The Seaforth News, 1947-03-20, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1947 -" THE SEAFORTH NEWS ,,,, nn„nu , o,,,,,, n,di u,•,,•••11 , • 111••••,1,•,•, , , n, , ,,u,,,,u,•, , ,nuuunn,nn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,v: IVES'S Ruth JOytlt, Brantford, speni: 'we'ek attending the Red Cross the 'week end al the home of her par- meetings. HighSchool outs, Mr. and Mrs, 'Robs. Joynt, Mr. and Mir,. Charles Cunningham Seaforth R [ 1gn Messrs, Joseph O'Reilly, Hamilton, are moving to Nlitchell where Mr, HOUSE l Cunningham is opening a shoe repair. COMMENCEMENT & OPEN0 3e11 y, t 1 IN I-UGTi SCHOOL AUDITORIiJM. Friday, March 28, 1947 AT 8 P.M. PECIAL ATTRACTIONS SEVERAL S Admission: Adults 25e dnnuuunuuu,,, , „ nn uunuuunnunuu,11unuudn unuuu uauuuuuuuuu,„u,,d,i,n11 • TOWN TOPICS �n et 1Me nnu a A and Mrs. Charles Crick sou OF Seaforth Farmers Co-operative WILL BE HELD IN EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH BASEMENT ON MAR. 20 THURS., AT 8.30 P.M. Everybody Welcome R. S. 1VICKERCHER, Pres. F. REYNOLDS, Sec. Easter Sodality Dance IN DUBLIN MONDAY, APRIL 7 Dancing 10-1 CICNX Golden Prairie Cowboys DANCE! in. Cardno's Hall SATURDAY, MARCH 22 Norm Carnegie and His Banc( ADMISSION 50c Francis O'Reillyand Miss M trgaret 1 1 Kitchener" stent the week end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert O'Reilly. Mr. D. M: Beattie of Toronto le spending it week with. his lather, Mr. John Beattie. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wilson and Carbl, Clinton, were week end visitors at the home of her Cather, Mr, Ed- ward Mole. Miss Teresa Eckert:, London spent Che week end at her home here. Mr. Ron. McDonald, London, spent the week end with Mrs, McDonald. Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Miller De- troit, were week end guests at the Arthur home of de. and Mrs. J. J. Cleary. of Welland were guests of Mr. and Messrs. Teri Scott and Don Dale g t ed to Toronto after spend= Mrs. M. D. Clarke and attended the have re turn wedding of her grand -niece, Miss ing a few clays at their Montes here. Betty Clarke, Mrs, E. C. Boswell spent the week Miss'Edna Eckert, R.N., London, Is end with relatives in Toronto, Spending two weeks' vacation et the Mr. Clayton Dennis, who is a stud - home of her parents, Mr. and NIi•s. ent at the Linemen's School in .Tor- t 91. Eckert onto, spent the week end at lin (tome Miss Luella Montgomery spent Sun- here, clay with friends in Stratford. The many Seaforth friends 01 Miss Mt'. and Mts. Stewart Geddes, Lon Dianne Qneent were pleased she was don,- were wool: end visitors at the chosen Queen o1 the Fair at. London home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. this week, Dianne has 'often visited Ernest Geddes, at the home of 1M% and Mrs, E. II.. Close in town. Miss' Betty Bannon underwent a . Mt and Mrs. Warren May left Wed-.sndcesstul appendicitis operation in nesday: to spend six weeks at the tat- Scott Memorial Hospital last week. ter's home at Newcastle, N.B. Miss Helen Devereaux, Londot'i, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Van Mil leave spent the week enol at the Home of 'nett week Por NewYorlt enroute for her parents, ide. and Wire. Johna few weeks' visit at their homes at Devereaux. Ymuiden, Holland. Mr. and Mrs. William Neely and Ntr: and Mrs,. David Grieve end two family, Stratford, spent the week enol sons, of Loudon, visited the formee's el the home of NIT. and riIrs; George 'mother, Mrs. John Grieve. who recent. Reeves. ly returned Bettie front the hospital Mrs. Frank Grieve is a patient in following an operation. Scottll t Memorial Hospital following o owing to Mrs. Margaret Carson of Toronto appendix aryratiow spent. a few clays with her parents. Miss Mary Grove, London, was r Rev. and Mrs, Ritonie, returning on brweek end visitor at tbe home . her Wednesday. Mother and sister-in-law, mi.. and Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Williams, Miss Mrs. ErnestMrs. Crowe.Gi'ette Ross, Mayor M. A. Heid and Mtt and k Depend and Marvin Miss Alice Reid'are in Termite this spout the week end in Hamilton. ivle. and Mrs, Thompson Scott. I.le- troit, wore guests over the week end al the house of the former's mother, Mr's. T. G. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aldington. Varna. visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Aldington. Miss Lois Whitney. \'ingltam, spent the week end at the dome of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton Wert' in Gerrie attending the funeral of Mrs. Eaton's lather. the late Aron.° Snarling. ORDER NOW FOR SPRING A carload of the famous Doverwhite Cedargrain. Shingles has just arrived CEMENT in good supply. OAK FLOORING in stock. Insulation, the best. Built in cup- boards, farm gates, stairs, steps, sash, doors or what have you. -- Excellent workmanship with the best of materials by an experienced staff. Brooder Coal on hand, Briquettes, Stove & Nut Anthracite, Stoker, Buckwheat, Nut and Stove Coke, Nut Alberta, and the famous Rosedale Alberta Lump in stock Seaforth Supply & Fuel "Where the best costs no more" Hutchinson Bros. Laundry HAMILTON ST., GODERICH Modern Up-to-date Laundry Service 1, THRIFT WASH: 8c per lb. Flatwork ironed. Shirts finished 10c. Finishing charges on dresses and wearing apparel additional. DRY WASH: 7c per lb. (Nothing ironed.) PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Pick up at residences each Thursday and deliver following Thursday • -LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE John Pullman (Barber Shop) Dave and Ed Hutchinson, Proprietors (Both Veterans) ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF YOUR NEW Wall Paper and Paint Shop Come in and choose from our fine selections of SUN - TESTED WALLPAPERS Designs for every room in your home A complete stock of Paint will be available. Free estimates on work HAROLD FINLAY Phone 145 Main St., Seaforth WANTED ! Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION -"WE DO THE LOADING DARLING & CO. OF A LIMIT o Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 16; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-M1 BORN SAVAUGE —At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Sat., March 15th, to Mr. anti Mrs. Ronald M, Savatige, (Patricia Louise Bechely). the gift of a sort, MURRAY—Al Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on March 1Gth, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Murray, 11115 Sealorth e daughter. ROTHAM—In Scott Memorial `hospi- tal on Sunday, Mar. 16t.h, to Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hotham, a SOIL (John William Bernard). HURRAY—AC Scott Nemoi ial fos t (- tal on Mauch lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Murray, Seaforth, a son. NICHOLSON—In Stratford Geit- eral Hospital, on March 18th, to Mr. and Mrs,- John Nicholson, West Monkton, a daughter. BLAKE Mr. and NM.rs. Roy McBride recently attended.a funeral of the lattet's, aunt in Kincardine, They were altio visited by iter brother James, of Amberley. Miss Mildred Westlake visited (ter, parents during the week end In Code. ' ick Township. Mrs, Robert Baker has postponed her sale until March 28th, when the roads should be open in the district. Mr. Napoleon Ducharine and ,fuleen and Ronald of London, called on Mr. and: hies. Leon Jeffrey. Mrs. Sam Hey has been in Goderich spending a few days with Mgr. and Mrs. James Burdge, The many friends of (hiss Emma Martin are pleased to know she is able to be going about again, after her ean'lo»e illness a few weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs, Will ••Desch and dhiu- ghter are busy preparing to move to the f1U'nt they recently purchased on the Goshen Line north. STANLEY Its'. and Mrs. Iir Beswetherick of Guelph spent the past tht'ee ineeks with their (laugh tor; Mts. Thomas Scotchnter, have returned home. The Bronson Line Unit of the Red Cross met for their final meeting on Thursday, March 131)1, at the bottle o% Mrs. Bert Dung Jr. VARNA All being well, there will )w service, in St.. John's Anglican Church Sun- day morning at 11 g.113. l'he newly appointed .rector Rev. Ilr.,lYlorgan, will he to charge and we trust roars conditions will be favorable. Mr. ,lack Ke rr. who yeas a resirietit of the village dating tht sanuuwr u, c Ali and fam- ily ierl l w months, has mo to London, where Mt. Kerr has secured a military position. Mr. Albert Korner of Varna, and Mr. Glenn Slavin. of lappet, owing Ir; poor visibility, met Meati on, on Ih,. Id111 Road, last week. Fo•Rmatety no one was seriously hart save a shaking up. The little clucks will speak fol` themselves in the tear ,,f Mr. Slavin's car. Both the cars were somewhat damaged. The many friends of Mrs. Frank Grieve, Seaforth, (Lillian Elliott of Varna) were surprised to learn of her being rushed to the hospital of early hour Sunday morning when she was operated on for acute appendicitis, Later reports were that she was doing as well as can be expected. BAYFIELD Mr. Geo, Bell and Wilfred Castle left on Monday for Goderich where they commenced work tilting out on the freighter Ontodock, and Mr, MacLeod and Chas. Guest left on Sunday for Sarnia to sail in an Im- perial oil tanker. Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Jowett return ed to their home in the village on Saturday, having spent the winter months in Kitchener. Mrs. LeRoy Poth of Kitchener spent the week- end with hey parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. Jowett, Mr, Geo. Weston returned to Bay,. field on Monday after an extended visit with his son in Detroit. (Rev. and Mrs. LaVerne Morgan and small daughter Karen arrived in Hayfield last week fro'lii Brantford, Mr. Morgan hasbeen elected rector of: the parishes of Hayfield, Varna, and Middleton. Mrs. Wm. Cameron of Seaforth is with her mother, Mrs.. II, Talbot, who is seriously ill. IM'Irs. Ellen Howard was called to Detroit owing to the illness and death of her son, Mr. Cecil Howard. Mr. and 1Vlrs. Wm. Ferguson re- turned to their home last week after a three months visit with their sons Jack and Charlie in Sudbury. The ice is still on the lake ss far as the eye can see but the fishermen are all ready to launch their boats and start as soon as weather condi- tions permit. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case left on Monday on an extended holiday . to Vi1)!oiut, B.C., Portland. Oregon and. Seattle, Wash. Miss Jennie Jolly of the stuff of the Bank of Montreal left on Sunday on a six week's vacation to western Canada, Miss Beatrice Cooper of Kippen was the week end guest of Miss Morgue rite McDonald. -The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presby- terian Church held a most successful sale of (tome -Booking and St. Patrick's tea in the schoolroom of the church on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Roy 11TacLaren and Donald visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Makin at Thomas Road. Mr. Robert Simpson returned home after spending the past three weeks its Toren o. Mr. and Airs. Lorne McNaughton visited over tlw week end with their tlauald et s. Misses Helen and Mae Me - Naughton. in Toronto. POINT THE WAN TO LASTING PEACE • With over 30,000 branches and over 900,900 members, The Canadian Junior Red Cross is pointing the way to lasting peace. As a part of the world-wide organization with 25,000,000 members, Canadian Red Cross Juniors foster international friendli- ness and understanding on a broad scale, by corresponding with Junior Red Cross groups. in other lands. This is but one of several ways in which the Red Cross works for and through Canadian children. The Canadian Junior Red Cross peace - tune program includes: the practice of health; relief of child victims of war; work for veterans in hospitals; and service to handicapped children. Furthermore, the Red Cross trains thous- ands yearly in Hoene Nursing - teaches water safety and first aid — saving thousands of - lives with thousands of ounces of prevention. Canada needs the Red Cross! And the Red Cross needs your financial support- every last dollar you can. spare. Every penny will be put to work doing what you would : do if you could. Let your conscience be your guide — give from the heart — generously. TOWN OF SEAFORTH