HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-04-24, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1947 THE SEAFORTH NEWS PROCLAMATION Daylight Saving Time In accordance with request from the Merchants' Com- mittee of the Chamber of Commerce, the Council has instructed me to declare Daylight Saving time adopted for the Town of Seaforth during the period of "April 28th to September 27th inclusive and respectfully request the citizens to observe same M. A. REID " MAYOR GOD SAVE THE KING PLAY "Petticoat Ranch" Presented by Goshen, Varna Y.P.U. IN VARNA TOWN HALL TUESDAY, APRIL 29 At 8.30 P.M. Admissiox 40c & 20e DANCING! in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY, APRIL 26 NORM CARNEGIE AND HIS BAND ADMISSION 50c Street SERV/CE TORCE,ihmonnd Zst,`Toronto 1, Ontario. N • Please send further information and an application for the Ontario Farm Service Force form1 slii 1 1 Nante Address...................... • •... ........... •(IG ' ::: c: ' or over) L11.11 inn • - FNI47 4 Want to spend your summer earning good money ... under pleasant work- ing conditions.;; on a sunny Ontario farm? For any .young .man or woman over the age of sixteen, the .• an- swer is easy... clip and mail the above coupon without delay/ Ontario Farm Service Force camps open as early as April 15th. Operated under experienced Y.W.C.A. leadership, they are fully staffed and afford ample recreational facilities. Employment on sur- rounding farms is carefully supervised, and pay is, good for every willing worker. Remember, a hungry world is crying for more food and our farmers are desperately short-handed. Join the Ontario Farm Service Force today! DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE— LABOUR —EDUCATION n...... nnmla,lnn,u,l nnrtunmr r aun,P".nmuw n „ uaunnleunUunnury,,a,,,nuu,ulnlpl,uluunn 0 8 Sherman Step UI Transmissions FOR Ford Ferguson Tractors RESERVE YOUR -ORDER 'NOW SUPPLY LIMITED' DALY'S GARAGE, Seaforth FORD - MONARCH CARS AND TRUCKS FORD FERGUSON TRACTORS TOWN TOPICS Mrs. E. Bannon has Ietarnecl hole after speeding a week at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, IVir. and MIs. Dolph Masse,. Windsor. Mrs. D. C., Airth ants daughters Nancy and sJudY,: Brampton, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Grununett. Miss Jean McMaster, student -nurse, Hamilton General Hospital, Hamilton, spent the week end at the hone of her parents, Dr, E. A. McMaster and Mrs. McMaster. Mr. Jack Daly has returned to Ed- monton -after *spending a few days at the home of his mother, 'Mrs. J. P, Daly. Mr. ,Ron Savauge, Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs. Savauge and son. Mrs, By R. Phillips and Barbara. Anne,of London, visited relatives here. Mr. Johnny Dotson is a iiatient Iti 'Westmiuster Hospital, London, Dr.''. J. Burrows is a visitor at the home of his sort, Dr. H. Burrows, and. Mrs.Burrows, St. Catherines. Miss Vera Hudson, Toronto, was a week end visitor at the home of her Sister, Mrs, Scott Hablcirk and Mr. Habkirk. Mrs. C. B. Greenwood and son Mr. Douglas Greenwood, Maltreat, were week -end guests at the home of :tier daughter, Mrs. Harold Free, and Mr. Free. Dbuglas remained to spend the week here. Mrs: John Elgie is seriously ill in Toronto General Hospital. Miss Zetta Dunlop, R.N., Winnipeg, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs: A. W. Dunlop, last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Neely and family, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Nott and family, Clinton, aucl 'Mrs, William Webster and son Donald, Exeter, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves. Miss Rebecca Shinen spent the week end at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seltzer, Hamilton. Misses Vera and Laura Mole were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Millson, Clinton. Miss Carol Millson, Clinton, was a Tuesday visitor with her grandfather, Mr. 17. Mole. Mrs. Gordon Bartlet, of Walkerville, and her daughter, Miss Margaret Bartlet, were guests of the Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert and Mrs. Gilbert at St. Thomas Rectory early this week. Rev. and Mrs. 11. V. Workman were in Blenheim on Friday and Saturday of last week attending the funeral of Dr. W. 11. Galloway; an elder and leader in Blenheim United Church. HENSALL '- The April -meeting .(the annual meeting) of the Hensall Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. Cook with almost 50 members and guests in attendance. Mrs. C. Cook was assisted by Mrs. J. iVIcBeath. Mrs. Kerslake, pres., occupied the chair. Following the singing of the Ode,- "Sidewalks of New York" was. sung, after which the president led in prayer. Minutes read. The roll call featured the payment of fees, also the naming of a Canadian pro- duct and its use, A delightful violin solo "Serenade" was provided ' by Miss 'Greta Laramie, accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker. We then enjoy- ed a rare treat, Miss Lenore Nor- minton, oratorical contest winner of girls' section, which event was held in London 'several weeks ago, presented her interesting and chal- lenging address `Js Canada a Na- tion?" The business session was pro- ceeded with. After a discussion the members filially decided to hold a banquest to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of Wo- men's Insitutes, this event to take place on May 14th, The following committee to be in charge of ar- rangements, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Mickle. Mrs. Elgie, Mrs. A. D. McEwen. Members are urged to secure tickets not later than May 1st. These may be procured from Mrs. Kerslake at the house or at Kerslake store. Mrs. Goodwin nominating committee con- venor presented the slate of officers 1947-48. Pres., Mrs. A. Kerslake, lst vice -Pres., Mrs. Munn, 2nd vice- pres., Mrs. Orr, Sec.-Treas., Miss Gladys Luker, Ass't sec-treas., Mrs R. Elgie; press rep., Mrs. Hedden Branch Directors, Mrs. Drysdale Mrs. Cross, Mrs. W. Sangster, pian 1st, Miss Florence Welsh, asst, Miss Greta Lan -anis, card convenor, Mrs W. Smale; district rep., Mrs. G Hess. The treasurer, Miss Gladys Luker announced that the proceeds received from the refreshment booth operated to a $20 3. Reports of Standing Cot Munn's sale m nlittees were read. (a) Agriculture and Canadian Iindustries, Mrs. Kers- lake. (b) Citizenship, Mrs. Orr; (0) Historical Research. Mrs. C. Forrest, (d) Home Economics, Miss Florence Welsh, (e) Publicity, Mrs. 4,. E. Munn, (f) Social Welfare, Mrs. 'Faber, (g) The encouraging financi- al report was read by Miss Gladys Luker. Letters of thanks from Mrs. Scherk and Gertrude Bell were read, A letter was read from J. A. Pater- son, village clerk, stating that in the future, the Council will grant the Institute ladies the use of the Coun- cil chambers for holding Institute rneetngs, free of charge. The ladies greatly appreciate this kindness and will take advantage of the opportun- ity at such time, or times. when no home is available for meetings. Mrs. Jas. McAllister offered im- mensely interesting comments on the motto "If we see no fault in our own work, we shall never do any better." At this period Miss Gladys Luker presented a bank book and an accompanying address to Mrs. Lorne Chapman for her infant son Robt. Craig Chapman. Mrs. Frank Wright who was unavoidably, 'absent will later receive hers for -her infant daughter, Eleanor Christine Wright A humorous reading "Reducing' was given by Miss Ellis. Mrs, Kers lake expressed a sincere thanks to all. The national anthem was sung Delicious refreshments were served under the management of Mrs Cook, Mrs. MaeBeath, and the socia. committee. 'A social hour was en- joyed. Following the regular practise of NOTICE CREAM PRODUCERS OF McKILLOP TWP. You are urged to attend an important meeting at BEECHWOOD SCHOOL TUESDAY, APRIL 29TH AT 8.30 P.M. PURPOSE: To vote on the formation of a Cream Producers' Associ- ation in the interests of Butterfat SPEAKERS: IXIr. W. V. Roy, of Londesboro Mr. LeRoy Brown, Clinton Discussion and Voting Special Films featuring Contagi- ous Diseases of Cattle will be shown EVERYBODY WELCOME McKillop Federation of Agriculture Pres., S. Scott ' Sec., A. R. Dodds the United 'Church choir members in the school room on Thursday night a delightful socialtimewas enjoyed by the members and several guests. Miss Mary Goodwin and Miss Ruth Hess directed a series of interesting games after which tempting refresh- ments were served. During the social period, Mrs. Drysdale and Mrs. H. W. Horton made presentations while Miss Gladys Luker read the accomp- anying address to Rev. and Mrs. Sanderson, who 'intend shortly re- turning to their home in Lumsden, Sask., they replied fittingly. Mr. S. G. Rennie, choir leader, acted as chairman in a pleasing and capable manner. Rev. Brook and Rev. Sand- erson gave inspiring messages. The following committees were responsi- ble for the enjoyable affair. Recre- ation, Miss Mary Goodwin, Miss Ruth Hess, Mr. Bill Mickle; lunch, Mrs. Broderick and Mrs. Drysdale. A large crowd of hockey fans and friends assembled in the Town hall, Hensall on Wednesday evening for a social time when dancing was en- joyed to music by Murdock's Or- chestra. During the evening "Mugs" (Mervyn) Stephen was called to the platform and presented with $100. by the manager of the hockey team. Mr. Wilson Allen. Mrs. David Sangs- ter read the accompanying address, to which "Mug" made a fitting re- ply. Dear Mugs—It was with regret we heard of your recent misfortune. As a result of your splendid recov- ery, we, as a group of your friends and associates have gathered here to spend. a social time and to wish you the best of luck. You have always been an enthusiastic sportsman '"Mugs" giving your time and energy willingly. to help organize our local teams etc. To show you our appre- ciation we present you this gift of money along with our best wishes for good health, good' fortune and success. Signed on behalf of your Hensall Hockey fans. McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Webster and son Master Douglas, and Mr, Rob- ert Croft motored up from Toronto, Easter week and visited at Mrs. Webster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dorrance, McKillop. and have returned home. - BORN WALSH—At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. John: 5.. Walsh, RRi. Dublin, a daughter. BISBACIC—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on April 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bisback, RR5, Seaforth, a son. RILEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Riley, Cromarty. twin sons. Annual Meeting Huron - Perth Football Association Town Hall, Seaforth ON FRIDAY, Apr. 25 AT 8.30 P.M. 7.4 LET US CREATE A NEW YOU, SOFT WAVES, LOVELY CURLS -- AND YOU. THE COLD WAVE Is superior to all others for difficult hair, also the Creme 011 Permanent, either machine or maehineless at moderate prices; and Permanents. at other prices. - SUTHERLAND Beauty Shop PHONE 152 Time Table Changes EFFECTIVE Sunday, April 27. 1947 Full information from Agents Canadian National Railways eduction Opportunity 10(>r off Regular Prices of Chesterfield. Suites till May lst BOX FURNITURE STORE We know ... being team captain has its responsi- bilities. But when you're rounding up your team, -will you try not to make too many calls at once? Remember. -some grown- up may need that party line in a hurry . , , Thanks a lot! FART Y LIN E COURTESY IS CATCH !NG. Putting it into practice on every call you make is your best guarantee Unit others will do the same for you. L Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Give right-of-way to urgent calls. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Electric PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORD PLAYERS AUTOMATIC CHANGER $99.50 Other Models at •• 85,95 37,05 3995 19.65 RECORD PLAYERS (Attach to Radio) Latest Releases of Victor and Bluebird Records in stock DALY'S SEAFORTH SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT and Open House in High School Auditorium. Friday, April 25th at 8 p.m. Wool Wanted ALL WOOL SHIPPED TCi JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROM THERE H. M. Jackson • Seaforth Phone 3W & J LAWN ROLLING If you wish to have your, lawn rolled, please leave your order with J. a. CLL'FF, phone 76: CHRISTIE'S BUTCHER SHOP, phone 58. When the roller is in your neighborhood. if not a. ready arranged for. please contact the driver. as the roller twill not return to thar. section. Seaforth Bowling Club 1111111111.uuunnummmeeannuuuuuenmnurneouwa YOUR G°01VINEA DgALEP Seaforth Motors Chev:Olds. Sales Service PHONE 141, SEAFORTH, ONT. WANTED !' Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION — WE DO THE LOADING NA DARLING & CO, O LIMITED A Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r4