HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-04-10, Page 1The Seaforth News
WHOLE- SERIES, VOL. 70. No. 15
.1 a year
Mr. William Murray ob-
served his 84th birthday
quietly at his home in Eg-
mondville on Wednesday
of this week. Me, Murray
carries his years lightly
and is still active and In
good health. Mr. Murray,
who came here last year
from Dauphin, Man.. is a
native of Tuckei•smit.h,
and recently published an
interesting history of the
Murray family, entitled
"William Murray 1829-1913
and Descendants,"
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Houston, Stan-
ley Township, wish to announce the
engagement of their youngest
slaughter Madge Ruth to Vernon
Wesley Desch, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. David Oescls of Blake. The
marriage to take place quietly
Apr. 15.
elle cbah,,
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "Life and Immortality"
7 p.m., "Paul's prayer for Thes-
salonian Christians".
Welcome to these services.
• Anglican
April 13th. First Sunday after
' St. Thomas', Seaforth.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
Morning Prayer, " The
Sinner's Triumph".
7 p.m., Evening Prayer, "Em-
:naus and Peace"
St. Mary's, Dublin.
2:30 Sunday School.
8 Church Service, "The Sinner's
The Rector, IRev, C. P. L. Gilbert,
at all services.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D,
10 a.m.. Sunday School.
11 a,m•, "Our Temporary Resi-
7 p.m., 'The Spirit of the
The Logan Council met at the town-
shil, hall on Alnll 7th, at 1 p,nr„ all
menmibers being present. Reeve F. \V.
Ahrens presided.. The minutes react
end 'signed, correspondence read, A
'esolution was passed, cnuiicil deeid-
.ng that all men who assisted by
shovelling to open toads he paid for
actual ]yours worked. Road foremen
to supply the time to the Road Supt.
Council formed into Court of Revision
on Cameron Drain and Branch, the
appeal on Lot 1, _Cot. 9, being allow
ed. acreage reduced to 92 acres and
assessment reduced by $10; Court of
Revision was then closed. By-law No,
426 finally passed. One tender was re.
ceived and contract awarded to Rob-
ert Nicholson for the stun of $2,307.90,
work to commence as soon as condi-
tions permit (dragline dredge). WTm.
F. Dalhng, chairman of the 'Board of
Health, gave the report of the board
for year 1946. Total cost thereof was
9225.36. Population 2,162. Five live
births. 1 still -birth, 13 deaths from
other sources. Measles 14 ,eases',
mumps 46, pneumonia 1, poliomyelitis
1. scarlet fever 1, septic sore 'throat
3. whooping cough 2, reported, Child-
ren treated for diphtheria 30, scarlet
fever 42, smallpox 29, whooping
cough 13. School health services:
346 children received health super-
vision visits. 18 school children were
found to have defects other than
teeth. A vote of thanks was given the
chairman of the local board of health.
Tenders opened for crushing and haul-
ing gravel, 3 tenders considered and
the tender of Alex Hartung was ac-
cepted at 60e per cu. yard, fiat rate.
Tax collector was pa:icl balance Inc
hint as collector, 960. A further audit
by H. W. Diegel was accepted, being
Union SS. #1, Hibbert, and his fee of
$Sordered paid. W. R. Snaith, of Lon-
dore 'spoke to Council on soil erosion
and.the proposed work to be done to
prevent further large flooding. Roacl
expenditures accounts presented and
ordered paid total $8,492. General ac-
counts prresented and ordered paid,
total of 9191.98. Couecil adjourned to
meet in regular session May 51:11, at
1 p.m.—john A. Rudolph, Clerk.
The steel bride CM Con. 6.7, Lot 21,
Logan, hangs precariously with one
corner resting on the lee.
.Considerable damage has been done
to the roads by the recent flood.
The Easter thankoffering meet -
Mg of the Alert Mission Band of
Northside United Church was held
on Tuesday, April lst, after school.
The Pres. Blanche Westcott conduct-
ed the meeting. The opening hymn
was "Tell me the story of Jesus"
followed by prayer by Jean Snell.
The scripture lesson, the 23rd Psalm
was read by Patsy Hawkins, The
Sec'y Gwen Christie read the min-
utes. The roll call was answered by
34 members. This was followed by
a chorus by the children "Jesus loves
me", Mrs. Bradshaw then welcomed
the mothers and visitors who were
the guests of the Mission Band. Mrs.
Lawson, who was the guest speaker
for the occasion told a most interest-
ing story of the life of Dr. Albert
Sweitzer, Missionary to Africa.
which everyone enjoyed. Jean Snell
moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Law-
son which was seconded by Marion
Chamberlain. This was followed by
a program by the ohildren of the
Mission Band. Vocal trio by Jean
Snell, Gwen Christie and Marion
Chamberlain; solo by Alice Christie;
trio by Betty Lou Goudie, Helen
McGonigle and Barbara Boshart;
duet by Linda Loiselle and Judy
'Boshart; recitation by Billy Scott;
duet by Marie Hunt and Joan Haw-
kins; piano 'solo by Gwen , Christie;
duet by Carol and Maurice Loiselle;
piano and vocal solo by Marion
Chamberlain; recitation by Maurice
Loiselle; piano solo, Jean Snell;
reading by Ted Savauge. The dos-
ing hymn was "God sees the little
Sparrow fall". The Mission Band
Benediction was repeated. Lunch
was served and a social time was en-
On Tuesday of this weelc the
Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church
held their regular meeting in the
I'art.h Hall. In the absence of the
President, the meeting was in
charge of Mrs. H. Colbert, the vice-
pres., who led in prayers for the
pa'•ish and the Lordl's prayer in uni-
son. Fourteen members answered
the roll call and Mrs. Scarlett read
the scripture lesson from St. Luke
4: 24-36. All reports were received
and several items discussed to be
dealt with the next meeting which
will be a social one at the Rectory
on May 13th. After the offertory
Was dedicated, Mrs. C. F. Gilbert
closed the meeting with prayer.
Mrs.. Scarlett conducted a contest
and Mrs. Higgins contributed two
solos which were much appreciated.
Refreshments were served and a
social hour enjoyed by the menthes.
Group 2 of W.A. of Northside
United Church met in the basement
of the church on Monday evening,
April 7th. The meeting opened by'
Mrs. J. M. Scott reading a poem,'
After singing "There is 'a green hill
far away" Mrs. R. Savauge led in
prayer. The minutes of previous
meetings were read by seep Laura
Mole. The roll was called and the
business period followed. Mrs. John
Thompson was the guest speaker
and described their trip through
the States this winter. Leaving here
the middle of February and return-;
ing in March they travelled 'via De-
troit through the States of Ohio,
Indiana, Kentucky. Missouri as far
west as Silana, Kansas. Places of in-'
terest visited by Mr..and Mrs..Thom-�
pson were Independence, home of,
late Pres. Roosevelt, also • horse of
late Pres, Lincoln in Springfield, 111.1
During their visit at Salina they had
the privilege of attending several
church services, also meetings of,
young married eomple groups and
enjoyed them very much. The clos-
ing hymn "Stand Up Stand Up, for
Jesus" was sunny and the meeting
closed by repeating Mizpah Benedic-
tion. An Easter bonnet contest was
then conducted by Mrs. J. M. Scott.
The melt original hat was won by;
Miss Olive Blake, the Prize being an;
Easter basket. Lunch was served by;
social .committee and a social hour
Huron County escaped the wide-
spread flood damage over the week
end experienced in the southern
counties, and yet the swollen streams
caused some trouble and considerable
The bridge on the second conces-
sion of Tuckersmith, 3% miles west
of Bgmondville,'known as Br'oadfoot's
bridge, was swept off its piers by
floating ice, and is lying in the river
badly twisted. This bridge served
east -west and north -south roads meet-
ing at this point on the Bayfield
river. It is expected a temporary
bridge will soon' permit traffic . to
The C.N.R. trestle across the Bay-
field river just south of Clinton, was
also damaged by the ice and trains
were unable to reach Clinton from
London. Passengers are carried by bus
between Brucefield and Clinton.
Low lying area in the vicinity of
the flooded streams were under water
during the week end.
A meeting of the Huron County
Cream Producers was held in the
Seaforth Library Tuesday night to
discuss the cream producers market-
ing scheme, outlined in the farm pro-
ducts marketing uct. Jerry Doerr was
in the chair. Russell Bolton, McKillop,
president of the Iluron Federation.
'gave an interesting talk on the mar-
keting scheme, stressing the valve of
the creamery industry to the province.
'He said, that although most producers
are in favor of the scheme, the vote
may not carry because of lack of int-
erest, and that a continued interest is
necessary to make such a Mali last.
LeRoy Brown, agricultural repres-
entative, explained the special proced-
ure of voting. The meeting ended with
We secret balloting, and informal dis-
cussion on some of the problems con-
fronting dairymen today, such as the
oleomargarine question. Attendance at
the meeting was small
The first meeting of the Hamil-
ton and London Synodical Society
of the Women's Missionary Society
.(W.D.) of the Presbyterian Church
in Canada will be held in Knox
Church, Stratford, April 14-16. The
election and installation of Officers
will take place Tuesday morning
followed by a Round Table Confer-
ence led by Miss Frieda Matthews,
Toronto, general field secretary.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. A.' E.
Coombs, Missionary on furlough
from India, will be the guest speak-
er. In the evening Rev. W. Scott
Duncan, St. Marys, will speak, and
the speaker at the closing session
Wednesday afternoon will be Mrs.
A. R. McMurrich, Toronto. a past
president of the Dominion Council
of the W.M.S.
The women's Hospital Aid to
I Scott Memorial Hospital will hold
their regular meeting on Thurs.
Aril 17th at 3 p.m. in the nurses
The Seaforth and District Minist-
erial Association will hold its regu-
lar meeting on Monday, April 14th
et 2 p.m, at the Manse of First
Presbyterian Church. The paper will
be presented by Rev. W. J. Patton.
. Mrs. Wm. Lyon returned home
•on Friday last- having spent the
winter at the home of her daughter
Mrs, .Jack IVIor•oso, Hamilton.
Mr. Don Napier of Virginia spent
the Easter holidays at the home of
Mr, Bert Brundson.
Miss Mary Grainger, Toronto, is
visiting with h'er sister Mrs. Geo.
Cowan and the Peckett fancily.
Mr. Howard Brandon, Clinton,
visited with his mother on Easter
Miss Beth Govier, Goderich and
Elva Govier, London, and Mr. and
Mrs, Spence Hamm, Guelph, spent
the weekend with their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Govier.
Miss Fern Watson, London, .with
1rer mother. Mrs. Nellie Watson.
Miss Margaret Tamblyn, Lon-
don spent the weekend holiday with
her parents Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Ab Shaddiek, Clin-
ton, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fair -
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Breen, London
and Miss Pearl Griffiths were East-
er visitors with' their parents Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Griffiths,
Miss Dorothy Little, Toronto, at
the home of her mother, Mrs, Robt.
Owing to road conditions the
Easter Service held in the United
Church was not as large as usual,
The .service throughout was in keep-
ing of Easter. It being a joint ser-
vice with' the Sunday school, the
scholars tool: part. Murray Lyon
read the scripture lesson, Lois Wood
gave a very suitable Easter story,
four young girls took up,the offer-
ing. The pastor, Rev. A. Penman,
spoke on the Resurrection. The
choir rendered special music., '
Sunday evening the Mission Band
held their Easter Thankoffering
meeting, a good program was given
by the children.
Mrs. W. Govier is spending a few
clays in Goderich this week
The death occurred at his resi-
dence on Goderich street on Tues-
day. April Sib. of John C. Greig,
after a lingering illness. Mr. Greig
was a former well known Seaforth
business man, having been a clothing
merohant for many years and was
also a former. Mayor of Seaforth.
Bern at Pickering, Ont., he re-
ceived his education at that place,
Corning to this district in 1892. On
Sept. 4th, 1895, he was married to
Miss Minnie V. Acheson, who sut•-
vivds, together with one daughter,
Mrs. Urban D. Clark, of Sarnia,
three grandsons, Ian and David
Clark, John Edgar Greig, and two
grandaughters. Evelyn Ann Clark
and Lillian Greig. A son, Dr. Wil-
liam A. Greig, died in the Second
World War. Mr. Greig is also sur-
vived by two sisters, .Mrs. Thomas.
Jackson and Mrs. James Jackson, of
Toronto. Mr. Greig had been Divi-
sion Court Clerk in Seaforth for
thirty years. He was active in crick-
et in his early years and in golf lat-
terly. The late Mr. Greig was a Pres-
byterian and a' member of the Ma-
sonic Lodge.
The funeral will take place on
Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m., Rev.
R. H. Williams officiating, inter-
ment in Maitlandbank cemetery..
The pallbearers will be, honorary,
Messrs. Mullen, Savauge, McLean,
Chamberlain, Willis, Reid. Active.
Messrs. Southgate, McKellar, Stew-
art, 'Boswell, Keating, D. L. Reid.
The W.M.S. of the United Church
held their March meeting' Wed.,
afternoon, March 1.9th at the home
of Mrs. Emerson Kyle with a good
attendance. Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter
presided and opened the meeting
with the theme. Hymn 86 was then
sung. Mrs. Robt. Elgie read the
scripture and Mrs. W. Mellis led in
prayer. There was a short business
discussion at which the supply sec..
Mrs. Herbert Jones, informed the
group that two boy's sweaters were
requested. An invitation from the
Hensall Auxiliary to attend their
birthday meeting', was accepted. Mrs
Workman read a letter received
quite some time ago from the late
:NIrs. J. C. Bell. Mrs. Hinton had
charge of the topic assisted by Mrs.
John Sinclair from the study book
on Tndia. Mrs. H. Jones and Mrs. A.
Gackstetter favored with a duet,
"Have Thine Own Way, Lord." Mrs.
Gackstetter pronounced the bene-
diction. Lunch was served by Circle
No. 1.
Easter ]dikes and other spring
flowers adorned the altar of St. An-
drew's United Church here on Sun-
day morning for the special Easter
services. There was a large atten-
dance to hear their own minister,
Rev. Albert Hinton after a year's
absence. Mt. Hinton stated l•.aster
was a time of gladness and said that
this was the happiest Easter be had
had, and expressed -special thanks
to his congregation for their kind
ness and patience during those long
Months. Be delivered a very fine
Easter message. Special music was
furnished by the choir.
Dr. James Jarrott of New York
is visiting his mother, Mrs. I. Tarrott
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beattie and
Karen, Wingham, are visiting Mt.
and AM's. Robt. McBride.
Recent vistors -with Mr. and .\'Ir
A. Gackstetter were Miss Doris Fer-
guson and Mrs. A. Ashworth of Ild-
orton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon West -
.lake, Sandra and Ronald of Bay-
field and Mr, Edward Gackstetter of
Miss Isabella Alexander of Toe -
onto and Mrs. Cecil Dining of Lon-
don spent Easter with their parents
Mr. and Mrs, W. Alexander,
Mrs. Keith Colborne and children
spent Easter with. Mr. and Mrs. J.
Day man.
Mr- Donald Horsey of Ridgeway
is spending a few weeks at the home
of his cousin, Mr. and Mrs A. Gack-
We are sorry to report Mr. Het
bent Jones is at present in Victoria
Hospital. in London. We wish him a
speedy recovery.
Mr. Floyd McAsh of Toronto with
Mr. and Mrs. Carter and little
daughter of London,' Mr. and Mrs
Wolper and family of Exeter, Mr,
and Mrs. H. Chutes. and little dates -
liter of Harriston at the Chuter
Mr. Alvin Elliott of Brantford at
the Elliott home,
Mrs. Kruger and son of Zurich
spent Good Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ings.
Mr. Elliott Chuter of London,
spending Easter holidays in the vil-
cWorthy 6ribute..
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Jeweller and Optometrist
Opposite Post Office, Seaforth
devotional was taken .by Mrs. R. A.
Brook. the scripture St. Mark 14,
,Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and 33-39 followed by prayer by Mrs. E.
son Kenneth of Hamilton spent the Geiger. The minutes of the previous
weekend with their parents Mr. and meeting were read .and adopted. The
Mrs. John Passmore and Mr. John business followed. Mrs, C. Cook
April 24th. The visiting committee
r. was appointed delegate to the Pres -
it'. and Mrs. Lester Fisher and byterial to be held in Exeter on
faEldemily of Windsor spent the Easter
holiday with the former's parents reported 19 calls made on sick and
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. shut-ins. The roll call was answered
Miss Martha Heldman was a ,by 14 mnemnbers. Mrs. Hedden sang
weekend visitor with her parents in a solo entitled "Broken Heart"..
Zurich• Miss Consitt gave an address. on
lir. and Mrs. Don Evans and lit- India from the study book showing
tic son of Waterloo spent the Easter how Christianity has educated the
holidays with Mrs. Evans parents people and especially the women,
lir. e Mr. Maren. that women are given a privilege to
sirCareys. JRoy. nY. of aclOsgoocle Hall, vote, and that there are more wo-
To'onto, spent Easter at his home men in business than men in India
here. according to the population. The of-
bir. and Mrs.- Allen Davidson of feting was taken and the ineetiug
Sarnia visited on Sunday with their cd by singing "When I Survey
Parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Daviel- the. Wondrous Cross" and t -he brtte-
son incl Mt'. and Mrs. Orville dloseiction,
Twitchell. 31r. and :12tt, .john D,u 'all and
:Miss Barbara Michie visited with dans iter retuned to Ingersoll efter
relatves in Georgetown over the spenaun„ the nest aced with . l.t--
l'bt,ter weekend -and will spend the tives Metre.
remainder of the holidays with her Miss Amy 1in
ntmie London was
parent Mr. and Mrs. Jas Michie .0 ,1 holiday visitor with her uta hes,
Brussels. andsister, M_ Lammi, and Mice
Miss' Blanche Thomson R. Lamasie
Stratford visited over the. weekend
at the home of bar parent.' 11",end
Mts. ItoI Thomson:
Mr. Donald Walker and friend of DUBLIN
Toronto were holiday visitors with 1'o' I Friday and Isester day ser -
the founet'. parents Sir. and Alts, care, were held in the tit. Mart'.
Gco. Walker. :Anglican Church with usual taste;'
tills Helen MtNaughton of Tot- must The Rector, Iles. C. F. L.
onto spent the weekend at the home C,i,6t l .,. the I':a 501 utesne's.
of hes' parents Mr. and bps. T,or'ne The I .i rs' Guild mel at tine home
McNaughton. of airs. albett ]lock, ort Almuiay for
- hiss Jean Brandon is spending their monthly rmeeting, `Che presl-
the Easter holidays at her home at dent presided over the devotional
P,ayfield. and` busine , period, l.entetn envoi-
bir, and Mrs. Ray Patterson of opo: were• called in. The ladies spent
Toronto were holiday visitors with the fternoon quilting after which
the former's parents Mr, and Mrs. limen ryas i0O'vOcl by lire hostess.
R. J. Patterson. lir Tenn (?osteilo, London, with
Holiday visitors with Mr. and her parents lir, and Mrs. Dan Cost -
Mrs, Wm. DnrMt•. Ahs' elle.
Dinner, Torontoin,er Mr,weande A'drs, Hrtaru-! A4rsses Mary Margaret and Thersa
old Dinner, Guelph and Mr, and Ryan. London, with their parents
Mrs. Robt. Barr of Stratford, ! Mr. and ,Mrs. Pat. Ryan.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Brown, Billie Mr. Joseph O'Rourke is spending
and Carol spent Easter with Mars,' a couple of weeks with his slaughters
Brown's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neeb in Toronto.
at Tavistock. •Mrs. Brown and child Alrs. Catharine Feeney and Billy
ren are remaining for two week's spent Easter in Toronto.
holiday, 1 Mr's, Louise Flanagan returned to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and her home after spending the winter
daughter of Windsor were weekend months in Toronto.
visitors with the former's parents Francis Flanagan and Gilbert
Mr, and Mrs, C. Cook. Murray in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson Angela Rowland and Beit. Gal -
re visiting with relatives in Al- lant, Windsor, with Mrs: Winnifred
Mrs, Harold Smuk, Kitchener
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moly-
Miss Mary Murphy, Welland. with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Murphy
Eilleen, Jean and Lorrain Jordon.
London, with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Josph Jordon.
James Newcombe, Montreal, with
Mrs. Newcombe and Mr. and Mas.
William Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs.
George Holthaner, Galt, with ler.
and Mrs. Dan Burns, •
Marie Krauskopf of London. with
her mother Mrs. Catherine Kraus-
Mr. and Mrs. Ken iDill, Stratford
with Mr, and 'Mrs, Joseph Dill. .
Thomas Holland. Windsor, with
Mr'. and Mrs. J. Flynn,
Mrs. Minnie Schulman, Buffalo,
with her brother, Mr. Patrick Ma-
jos. Frank and. Mary Evans,
Windsor', with their mother, Mrs.
tuna, Penn.
Due to adverse road conditions
the monthly meeting of the Evening
Auxiliary of the Hensall United
Church which was previously sched-
uled as being at the home of Mrs.
G. Broderick will take place at the
Miss Ellis home on Monday evening
April 14th. Mrs. P. McNaughton
lage. 1 will assist the hostess. The dew.
Mr. and NIrs. Soper and family tional will be given by Mrs, A.
with relatives in Elgin. I Hyde, Roll call, messages of Spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Aidington spent Miss Michie will present the study.
Easter with. the latter's mother and Social committee, Miss Ellis, Mrs.
sister in Staffa. McNaughton, Mrs. Hedden and Miss
Mr. and Mrs. Tr'iez and little son
left Monday fora vacation.
Mrs. Rathwell who' has spent the
winter months in Seaforth has re-.
turned tb her home,
Rev. Mr. Farr, Rector of St.
Georges Anglican Church, Goder-
ieh, will exchange pulpits with Rev.
Mr. Morgan, Rector of St. Johns
Anglican Church, Sunday, April 18.
Service at 7 p.m. when Holy com-
munion will be administered.
Edna Ssundercock. Mrs. 'Broderick
will take the October meeting. A
large attendance is urged.
The Women's Missionary Society
of the Hensel] United Church was
held in the schoolroom of the
Much on Thursday, April 3rd at
3 p.m, with the 'President, Mrs. W.
B. Cross in the chair. The meeting
opened by singing' "Jesus shall
reign wher'er the Sun" followed by
the I.od's. prayer in unison. The Catherine Evans: