order May chicle. now, barred rock, N.H. Red, Sussex and hybrid pullets $20.00 tier 100, Hollywood foghorn pullets, 224.00, -heavy cockerels 00.00 Per 100. Big Husky livable chicks hatched from blg eggs, aired by 250-300 egg males, Order from this ad or write for circular, 1314 Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. SEND FOR our special reduced price list on two, three, four, five and six week old started chloks. In non -sexed, pullets and cock- erels, 'We have the following porebreeds and .erose breeds to choose from: Barred Rocks, New Hampahh.es, Rhoda Island Reds, White Rocks, Black Auetralorps, white Leg- horn. Light Sussex, 0,Sew Hampshire X Light Sussex, Light 41,000x X New Hampahlres, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks, NOW Hamm ehlro X Barred Rocks, also older pullets eight weeks t0 IaYing. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chicle ITateherres Limited, Fergus, Ontario. lac—THURONDALE CHICKS 12c Pure Suo0ex, Suedex x Hams, Rec1, x Hainp0, Barred Rocks and New Haines, mixed chicks 12c, mullets 24. Loghorna, Rock x Leshorno, Sussex x Leg1toros, and Leghorn x I•Tampa, mixed ohlcks 120, pullets 24c. All breeders double bloodtested and banded. Backed by pedigreed foundation Otock. Many cu0temera report—"Best Chicles I Ever .Had," STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 8 weeks] old add40, 8 weeks old' add 100, 4 weeks old add 150, 0 weeks old add 20c, 8 weelce old 60e each for this week and next only. 4c HEAVY COCKERELS 5c Meas Type New Hamm, 4c, other heavy breeds 00. Assorted Heavy Cockerels 4c. 2 weeksold add 4e. These bargain cockerel prices for this weep and next only, OVERHATCH CHICKS 9c Our choice of breed or br00d0 in heavy ar 21ght breeds. Here's your chance to get good chicks cheep, 100% -live delivery suarabt0e0.. 51,00 per 100 deposit. Order from and en- close th10 00, or semi for Mire 1,101, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY London, Ont. SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery, book your order today at the following 041000. Unsexed Chides 912.00 per 100. Pullets 522.00; Cox 901 Leghorn X Hames, unflexed, 512,00 per •100; Pu11et0 260; Cox 8e. Pullorum-Te0te0 Gov't Approved Stock 00 n0 Down, balance on delivery, IIONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY Box. 05G, Elmira, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE with every order of 100 Pullet chicks we give 100 free chteka (our choles) Barred Rock Pul- lets 521,06, White Rock Pallets 522,96, White Leghorn Pullets 524.05. Brown Leghorn Pul- lets] 526,06; Red -Rock hybrids, 921,05.; "Leg- horn -Rock Hybrids, 526.95., All chicks sold are. from blood -tested stock .backed by high Pedigreed stork, $1,00 books your .order, Balance C.O.D. Guaranteed Delivery. ICent Hatchery Chatham, Ontario: 3000 8 T0-1 o WEEK OLD PULLETS for T y Ault l et, nt 4 and eek olds s for prompt delivery. All raised In brandnew brooding Plant onder Ideal donditlone, all floor raised. Here's your opportunity to get In on the early high priced egg mur1eta. Lakeview Poultry 4, 10, Exeter, Ontario. DYEING AND - ,10000.220 EI'f i A\3 OI HAV0I YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? }}rite to un foe information, Wearo glad to answer your aue0tlons, Department H, Earner's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Sheet, 40'0010, Ontario, • 2000 SALE AGENTS —. Everybody — At. last fluorescent ince ;amp bulbs: ,Dotalle, Oliver Holm, Hawk Junction, Ontario. AMERICAN SEPARATORS and milkers. Bacheot ¢unlity aE lowest "la"' Power aarayero for orchard, Whlto-waohing or American BeDarator Sales ode-. painting, .. , G t4ca, Ontario. ASTROLOGY—A. free Bo10r Reading, Helpful' advice and guidance." Send birth, date, atarriped-addreosed envelope; THE. PSYCHO - SUCCESS 1NSTITUTE (M,' 0), 922 Federal Building, Rtehmond Street West, Toronto. ATTENTION FARMERS and Property Own - 'era, I :nm pr•eiired to purchase in this. district for cash if priced right,.. parcels of land, large or small with fair buildings, Write giving fu1lparticulars oflot number, con- Cession number, townehtp to H. Pragnell Realty, 1552 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. ARC WELDING MACHINES Electric or Gasoline driven Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall, Montreal, orwrite nearest office—Halifax—Rouyn— Winnipeg. ATTENTION FiRMERS. FOR .SALE—Tractor Tires,- made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, .516.00 each, rear :wheels; $7.50 each, front wheels. `When 04404100 state diameterand width of wkeel0, National Rubber Co, Ltd„ 5 Wllt- shire Ave„ Toronto, Ont, , ATTENTION Glass Eye Wearer, Have your Glass Eye duplicated in. unbreakable Aory- ile-Plaetlo. Write Stein Artificial FM Co.. .3112114 Troost Ave„ Kansas. City 8, Mo. BROAD BREASTED BRONZE POULTS 1VITH .ceiling prices removed, Turkeys w11! :undoubtedly be a good price next Fall. Sexed potato. all toms or - as -hatched- 0Vapablo" on most datum, We can supply you if you order NOW. Allpoulto hatched from Broad Breast- ed Bronze Bloodtested Breeders in automatic spatial turkey Incubators. SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRICE FOR APRIL 29TH -HATCH —. ORDER TODAY Send for Free Turkey Guide,; LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH' Wein Bros„ Phone 204 Exeter, Ont, 170R - BALE, TIRES Wo are overstocked at 'the present of good used trade-in tires (guaranteed to be In 'ex- cellent 01Ope). 600 X 16 — $5.00 All orders' shipped C.O.D. Simla e uiprneat. for vulcanizing Truck and Farm. Tractor Tires.' BEACON 4210E corner Queen .and' 'York 910,.. Hamilton," Ont. ' ONTARIO'0 MO54 MODERN EQUT22101) TIRE SHOP Dealers. Wanted TWO CLYDESDALE stallion., .roan 7 years, dark bay 11. Premium A, excellent duality. Cheap .for. quids Bale. Thos. 'Colson, .Blyth, WAR SURPLUS STOCK SALE Spray Paint Lowe. Bros. and Flo -glare Yellow and Brown lacquer- enamel. (5 -gallon con- tainer. on1Y) 51.:20 per gallon. Safety Cans (Jerry . cans, 6.Aniorican gallons).: New complete with flexible spout, 5348 com- plete. Stirrup' Pumps, New (complete with hose and nozzle); ideal for :spraying and .other 00ee, 80 08 complete, Prices 4.0,13, Toronto. Write or wire La Salle Sales Limited, 1E1. De Grassi Street, Toronto. 6 VOLT WIN•DCHARGERS Completewith tower -545.00 Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hall, Montreal, or write nearest odtce—Halifax—Rouyn—To- roe to—Winn i peg -Vancouver, 100 ACRE5 Stoneles0, heavy producing clay loam, flowing stream, large barn equipped'. for dairying, alio, milk contract, attractive. brick house, bathroom, furnace, hydra con- tracted, 6 miles from town on paved high - WRY, bus. service, Toronto 60 miles. Price $11000 with 94000 cash and 4% on balance. Box 191. 72 Adelaide W„ Toronto, 200 -ACRE dairy. !aim,. .situated on Zing's Highway, nine miles west Of Cornwall.. Farm In excellent condition, carrying 70 head of cattle at present.. Buildings consist of two houses, large barn, largo henhouse and PIS pen, all In excellent repair; also sugar bush, Modern equipment Ia houses and barn. Apply to R. C. Hartle, P.O. Box 1076, Corn- wall, Ont. BARBER GREENE LOADER, model 41A, bucket type, on caterpillars, ga0ollne driven with Buda motor, in good condition. . write. P.O. Box 339, Thorold, Ont. BEAUTIFUL, largo, genuine ladies Alligator Handbags only 824.96 postpaid air mall but plus port of entry Mx 0,0,13, Sotiefoctlon guaranteed, Cecil Bradford, Box 861, Alcon. Panama Canal Zone. CANVAS COVERING Heap White Duck waterproof with light rubber coating one side. 00 Inchon wide, 21.25 yard. Suitable for Canoe Duck, Ground Sheets, Roof or Deck Covering. Full rolls 100 yards special price. Supplied 1n Tar - Pauline, sturdy, tong wearing, complete with tle ropes 100 square foot, Write for maniple Sohn Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington St. W., Toronto, CHEESE FACTORY and equipment 9 ft, 80 horse power boiler, 8 Inch tubes, also vats and press. Apply J, 0, McEwen, 12,00, 120. 2, Portland, Ontario. COLORVIEWS Mexico—Southwest. All dif- ferent. Malt by mall. Flys 260; fifty $1.60. We mall messages for you 10e. Color- 4201es, Box 712, Del Illo, Texas, CONCRETE BLOCK machines, 200 to 240 .Blocks hour, others hand or power 40 to 100 hour. Brick machines. Batch Mixers any afar. Motors and Gas Engines: Madison Equipment Co., Madison; Tenn. CANOE CANVAS All welghta and widths also copper nails, hacks and canvas filler.. Write for prices John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington Street W., Toronto. FARM 'FOR SALE -400 acres dairy farm, near school, Ultima factory and general UM; 100 00100 good bush land. Priced to Bell, Box 139, 73 Adelaldo W,, Toronto, FOR SALE, Pedigreed Angora Rabbits, does and bucks and luotora, any amount. ,Toe Smolders, Northwood, Ont, GOLDEN DUCKWI:NG Game Bantams $5.00 Pair, cockerels 50.00. Also hit games, Tim Yocmn, Espanola, Ontario. GUERNSEY CATTLE, purebred and grade: nil twee, both sexes. Write for prices, C. M. Platt, It No. 2. Hamilton. Ont. HANDLES, new steel ammunition box handles ideal for fruit .boxes. Minitel%, trap doors, etc. 100 pair. Newson & Campbell Co., Hamilton, Ont. HOLSTEINS. Service age Grantham of 'Loohinvar" 61'0711 richly bred Reg Apple Dnm, aceredi000, listed. AMY R. A. Cleland, L1Otowel. Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS A.C. OR D.C. Large stock — Alliance Elertrin 1051 Beaver Hn11, Montreal, or nearest cites—Iiallfux— Rouyn—Tm•on id—Winn ineg—Vo nom ver. 1 HAVE FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL soil pulverizer, 244 Lets ,Roughage Mill and Little Wonder draining machine, all as good as new. Waller McPherson, Route 2, Dun - delle, 01,1, LTDIIT10D quentltyavailable -pedigreed Par Angora. rahblt0. Phillips Angora Rabbitry, 11.8 Monklnnd Boulevard, Saint Laurent, Quebec N0. .1 CALORS BARLEY. 51,30 per bushel.. Bag0 tree. W. T. 2. Bell. KCipmen, Ont. OILS, Greases, Tires. I01seatie1dea, Elealrlc Fenno Controllers, IIeuee and Barn Point, Roof Coatings, M. Dealers wanted. Write Werra Grum & Oil Limited, Toronto, PAINTING A complete etnrlr of Webster Paint Spraying Units, alma for: the tIomel Shop, or Contrac- tor, ontracttor, priced from 827.60 complete with com- pressor. gun and hose. Thinking of painting your home, write MILCROM'S to -day for full particulars, Alr Compressors for email gar- nBea, or large contractors, giving up to 150. Pounds pressure, Motors 26 and 60 cycle. Factory dlet'ibhtors for Logan Precleien Metal Cutting Lathes. All sizes In stock. For further information, write, phone or visit Ontario's Headquarters for everything electrical, MILGRI M ELECTRIC. LIMITED 70 Icing Street, West, Hamilton, Ontario, POTATO - FAR31 PER SALE. 100 -acre farm, Northern Ontario, 00 acres cleared; good potato farm 150 mites from town; hydro. If interested .write for Information to Omer Germain, Box 8, Pergola Junction, Onl. "PEERLESS" WATER SYSTEM Wrlto for dotal ls—All lance Electric, 1081 Beaver Hail, Montreal, or write nearest office —I.7el tn.—Rouyn—Toronto, READ "Inflation le Coming". Learn how 700 0011 .protect your eavhnge fromthis. catastrophe. Price $1,60 postpaid. RASMUS, Box .205, Sta. F, Buffalo, N.Y, 'REGISTERED cocker spaniels, solid black male and females. Sire Ch. Budceburn Bomber, dam Caw of Ch. Kappa. eon of Sur- prise, whelped Jan. 18, 1947, Write for par- ticulars to Miss M. McBride, Fenwiele, Ont. R'IOGTST14RIv5p SPRINGERS, also cockers, by champions. Talbotcroft. Reg'd., Rockwood, Ontario. REGISTERED SPR1Nf4ER5, 2 female.,` 18 and 6 moflths. Liver and white. Re/mort- al!.riced., F. MacLeod L'Orl nal Ont: p g TALIC through your radio with a Mike Tr. Fits all radios. Fool your friends, $3.00 PorstPal., ikee .Tr„ Box 885, Victoria, KC. TARPAULINS Sturdy brown or khaki Duck Waterproofed Covers with tle rope., all weights. Write for gnotntlon. and simplex Tohn Leckie, 77 Wel- lington St, W., Toronto, TOILETS' For Summer Cottages etc. Can - bo used with s , or � without running water. Caustic Sanita- tion, g B ;•Inn, Ltd„ Dundas, Ont. "WISCONSIN" AIR COOLED ENGINES - 1 j4 to 81 H.P. Alliance Electric, 1081 Beaver Han, Montreal. or write nearest office Halifax — Rouyn —Toronto, ISSUE 17-1947 ;HAIRDRESSING , LEARN Halydreasing the Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes Robertson'. Hairdressing Academy, 187 Ave- nue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID for new country home near Gallows.. Private room, washroom, radio, liberal time oft. Good hue connections. Apply Box 140, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. NEW 'WRITERS are needed, Enter this highly paid field. earn In spare time, early profits. Details free. Authors Unlimited, P.O. Box 34, Winnipeg. Canada. TWO GRADUATE NURSES General duty, 8 -hour day. 8126.00 per month gross salary. - One month holiday with any after one year service. Transportation ar- ranged, Apply Miss C. Weir, Matron, Wrinch Memorial Hospital, Hazelton, B.C. WANTED, 1O,l1AN to help on .Poultry Farm. State wanes and particulars. Cham .Bishop, Hearst, Ontario. MEDICAL GOOD ADVICEI Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis about& try Dixon'. Remedy, 010840 0 Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 81.00. TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro- magnetism for Arthritis, Rheumatism. In- somnia. Varicose Vetoes and other circulatory ailments. Free explanatory pamphlets from CoopeRemedleo. Kongo Street, Toronto. HAVE YOU HEARD about Dixon's Neuritis and Rheu10(10 Pain Remedy? It gives good results. MUnrO'e Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91.00. MUSICAL INSTIIL'IENTS FILED A, BODDINGTON buys, se110. ex- changes muatenl instruments. .111 Church, Toronto 3 OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every inventor—List of limn - Hone and Cult Information sent tree. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys. 073 Bank Street. Ottawa, OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn. Hairdressing Pleasant " 414010ed Profession, good wage, thoasande successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. Illustrated vita - Mae free, Write or Call MARVEL I•TATRDRESSING 501900LS 368 Bloor St, 'w., Toronto Brunches 44 I9104 St., Hamilton .,& 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS PDTH13R8TONAUGH' & Company Patent So1101t0r0. Established 1800. 14 King West. Toronto Booklet of Information on.. molest. PERSONAL LOOK! 030 toward for any watch we cannot repair: beat workmanship; written guar- antee. Atlas Watch Repair Co„ Box 81. Station "G", Montreal. '.STOP SMOKING without taking anything internally or going any will power! Send 4e addressed envelope for information. Pierre, 442 Bilks Building. Edmonton 6, Alberta. PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 25c Roll; Reprints, 3c Each SPECIAL COMET folding camera, full 127 size, guar- anteed. 08.05; with leather shoulder earry- Ing cam. 311.45: shipped postpaid. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 6,: Postal Station D, Tbronto REPRINTS 4c EACH SEND OS 101:11t OLD NEGATIVES 2 ENLARGEMENTS 25a 4 x 0 In Golder Mount. A217 5100 Rol1-0 or 6 Exposure. Developed and Printed 30a !Enlargements framed 7 x 9" Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black finish 74a 11 p101041 colored 040. We make prints and enlargements from prints of lost negative.. DEPT, M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOR 1212, POST omen A. TORONTO HAN'PER. WANTED—All kinds of cheesed poultry. Top Prices for top birds, Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept , 2004 .Danforth Ave., Toronto 0, (We do Custom grading),. HELICOPTER TAKES ON BAGGAGE Navy representatives observe "Rescuer," largest helicopter ever built, demonstrate its load -carrying ability in Philadelphia, by taking a jeep aloft. It's the fret time a military load of any significance has been carried by helicopter. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") In this space recently we quoted a gentleman who is getting rather tired of trying to sponsor small- town hockey, and who gave some of his views as to what ails amateur hockey in general. Itt this connec- tion it is rather interesting to note a statement from Mr, George Pan - ter, President of the Ontario Hoc- key Association, a body that is widely self -heralded as the greatest amateur hockey organization in the world—or maybe that should be the universe. * * * Out in Winnipeg for the junior playoffs, Mr. Panter was greatly shocked at the here suggestion that the poor, hard -worked Toron- to St. Mikes should travel all the way to Edmonton for one game of that series. Matter of fact, he seems shocked that the St. Mikes should have to travel from their own cosy fireside at all. "It only serves a minority interest," says Mr. •Pan - ter. "The teams and players all want to travel east and play in Maple Leaf Gardens. They benefit financially by such an arrange- ment. * * * The President of this great AMATEUR association went on to say that the participating clubs stand to lose something like 25 G's by having the junior finals in Western Canada this year. He seems to overlook completely the fact that those western fans, whose loyal support throughout the sea- son kept those teams going, just possibly rate a break . once in a while, and deserve a chance to see their favorites in playoff action without having to travel halfway across a continent, Maybe Mr. Pan - ter, in his touching zeal for the welfare of the M.L. Gardens, has forgotten that ordinary citizens cannot pick off railway tickets as painlessly as do Presidents who travel on an expense account. * * T Just as eels become accustomed to skinning, sports writers are sup- posed to get hardened to seeing their predictions go haywire. But for once we were really glad to see one of our prognostications go wide of the target, when the Brooklyn Dodgers finally decided to give Jackie Robinson a chance at the big show. Whether or not he's able to stick up there may de-' pend, in a Large Pleasure, on the sort of co-operation 11e gets from lois teammates—as an unpopular or unwanted player can be made to 'look bad' in scores of ways almost impossible to detect wth the nak- ed eye. But Robinson has loads of natutal ability—enough, perhaps, to overcome the handicap of play- ing out of his proper position; and thousands of Canadian fans, who admired not only his hitting and fielding but also the way he con- ducted himself in general, are pull- ing hard for hien to make it. Only 3.6 per cent, of the land in Norway is under cultivation; the rest is unproductive or forest. At the present time of writing it looks as though there is a real pos- sibility of a Canadian horse—C-- nadian-owned, that is—winning the Kaintucky Dubby, Buhl Which recalls the last time, in fact the only time, that such a thing hap- pened before. That was in 1919, when Sir Barton, owned by J. K. L. Ross of Montreal, and one of the few maidens ever to turn the trick, popped down in front of eleven other starters, paying off at odds of 13 to 6. (What a marvel- lous memory? What a handy rec- ord book!) New Alloy Used In Watchmaking If you have bought an Elgin watch since Jan. 1 of this year, you have a mainspring which, it is claimed, will not rust, is non- magnetic and will run from 2 to 6 hours longer without winding than other watches. This is due to a new alloy called "Elgiloy" developed after 12 years of research by the Elgin National Watch Company. Called "the most important development in watches since jewelled bearings were in- troduced 243 years ago," Elgiloy is expected to have applications in, many other fields. Razor blades, stainless cutlery, gunsprings and electronic appliances may all be improved by the new alloy.—Finan- dal Post• Plastic Air Cushion Air cushion of fused plastic comes in translucent or bright opaque col- ors; folds to pocket or purse size. and can be inflated easily by mouth. Makers claim use for picnics;, spec- tator sports, boats, and caro and for invalids. "glide Pills Helped my Sore Hoek" says Montreal man. I bad rheumatic aches and stf& back—could hardly straighten s after bending. el friend advised Gin Pills ... now I'm ever m much better".—LF., MontreaL For more thea 40 years Gin Pigs have brought- relief to victims of Rheumatic Pato, Backache, Sedada., Lumbago., Get a package today. Use proves eheu merit. Regular slue, 40 P111, Economy size, 802111s (In the U.S.A. ark for gine Pot) National Drug 4. Chemical i, Company of Canada.Llmited .•-0-•e-a-e-e-e P1 n Your Career As j° nt Te1egr t pher This career is well worth considering, because in addition to receiving union wages from the start, many receive free house, fuel, and light, commission on express and telegrams, as well as being on the pension list. Anyone with public or high school can qualify, through our spe- cially -prepared Textbooks that make the study easy to understand. We assist you to the position. CASSAN Systems, 1499 Queen W., Toronto Please send free folder without obligation. Name Town Prov. •i••s_ae_e_-_•. --•--•-•• MUTT AND JEFF—Before He's Kicked Out By BUD FISHER � %%i//i% �i / %�r% / ,, �� . �Lsoi • :• •,i a� i,. s %U / % ? / , AR.t3 /�$/ �/ /, YoU DO1 N , u,✓i'M i �.. f , SEEN' F N 1 ICA RUN FAST EN'ot1CpH -j T O GET To H€ FRoNT DOOR � 4T 4E To LET M IN_ YSELF �o o �, o'i< 13.5 :, ,.c...174:.____0.",1•77,,/r/ i i / ////i, t►;• i,• _� I<s qq tor � 8, G. 4,0,, --,,f �� / i. . . � ,,91.11' tmd�e , �Aa � �, ,i////��' , gl>i �' .P Sr /• 7 c . <:•�,� y r6.t 7Y/// ,� / 1�' m a �� .�?�tt 1� aati \C'' �TM4 .v •„•' � 4 •'Il. n , 1 p t klt rib ” 7. � :TN / .a AA \,,,...,sow,,,,,** ,.Y w\. *NS U\' ka , a \ :te i 3. a t 4 : i1V, .s,; • tie. .