HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-03-27, Page 7CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED ' LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS We now have a oompleto stook' O1 all. Lightning Rod Materials on 'hand and can supplyl nmedlato. delivery. Why not write' and enquire about ' -a dealershipfor your, territory? Our .equipment 1s the best on the market and Our pr1000'most neuron - able. The B. Philips Co. Ltd.. 200 Male St., Toronto. BABY CHICKS SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery, book your oder to -day at the following price,. Unsexed Chicks. 130'1. Puncta 822.00; Cox 00: Leghorn X dHamm, uneoxed. 1201 Pullets 26e; Cox 80, Pull- orum-'rested Gov't. Approved Stools 91,00 Down, balance on delivery. BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY Box 256, Elmira, Oht. GOVERNMENT APPROVED Chick s. Hatching Eggs. Leghorn, Rook Hamm - rock Hybrids, Day 010, Started. Sherin- dale Farms, Woodbridge. Ont. TWO WAYS to assure - chick profits, Order Twaddlechicks and order early. Twaddle chicles aro lons-tlme favourite. with poultry rateers. I1 you ordernow. We protect you againstprice changes. Let Prlbem rise or fall before delivery, you'll , pay only the lower price, And you wilt be sure to avoid costly delays in getting started.. 'You'll have the kind of chicks you want when you want them. Tweddls Chicks are all approved from pullormn- tested stock. Egg producers and meat Producers. youcan depend on them being Profit producers In a big way. Pick any popular breeds or some of our fine cross bred*. You'll set 100% 1110 delivery of f9ne, healthy, lively chicks. Send at once for interesting free catalogue. Also .two and three- week oldstartedohlcks for Immediate delivery.. Twaddle" Chick Hat- oheries. Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yee, that le what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks, Alt breeders aro 100 per cent free from pullorum. Order your chicks now diredt from this ad and not bo disappoint- ed. Tom Barron Legho'ns, 512,00 per 100. Pullets $24.00 Barred Rock Mixed 512.00 per 100. Pullets 021.00. Whlto Rock `Mixed 916,00 per 100. Pullets 800.00, Brown Leg- horn Mixed 914.00. per 100. Foliate 526,00. Leghorn -Rock Mixed 812.00 00r 100, Pul- late 020,00. Red -Rock I•Iybrid 512.00 per 100. Pullets 521.00. Special pi'Icee on ethic - orals. Guarantee 100 per cent live delivery to your station, 51.00 down, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- tario - - HEAVY COCICERELS 05.00 per 100, Hollywood leghorn pullets 024.00 per 100, Sussex and Red Sussex pullets 920.00, Barred Rock, N.H. Red .and legroc and redroc hybrid pullets, 020.00. Big Huske guaranteed to live chicks from blood - tested pullorum free hens. Chinks sired by 250-300 e6» males with high egg records for past 10 generatIon0. Their Inherited egg laying ability added to their extra health and vigor make them the bigkent chicle bargain for 1047. Write for pricelist or order direct from this ad. We can skip twice each week during Aprih 19003' and June. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. CATCH UP on the season with some of our troll started two and three week old started non -sexed, pullet and cockerel chicks, Immediate delivery. Send for special prices. Tweddls Chide Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Special Low Prices on day old and start- ed. Thousnds weekly. Assorted heavy breed cox Sc. Oyerhateh Assorted chicks 10c. Also 2.3 week old cockerels. Send for -Special Price List, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. BABY CHICKS. Government banded and blood tested, 13nrr1n strains, S. C. White Leghorn and B. P. Rocks. Acton Poultry Farm, Box 573, Acton, Ont. STARTED -day old, chicks, pullets, ethic - carets, non -sexed. Various breeds, in- cluding N.H.. Black Australorps. L.5, X N.FI. Don't wait MAUL spring rush, con- tact us goon. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. ROC$ PULLETS 010.00 per 100, Order May chicks now, barred rock. N.H. Red. Sussex and hybrid pullets 023.00 per 100, Hollywood leghorn nutlet., 12.4.00, hexa» cockerels 06.00 per 100. 3310 Husky livable chicks hatched from ale eggs, sired by 260.500 egg male*. Order from this add or write for circular Blg Rack harm, . Tillie Roches, Ont, FOR IMMEDIATE delivery. Buy Super- ior quality Extra Profit chicks. Our chicks nee .pure-bred and healthy. Coming from (looks Inspected, approved Or certi- fied blood -tested breeders. The reproduc- ers are R,0.13, or descending from cockerels. assuring at the same time healthy and vigorous chloks, well known for 107109 large eggs from 24 to 82 emcee per dozen. Large White Leghorn, Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Red, Rhode Island Red, White Rocks. 00931110000, White Sus- sex, WhIfe Wyandotte., Auotralbrps and Hybrids, Barred Rock X New Hampshire. White Sussex X Nety Hann/shire Red. mixed chicks, cockerels or pullets only. 10 free cktcks will be given free, with eachorder of 100 day-old mixed chicks, If you take immediate delivery. To tape advantage of thle 10 freechicks, this ad must accompany' your order. Send order. We'll shin Immediately. Wilfrid Lefebvre, 2026 Amhurst. St., Slonh'enl 24. 100 CHICKS FREE With every order o0 100 pullet chicks we It Rook ivec00 hicks tse 02195. Whit choice Pullets 026.95, White Leghbrn ,,Pullets 354.06. Brown Leghorn Pullets 826.96; Red -Rock Hybrids, 821.96. Leghorn -Rock hybrids. 926.06, All chicks sold are from blood tested sloth, badged by high pedigreed stock. 01.00 books your order. Balance Guaranteed Delivery. Kent,Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario.. BABY 0010143 2, 4 & 6 WEEK OLD PULLETS Also mixed chicke and m01E01010, All rale- ' od' In brandnew air conditioned brooder Plant under Ideal conditions. Send. for Weekly Special . Lint'. of . started.' chl'cIoO. Lakeview Poultry harm,:.. Exeter, Ontario, 10c HURONDALE CHICKS 12c Pure Sussex, 5useex x Hamm, Rock x Ramps, Barred Rooks' and New flambe. mixed ,ohicks 12c, pullets 24e. Leghorn., Rook z Leghorn. Sussex x Leghorn., and Leghorn x Hamm, mixed - chcke 120, pullets 21c. All breeders double .bloodtsat- od and banded. Backed by pedigreed foun- dation stock. Many cuatemer0 report- "Beet eport"Beet Chicks I Ever Hail," STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 weeks '01d add 40, 3 .weells old gad 10o, 4 teethe old 090 15c, 5 weeks oldadd200, 0 weeks old 600 each for this week and next only. 4c HEAVY COCKERELS 6c *teat T7Pe New Hamm. 4c, other heavy breeds. 60, Assorted Heavy Cockerels 40. 2 weeks old add 4c. These bargain cook - rel prices for: this week and next only, OVERHATCH CHICKS 9c Our choice' of breedor breeds in heavy or light. Breeds. Here's your chance to 'get good chicles cheep. 100 % 111'0 delivery guaranteed. 01.00 per 100 deposit. Or- der from and enclose tide ad, or send for Price List, 3000 8 TO 10 WEEK OLD PULLETS for delivery April 1st, .also 4 and 9 week olds for prompt dellveat,.. All -rais- ed in brand new brooding plant under ideal conditions, all floor raised. Here's your opportunity to get 'in on the eerie high priced egg markets. Lakeview .Pout - try harm, .Exeter, Ontario. HATCHERY Approved Baby Chicks from blood.tested Government inspected Bleeders, Satisfootlon. guaranteed. Pure Breeds, Barred Rock, 'White Legh0rns & Rhed el0lnnd Reda, HI Bred Red x Rock, Red x bight Sussex & Leghorn x Barred Rock, 511xtd 12c,heavy pullets 220, Leg- horn millets 24c, Cockerels 40, All high Production strains, Available now, der old and started. Entine ad' and 10 per chide deposit, balance C.O.D. -Blenheim.- Retell- cry.& Poultry Breeding' Farm, Blenheim, Ont. - BAGAIN PRICES on -started cockerels tv1111e they last. Three n'eelc old Burred Reek. New I4ammeare X Barred 'flock 12.96. Assorted Heavy 11.05. 4 week -old add $2.00 per hundred 'to above prices.• Large Egg Quality add $1.00. Specially Selected add 52.011. Shinned C.O.D, This advertisement must accompany ynur or- der to receive these special prices. Top Notch' Chiokertee. Gue10h, Ontario. ORDER TOP NOTCH chicles .for Top notch profits this year - .. and order now. An early order makes sure - that you wilt Cave the k;nd of elticka you: want on the date you wont them. 51ore than that, 1t protects YOU against change in prtoes. Whether prices rise or drop before delivery, we give Yon Lull n000altnge of the lowest' price. Ton. Notch chicks' are big egg 0nd meat producers, all. approved ' from pulkarunlLOlted sleek of 'known high production and livable:1y. You'll never regret ordering all the Top Notch ohlcks You can handle . now. A wide variety: of pure breeds and »rood breeds to .e310000 fl'Onl .311 carefully selected. husicY, healthy, money -making ng ba„ls. Write now for our Interesting Top Nol.h rateingue. Alen IWO and three week chi started. Was, Top Notch Cbidterle0, Guelph, HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY London, Ont. RELIABLE CHICKS Bred -to -Lay Barred Rocks $12.60, Plts, 514:00. 5,0,00'. Leghorn -012.00. Pits. $24.60. White Giants 810.60 an Batched. L x BR 012.00. New Ramps 914.30. Flt*. 824:00, Immediate delivery day or week old. 1207 from a hatchery that has served the poultry: raiser for over 26 fears. Satis- fied cuetoaiera keep You in. business. 5Iil- lers Chick Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. BABY CHICKS AND - STARTED CHICKS Our prions for Baby Chicks end Started Chicks will surprise You. All Chlek0 from blood tested stock, Carleton Hatch. y, Britannia Heights. Ont,. ELECTRIC BROODER Chronlnlox Healer. Just plug it M. Beet method of blooding. Either power cycle. Delivered your station 8122,05. Buy direct front us and save money. Compare price with other brooders, Place your order now and avoid disappointment. Your money refunded If you can equal this value. Send cheque or money order to Gordon's Equipment, Dundallc, Ontario. DIEING' AND CLEANING HAVE YOU - 007011ng 'needs dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. Ws are glad to answer your questions. De - nutmeat II, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 701 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRE Farm, 83500. - Large Barn, Heaven, Granary and House, aecend Kenyon Alexandria. Alexander. De Prato, 428 Sunnyside, Ottawa. F011 SALE ATTENTION FARSILrltS FOR SALE -Tractor Tires, made of rub- ber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels, 015.00 each, rear wheels; 07,00 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd„ 5 Wiltshire Are., Toronto, .Ont, BOOKS BY MAIL We offer specialized service, advice and p10011,t attention to ar'dere for every available boolc. Send for our recommended 11ot, The Book Trud, 21 Coetlelch BIvd,, Toronto. BUTTON HOLES & DARNING Now made easy 111111 10 -In -1 sewing ma - thine attachment Pilo any make. Sews baekwarde, forwards, any direction. Setae on buttons, zippers, dame children's work oiothe., atoddngs, etc, Illustrated In- structlono, button kola gauge, hoop, ruler. scissors sharpener,. needle threader 81.00 pes1Oald or C.O.D. plus charges. Two In ono rugmaker' end Iientstitcher, fits any make 760, 'With. complete order at 81.76 we Include free. Invisible meneing tape for suits, drawees, leather goods, hot water bottles, etc. Repair parte for all make. sowing meehlnee. Human Sewing Ma- chine Co., 12405, 87th St„ Edmonton, Alta„ Dept 01. CANOE CANVAS Ali weights and widths a10o copper nails, tacks and canvas filler. Write for prices. Jahn Leckie Limited,77 Wellington Street W., Toronto. • CONCRETE BLOCIC Machines, 200 to 240 Blocks hour, others hand or power 46 to 100 hour, Brlelc machines, Batch Mixers any size, Motors and Gas Engines. Madi- 005 Equipment Ca, Madison, Tenn, CANVAS COVERING Heavy White Duck waterproofed with light rubber coating one side 00 Inch.. Wide 51.25 yard, Suitable for Callon Dunk. Ground. Sheets, Roof or Deck Covering. Full rolle 100 yards special price. Seethed In Tarpaulins, sturdy, Ions Wearing, com- plete with tie ropes 12e square foot, Write for sample John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington St. W., Toronto, CHOICE Hereford Buil (Service -age) by "Ringwood Mixer Tone," 4good Fe - amine, 3 Yorkshire Sows (Registered) due April. Dundas Hereford Fame, R 5, Dundee, Ont. DECREASING 5TOCK by '36 mature Angora Doe. and Bucks, All fine smilers. Breeding lines from some of Ontario's' bust Angora Rabbits. Cages and equipment if deelred, For further particutars write Box 10, Orono. DUCiCL'NGS, We still have limited quantities of whle Pekin dueklings and hat0Bing eggs available weekly. Write for prices, Bummed Farm, Dept. W., Maple. Ont. FUR COATS from 852. Repairs $6 up. Capes, -neckpieces, other bargains, Write Dept. W. The Furriery, 1276 Queen West, Toronto, GLADIOLI, 125' Varieties, Largo at 60 and un, 100 Medium Good Assortment Prepaid 83.76, "Catalogue Free". Moore and Parker, 175 Shaw St., Toronto. GALORE BARLEY Commercial No. 1: Shinned 0,0.D. anywhere to Ontario, 81.20 bushel. Sachs free, Joseph Leen,, Jarvis, Ontario. MAKE your bicycle a motor -blew, Wluzzer 2% horse pewee bicycle motor oomplete with gas tante. All fittings and controls 8133.50 with Instructions or 5150.00 corn- pletely installed. Rae 6, Watson, 257 Wellington Street, London, 01100,10, Of- ficial Motorcycle Headquarters for West- ern Ontario. 1'RE5111111 strawberry plants. ICel1Oggs strain and Senator Dunlops.. All sorted plants. Write for prices. James Van Meer. ColIIogwObd, Ontario. PORTABLE Arc Welder, gas driven, 400 amps, A-1 condition for rent or take creation welding. Advertiser, Box 626, Fort Erie, Phone 2028, RHUBARB ROOTS FOR SALE Colada RMI, Developed by the late O. F. Chipman. One oe the best varieties. Stems dark red clear to the heart. Makes the sweetest, flneet fla0o'ecl, beautiful red saucefor dessert, pies or shortcalceo. Price each 700, per 000 or over 65c .each, per 1.,000 or over 000 each plus chipping charges. Please advise earliest chipping date. J. E, Garland. Elgin Mills, Ontario. RETREAD TIRES, alt sines, Coed as new. Firestone design. ;Vrito ter price 01st, Prince Tire Shoe, 771 St. Clair W., Toronto, STRAWBERRY' PLAINTS, D.uolan Glen- miry, len- mm , Thous:Mal 812.00 Premier. Ssm- piebu0lcr 015.00 010100101, Order eons'. Casa Earl Bower, NomedvIllr. Ont. S51ALI. M19TAl, eumnpines made In oder, nromnt delivery. Capital Metal Ind, Ltd, 12 St. Patrick St., Toronto, 050. FOR SALE SERVICA.130o00 HOLSTEIN Show' Bull. Sire by Emperor out of high record Pathfinder dam. Alco nine months ea1f. Damn queened, Lloyd R. Farrier, 3 Portia, Ont. TIRES - We aro OverotOclted at the present of good used trade -ill lives (guaranteed to be in excellent shape). - 600 x 16 $5.00 Alt orders shipped C.O.D. Special equip• maulfor vulcanising: Truck and Farm Tractor Tires.- BEACON TIRE corner Queen and York ONTARIO'S t hint. hives' MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted TARPAULINS - Sturdy brown or 101:0111 Duck Waterproofed Covers with, tie ropes, all weights. Write for -quotations and samples. John Leckie, 77 Wellington St. W., Toronto. - WOOD BROTHERS TIHRESHER Com- pany, 7111 & Halifax, Regina, Saek,. Limited number of cornplckers for 1947. First come .first served. Write es for threshers, combines,' aornpiotcere, repair.. TOILETS FOR FARMS, SCHOOLS SUMMER cot- tages and camps. - Can be either with or without running Water, Caustic Sanita- tion Ltd., 21 Ridley Boulevard, Toronto. TYPEWRITER -Standards and Portables, Guaranteed A-1 condition, eacrlfloe. Write for particulars to 222 51oIntyre Block, Wienlpeg, Manitoba. VEGETABLE MARSHLANDS AT BRADFORD READY TO PLANT -- IRRIGATED FOR. SALE, RENT 011 SSIARECROP COLBAR MARSH GARDENS LTD. APPLY B. B. 00LL10908. BRADFORD, ONTARIO. TELEPHONE 8. 159 YEARS Calendar, beginning from 1846 to 2003, Most useful to every trade. aorta, home and family, 35c. Three copies 81.00, postpaid, john Ehrenrelch, P.O. Box 246, Montreal. Que. HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson me- thod. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acade- my. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. OELP WANTED WOMAN to cook at Tourist Lodge from early 5fay to October 15th. State age. experience and 0.0500 expected. Write A. W, Nico11, 13antlstc, Ontario. YOUNG WOMEN To train as Nurses' Aides, Position guar- anteed If satisfactory. Comfortable living and working conditions. Good, salary while leering. Health supervision, lectures and patient care combined. Uniforms supplied. Generous pension plan. Apply Supt, of Nurses. Toronto Hospital. Weet0n. RELIABLE NURSEMAID, small family. good home. Willing to live out of ioWn. ' References, Write 'errs. M. T. 'Varner, 26 McCune Drive, St, Catharine*, Ontario. Phone 1183W collect. EXPERIENCED married man for dairy farm; top wages; all conveniences; on highway; also single man. Harry W. Stewart, R.R. 1, St. Catharines, Ont. 51EDIOAL GOOD RESULTS -Every sufferer from Rheumtalo Pants or Neuritle should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 336 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. RELIEVES PAIN from Rheumatism or costs you nothing. Rheum Aspro will re - Wave you. 11001 Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, etc. 51.00 nor box, Satisfaction guaranteed. International Drug Product., 7222 Dimon Ave., Montreal, '16, Quebec. 2 FAMOUS REMEDIES unexcelled for 20 years again obtainable b7 Inalh NOX KIDNEY FLU5HER5 selected for backache, rheumatism, headache, drowsi- ness, postpaid 81.00. GASTRONOX scientific stomach .powder, aids Indigestion, gas sourness, destroys bacteria, postpaid 51.00. SAVE 25o send this .advertisement with your order. Deduct 260 from the prices listed above. NOX LABORATORIES Dept. 1V,P., 863 Yampa St.. Toronto, 31EDI0AL TRY 1T1 Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis shodl4 try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpold 51.00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema raebes and weeping skin. troubles. Poet's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching,scaling, burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and athlete'. foot. will reopond,roadily to this stainless, ordorlcee ointment, regardless of how stubborn en hopeless they lney seem. PRICE 31,00 PER JAR Sent Post Free, on Reo010t of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E.. Corner of Logan Toronto TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro• mngnotlem for Arthritis, Rheumatism, Insomnia. 'rorlooee Veins and other circu- latory ailmehts,. Free explanatory parnph- lets from Coopeltemedice, Ycnge Street, Toronto. MUSICAL 1NSTRC0IENT8 FRS' A, BODDINGTCN- buys, sells, ex- changes musical instruments. 111 Church, Toronto 2, OFFER TO INV10N'CGR5 AN OIr1FER to every Inventor• -List of Invention.and full Information sent free. The Ramsay ''Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, OPPORTUNITIES FOR 1V00111IN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Grant Opportunity Learn hairdressing Plea0nnt dignified profession, good wage., thousands. suOconstul. Marvel graduatee. America's greatest fasten, Illustrated catalogue free. Write or Call 50ARVEL HAIIIDRESSING S01'IOOLS 858 Blom St, W., Toronto Branches 41 Tung St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street -Ottawa, BIG FOUR - AT EASE Ernest Bevin of England, George C. Marshall of U.S., V. M. Molotov of Russia, and Georges 'Bl- dault of France (left to right) relax in the Soviet Aviation Industry Building in Moscow between ses- sions oP the Big Four Conference. Better To Help Turkey Now Than Rescue Her Later Qualified informants in Istanbul say Turkey must have American financial aid if it is to keep its army of nearly 1,000,000 men fully mobilized as a barrier against pos- sible Russian encroachments. Turkey has been on a full mobilization status for seven years. More than 60 per cent of its total national income goes to maintain the army, most of which stands guard along the Turkish -Russian border east of the Black Sea and on the Turkish -Bulgarian frontier, where it shields the strategic Dar- danelles. The Turks say the cost of keep- ing so many men under arms 1s so heavy that it is draining the nation's fiscal resources and jeop- ardizing its economic structure. This has caused the nation to abandon plans for industrialization of its economy, which is held to be imperative if Turkey is to de- velop a "decent economic order." The building of highways, rail- roads, hospi' ls, and schools also has been neglected. "A weak Turkey could only in- vite trouble," one Government spokenlan commented. "It would be more far sighted and much less costly in the long run to help her today than have to try to rescue her at some later day." Despite the country's heavy military expendi- ture, its army at present is not well equipped, The „Turks maintain they are the only 1t)EJghhor Russia has that has consistently and emphatically re- sisted all Soviet pressure which they felt tended toward expansion. They have steadfastly refused to allow Russia a share in defense of the vital Dardanelles. PA'TEN'TS FETHERSTON,tUCII & Company Patent Sollottore. Established 1300. 14 King, West, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL L001C1 1 510 reward for any hatch we cannot repair; best workmanship; writ - ton guarantee, Atlas Watch Repair Co., Box 91, Station "0", Montreal. "ELIJAH Coming Before Christ." Won- derful book free. Megiddo scission, Ro- chester, 11. N.Y. INVENTIONS protected In 30 days. Cost 101.0. Detalls free. Patent Newts, Box 4246-13, Washington 11, D.C. STOP S500ICING. without taking 01ythine internally or using any will power) Send 40. addressed envelope for information. Pierre 442 13111ce Building, Edmonton 6, Alberta. BIBLE Beast 060 Revealed! IC01' book with copy Our. Witness 100. Pickering Press, Galt, Ontario. PHOTOGRAPHY COMET PHOTO SERVICE One nteed 100 per roll. Mail a Reprints3c each. 0 xx n5nCold- en Septa Mounted 09c. Box 0, Postal Sta- tion D, Toronto,.. - REPRINTS 3c EACH Si;ND2 ENT,ARC EalLeD0718250NEGATIVES 4 x 8 in Folder Mounts Any 51ze Roll -9 or 8 Texpnenres Enlargements Developedframed and 7PrintedGold, Silver. 280 Walnut or Blacks finish 74c if picture coloredWe malco prints and enlargements from prints of lost negatives. DEPT. 87. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE nos 129, r1ST OFXIC70 A. TORONTO WATOIOEB - CLOW WATCHES-- CLOCKS REPAIRED 1 week oei'v1ce, 111100 81.00 00. Full» Guaranteed Send to OTTAWA WATCHMAKERS, 782 Gladstone, Ottawa, Ont. w,txritf WANTED -All kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry. Dept.. 2064 Danforth Ave., Toronto 6. (We do eastern grading). ISSUE 13-1947 700,000 Employed In U.K. Coal Mines Nearly 700,000 persons are ern- ployed in British- coal mines. This is twice as many as are employed in the bituminous coal alines of the United States, says The Chcago Tribune. Our 350,000 miners pro- duce three tinges as much coal as Britain's 700,000 miners do, The average output per miner is one ton per day in Britain and six tons per day in the United States, If American miners turned out 110 more coal on the average than British miners do, it would take two million men to obtain our present supply. If prices remained the same as they are, the miners here could be paid only $2.50 a day. Still Missing Tapioca -it's good, isn't it -but what does it conte from and Where has it been all during the war? It is made from the cassava plant and is highly refined. Chief source of supply is Java, which was overrun by the Japanese Who uprooted plants and damaged refineries. So long as Java remains as it is now -politically and economically un- settled -tapioca hill be messing from the grocer's shelves. -Christian Science Monitor, Exchange Students An exchange of university stu- dents between Switzerland and Canada is one of the plans of the Swiss minister to this Dominion, Dr. Victor Nef, as he explained to the Swiss colony in Toronto re- cently. Another is an exchange of films. TRUSS EXPERTS FOR 80 YEARS Our Truss making experience ex- tends over 80 years.. Place yourself In our hands and enjoy the com- fort and security assured by the most modern skilled methods of mechanical assistance. • �����IIIII�IIII011101111u� WEAR A 'PRCS9 MADE AND F117115 la FOR P015 BY *a� AUTHORS ex COMM J*A PHO CE EH LenN7TORONTO 22 GETTING OP AT NIGHT? How miserable you feel when your sleep is disturbed. Tired, achey, listless all day long. Why not take Gin Pills -an old reliable remedy for relieving kidney trouble? Com- pounded to help soothe and tone up the kidneys Gin Pills arc sold on a satisfaction -or -money -back basis. PILLS Regular size, 40 Pills Economy size, 80 Pills JUST PAT IT ON! ozat (In the U.S.A. ask for Gino P,Iis) National 0011 &Chemical Company of Canada, Untied MUTT AND JEFF Speaking of Fish Aristocracy, I'm of the Fishers By BUD FISHER I'M SICK AND TIRED OF TAKING CARE OF MUTTS' C3OLDF ISH FOR NIM! MUTT, I'M THROUGH SEINE A CHAMBERMAID FOR YOUR GOLDFISH, IT'S A NUISANCE! "-AND I JUST DREW uP' MY WILL YESTERDAY AND REMEMBERED YOU IN IT FOR YOUR KINDNESS To MY `7 FISH! Yeti DSD?-‘ WHAT CMA LEAVING) ME? / THE GOLDFISH! • THESE ARE VERY VALUABLE FISH!' THEY COME FROM AN ARISTOCRATIC FAMILY,1 CERTAI?iLY! TRW, ANCESTORS SWAM OVER HERE UNDER 'THE !'YFLOWER! WAIT .;EFF! islye■