HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-04-03, Page 8p • acs THE sEAPtoRRTE NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 3,`1947 HENSALL the meeting with the call to worship after which hymn "Thy Kingdom • Come, Q God" was sung. The .Scrip - d Dr. Charles Thomson, Mrs, Thom son and Louise of London were guest with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miclsle and family recently. , Mr. and Mis. G. M. Drsydale, Mrs, G. Case, Mr,- and Mrs. Relit. Middle- ton spent the weekend in Toronto. '. Mr. Sidney, MacArthur has been confined to his room owing to illness Mr. A. Pearson of Toronto visited' recently with friends here. Miss Wanda Tuckey. nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, visited recently with Mr. a'nld. Mrs. L. Baynham and Miss Helen Moir. Mr. Robert Cameron of Chatham visited at his home here recently. Rev, Kenneth .MacLean of Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, ex- changed pulpit for the evening ser- vice on Sunday with Rev. P. A. Fer- guson. Hely week services were held in the local churches this week. Communion service will be held. in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Good Friday at 11 a.m. by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. Miss Maly Ann Hoggarth, who has spent the winter months with Mrs. 3. D. Stewart. was able to re- turn to her home this week. Preparatory service will -be held in Hensall United Church on Friday evening at 8 p.m. and communion service on Sunday at 11. a.m., con- ducted by the Rev. R. A. Brook. The operetta, "Green Cheese," -which was postponed owing to wea- ther conditions, will be presented in the town hall, Hensall, on Monday, April 7th, under the direction of S. G. Rennie. This operetta comes very highly recommended and is present- ed by students of Ailsa Craig high school. The Hensall Senior Institute will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs, C. Cook on Wednes- day.day. April 9th, with Mrs. J, Mac - Reath co -hostess. The annual meeting of Hensall Member of Commerce was held re- cently at which time R. H. Middle- ton was re-elected president with Walter Spencer vice president. R. B. Cross is treasurer and G. M. Drysdale secretary. The March meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary was held at the hone of Mrs. Wm. Broom on Monday evening with Mrs. Melvin Moir co -hostess. The President, Mise Jean McQueen presided and opened HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR ture lesson Matt. 6 1 20 was rea by Mrs. L. • Baynham after which Mrs. A. Orr led in prayer. The roll call was answered by an Easter bible verse. The business was discussed and the offering received. Mrs. Chas. Forrest contributed a delightful Piano solo entitled "Narcissus". The hymn "There is a Happy Land" was sung, and Mrs. Glenn Bell very ablY presented the topic on "The Begin ning of Foreign Missions". The meeting' concluded by singtng "Arm of the Lord Awake" and Miss Jean McQueen led in prayer. .A' quiz fol: after which refreshments were served by the hostess and co -hostess assisted by Miss Violet Hyde' ' and Mis. Stewart Bell. Miss Jean Brandon visited during the past week with friends in Lon- don. Mr, Gus Voth of Detroit Spent the weekend with Mrs. Voth and family. Miss Martha Herdman returned to town after spending the'past two weeks at her home in Zurich. Mr, Mervyn Stephen was able to return home from the hospital on Sunday. Easter FLOWERS IF NOT, PHONE EXETER 276 We have Cut Flowers and Potted Plants Wear a Corsage in the Easter Parade BAILEY'S FLOWER SHOP Main St. South, Exeter, Ont. etelneree Clearing Auction Sale Card of Thanks The Forsyth family wish to ex- theirrecent bereavement • ,also to. thank those who sent flowers. ' Card of Thanks Muriel Campbell wishes to thank her many friends for the fruit, cards and treats received while she was a patient in the hospital. Also many thanks to the doctors and nurses of the hospital staff. and to those who helped in getting her home., Card of Thanks The family of the late Dominic Reynolds wish to take this opportun- ity of thanking Rev. Fr. O'Drowski' and their friends and neiglhbors for kindness and sympathy shown dur- ing the illness anddeath of their father; to those who sent mass cards and loaned cars. press their sincere appreciation to the many neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy durduring OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & FURNITURE. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer,. has received instructions to sell be nubile auction at Lot 10, Con. 2, Twp of Fullerton, 11/2. miles east of Mitchell. then 1 1-4 miles south to Gould School & 1/2 east, on Wed- nesday, April 0th. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock sharp: HORSES—Heavy draft mare 10 yea's old; bear, draft gelding, 0 years old. CATTLE --4 Durham cote fresh with calf by her side, 6 yea's old. Durham cot', fresh,. with calf by her aide, 5 years old; Durham cow, fresh with calf by her side, 4 years old Part Holstein cow due in April; 1 Durham heifer due April 20; 2 Durham heifers, 1050 lb, fat; 2 Durham steers. 1000 10, fat; 4 Durham steers, rising 1 year old. Poultry—About 00 Leghorn pullets. IMPLEMENTS --MH hinder, 6 ft. cut; MH mower, 0 ft. cut, nearly new • MH 11 hoe fertiliser seed drill; Cockahult manure spreader; steel land roller; eulf.i ator; set sleigh ; No, 7 MH walking plow Corkshutt .angle furrow riding plow; w, wagon; graver box; disc; hay rack; buggy: cutter; fanning mill; 3 see. harrow ; bay, truck; grind stone; tont puhier; electric motor 2 wheelbarrows. 1 new; 2 chop boxes:scaler; wagon box & stock reek; 22 ft. ladder; grain hags, hose blankets; Renfrew cream separator, 2 wheel hailer with stock rack. Harmers --Set double harness; .set single harness: string hells, odd collars. Fecd--250 bus. Early Alaska seed oats; 50 0 bus. wheat; 100 bus. Erban seed mats; fitone of mixed hay. FURNITURE—McClary electric range with oven; cook stove with pipes:. round extension table; dining room chairs, electric washing machine. nearly new; buffet; studio couch; 2 beds with spring & mattresses; dresser's; stands. kitchen table. couch, buffalo robe. hall rack, chest of drawers, coal heater. chine cabinet, Bellpiano, several rocket's, 2 cane rockers & chair; double chair, trllight. elee- n'to lumps, mirrors, window ehrtains, several :•mall tables, rug 0x10; pictures, Singer sew- ing machine, chamber set; dinner set, 95 pieces, kitchen utensils, granite ware. forks, shovels, spades, chains, china -were, dishes of all kinds, crocks & a host of other articles, No reserve as the fibrin is sold. Everything offered will be sold to the highest bidder. A-actioneer's decision final In ease of all disputes. Terms cash. WESLEY BROWNLEE, Proprietor. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. TOUR OWN BUSINESS ! This is very easy to establish by joining our 900 active Dealers. There 1110 splendid territories in your neighborhood where you ran make 635. to 560. n week or more. Very FREE ON RErQUEST,vtitel'AMTLEX.deDEPT, li. 1610 Delorlmier, Montreal. FOR SALE Galore seed barley, also Cartier seed oats. Frank Johnston,' phone 840 r 13, Seaforth. Card of Thanks The family of the late Duncan McNichol wish to thank friends and neighbors for the many -kind expres- sions of sympathy during their re- cent bereavement. _ Auction Sale. OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — At the residence of James Allan, Brucefield, on Friday, Anti) 11th, -at 1.50 n.m.. I walnut bedstead & springs, 2 bedroom suites, 2 other bedsteads, living -room furni- ture, 1 mahogany .settee & occasional chair,. 3 small tables, fernery, 2 rocking chairs. 2 extension tables, 6 dining -room- chairs, 1 book -ease, 1 side -board, 1 poreelatn-topped kitchen table. 1 studio couch, 1 linoleum rug 41/2x6, 1 walnut what -not, 1 tapestry rug. 80' 1 Morris chair, 1 mahogany parlour table, 1 heater, 1 range, 2. bake -cabinets, 1 bureau, 1 small chest of drawers, 1 oak hall - rack, 1 Congoleum rug 0'x'6, porch-ebair glider. 2 sets bedroom dishes. dishes, pictures, sealers and other small articles. Hot plate, electric iron, hand washing machine. Terms cash. cash. JAMES ALLAN, Proprietor. 'Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Ten pigs weighing around 140 lbs each. Apply to James McNairn, phone 660 r 2, Seaforth. WANTED 5 GIRL$ WANTED for Knitting Mant to be Located in Seaforth Applications can be made at Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Tuesday, April Sth, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. M. Ballantyne C . Ltd. FOR SALE Girl's reversible all -wool rain- coat, size 12. good as new. $5.00. May see same at Scoin's Dry Clean- er's. FOR SALE Baby's high chair. Apply at The News Office. FOR SALE York sow with 9 pigs 3 weeks old, also 8 good chunks. 100 acre pas- ture farm for sale or rent, running waer. Joe Carlin, R. R. 4, p 661 r 24, Seaforth. FOR SALE A quantity of C.A.C. 21 baa ie for seed. Ephriam Clarke, p 845 r 14. FOR SALE A number of good Yorkshire boars ready for service. George B. Eberhart. FOR SALE Seven good York pigs seven weeks old; also a brooder' stove with 52" hover, in good repair. Apply to Wm. Fotheringham, phone Clinton 628x11 AT FINNIGAN'S EASTER GLORY In -reverence of "the greatest miracle on earth" --the Resurrection, mankind created Baster Day. At Eastertinse another miracle is 'unfolded all around us; the miracle of nature renewing the glorious beauty of our land—awaking her myriads of leaves and buds and Rowers into • a• resplendent panoply of colourings. At Eastertime too, mankind, with a resurgence of new hope, loins the harmony of nature in the universal refrain: Hallelujah —From The Voice W. J. FINNIGAN & SON POSTPONED Auction Sale Auction Sale of Farm Stock & Implements. To be held at Lot 8, Con. 1, Stanley Twp., ;f, wile north of K155en, on Friday, April 11th, at 1 p.m. JOHN L. HENDERSON, Proprietor.. Harold Jackson, Auctionev. FOR SALE 17 chunks around 80 lbs; 7 pigs two months old; also 10 pigs ready to wean. Apply to Jack Flannery. Phone 40 r 14, Dublin. FARMERS CASH CROPS ON THE FARM TO -DAY ARE AT THEIR PEAK Make every acre count by using reliable Tractor Power. We have 2 FARM JEEPS, ready for the road or field, capable of handling a 62" COMBINE AT EASE, and all standard tractor implements. The next shipment will be 65.00 higher in price and hard to get. Phone 616- 34, Clinton, or see me -at: once. J. E. HUGILL, Willys Sales Seaforth, Ont. P.S.--Also have 1941 Deluxe Dodge Sedan with good tires in good shape. 1940 Hudson. Club Sedan, a beautiful car. 1930 Chevrolet Coach. 1929 Model A For(]. 1932 Plymouth Sedan. Fo1'dsol Tractor on steel, good motor. — SEE THESE AT ONCE —. POSTPONED Auction Sale OF HOUSEHIOLD EFFECTS (including antiques,of the estate of the late Alma T, Bright. At the corner of Church & James Sts., Seaforth, on - Saturday,: April 5th, at 1 p.m. sharp: ALVS'l'f W. HILLERY. Solicitors for the Estate of the late Alma T. Bright, Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Nine choice York pigs ready to wean; also a blue roan horse rising 4. William Dundas, phone 831 r 11, Seaforth. FOR SALE 1 purebred York hog and some young bred sows, for sale. T. Hickey, RR2, Dublin. FOR SALE Quantity of Galore barley and Ajax Oats. Elgin Nott, phone 847x5, Sea - forth. FOR SALE A gander for sale. Apply to Ther- on Betties. 837 r 32, Seaforth. FOR SALE f; York pigs ready to wean. Also 7 pigs. around 80 lbs. Pe -ter Me- Cowan, Seaforth, phone 836 r 3. FOR SALE A built-in cupboard in good coll- ditioil size 5 -ft. 4 in. log by 7 -ft. i in. high. 95 r 15 Hensall, Russell Consitt. HOUSE FOR SALE Dwelling on Victoria St., shingled last year, six -rooms, town water and hydro. Immediate possession. Apply to Orville Dale, N. Main St. FOR SALE Some seed peas; 1 rubber tire wagon with 4 good tires and 2 of them new; with roller 'bearings: some basswood hayrack sills 16 feet long. phone 37 r 9. Dublin, Wilfred O'Rourke. NOTICE 7 will be isining Radio Licenses for 1947 as usual. They will also be issued for me at Frank Kling's Electric Store and at Geo. D. Ferguson's' Hardware Store, for the convenience of Radio Owners that I shall he unable to call on. JOHN H. • EARLE Radio Supervisor and Issuer of Radio Licenses For the Constituency of Huron -Perth FERTILIZER We have 60 tons more ordered, all sold but a few tons. Most of this coming in next week. Don't leave your order too late. Receive now — pay April 30th. WM. M. SPROAT Phone 655r2, Seaforth TIRES 150 Used 16" Waggon • Tues, Tubes & Reliners. • Good stock of Passetlger & 16" Iulplenlent Tires. SMITH BROS. BOX 16 DUBLIN ONT. BOX ,Iungra1 rruirt AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office Residence 43 18 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hats, SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. -- Including 25 Registered Scotch Sheitho,na. At Lot 21, Corte. 7, Hibbert, 1 miles .vest of Dublin and 854 miles south, on Tuesday, April 8011, at 1 o'clock. HORSES -1 baymare rising 0, mrd 1. bay mare rising b. Clydesdale, CATTLE -25 head registered Scotch Short- hotm cattle from such famous families as Myrtle, Orange Blossom, Eliza Augusta, Roam Lady, Claret Jilt and Datchesa. These cattle are sold subject to T.B. test, having mostly come from accredited herds. All ]ieifers are vaccinated. 12 cows. 3 young bulls, 2 by fam- ous IClaymour Indemnity, and 1 by Klaymout Herald that shed top-selling female at the Russell sale; 8 heifers; also the herd sire, Braedoon Esquire, 4 Grade cows, milking, . 10 Durham steers 1,000 lb ; 10 yenrliag heifers, 4 calves. 300 Leghorn hens, laying well; GRAIN -200 bus. Cartier seed oats, 200 bus. mixed grain. IMPLEMENTS — Mew 3 furrow tractor Plough, . naw 8 ft. tandem dislc McCormick Deering; McCormick Deering electric sep- arator, 750 10 capacity, nearly new new stock trailer• never used: rubber tire wagon; set of sleighs, electric feed cooker' 50 gal. capacity; 4 range shelters, colony house. SHEEP --80 good Oxford ewes, 4 have s lambs, others Iamb in May; set of electric dinners for clipping sheep of .cattle, only used 1 season. Household Effects --1 good McCrary range. Term cash, ALLAN VIVIAN, Staifa, Proprietor, 1V. E. Nairn, Auctioneer. TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Tenders for the Erection of Bridges Tenders will be received at a Council meet- ing to be held in the Township Hall, Statfa, until three PM., Monday, Anvil 7th, 1047, for the erection of the following bridges, Opposite Lot 21, Cott. 14, approximately 00 etn1ilc yards, Opposite Lot 5. Cot, 3, approximately :10 cublc yards. Opposite Lot 10, Cot. u, approximately 39 cubic Yards. Opposite Lot 6. Con. 1, anntaximltely 80 cubic yards. Opposite Lot 17, Con. 6, approximately 50 agile yards. Township supplying the Steel Alia Cement. 'renders to be s,bmttled arcading to plans and specifications which may be obtained at the office of the Road Superintendent. A La n Si,inaccom- pany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. THOS. D. WREN. . Clerk of the Township oC Hibbert, Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements at Lot No. 11. Con. 1, Stanley Town- ship on No. 4 Highway, 1 mile south of Brucefield or 2% miles north of Kippen, on Wednesday, April 9th. at 1. p.m. sharp, the following. HORSES—Clyde mare 7 yrs. old; Belgian mate 12 yrs. old; Pere -heron. mare 13 yrs. old. CATTLE --Durham cow 4 yrs. old due time of sale;' Durham cow 6 yrs. old due time of sale; Durham cow 8 yrs. old due April 16th; Durham cow 7 yrs. old due April 17th; Dur- ham cow 5 years old due May 20th; Durham cow 10 yes. old due May 3rd; Durham heifer 2 yrs. old re- cently freshened; Durham heifer 3 yrs. old due Oct. 10th; Durham hei- fer 4 yrs. old due May 5th; Durham heifer 3 yrs. old recently freshened; Durham heifer 2 yrs. old; Durham farrow cow 5 yrs. old; Hereford heifer 3 yrs. old due time of sa]1ej 2 Hereford yearling heifers; 2 Here- ford calves. PIGS—Yorkshire sow with litter; 30 clunks approximately 75 lbs. IMPLEMENTS—M. H. binder 7 - ft. cut; Me0or'k binder 6 -ft. cut; Intternational 13 disc fertilizer drill; M. H. 13 disc drill; 3 drum steel roller; 2 drum steel roller; Oliver g- row scuffler and bean puller; M. H. spring -tooth cultivator; 4 -section barrows; -2 walking plows; 2 -furrow plow; 3 -furrow plow; one -row scuff - ler; 10 -ft. hay rake; 2 farm wagons;, flat rack; gravel box; set of sleighs and flat rack; buggy; cutter; demo- crat; fanning mill.; drum type ce- ment mixer; cutting box; set of. breeching harness; set of single har- ness; horse collars; collar tops; wa- gon sills; doubletrees; whiffletrees; neckyokes; forks; shovels; grind - stop; set of sling ropes; root pulper; logging chains; scythe; De Laval cream separator; Daisy churn; grain sacks; milk .pails and numer- ous articles, FURNITURE — 6 diningroom chairs, couch, 2 beds, springs and mattresses, Terms—Cash. No Reserve as farm is rented. ED. B -OYES, Prop. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Arthur Grenville Atkinson. All persona having claims against. the Estate of Arthur Grenville Atkinson, lateof the Village of Bayfield, Carpenter, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of 7o1 m- 019, 1047, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 16th day. of April. 1947, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned be distributed tnsamongst lhtlhesa said is will thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have not- ice, to the exclusion of all others, andthe undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice, for the assets so distributed or any .part thereof, Dated. at Seaforth this 20th day of March, 1947. H. G. MSIR, Seaforth Solicitor for .the Executors Notice to Creditors Watson & Reid INSURANCE: AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORT•H', ONT. Ali kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class, Companies, The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE -•-• SEAPORTii, Ont,. Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton. Vice President, C. W. Leouhardt, Brollhagen• Secretary -Treasurer and Manager. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald; Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore, Seaforth R R 3; Chris Leonhardt,. Bornholm; E. J. Trewertha, Clinton, John L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Blyth R R1; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich RR 2. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. MoKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance. or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. FOR SALE Eleven York pigs six weeks old. A. C. Levey -& son, R.R. 4, Seaforth FOR SALE Four sows freshing in June, Cross Tam and York. Phone 40 r 16, Dub- lin. FOR SALE Two axles, one square with wheels, suitable for wagon. Phone 667.1-13, Seaforth. Wni. Hopper. In Life Estate of Robert Edward Jackson. All persons having claims against- the Estate of Robert Edward Jackson, late of the. TOWS of Seaforth, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the lath day of February, 1547, ere hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of AprII, 1947, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of. which the undersigned shallthen have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the under signed will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or. any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 2000 day of Mooch, 1947. E. G. MSIR, Seaforth Solicitor for Executors. BABY CHICKS 01 -der your day old Chicks from a breeder Hatchery under O.B.S. super- vision. We are able to supply a limit- ed number of orders of Leghorn x Rock and Rock x Leghorn crossbreds for April and Msy delivery. Glazier Poultry Farm, phone 617r31, Clinton, R.R. #4, Ontario. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.nt., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation stay be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. 8TAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Dar, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, Univeralty of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Dng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267., NOTICE Township of Tuckersrith FOX BOUNTY Township of Tuekersmith will pay bounty on foxes killed within the Municipality at the rate of 53.00 for a• mature fox and $2.00 for a pup. Per- sons claiming bounty must produce pelt to the Clerk within two days of the killing and take the necessary affidavit. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Township of Tuckersmith. Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY ^ for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or. phone 41J. Exeter. FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD•'DISABLED OR DEAD CAME • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Prempfly and EFFiciendy"Removed Simply Phone Collect - Et n MITCHELL 219 'A - STRATFORD 215 INGERSOLL 21 WE DO THE REST WILLIAM STONE SODS ,1NGE.R Ot,L„ANTS► IC? + . G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Afljustable Hos: pital Bed for rent0Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 JOSEPH L. RYAN AUCTIONDER License(] in Huron and Perth Specializing in Farm Stock and Farm Implements, and Household Effects For information phone 40 r 6, Dublin FRANK KIRKBY Licensed Auctioneer Satisfactiotl guaranteed. Reasonable rates Phone: Seaforth 842 r 24. Address—Walton, R. R. 4 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres.,' WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice -Pres., ANGUS.SI'NCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Kir'kton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON Cromarty JOHN MCGRATII Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY .. leirkton, R, 1 AGENTS , ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY -TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS Exeter SOLICITORS Gladnsan & Cochrane, Exeter E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 FOR SALE Modern House, Barn with 21 acres, make good Poultry Farm, • close to Town. Prompt possession. 150 Acres, Brick House, Silo, other good buildings, 30 Acres Bush. Town- ship of Tuckersnnith. Prompt posses-. Sion, 1E. C. Chamberlain, Real Estate Broker & Insurance Phone 334 or 220, Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies(rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed en- velope with price list. 6 samples 25c; '24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order , Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., 91, Hamilton, Ont.