HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-03-06, Page 2CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED IyIGHTNING ROD DEALERS VE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE Stock of all Lightning Rod. Mate- rials on hand and can supply lin-. mediate delivery.. Why not write. and enquire about a dealership for your territory?. Our equipment Is the best on the market and our prices most reasonable. The B. Phillips Co. Ltd., 200 Main St., To- ronto. ATTENTION TR.APPERSI FOR $1.00 . I WILL. TELL YOU how to mix one of. best beaver scents ever known. Apply Stanley Fuller; Whitney, Ontario, MUSKRAT, MINK AND IIE.A.VER trappers, Triple your catches with a subnuirine trap, Ten muskrats to a catch, Simple to operate, Weighs three pounds, No losses from biting or Dulling their feet oft. $4.00 emelt. Write for catalogue. Submarine Trap Company, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.. BUSINESS Oi'I'O1t3PUNITIJOS THE VILLAGE OF G-tRDENTON,: Manitoba, would appreciate veg- table canning factory, For partic- ulars, apply Secretary, Gardenton, Board of Trade, Gardenton, 'Man. 11:1110 OIHCJtS APPROVED BARRED ROCK cockerels. February and March. 2.1,00 Per hundred. MacEillican Poultry Farni, Moose Creek. Ont. TWO AND THREE WEEK OLD started chicks at rock bottom prices while they last. Barred Rock, White 'Leghorn, Black Australorn, Xew 0 stntpshires, Liget Stases X Net', Ramp hires, New Hamp- shire X Inured hock, Light Sussex X New Hamp hires. Send for spe- cial prleelret Tweddle Chick I3at- cheries Ltnuted„ Fergus, Ontario. NEW 1LAMPSHlR 10 It77D CHICKS, own breed!ng flocks, banded and putioruan tested under Ontario breeding' ' station policy. No reac- tors. Write for details. Hoeeke's Poultry Farm, Cantpbellford, Ont. COCKERI•:1. (BARGAINS IN DAY old, two and three week old chicks. Many pure breeds and hybrids t0 choose went. Send for special prieee. Top Notch Chlckel'ies, Guelph. 1ph. Ontario. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that is what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks, All breeders are 100 percent tree from pullorum. Order your chicks now direct from this an and not be disappointed. Tom Barron Leghorns, $12.00 per 100. Pullets 524.00. Barred Rock MIxed $12.00 per 100. Pullets 021.00. White Rock Mixed $15.00 per 100, Pullets 220.00. Brown Leghorn Mixed 614.00 per 100. Pullets 025.00. Leghorn -Rock Mixed 812.00 per 100, Pullets 025.00. Red -Rock Hybrid $02.00 per 100. Pullets 521,00. Spe- cial prices on cockerels Guarantee 100 percent live delivery to your station, $1.00 down. balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- tario. a COMBINATION BUCKEYE rxcu haters for sale cheap. Setting capa- eity L,Ot•0, hatching capacity 4,000 eggs. 1 cembinat]on Buckeye Tur- key incubator, setting capacity 6,700, hatching capacity 1,680 eggs. All Incubators supplied with 25 or 00 cycle. apply Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, On- tario. 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Barred Rock Pullets $21.95 White Rock Pullets $25.55. White Leghorn Pullets 821.95. Brown Leghorn Pullets 125.95; Red - Rock Hybrids, 02105. Leghorn - Rock Hybrids. 525.55, All chicks sold are from bloodlested stock back by Egli pedigreed stocit, $1.od books you rorder Valance C.O.D. Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch- ery. Chatham. Ontario THE SWAY TO ]H.,T"felt PROF1T in the 1iL'ten business is to avoid needleee rislt, Avoid risk two ways Ly this simple method . . . first Ivey: Order untr ter delivery on the date. you wish, and thus avoid the sielt of tele •ed delvleries or higher prieee rto,.11.4 way: Order front Top it 0;,kerlea and know that you will er•.rt with chicks of known e ,site 1 f..•m a known hatchery. 'rep \a^i1 chicks are approved Prem pnlrorunt tested stock of all the hoot breeds — and some fine .bred+, They're from strong. true to type breeders with proved •.,rdo iivebility and productiv- Ity. Top N:-D'h chtehs cut risk away -rn•n build your chances for ••„d psoas away up But be sure 3 et sur ":•der in early. In that a r you will he sure to have the 3,.tel R chicly you want when you went them arid at. the lowest price whether prices rise or fall. Better Ori a for the Top Notch e•atologue -tight away The right sn. t t is en early start. Also started ehielts tue, and three weeks old. 'rep \-„_1. Chickeries, Guelph, On - GOOD rl”. CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr, Broadhurst of Jan- ette. Que., says Itbout our chicks: April Su. 1946—"The 208 chicks re- ceived 1n splendid condition. not one dead and duly one died since. They are the most vigorous bunch of rhlrks I eve! received and 1 have been handling 31100110 for over 40 years." Order now and get the best, Here ere our prices Burred flock Mixed, 012.00: Pullets, 521.00; White Leg• horn, Mixed, .212,00: Pullets. $24,00; White Bork Mixed, 515.00 Pullets, 525 50; Brown Leghorn Alixed, 514 O5 Pullets, 525.00; Hybrids RockP,ed Mixed, et 00; Pullets, 521.110 Hybrid Leghorn -Rork Mix- ed. $12.00; Pullets, 520.00. You also 1 tree snicks, Goddard thick Hat• :here. 1"ritnunia Heights tint 3 & 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS 1t pays to raise capons. The price of tabors 18 approximately So lb. higher than the price of cockerels.. Prices of heavy breed 3 week old to March 21st 25c; to Airy 16th 27c,; after Nay 16th 20c. Prompt deliv- ery, Order from this ad. or send for full particulars. Lakeview Poul- try Perm, Wein 'roe., Exeter, On- tario POULTRY RAISERS WHO W100J, know the ]mportnnce of getting- fila tC rt stock for big profltr, depend on T\VEDLLE CHIPKS, year after year. Our repeat customers have l:ept us In business and growing,. for 28 years now. The time to or- der your 1917 Twaddle chicks 1s right now. An early order will as• sure you of having the breed of chicks you want, delivered a the 1 n 1 date n select )1 forr at 11 el t Cad 0. proper Y Yt p start to a profitable year. It pro- tects yolt agotnat Price changes too. 7t prices raise, Yon pay the -price atimo of. order. It rices drop, n- you Pay tho lower price All Twed- dle rhioks are from Pullorum test- ed stock of proved high production and 110ablli.y. Approved of course, Al] popular pure breeds and hy- brids to choose from. No waiting, prompt delivery. Write .tor free catalogue. Also Started chicks two. and throe weeks of age. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, ',argue, Ontario. nAR'Y CRRJI(S - - Poo SALE STARTED PULLETS. 2 - 4 WEEKS 0 February delivery. Cash in on the early egg markets, Also started' •coelcerels' and mixed chicks. Send tor Weekly Speeial List. Lakeview Poultry- Farm, Exeter,. Ontario. . DART CHICKS NEW pre - shires, fast feathering,,, Ba Rocks and Red -Rock. Hybrids, blood -tested under Ontario breed- ing station, net a single re -actor found. Mixed 14c. Pullets 20c each. Write your order in at once..Hard- Ing Smith. Sparta, Ont. CHICI{S FOR LATER SPRING BE - livery should be ordered now with out tail. Altho we're pretty well sold for March we may have chicks available on some dates. Contact us.. Right now we've dayold and.. started cockerels, Bray- Hatchery, 180 John N., Hamilton. (,OXFORD" APPROVED CIIICIOS live, lay and pay. Theyarethe re- sults of twenty-one years of care- ful selection. and. breeding • to 0. B.S. They have to be good, because tvs' want the very best kind of chicks for our awn flocks — big,. vigorous and early maturing. .We stress egg size and unitormiLY. Barred Rocks.. White Leghorns, Hemp. s Rock Crossbreds, Hemp x Leghorn Crossbreds. Rock x Leg- horn Crossbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers` Co-op- erative Produce Company, Limited, 434. ,Main Street, Woodstock, On- tario. RELIABLE CHICKS IT 'WILL I'AY YOU 'CO ORDER the best and we have them. Barred Rocks bredto lay. Leghorn ROP sired, White Giants mixed, New Barnes, Leg X BIt. Miller's Chick Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. BREEDER HATCHERY OF 5000 breeders It is not too earlyto book Your chicks for 1947 to be assured of getting Lakeview super bred chicks when you want them. BUY your chicks from 1l reliable well established Breeder Hatchery back- ed by 5000 hens, pure brads and ail popular hybrids. Start your chicks early. Chicks started then show biggest profits. Send for Price List, large illustrated catalogue and Poultry Guide' which tells you how to raise better pullets. Also aslt for Weekly Special List of heavy cock- erels and 'overhateh' hatch -dal'. Specials, and New Pot Type QUeen 011 Brooder Stoves. SPECIAL PRICES HEAVY Cock- erels. Day old or started, also day old or started pullets and mixed, Prcmpt delivery. Lakeview Poul- try Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, On- tario. HATCHERY APPROVED 1An1' chicks -from blood -tested (govern- ment inspected Breeders. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Pura Breeds — Barred Rocks,White .Leghorn & Rhode Island Peds — your choice mixed 12c each. Ht -1 reds—Pied h Roelt Red X Light Sussex & Leg- horn 1. Barred Rock—mixed 12c, Pullets 22c, Cockerels 4c. All high production strains, All breeds available now. Enclose ad and lc per chick deposit, balance COD. Blenheim Hatchery & Poultry Breeding Farm, 'Blenheim, Ont. FAST — FEATHERING DARRED Rock approved chicks. '111 of our chicks are batched from our own selected breeding stock which is Government pullorum tested and banded. Sexed chicks are guaran- teed 90 percent accurate. Quality 0 and satisfaction guaranteed. Write for price list and particulars. L, Helalern and Sons., Huntsville, Ont. ELECTRIC BROODER 130-100 chick size, Chromate element, very substantial construction, Express Paid for only 512.95, Buy direct from manufacturer and save $0.00. Send remittance 00 Gordon's Equip- ment, Dundalic, Ontario Money refunded if you can better this value, Order to -day and avoid last minute rush. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE 2'01) ANYTHING 1010000)5 dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department H,- Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonne Street. Toronto. Ontario. I57.ECTIIICAL EQT11PelENT FROM STOCK NEW: cue. •— d.c. C.G.E, Welders, Welding rode, 010- resorlee: 1C. or D.C. motors, all sizes, 25 or 60 ryeleo. Electric. ]foists ee to 6 Ton. Spot welders 6 to 260 K.V.A. Ilan engine generator plants, also WIND CHARGERS, 6-12-32 'Colt, Atrcooled gas engines. Norm reducing, gears. Gee driven pumps also complete electric pumping Systems -Shallow -Well or Deep Well 100 to 50e Gal. per mite. also Trans- formers, Alliance Electric Works Ltd., 1079 Beaver Hall Hill, Mont- real or write nearest office Halifax Rouyn — Toronto -- 1WINNIPEG — VANCOUVER. -. NEW 3/S JOHNSON GASOLINE Engines, $47.10. Electric Lighting Plants, 382.5e. Immediate Shipment. Currey Fulmer, Eglington & Bath- urst, Toronto if AII31S MOlt 'A1.14' 10011 SALE 131 PRO VED I,EWEL Farm, fenced, goodsoil buildings, water. SVrite Thos. Blythe, Fusi- lter,Saslt., Can. FOR $A010 Agar EIN 'ION FARMERS Fon SALE, TRACTOR TIRES, made of rubber.. suitable for bolt- ing' on steel wheels, $15.00 each, rear wheels; •67.50 each, front Wheels. When ordering state diam- eter and width of wheel. National Rubber CO.. Ltd., 5 Wiltshire Ave.. Toronto, Ont. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS RL^S'J AUIt. 0N'1 SINKS, II 0 0 0 5, steam tables.; ole tanks, 1.00 to 200 gallon, maple sye p and .honey tanks, open water tanks, canoes, floats, skiffs. Guaranteed alumi- num hot water boilers. Inquiries •nvited. Mclean Aluminum Relit Co. Ltd., 11204 -tank St„ Ottawa, (Int. CANOE CANVAS ALL. WEIC4HTS AND WIDTHS also copper mails, tacks and canvas filler, Write for prices. John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington Street W., Toronto. EVERLASTING FLOWERS A IIEAI'TII"I'L Iorsco' 011' 0111100, everlasting flowers, prole, white, purple, yellow, rose and flame shadesgloriously mixed. Send $L00 i'ari 3, postage prepaid. Also .P ack- age "Sweet English Lavender'', mailed anywhere, 20r. Vontale I.lswers, 497 Burnside ltd., Victoria, R.C. PREPS Pon I, h'LOWEn. Seeds and Plants, elsn Speria1 tow prices on Strewherry, Thimble- oorry, Asparagus and ether Nurse- ry stork. Send for catalog. May- farm ayfarm Nursery, Galt, Ont. FUU 00410 FICO3t $i•1. ItEi'.tI4tS $6,00 up. ➢fork, 00000rs. other b,Ir- gains. Write Dem.. \t., The Pur:. r0ery, 7276 Queen W„ Toronto. (HORG0OL0 GIANTDAI4LIAti y '00 14 inches across; Latest and stan- dard vanities, Reasonable pieces.. Catalogue Tree. Ifubbert's Dahlias, Main St.,' Cult, Ont. HOME-MADE RAI'.. '1'1SA1', NEW Idea, cheap, safe, eliiclent, One 'dollar for plans to build your 'own traps Satisfaction guaranteed Ro- bert Robbins, Patriot, ind., USA, LP YOU B'AH'1 A SMALL ACRF)-' age and.0 beautiful first-elass home in the rich fruit belt near \S'iuona and can pay $20,000.00 cash, Sprite. J. G.. Kennelly Real Estate .Broker, 404 Bus Terminal Building, Hamil- ton, -Ontario. JERSEYS Ii'OIt SALIO,-to 1i•R10SH- en from March first' on, 13 mature cows, five first calf, four yearlings, including five. registered. Apply W. 1t Cottingham, Lachute, Que, SINGERS J'It1L0DL19 - SEWING mach'ne wtulted with drop -head. Write stating price 00 40 South Oval Hamilton, Ont. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. DT.NLAP,. Glenoneri. Thousand 012.00 Pre - oiler. Samplebustet 515.00 prepaid, Order sing. Cash, Earl' Bawer, :h'emptv11Ie, Ont., _. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE $2200.60-6 room frame house and double garage In Orono—lei acres land—all conveniences—new hone with lovely garden, berry patches, shrubs, 010, Possession A1)111 1st, Long Bros., Licensed Real testate Brokers, Port. hope, Ont. THE NEW SIARTIN LOA1)1021 19 available now. Fits practically any. tractor. Writefor descriptive lit- erature, to E. C. Meander and Co., P.O. Box 140, Hamilton, Ont. THREE CYPRESS TAM'S FOR sale. 6 ft. staves x 6 ft. diameter (bottom), Staves 2" thick. Dou- ble bottom of 2" stock. Hold ap- proximately 1000 gal. early. E. D. Smith & Sons, Ltd., Winona, Ont. "NEW POT TYPE QUEEN OIL • burning brooder stoves". We have need these with outstanding per- formance. Book nolo for Winter and early Spring delivery. We can give prompt delivery if you act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Eros., Exeter. Ontario. RETREAD TIRES, ALL SIZES. Good as new. Firestone design. Write for price list. Prince Tire Shop. 771 St, Clair W, Toronto. TARPAULINS ST0RDS' 411101V1i OR IMAM Duel( 'Waterproofed Covers with tie ropes, all weights. Write for quo- tations and samples. John Leckie, 77 Wellington St. lir., Toronto. TIRES We are.. overstocked at the present. of good used trade-in tires (guar- anteed to be in excellent shape), 600 x 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.0.D, Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires, BEACON TIRE corner Queen and York Ste" HAMILTON, Ontario. ONTARIO'S 31058' MODIal N EQUIPPED TIRE, SHOT' Deniers Wonted HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto 11E04' WANTED TORONTO HOSPITAL WESTON Ont, 6 girls for Ward Diet .Kitchen, Eight hour duty and six day week. Good living conditions. Apply b3' tetter or phone dietician. ate. 1163, local 49. WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED HOiSE- keeper, good habits for widower. Good home on highway near City. Apply 3110 Pape Ave., Toronto. 01 EDICAL SATISFY Y01'RSAILF — EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy, ISunro's Drug Store, 235 E1 - gin, Ottawa, Postpaid 51.00 POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczeme rashes and weeping akin .troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you, Itching, sealing, burning eczema, ache, ringworm, -pimples and ath- lete's foot, will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICE 01,00 PER JAR Send Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. C., Corner of .Logan 'Puronto• TREAT YOURSELF Al 0031E wltb electro -magnetism for Arth• rills, Rhemnstism, insomnia, 'Vert- cose Veins and other circulatory ailments, Free explanatory pamph- lets from Coopellemedies. Yonge• Street, Toronto. II"S PROVEN—EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. MEDICAL, "EUCA LINIMENT" FOR. •132055.1GL. O1' AI(I'HRTTIC pilin. $12,(1 or, bottle. Pat. No. '0330. P.O.OTeoe 414, Saint John, MUSICAL iNeTttU01ENTS halt l4D. A, 0(31)1)10.0'(45 St Y5. sells, eeche rig es musical Instru- ments 101 l rosea Toronto 2.. 01.1.11111‘4.0;1,1`114S. . 01111. wullll10 BE A 1-1,A R'ESSER JOIN CAN.PA'S LEADING SNHUOL Creat Opportunity Learn elatrdressing Pleasnnt dignified profession, good Wages, thousands suneessful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys• tent Illustrated eatalogue tree, Write or Cali SIARVISL HAIIRDR.ESSING SCHOOLS 353 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 tang St.,Hamilton k 74 Rideau, Street, Ottawa. 4010144010 '1'O (199310)010110 AN OFFER 142 Evian) • INA I N'I'Olt Use u1 Inventions and full infor- mation sent free. 1'be Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 Bonk Street. (Otte we. ('a nada_ I'ATEN'rS 1r16'1'H IMlS'1'01a A 0 CH .0 110)1 PANT Potent Solicitors. Established 1850. 14 Bing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information en request, • PERSONAb W A N '1'12 O 111' RESPECTABLE anidd,eaged bachelor on faun, 6 miles from town, respectable' middleaged widow as housekeeper.. With pay 810 Per month.' Apply Andrew- Lawson, R.R. 1, Clinton, Ont. .100401 5 510 REWARD FOR ANY tvatch we cannot repair; best work- mans11lP; written guarantee. Atlas "Watch Repair Co., Box 91, Station 0", Afontreai. - "ELWAH 00311N0 D 110 R E Christ" Wonderful book tree, Me. giddo Mission. Rochester. 11. 'N.Y. LEARN MAGIC AT HOME. "'EN- tertain your friends. 'Complete In- formation and catalogue free. Write today. S. B. Robinson, River- side, Ontario ATTENTION, STOREKEEPERS! Write for free monthly wholesale list of novelties and specialties. Specialty Distributors, 896 ktae- hray Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. ..STAPIPS ^S DIFFERENT FOREEIGN, X21.00 Catalog Value on131 $3.00 to'Approv- al Applicants, 30 Different Ameri- can .05 stamps wanted. Chowen, 980 Waterloo, Saint John, New Bruns. wick. FREE. FIFTY DIFFERENT 'sE- lected foreign stamps for five dente p0010ille, e. pc rovals, Box 100, Dix- Qe PHOTOGRAPH 2 ENLARGEMENTS 25c 4 x 6 In Folder Motais Enlargements -framed 7 x 9" Gold, Silver, Walnut- or -Black finish 74c if picture colored 94c, REPRINTS 3e EACH Send us Tour Old. Negatives Any Size Ro11-6 or 8. Exposure: Developed and .Printed 56e We make prints and enlargements from prints 'or lost negatives DEPT. M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Ilox 020, Pont Office Ar Toronto. AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY LEARN HOB' TO DEVELOP YOUR photography yourself. Become Popular. It will pay you a lot and may help you someday.. Free tnfor- matien. Write to. Bob Mercier, 3862 St.. Andre, Montreal. WANTED HARDWARE Olt PARR IOIPLE- ment Business wanted for cash. Prefer town or -large village. Box 183, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED ALL K1NDS OF birds. al sephrCooperr Limited, for Poul- try Dept., 2054 Danforth Ave., To- ronto 6, (We do custom grading). Torrid Air Found In Upper Altitudes Details on the existence of per- petually torrid layers of air in the otherwise cold upper atmosphere were disclosed by the National Ad- visory Committee for Aeronautics, a United States Government re- search agency. Results of studies by a special NAA subcommittee show a hot zone with temperature at' 170 de- grees Fahrenheit from 30 to 40 miles above the earths surface, Above this the air grows colder and drops to below zero tempera- tures at about 50 miles. Front there on out the air grows hot again and reaches 210 tlegrees at 400,000 feet, the present limit of investiga- tions. The probable maximum at this level is probably above 600 degrees, It always has been as- sumed that the air remained at a constant temperature of minus 67 degrees. Fahrenheit from an alti- tude of about 30,000 feet on. ISSUE 9-1947 THIS CRASH WAS. FELT FROM N.Y. TO CANADA You're looking in the middle of a tangle of splintered and bent freight cars that piled up in Stamford, Conn., on a main -line section of New Haven Railroad tracks that carry one of the heaviestrailtraffic loads in the world. Forty -car derailment blocked the tracks for many hours during the week -end travel peak, effected train traffic all the way front New York to Montreal, - • - SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS • ("A Six Bit Critic") In conversation, with a 10 -year- old Toronto lad just the other day, it came as something of a shock to learn that he had never—excepting in the movies—seen anybody either walking on snowshoes or sailing an iceboat. It made us realize to what an extent those two once -popular pastimes have passed out of our modern sports picture. ♦ 0 0 Snowshoeing 'was once enjoyed by thousands in many sections of Ontario and Quebec, with regular championship meets being held, and races contested at various- dis- tances. ,But now, most of the sports record books fail to give it even a casual mention, and to most folks, excepting in parts of the north country, it is just a curious mode of locomotion sometimes seen on the screen. The culprit responsible for its demise was, of course, no- thing else but ski-ing. For once even the most enthusiastic snow- shoer tried .out the waxed blades, he realized that—as far as kick and excitement were concerned—there was about the same difference be- tween the two as, say, making love to a pretty girl over the long-dis- tance phone, and doing same in person. o * e Ice -boating, even in its palmiest days, only had a comparatively limited number of devotees; but there was a time when frozen Toronto Bay was a thrilling sight, with dozens of the top-heavy look- ing craft darting over the ice at speeds of a mile -a -minute and up- wards. It always used to mystify regular sailors no little to see the darned things, after they had what was technically known as "punched a hole in the wind," scoot around a triangular course with no change at all in the set of the canvas, making practically the same speed on all tacks. e 1, 0 Iceboat sailors used to be very big-hearted in the matter of dishing out free rides; but they weren't always as generous as they seemed. For one of their favorite tricks was to get a greenhorn aboard and, after lulling him into a false sense of security, suddenly throw the thing into a viciously abrupt turn— and some of thein could turn on a dime and give you ninecents... change, Whereupon the passenger, who had neglected to keep a firm grip on the realities, would go whirling and spinnhig across several acres of glassy -surface, finally piling up in some snowbank with a )vile or so walk shoreward staring hint in the face, t '0 '! But it was all good clean fun, especially if you didn't happen to be the greenhorn in question. How- ever, the March of Progress has tramped all over this robust and hilarious sport, at least as far as Toronto is concerned. What with a much smaller ba$' surface, because of land -reclamation, and channels to Island and pumping -station kept open all winter long, it"is doubtful if iceboating will ever again lure the youth of 'the -City of Churches into passing up Sunday School on a frosty afternoon. But they'll probably find sosnething else that will serve the purpose just as well! w w 3 What with these bad bold gun- men rudely interrupting their dice Sessions and robbing them of their hard-earned Mone y, a n d the minions of The Law continuing to act very impolitely toward anybody who looks as if he was even think- ing of accepting a wager around hockey games and other sports events, our poor friends the gam- blers continue to take a gloomy and morose view of life. But we have no doubt they will manage to come through, somehow or other, as they have in the past, Off To Africa Twelve 'white legltorn cockerels from the Hambley Hatcheries, Winnipeg, arrived in Montreal on the Canadian. National's Transcon- tinental Limited, en route to the largest farm in Southern Rhodesia via Saint. John, N.B. Accommo- dated four to a crate, the birds were fed and watered during' the Canadian portion of the long trip by Canadian National Express at- tendants. They will sail for Africa on the cargo ship "Cargill." Good for TIRED MUSCLES IDsfantiDe" generally affords gvick"relief,' from painful, discomfort ht' sinus lnfec%ioh 1t� Tontv52S0 pRdOitdasf MUTT AND JEFF— Jeff Seems to be Kinda Hot and Cold with his Lady Friends BY BUD FISHER DE118HTEG , ELEI°P114 1• OINE,EtAMA! MEETMEAT THE LAKE AND DONT FoRGEIYoUR ICE SKATES. ' , ttY 'bRE YOU.G7tNG WELL, weu.., OR,ENCE0S o.K.� WITH EMMASCHUI,rz 1N A WHAT 1 SHE'S MYSLIMMER AGAIN,VouR ot.D WAY,YES! ABOUT TIME GAL! - GIRL FRIEND? at I. WANT EMCEE• BESIDES IS THERE To GO ICE ,-,,,p.. ANYTHING WRONG f54. SKATING ••r.,� wiTH NAVINC3 1 MIS5 SCHULTZAS I 1OR ` "' A FRIEND? • NO;00 COURSEP!OTl SOEt EMMASCHULTz is So BIG AND , HEAVY FORA' LITTLE SHRIMP LIKE,N001 fir SHES, JUST FINE! SHE'S My WIN (ER -cIMP GAL! ti t ;rh ,;pi NOW,BMMA, y l' YOU TRY IT _; FIRST! "'r ^ 3 f } N 41 r jr i ltd ..1• t. AIL ,`!a' rn °�• • fc 1 w�, tbl A'„ '• ; l,. .i -� lis • �fi tr�l / t :' ,� • " ca ni '7' SN8 ;lPl 11 1. -� . •4 4. .fi'''r. w �' 11l I U t. 'w X11' F— g�.' FF ,$ g+ ill a II 'i 11 I ,Ln