HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-05-01, Page 1HURONhe Sea orth
There was a good attendance at the
annual meeting of the I•luron Football
Association Friday when -James C'ar-
lin was elected president:, Moody Hol-
land, vicepres,,: and A. W. Dick, sec.-
ec:treas. Teams entering were Brussels,
St. Colitntban, Walton, Atwood, Ethel.
There may be several other entries
before the schedule' 'is drawn up at
Walton on May 5th, at which time the
registration and 'protest committees
will be appointed.
Miss Dorothy O'Connell of Detroit,
a former well known resident of Sea -
forth, died early Tuesday morning,
April 29, having passed away in her
Sleep. Though absent from her work
the Past two weeks she had been in
her usual health, and her death cante
as a shtick to her many friends here.
She was in Seaforth recently attend-
ing the funeral of her uncle, the late
J. F. Daly. Dorothy was .a daughter
of the late James D. O'Connell, and
Mrs. Bertha O'Connell of Detroit, and
was born' at Goderich, coining to Sea -
forth when..4 years old, where she
lived until the family moved to De-
troit a number of years ago. Surviv-
jug is her mother, with whom she
resided in Detroit. A brother Lou pre-
deceased her, also her brother Jim,
who lost his life in an accident two
years ago. The funeral will take place
from the residence of her uncle Mr.
Frank Sills, John St.. to St. James'
Church, Seaforth, on Friday morning,
May 2nd, at 10.80 o'clock; Rev. Fr.
T. P. Hussey will officiate. Interment
in St. James' Cemetery,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles McKay, Tuck-
ersmith announce the engagement of
their daughter Doris Isobel to Mr.
William D. Wilson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Tuckersmith,
marriage to take place Saturday, May
*'blue coal
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Is The Universe Against
7 p.m., "The Day which the Lord
hath Made." •
Communicant's Class 2 to 3 p,m,,
Infant Baptism, Sunday, May 11.
Sunday May Fourth
Daylight Saving Time.
St. Thomas', Seaforth:
20 a.m., Sunday School
Ilam„ Holy Communion.
7 p.m. Evening Prayer.
St. Mary's, Dublin
2:30 Sunday School.
8. Church Service
The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert,
B.A., at all services.
On Tuesday, May 6th the W. A.
of St. Thomas' Church will meet at
2:30 p.m. at the Rectory.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A., B,D.,
10 a.m., Sunday School,
11 a.m., Rev. D. T. McClintock,
7 p.m., "A Spiritual Failure",
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Richard H. Williams, B,A.,
10 a,m., The Sunday School.
11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Public Wor-
ship: The Minister will preach,
Thursday, May 1 at 8 p.m, Pray
or meeting. The members of the Ses-
sion and Board of Managers will be
in charge. We are counting on your
I go to Church to worship God.
I go to Church to satisfy the
the hunger in my soul.
I go to Church to hear the Gospel
of Jesus Christ,
I go to Church to help forward
the Kingdom of God.
I go to Church to set the right
example and exert the best example.
I go to Church to receive strength
and inspiration for daily living.
I go to Church to find fellowship
with God and ray fellow man.
Miss Helen McNaughton of Toron-
to spent the weekend with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaugh-
Mrs. Pope and daughter Miss
Pope of London,. spent the weekend
with friends here.
Mrs. Edgar' McQueen visited last
-week with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hig-
gins in Exeter,
Mr. Floyd Adair returned to Lon-
don this week to reassume his duties
with the Bell Telephone Company.
Mrs. James Morris and children of
Goderich visited (luring the past
week with her sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Ml's, Ernie ChipcbaSe.
Mrs. D. G. Steer of . London visit-
ed with Mrs. Roy MacLaren during
the. past week.
Rev. A. B. Irwin was elected
Chairman of Huron Presb"btery,
for next Conference year. (July 1,
1947, to June 30th, 1948) at a
meeting held in James St. United
Church, Exeter, on April 24th, with
Rev. Harold Snell in the chair. Rev,
A. W. Gardiner, and IVlr. F. S. Se.
vanewere re-elected as Secretary
and Treasurer respectively. Rev.
Win. Mair and Rev, I3. C. Wilson
were nominated for the Settlement
Rev, A. Murray•Stuart of London,
and President Walter T. Brown of
Victoria University, made an appeal.
on behalf of the Financial. Campaign
to raise $2,000,000 for an addition
to the Library building, Women's
Residences, and Endowments,` --in
Victoria University.
Permission was granted to the
Goshen congregation to erect a new
church building at an estimated cost
of $15,000. A request from West-
field congregation to sell two open.
sheds for $100 each was granted.
Rev. J. L. Foster and Rev. Win. T.
Cleave were `recommended for re-
tirement, on account of ill health.
Dates of Camps at Goderich Sum-
mer School are as follows: Young
Peoples'. July 14th to 21st: Junior
Girls, July 21st to 28th; Boys', An -
gust 4th to 15th; Senior Girls', Au-
gust 16th to 26th.
Presbytery sustained and passed
on to the Settlement Committee.
calls, from Bedford Park, Toronto,
to Rev. Ralph H. Turnbull; from
Parkview, Stratford, to Rev. A. S.
Trueblood; and from St. James,
Windsor, to Rev. Arthur Sinclair
and also received requests from Rev,
W. J. Patton, Rev. G H. Dunlop,'
and N. J. Woods for a change of
A Memorial Service for Rev. B. S.
Smillie, Missionary to India, was
conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook
Presbytery adjourned to meet in
Chatham, during Conference, the
first week of June
The death occurred on Friday, April
25th, following a sudden heart attack,
of William. Oke in his 83rd year at
the home of his sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. William Higgins,'
Clinton, where he had been for the
past 18 months. He had not been ill.
previously. Mr. Oke was born at Cen-
tralia on Jan. 2, 1864, son of the late
Hugh Oke, He was married on Dec,
11, 1891, to Miss Caroline Louise
Mills, who passed away in 1911. In
1915 he married Lotta Elva Hearn.
who died in 1937. Mr, Oke fanned in
Hullett and Tuckersmith, and in 1918
carne to Seaforth where he lived for
nearly 25 years, residing, on Goderich
St. Mr. Oke was a member of the
United Church. Surviving are four
sons, Cecil, of Tuckersmith, Hugh,
Roy and Leo of Hamilton; one (laugh-
ter Mabel (Mrs. $rock) London, and
a stepdaughter Elva. (Mrs, Harvey'
House), Hamilton; also a brother
f Toronto avid a sister Grace
!Mrs. Higgins), Clinton, and 5 grand-
children and 3 great-grandchildren.
The funeral was held on Sunday
from the home M. his son Ceeil. Rev.
H. V. Workman officiated, Interment
was innMaitland Hank Cemetery. Pali
bearers were Arthur Nicholson, Edwin
Chesney, Wm, Cameron, Wilfred Cole-
man Robert Tyndall, Sherwood
Brock. Flower bearers, John McLaric-
imn, Casey Way, Samuel Cudmore.
Charles McKay, John MeGavin. Solo-
ist, Mrs. Elmer Cameron and pianist,
Miss Elizabeth Mills. Blyth. Those
from a distance; Andrew Oke. Toron-
to; Mrs, Mae Payne, Good Land, Man„
Mrs. Bertha Oke, Mr. Guy Oke, Billie
Brock, Mrs- John H. Brock and Miss
Norma. Brandon. of London; Mrs. F.
E. Ciysdale, Ildert.ou; Mr. and Mrs,
Cliff Broth, of Elimville, Mr. and Mrs.
Sherwood, Woodham, Mrs. Olive
Hunter and Hubert, Exeter, Mrs, Will
Higgins and Ferrol, Clinton; Mr. G.
E. Hall, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Bali,
Goderich; Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Mar-
tin, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. John
Mills, Mrs."Wm. Mills, Miss Elizabeth
Mills, Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills.
The auditorium of Seaforth high
school was well filled on Friday
night when the -annual commence-
ment and open house was held. It
had been first scheduled to be held
in March blit was postponed owing
to the bad road conditions.
At the Conclusion of the presenta-
tion of prizes and diplomas the audi-
ence visited the various departments
of the school where special exhibi-
tions of the various phases of the
student activities were in progress.
This was a new feature this year
and was much enjoyed.
The evening's program opened
with "0 Canada",followed by Pad-
erewsky's Minuet y Miss Doris Per-
guson and a short address by the
chairman, Mi'. C. M. Smith.
Honour Graduation diplomas were
presented by Mr. W. J. Duncan to
Patricia Bechely, Lenore Habkirk,
Donald Munn, Harriet Russell. Gra-
duation Diplomas, presented by Mr,
G. Mc -Gavin, to Edith Blanchard,
Walter Boswell, Theresa Maloney,
Jean McMaster, Delbert Smith, Mary
Ryan, Victor Walden, Eleane•• .;'c„
ver, Intermediate Certificates, by
Mr. C. A. Barber, to Neil Beattie,
Mabel Campbell, Helen Currie, Ho-
ward Hackwell, Mary Hagan, Stew-
art Henderson, Francis Huisser, M.
Lane, Josephine McIver, Earl Mc
Spadden, Ronald Sills, Jack Wal-
lace, Donna Watson, Madeline Wil-
Prize winners -Presented by Mr.
M. A. Reid. Grade 13, lit Harriet
Russell, 2nd Donald Munn; Grade
12, lit Buddy Smith, 2nd Mary Ry-
an; Grade 11, lst Jean Mills, 2nd
Bill Munn; Grade 10, 1st, Jack Wal-
lace and Madeline Wilson, tie; Gr.
9, lst, Mary Boswell, 2nd Mona
Caldwell and Murray Mills, tie.
Scholarship winners - Alumni,•
value $25, awarded to Lenore Hab-
kirk, presented by Miss M. Turn-
bull; Dominion -Provincial Scholar-
ship, value $400, awarded to Harr-
iet Russell, presented by Mr. J, L.
Athletic Awards -Highest scoring
girl, Duncan Cup, presented by Mr.
G. A. Whitney, Donna Watson;
girls' championships, presented by
Mr. E. L. Butson, junior, Edna Hui-
sser; intermediate, Barbara Dale;
senior, Donna Watson. Boys, pres-
ented by Mr. E, R. Dick, Ballantyne
Cup, highest scoring jr. boy, Don:
aid Dale; Barber Cup, interned. or
senior boy, J. Meir; boys' champion-!
ships, presented by Mr. E. B. Gond-
ie, junior, Donald- Dale; intermed-
iate, Jerry Meir; senior, W. Butch -
Rifle shooting, presented by Mr.
B. Irwin, Strathcona Trust Medal
i and DCRA Medal, Donald Munn. 1
Numbers by the Glee Club includ-
ed Brahm's Lullaby, The Ranger
Song and You'll 'Never Walk Alone,
directed by Miss A. Hall. Open
1 House was outlined by Principal E.
IL, Fox.
Andrew o
Mrs, John Hillehreclit and Miss A.
C. Lawrence are delegates to the
London Conference W.M.S. Branch of
the United Church meeting in Aylmer
on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 6-7.
Other who will attend this meeting
are Mrs. Gardiner, Egmondville, Mrs.
Earl Mills, Mrs, Toll and Mrs, Kirk-
by, Walton, and Miss Bowey, Bruce -
An open• meeting of the Seaforth
Red Cross will be held in the library
Friday, May 2nd, at 4 o'clock. A re-
port of the 27th annual meeting of
.the Ontario Division of the Red
Cross will be given.
The Seaforth and District Minist•
erial Association will meet on Mon-
day, May 5th at 2 p.m. at the Manse
of Egmondville Church. It is ex-
pected that the speaker will be the
Rev. Stanley Brenton, minister of
the United Church, Ethel
Mr. and MVIrs. John Walsh of Sea -
forth announce the engagement of
their daughter Teresa Elizabeth to
Mr. Fergus Clarence Feeney,. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Feeney of Hib-
bert. Wedding to take place in St.
James' Church, Seaforth, May 10th,
at 9:30.
There passed away on Sunday
April 27th, Mrs. Duncan Campbell,
of Wingham, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs, W. G. Wallace, Tuck-
ersmith, Mrs. Campbell who was in
her 89th year died following a short
iihress of about three clays. Before
her mar'r'iage she was Margaret Hall
Cochrane and was born in North
Pasthope, Perth County She was
married at'Bluevale on July 2, 1888..
shard predeceased her on
The Minister CI M111111, Hun. Itus-
sel T. Kelley, has asked Cr. R. Hobbs
Taylor, M.P.P., to arrange a meeting
of the staffs, and those interested in
the four hospitals in Huron County.
at- which lie wishes to mance ',erneun-
nuncements about nurse training,
and financial assistance from the
Province to county hospitals. This is
the fruition of same of the sugges-
tions made at the meeting held last
fall. .
This meeting will be held in the
Council Chambers of the Clinton
Town Hall, on Monday. May 5th at
4 p.m.
Desch -Houston
A quiet but lovely wedding was
solemnized on April 15, at the Pres-
byterian Manse, Clinton, when Rev,
David J. Lane united in marriage,
Madge Ruth, youngest, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Houston, Stanley
Township, with Vernon Wesley
Oesch, eldest son of Mr..and Mrs,
David Oesch, Stanley township, The
bride looked charming in a street.length dress of white triple sheer
over satin and she also wore a white
headdress caught with net to the
shoulder. She wore a corsage of red
roses and Star of Bethlehem flow-
ers. Mrs. Roy Arlin was her sister's
bridesmaid She wore a white silk
Jersey with coloured flowers and a
corsage of red roses. Mr. Roy Arlin
was best man. The bride wore a gold
pendant and bracelet with blue
matching stones centered with dia-
monds, from the groom. The gift to
the bridesmaid, a flowered plate, to
the best man, money. The wedding
dinner was held at the Little Inn.
Bayfield. Nineteen guests were pre-
sent The table was prettily decorat-
end with flowers. A three storey
wedding cake centred the table, iced
by the bride. For their trip the bride
wore a pale blue suit with matching
top coat with black accessories. The!
happy couple left for a honeymoon
trip to Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara!
Falls,. N.Y. amid a shower of con -
The many friends and neighbors
Presentation To Bride -Elect
gathered at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Len Talbot on Friday, April 11
and presented Madge Ruth Houston
bride -to -be, with an occasional
table. The afternoon was spent in
games, then the address was read by
Ethel Watson.
Dear Madge -We your friends
and neighbors have gathered here
this afternoon to show our apprecia-
tion of your kind and thoughtful
ways in our community. Your sun-
ny disposition and smile has won a
warm spot in our hearts. Although
you will be missed as a neighbour
we hope to see you often and keep
the ties of friendship intact. Please
accept this small gift as a remem-
brance of your friends and neigh-
bours. We all join in wishing you
many happy year's of prosperity in
i your married life. Signed on behalf
of your friends and neighbors,
Shower For Bridal Couple
A miscellaneous shower was held
at the hon of Mr'. and Mrs. David
Desch, Blake, Thus April 24 MrMr. and Mrs. Vernon Desch. There
were 100 present. Mr. Ervin Ging-
rich read the address. Vernon ,gave
a suitable reply for all the grand and
most useful gifts Madge and he
received. A lovely lunch was served,!
Her hu
Jan. 29, 1925. The deceased was a'
member of Wingham Presbyterian'
Church. She is survived by one son,'
Alex. Campbell, Morris Twp,, and
three .daughters: Mrs. W. G. Wal-
lace Tuckersmith; Mrs. George
Grins, Wingham, and Mrs. Jessie
Wheeler, Brussels. The funeral was'
held on Wednesday, April 30, at
2:30 pan. DST, from the home of
her son-in-law, George H. Orvis,
Victoria St., Wingham, Rev. Nimmo
officiating, assisted by Rev. Bee -1
croft. Interment took place in Wing -
ham cemetery.
The property, of Mr. John Finlay-
son, situated on John St., has been
sold through the Office of E. C.
Chamberlain to Mr. E. G Boswell,
Manager of the Dominion Bank.l
Possession will be given early in the
Fall. Mr. Finlayson will continue to'
reside in Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs, Kelso Adams spent
Monday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burlingham
and daughter Dolores and Mrs. Hen-
derson, all of Russelldale, and Mr.
and Mrs. Alex McDonald of Sea -
forth were recent visitors with Mr.
'and Mrs, Ernest Adams.
Mrs. Art Bromley of Kitchener
is spending a few days with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. James Dale.
The regular meeting of the W.M.
S. and W.A. will be held in the
basement of the church on Thurs.
afternoon. May 8th.
Mr. Charles Dexter has pur-
chased Mrs. Pollard's house in the
village and intends moving there
Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephenson
spent Tuesday in JCitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown
spent Sunday at Durham.
Mrs. Robert • Lawson returned
home Sunday after spending the
past few months with her; daughters
Mrs. Jack Busby of ''Chatham and
Mrs. John Davidson of Brueefield.
$1 a year
worthy Tribute..
Popular heart de- �QQ
sign in a sterling
silver locket of ex-
quisite beauty.
She will admire Adorna pendant 'VI
your good taste if and chain, Gold
you choose this en- filled two-tone
gagement ring fill ish. and stone
Jeweller and Optometrist
Opposite Post Office, Seaforth
Mrs. Loretta Jordon.
Mr. John Krauskopf and son Har-
ry, Detroit, attended the funeral of
Daniel O'Connor on Saturday.
Daniel O'Connor, after an iilness
of two weeks passed away very sud-
denly at St. Joseph's hospital, Lon-
don, April 23rd, at the age of -65
years. The deceased was a son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. James O'Con-i
nor and was born in Hibbert twp,,
August 2nd, 1882 where he spent
most of his life, Solemn High Mass'
which was celebrated in St Colum-!
ban Church on Saturday morning at
9:30 had an unusual large attend-'
anee. The celebrant was Father 0'-'
Drowski, assisted by Dr. Ffoulkes of
Dublin and Father McQuaid of Scar -1
boyo Bluffs. The pallbearers were'
John Murphy, Jos. Stapleton, Maur-'
rice Dalton, Roland Klienfeldt, Jos.!
Doyle and August Ducharme. Sur-
viving are his widow Agnes Kraus -I
kopf of Dublin, five daughters and
three sons. Sister Mary Daniel
(Rose) Sarnia. Sister M. Concessa!
(Carlin) Leamington, Mrs. C. Don-;
ald Miller !(Mary) Belleville, Mich.,l
Mrs. Jas. R. Conway (Agnes) De -1
troit, Mich., Mrs. Dave Faulkner
(Veronica) St. Catherines; Joseph,
Toronto, James and Norman, Hib-'
beet and one brother Art, of Detroit I
Deceased was a devout member of
St. Columban Church and belonged
to the Holy Name Society. He served
as trustee for a number of years .en!
the Dublin Separate and High School'
Boards and was chairman for three
years. Mr. O'Connor was a devoted'
husband and father who gave so un -I
tiringly to his wife and family and
was a highly respected member of
the community. His cheerfulness and
love for his family and friends help-
ed him retain a remarkably youthful
spirit throughout his yeai's. Mr, and
Mrs. O'Connor celebrated their for-
tieth wedding anniversary last Au-
gust at which the''entire family war
present. This is now a great source
of consolation to his family.
Miss Marie Krauskopf, ' London,
with her mother, Men. Catherine
,Misses Caherine and Dorothy Jor
don, Kitchener, with their mother
A reception was held in Varna
Wednesday evening, April 23rd in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Johnston. Mr. Melvin Johnston pre-
sented the purse and the following
address was read by Mr. Gordon
Keyes: Dear Gordon and Lorna -
It is with happiness in our hearts
that we are gathered here this even-
ing to offer our congratulations, and
to welcome you, Mrs. Johnston, to
our community. Gordon, most of us
have known you all your life, and
are proud indeed to claim your
friendship. We are glad too that you
have chosen to bring your charming
bride to our neighborhood that we
may have a new friend and acquain-
tance. Lorna, you are not so far
from your former hone, that You
need give up your old friends, so we
but ask that you acid us to your
many others. We know you will be
!nappy here. That you night appre-
ciate our sincerity and perhaps bet-
ter understand our feelings, we
would like you to accept this purse
Though a small token, we trust it
will be of use to you both. Signed
on behalf of your friends and neigh.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Mann of Whig -
ham spent Sunday with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton were
in Goderich on Friday,
Mr. Fred Riley and Miss Shirleyan
Riley, Kitchener, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Sots, C. W. Riley
of Constance.
Mi', Charles Dexter has bought
the property of Mrs: T. Pollard. Mr.
Dexter intends to move to the village
early in May,
Mrs. A. Baldwin, nee Ivy Sint -
mors of Hagersville. Ont, was a re-
cent visitor with My. and Mrs, W. L.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Clarke and Ell-
wood and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Law-
son, attended the wedding reception
of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon. Johnson of
Varna, on Wednesday,
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Carnochan
of Eloise, Michigan, and Mrs. Thos.
Coleman called on• Mr. and Mrs.
Ephriam Clarke on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, Mrs.
Stewart Dolmage and Eileen spent
Tuesday in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs, John Davidson and
son of Brucefield and Mrs. Robt.
Lawson spent Sunday at the home
of Mrs, Lorne Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs, Win. Johnson and
lairs. Charlie Dale and family spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Leitch.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Suffidy and fam-
ily of Hensall spent Sunday with
Miss Jennie Mann and Joe Maim.
Miss Verna Birk and Mr. and
Mrs, Leonard Birk, Sheila and Ar-
thur, of Guelph, and Mrs, Fred Gil-
be't and Ellen of Stratford were
weekend guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Wallace Haugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Keyes and
Mary of Favourable Lake, Man„
and other friends were visitors on.
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
t Wallace Haugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Prueter spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Rode at Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pryce of Galt -
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Byerman.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Heinz,
Maureen and Winnifred spent the •
weekend in Guelph with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Barber.
Mrs. Jno. C. Diegel is spending a
week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kress -
ler in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Berry and Pearl
of Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Messrs Arthur Conrad, Herby
Gastmeir, Hartung Pruess and Rob-
ert Rock, all of the Waterloo College
and Seminary with Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
win Rock on Sunday.
Mr. Arthur Conrad preached the
sermon and Mr. Herby Gastmener
took charge of the Liturgy at the
Sunday morning service at St.
Peter's Lutheran Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dykeman of
Port Credit with 'airs. Henry Kleier.
Mr. and Mr's. Harold Jordan,
Joyce and Diane of Mitchell with
Mn and Mrs. Fred Fischer.
Miss Birdie Murray of Kitchener,
Mr, Elmer Tuffin of Stratford with
Mrs. Sophie Bennewies,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and
Audrey spent Sunday in London.
Ilr. and Mrs. ltd Smith• and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. L. Querengesser mo-
tored to Simcoe, spent Wednesday
and Thursday of last week at the
home of the formers son, Mr. Albert
Smith and Mrs. Smith at Simcoe.
On their ar'1'ival home on Thurs-
day evening a surprise was awaiting
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, it - being
their 40th wedding anniversary.
About 40 relatives and neighbors
gathered at their home. They were
presented with a tri -light floor lamp.
The evening was spent in playing
progressive euchre. Mr. and Mrs.
Querengesser were the attendants at
their wedding 40 years ago. They
have one slaughter. Mrs, Harold
Wardell (Margaret) ; two sons, Al-
bert of Simcoe and Kenneth at
home and three granddaughters.
The Helping Hand Mission Band
of Winthrop Church niet on Sat. 26
at 8 p.ni. in the school room of the
church. The meeting opened with all
repeating the Mission Band purpose
followed with hymn 613 being sung.
Rosa Axeman then read the scrip-
ture followed by prayer given by
Bobby Betties, then hymn 588. Roll
call was answered by 18 members.
Mrs. Hogg then took the study fol-
lowed by offering and response and
hymn 614. Busiliess by Mrs. Mc-
Clure. Hymn 623 followed by Lord's
prayer and national anthem.
Rev. Charles Morrow of London
together with his son Rev. Edwin
i Morrow of Winona were visitors in
the community over the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell
spent Saturday in London with Mr.
Campbell's brother, Hugh, who is ill
Mr. Robert McClure has purchas•
ed the Henderson farm from Arthur
and Roy Henderson. Mr. and Mrs.
George Bernard have moved there.
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson have
moved to. Belgrave,
Mrs. Trumback of Brooklyn' has
become .a domestic for Mr. .Austin
Mrs. Trumb•ack spent the week-
end in Stratford, her son Mr. J.
Trmnbaek has accepted a position