HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-04-10, Page 7CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTSWANTED' LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS .we now have a complete ate08 of all Lightning Rod Materials on hand' and can supply Immediate delivery. Why not wrote and enquire about a -dealership for your territory? Our equipment .le the beston the =tricot and our pl'I1ea most reason- able,_The '11. Phillips Co.: Ltd., 200. Main BABY CIIICrts SUSSEX X RAMPS FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery,book your order '.to -day at the following- prices. unsexed OUleke 13e; Pullets $22,00; Cox Oct Leghorn X Hames, lmsexed'-'Ile: Pullets net Cox -le, 'Pull- ' orunt-Tested Gov't. Approved'. Stock 51.00 Down, balance on delivery. BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY Box 266, Elmira, Ont. GOVERNMENT APPROVED Chick a, Hatching Eggs, Leghorn, Rock'- Ramp - rock ftybrids. Day Old.: Started.. Sherine dale :Farms, Woodbridge, Ont. ALWAYS a better buy -that's TWeddie chicks, We have boon in business Tor 23 years because our customers are well satisfied, They order Twaddle 0hi01ts year after year. And -moat of them tare learned' that It pays to order early. An order 'now means you will be erre to have the breed of chicks you. want when. you want them, We also guarantee You against prloe'ohtinge sive full advantage- ofthe lowest price whether prices rise or -fall, Tweddle chicks are all selected and approved from Proven pullorum tested steak, 'They are big producers: strong. healthy, big money-makers, �We have the following pure' breeds to choose from; White Leghorn., Black Mloor0as, Anoonas, Brown _ Leg-' bions, Barred Rocks, Waite ROOker Now Hampebtres, Rhode Island Reds, . Whit. Wyandottoa, Light Sussex. 131aelt Avatra- lorpso Jersey White Giant., also 12 cross breeds. Prepare now to make tins year a big profit year for you, Write-000nyfor ourinteresting' free catalogue. Also two and three-week old started entree and Br week up to laying pullets. Tweddlr Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BEST CHICIKS IN 25. YEARS Yea, that Is what all Rainbow Chlelt buyers aro saying when they buy Rnlnbow Chicks. A11 550000r0 are 100 per cent tree from pullorum,. Order your chicks now - direct from this ad and not be disappoint- ed. Tom Barron foghorns. 512.00 per 100. Pullets 524,00 Barred Store Mixed 212.00 per 100. Pullets 521.00. White Rock Gllxed 015.00 per 100. Pullets 125.00. Brown Leg- horn (fixed 514.00 per 100. Pullets 505.00. Leghorn -Rock hfixed 512.00 per 100. Pul- lets 506.00. Red -Rock Hybrid $52.00 per 100. Pullets 521:00. Special priceson cock- erels. Guarantee 100 per cent live delivery to your station. 51.00 flown, balance C.0 D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham. On- tario HEAVY COCKERELS 55..00 per .140. Hollywood leghprn pullets. 524.00 per 100. Sussex and Red Suasex pullets 520.00, Barred Rock. N.H. Red and legroc and redro0 hybrid pullets. 520.00. Big Husky guaranteed t0 1100 chicks from blood - toted pullorum free hens. Chicks aired by 205-300 egg make with high egg .wrecords for past 10 generations, Their interned egg 1010000. 0511115added to their extra henna and vigor make them the biggest check bargain for 1047. Write for pricellst or order direct from the ad. Wo can ship twice each week during April. Many and .June. Big 0000, Perm,_ 01111e Roches, Ont. CATCH. up on the season with some of our `vel started two and three week-old non - sexed, pullet or cockerel chicks, We neve a good choke of pure breeds and erose breeds to choose front. Aldo older pullets 8 'weeks to .laying, Send Ior aneulnl prim 2tat. Tweddlr Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergna..Ontario. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Special Lo11• Prices on dos' old and start- ed. lgmoxaudo weekly. Assorted heavy breed rex 5c. Overeaten Assorted. chicks 1Oc. Also 2.3 week 01d cockerels. 00,10 for Semen] Price 1,100. Lakeview l'oui«'y Vann, Exeter, Ontario. ORDER entree for April -flay delivery— new. We Imre donde for: hnmodinte 40- Ilve1 d0 N010 Hampshire., L,10, X 24.14., Dlaolt AO8tl'Oerps. Also alerted coek0ru10, and a few sleeted pull s, Bray Hatutiery, 130 John N, Hamilton, Ont. ROLE PULLETS 820.00 ter 100, - Under May engem now, barred rock, N.11, (ted, Sussex and hybrid pullets 020.00 per 100, Rbllywondfoghorn. nullet0, 514,00, heavy 00dlsereli, 63.00 per 100. Btg -Husky livable 0011100 botched 0r0111 big egg0, .aired by 260.300 egg males. Order from Hite add or Write for eircutur Big Reek Farm. 51111" Recites, .Ont, 13AR6.00258 on 0100, three anti 0000-weelc- old c0clterels while they Int. Barred Reeks, New HamtOhlres, New Hnntpshlre X Rorn•ed Reek, two -week-old 10.06: As- sorted heavies 10.70. Three -Week-old add 2.00. 4 -week-old odd 4,00; Large IOgg quality 5401 1.00. Specially Selected add 2.00 nor hm141'e6 to above prices. Also pullets end poll -sexed started chicks at bargalr, prices, This 0d1'ertleement must 000011ln;my your Order to receive these 00001,11 Prices,- Top Notch Chlekertee, Guelph, Ontario, FOR 00111ED1ATE dellv1ery, Buy Super- lor. <lunlity. 10xt•a Profit chicks, Our chicks nee pm'r bred and healthy. Coning from flecks inspected. 00010ved or certi- fied blood -seated breeders. The reproduc- ers are R 0 P er descending from R.O.P. 0001051cia, 000010ng at the came time hoallhy told vignro00 chlcko,. well known for l,, 'ng large eggs from 24 to 32 ounces Per dozen, Large white Leghe 0, Barred Roche, New Hannshlre Red. .Rhode (eland Red, White Rocks, Laminae, white 'Sea- . are, White Svyandoltes, Australorns and Hybrids, Barred Rock x New Hampshire, While Suosex x New .Hampshire .00d, mixed( cines, cockerels 0r pullets only. 10 tree chlen will be given tree, with each nyder pf 100 day-old mixed cillcks, 10 you t she immed1at0 delivery, To take advonlnge 0f,this 10 free chicks. Chia. ad- Must necempMy your order, Send order li'e'n 0000 Imrnellately. Wilfrid Lefebvre. 2026 Amherst 8L, Montreal 24, 100 CHICKS FREE With •.•I,r order of 100 pullet chicks we sive 110 tree shirks (Our choice). Barred Rock Pun°in 521.30, White Rock Pullets $20 95, while Legltprh ,Pullets 114.85, Brown Leghorn .Panes -516,05: Red -Rock Hybrids. 121 56 Le0hnrn•Rtick Hybrids. 020.00 All thiels sold are from blood- tested smelt, reeked 55 high pedigreed stock 51 00 books Mu Order. Balance 0,0D Cna•onleod DellverY, Kent Hatch.. cry, C00 the 01, Ont ern, 3001 8 TO 10 WEEK OLD PULLETS tor- i'l'ea, y April tet, also 4 .and 0' We01t 0:110 let 011.0111 111. delivery. All rats - ed in I•nnnd .new 510035n0 Plant under ideal rot ]inns, al) finer ratted Here's YPUr opportunity to get in on t1feearly high mired '00 market. Lakeview Paul - try Ferro, 050,50,', Ontario. ALT Toe NOTCH chlcka ars lively, healthy; fest growing, font-Ceatbermg,. big preduebto biros. Start your 1047 sen- aen right for big profits, Order Top Notch chicks now. Then you'll he mire to have the 1, 11,0 of '(licite you want when You want Ihem, Wo - have all lido most wanted breeds at -entity '0eler104 and culled. .You get ml 0500001, I1ealthY Ilvablo birds. All are tuandived roioks from p0100rOm tested breeders er high production and liva- bility Why (ince a theme on quality when It (erre nc mere to buy frond a tong eaten. Boned hu Ichor,' of preyed rellahillty? For YeRre. nitro std more poultry raisers have been horning rent it pays 10 rely On Top. Note!: o.91d for hlfnrmn live free oitta- logu0 00,100, Aire alerted allege two and three 00'0:0 uld. Top Noire Chickerlea, GuchC', lin lapin. 2, 4 & 0 WEEK OLD PULLETS Also miae,1 'hicks end reek'rels. All role. ed 111 brand row nir oondltloned gro0der plant end,•I Ideal rourlltluna. Sind fer World`' 1persl• List ef.started thick, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. d BABY 05010118 RELIABLE CHICKS Bred -to -Lay Barred- Rocks 111.50. PIM, 024.00. S.C.W. Leghorn. 512,00," Pita,. 524,00 White Glance 516,60 se hatched. L. x BR. 512.00.. New Ramps 51400;' Pita, 524,00. Immediate delivery day or week old, Buy from a heteaory that bee served the poultry raiser for over 26 Yearn. Satis- fied eustomer0 keen you in business. Kil- lers Chien Hatchery.',. Person, On[ 10c HURONDALE -CHICKS 12c Pure Suosex, Sussed; Hamps, 'Rock- x Flanms, Barred Rocks and New Hampa. mixed ohlcko. 12c, pullets 240.. Leghorn%, ((cert. 0 Leghorn0. Sussex x Leghorn% and. Leghorn x' Haeme. mixed chicks 12e,' bullets 24c. ' All breedero double bloodteat- ed.and banded. Sackedby pedigreed fou.- ' .dation stock. Many customers report 'Bost Melte 1.. Ever Had." STARTED CHICKS_ AND PULLETS 2 weeks old -odd 40, 5 weeks old add 100, 4 weelts old add ]60, 6. weeks old add 10c, 0 weeks old' 600 each for 1his were and next- only. 4c HEAVY COCKERELS Sc Moat Type.. New flame. Sc, other' heavy breeds le, Aaaot•ted Heavy Cockerels. de, 2 weeks old add. de. These bargain cock - rel prices. for this week and next only. OVERHATCH CHICKS 9c Our 01001ce- of greed or breeds Inheavy or light breeds. Here's your chanceto get good chick.. cheap, 100% live delivery gua'Onteel. 51.00 per 100 denoslt. Or- derr from and enclose thla' nd, or send for Price LING HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY London, Ont. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our protea for Baby Chicks and Started Chicks will ourprloo you, All Chirks. from 000004 tested stock, Carleton Hnlebery, Britonntn Heights, Ont ELECTRICAL BROODERS MEDIti51 cion. Deliveredfor only 512,06, saving you 50.00. write 00lo for particu- lars Cordon's Poultry Equipment, Dea- dens, Ontario, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE Y000 anything nee60 dyeing- or cleaning? Write to us for Information We are glad to answer your g000110ns. De- partment R. Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 701 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontnrla. O'ARVS FOR SALE FOR SALE -100 acres on county road, 1 mite from Smlthl'ille, 23 from Hamilton school m0 farm, 26 scree wheat, 10 plowed, 10 bund. Excellent buildings. Electricity, gas. telephone. Water on tan. All live- stock. nod equipment included. Immediate possession. Twelve Thousand. Terms, An - MY 10 Honouree F0lerott, R.R, No, 2, Sntithvllle, Ont. RIR SALE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE—Truster Tires, made Ot rub- ber, suitable for boltingon eteol wheels, 015.00 each. rear wheels; 1250 each, front w'heela, When orderingslate diameter and width or wheel. National Rubber Co Lt0., 6 1Viltsht•e Ave., Toronto. Ont. AMERICAN SEPARATORS end -milkers highest ounlitY at lowest prices. Power flPraYers for orchard, white- washing or painting, American Seporntor Sales, tlotlerich, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL Sea Shell Vdee0 for eel or growing. flowers, 51.00 postpaid. Bring Daft of Gulf ,llrxh'o Into your home. Se- lected gorgeous sea shone, for electric lamps, dolls, trays. Start little bushman of your own making ellen novelties, 0013- tunm Jewellery, Something new, wonder- ful, Lucky Star of Bethlehem. Giant Sternal, novelty with Olirl0Mhlid In man- ger attached, $2.30. Mo010 Shell Co„ Anne Marla, Fla. BROAD Breasted 11renge rpga from blood tested stock. April 60c, •Arty 450, Law- mice amrence Cmu•lokots, Coel,erv, 001, BUTTON HOLES & DARNING Now Made easy with 10 -In -1 sewing ma- chine attadu110nt. Pita any stake Sewa backwards, forwards, any direction Sewe on !Oftens, sinner's, imus ohfidren'e work Moines. stockings, etc. Illustrated In- elructions, button (role gauge, 10000,, r00Or, scissors sharpener, needle threader 51,00 Postpaid or C O.U. plus charges. Two 1n one rtigmakcr end h0matllcher, (050', any make 76t, with complete order at 51.75 We include free, invisible mending.. tape for suits, deems, leather so0ds, hot water bettlee.. etc. Repair pars for n.11 mates saving machines, Heinen Sewing Ma- chine Co., 12409, 8701, St„. Edmonton, Alin., Dent. 0. CANOE CANVAS All weights and wIdths also copper tela. tacks and canvas filler, Write for prices, John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington Street W.. Toronto. CONCRETE BLOCI( Machines, 200 to 240 130000,0 hour, others hand or newer 45 to 100 hour. Brick machines. 1ateh bonnet. any etre. Motors and Gas. .Engines Mad!. eon Equipment Co.,. Madison, Tenn. CANVAS COVERING Heavy White Duck waterproofed with light rubber coating one aide 00 Inebe0 `vide 11 25 ,yard, 'Suitable for Canoe Duck, Ground Sheets. Roof or Deck Covering, FUR roils 100 yar60 Modal price. Sepp1100 Ih Tarpaulins, sturdy, long. Wearing, rem. pieta with Ile. ropes 02e mare foot, (Write for amide John Leckie Limped, 77' Wellington St, W., Toronto CHEESE FACTORY and equipment 9 ft, 20 horse power boner, 3 Inch Gibes. also vats end press, Aptly .1. G. " Mc111ven, 0,R No, 2. Portland, Ont, DUCI(LINGS, We still have limited Quantities of whle Pekin .ducklings and 'Welling eggs .available weekly, Write for nrl0e0, Bummed Farm, Dept. W., Maple, Ont, GLADIOLI,125' Varieties. Large at Gc and un. 100 elodium Good . Assortment Prepaid 13.74 "Catalogue Free". Moore and rParker, -176 Shaw St„ Toronto, 050, O 1 GA,LORE BARLEY, Etre Per bushel, Bags free. iv. J, F. Bell, 1ppeu, Ont HANDLES. new Steel ammunition box haudle0 Ideal tori fruit boxes, bushes, trap doors, etc. 100 pair. .Newson & Campbell Co., Hamilton, .Ont, HEAVY DUTY 24'" band envie. retail, 070, Dealers Write for discounts• West End Engineering, Darter Cannon and Hugttson. Ole„ Hamilton, Ont. I HAVE FOR SALMI INTERNATIONAL soil pulverizer, 244 Leto roughage 50011: and Llttie Wonder .draining machin, all n gond as now," Walter MoPheraon, Route 2, Dundalk, Ont.. LIOIITED quantity available pedigreed Par Angora rabbits. Phillips Angora Rabbitry, 118 Hoagland Boulevard, Saint Laurent, Quebec. ' MAKE your bicycle a motor -elite, Whiner 251, horse power bicycle motor complete with gas tank. Aii fittings and contralti 512460 with Instructions or 5160,00 com. pletely Installed, Rao .5, Watson. 267 Wellington Street. London, Ontario, Of - Halal Motorcycle -Headquarter, for West, ern Ontario. 1711E2521011 strawberry plants. r60010 00 strain and Senator Dunlops, All -sorted plants. Write for prices. dames Van Meer, Collingwood, Ontario. RHUBARB ROOTS FOR SALE Canada Red, -Developed by the late G, F. Chipman. .One o0 the beat varieties], Stems dark red clear to the heart, hiaken ho 'sweetest, finest flavored, beautiful (red enure for dessert, oleo- or shortcakes. Price each 70c,. per 1.00 or over.650 each, per 5,000 Or over 000 each plus shipping reneges, - Pleaseadvise earliest shipping ate, 7. E. Garland, Elgin Mills, Ontario. FOR SALE. REGISTERED cocker o0aniels, solid black Bomber;. dame Haw of Ch, Kappa, son of male arid'.'. females. - Sire Ch. Dachshund Surprise, whelped Inn, 18,. 1847, Write Mr particulars to Hlia M. McBride, Fen- wick, Ont. - - REGISTERED German abort -hair Pointer Pupa, from bench and field trail, win- ning, .[rain, ii'nl. Taste, 809 York, I(inga- STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Dunlap (len. many, Thousand,. 51400 Premier. 'Sam plobuoter .516,00 prepaid. Order, early. Cash Ilorl flower, ICamptvllle, .Ont, SERVICABLLO 5001,8010100 Show Bull. 'Sire by. Emperor out of high- record Pathfinder darn. Also nine months calf. Dams .qualified Lloyd R. Ferrier, 0 Perth, oat, TARPAULINS Sturdy brown' or khaki Duck Waterproofed Covers withtie rope., all weights Write- ' for 'quotations and samples John Leckie. 77 Wellington St W., Toronto, TIRES We are overatoclted at the nreaent of good used trade-in tires tguar0nteed . to be In excellent shape) 600 x 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.O.D. 'Special attain- ment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor -Tlree BEACON -TIRE corner Queen and Yorlt Ss., HAMILTON, Ont, ONTARIO'S MOST, MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers %Vented TOILETS Per Summer Cottages, etc. Can be reed with or without running water. Curette Sanitation, Ltd„ Dundas, Ont.. 50AIROI,E8SIN0 LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson me- thod, 10f0rmatlon 00 request regarding classes. Robertson's Halydreeeing Aende. my, 187 Avenue Rood. Toronto; HEM ' WANTED MAN or boy for mixed farm for. summer. State experience, Apply John Ryder, Dundas. Ont. WOMAN to cook at Tourist Ledge from early May to October 16th. State age, experience and Wages expected. Write A. W. Nicoll, Banliste, Ontario. 51E1110A1. NATURE'S .HELP—Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis, Thnuennde praising 1t, hfunro's Drug Store, 135 El- gin, Ottawa, Pnstnaid .51,00, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment 0t dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles Peat's Eczema Salvo will not disappoint you netting. sealing. burning eczema, ache,. ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will re45010d readily to this stainless, erdorlass ointment. regardless nt how otubbern at hopeless they may seem PRICE 51 o0. PER JAR SW Post 4"rev on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES s80) Quer. St, 1:., Corner of Logan Toronto TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro- magnetism for Arthritis, Rheumatism. Insomnia. Varicose Veins and other Arch laloty aliments. Free explanatory pamph- lets from Conpenentrdieo. Yonne Street. TOr00 to GOOD resolution—Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Patna or Neuritis should try DIxotda Remedy, Mtunro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa, Protean] $1.00, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS P11111) A. 160DDINCTUN buys, elle, ex. changes minden) Instruments. 111. Church, Toronto 2 (0071015 '1'11 INVENTORS AN OFFER to 'very inventor—Lla0 of inventions and full Information Pent free. The. Ramsay CO., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 San It Street, tins rim Canada - .. (11'I'tll('l'0Nrl'IEA POR 1V0011691 BE A HAIRDRESSER .10105 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Creel Opportunity Learn I la I rel residing Pleasant dignified f,1,100stnn. gond wages, thousands sUcceestul Marvel 8500100 ee. America's urea lr t araetn. illeatrated enlaingu' free. Write or Call • MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SC130511,0 258 Moor St. WV,, Toronto. Brtnehes 44 Icing St.. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, 0ttnwn_ -: ('1:1(4(1\111. •BIBLE Beast 000 Revealed! Key both With co05 Our Wiliness 00,. Melte; log Press, snit. Ontario, STOP 5110I(ING without taking anything Internally or uaing any will power( Send 4o, addressed envelope for Inf0rmnlmn. Pierre 442 Birks Building, Edmonton 5. Alberta LOOI1I 1 110 reward for are watch we cannot repair: beat workmanship: .Writ. ton guarantee. atlas Wale), Rephlr Co.; Box 01, Station "0". 510015eal PATENTS 16ETI4ERSTONA11CH & Company Patent Solicitors. 'Es 01,10,hed 1890 14 King, West, Toronto Booklet of infnrmetinn on request, 121111T0(111411111' REPRINTS 3c EACH SEND 0S 101151 (141) N10CA'rl\'IOS ENLARGEMENTS 25e. 4 x 6 In Folder Mounts Any Size Ro11-6 or 8 10xnoeurea Developed and Printed 26c Enlargements framed 7 x 9" Gold, Silver Walnut or Black . finish 74c If Velure colored 940. ' We .make prints and enlargements from prints at lost negntive0. DEr'i'. 01. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE RUC 120, t'OS'r OFFICE A. TOR41N'rll. FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 25c Roll Reprints, is Each SPECIAL COMET folding cement, full 127 size, guaranteed, ..08,06: with leather shoulder carrying case. 511.46; .shinned eoetpn!d. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 0, Postal Station D. Wren 0, WANTED WANTED—Alt kinds 01 dressed poultry. Ton pricee for. top Mede Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dont... 0004 Danforth Ave.. Toronto 0. (We.. do custom grading) ISSUE 15-1947 THE WORLD WATCHES Eyes of the world are on this area as Congress hears charges that President Truman's proposals to aid Greece are a step toward war with Russia. Protocols of the Tehran conference just published also spotlight Turkey, revealing Anglo -Russian -American agree- ment in 1943 that Turkey's entrance into the war against Germany was then "desirable."" Also disclosed 'was the three -power agree- ment that the Montreux convention giving control of the Dar- danelles to Turlcey was outmoded and should be revised. - SPOTS OF SPO T' i Hy FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") After one of the current Stanley Cup playdown affairs, a Toronto paper revived the ancient gag about there having been two entirely different games the previous even- ing—the one that took place on the ice, and the one that went out over the air. And while it is rather hard to judge these things, unless you have a split personality and leave half of it at home, or carry one of these portable radio gadgets so that you can both listen and watch, it would seem highly probable that those who take their hockey by ear. are getting far more thrills out of these playoffs than those ' who actually see them in person. * * * Which is just another way of saying that the hockey hardest to get tickets for is, as. a rule, the hardest to watch, You have to stick in your own thrills and ex- citement whereas, taken via the ether route, the announcers do it for you. This is by no means a criticism of these microphone - maestros, whose first duty to their sponsors is to keep listeners from switching dials and tuning -in some good hot program of chamber- music; but it is a rather funny ex- perience to come home after a draggy affair like, for instance, the opening game of the Toronto - Detroit series, and hear the folks say, "Gee, that must have been a honey of a game." * * Of course it is by no means a 11100 thing for playoff hockey— judged solely on its merits as a game, and tossing the gold and glory involved out the window --to be somewhat tattle. Any time you get two rival teams playing then( close to their chests, and taking no unnecessary 'chances, the high- lights are liable to he few and far between. But it Is even 11101e noticeable nowadays when they play what is frankly admitted to be 'cntertaimnent-(lackey — featuring• speed, speed and still more speed for the first six months "or so of the regular season. When they suddenly try to changeover to the real thing,' the boys don't know how to play it, nor do the fans know how. to appreciate. Perhaps it's jtist as well that the foot-shuff- Iiligs, ironic hand-clappings and cries for Action" don't come over the microphone, 4, * 1' to amateur hockey circles We can't help noticing a growing re- sentment in smaller Ontat'io cent- ers at having to act more or less as stooge; and sparring -partners for the 'b151 shots'. We talked recently with a elan who has long been a real friend to amateur hoc -key, and who confessed that he is getting more than a little fed -top. ".A (lunch of us have barked a local ,tumor team for Sears," he said. "\\'e do it because we like to watch hockey, and to give the kids of theneighbor- hooda rhnnre to shote ivhat they can , do. And of course there's always the dream of developing a championship outfit, like in the days when Barrie, Stratford and other smaller places would come through on top." e Just holy widespread this reeling is, or what could be done to correct such a situation, We are not prepar- ed to say. But we do know that the centering of so much of the hockey spotlight, of recent years, on ,just one place—Toronto—hasn't been a - bit of help to the game in the Province at large. * * * In all the excitement over the Grand National Sweepstakes, we have been wondering just how many of the thousands who breath- lessly waited to flood out whether or not they 'drew a horse' might have spared - themselves a lot of suspense and loss of sleep, Or, to put it more briefly, what percent- age of those carefully -cherished tickets were the real thing? After talking with a gentleman who should be in a fair position to know, we have come to the conclusion that a great many of us have been dreaming of winning a life of ease by means of chunks of paper that never were closer to Ireland than, let us say, the city of Montreal. * fi For, according to our informant, the business of peddling phoney Irish Sweep tickets is once again in full swing --and a nice, cosey racket it is because, as you are doing something illegal in buying one, you have no possible come- back. "Unless you get your ticket direct from Ireland—and know and trust the man you get it frons," we were told, "It's better thaneven money that the one you had was a fake, printed right here in Can- ada." So, having - been - warned, we're going to be extra careful from 11000 on. Anybody know where we could grab a ticket for the Derby Sweep? The first balloon a-c.naion in America took place in Philadelphia in 1793. - Crisis in Britain Is Intern tional It isevidentthat Britain's finan- tial position isso insecure that it cannot 1 be resolved without sub- stantial outside 'financial assistance. comments the Montreal Gazette. For the sake of the world economy Britain cannot - be permitted to bankrupt itself. Only self-interest' is involved for Britain's' creditors; But it is quite certain that oufb'' Canada and the United States must shake further handsome loans to bolster the pound and restore the British economic organization, Britain is now in the position acidly described by analogy by the late Lord Keynes who pointed out that when a man owed his hank $1,000 he was at its .mercy; when he owed it $1 million, the bank was at his mercy, The collapse of the pound would so disorganize international trade and international finance that the cataclysm might well rerun' the world to the barter system. it a prospect that cannot be viewed with equanimity. It would he par- ticularly appalling for Canada, whose economy is based on export trade. - Britain, sentiment aside, must be revived. It can only restore itself through superlative individual effort supported by foreign finance. Only the U.S. and Canada have the caps. tal to prevent world catastrophe Together they must help to save Britain not in altruism but in self- defense. Lightning—"greased" or other- wise -is really fast. Its speed is 10,- 000 utiles per second. 0100004 your 11001(S nail CASH from FIRE stud THIEVE:4. We haven sloe and type of Stile, nr Cabinet, for (m5 purpose, Visit u0, or write for prices, sic., to Dept. W. t:J.6c.J.TAY Lei 14 LIMITED TORONTO. SAFE WORKS 1421 Prowl 4t. T., Toronto Established 1851 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Steco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco l.eather (roods dealer, The goods are right, and so are out proves. Are manufacture in our fat. tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse 13Ian• keLi, and heather Traveilme Goods, Insist on Staco Brand ?'rade Marked Goods, and y'o get sntiofa'tinn. Made n,.1,. by SAMUEL TRESS CO., LTD. 42 Wellington n St. F. reroute tonic WRITE E FO R CATALOGUE ATA(. CO.t .F For constant Smoking Pleasure ag, , v qf MUTT AND JEFF -Of Course, Jeff S'houd Have Said I Seen Him! THE TEACHER WANTS YOU To SIGN` THA'( NOTE, POP, SO! YoU: WERE, LATE To SCHO01. AGAIN THIS WEEK! BY BUD FISHER I WAS ONLY LATE WUNCT, PCP! WUNCT?—� D0H.T You KNOW SETTER TToHSAY WUNer JEFF, TELL CICERO, WHAT HE SHOULD HAVE SAID! 2 Re SHOULD HAVE SAID TIN ST, 'CAUSE I SAW HIM! sVP 0 :so R,Vddgg 4