The Seaforth News, 1947-03-20, Page 8TE[E SEAFORTH NEWS
,Evening Auxiliary 'Meets
The regular meeting of the Even=
ing Auxiliary of the Henson United
Church took place at the home o£
Miss Mory 'Goodwin last Monday
evening, March 10th, with Miss Bar
bora Michie presiding. Following the
theme songthe hymn "Work for
the night is coming" was sung, Re-
marks given by the president: Mrs.
Wesley Jones conducted the devo-
tional exercises consisting of scrip-
ture, prayer, and comments pertain-
ing to Christian ' Stewardship. The
next hymn was "We've a story to
tell to the Nations Minutes read.
Offering received, ,The roll call was
answered with "Duties of Christian
Stewardship. The everyday' cards
were distributed among members.
The next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Russel Broderick with
Mrs. Jack Corbett assisting. The de-
votionalewill be taken by Mrs. •
Hyde. Roll call, "Messages of
Spring". Miss Michie will takethe
study. Social committee are Mrs.
Broderick, Mrs. Corbett, Mrs. Jones
and Mrs. Shaddick. Chapter 3 of
study book on India "Labor" was
interestingly discussed by Miss Mar-
garet Glenn. The closing hymn was
"There is work to do for Jesus"
after which the mizpah benediction
was repeated. The hostess assisted
by Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Shortt, Mrs.
Jones, Miss Tate and Miss Luker,
served a dainty lunch. There was 'a
goodly. attendance.
The Chamber of Commerce are
sponsoring a Variety Show in the
Town hall, ,Hensall, on Wednesday, Elk River, DakotanoRev. George Par -
March 19th, proceeds to be used for Parish,North
Paul, Minn,. Rev, Her-
-beet Parish, Chicago, Irl. Ml's. Par-
ish's husband predeceased her.
While the fancily were still very
young Mr. and Mrs. parish waived
West to Manitoba, then later to the
the guests of the Young People of United States. Aftertee Rmehist v. Parish's
Caven daysbyter ng Church, Kennedy retfinally made their horse in Pine
Monday evening. Mr. C. Ken 3
presided. over the program. Rev. P. �assedMawas��' where ,Mrs. Parish
A. Ferguson read the scripture. Rus -i 3
set Moore led in prayer. Mrs. C.1 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith and
Kennedy accompanied at the piano' family of Hamiltonpentmeo Week
for the singing. of the hymns, Mr., end with
iMi.and children Mrontgomery.
Jeckell, controller of the Yukon,' -
who is visiting in Exeter, was intro for a couple weeks.
duced by Rev. K. MacLean and gave; Mr. Rae Holman of Peterborough
an interesting discourse on the Yu-, is family.visiting Mrs, R. E. Davidson and
ken. Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs. Chas. IMrs. Glen Prvice and children
Forrest played a piano duet. Rev. I days es Seaforth owing
Sanderson Presented lantern slides' spent a few a)
and gave an address on "Bees"I to the illness of her mother, Mrs.
which was much enjoyed. Refresh- Shaw. • •
cents were served at the close. A Mrs. Kenneth Beattie attended
vote of thanks was extended to the' the trouseau tea of her cousin, Miss
Exeter Society by the president of Dorothy Hudson, on Wednesday,
the Hensall Society, Mr. C. Kennedy., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bolger and
The W.M.S. of Hensall 'United children were visitors at Mr. and
Church met in the school -room of Mrs, Thomas Pryee.
Lurch on Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Little are
teith and Monteith, Bell Telephone,
Armstrong Anderson Co., same con-
sidered and filed.
Mr.. Win. Church who has been
visiting his parents at Bedford, Eng-
land, arrived hone March Gth. Com-
ing to Walton, he was met by his
neighbours who escorted him home
by team and sleigh on account of the
roads; being blocked by snow.
Circle' 2 met at the home of. Mrs.
Wilson Campbell ' on March 12th
where a Pleasant afternoon was
spent '-quilting, ten members 'were.
present. A delicious lunch was serv-
ed by the hostesses, Mrs. W, Camp-
bell, Ml's. L. Bolton and Mrs. W,
Miss May Shortreed of Morris
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Hawley, last week.
Mrs. J. McClure's many friends,
were pleased to learn she had at-
tained her. 85th birthday on March
120. She is hale and hearty.
Word has been. received from Rev.
Earnest Parish of St. Paul, Minneso-
ta, that his mother, Mrs. J. J. Parish
passed away 00 March 5th in her
93rd year. She was born at Lewis-
ton, New York, April 9th, 1854, and
was married to John J. Parish at
Winthrop, Ont., August Gth, 1873..
There were nine children born to
them. Pour girls, Sarah and Lena de-
ceased, Mrs. Thompson (Nettie) Ed-
monton, Alta., Mrs. Kinderdine
(Minnie) New Mexico. Also five
sons, all ministers, Rev. Samuel
Parish, deceased, Rev. ,T•ohn Parish,
community work. Feature
program will be a ventriloquist, im-
mpersonator, piper and tap dancer,
soloist and pianist.
The Young People's Society of
Carmel Presbyterian Church were
Don't forget the play, "Betty, the
gal of my heart" presented by
vide United Church, on Thursday
James St Young People in the Mims
Elimville North Farm Forum was
held. Monday eveninfi, March 17th at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Johns with 19 present. Subject for
the evening was "Who will farm in.
the future?" Next meeting will be
the•last for the season held at the.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Johns.
Discussion will be a review.
On Friday, 'March 14th.• a -kitchen
shower was given in honour of Miss
Isabelle Cooper at the home of Mrs.
Harold Kerslake. Isabelle was shown
to a beautifully decorated chair by
the hostess after which Miss Mardon
Murch read the address. Isabelle had
tobreak seven balloons to find, her
gifts after which she spoke a few
words thanking them for their good
wishes and useful gifts. Then she
was showered with confetti and
everyone sang "For, she's a jolly
good fellow". A 'song followed, then
a contest which caused much
laughter. Lunch was served at the
Frank TufTin is recovering, from
a successful operation at St. Joseph's
hospital, Loudon, and expects to re-'
turn home the end of this week.
Card of Thanks
Mrs. Janes O'Sullivan and family
of St. Columba!) wish to thank their
many friends and neighbors for ex-
pressions of sympathy during their
recent sad bereavement, those who
gave Mass cards and sent floral tri-
butes, also those who kindly loaned
their ears or helped in any way.
Auction Sale
Auction Sale of Farm Stock & Lnplements.
To be :held at Lot 3, Con, 1, Stanley Twp„
3i mile north of Iiippen, en Thursday, March
2755, at 1 pan..
CATTLE—Holstein co,6. years old, due
time of sale; Holstein cow '6 years: old, due
end April; Holstein cow 8 years old, : due' end
Anvil; Durham cow 8. years old, due first. of
April; - brook cow 6 rears -old, due April ;
black now 4 years old, due April Durham
heifer with calf, bred Feb, - 12th ; Durham.
heiferwith calf, bred Jan. 5)3), black heifer
mincing, bred Jon. 25th; 1 fat heifer; 1 baby
beef ;,8 Durham steers rising 2 years old; 2
Durhath steers '1,/ years old; eleven yearl-
ings, 2 fat steers; one calf.
IMPLEMENTS -6M,!• ft: mower, hay loader,.
Massey Harris seufnor & pullet ; harrow otu't,
mamma spreader; tongue for binder; 2 white
ash plank 3. inch 'thick, 12" wide, 11 ft.- long
Massey Harris .cutting box;, stub tongue for
wagon ; 4 steel., wheels for wagon ; seeddrill.
wagon. Harness & Horse collars,
Terms cash,
00111,1 L. I•IENDERSON, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements, At Lot 0,.
Con. 10, I•Iullett Twp., 4 -miles east of Lon-
desboro, on Wednesday, March 26th, at 1 p.m.
CATTLE -1 cow fresh In Dec.;1 cow fresh
March ; cow to freshen in April; . cow due in
May; cow' to freshen in. June; heifer 7 year
old.; 2 steers 1 year old; 2 farrow cows. 5 &
6 years old, 6 baby beef, 1 calf.
IMPLEMENTS -10-20 International tractor
ar, steel ; seed. drill;- 10" two -furrow plow ; '.5
ft, one way disk. good as new; cultivator
Massey Harris hay loader; 7 ft, Massey Ilar-
ris binder: 1 horse lake, 6 ft mower on rub -
her, manure spreader grinder 8"; wagon
International fertiliser drill; hay rack 10',4
ft.; wagon box, rake; 4 section hartrowa;
cutter; fanning mill.; - 2,000. 16 set scales;
cream: separator, grlvanisedtrough; circular
Saw; crosscut sow swede saw ; .post holo
digger - corn planter; cent ]rook; l scythe;
stone hoar h s;;ing chains; 24 ft. grain pipo,
chaff -blower; breeching harness; set single
harness 4 collars, pair clippers, boring
machine and bits : ladder, 2 wagon axles,
wheel haurw; chicken shelters, forks. shovels.
Mixed (,rv.,e,
Household Effects — Sideboard, dressers,
washstands, beds, springs, couch, toilet -sets,
chairs. tables, rockers, organ, hanging lamp,
Aladdin & oil, box stove. new Quebec
heater; crocks, churn, sealers, .dishes, pails,
Numerous :other articles,.
Terms east]
.. SOL SHANNON, Proprietor,
Harold. Jackson, Auctioneer.
Card of Thanks Auction Sale
We would like to express our'
thanks and appreciation- for the
many acts of kindness and sympathy
shown especially to Miss Dunn Dr.
be held Monday, March 31st, at 1 pan. 1 mile
west of red. tavern corner, Tuekersmith.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Stapleton, neighbours and others Clearing Auction Sale
HORN CATTLE. Horses, Implements w Seed
Grain.—At Lot 83, Con. 1, East Wawanosh
Twp.. 2 miles east of Auburn, on the County
Rend, Monday, March 24, commencing 1 p.m,
--- Clyde Gelding, s years old
Clearing Auction Sale Clyde marc, a year's old; Aged General Pur-
HORSESFarn]. Stock, Implements and nun- pose some.'e.—At South half lot 29, Con. 9, GATTLE-
--Rcaistcrcd Scotch She rthmros —
MOl'1'is Tp.. Thursday April 3i'(1 at 12 Outshuuling Iierd Sire, 4 years old, Dark
o'clock. Red hansom breed• -bred by McFarhme, of
GILBERT McCALLIJM, Proprietor. A]Isn (raig. Roan co, 6 yens Old, with
rail calf. born July 10th, bred in September.
Harold Jsekson, Auctioneer. I Red cow, 4 years old, clue time et .sale: Roan
mw, 4 yoers old, with heifer calf, and bred
FOR SALE I again. Roan cow'..3 years old withbull eau;
A girl's spring sport coat, box Red row. 1 year,' cid, with bull elf; roan
cow, 8 years old, with `bull cult; roan cow,
style, cocoa brown, like new, size 14.10 years old, due time or sole; 2 eutstanding
Phone 152, Seaforth, I Heifers, 2 years old, daughters of Herd Sire,
(bred). ' heifers, 1 year old,
GRADES—Red cow.. due time o sale u+.
incue in May. Red heifer, fresh 2 mouths,
the a number of weaning pigs for ., steers rising 2 Years old; 2 steer's r year ole
with M W 13.Coss presiding' and visiting in Seaforth.
who in 1ny way helped during the or REGISTERED SCOTCH SHORT -
illness and passing of our dear sister
and aunt. The Sinclair Family.
(CU ,
Mrs. I MMary. Aim sale. Maurice Etue, phone 652 r3,+ IMPLEMENTS — Massey -Harris binder;
opened the sleeting by sing1Ir. E. Haase,rs.
ing - Seaforth. Prost & Wood mown hay rake; ),'ill; mick
fertilizer drill; cultivator: seed drill; dish•
"Whosoever Heareth, Shout, Shout Haase and Margaret Horne were in harrows; earn cultivator; walkio,: melee;
the Song", followed by the Lord's' Acton,' Sunday, visiting Mrs. Haase's FOR SALE had rotten; 2 Fleury plows; international
prayer fn unison, Miss Ellis took) daughter, Mrs, Jim Inglis. Souse pigs for• sale. John McGa tennhrg milhtor sBiekeck a enc riterng;:iuii0) 05
the devotional on steward- firs. Haase remained in Actors vfn Tuckersntith, phone 652 r 42,' lumber rind plank; aloe for r6 fool hay rank
ship followed by reading "Take my. where she spent sometime with her
life and let it bo", this she explained, daughter.
'and gave a splendid discourse on the
same. Mrs. Brook led in prayer', Iti DUBLIN
.vas decided to have the birthday) St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, was
:Tarty March 28th, Mrs. E. C. Mur-, filled to capacity on Monday, ;liar.
ray of Toronto guest speaker. The!17in honor of their patron Saint
Hensall Auxiliary will invite the Patrick, and also to extend a wel-
KipPen WM.S, and the Evening
Auxiliary of I-lensail Society. Follow-
ing cnnmittees arranged. Reception
Committee,m,,, Brook sirs. G.
me for his tirst visit to the parish,
most Rev. Bishop Cody, D.D.,
oadjutor Bishop1 of London. 'rhe
astor, Dr. Pfoulkes welcomed Bish-
p Cody on behalf of the parish and
ptesscd deop appreciation to the
ishop in honouring us with his pre-
ncc. Solemn High Mass was• sung
• the pastor, Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes FOR SALE
ith Rev. Fr. netionalcl. Deacon 20 Leicester ewes mid 1 rani, all
+d Ileo. J. Feeney, Subdeacon. The well bred; purebred Tannwo'tls
ishop gave an inspiring sermon on boars 5 months aid. Leslie P "ltper.
1'ly settlers of Ireland -during the Clinton 15.1.5. Phone Sea!'orth 610110.
ieluranee, perseverance of the
Glenn. Mr. J. McDonald; lunch o!
nohmr,ttee, Mrs. C. Cook,14r', Geo, e�
Ire::, Mr,. W. Carlisle, Mrs. 3. Mac- 13
Breath. and Mrs, J. Passmore pro- -
sramme enmmittee, Miss A. Cornett. b}
Mir,: Florence Welsh; decorating r,:
•.,r n. ,ttee. firs. 0. 31. Drysdale,) al
Sri N. 1i. Cook. 18 member's an- ll
=wet •,, the roll roll. Miss. Florence
CF, ° im tut -sure,/ e with a <lelig']stful c r
.0'1110 : t lr,. M Coesitt presented
Ir ,air 1 ell apter from the study
"hell t a, he the threshold". This
rapier dealt with the labor and in-
.d.-tiy of India. The meeting closed
sv!>i. 1 hymn and prayer by Mrs. W
P. 0. Douglas. Sangster returned
home after undergoing an operation
Toy wounds he received when he
bailed out of an R.C.A.F. plane over
Belgium in May 1944. He says he
would not be alive today if it had
not been for the Red Cross. P. 0,
Sangster was the first allied prison-
er to be treated with penicillin sent
into Germany from Switzerland by
the International Red Cross. He had
been in hospital three months with-
out treatment with spinal meningitis
and multiple wound. German sup-
plies were short and were saved for
Nazis officers only. Canadian pris-
oners were the last to receive treat-
ment. Douglas fully appreciates
what the Red Gross did for him and
claims they saved his life.
Council Meeting
' Regular meeting of the Village
Council was held on Tuesday, March
4 at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers
with all members being present.
Minutes of the previous meeting
read. Brown and Parke, that the
minutes be adopted as read, Carried.
S. G. Rennie appeared and asked
the council about taking over the
lane at the rear of the store on the
north side of Ring Street, was ad-
vised to arrange the same amongst
the owners of the properties. Reeve
A. W. Kerslake and J. A. Paterson
reported re the convention in Tor-
onto, stating proceedings in detail,
also the conversations that took
place with the different officials at
the Parliament Buildings namely,
Dept. of Municipal Affairs, Dept, of
Provincial Police, Dept. of Agricul-
ture and Community Halls, Dept. of
Welfare. Communications read as
follows: F. L. Davidson, County En-
gineer, Dept. of Municipal Affairs,
County Treasurer, Mrs. Milton Love,
Aux Sables River Watershed Au-
thority, C. R. Hagey Engineering
Co., 'W. L. Geromette, Canadian Aid
to China, Ontario Association of.
Rural ,Municipalities, Chemical Spe-
clalties:'Go., Ontario Provincial Po-
lice, Dept. of Highways, Lions' Club,
Zurich, Dept. of Agriculture, Com-
posers, .Author's and Publishers As-
Seaforth• i cedar posts; wgnr kettle and sap buckets,
and other articles found 00 a Cann.
FOR SALE I HARNESS --2 set of farm harness; number
horse Collars,
TWO 500 -chick size electric brooders. SEED 0TtAIN-Ono bus, of 0 A C. No 21
Frank Fowler, phone 16-6111, Clinton. barley, registered seed last year; quantity or
Vanguard oats; Ajax oats and barley mixed.
This grain is all cleaned and ready to sine.
Also a quantity of feed oats and barley.
HA2* -15 to 16 tons of hay.
The Cattle of this Side have been Blood -
Tested and T.B. rested within. last 311 doys.
Negrdive to both.
Cataloi.0 • with breeding of this Herd eau be
had upon request from the Proal!etur ur
Auctioneer. terms Cush.
J. 0. STOLr7,, Prop., RTC, Auburn, Phone
lsr't, Blyth.
Harrold Jnelaton, Auctioneer.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk,
Young sow clue in 2 weeks. Also 13
six weeks old pigs. Phone 54125.
Beaver oats, Ajax oalo 1511(1' Ethan
oats for seed. Also timothy and. red
clover seed, Russell Bolton. Phone
S-•1016. S, Mouth.
Also 0..'.'. 21 'Barley.
Irish persecution and the ardent FOR SALE
faith persecution
into these pioneers by Two springers for -sale. Apply
St. Patrick. Members of the congl'e- Lawrence Ryan, Walton, 830 r
xation received the blessing of the Seaforth.
Fr, McQuaid, St. Columban, Fi.
V•etenheimel, Logan, and Fr, Cor -
email, Stratford.
Mrs. Barbara Holland celebrated
her 83rd birthday St. Patrick's day.
For the 'past 22 years Mrs. Holland
has been a resident of Dublin. Prion
to their retirement the late Mr, Geo.
K. Holland operated the general
stoke at Beechwood. Mrs. olland
enjoys very good health being up
and about her housework every day
and keeps herself up-to-date on cur-
rent affairs through visitors, news-
papers and radio. Owing to the con-
dition of the roads no special cele-
elebration was planned but many
friends mailed or phoned their best
wishes. Mrs, Holland is one of a
family of nine, four of whom are
still living. Mrs. John .Murray, Mc
Killen, Fred Eckert, McKillop and
Mrs. J. F. McMann, Chicago, Mrs.
Holland is a mother of ten children
and has 33 grandchildren all of
whom are her consistent visitors.
The pupils of St. Patrick's school
held a St. Patrick's concert in the
schoolroom on Friday afternoon.
The program included Irishsongs
and dances an interesting feature
was a play "That Rascal Pat" which
was much enjoyed by the parents
and a number of visitors.
Miss Jean Castello, London, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Misses 'Theresa and Mary Marg-
aret Ryan, London, with their par-
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds,
f ondol with Mr and Mrs John
shop and venerated the relic of • FOR SALE
Patrick, The rollolsing priests .2 calves suitable for
ere present in the sanctuary: Fi'. Frank Reynolds, (367 r 33.
u; sey, Seaforth. Fr. O'Drovvski and
IMeLagal phonograph and 52 re-
cords; 4 -ft. bed mattress in good.
condition; 18 inch paper rack for
counter; 12 inch paper rack for a
wall. Mrs. Robt. Smith, phone 334.
Flynn., '
Mrs. Mary 'Dorsey, London, with
her mother, Mrs. L: Dorsey.
Misses Eileen and Lorraine Jord-
an, London, spent the weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
The Love That Led To Murder
Neither the dying victim no' the
killer wouldimplicate the sprightly
socialite who was the cause of the
Peter Levies' behind -the -scenes story
of prouder for rnntanec. in The Ameri-
soc,, Canadian Legion, Exeter, Mon - son Weekly
Order your (lay old Chicks from a
breeder Hatcitery under 0.B.S. super-
vision. We are able to supply a limit-
ed number of orders of Leghorn x
Roclt. and Rock x Leghorn crossbreds
for April and May delivery, Glazier
Poultry Farm, phone (117r31, Clinton,
R.R. #4, Ontario.
Some Yorkshire boars tor sale,
George Aberhart, Seaforth R. R. 5.
Phone '5 on 852.
A purebred Durham bull, roan, two
yea4•s old. Also a black Clyde gelding,
four years, old, white face and legs,
'ground 1400. William Jewitt, ,phone
35014, Seaforth.
3 young Ayrshire cows and one
brindle heifer to freshen in Apri1. K
13. McPherson, Dublin.
Prepare for Spring sewing by hav-
ing your nlachiuo checked by one of
our experts. A few new models now
available. Singer Sewing Machine
Centre, 78 Ontario St., Stratford.
Dwelling property wii:lt outbuild-
ings satiable for poultry. at Walton.
11,4 story frame dwelling, John St.
100 acres. 12 acres of bush. Town-
ship of Hullett, Lot 14. Con. 5, Brick
house. Large Bank Barn with other
good outbuildings. Water in Buildings.
Possession April 1. Reasonable terns.
60 acre grass farm on highway near 5t.
6olmnbnn, no buildings but would be suitable
for poultry farm.
118. A. Reich Seaforth
1927 Oldsmobile's two axles and five
tires and tubes for trailer or wagon.
International Harvester two -horse gas
engine $7. K. 13. McPherson, Dublin,
Breeding of sows to Tamworth boar
52.50 at time of service for each anti
every service. No guarantee, ,1C, B.
McPherson, Dublin.
Man to help cut logs, afternoons
only -60c per hr. less 36c for meals,
Ii: B. McPherson, Dublin. Phone 17r24
Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods)
mailed postpaid in plain sealed en-
velope with price list, 6 samples
25c; 24 samples 91.00. Mail -Order
Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box
91, Hamilton, Ont.
Clearing Auction Sale -
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Effects. Mr. Harold
Jackson has been instructed to sell
by public auction at Lot 43, Con. -2,
Tuckersmith, L.R.S. 2 miles east of
Radio school, Friday, March 21st,
at 1 p.m. Terms—Cash..
Harold Jackson, Auct,
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Clearing Auction Sale
Sale of Farm Stock, Implemnents,
Grain, Feed and Household Efects,
at Lot 25, Concession 3, Huron Road
Survey, Tuckersmith Township, 4
'miles west of',Egntondville, or 2 miles
east of Clinton Radar School,' on. Wed.,
March 26th, at 1 p.m. sharp.
included in this sale is a matched
team of, Percberons, 7 anal 9 years
old; 8 cows recently freshened and
early springers; Yorkshire sow' due
in April; 7 chunks; 65 Leghorn hens
and range shelter, A full line of farm
implements. A quantity of grain, feed
and .lumber; also household effects.
Terms cash, No reserve as farm is
J. EDWIN JOHNS, Proprietor.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer,
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain,
Feed, Lumber and Household Ef-
fects. At Lot 12, Bayfield Line, Gode-
rich TWp•, 7 miles southwest of Clin-
ton, or 3 miles east of Bayfield, on
Monday, March 24th, at 12.30 p.m.
This sale ineludes:
3 horses from 1,400 to 1,500 lbs.
6 cows, springers & recently fresh-
12 steers & heifers 2 year's old and
Pigs -5 sows to farrow in April &
17 Chunks.
A full line of farm implements in -
eluding M.H. binder, 7 ft. cut; M. H.
mower 6' eut, •& rubber tire wagon.
Also quantity qf: Hay, nixed grain,
new lumber, cedar poles & posts, full
line of household effects, including a
Chesterfield suite; Axminster rug 9x
101/4' (like new), oak dining room
suite; a modern range and numerous
other articles.
Terns cash.
No reserve as faint is sold and pro=
prietor is moving to British Columbia.
M. J. BUTLER, Proprietor,
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Farm, consisting of 150 acres of
clay loam, at Lot 26, Con. 1, Stan-
ley twp., highway No. 4, 3' 4 miles
South of Clinton. On this farm is an
8 -roomed brick house, water inside,
a barn 36' x 80', with water through-
out; a hen house 14 x 40; silo 13' x
36'; 10 acres of fall wheat, 24 acres
ploughed and 20 acres of bush, rest
seeded. For p rtieul rs applyptto W.
A. Stanbury,
Township of Tuckersmith
Township of Tuckersmith will pay
bounty on boxes killed within the
Municipality at the rate of $3.00 for a
mature fox and 92.00 'Tel. a pup. Per
sons claiming bouncy must produce
pelt 10 the Clerk within two days of
the killing and take the necessary'
'aft idavit•.
E. P. CIHESNE1 Clerk
Township of Tuc1.e1'smith.
Household Necessities for ITone
Service. Make from onl 935 to 560 a week
or more, according to your efforts. We
Have the territory you have been wait,
ing for, if you have the travelling
equipment! Very Tittle capital needed.
write fel' FREE details to — FAMI-
LEx, DEPT. F. 1100 1')elorimier, Mon-
Monument Works
Memorial Craftsmen
Exeter Seaforth Clinton
are open each TUESDAY for
your convenience.
See Dr. Harburn for appoint-
ppointment any other time, or phone
41 J. Exeter.
Ilutteral .eriatrit
Prompt and Careful Attention
Hospital Bed
Flowers for all occasions
Office .Residence,
43 18
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hay's
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
Alvin W. Sillery
Barrister, Solicitor, &c.
Royal Apartments Phone 173
a '
t n & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks effept-
ed at, lowest rates in First-Ctibs•-
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, F. McGregor, Clinton.
Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt,
Broclhagen • Secretary -Treasurer and.
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; S. H. Whitmore,.
Seaforth R R 3; Chris Leonhardt,
Bornholm; E. 3. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; 3, I$:
MeEwing, Blyth R R1; Hugh Alex-
ander, Walton Harvey Fuller, Gode-
rieh RR 2.
John E. Pepper, Brucefeld; R. F.
MoKercher, Dublin; J. P. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth, -
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B.; Physician.
Dr, P. L. Brady, M,D., Surgeon.
Office Hours Daily except Wednes-
day 1.30 to 5 9.m., and 7 to 9 p.m.
Appointments .for consultation mar
be made in advance.
Telephones 26 and 27.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Wanted Immediately
3 to 6 inches. No quantity too small
Edgar Cudmore
PHONE 171 r 14, EXETER
One Holstein cow, 4 years old, to
freshen in April; one Durham cow, 5
years old, freshen in May, .George:
Coleman, Egmondville
1 set of wooden lawn bowls. Ap-
ply at The News Office.
- 111111111101.11111101r
Promptly and Efficiently Removed •
Simply Phone Collect
1o.. MITCHELL 219
O p
iNGERS-OLL.,C)NTAI�iOi <;r: ,: r-•�Y='._.•'i
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto, Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute.
Moorefield's Rye, and Golden Square'
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. — 53 Waterloo .St., Stratford.
Telephone 267,
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 65
Licensed' in Huron and Porth
Specializing in Farm Sock and Faxon
Implements, and Household Effects
For information phone 401'5, Dublin
Licensed Auctioneer.
-Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable
Phone: Seaforth 842 r 24.
Address—Walton; R. R. 4
Head Office, Exeter, Ontario
Pres., WM. H. COATES
OLE, 1, Mitchell
JOHN HACKNEY , . Kirkton, R, 1.
WM. A. :HAMILTON Cromarty
JOHN McGRATH Dublin,Ont.
MILTON McCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1.
ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell..
THOS. SCOTT . Cromarty
B. W. F. BEAVERS Exetey
Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter
E: C. Chamberlain
Phones: 334 Office ' Res. 220
Modern House, Barn with. 21 acres,.
make good Poultry Farm, close to
Town. Prompt possession.
160 Acres, Brick House, Silo, other
good buildings, 30 Acres Bush, Town-
ship of Tuckersmith. Prompt. posses-
E. C. chamberlain, Beal Estate
Broker Ji Insurance
Phone 33.4 or 220, Seaforth
• 120 acres at Varna, : 30 acres fall
ploughed, 90 acres hay, won't rent
•buildings or land for pasture, also
•have now in barn for immediate sale
:'balance last year's hay, 25 tons, and
7 toms oat straw. Write (Dr.) Mof-
fatt, London. -