The Seaforth News, 1947-03-20, Page 3CLASSIFIED'.. ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS We now have a complete stock of all Lightning Rod Materials, on hand and can supplyinuricdlatedelivery. Why not write and "enqulro"about a dealorehip for .your terrlLoryeeeenelenulpment ie the best on the Merkel and our pubes most reason- able, The 03.. Phillipe Oo, Ltde 200 Main St., Toronto, ATTENTION TRAPPERS MUSKRAT, Mink and. Beaver trappers. Triple you!• catches with o. submarine than. . Ten muskrats to a catch. Simple to Operate, weighs' three pounds. No losses from biting or pulling their feet off. $4.00 ' each. Write for catalogue. Submarine Tran Company, Fort Saskatchewan, Al- berta. ... BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE VILLAGE of Cardenton, Manitoba, would appreciate vegetable canning fac- tory. .For particulars, apply Secretory, Garderton, Board of Trade, Gardenton, Mang OPERATE profitable mail -order business Instructions: plans; schemes that win. Splendid opportunity - Complete plan 50e Postpaid. Joseph Brunie, G.P,O•, Box 406C, Brooklyn 1, N.T. BUM' CHICKS SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery, book your order to -day at the following prices. Unsexed Chicks 13c; Pullote 822.00; Cox 9c; Leghorn X Ramps, unsexed 33x; Pullets 26e; Cox Sc. Pull- orum-Tested Gov't, Approved Stook $1.00 Down,balance on delivery, BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY Box 260, Elmira, Ont. GOVERNMENT APPROVED Ch !001 s, Batching Eggs. Leghorn, Rock Hamp- rook Hybrids, Day Oki, Started. She in - dale Farms, Woodbridge, Ont. MAKE -THIS -a bigprofityear by ordering Tweddle Chicks now. -Tweddle Chicks arewellknown through 22 years of ton quality, high production, An order now assures YOU of thebest price. whether prices rise or drop before delii'e•y, and also that You: Will be ready. fora proper start with the kind of chicks you want on the date you want hem. We have the ' following pure breeds to choose from: White Leghorns, Black lttinoreas, Anconas, Brown Leghorns, Bared. Rocks, White Rooks, New Iianlpshires, Rhode Island Rode White -W3nndottee� Light Sveaex , Black Auetralons, Jer eY WhiteMutts and also 12 profitableerose breeds. All are approved from ImIl00um tested stook with a proved record o0, pr0dectlon and livability. 100% live delivery gunrantoed. Tour success is our . success, One Year w ith Tweddle' chicks .and you'll keepre- ordering from us as Others do. 'Write at once for our valuable free catalogue, ' Also two and throe week old started chicks for Immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick H atcheries Limited. Fergus,Ontario, BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that is what all Rainbow Chick buYere are rearing when they buy Rainbow Chicks.' All breeders are 100percent free from pullor'um, Order your »hicks, now direct from this ad and not be dloat,00lnt- ed. Tom Barron ',Osborne, . 012.00 per 100. Pullets 524.00 Barred Rock Mixed $12.00 Per 100, Pullets 821.00. White Rock Mixed 010,00 per 100. Putlete $25.00, Brown Leg- horn Mixed $14.00 per I00. Pullets $25.00.' Leghorn -Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Put - tete 025.00. Red -Rock Hybrid 512.00 per 100. Pullets 521.00. Special prices oncock- erele. Guarantee 100 per cent live delivery to your 'station. 81.00 down, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- tario BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 breederk. It is not too edriy to 'book your Clicks for 1047 to beassured of getting' Lakeview 'tuner bred chicks when you want them. Buy your chicks from a reii Mable well estabtlshed. Breeder Hatchery backed- by 6000 Ilene, pure brbds''and all popular hybrids. Start your chicks early. Chicks Marled then ehov biggest profits; .Send for Price List,large Illustrated cats- Logue and Poultry Guido which tells you bow to raise better pullets. Alio ask for Weekly Special List of heavy cockerels and 'overhatoh' hatok-day Specials, and New Pot Type Queen 011 BrooderStoves. SPECIAL PR7CDS Heavy Cockerel% Day old or started, also day old or started pullets and mixed. Prompt. delivery. Lake. view Poultry Farm, Wein' Bros., Exeter, On tarlu, _. STARTED: PULLETS. -2 -4 WEEKS March delivery. Cash le on the early egg markets. Also started` cockerels and mixed chicke. Send for Weekly Special List, Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario BABY. CHICKS, Government banded and blood tested, Barron strains, 5. C. While Leghorn and B. P. Rocks, Acton Poultry' Farm, Box 378, Acton, Ont.: Wel HAVE chicks,. Immediate delivery. And 11.'s March chicksyou need for the better' ina'Ireta. Started and dayolde. Cockerels, pullets, mleexed.. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John N, Hamilton. Ont. WE HAVE, some choice two and three week old started chicle. In pure breeds and 0000 breeds in non -sexed, pullets or cockerels for Immediate detnvery,' Send Ter special price list. Tweddle Chtelt Iiatchrlee Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 100' CHICKS FREE' With every order of 100 pullet °Melee we Rive 100 free Chicks (our choice). Barred Rock Pullets '$21.05, White Rock Pullets' 326.95, While Leghorn ,Pullets $24,35, Brown Leghorn Pullets 826.00; Red -Rock Flyhrlla 821.05. Leghorn -Rock Hybrids,` $25.06. All chicks sold are from blood tested stock, backed by high pedigreed stock, 81.00 books your order. Balance G.O.D. Guaranteed Delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chathehl, Ontario $ & 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS It pay's to raise Capone.. The. price of 'capons is approximately 00 ib. higher than the price of cockerels. Prices of heavy breed 3 week old to March 2101, 25e; to May 1610. 7c.; after May 16, 30c, Prompt delivery. Order front this ad, or send for fu11'.parltculnrs, Lekevle* Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. FAST Feathering Barred )'_tock approved chicks. A1) of our chicles are hatoked from our own selected breeding' stock which In Government puliorum tested and banded. -Sexed ,cblcks are guaranteed 00 percent eceurale. Quality and satietaction stmenteeel. Write 'for 'price list and par-. ticuhrrs. L. 1-Ielsteru and Sols, :Hunts- vIlle, Ont. GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr. Broadhurst' of Joll'otte. Rue., says . about our cheeks: April 20, 10.40 -"The 200 chicks received In splen- did condition. not one, dead, and only one died. since. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever received. I have been handlingchicks for over 40 years." Order 110w and get 01,0 best. .Here are our prices: Barred Rock Mixed, • 312.00; Pullets 821,00; White Leghorn, Mixed. 312,00 Pullets, $ 4.00; White 110011 Mixed, 810,00 Pullets, 825.00; Blown Leghorn Mixed 514.00; Pullets, $26.00; Hybrids Rook -Red Mixed' 812.00; Pullets, 521.00; Hybrid Leghorn -Rook Mixed 812.00; Pul- lets, 820.00. Tau also get free Chicks. Goddard C hi c k hatchery, Britannia Heights. Ont. HATCHERY Approved Baby Chicks from blond -tested. Government inspected Breeders. Satiefaetien guaranteed. Pure Breeds, Barred Rock, White Leghorns & Rhode elsland Reds, HiBred Red x Rock, Red. x Light Sussex & Leghorn x Barred Rock, Milted .12c. heavy pullets 22e, Leg- horn pullets 240, Cockerels 40All high prodnotlon etraln4, Available now, day old and started. 'Enulose ad and 10 per check deposit, balance 0,0.13. -Blenheim Hatdh- et'y & Poultry Breeding Farm, Blenheim, ;Ont, ISSUE 12-1947 • BABY. 01110038 BARRED ROOK .chickens, from reiterant - free Roche, banded, pullorum 'tented under Government supevieion, 0.B.S. Wo have 'a limited quantity for March and Ap1'll delivery, Pullets 110, mixed 1230, 00000rel0... Gordon 1V, 'Scott,' hoose Creel,, DYI.IN° AND 01,0ANIN0 HAVE . YOU , anything needs dyeing or cleaning/ Write to us fo1' information, We are glad to answer your questions: De- partment 1I, Pa1'kee'o Aye Works Limited, 731 Tongo Street, Toronto.: Ontario. ELECTRICAL E1IULPi1ENT d1EW % Johnson Gasoline Engines, $47,10. Electric .Liseting Plants, 852:60, immediate Shipment.' Currey Bulmer, Pg- llnton & Bnnturet, 1'oronto, Fit011 steel, new: 0,0.—lc. C.C.E. Weld- ' ars, Welding rods, accessories: A.C. Cr D.C. motors, all eines, 26 or 60 cy'cl'es` Efectrt0 helots 1,3 to 0 Ton Spot welders 6 to. -250 K.V.A. Gas engine- generator' plants., also WIND ' 01HARGERS,042.32 Volt, Aircoolea gas engines, -Worm re- ducing sears. Can. driven 0umpa also complete electric pumping Systems -Shallow We11 or Deep Well 100 for 600 Gal. per min. -0,00"' T1'anefo'mero, Alliance Mee - trio Woke Ltd., ' 1070 Beaver Hall 1-1111, Montreal, or 'write nearest 'office ,760116ae Rouen Toronto — Winnipeg Van- ' eenve•. - _ . • WARMS FOR SALE FOR 8AL70—Improv0 level Farm,fenced, good soil, buildings, water, Write Thos. Blythe, Fusilier, Sask., Can, 100 ACRID Farm, $0600." Large Barn, Respell, G001101y and Rouse. second Kenyon Alexandria. Alexander De Prato, 420 Smmyslde. Ottawa. FOR STYLE ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE -Tracts' Tires, madeof rub. bel, suitable for bolting on steel wbeele, 815.00 each, rear wheels; 57,60 each, front wheels. When ordering state diameter and width of. wheel, National Rubber Co, Ltd., G Wiltshire Ave Toronto, Ont, A thriving business, fully equipped with blacksmith, - woodworking, ' electric & aeenynene welding, near- Belleville. AnpIY Dedweil & Broadwortl,, .Stirling, Ont. BOXER- nueeles, registered, whelped Sept. 0, 46; ton blood .lineasire cbanplon ICavaltero of Brlarnole, Ears Up, inocu- lated, toted, goo,! conformation, showy, Perfect dlenosit1011s, reasonably priced. Write Box 110, :Aurora. 2 CO31BINATION Buckeye incubators for ante cheap. Setting enpaelty 12,000, hatching capacity 9..000 eggs. .1 combina- tion /Swerve Turkey incubator, setting capacity 0,700, hatehing capacity 1,680 Mega. All incubators ,0331100 with 26 or 60 cycle. Apply Tweddle Chick Hat- cheries limited, Fergus, Ontario, CONCRETE BLOCI: Machines, 200 to 240 Blocks hour, others hand or power 46 to 700 hour, Brick machines, Batch Mixers any size, Motors and Gas. Engines. hladl- • eon Equipment Co.. eiadtsoe, .Tenn. CANOE CANVAS All weights and widths aleo copper nails, Melee and canvas filler. Write for price.. John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington Street W., Toronto. CHOICE Herefore /3011 (Service -age) be' "Ringwood Mixer Tone," 4 good Fa - males, 3 Yorkehlre Sows (Registered) duo Anru. Dundas -Hereford Farms, R 8, ' Dundee, Ont. DUCKLINGS. We still have limited quantities of wine Pekin duckling/4 and hatchingeggs available weekly. Write for prices. Burwood Farm, Dept W., Olaple, Ont, FUR COATS from 862, Repairs 80 up. Capes, neckpieces, other bargains, Write Dept, W. The Furriery, 1270 Queen West: Toronto.. GLADIOLI, 126 Varieties, Largo at 50 and up, 180 Medium Good Assortment Prepaid 33.70. "Catalogue Free", l0IOors and Parker. 176 'Shaw St., Toronto. MAKE your bicyclea motor -bike, Whiner 2ii horse power bicycle motor complete synth gas. tank. All fittings and controls 5188,60 with Instruetlons or 1150,00 com- pletely installed. Rae J. Watson, 267 Wellington Street, London, Ontario. Of- ficial Motorcycle Headquarters for Weet- ern Ontario NEW POT TYPE QUEEN OIL burning brooder stoves." We have used these with outstanding performance. Book now for early Spring delivery, We can give prompt delivery If you act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros„ Exeter, Ontario. ONE YEAR old Registered Yorkshire hoar $50.00. 2140 egg electric ineubntor $03.00. Two broad breasted bronze tur- key tans blood tested $20.00' ea01,, Harold Catheter, 1ltorriaburg. -Ontario, PORTABLE Arc Welder, gas driven, 400 amps, A-1 condition for rent or take ereCtlon welding. Advertiser, Box 626, Fort Erle, Phone 26211. ' RHUBARB" ROOTS FOR SALE Canada Red. Developed by the late G. e'. Chipman. One of the best vnrieLtes. Stems dark red clear 10 the heat. Makes the -sweetest, finest flavored, beautiful red sauce for dessert, pies or sltortonkes, Peloo. each 700, per 100 or over 660 each, per 1,000 or over 60c each -plus shipping charges. Please advise earliest shipping elate. J. E. Garland,Elgin MRIs, Ontario. RETREAD TIRES, all sizes. good are new, Firestone : demists, \19'Ite for twice liet,. Prince 'Tire Shop, 771 St. Clair W., Toronto, SMALL METAL Stampings made to order, prompt delivery, Capital Metal. Ind. Ltd. 12 St. -Patrick St., Toronto, Ont. TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good weed trade-in tires- (guaranteed to be 1n ... excellent shape). 600 x 16 $5.00 All orders shipped' C.O.D. Specie! equip- ment, for vnleanizing' Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. 1EACON TIRE corner Queen and York Sts., HAMILTON, Ont. ONTARIO'S 31OST MODERN EQUIPPED .TIRE 81IOP Deniers Wnntecl.. TARPAULINS' Sturdy brown or khaki Duck Waterproofed Cove's with lie hopes, all weights. 'Write for quotations and 00130101, ':loin Leckie, 77 wellington St, W„ Toronto, WOOD ' anomI0ERs THRESHER Com- pany. - 7th & Halifax, Regina, Sask. Limited number of cornpickers for 1047. First come fleet served; Write us for threshers: combines,-:co•nplekers, repairs. TOILETS FOR FARMS, 801100LS SUMMER cot- tages and camps. Can be either with or without running water. Caustic. Smite, tion Ltd., 21 Ridley Boulevard, Toronto. TURKEYS, Bronze, White Holland, email white breeding and tone for sale. $12.00 to 515,00, Pooley, Exeter, TYPEWRITER—Standards and Portables, 'Guaranteed A-1 condition, sacrifice. Write for particular. to 222 McIntyre BIOck, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 100 YEARS Calendar, beginning from 1848 to 2003. efost useful to every trade, snorts home and family, 300. Three copie 51.00 postpaid. John Ehronreloh, P.O. Box 215, Montreal, Ode.. - - HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertpon "me- thod. Information on request regarding dolmen. Robertaon'e Hair•dressinsAcade- my, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED WANTED—Middle-agedhouseleeener,. good 11ab110 for widower, Good home on high- way near City. Apply .808. Pane Ave., Tor- onto. e Attetell1, °Ingle, experienced 10 dairy and soneral farming. Coedwagon andyearly'. employment for ,right man. Appty Orating age, quallflontlone and wage'' exllpeted to I•Iarvey Nurse, R.R. No. 2, Georgetown, HOUSEKEEPER to tape full charge of fern Monte, 3 adults,' Write stating age, qualifications .' and salary expected, Apply IVfrs. "Margaret Swanton, 11,11. - No. , 1, ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL— CHATHAM, OSPITALCHATHAM, ONTARIO Now excepting applicants for School of Nursing, for the Spring Claes, Require- menta, Junior 9latrioulatlbn or Its euuiv- alent. A.pn11' to the "Superintendent of :Nurses" WOMAN to cools at Tourist. Lodge from early May to October 12111, State age, experience and. wages expected, 1Vrlte A, w. Nicoll, Baptiste, Ontario, FARM HELP Wanted, married man. Buohwo'le as well 'au farm, Steady- em- ployment 'no minting, near school. 875,00 month. Free house, garden, wood, good home, right party. Alex Louclte, Chute, Ontario EXCELLENT POSITION for cook genet'al with good ou lltications. Healthy, pleas- ant, clean, energetic, No waxing or heavy laundry, lovely room, private bath. Suburban home. Widow with well behav- ed daughter six to ten considered, our only child eleven years needs companion- ship. Write parttoulare and references. Box 137, 78 Adelaide west, Toronto. MEDICAL DON'T WAIT Every aullerer of Rheum - Otte Patine or Neuritic should' try Dixon's Remedy. 1tlunro's Drug Store, 331 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 81.00. RELIEVES PAIN from Rheumatism or costs you nothing, Rheum Aspro will re-.. leleve you from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, etc. 81.00- per box. Satisfaction guaranteed, International Drug Products, 722 B1rnnm Ave„ Montreal, 16, .Quebec. 2 FAMOUS REMEDIES unexcelled for 20 years again obtainable by mail, 270X ICIDN0Y FLL'SH0RS selected for backache, rheumatism, headache, drowsi- ness, 'postpaid 01.00. GASTIOONOX sdentific stomach powder. aide indigestion, gas sourness, destroys bacteria, 000111etid. $1,00, SAVE 200 send this advertisement with. your order. Deduct 23e from the prices listed • bove. NOX LABORATORIES Dept. W.P,. 953 Yonne St., Toronto. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED—Every suf- e0er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dlxon'e Remedy. Munroe Drug Store, 306 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 21,00, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salvo will not dleappetnt you. Itching,scaling, burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to tkle stainless, orderless ointment, regardless' of !now stubborn ex hopeless they may seem.. PRICE 61.00 PER 3AR Sent Poet Free on Receipt of Pries POST'S REMEDIES 060 Queen St. E,. Corner of Losse Toronto TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro- magnetism for Arthritis, Rheumatism, In0onnla, Varicose Veins and other circu- latory alimennts. Free explanatory pamph- lets ,rem CoopeBemedles. Yong0 Street, Toronto, . MUSICAL IN8TROMENT8 FRED A. BODDINGTON buys, sells, ex- changes musical instruments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of inventions and full information sent free, The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorney', 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. OPPORTUNITIES FOR. WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER - JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hai drexslng Pleasant dignified profession, good wager, thousands successful, Marvel graduates, America's greatest. system. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or Cali MARVEL ITATRDRESSING SCHOOLS 353 Bioor St. w,. Toronto Bran00,00 41 Icing St., Hamlllon & 74. Rideau Street, Ottawa. LATENTS 1rETHERSTONA. F-Coiihnany Pa•• irtt Solicitors. Established 1880. 14 King, West, Toronto. Booklet -of information on request, 1'ER8f1NAL LOOK! I. 810 reward for any watch we cannot repair; hest workmanship; writ- ten guarantee. Ati00 Watch Repair Co., Box 01, Station "0", Montreal, "ELIJA3I Coming Before Christ," Won- derful book free. Megiddo Mission, Ro- chester, 11, N.Y. LEARN ,MAGIC at gnome. Entertain your friends. Complete information and cata- logue free. Write today. S. B, Robinson, Riverside. On to rio. PHOTOGRAPHY COMET PHOTO SERVICE Ono Day flail Servloa, work guareintoed 25operroll .Reprints 8c each, 0 x 8 Gold- en Sepia Mounted Otto, Box 6, P0stn0 Sta- tion D, Toronto, 2 ENLARGEMENTS 25c i 0 1.1' FOLDER MOUNTS Enlargements framed 7 a 0' Cold, Silver, Walnut or 2010011 finish 740, if picture col meed 04c. REPRINTS 8o EACH' Send tie Your Old Negatives Any Size Roll' -- 6' O1 g I,lePostlres Developed and Printed 25e We make prints and eul•ngements from Prints of loot negatives. DEPT. 01. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX 120, POST OFFICE A, 70110NTO WATCHES -'ChO,CICS' WATCHES - CLOCKS REPAIRED 1 week service, price 11.00 up, Molly Guaranteed Send to OTTAWA WATCHIVIAKERS, 782 Gladstone, Ottawa, Ont. BIDAULT ARRIVES IN MOSCOW, French Minister of Foreign Affairs Georges Bidault, (right) and Madame"Bidault (left) are greeted in Moscow on their arrival for the Big Four Conference by Andrei Vyshinsky (second from right), Soviet Vice -Foreign Minister. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") There are tinges when a glimpse of things from the other fellow's' point of view can be both illu111- inating and startling. Just the other day we were introduced to a gen- tleman from Mexico, and sat down to chat with him in the rotunda of a big hotel, When we arrived he had been idly glancing over a To- ronto newspaper, the pages of which were lavishly illustrated with pictures of the Dick murder trial in I'Iamilton * * 0 One of the pictures, which show- ed a bunch of people standing in the snow not doing much. of any- thing, seemed rather to puzzle the gentleman from the South. We explained to hint that these were men and women who braved all sorts of weather for hours in or- der to catch a fleeting glimpse of the unfortunate woman. He mus- ed over this information for a momentor so. "And yet you Ca- nadians," he said, "consider us Mexicans so very cruel because we attend spectacles such as bull- fights." * * * Somehow' or other we couldn't think of any snappy comeback right at that moment. Or at any moment since, for that matter. So the Senor went on to defend an- other pastime highly popular in Tropical regions but not looked upon with approval—openly ad- mitted favor, that is—In these more highly -civilized, we believe, areas. His arguments were by no means new; but we couldn't help being in- terested in the wap he presented them. "You people of Canada and the United States," he said, "pay great sums of money to see your boxing contests. These boxers—men lilee Joe Louis and Graziano—do they really love to fight? Do they go out and pick quarrels just for the pleasure of the contest—or do they fight only for the money? We had to admit that most, of the boxers we have known, from Joe Louis down, were very peaceable' gentlemen indeed outside of work- ing hours; and that they fought only at the drop of a sufficient quantity of dollars. 4' * * "Just as . I thought," said the Mexican gentleman. "Now, on the other hand, these gamecocks of ours are bred and born to fight. They adore the battle more than eating, making love, or anything else in this world. If their owners do not find fights for them, they will go seeking then all by them- selves. Tell ue, Senor, which Is the more reasonable—to watch birds that fight for the pure joy of it and that will continue as long as they can draw breath, or to ap- plaud your boxers and wrestlers, Who go through their performances only -as a means of making money?" WANTED 1VA\TED—All bods of dressed poultry. Top prices for top Miele. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept.,' 2064 Danforth Ave.. Toronto 6, (1Vo do custom grading). BEAUTY SHOP fully equipped,' to Wade for one year with option to buy. Apply Io Box 24, Glencoe, Ont, BLACK SADDLE 51010800. 15,2 hande. or over, not over 6 !'ears old, Weight approx. 1150 the Must be good saddle type. Give full partclulars, P.0, Box 02, .Forbes, Ont. Again we had to confess that the visitor from the South rather had us stopped; that, as against cock -fighting, it Was hard to de- fend—oh either moral or aesthetic grounds—the spectacle of a couple of punch-drunk fighters tottering around a ring, or of a wrestler pro- ducing from his trunks a length of rope and attempting, or pretending, to strangle his opponent. That's the trouble of getting into a dis- cussion with these benighted for, ei Ders. They just don't realize that we Horth American are a superior people, and shouldn't be called on to justify any of our actions. All Radar Port The port of I,iverpool, England. will be the first in the world to utilize radar on a full-scale basis. The equipment used will enable the port to 1 emelt open in all types of weather. It will include an aerial scanner weighing two tons .rotat- ing on top of an SO -foot steel tower erected at the seaward end of the North Docks system, DEALERS Wanted Poi EVER READY PORTABLE MILKERS Large demand Produces Profitable Turnover DAIRY SUPPLY COMPANY 881-Ith Ave., N.Y. 10, Dept, W.8. In 1947 wages and materials will cost the C.N.R. $!00,000,000 more than the 1909 rates. DON'T WAVER. Say "Maxwell house". It's the same marvellous coffee blend whether packed in Super -Vacuum Tin (Drip or Regular Grind) or Glassine -lined Bag ( All Purpose Grind). MOST MOTHERS DO THIS N-. Ifloby Has CoId Yin AT BEDTIME rub throat, chest, back with VapoRub. Ile. lief -bringing action starts right away... WORKS FOR 005RS while child sleeps. Often by morning most distress of the cold Is cased. Best-known home remedy you can use to relieve distress of children's colds is comforting Vicks VapoRub. Even while you rub it on, VapoRub starts to work to ease distress ...and it keeps on working during the night. 3 No wonder most mothers do - this when a coldnightkes-� Tofght' CKS ,try VAPOR,..) CIGARETTE TOBACCO How You Can Get Quick Relief From Sore, Painful Piles Most people seem to think the oaty way to get relief from their sore, painful piles is by local treat- . ment,Loaaltreatmontmay give temporary rglteffrom the Dolling but you can easily see why ouch trent• sent will not correct the cause of your piles. Molesting freedom from pilo misory can be had un- les1 tho cause of tho trou- ble is corrected, Piles oro duoto internal causes so the best way to got lest, nogrelief is to treat them internally with a medicine like' Hem -Reid. Ham-ltoid is a formula that has been used for over 40 years by thousands of pilo sufferers. It is a smell, highly concentrated tablet, ansy and pleasant to neo. This cleverly 00m• pounded tabletformula directs ire medians action to relief of the 0ongestian that is the reel cause of your pile. Hem•Roid pia motes free, ooyy and cora- fineable bowel movements, 70110)y relieves itching irritation and acumen and stimulates bettor blood oiroulatioo in the lower bowel. With good blood circulation in the lower bowel the painful pilo tumor. noon heal over leaving the sensitive rootal membranes clean and healthy. We invite you to try Rem-Roid and let it prove itself. You can make your test, in the privacy of yourown home. NO COST if you are not convinced that this is an amazingly cosy and surprisingly ode. tivemethod oftreatingyeue 6ore,pninfhl piles. Get n pockege of Bem- Roid today from coy drug stare and use it as directed for JIIST FIVE DAYS. At the cod of that time if you aro not abso- lutely sure Ham-Roid' is the nicest, cleanest and most effective pile treat - meat $.00 ever tried, re. turn the unused portion of the package to your drug- gist and be will promptly refund your money. NOTE: This generate! o3Or Is backed bya reil- sble Rrm doing business In Canada for a good many years, Hem -Hold must NIP your pile condition quickly, easily and pleasantly or this simple, easy teat costs you nothing, Try it today, Posed by a Pro fealonel Model MUTT AND JEFF -Just To Be Different—What's Wrong With This Picture? By BUD FISHER r MORNING, MAM'!Ott HoW DARE HON/ "''.., 1040 TAKING THE . 6E 0 'PL e LL I l P$ A E 4LUSTFoR TODAY! ST'FORTODAY H YOU ENTERMY , l R0oM WITHOUT • KN r OCKiNG, COULD INDEED!SUPPOSE Ij I KNOCK? BEEN INDISPOSED I HAVE MY HAD N07 BEEN BANDS PRoPERI:YATTIRED? OH, DON'T WORRY INDEED! r .t ABovrTNAT. 1'NOW DO, IN* WHEN IT'S yoU KNOW? O.K. TO COME IN L LOOK.� THROUGH THE' 7 KEY,MOLE. f f ; i " �. FRESH t LINENS, lA.; � ='� .7101is FULL! tier'` . ..--•-.,- Tali; 1 AND WHEN as Noll, w�a N II 11 •_ '�,` x 1(. �1 ,,✓•' c-- a,a , l .�. -. ,! �''" t;_ `b:�. ,k �: z: .. 11 , t3. I mow. .• tv a fi— . �II Il• !� �`1t , - 3' 9i ..v.. .,..> -. •vers.► . N:fit ,,. �./LIVP "Sk. 4:..y: :,_ ti �`, \ .11 :iii ,_ RVi , .l .' r I' p ..'+. 1 ,. fent !:''. 71ha. lIIIIIIIIfII,,.;!' ..3 •`_ , T.0 .,p, Xl1.rzt L .:. ' 111111w Er' 41r �\_\ "'ter"- '' ', - .. - .. - ...,... - ,.