HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-04-24, Page 3--rt CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED BABY CHICKS i,.IGHTNING ROD DEALERS WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE tock of .all Lightning Rod Mate- rials on hand and can supply 1m- mediate delivery. Why not write And .enquire about a dealership or your territory? Our equipment 18 the best on the market and our prices most reasonable. The B. Phillipe Co. 'Ltd„ 200 Main St., To- ronto. ATTENTION TRAPPERS! MUSKRAT, MINK AND BEAVER trappers. Triple your catches with a submarine trap. Tenmuskrats to a catch, Simpleto operate, yyeigha three ` pounds. No losaee from biting or p Hing their feet off. $4.00 each. Write for catalogue. Submarine Trap Company, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, ,YOUNG TRAPPERS BECOME, EX - pert over night on muslu•at and mink. Send dollar hill ,for guaran- teed method by retired trapper. Howard Harland, Barnes City, Iowa. / BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' THE VILLAGE OF GARDENTON,. Manitoba, would appreoiate veg- table canning factory. For partic- :Mere, apply Secretary, Gardenton, Board of Trade, Gardenton, Man. BABY CRICKS ;q VE' HAVE SOME TWO AND three week old started chicks in non -sexed, pullets or cockerels In pure breeds and cross , breeds for Immediate delivery. Send for spe- 1a1 pricellat. -Twaddle Chick Hat - Charles Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 'APPROVED BARRED 11 0 0 IC cockerels. February and March. $6.00 per hundred. MaclCillican Poultry Farts, Moose Creek, Ont. MAY OLD COCKERELS BARGAINS for this week and next, Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x New Hamp- shire X Barred Rock, Light Sus- . Sex X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Ne w Hampshire, Black Auetralorp, New Hamp- ehlre'$4.96, Assorted Heavies $4,75 White Leghorns $1.00 per hundred. Two weeks old add $6,00, three weeks old add $11,00 per hundred. Large Egg Quality add $1.00, Spe- cially Selected add $2.00 per hun- dred. Shipped C.O.D. any - ,where. This advertisement must accompany your order to secure these special prices. Top Notch Chlckerlea, Guelph, Ontar•lo, BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS • ]Yes, that 13 what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders are 100 percent free from pullorum. Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappointed. Tom Barron Leghorns, 112.00 per 100. Pullets '0$$24.00. Barred Rock 21.00. White Rock Mixed $1Pullets per Pullets $25.00. Brown Leghorn ,Mixed 814.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00. Leghorn -Rock Mixed12.00 per 100. Pullets 125.00. Red -Rock Hybrid 81 .00 per 100. Pullets 021.00. Spe- cial prices t0live delivery for yeur .,station. $1.00 down, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham,. On- tario. TWEDDLE CHICItS FOR A PROF- itablo 1947 season should be order- ed now. Early ordering assures you every advantage. You'll be cure to have the kind of chicks you want on the date youwant then!, and at the best price 1f prices go up the rise will not affect your order. If prices d r o 2, y o u pay only the lower price. All are from. Fullerton tested breeders of _proven high production and livabil- ity. All are Approved and expertly selected before shipment. You get 100 percent live delivery of strong, husky chicks. We have the follow- ing pure breeds tochoose from: While Leghorns, Black hlinoreas,. Anconas. Brown Leghorns, Barred Recite, White Rocks, New Hamp- shlres, Rhode Island Reds,White Wya.ndottes, Light Sussex, Black :Australoi'ps, Jersey White Giants. Also 12 cross breeds: Send for free catalogue, Also two and three week old started chicles for immediate delivery, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. . Fergus, Ontario. 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 tree chicks (our' choice). Barred Rock Pullet(' $21.95 White Rock Pullets $25.96. White 'Leghorn Pullets 524.95, Brown Leghorn Pullets 522.95; Red - Rock. Hybrids• $21.96. Leghorn - Rock Mybrida, $25.95. All chick sold are from bloodtested 'stock back by.. high pedigreed stuck. $1.Od hooka- you rorder, Balance C.O.D.' Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch- ery. Chatham, Ontario QET OFF ON THE RIGIIT FOOT for a profitable poultry season in 1947. Order early and order from Top Notch Chickeries. Right now is the time to order. An order now assures you that you will have your rhlcka when you want them the kind you want . and at the lowest price. Whether prices rise or fall before delivery, we give Your order full advantage of the lowest. price. All Top Notch chicks are pre -selected, strong, husky, ap- proved, from Pullorum tested stock of proved high production and liv- ability. AI1popular breeds and some fine cross breds, sexed or straight run, We ship only -select ed, healthy birds . assuring 100 per cent live. delivery. Send now for the interesting instructive Top Notch catalogue, Also,started chid.., two and three weekold for unme,l;at.e delivery, Top Notch Chlc.eries, Guelph, Ontario. GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr. Broadhurst of Jolt. ette, Que„ says about our chicles: April - d0, '11146 -"The 208 -chicles re• ceived in Splendid ,condition, knot one dead 1011 01117 one died since. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks , 5 ever reeeived and 1 have been handling ',hicks for over 40 years." Order now and get the best, Here are our prices. Barred Roctt Mixed. $12.110; Pullets, $21.00: White. Leg• horn, -Mixed, 811,110: Pullets, 624.00; White Rock Mixed, $15.00 -Pullets,. 625.00; -Brea n Leghorn Mixed. Rock -Red Mixed, 611200; Pull0; ei ds -Reds. $2100 Hybrid Leghorn -Rock MIx• d $12.0(1; ,Pullets, 825.00.. You also get free ant`i`s, Goddard Chick Hat- „ltery, Britannia Heights, Ont, 3 & 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS It pees to raise capons. The price of to"ons is approximately 6c lb. higher than the price of cockerels. t i of beau breed 3 week old to Merril 21st 25c; to. May 10th 27e.: after May 16th 30e Prompt deliv- ery. Order from this ad or send for folparticulars: Lakeview Pon-- try Farm, Wein .Bros Exeter, On.. to [ tit SEND FOB 0I'IOCIAI 1 itiCle1 ON day oh] apd leo and three week yll cockerels, pone breed, and hybrid;. Also.. two anti three weelc old nc1.- 000od and pullet ehlek7. Too Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario. STARTED PULLETS. 2 - 4 WEEKS February delivery. Cash In on the early egg Markets. Also Started cockerels and mixed chicks. Send for Weekly Special List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. BABY CHICKS - NEW RAMP. shires, fast feathering Barred Rocks and Red -Rock Hybrids, blood -tested under Ontario breed - Ing station, not a single re -actor found. Mixed 14c. pullets 25c each. Write your order in at once. Hard- ing Snllth, Sparta, Ont. SOME STARTED PULLETS' AVAIL - able. Order •dayolda no* for epring delivery. We've for immediatedeliv- ery New Hampshirea, L,S. x N.H., B.R. x N.H. and Black Austra- lorpa. Bray Hatchery, 130 John. N., Ham lltoo, Ont. - RELIABLE CHICKS IT WILL PAY. YOU . TO ORDER. the best and we have them. Barred. Rocks bred to, lay. Leghorn ROP sired. White Giants mixed, New Hatnps, Leg X BR. Miller's Chlek. Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. BREEDER HATCHERY OF. 5000 breeders It Is not too early to book your chicks for 1947 to be assured of getting Lakeview super bred chicles when you want them. Buy your chicks- from a reliable well established Breeder Hatchery back- ed by 6000 hens, pure breds and all.. Popular hybrids, Start your chick's early. Chicks started then show biggest profits. Send for Price List, large illustrated catalogue and Poultry Guide which tells you how to raise better. pullets. Also ask for Weekly Special List of heavy cock- erels • and 'overhatch' hatch -day Spectals, and New Pot Type Queen 011 Brooder Stoves., SPECIAL PRICES HEAVY Cock= erela. Day old or started, also day old or started pullets and mixed. Prompt delivery. Lakeview Poul- try Farm, Wein Bras., Exeter, On- tario, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We . are glad to answer your questions. Department FT. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT NEW 5/8 JOHNSON GASOLINE Engines, $47.10. Electric Lighting Plants,683.50. Irnntediate' Shipment. Currey Bulmer, Eglington & Bath- urst, Toronto FARMS FOR SAI.R FOR SALE IMPROVED LEVEL Farm, fenced, good soil buildings, , water, Write., Thos. Blythe, Fusi- lier,Sask„ Can. 1.00' ACRE FARM, 83500. LARGE Barn, Hogpen, Granary and House, second Kenyon Alexandria. Alexan- der De Prato, 428 Sunnyside, Ot- tawa. ("0(5 SALE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE, TRACTOR TIRES, made of rubber, suitable for bolt- ing on steel wheels, $16,00 each, rear wheels; $7.60 each, front Wheels. When ordering state diam- eter and width of wheel, National Rubber Co. Ltd... 6 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto. Ont. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS RESTAURANT SINK 8, H,0 0 0 9, steam tables; 'oil tanks, 100 to 200 gallon, maple syrup and honey tanks, open water tanks, canoes, boats, skiffs.. Guaranteed alumi- num hot water hollers. Inquiries invited. Rideau Aluminum Bout Co. Ltd., 1320 Bank St,, Ottawa, Ont. ANICER - 1101,TH AND 111EL01'TE cream separator users attention. • We are now staking Anker -Horth parts 10 Canada. Order from your dealer or direct front us. Wo also supply Melotte parte. Dent and Al- ford, 387 Central Ave., London, Ont. CANOE CANVAS ALL WIElG HTS AND WIDTHS also copper nails, tacks and canvas filler. Write for prices. John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington Street W., Poronto, 110 YEARS CALENDAR, beginning from 1848 to 2003 Most useful to ev- ery trade, sports, ]tome and family, 36c. Three copies, $1.00,postpaid. John Ehrenreich, F.O. Box 245. Montreal, Que, CONCRETE 111,0016 Machines, 200 to. 240 Elocics hour, others hand or power 45 to 100 hour, Brick ma- chines, Batch Mixers- any size, Mo- tors and Gas Engines, Madison Equipment Co., Madison, Tenn. FUR COATS moat $32 REPAIRS $5 up, Capes, neckpieces, other bar- gains. Write Dept, W., THE FUR- RIERY, 12711 Queen West, Toronto. "NEW POT TYPE QUEEN OIL burning brooder stoves". We have used these withoutstanding per- formanee Book now for {Winter and early Spring delivery. Wo can give prompt delivery It you act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Welt Bros., Exeter, Ontario. PORTABLE 2 WHEEL TRAILER type Wilson' Hornet, g'ai driven arc welder 300 amps, acetylene welding outfit and accessories nearly new. Cash James C,atherwood, 207 Grey St., Brantford Phone 5159W before 8 p.m. PUREBRED MALE DACHSHUNDS for sale, 9 months lovely pet. Rea- sonable price. Gnylyn Kennels, El- mira, Ont. R E'PIt EA I) TIE ES, ALL SL%its. Good as new. Firestone design, Write for price list. Prince Tire Shop, 771 St. Clelr W. Toronto. SMALL METAL STAMPINGS made to' order, prompt delivery. Capital Metal Ind Ltd., 12 St. Patrick St., T.dropto, Ont SINGERS, TREADLE SEWING machine wanted 30ICh drop -head. Write stating price to 46 South Oval. Hamilton, Ont STRAWIIERRY PLANTS. DUNLAP, Thousand $12.00, Pre- mier.- Somple�buster $1.00 repaid.. Order early. Cash. Earl Bower, Kemptville, Ont. TARPAULINS STURDY BROWN OR ICH A IC! Duck Waterproofed Covers with tie ropes, all weights. Write for quo- tations nod samples. John Leckie, 77 �eil'mston Sl. lToronto. TYPEWRITERS, S1`,1 NIL.. 11 it ANI). Pxrtible with ea 1. vying .,0,': Excel lent condition; sacrifice. Write 227 'McIntyre Block, Winnipeg', Man. FOR SALE TIRES We are overstocked at the present. of good used trade-in tires (guar- anteed to be inexcellent shape). 600 x 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires, BEACON TIRE corner Queen and York Sts., HAMILTON, Ontario. ONTARIO`S mosu. MODERN EQUIPPED lima SHOP. Dealers Wanted. TOILETS FOR FARMS, SCHOOLS, SU10ID1ER eotta5'ee and .camps. Can be either with or without running water. Caustic Sanitation. Ltd,, 21 Ridley- Boulevard, idleyBoulevard, Toronto. WOOD BROTHERS THRESHER Company', 7th & Halifax, Regina, Sask. Limited number of cornpick- ere for 1947. First come first serv- ed. Write us for threshers, com- bines, cornpickers, repairs H AIHDR ESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on. request regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto HELP WANTED WANTED MIDDLE-AGED HOUSE- , keeper, • good habits for widower. Goodhome on highway near City. Apply 398 Pape Ave., Toronto, TORONTO HOSPITAL • WESTON Ont. 6 girls for Ward Diet Kitchen,' Eight hour duty and slx day week. Go,od living conditions. Apply by letter or phone dietician. TEL 1162, local 4e. WANTED IMMEDIATELY EXPERIENCED 5 I N G I. E MAN', goodmilker and teamster, regular hours $75 monthly, year round Job to the right man. Apply to Post Office Box 480, Brantford, Ont. MEDICAL FRUIT ,JUICES: The principal in- gredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE. Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, ringworm. pimples and nth- • lele's foot, will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless ofhow stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICE. 61.00 PER JAR Send Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E.. Corner of Logan Toronto TREAT YOURSELF AT HOME with electro -magnetism for Arth- ritis, Rheumatism, Insomnia, Vari- cose Veins and other circulatory ailments. Free explanatory pamph- late from C•oopeRemed!es,' longe Street. Toronto. 'WANTED - EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritls to try Dixon's Remedy. alunro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00 RELIEVES PAIN FROM IIREU- matisnt or costs You nothing. Rheum Aspro will relieve you from Rheu- matism, Sciatica, Neuritis, etc. 11,00 per box. Satisfaction guaranteed. International Drug Products, '7222 Birnttnt Ave., Montreal, 15, Quebec. 3 FAMOUS REMEDIES unexcelled for 20 years again ob- tainable by mail. NOX Kidney Flushers selected for back- ache, rheumatism, headache, draw- sineas, postpaid. $1.00. GASTRONOX scientific stomach powder -nils in- digestion. gas, sourness, destroys bacteria, postpaid $1.00. SAVE 25c. It you send this advertisement with your order deduct 25c from the prices listed above, NOX LABORATORIES, Dept. W.P., 353 Yonge St., TORONTO MUSICA I. I NS'l' II UM ENT FINED A. 110 DDI 00 (4)8 11L 88, sells, exchanges musical Instru•, meets. 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES F011 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands aucressful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest eys• tem. illustrated catalogue free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Llloor St, W„ Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. . 41h`FE11 TO IN V EN'IYI ft AN 01,11 E It '('1) EVp(it{ IN V ('661'014 List of inventions and full tnfor• 'nation sent free. The Ramsay Co. Registered. Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada PATIENTS h'E'1'I-FRS'luNA1'GH C U411H1'ANI,, Patent Soliritors. Established 1890 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of dnformntion on regtle10 Sr SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") When the New. York Rangers recently absorbed an untnerclful ten -to -one trimming in Boston, they were promptly told to go and relax,, and not think about hockey till their next game, The result Was that they carne back in first-class winning form, Had a similar class-. trophe overtaken the Toronto Ma- ple Leafs, they would probably have been on the ice the very day, filled with a sense of guilt and 'going through a strenuous workout. This illustrates, as well as anything we know, two widely divergent schools of thought in the platter of training and condi- tioning, * * We recall watching, one fine May afternoon, a most highly -re- garded King's Plate favorite falter in the stretch and wind up second. An old-timer, standing alongside, disgustedly remarked, "Another one that spilled his winning effort out there in the early mornings." NEW VICEROY Lord Louis Mountbatten, above, wartime chief of the Southeast Asia command, has been named Viceroy of In di a, ' succeeding Viscount Wavell. PERSONAL 1,001i: 1 810 REWARD FOR ANY watch we cannot repair; best work- manship; written guarantee. Atlas Watch Repair Co., Box 91, Station "O". Montreal. t'ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," Wonderful book tree.'Ide- giddo Mission, Rochester. 11, N.Y. LEARN MAGIC AT HOME. EN- tertain your friends, Complete in- formation and catalogue free. Write today. S. B, Robinson, River- side, Ontario ENHAN,C,E YOUR PERSONALITY. Develop a pleasing vole a! "Hints For Vocalists." A Manual for Singers, Students, etc. $1.00. Thomas, P.O. Box 3, San Francis- co 1, •Calif, I'HOTOGII A PHY AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY LEARN HOW, TO DEVELOP YOUR photography yourself.. Become popular. It will pay you a lot and may help you someday. Free infor- mation: Write to Bob Mereier, 3862 St. Andre, Montreal. PHOTOGRAPH 1' COMET PHOTO SERVICE One Day Mall Service, work guar- anteed 25c per roll. Reprints 3c each. c G x 8 Goldeni• Sap a Mounted '0c. Box G, Postal Station D,,To- rTo- onto 2 ENLARGEMENTS 25c 4 z 0 In Folder Mounts Enlargements framed 1 x 9" Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black finish 74c at picture colored 94c. REPRINTS 3e EACH Send un Your Old Negatives Any Stze Roll -6 or 8 Exposures Developed and Printed 25c We make prints. and enlargements from prints of lost negatives DEPT. M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Ilox 1271, foal Of flee A, Toronto. WANTED WANTED - AL1, le 1 N Il S O F dressed pou•try. Top prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poul- try Dept., 2054 Daotorth Ave., To. ronto (i. 't We do custom grading). W Acct.:HES - (01.0(116(3 WATCHES CLOCKS REPAIRED 1 weep service, price 51.00 up. Fully Guaranteed Send to OTTAWA WATCHMAKERS, 782 Gladstone, Ottawa, Ont. ISSUE 10-1947 And you have all' probably heard of the baseball pitcher who-whep kidded about a ratlitr poor season -replied, "Heck, the manager made me pitch twenty winning games out in the bull -pen,', In other words, too much condition- ing, too much stress on the neces- sity of putting everything you have into every move, can be every bit as dangerous as too little. Should the Maple Leafs fail to come through in the fast -approach- ing playoffs -a horrifying prospect to all right-thinking citizens; of course, but still one within the bounds of possibility -we do not figure it will be through any lack of trying strenuously enough. The big pitfall in their path toward glory will be, it seems to us, try- ing a whole lot too hard. No players in"hockey, or any other line of sport for that matter, have had the sense of their own great responsibilities so constant- ly jammed down their throats. Temperance advocates proudly point them out as models of how every young man ought to act. They are pictured graciously grant- ing countless requests for auto- graphs after the maser of Holly- wood 'glamour -boys. Tons of slush pouring from the printing presses, and over the air, help to give them the idea that the whole world is watching their every move, and that their winning or losing of a single game is a matter fraught with all the importance of, say, the newest developments of atomic power. * * * All of which tends toward a tenseness -a tightening -up -that is not good for any athlete. Babe Ruth was a great natural hitter, and especially dangerous in the pinch; but he was always as loose as ashes at the plate. The most noticeable thing about the finest golfers we have ever watched was -the relaxed manner in which they !vent about their business. After all, most of the Maple Leafs are hardly more than kids, Maybe it mightn't be a bad idea, come play- off time, if somebody would sort of whisper in their ears, "Get in there and give all you've got; but even if you don't happen to win, the sun will probably rise tomor- row morning at abeelt the usual hour." About the most amusing thing that has come to light in a long time in the realm of sport is the discovery, by the high and mighty Jockey 'Club, that there is nothing to their book of rules dealing with the matter of bribery, or providing ally penalty for a jockey who fails to report any attempt to tamper with his integrity. For if there is any sport you would think was amply festooned with rules and regulations, it is horse -racing, where the failure of a rider to sa- lute properly before distnounting can call down the wrath of the mighty on his head. * * 5 But nothing at alt about bribery! And this in a game where fortunes can be won just through the fail- ure of some jockey to get the last ounce of effort from Isis mount - something which can be accom- plished in dozens of ways too sub- tle for even the most experienced eye to more than suspect. We re- member once watching a jockey. put up a most rousing effort, whip flying in a highly convincing man- ner, but just failing to get up at the finish. "Welt, that boy cer- tainly gave his mount plenty of punishment." we remarked to a friend, "if he'd punished the horise half as hard ashe did his own boot -leg" was the reply, "maybe we would have been cashing these tickets instead of tearing them up." "Woodpecker" Over 20,000 tons of timber for use in building and as pit props were felled in German forests be- tween November, 1040, and Feb- ruary, 10.47, for delivery to Britain, it was officially announced. Between 9,000 and 3,000 British soldiers are engaged in felling and loading the timber under "Opera- tion Woodpecker." ta! Ii Found Northwest of Saskatoon S -i Discovery in Southern Saskatch- ewan of the first Canadian swims of potash le considered the Do -- minion's most important mineral thi$! j}I R yy_s.C,',") R:sQ1il•.c0o tuly' ter J. L. ?helps, said last ti'eel2.0'1•' Commercial production of pot - mit found in the Unity oil field about 100 mile northwest of Sas- katoon, wottid ttrevoltttionize" agri- culture in Canada which imported about $4,000,000 wor ii anpgflly at. an average cost a: 540 a toll,' - If present indications of the 'value of the deposits v,'ere substantiated $4,000,000 would haveto be spent' -, for a mill and s;r:;fts before the field could' be put into production. The discovery is of national im- portance since there is no other known source in Canada, Mr. Phelps said. TCNGHC ® -or Money Back For quick relief from Itching caused by eoreme, athletes foot, enable., temples and otheritcblog conditions use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D: PRESCRIPTION- GreaeeIes and stainless. Soothe,, comforts and quickly calms Intense itching, Don't eager. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. d HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Retedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment bfeeea Pile Remedy No. 1 le for Protruding Bleeding Piles, and is sold In Tube, with pl for Internal application, Price 75o. Mecca Pits Remedy No. 2 to for External Itching Pilau. Sold is Jar, and ]e for external ueo only. Price 501. Order by number from your Druggist, BRONCHIAL vGII �O YOU CAN'T BEAT BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We Bell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are ht, and s0 are our prices. Wu manufacture in our fee. tortes - Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Steep Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satiefaetion. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Tommie WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Instanline FAST RELIEF i40Git HEADACHE. 12 ',Tr Zef 0 1RO0ITORn LARGE ECONOMICAL luxe 66c 17.46 r Just inhale the Booth. mg, healing fume., for qu,ck relief. It's fault acting I Get & bottle today„ MUTT AND JEFF -Wanted an Autornatic Gear Shift for Both Legs BY BUD FISHER 10040 CNAN`!I BRoef 0' HURT jT WHEN- . YOURFOOT, Q SAY, I BRokE MY FOOT ONCE WHEN 1 WAS PI -MIN' II I SLiPPEA ON ICE AND-- ICE?'I WAS W I WAB-t, T11E ICE BUSINESS WALKING 'TILTNE ELECTRIQ AND- yWALKING?THATREMINDSME• ME AND of 0C ARUEsAL NK YoU KN0W CHARLIE SHLINK- , WE 7 NOW Ct1A 1tl�HURT YOUR STANDING IN ONE SPOT Too. LONGI STP,ANGER?', , . ��r =' HAW BACK THE HALE TEAM «j REFRIGERAToR5 k __ WELL,SIft, ! CLEAR + &" WALKED Z roar? � "., ) '�.�r;. - ® BACK IN '98 �,� - CAME INI THAT PUT ME OUT OF r 1 ACRosS TI -IE ` 4 I' �y�, '` i �' , M1 1 . H h :. r .''' ♦° a-, a s epJ J r CHABREAKY uR FOCi, 11 TER, eq. � ma COUNTRY AND Nga my OT & �,,,kj,®1 ` r.' ti ypR� J.. y.p AYE 174 ie`.Y `!� ;� • \ 4` 5 ..xe>a,..' ' � � WELL; / ^t` t. ,' a ( ( !� s�,: r. . iii.- ,y„ ► i E ``' WHAT. .r ' t•I _ `s -.il. v ' ---4,.ti r „ t .. is i U . - '°y'tui'' ,gra ^ t l �p,, t p�y �1fll�Nll':i M. Sar Y '!'u!-u+F 5 ' nv �... •k... 11,