HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-04-17, Page 1oeafor
On Thursday evening, April 1, Seaforth Town Council at the regu-
the Jubllse.Banciuet of the Women's, lar. meeting on Monday evening pass-
institute was held in the Northside ,ed the bylaw to license and 'regulate
Church, Grace was said by Rev. 11 public halls, rinks,` ete: Other business
V. Workman. Community singing, included building permits .for Lour
was enjoyed with Mrs. liner Caul- houses; also a service -station on Cod-'
ericlt street near West William street,.
and daylight-saving from April 27th
to Sept. 27th.
All members were present: Reeve
Frank Sills took his seat as reeve,
and Councillor W. T. Teall replaced
Mr, Sills as councillor.
Fire Chief Allen Reid reported "no
fires", and work on fitting the truck to
carry ladder and chemicals is pro-
• Chief of Police John Currie said the
town has been fairly quiet Seine lads
have damaged property i1 Egmond
ville to extent of $12, and five sum-
monses are issued in consequence. -
Mayor M. A. Reid asked council to
fill the committee appointments left
vacant by the death of the ate Reeve
Daly, on the streets, relief and police
Iii reference to the streets commit-
tee Councillor W. Ross said "It is a
one-man committee; what is the use
of having three when they do ilot'sit
on it."
Councillor Close: don't know
how you get -that idea."
This led to a detailed discussion be-
tween Councillors Closeand Ross of.
the actions of the streets committee
during the winter. •
Council appointed Councillor uncillor Teall
to the streets committee. Councillor
Close will be chairman,
Reeve Frank Sills wasappointed to
the relief committee.
Councillor Teall was appointed to
Mr. Sills' place on fnan ce committee.
He was also appointed to the police
Correspondence included ,an ack-
nowledgment from Mrs John F. Daly
and family,
Councillor B. Christi said the lire
and water committee would order two
lengths of new hose, 2% melt, ladders,
and '50 feet of small 1 se, chemical.
Councillor McMaster inquired about
fire hydrants near high school.
An -application of r. Henry R.
Colbert for position of assistant con-
stable was deft in hands rot police
Application for building permits for
tour houses was made by Dr. E A.
McMaster. One house, estimated cost
$3,800, to be put besideWm. Hart's
property; and two houses, estimated
at $3,700 and $3,800, d a cottage
$3,500, to be put on the former James
Devereapx property, were granted.
Councillor McMaster said one build-,
ink would be moved front Hibbert and
two from McKillop.
Application for. building permit by
the McColl-Frontenac Oil Co. to erect
a standard -type service station, com-
plete with pumps and ramp, on form-
er blacksmith shop site on. Goderieli
street, estimated cos :$10,000, was
granted. Councillor Teall, who spon-
sored the application, said it would
be necessary to removeone tree tor
the drive -way, but thetrees along
West William street would be left.
Council. authorized inspection of a
house on West street, owned by Mr,
Lorne Webster, at his request,
Daylight-saving cause considerable
discussion.. A motion was passed
bringing it. into effect n April 27th.
eros at the piano. A toast to the
King was proposed by the W. I.
President. Mrs. Doig, followed by
singing the National Anthem. "Mrs.
Doig introduced .the speaker and the
guests at the Tread table. The toast
to the W. L was proposed by Mrs.
Goudie, who gave the history of the
Institute which is represented in 83.
countries of the world with over one
million members, responded to by
Mrs. J. F. Scott, A welcome was ten-
dered all present by Mrs. Doig, who
said that the hope of the future lies
with the women. Mr. Walker Hart
sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs,
John McGregor: Miss Flora Durnin
brought greetings from the Institute
branches of Ontario, Two solo num-
bers by Miss Betty Moore we're
much enjoyed. Mrs. Oster of Blyth
brought greetings from. ,the London
Area Convention.Board. There are
36,000 members in Ontario .and it is
to be hoped that we will have many
more. Miss Thelma Elgie,: a charter
member, was presented with a- life
membership by Mrs. Wilfred Cole-
man. ,Mrs. Gordon Papple read our
Branch history which was written by
Mrs. Raymond Nott.
Dr, G. E. Hall, ,president-elect of
'the U. of W. 0. and Dean of the
Medical School was the guest
speaker, speaking on the subject
"Preservation of Knowledge of Com-
munity Life."
*`blue coal';
'Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "God's Revelation to the
7 pan., "Under the Shadow of
the Almighty".
Communicants class. 2 P.m., Sun-
First Presbyterian Church
10 a.m., The Sunday School.
11 a,m,, and 7 p.m., Public Wor-
ship—Tine Minister will preach.
4:30 pan., Church of the Air,
conducted by the Rev. F. G. Stewart
1111 of St. Andrew's Church, Kitchener.
Monday,. April 21st at 4 p.m.
Thanksgiving meeting of the Mission
Band, Mothers and friends are : in-
vited to attend,
Tuesday, April 22nd, The Presby-
terian Broadcast C.K.N.X. Winginam
from 8 to 8:30 p.m; Hear: the. Rt.
Rev, Dr. W. Gordon 'MacLean of
First Church, Winnipeg,. Moderator
of the General Assembly.
Anglican -
St, Thomas', Seaforth: 10 a.m, Sun-
day School; 11 a,in. Morning Prayer.
7 p.ni. Evening prayer,
St. Mary's, Dublin: 2? 30 Sunday
School, 3 Church Service.'
The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. -Gilbert,
B. A., at all services.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D.
10 aim. Sunday School
11 a.m., "Owner of all Things".
7 p.m., "Looking to Jesus". ,
The .Adult .Fellowship Group' of
Northside United met on Tusday
evening. April 15th with Mr. John
Stevens presiding.' The meeting
opened by singing "Take my life
and let it be" followed with prayer
by Mr, Gerry Comae -tin, The scrip-
eri -ture lesson was react by Miss Luella
Taylor. The roll was then called and
the minutes of. the March meeting
were read by sec. Miss Ruth Cluff.
A most inspiring address was' gra-
ciously given by Mrs. Scott, who in.
her talk, stressed the three following
words found frequently in the bible,
"Come", "Wait", and "Go". Speak-
ing on the subject of prayer Mrs.
Scott commented that prayer is the
most forceful power that one. can
genes -ate. The meeting closed by
singing "Just as I am" and by re-
peating the miapah benediction. Miss
Audrey Hall conducted a game and
lunch was served by the social com-
Friends from Clinton and Sea -
forth of Miss Jean Powell, bride-to-
be, surprised her with a miscellane-
ous shower at,the home of Mrs. Chas
Elliott on Wednesday evening last,
As the bride-to-be entered the room
she was led to the seat of honour
beside a decorated 'wheel -barrow
loaded with gifts which was placed'
under a canopy of pink ,and white.
streamers. After openng the nunier-1
ous gifts Miss Powell thanked her,
many friends fittingly, Giving spe-1
cal thanks to Mrs. Bert White and
also to her sister Mrs. Ken Elliott
who arranged the shower and to
Mrs. Chas. Elliott who' opened her
hone for the occasion. A few games
and a, delightful lunch ended an en-
joyable evening.
Sewer tile, flooding from Silver
Creek, floods in Coleman street and
11nrecreation grounds, received eon -
sideration. Councillors pointed out
that even the cities of London, Galt
and Chatham, also Walkerton, had had
floods this year. Other business in
eluded discussion of a plugged drain
on Main street: and the ap-
polutment of the relief committee to
look after. the Clothing for Britain
drive, with Reeve Sills es -chairman..
Bylaw for thelicensing and regula-
tion of'publtc halls, etc., in town was
read- and passed. This bylaw which is
very comirrehensive in its scope, was
drawn up by a committee under chair-
tnanship of Mr. Sills. The license fee
will be $10 a year. The fire chief and
chief of police have authority over all
public halls in respect to ti're hazards,
and desirability or operation. The
provisions of the bylaw cover the
exits, doors; stairways, cloak rooms,
electrical -equipment smoking accom-
modation, inflammable decorations;
also furnaces, furnace -rooms, stoves,
pipes, etc. 'There was some discus-
sion, especially es to how the bylaw
would apply to and affect the rink.
Council agreed the rink was well pro-
vided with, exits.
The farm known as the Petersen
farm on the Kippen Road, has been
sold to Rudolph Etue of the 7th con.,
Tuekersmith; . Mr. lltue's farm is sold
to: John McNaughton & Sons; and
Messrs. Harold Jackson and 17. P.
Chesney have acquired the McNaugh
ton 50 -acre grass farm- on the 4th cot.
Mr. Petersen is moving to a farm
on #8 highway just west of Stratford.
Mr. William Brod'hagen is moving,
this week to Grey Tp.• where he has
bought the farm of Mike Johnston,
lot -7, con. 15, Grey Tp., near WaIton.'
Mr. Pete Maloney, St. Columban, is
taking Mr. Brodhagen's 'farm on No. 8'
highway, 2 miles east of Seaforth. The
house will be occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. H. O'Rourke,. Ma'. O'Rourke hav-
ing taken a position in the. Excellence
Flour mills this Week. -
Mr. and Mrs. J..7. Holland,' St. Col-
u'mban, announce the engagement of
their second eldest daughter, Gloria
Marie, to Mr. Grant Watson ,Bailey,
son of Mr. and Mrs; Morley Bailey,
Windsor. The 'marriage to .take place
on Saturday,May 10th, in St. Mich-
ael's Cathedral, Toronto.
At the -annual meeting of the St,
James' subdivision of the Catholic
Women's League, Seaforth, held in
the Separate School hall on Monday
evening in the form of a pot -luck
supper, 'Mrs, William Hart, the re-
tiring president, was presented with
a missal by Mrs. Charles P, Sills, on
behalf of the League members. Mrs.
Frank Devereaux moved •a vote of.
thanks to Mrs. Hart, who had given
untiringly of her efforts as presi-
dent of the League for the past two
years. Rev. T. P. Hussey, spiritual
adviser of the sub -division was pre-
sent along with the husbands of the
members. Pink carnations decorated
the tables and following the supper,
Mrs. Frank Devereaux favored with
piano selections. Following the op -
Per the meeting opened with the
singing,of "0 Canada", followed by'
prayer led by the president.
A review of the year's work as re-
ported by the recording secretary,
Mrs. 'John Flannery, indicated a
successful year. Prayer books were
given to the First Communion class,
and at the "At Home" sponsored an-
nually by the' C.W.L. for the school
children. school pins which were de-
esigned by a former parishioner,
were presented to the graduating
class. A picnic was held in June for
the children and at Christmas they
were given candy and treats. A
'Welcome Home' reception was man; Pres., Mrs. Paul Doig; 1st vice
held for over sixty returned boys. I Mrs. E. B. Gouclie; vice, Mrs,
of the parish and they each were Is' Hillebrecht; 2ndrvic„ Mrs.
presented with a remembrance. The John
sick and shut-in members were re -1 Ebner Catneion; District 'Director,
membered by visits and at Christ -I Mrs. Andrew Crozier; Deputy Direc-
mas, boxes of fruit were sent. All tor, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman; Branch
new -comers to the parish were visit -i Directors, Mrs., Earl Papple, Mrs,
ecl :and cards were sent to the sick! Ken. Chambers, Mrs. R. M. Scott:
as well as all new mothers. All de- I An rep. Mrs. Hillebrecht, pianist.
ceased members were remembered) Mrs. AlexPepper; ass't., Mrs. Leslie
with Mass cards. Three boxes, vel -I McClure program convenor, Mrs. J.
ued at $100.00 were sent to the' F Scott; card convenor, Mrs. Dale
Sisters of Service, Two; crates of Nixon; Standing Committee: Agr,
eggs were sent to the Sisters of St,� and Can. Ind., Mrs. Alex Boyce;
Joseph, London, Twelve cartons ea Citizenship, Mrs. Eldon Kerr; Hist -
canned goods were collected and do -I orical Research, Mrs. Dave McLean,
nated to the Pope's Welfare collet -1 Health, Mrs. Gordon McDonald;)
tion for canned goods to help feed Horne Economics, Mrs. Wm, Old-
field C mmunit Social
the starving European nations. Al o y Act. andr
cash donation was also sent to the' Welfare, Mrs. Mike Williams, Mrs,
European Relief. A donation of $10-_1James Brown; Publicity, Mrs. Ray -
00 was sent to 'Bishop Jordan of, mond Nott; Social meetings, Mrs.
the Western Missions. Layettes were Jack McLean, Mrs. James McIntosh,
made during the year. A donation Miss Thelma Elgie and Mrs. Gordon
was sent to the Byron Chapel Fund, Papple. Auditor, Mrs. Cecil Oke.
The. annual meeting of the .Sea
forth W. I. was held Tuesday. after
-noon. April 15Th at the home :of
Mrs, Wm.. Oldfield. Mrs. Paul Doig i
presided. The Ode and Lord's Pray-'
er opened the meeting, Mrs. Me-'
Clure read the minutes and treasur-1
er's'report. It was decided to have a
dance on May 23rd. Committee for;
same is Mrs, Jack McLean, Mrs.
Mike 'Williams and Mrs. Dale Nixon,
The district annual will be held
at Hurondale on May 27 with din-
ner served in -Thames Road church.
Reports of meetings were read
and handed to the secretary. All
standing committee reports are to
be handed into Mrs, McClure .as soon
as possible.
Places of meetings for the coin-
ing year were decided. We will hold
a picnic in July in place of a meet-
ing. Mfrs. Raymond Nott moved a
vote of. thanks on behalf of the In-
stitute to the Pres. and committee
who so ably conducted the plans for
the very successful Jubilee banquet.
A vote of thanks was made to the
hostess by Mrs. Hillebrecht. A delic-
ious lunch of sandwiches, maple
syrup and scones was served by the
hostess and committee and a social
half hour enjoyed,
Mrs, Gordon Papple presented the
following slate of officers for 1947-
48 which is adopted as read.
Hon. Pres., Mrs. Wilfred Cole -
London. The Sub -division is. a sup-,
porter of the School of Christ radio •
program, at London, as well as thel
Sacred Heart Radio Program at
Windsor. A delegate was sent to the
annual diocesan convention .held in
Chatham in October. The League
sponsored an essay contest locally
for the school children,' Our pastor
was given •an offering at Christmas)
and Easter.
$1,500 MINIMUM
The public school board met in
the board room on Tuesday evening
with all members present including
Chairman Clare Reith, Trustees J.
A. Westcott, Geo. Johnston, Fred
Willis, Alvin Silvery and Ross Sav-
auge and secretary -treasurer M. A.
At each meeting feast papers A letter was presented from the
were read, and " at Christmas the - Teachers' Federation outlining the
League issued a parish paper called proposed. new salary schedules that
e St. James Chronicle", a paper are being adopted by most schools
winch originated during the war in throughout Ontario. The minimums.
the interest of the parish boys over- salary of $1500 was adopted by the
seas. Each meeting was published in Board.
the local weekly and daily news-; Bills passed.. were $12.40 for re
papers. The program committee pairs to boiler, and $1127.50 for
gave an interesting report, Seventy-, salaries,
seven members were reported as The rate for supply teachers was
having paid fees, The magazine con-' set at $7 per day.
vener reported eleven readers: The;
treasury showed receipts of $667,45 PRESBYTERIAN ADVANCE
and disbursements of $418.34 leav-'
tionalaland ance diocesan 49 b with io l In May of 1940 the Presbyterian -
o ligate ns, 1•
having been met. .. Church in Canada, realizing its part
The Nominating Committee, Mrs, in the spiritual life of Canada, lawn-
Wm. Duncan, Mrs. Charles P. Sills, ched an Advance for Christ and
and Mrs, J. Matthews -named - them Peace thank -offering.
1947 officers and committees: Spiri-f Because of previous commitments
tual Adviser, Rev. T. P, Hussey; the congregation of First Presbyter-
past-pres.. Mrs. Wm, Hart; pres.,; ran Church, Seaforth, decided to
John Flannery; 1st •vice-pres.,lpostpone its share in the peace thank
Mrs. Thomas Sills; 2nd vice-prea,t offering. The time far• such Inas now
Mrs. John Hotham; 3rd vice-preat arrived and feom May 1 -May 17 all
Mrs. J. 'Slattery; treas., Mrs. C• A,' Presbyterian's -members and adher-
Trott; corresponding - sec'y, Mrs. i eats --will be urged and -invited to
Frank ,Devereaux; recording' secy, share in this.vital work,
Mrs. C. P. Sills; convenors: Press,) At a meeting of the Session and
Mrs. J. J. Cleary; Magazine, Miss the Board of Managers of First
Alice Daly; Sisters of Service, Mrs, Church this week much interest and .
F. S. Sills; health, Miss M. Dunn,
R. N.; Red Cross, Mrs, W. ,J. Dun-
can; Lay Retreat, Mrs. J. ' M. Mc-
Millan; Child of Welfare, Mrs. John gart Literature setting ' fthe
Neilson; program, Miss 'M. Kelly; n h aim the cosi;
citizenship, Mrs. Arthur Devereaux; and purpose of the Advance For period.
Immigration and Traveller's Aid, Christ is being mailed to all mem- May 3, a
Mrs. Leo Fortune; Social Commit begs and adherents next week.
tee, Mrs. T, Maloney, Mrs. C. Ha-
gan, Mrs. J. Matthews, Mrs. Flana-
gan, Mrs. Ifelly, Mrs. Pryee. The
new officers took over with .Mrs.
Flannery in the chair: Miss M. Dunn
and Mrs. J. Slattery were appointed
as a committee to .estimate the cost
of redecorating the C.W.L. room in
the Scott Memorial Hospital. Dona-
tions to Father Flannery's Radio
Program anis to the: local Red Cross
will be made in April. Plans were
made for a' collection of • canned
goods to be sent to England. It was
decided by the new officers that all
regular monthly meetings of the
League will be held in the Separate
School. on the first Monday of •the
h v'd d. The
ant usis3m was
.•>1 a year •
adorthy c&ribute...
She will admire
your good taste if
you choose tills en-
gagement ring
Popular heart de-
sign in a sterling
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Adorna pendant d?
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Jeweller and Optometrist
Opposite Post Office, Seaforth
Tuckersmitlt municipal Council met
ill town hall, Seaforth, on Saturday.
April 5th, for their regular monthly
meeting with all members presort
and the Reeve in the chair, E. B
Goudie waited on eo1neil on behalf of
the Federation of Agriculture and
advocated purchase of a truck and
spraying equipment to control warble
fly. Cost of -zilch equipment would be
approximately $2,056, No action was
taken et present. Mr. Goudie also re-
ported on the activities of Seaforth
High School Board, as did Mr. J. W.
Crich for Clhntbn Iiigh- School Board.
Mr. Robinson and Mr. Jefferson of
Clinton Hospital Board attended the
meeting and asked council to consider
a. grant toward same. Owing to the
number of municipalities served by
this hospital, (((anvil suggested to the
committee that (bey lioki a general
meeting and invite delegates from
eaeliof the municipalities in order to
.n•riee• at some fair proporticltala
rant. The nutiike's' report was pre-
sented by James Love and Arthur
layson and duly adopted. ('onuc•il
sold His township ('rusher and olip•
merit to Wilson Me Cat ane y for the
sum 01 slim), with sale subject to the
approval of DD"purtmen1 of Highway.,
'rhe Reeve anti Treasurer ate anlh-
arized to sign notes with the Canad-
ian Hank of C'olnmerco for aurront
borrowings for 1.1.17. Connell also in-
11110etl the 10ottd suporintendom to
omploy ltd Boyer, as gmtlop operator
and lir any other work iii cn1n1,',•t Gut
with the township roads for one year
It a rate of G5c an hour, such rate of
pay re,irna(tive to March 1st- 1a17 -
Clinton Show was given a gram of
085. and travelling expenses of 8
each were ordered paid to -delegates
('has. MacKay, Roy Pepper and E, P.
Chesney, who attended the Good
1001015 'couvenl.ion, The treasurer surer was
ordered to pay $303.06.111 the Federa-
tion of Agriculture on 55(1ot11(1 of rites
levied and collected for 1946. As -
vomits were passed es follows: Fox
bounty 13; relief ,$30; salaries $3110:
Por$5.50; travelling expense:;
$75 'grant $35' legal lees vv 'S
$31; sundry 40c; road acct,
Fee, of lgric., 0393 05. 170511
in all total 18,.1 70.74, since
e 1 ence printing
chairman for the Advance is Mr. 65,290.13
John Beattie and Mr, James G. Mul- accounts
len is treasurer.
Miss Ol'delia Wolfe rehu'ned to De-
troit after visiting with her parents.,
Mr. and Mrs Chas. Wolfe,
Mrs. Manuel Byevmon and Wayne
spent n few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Eisler, ;Seaforth,'
Mr, and Mrs. Barry Byerman ac-
cempaniesi Wm. S. Riehl Co Waterloo.
on Sunday and visited their , sons
Stanley and Frank Byerman,
Marlene McLachlan spent ber Eas-
ter holidays with. her grandmother,
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Hillsgreen.
The Friendship Circle stet on
Monday evening in the Sunday
School room of St. Andrew's United
Church with a good attendance. Mrs.
Winson Workman's group had
charge of the meeting with Mrs.
Workman presiding. The meeting
opened by singing hymn 164 after
which Mrs. Caldwell read the 23rd
Psalm. The Lord's prayer was re-'
peated in unison followed by a sing-,
song. Mrs. Harry Caldwell gave a
very humorous reading, My Patient. 1
Virginia 'McClinchey favoured with'
a piano instrumental. Mrs. Winson
Workman and Mrs. Ross led the
group in two, interesting contests. r
Mrs. Harry Caldwell and Mrs, Ross
led a current event quiz between the
boys and the girls; the boys being
the winners. Mrs. Ross informed the
group that Mrs. Workman's side is
leading in attendance points.
During the business period it was'
decided to hold two more meetings
this year, Mae.-Gackstetter's group
to be in charge on Monday evening
April 280. 1
of snow plowing for that
Council adjourned to meet
t 2 p.nt.--E. P. Chesney, Clerk
Mrs. Jo1nn Pfaff returned homefrom
a pleasant Visit with member's of her
family in London.
Mrs. N. E. Cook and Miss .L+'leanor
Cook visited during -the hast week
with Dr. Norma Cook in Toronto.
Mr. E. L. Mickle spent a few days
this week in Ottawa o1 505111ess.
Mr. George Dick underwent an op-
eration in 'St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, last week.
Born -10 Clinton General hospital
to Mr. and Mrs. Alf Scholl of f3elisall,
a son, Garry William,
pretty Spiting wedding was sol-
emnized at the Hensel' United -Church
manse on Monday at 4 o'clock when
Rev: It, A. Brook united in anarrtage
Margaret Annie Allen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Richard Taylor Sr.,
Hensall, and William Lorne Kay, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Kay, of Lon-
don. - The bride chose a brown pin-
striped suit with matching topcoat
and brown accessories: ;She wore a
Bronze rose corsage. Her sister, Miss
Jeanie Taylor, was bridesmaid, wear-
ing a grey suit with Black accessories
and wore a corsage of Anlerir.an Beau
ty roses and sweet peas. The groom
was attended by the bride's brother
Edwin Taylor. A wedding recep-
tion was held at line home of. the
!bride's parents with 27 guests. The
bride's table was centered with the
three-tier wedding cake, white can-
dles in silver tapers and decorated
with pink and white carnations, Serv-
ing were Mrs. Edwin Taylor and Miss
Mary Taylor, The bride's mother re-
ceived, wearing printed silk jersey
and the groom's mother wore navy
blue polka dot. Guests were present
from Seaforth, Mitchell, London. Later
the bride and grooms left on a 00101
trip to Toronto. They will reside in
Mrs. Lereine Ballantyne of Tor-
onto will be the guest speaker at
Carmel Presbyterian Ladies' Aid on
Tuesday, April 29011 at 8:30 p.m.
Her subject will be "Handicrafts"
and the meeting is open to visitors.
Plan to attend this meeting.
Miss Goldie Cross R.N. of London
spent the weekend with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross,
firs. Gus Voth and family return-
edtfoit. home after a pleasant visit in De-
- -
Rev, I', A, Ferguson is attending
a meeting of the Sabha th School
Board and Young People's Society
in Toronto, this week.
Miss Catharine Lavelle, Palmer-
ston spent the Easter holidays with
her cousin. Miss Judith Shaddick.
Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Bell of Hen-
sall have received the Operation:il
Wings' and certificate in recognition.
of gallant services '' rendered by
their sort, Flying Officer Alvin D. G.
Bell in a bombing raid over Berlin,
iebruary 27. 1944, with a crow of
nine he was lost while in a Lancast-
er bomber. The late F. 0. Bell was a
graduate of the 3. of W.O.
The Girls' Dance Club will hold a
dance in the Town hall, Hensel, on
Thurdsay evening, April 1711, music
by the Casa Royal Orchestra of
The monthly meeting of the Even-
ing Auxiliary was meld at the home
of Miss M. Ellis or Monday evening'
April kith with Miss Barbara Michie
presding. The meeting opened with
the singing of the theme song and
"When I Survey the Wondrous
Cross." Minutes read. Mrs. 1','L. Mc-
Naughton assisted the hostess. Roll
call taken "Messages of .Spring".
Mrs; Alex Hyde gave worthwhile
comments on the devotional "Inspir-
ation of Easter." The 'scripture les-
son St. Luke 24: 1-9 was read by
Miss Gladys Luker after which the
Lord's Prayer was repeated in uni-
son. The hymn "Low in the grave He
lay", was sung, a business discussion
followed. A Thank You letter was
read from Mrs. M. Sanders. The W.
M. S. Presbyterial takes Plate in Ex-
eter on April 24th. The auxiliary
members -are . cordially invited to
attend. The highlight -of the program
was Miss Michie's presentation of
the Study Book chapter "Women of
India". The hymn "Christ the. Lord
is Risen today" was sung and the
meeting closed by all repeating the;
Mizpah Benediction after which
lunch was served.
1'Ir. and Mrs, A. L. Case returned
home from a month's trip to the
Coast; returning home via Chicago.
Miss Norma. Collins of London
visited recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Brock.
Mrs. John Kaiser was a recent
visitor with friends .at. Brucefield.
SANGSTER—In St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, or March 29th ,to
Mr, and Mrs, David Sangster, a
daughter "Gail Marlene.".