HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-02-27, Page 3CIN1+igrsgrtb' .A APStYtE,S.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING.. BABY CHICKS FARM FOR SALE 11Ii'1DICAIG• HIGH. PRODUCTION CHICKS 'WE SUPPLY YOU WITH 'THE best that can be produced your In- terest 40 our objective. Order one month ahead this year and reap the : early -Fall prices,. Brad -to -Lay Barred Rocks, S.C.W. Leghorn R013 "Sired.. White Giants heavy 'breed Leghorn X Barred Rock He- ' -•bride the bast laying strain, Order "Yfbw for Februery. Miller's Chick Idatchery, Fergus,Ont, FEBRUARY' - MARCH 02000105 should bo ordered without. delay, You'll need cockerels for thetable markets -We've Dome started, and dayolds, prompt 'shipment, ]3 s) Hatchery, 130 John N„ IT IS WISE TO ORDER TOP Sor• tch delivery wks henlyou Sar, order n oW willas aura youof having a flying :start in 1947 with the kind of chicks you want on the date you want them, And r • cert goh uplowest . price-too! the price at time of order. Ifprices drop, you get full advantage. Top Notch chicks are all husky, health3',. Approved, from highly productive, Government e Approved pullorm methods of pre aelecctton aup-to-date d h nd ling assure your complete satisfac- tion.: Our customers conte back to Top Notch year atter year, Write today for our free. catalogue. A.130 laying and ready today pullets for immediate delivery: TopNotch Chtckeries, Guelph, Ontario. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, •that Is what all Rainbow ' Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks: All breeders • 100 percent from • your chicks now it from • ad and not be disappointed. Tam Barron Le horns, $12.00 per 100. Pullets $24.00. Barred Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. White Rock Mixed 010,00 Der 100, Pullets $25.00. Brown Leghorn Mixed $14,00 per 100. Pullets 325.00,. Leghorn -Rock Mixed 912.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00. Red -Rook Hybrid $12.00 per 100. Pullets 921.00. Spe- cial prices on cockerels Guarantee sto1delbanoatin. 01.00 ownalceC.your D Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- tario. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING chicks for immediate delivery non- sexed: 700 Light Sussex X New. Hampshires, 400 Barred Rock X New Hamshires, 300 White Leg- horn, 000 Lf ht Sussex, 00 Black Australorps Cockerels: 209. -Barred Rocks, 150 White Leghoihs, Also laying and ready to lay pullets..: Free catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, ,Fergus, .(en- tario . BARRED ROCKS & WHITE LEG - horns. Baby; Chicks; Canada ap- proves three grades: list R.O.P. Chlcks.2nd, R.O.P. Sired Chicks. 3rd, - hicks. We sell the first A DDreved C two gradesesteBreeding w etoelc ppint- arum tested. Call write or phone $$lottery' 10022, Pos. ultry Farm, Pickering, vOnt- 'AN ORDER NOW WILE ASSURE you of having the number and breed of Tweddle chicks you Want: when you want them to start a big Drofft- able 1947 season. An earlyorder also protects you against price ° rise while giving you full advantage of any drop in price before . delivery. We have been in the chick business 2 or 23 years .. proof in itself that many satisfied customers- reorder Tweddle Chicks 'year atter year. All Tweddle chicks are Approved, bred from Pullorum tested stock of proven reliability. A11 *,popular dlic- breeds rs a big money cross-breeds. s. Send rtoday for free catalogue. Can supply chicks immediately. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, On- tario, ' ▪ ;BREEDING COCKERELS - R.O.P. sndivlrelie dIg Vigo- rous, individually o. Ross Found, Cannington,Ont. MONKTON POULTRY F A R el chicks. You buy baby 'ducks for ono reason. To receive dividends on Your Investment, you must he cer- tain where your money 1s invest - '0d. We offer you baby chicks from n Poultry Farm with every breed- er dellorm tested and government banded. Take advantage of our 1*, order discount, catalte ogue. our 1247 prieeltsti and cat ARMS. TION OTON, ONTARIO. FARMS, GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr. Broadhurst or Joli- ette Que., says about our chicks: April 20, 1946 -"The 208 chicks re. calved In splendid. condition, not one dead end only one died since. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever received and I have been handling chicks for over 40 3'eara." Order now and get the beat. Here are our Prices. Barred Roclr Mixed, 912.00: Pullets, 921,00; White Leg- horn, Mixed, 012.00; Pullets. 024.00; White- Rock Mixed; $16.00 Pullets, $25.00; Brown Leghorn Mixed, 514,00: Pullets, 936.00; HYbride Rock -Red Mixed, $12.00: Pullets, 921.00; Hybrid Leghorn -Rock Mix- ed, $12.00; Pullets, 926.00. You also get free Snicks. Goddard Chick Hat- chery, Britannia Heights. Ont. CHICK BUYERS, DON'T MISS IT. Targe 1947 calendar, twelve pages. three colors, thirty illustrations. Tells how to succeed with lrisher chicks. Fres .011 request. lrlaher Or- chards, Freeman, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 free chicles (our choice). Barred - Rock Pullets 521.96 White Rock Pullets 925.96. White. Leghorn Pullets 524.95. Brown Leghorn Pullets 925.96: Red= Rock Hybrids,. $21.55. Leghorn- Rock Hybrids, $25,95. A11 dhicke sold are from hloodteeted stook, back, by high pedigreed 'stock, 51.00 books you rorder, Balenee C.0.7). 4auarnnteed Delivery Kent Hatch- ery. ('hntham. Ontario HEAVY COCKERELS 94.00 PER , 100, Hollywood leghorn pullets $26.00, Rock, red, Sussex and Hy- brid pullets 522 00 per 100. Big Hus- ky guaranteed to live chicks from bloodtested pv110rnm floe hese. Chicks Begg 00 230-000 1.' egg Tbelr inherited egg laying ability added to their extra health and vigor make them. the best chick bargain for 1947. Write for early order discount and• free calendar, or order direct from thle ad, we can make immediate ship= meat curing an.nunry end. 'Fehf:u- sry. ]lig Rocks Farm, Mile Roches, Ont.. Can. 00101N0 AND. CLEANING '•. HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write • to us for information. We, are glad to answer your questions, Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited;:' 791 Tonga Street. Toronto.' Ontartn. 1PARe1S Ir012 SAIF 400 ACRE DAIRY' I ' FARM__ FOIP sate in Grenville County, ydro, water in barns, creek and never failing well, good barns and out- buildings, stable for 30 head cat- tle, 10 horses, 150 hens, 125 hogs. 250 acres cultivation, balance Hard and soft wood. Sell with or without stock and equipment. Reason for selling, other interests. 'Box 131, '73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 3 FARMS 130I0 SALE, ALL RAVE GOOD building's and acres of bush, Will exchange any one 000 bungalow In city. '-A. E,. Shaw,- Mount Forest, TGR. 5, Ont. FOR SALE: ATTENTION FARMERS FOR • SALE, TRACTOR-: TIRES, . made of,. rubber, suitable for •bolt- ing on. ,steel wheels, $10.00 each rear wheels; $5,00 each, front wheels, 'When ordering state dialn eter and width of wheal. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 6 Wiltshire Ave., . Toronto; Ont. BARN FOR SALE, n0' by '133' WITH 18 H. poets. In good condition. Any- one in .need of buildingmaterial should seethis barn. -Fred' Hender- son , 32,10. 1, Sebringvtlle Ont. COLLIE PUPS, 3101PN HEELERS, 2 01011110 old. Males $10.00, females $5.00. Females trained for cattle $15.00: One Shepherd collie guaran- teed cattle dog, 905.00. 1 foxhound working, 925.00. 1 -German Police guaranteed watch 'dog, 935.00. Ar- chie Brenneman, R.R. 1, Bright, Ontario. .-- ESTABLISHED TURKEY PARR on paved highway equipped for one thousand birds. Close to cities and towns, with excellent retail sales.. Box 130, 73 'Adelaide W,,.' Toronto. FEED AND CHOPPING MILL Re centre of best farming county in Ontario. Situated on siding. Doing steady large volume business' with unlmited opportunities - for expan- sion. Apply Box 129, 72 Adelalde W., .Toronto. 7010 SALE, ONE GOOD WALTZER Fox Hound, P. E. Hollingsworth, Sault .Ste. .Marie, Ontario. PUNIC G-HYRRIns - GROW EX- tra bushels of big, sound ear0; big- ger tonnage of silage. Farm proved • for your soil, moisture, maturity conditions. Free! Strain Circular and Funk Corn.Guide; tells true, interesting research story behind Funk : G -Hybrids' high yields, standabitity, Insect -disease resist- ance. Write today. James Grant & Son, Cottam, Ontario. GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY leaf tobacco. Large Red or Ha- vana, 0.84 Sts, per pound; Obourg or Rose Queanel, 0,94 cts. per pound; Small Canadian 51.20 per pound. dors strong wanted. 2). Landry & Co., 31.27 St, Catherine St., East, Montreal, Que. "LUMINOUS HOUSE NUIIIDERS" ' Glows in the dark. 25c per num- ber, Posbpald. Easily' attached. A. Kramer, .414 Avenue N., Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A. NEWEST. TYPE OIL -BURNERS, Radios, parts and test equipment - information for stamp. Economy Distributors, Kingston, Ont. NEW 8 JOHNSO N GASOLINE Engines, 947.10.Electric leighting Plants $82.50. Immediate Shipment hipne Currey Bulmer, Eglington & Bath- urst, Toronto MOTOR LAUNCH FOR SALE RCN HARBOUR PATISIOL CRAFT No. 14 Length 48' 8", Beam 13' 0",-Depth6 ft. 8 ins, displace- ment' 11 tons, Engine - twin ster- ling "Patrol" 450 B.H.P.' Good con- dition used very little. Present owner willing to 'sacrifice. Richard Pw0ibcorneD,w.oOralieot.al Company, PERCIVAL WALKING PLOWS AND REPAIRS PERCIVAL, a name well known to plowmen, has been absent from the implement field for the last few' years. In an attempt to revtye tt, we began In a email way during the last year to manufacturethese plow! and repairsfrom the original Percival Plow patterns. Encourag- ed by tha response, We wish to of- fer again this year this popular lino ...to Canadian Farmera, From experience :gained during war pro- duction, we have formulated a new alloy metal to increase the wear re- sistance of our plow points. Insist on Percival Chrmnalloy Potnts for longer service. Enqulrles are invit- ed from Farm Implement Dealcre. Fanners, contact your Dealer or write to us for information. Mer- rlckvllle Plow Company, Merrick- • vide, Ont, PLASTIC EXPERIMENTS? PLEXI - gins sheets, all sizes and colors. Experimental kits, 93.00 and $5.00. Kiddgr Manufacturing Co., 70 Duke, Toren to. SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES ltY Champion Worthy Joe O'Thrume. mid-February delivery. Registered male or femme, twenty five dollars. Pictures 014 ped leree up= re- quest. Order now. Kanrina Coutes, Hlghlnnd Creek, Ont. SHOTGUN. ['N. TOP 7'En, 10-GATIGE, single shot, $16 Stevens 410 re- pewter 034.20: Mnnsberg G.T. 22 re- peater, a.Hardware, 1074 W. Lewisro. TIRES We are overstocked nt the present anteed goodused a In dcveellpnt9 (guar- anteed 600 x 16 $5.00 All orders shipped f\fl.D. SnnMnl equipment for vulennizing Trunk. and Farm Trortor Tires. REAf01N TTR70 Frorner Queen and York Sta.. HAMTLTON. Ontnrio. ONTARIO'S MOST SIOt1FRN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP 95005 WOOIIRRIDGIC. R 1 VE frontage, ono sere, six homes. Shows 15n/ yenrly profit. Priced for quick .ole, atewnrt Mercer Realtor. Dundee St.. 'Toronto. JU, 4045 .11 Ain DIRE SSTNfi ;,EARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Tnforniation an request regarding dosses. Robert- son's Hairdressing Arndemy. 137 Avntlur Road, Toronto HELP WANTED WANTED 09, VISTA AND GIRLS for offire work. Apn1' Tweddle chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. HOlrSPi0EEERl. No ORJ10f:T'YON to small children. Box 102, R.R. 2, Norval, Ont. GOY,1) ,GLOVE LIMITED. Cott has a job for you. Good wages and conditions. - Learn a trade. Write for information. n1EDiCAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Danish the torment or dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Olczema Salve will not diaap-. point you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, rm pimples ache, ringworm, respond les and nth- D P if to y 1eto'e foot, will -read this stainless . odorless ointment, • of. regardless of how stubborn or hopeleso they may seem. PRICE 91.00 PER JAR Send Post Fre° on Receipt of 'Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan Toronto DIXON'S REMEDY -FOR NEURte tis and Rheumatic Patna. Thou- sands 'satisfied. biunro's Drug Store, .335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 91.00. , .. TREAT .YOURSELF AT HOME with eleotro-magnetism for Arth- rifle, Rheumatism, Insomnia, Vari- cose Veins• and other circulatory ailments. Free .explanatory, pamph- tete from Coope$emedlee, Yonne Street, :Tol'onto,. PREENATONE IIEALTH SALTS. posltively does relieve - Arthritis and Rheumatism, :,Painful swollen' Joints reduced no matter how long you have Buffered. Months 'supply 91.00 "postpaid, Indian Remedies, Bair 118, Vancouver, B.C. NAMELESS COLD REMEDY for tile -past 48 years, has relieved thousands of sufferers. of S1nue.. Deaf- nesafu}TrialAsprepaidC Catarrh Purity Products, Exeter, Ontario. READ THIS -EVERY SUFFERER. of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis.. should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's-Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Otta- wa. Postpaid $1.00.,, DIUSICAL INSTIIL'MEeiTS FRED A. UODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS RID. paired and re -finished- Milne ex- pertly repaired. For Bale, Tenor Guitar, litre new, Price 536,00. For particulars write, A. C. McGarvey, Orrville, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL. Great Opportunity Learn He irdressing Pleasant dignified profession. good wages, thousateds successful, Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue free. Write or Call MARVE OOSCLT DRESSING' 858 Bloor St. W., Toronto Hamilton Branches 44 King St., & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGR & COMPANY 14 tKing West,, rTorontoblBooklet89of Information on request. PERSONAL 'BLTJAH I 110011(01130 Christ" Vgnderfulboor Eros. Me- giddo Mission, Rochester, 11. N.Y. FUN. CARDS, MEN, SEND 10e FOR set of 12 cards and catalogue of novelties, sundries, etc. Pars' Co., W 312 McIntyre Building, Winni- peg, Man. FOREIGN AND ;AMERICAN POSI- attlons await .Interested. persona. 1947 copyrighted Ilsting covering thirty major fields. One dollar to sincere applicants. Boston Trading Company, Dept. Y, Box 332, Boston 1. Massaehusette. IbTUTTERING - CORRECTED MY - self completely. Anyone . should easily. Inexpensive proven Marne - tion. Hew Fleming, 317 homer, Vancouver. WORRIED o� o . shows ABOUT MONEY. out�eof Debt and save. Costs 50c. Research 448 Walleer Bldg, Boston, Mass. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING MASSAGE - a .profession that Is not over- crowded and one which offers fi- nancial security. Complete training in nine months, VETERANS being trained through D.V,A,. CANADIAN COLLEGE OF MASSAGE 07 AVENUE TWAT) SUITE A-6 TORONTO PHOTOGRAPHY GET BETTER P1CTI,IRES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any .Size 8011-0 or S Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED mite 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 26e Size 4 x 8" to Easel mounts. Hand • Colored and Framed Eninrgemente at :menial prices DEPT, el STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1211, Poet Oftiee A, Toronto PrInt NIA me and Address. Plaint" COMET PHOTO SERVICE Weir elan Service, work guaran- teed, 25e per. roll. Reprints 30 each. •,s x 7 coloured in .folder mount, 75c. Box 6. Postal Station D, Toronto. A•RF.1.: 4 x 0 (BRILLIANT EN- iergement with each roll of film sent tove for processing, 6 x 8 ex- posures 25c coin. Careful finishing by experts with 12 years experi- ence. Send to Arn Wakeling, .Photo Finishers. Dept,. B, 314 Dundas St., London, Ont. STAMPS FROM COLLECTION STARTED 1898 ehn supply following Canada Postage Stamps. 80 different 50c, , 210 different 55,00. G. S. Smyth, 110 Balmoral South, Hamilton, Ont. STAMP COLLECTORS BARGAIN 100 all different, worldwide panket, only 25c. Try nut. economy approv- als too. Dowse, 48 Bowood, To- ronto. MONTY AND STALIN Generalissimo Stalin entertains Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery, Chief of the British' Imperial General Staff at the Kremlin during Montgomery's Moscow visit. P T S 0 S OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") You've all heard the very an- cient one about the man who took a trip through the Thousand Is- lands, then `went to the Steamship Company demanding a refund of his fare on the ground that he had done some counting and found two or three islands short of the full tally. Well, we are happy to report that this same spirit of healthy skepticism still persists among our modern athletes; although, If the incident wasn't vouched forby a strictly veracious friend of ours, we would have put it down as just another gag. * * to • Anyway, while paying a visit to Hart House shortly after the New Year, our friend noticed a young University of Toronto undergrad indulging in some rather mystifying. antics at the bottom of the gym- nasium swimming -tank. At first he thought the swimmer 'was 'in difficulty, possibly danger; but when the latter arose to the' sur- face his explanation was simple. He had received, as a Christmas gift, one of these Eversharp fountain pens that are supposed to function under any and all conditions, and was merely doing a little checking up to see whether or not he'd been gypped. Just for the record, we are glad to say that the pen per- formed perfectly under water. * 4' * Chicago Black Hawks knocking off Montrea1.Canadiens two nights tine a0. row is- really something for the book -the kind of thing which, if it had occurred on a race track, would have called for saliva tests galore, to say nothing of a careful fr:„king of all the jockeys on sus- picion of carrying hand -batteries or other electrical fixtures. . 4' * * But, of course, nothing of that sort could possibly happen in the pure and noble sport of hockey; and the truth of the "tatter is pro- bably that those Montrealers have slipped a whole lot farther than most of us suspect, and from pres- ent indications ;night keep right on slipping. Right now, unless they should happen to meet in the open- ing round, we wouldn't be too greatly shocked to see Toronto Maple Leafs and New York Ran- gers tangling for the Stanley Cup. * * 4, Still, that doesn't "lean that you should go breaking any legs at - TRAPPING MINK - PDX WOLF TRAPPERS, trap for bounty year round with best gland Brent system money ran buy, Particulars free A E. Fisher, Box 410. Calgary, Alberta WANTED 0.1301' SITE OR CAMP ON WATER. Fishing,hunting. Road or .water connecon. All cash. S. Gardiner, R.R. 9, London WANTED ALL ICI N I) 5 0 F dressed poultry. Top prices •for top blyde, ,rosepb- Cooper Ltndted, Poul- try Dept, 2054 Danforth Ave„ To- ronto 0. (We do custom grading), STEAM leNf110E IN 0001) TAM - able condition. Send description, lo- cation and best °nett price to Box 128. 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. ISSUE 4-1947 tempting to get a wager down on that prediction, as we are quite capable of changing our alleged mind half a dozen times before the playoffa finally arrive. But, no fooling, it very much looks as if those Rangers are on their way, and that all the hard work Frankie Boucher has been doing on them is at last producing results; al- though, at that, when you consider that they have been drawing sell- out houses with teams that should have been charged admission to the rinks, why he should have la- bored so hard is something we never expect to know. * 18 a. Boston Bruins just don't appear to have it any longer and, except for brief flashes when the Kitchener -Waterloo trio are on the ice, can be a trifle painful to watch at times. From where we sit, it looks as though Art Ross has neg- lected to keep up with present-day trends, and has failed to notice that, asthe game is now played, speed and condition -especially condition -have it alt over any other quali- ties like a tent. In Modern hockey it isn't true that youth will be served -youth doesn't wait to be served, but goes and helps itself. Lower Wool Clip x� The total Canadian wool clip in Canada in 1946 was 13,700,000 pounds which was about 800,000 pounds below the 1046 clip. It is estimated that the 1947 clip will be below that of 1,646 by about five per cent. nstantine FAST RELIEF HEADACHE. . HONOR EDISON The new three -cent postage stamp reproduced above will commemor- ate the 100th anniversary ,of the birth of Thomas A. Edison. It will be placed on "first day" sale on his birthday, Feb. 11, at his birthplace, Milan, Ohio. ritish to Blow Up Helgoland Fortress A British naval officer said .re- cently the great German island fortress of Helgoland would be blown up about March 31 in a blast he said would be "the nearest rival to the atomic bomb." The 16 miles of tunnels in the fortress will be crammed with naval depth charges and blown to oblivion in one ".big bang", the of- ficer said. Helgoland, formerly a British colony, which was ceded to Ger- many in 1886 in exchange for Zan- zibar, was developed' by the Ger- mans into one of the most power- ful naval fortresses in the world, When You Think of SEEDS or FEEDS Think of KELLEY FEED & SEED CO. 778 Dovercourt Rd., TORONTO - ONT I ._ C1' .cHoEaS5 / 1 .or Money BaOi For quick relief from Itching caused by eczema; athlete'*, foot, scabies, elm plea and otherlt eradluons use porn coolin�gq, medlca'led, Ilq D. D, D. t"R1$CRUPTION. Greaseless etainleaa. Soothe, comtorG and quickly l Itching'. Don't Wner, Ask our d intense aN (thy for D. D. D. PRESCRIPYI'ION. ,y How to Combat RHEUMATIC -PAN Rheumatic pains may often be caused by Mow uric acid, blood imn_uritt th4 should be extracted by the kidneys. If kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remains, it may Cause antere discomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and ass Dodds kidney Pills. Doddshelp your kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons and excess acids -help you feel better. See what Dodd's can do for you. 1310 WHY SUFFER FROM HEAD= GRIPPE, PERIODIC PAINS When You Can Have Glorious Relief IN 7 MINUTES WITH BUCIfLE' HOW YOU CAN GET QUICK RELIEF FROM SORE, PAINFUL PILES 7Med by a Prefoeleaat Model Think of itl An INTERNAL treatment that eves quick relief from the itching irritation and burning, painful soreness of pile,. Piles are caused by internal conditions. No teethe, freedom frompile misery can be had until you relieve the cause. And the cause Is INTERNAL! So the best way to treat your sore, painful piles Is with an internal treatment like Hennoid. Hemroid is a formula that has been used for over 40 ears byy thousands of pile sufferers dirt is its lmedical action" o the relief which the congestion that is the real cause of all piles. Hemroid wakesup your lazy liver and gait bladder, promotes free, easy and comfortable bowel movements; relieves itching and burn- ing and stimulates' better circulation of blood in the lower bowel. Hemroid strikes right at the rause of your pile trouble quickly and effectively. We invite 7of to try Hemroid and let It prove itself. Yen can mr'-r your test in the privacy of you nen home, without coat if you ere net qr -.ti , . vmeed that. here at last Is an amee ugly easy rod-urprisingly effective meths, of treating your sore, pairnlul piles. Get a package of Hemroid today at. any drug store. Use it for three or four days. If you are not del' hied wdh it go get your money back. NOTE: The sponsor of Els notice is an old reliable flint doing business in Canada for or•r 25 years. Hemroid must help your soraal' 'sl n,00 -must de It quickly, easily and pleasantly or your own test of tills remarkably successful formula costs you nothing Try It today. • MUTT AND .TEFF- AND THOSE THREE ROUND THINGS ARE NOT GRAPEFRUIT By BUD FISHER WHAT'S Ttt �BUCKS MATTER, I MUTT? I LOST TEN IN A POKER GAME AND I DARENIT GO HoMeTO MY I HAVEN'T TEN To LENDYOU BUT I'LL PAWN MYGOLD WATCH TO HELP YOU YOU WILL?'� GOSH!- You'RE A REAL PAL,'%%/Gi JEFF:' ���'�� $ \ 'H �� �., HERE YOU ARE,� MUTT! I GOT FIFTEEN BUCKS ON MY WATdH! HERESTMETEN! ON, THANKS, eeEFF! YOU'RE Mg A PAL! . a DN, JEFF! LEND ME FIVE MORE! I WANT TO SNOW THE SWEET WOMAN I WON! .. . WIFE WlTMoUTIT! �f•�,1.',M1�r ln'1..'ddR'a:3{ oUTI .� s • \ r•1. ta__ / �'>(C� �yi�1 y 1 a , 11 essqi;;�I \ eat" y''y` •'. It / .., ''illll I,;. 911, "- I+ 1 e ! .;,� ! ., Nmr f. ��\`^�:., • , I I 7� l.Ii _ •., I 0 L'Y .�i •I,,,!:; `� ' I -• sni l .. ,�i (! :., \r . '• Al r I F ; I 'W41«?a' .: •ll Vaw cal. I � V .g'Uuf1\►.. � _ .. dol eqe) 1\ ,t4, d l i v. t rQ'. �/ .. 9r -1 :� )