HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-04-10, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1947. MOM THS SFAFORTH NEWS EASTER DANCE Auspices Seaforth Branchof of Canadian Legion CARDNO'S HALL FRIDAY, APRIL Lith Dancing at 9 o'clock Jack Pudney, London and His Orchestra .Tickets $3 per couple , Dress Optional Additional Invitations may be had on application to Secretary, A. W. Silleiy, OLLARS and SE" (..,.For the Money You Need • When You Need It See HOUSEHOLD FINANCE You may burrow from $20 to $1000 without endorsers at Household Finance, and you may take 12 or 15 months to repay. Or even 20 or 24 mouths on loans of Larger amounts. Household loans are arranged promptly, with no delay. Just decide how much money you need and how long you want to take to repay. Phone first, then come in. Your money can be ready the same day you apply. 29 Downie St., earner Albert Royal Bank Budding Phone 255 STRATFORD, ONT. Hours 9 to 3 or by appointment Loam made to residents of nearby towns 5000E0 50 e9 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Town of Seaforth PRE -PAY RECEIPTS Taxpayers may now pur- chase Pre -Pay Receipts. Apply at the Treasurer's Office, Town I-Ial1. TOWN TOPICS Mrs. Frank Storey and Master Wayne` Ellis were Easter visitors at. the home of her daughter 'Mrs. Bry- son MaQuirter and Mr. McQuirter, midland, ' Miss Lillian Southgate spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs., Jason Ellis and Mrs. William Campbell were visitors ire Toronto over the week end. Miss Lorna Ellis underwent a suc- cessful appendix operation in Scott Memorial. Hospital on Monday. Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto is spending the Easter holidays with her mother Mrs. W. F. McMillan. Miss Eleanor Hudson of Sarnia with; Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Gardiner, at the manse, . Miss Mayne Watson, R.N.; of SUM - 'ford' General hospital, spent the week end with her parents, Mi'. and Mrs. J. S. Watson, • Mr. G. R. Keys and son Glen, of Windsor are spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys. Rev. James Elford has returned to his home in Egmoudville after spend- ing p ing 'some weeks with his daughter Miss Florence Elford of Sarnia Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Stephenson are spending a few days at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. P. John- ston and family of Wellington. Mrs. Louis Looby, Mrs. Joseph Looby, of Dublin, and Mrs. Villeneau, of Parry Sound, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Trott. Rev. Andrew H. McKenzie of Yale. Divinity School, New Haven, Conn„ spent the past week with his wife and daughter Joanne at the home of Mrs. McKenaie's father Mr. Thos. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper of Nia- gara Valls spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. James Hay and their nephew, Donald Horton, returned with them to spend the holidays, 'Miss Alva Elford, RA., of Hewlitt School, East Islip, L.I., was a -holiday visitor at her home, also Miss Flor- ence Elford of Sarnia is spending the Easter vacation at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Masse. Wind- sor, were week end visitors at the home of the latter's' mother, Mrs. Ellen Bannon. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Knowles, Ayl- mer, spent Easter at the home of Mrs. J. Sclater. Mrs. Knowles remain- ed to spend a week here. Miss Rose Dorsey, Misses Edna and Adel Deganeau, Toronto, are spending the Easter holidays at. the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Geddes, Lon- don, were Easter guests at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills and son DANCING! in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth SATURDAY, APRIL 12 NORM CARNEGIE AND HIS BAND ADMISSION 50c Euchre and Dance VARNA HALL Friday, April 11, at 8 p.m. Auspices Varna L.O.L. Admission et popular prices. Luneb provided Jimmie, St. Marys, spout the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F, Sills. Miss Margaret Grieve, Oakville, is spending the Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs, James Grieve. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kerslake and two children and Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Purdy and daughter Ann, of Toronto, were Easter guests of Mrs, W. E. Kerslake. ' Miss Mary Devereaux, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Devereaux. Mr, George Daly, Erindale, spent Easter at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. F, Daly. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacMillan and son, St. Thomas, were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Andrews, and Mr. and Mrs,' Mr. Frank O'Reilly and Miss Marg- aret • O'Reilly, Kitchener, spent the week 'end at the home of their -par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O'Reilly, Mr. Con Eckert, St. Jerome's Coll- ege, Kitchener, is spending the Ea- ter holidays at the home of his mother Mrs. J. Eckert. Mr. George MacDonald, Stratford, was an Easter visitor at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph McFadden, Mrs. Alex McNab spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Basil Brown, Miss Evelyn Murray of Toronto, Mr, and, Mrs. Daniel Crowley and family, Mrs, Basil Kelly and family, 09 Kinkora, were Easter guests at the home of Mrs. James Murray, ' Miss Eileen Murray is spending a week's vacation with relatives in Kinkora. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, spent the week end with her mother Mrs. Roland Kennedy. Miss Evelyn Southgate, Toronto, was a week. end guest at the hone of Mrs. R. S. Hays. Mr. Edward Devereaux, Miss Alice Devereaux, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Devereaux, Port Hope, were Easter visitors at the home of Mrs.' Margaret Devereaux. Miss Dorothy Smith and Miss Fer- gus Bell, Western University, London, spent Easter at the homes here. Mr. and Mrs. William Faulkner and Patricia, Kitchener, spent Easter at the hone of the former's sister, Miss Lillian Faulkner, Miss Mary Margaret Cleary is spending the Easter holidays at the come of her aunt, Mrs. J. Flannery, Guelp Mr. h. L. E. Webster of Beamsvilie was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Misses Rita Duncan, Windsor. Mary Duncan and Ann Gibson, London, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duncan. Miss Ann Brodie, Toronto, and Miss Jean Brodie, Kirkland Lake, spent the Baster vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie. Miss Edna Rivers, R.N., Toronto, was an Easter visitor at the home of her sister. Mrs, Helmer Snell and Ma. Snell. Miss Ruth Shinen, Toronto, spent. the week end at the hone of her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Shinen. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cuclmore and family, St. C:atherines, spent Easter at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Oka •Mr. George Finlay, Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs. Finlay and Douglas. Mr: and Mrs. D. L. Curtis and son Bill, of Lindsay, and Mr. IiarveY. Beattie of London, were Easter visit. ors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Armstrong; Toronto, agent Easter holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong. Mr, Jack. Drover, O.A.C., Guelph, spent the week end with his' parents;' Mr, and Mrs. William Drover. Mr. and Mrs. K. Smith and family, Toronto, spent Easter at the home of Mrs, Smith's father Mr. Thomas Lane Mr. and Mrs. George Sinclair and family, Broughdale, were Easter visit- ors at the borne of her mother, Mrs. Annie Reid. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Huras and daughter Gloria, Stratford, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain. Mr. Martin McQuaid of Islington was an Easter. visitor here. Capt. E, McBride spent Easter Mon- day at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs. E. McBride, Toronto. Mi-, and Mrs, R. Humbey, London, visited the home Of their grandmother Mrs. E. Ritchie, W. William St. Miss Jean Fraiser spent the week end with her -sister Miss Edna Fraiser, Waterloo. Mrs. Frank Cudmore and (laughter Nancy, Wallaceburg, were guests this week at the hotne of her mgther, Mrs, J. F. Reid. Mr. and Mrs: E. Knox and Miss Dorothy Farquhar , Toronto, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farquhar. Miss Eva M. Kellough, R.N..To- ronto, spent the week end at the home of her sister Mrs. W. 0. Kelly and Mr. Kelly. Messrs. Harry Scott, London, and Don Scott, Toronto, spent the holiday at the hone of their mother, Mrs. H, R. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Glean Hildebrand, Kit- chener, spent the week end with rela- tives here. Messrs. Ronald Pullman and L. Dornier, of the S.S. "Imperial Icing- store," Sarnia, spent Easter with the'. former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pullman. were week end visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moore. Mr, and Mrs, Carl Dietrich and fam- ily, Kitchener, and Mr, and Mrs, Jacic Williams and sou, Waterloo, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Williams. Mr. John Piper of Toronto spent Easter in town. Mr, Robert Willis, Toronto, spent the week end at the home ' of his father, Mr. W. G. Willis, and Dr. and, Mrs. P. J. Bechely. Miss Jean Turner, Toronto, visited with friends in town over the week end. Mr. ,George Parke, London, spent. the week end at the home of his par, eats, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parke. Mr, Frank Ryan, London, spent Easter with his aunt, Mrs. Thomas O'Laughlin. Miss Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, 'spent the Easter vacation at the home of her mother. Mrs, 3. B. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Beninger, Guelph, and Mr. Cyril Flannery, Detroit, were guests last week at the home of Mr. Mrs. J. J.CIe Cleary. and y Mrs. Orval Weston, Detroit, is a guest at the homes of her sisters, Miss Verna Graves, and Mrs. Robert Carnochan. Mrs. Fred Masser and Francis and Edna spent Easter with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hocking, in Brockville. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Dupee spent Easter with relatives in London. Miss Vera Mole spent a few days In Toronto this week at the bone of Mr. and Mrs, Gladsou Campbell, Miss Peg Grieve, Dresden, and Miss Bessie Grieve, Chatham, spent the Easter vacation at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Grieve, lilgmondville. Mrs. T3enry Weiland fell at her home in Egmondville on Saturday and fractured her arm. Mr, Harold Knight has accepted a position in the Dominion Chemistry Laboratory, Kitchener. Those from a distance attending the funeral of the late James Barron were: 1VIr. and Mrs. William Horst, Atwood; Messrs. George and Alex Barron, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Forbes, Goderich Tp,; Mr, and Mrs. William Churchill, Goderich Tp., Mr. and Mrs. Mitch. McAdams, Clin- ton; Mrs, Reg'. Smith, Clinton; Mr. Shepherd Dale and Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Dale and Mr. Ernest Dale, Clin- ton; Mr, and Mrs. Christopher Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox and Miss Dorothy Farquhar of Toronto, and Mr. Ronald Farquhar, Kitchener, and bir. and Mrs. Walter Spencer and Gwendolyn and Gregory. of Hensel', and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar and Gail, of Kippen. and Mr. Russell Blackwell, London, were holiday visit- ors at Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Farquhar"e.' Mr. Larry LeBute and Mr. Ray Boussey spent the week end at Wind- sor. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cloutier spent the holiday at Kitchener. Miss Edna Papple, Stratford, spent the weep end at the home of bet' par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Papple. Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Barrett and fain- tly, Hamilton, spent Easter week enol at the inane of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Aberhart. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lowry, London. Ik/en and women everywhere acetainz THE 19 47 CHEVROLET getting a new high order of BIG -CAR QUM l,1TY AT LOW .COS You'll find it's bigger -looking , it's better -looking . , it oast -styles, out -values, out -saves all other cars in its field . . , for it gives you Big -Car quality at low prices and at remarkably low cost for gas, oil and upkeep! Men and women everywhere are giving this 1947 Chevrolet the most enthusiastic welcome any new cat has ever received! And you'll find they are preferring it above all others not only because it is the most beautiful of all low- priced cars. . or the most comfortable to drive and ride in ... or even the most dependable pto'foo'rer on street, hill or highway ...-but also because they are convinced it's the one car that combines all these advantages of A PRODUCT OF • SEAF 0 RT BIG -CAR quality at lore prices and at such remarkably low cost of operation and upkeep. Come in today! See this car which creates a new high order of BIG -CAR QUALITY AT LOW COST — this car which is first in production and therefore destined to be first in availability for delivery to you and your family! Place and keep your order with us for this 1947 Chevrolet. And while you're waiting for your new Chevrolet, make sure your presentcar keeps rolling. The better its condition, the safer you are , . , and the higher its potential trade-in value. aa-- eliSpROl;Er GENERAL MOTORS C•247e MOTORS BRODHAOEN Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart of London with Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rock. Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller of Hamilton with NIr. and Mrs. Aug. Hillebreeht. Mrs. Ed. Dressler and Cherry Lynn of Stratford with Mrs. John C. Deigel for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pryce of Galt, Stanley and Frank Byerman of Kit- chener, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byerman. Mr. and Mrs. Voll of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mogk. Mr. Roy Arnstein, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Arbuckle, Jimmy and Billy and Dorothy Quer- engesser of Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Scherbarth, of Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Scherbarth. Mr. Elmer Tuffin of Toronto with Mrs. Tuffin and slaughter Geraldine at the home of Mrs. Sophie Benne- wier, Mr. and ;Mrs. Oscar Diego! and Jimmy of Waterloo with 3Ir. and Mrs. Henry L. Diegel. Mr. and Mrs,. Howard Querenges- ser and Susan of Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Querengesser, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Diegel, ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Don Mat'- kle'of Woodstock to Detroit for the week end as guests of Mir, and, Mrs. Al Gibbs. Mr, Jack Gummow, former school teacher, spent Thursday afternoon at the school for a visit and at which tune the pupils held their Easter party. Quite a few resid ents had their 1 d cellars almost filled with water and had to have it pumped out owing to. the recent flood. Members of St. Peter's Lutheran Church east of Brodhagen were iso- lated from the Sunday morning ser- vice owing to the 'Water rushing ac- ross the road in several places. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Buchanan of Nilestonw spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wakefield of London spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Milson. Mr. Donald Stephenson of Ajax' spent the holiday with Ms; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Mr. Gordon Buchanan of London visited with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan. Miss Frances Downey is spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Downey at Tiverton. Miss Doris Lawson of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson. Mr. Milton Moore of Toronto spent the weekend with his brother Mr. Wm, Moore. Miss Maxine McBrien of London visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Secord McBrien, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte and family spent Sunday in Stratford visiting with Mr. Whyte's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mclllwain visit- ed friends in Goderich on Saturday Miss Donelda Adams of Clinton Public School Teaching Staff is spending the holidays with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. BORN NESBITT—In Guelph General Flos- pital to Mr. and Mrs. Ian W. Nes- bitt of Guelph, on March 31, a sot. DIED Hesselwood—At Dauphin, Man., on Tues., March 25th, 1947, Thomas Henry Hesselwood, in his 81st year. The funeral took place from Bultner's Funeral Home on Thursday afternoon at 2:30, in- terment in Riverside cemetery. FOR SALE 104 acres in Township of McKillop. Rend buildings. Hydro. Terns 11 dealred. 115, atm•v frame dwelling, John St. fie acre grana foam on hlrhwny Hoar c., f nlumbnn, no Imildates but would ho onitnhie for poultry farm. Reid, Seafe nth WANTED ! Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPTyCOLLECTION — WE DO THE LOADING DARLING R�,1��G ( CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r-6 I I !;r • T ',I 62dr4 rezv D� yyYESVa ®�y �uu��� a4'U�.6eC for/cue 9 io Pitz (7.74((7.74(/ -- p e v,' ,��ayW7c a`�' rof Coiyjpeie/fio/75' ✓ z ONTARIO ENTRIES MUST BE youre Agricultural lBEFOR E eprJUNE 1st For details and entry forms or write Provincial Notional Barley Contest Committee, eeds Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, Seeds & W roan, c/0 Crop , ,.. . HE BRINING' AND MALTING :• INDUSTRII OF CANADA