HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-02-20, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 1947 HENSALL delicious lunch. Mrs, Kerslake, Mrs. FOR SALE Mr. Kenneth Brook spent the sentingthe Hensel]. Institute, at- Lt o, choice clay loam at o N 7, Cot• . cession i FIuHett Twp., on , No. 8 Bell and Miss Gladys Luker, repro Farm consisting of 100 acres of weekend in ,Toronto. I tended the meeting. H� tXa '4 milds west of Seaforth, M D L M'ckle retu red home t rs. 1 Sale or miles ear o,,Clinton. 1 t holiday from a very p easan o r, ay with. Clearing Auction On • said farm is situated a l well relatives and friends in Toronto. 1 Of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, built, 2 storey brick house with well Miss Audrey Dick of London Feed and Household Effects. Al. Lot nail; steel barn 86' x 78'; water spetit the weekend with her parents 28, Cor, 3, Huron Road Survey, Tuck.throughout the buildings; implement Mr. and Mrs. Rex Dick. a 1 ersnlith township, 4 miles west of. shed (nearly new); 4 acres of young Miss Barbara Michie spent the Egmondville, or 2 miles east of Clin- brash: • weekend at the home of her parents ton Rialto School, on Wechlesday. On the farm is 6 acres of fall wheat Mr. and Mrs. J. Michie, at Brussels. February 26th, at 1 p.nt. sharp: and ' 35 acres of fall plowing clone, Hensall Institute 1 Horses—I'ercheron horse 7 years with. the balance in hay and pasture. The regular monthly meeting of old n Percheron ulre, 9 years old'For further information apply to: the ' Hensall Wotnen's Institute„ (matched). Stewart Dale, tormnistrator, or took place in the United Church Cattle—Ayrshire shire cow 4 years old, Mrs, - Agnes Dale, Admhtistratrix Sunday Schoolroom on Wednesday recently freshened;- .Durham cow 4 for the estate of the late Charles F. 3 evening Feb, 12th, presided over by Yi:au • old, recently freshened; Dui - the , ' 1 years Dale. the president. Mrs. A. M. Kerslake, tuna bluer• years old, due October there being s goodly attendance of members and guests. Following the Niuieb 1st. Shorthorn cow (register - In „ ell) 7 years old, due April 15th Hol - Ode, `res the gloaming. was sang.' stein cow 8 years old, milking, Jer- The president gave a few remarks } years old due April 11th; 29th• Dothan' cow, 6 years old due Clearing. Auction Sale Farms, Farm Stock and Imple- ments.—Mr. Harold .Jackson lies been Sey coy,' instructed to sell by public auction at re the Adelaide Heedless Fund, .;Iersey cots 8 years old,. milking; Lot 3, Con. 2; Tuckersmith, 11/, miles .Shorthors bull 11 months' old; steer, east and % mile south of Howell, on Minutes read. The roll .call featured a current 'event. Collection .taken. 2 years, old; 3 heifers 2 years old; 2 Friday, March 7, at 12 o'clock sharp. Miss Greta. Larmnie and Mrs. Geo. 'catling steers; 5 calces. , Implements -1 Standard Oliver 70 s. Mrs. (y sow due April 20; on rubber, starter and lights; 1' Oliver Hess ably acted as hostesses. Pigs—Yorkshire Row -Crop 70; new rubber and tip-top Cross excelled in her motto entitled 7 chunks: "Four things money cant buy"— chunky & Equipment -06 Leghorn steel, starter and lights; beanlratter namely—Health, Character, Fneni hens; range shelter. scaler, felly . equipped,p. and Love. An enjoyable piano duet Implements—Deering binder 6 89, attachment; 2 -row sugar beet lifter; was rendered by Misses Betty Nlickle I cut; Deering mower 6 ft. cut; Deer- Coates manure spreader; buckrake and Bernice Jinks. During the buss-: ing hay loader; Massey Harris dump attarisment;grope. 21 c12-ft. assey- ness period the president mentioned, rake; 2 row smaller; spring tooth the valuable services rendered to cultivator; stiff tooth cultivator; 4 scorn clean and pickup, used one sea - 1 i hs • 101 the Institute by Mrs. Sheik, a mem- i section harrows; sloop seg , ber during her residence here, Mrs. wagon; hay rack; gravel box; roll of Cook and Mrs. Goodwin were ap,Lsnow fence; 2 cutters; capacity); cream pointed to choose a farewell gift for, separator (650 lb. c1acity ' collars; Mrs. Sheik. 1bveechiva harness; The next item discussed was the forks, and l vers numerous yokea,articles.ffle 50th anniversary of the organization trees, _ of the Federated Women's Institute Grain, Feed &t Lumber-7 mbe —elt tons or of Canada. Members are requested mixed feed grain; 3 quantity. clover new to submit their plans re a local cele- seed; 50 several turnips; of 5x new bration at the March meeting. It was lumber; intimated that definite plans are be- shingles. ing made by the Chamber of Com- - Household Effects: d cteslc;O.loat mbine- rce to purchase a building, which tion bo -lis• oak sideboard; 2 glass• son; 2 good used tractor tires, 9x40, 12x24; 1 McCormick -Deering beet and bean planter, also extension for 4 rows corn (like new); Oliver 2 -row corn picker and busker (like new); 1 Massey -Harris 18 -disc fertilizer drill; 1 International 13 -disc fertilizer drill; 1 Massey -Harris 81/ -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; John Deere 7 -ft. tan- dem disc (like new); Oliver 3 -furrow tractor plow; 8 -foot oulti-packer; 9 - foot 3 -drum steel roller; 2 sets of 4 - section harrows; 1 set of 3 -Section harrows; International side rake, sulky rake; Lnternational manure Card of Thanks John McLachlan wishes to thank his friends for flowers, cards, and treats received while he was a Pa- tient in the hospital. Also many thanks to the Doctors and Nurses of the hospital staff and also to those who lent a helping hand at the farm. WANTED Good pasture in the spring for twelve head of cattle, yearling and '2 -year-olds. Apply to J. C. Smillie, Hensall, phone 91 r 2. FOR SALE Cow three years old, due to fresh- en. March 1st. Apply to John Earle, Phone 660 r 5, Seaforth. FOR SALE Battery radio, G.E. •1 lubes ill Al condition. Also coal, brooder stove with hover. hand washer with wring- er. Inquire at The News office. • FARM FOR SALE One hundred acre farm, half a:mile north of Brucefield mi the highway,. good barn ` and house,, never failing water supply. Farrar is now in pasture and would be ideal for beans this year. Apply to James Walker, Clinton, Phone 164, Clinton. • me stop tae t , • community renovated etc., will serve as a d'n The Institute cupboards; 7 kitchen ch. aucjdit.cnat- ft. mower; ower;�ie new; Massey-IIa'i' issl ay3arris loader;• -members building. g cabinet; 2 ]reds; springs. members heartily support this pro -3 Vikingelectric cream sepsis- raise money it was tresses; complete with sets; Pipe;Clare ranthrower with 30 feet. of reit. In order toT -el enanrel range decided to have the Exeter James • err St. Young People's Society present oven and reservoir; coal oil stove incl thegirl of oven; flour bin; gasoline iron and the Royalty playt`Henna g lantern; cr'ockery' churn; pots. Pans on Refine, a the Hensall MarchTrhall find numerous other articles. This Wednesday evening, 5th., Terms cash, No reserve as farm is play comes highly recommend- sold. ed, watch for further announce-' J EDWIN JOHNS. Proprietor. went• Any arrangements in this cots-; Edward W. Elliott,roprietor. nection to be made by Mrs. Kerslake d Miss Iu er, TENDERS Owing to illness Mrs. J. Sangster l Township Of Hibbert Grimm buckets; fi sap Pan and heat - he er, 23h' by 6'; pump Sack; 2,000 lb. an GladysL k is unable to have the March meet- Tenders will be received at t ► I regular Council meeting in the scales; 1 grease gun, 25 lbs.; twelve ing at her home. 5 -gallon oil cans; gas barrels; beat Mrs. Geo. Hess then entertained Township hall, Staffa, until three P. ► of Zurich and Hensel] tit• Monday, IVIar. 3rd, 1947, for ap-forks; other forks; 2 hay ropes and with slidest of other dating back many years ago. Many proximately eight thousand cubic 1tuIia Hess -1 setand bacicband'harness interesting and amusing scenes were varde of crushed gravel, delivered, depicted. There followed an effec- on the township roads, three quarter: (like new). p byone i rate. Township payj Cattle• -1 Jersey cow and calf. tive, illustrated travelogue inch crush, Poultry — 435 Rock and Hybrid of •the Instituto members. "Pack up for the gravel.at A marked cheque for he 10x10 colony house; 6 chicken your troubles' and "When you and I four hundred dollars is required. shelters and feeders; 1 brooder stove. ► were young, Maggie” were sung. A Lowest or any tender not necessarily Pigs -170 Yorkshire pigs, from 100 ►• humorous skit "Selling of Sally' accepted. Ito. 175 pounds; 6 self -feeders and. ► was cleverly enacted by Mrs. W. THOMAS D. WREN, Clerk of the troughs. ► Brown, Mrs. Geo. Hess and Mas, Twp. of Hibbert. , Grain -500 .bushels of mixed grain; ▪ ` R, Broderick. National. Anthem 300 bushels of Ajax oats (flt for sung. A social hour and refresh -1 FOR SALE seed): f,0 tons of Hybrid corn. stents closed the happy occasion un- One sow with 10 pigs, one sow I Farms— der the direction of the hostesses as-' with five pigs, cockerels weeks for old. Parcel 1-100 acres, Lot 3, Con. 9. listed by the social committee. The also have 1000Frame house covered with asbestos Institute members wish to • express' soon, heavy breed. Apply to Harvey shingles; bank supply barn, 0 dr acres sve hed. td. heir gratitude to Rev. and Mts. Mcllwain, phone 852 r 23. Seaforth, able land aces bush. tor; one heavy duty dual wheel trail- er, six ton capacity, equipped with side dump; 1 rubber tired roller bear- iug wagon; 1 rubber tired Taco wagon; 1 sot of farm sleighs; two 16 -ft. hay racks; one 12 -ft. by 8-51. with sides; extension ladder; 2 fan- ning mills; 1. new Grimm evaporator, 10' x 2', fully equipped (never FOR GRAVEL used); 1 new gathering tank; 200 new ► . 1► 1 ►▪ ^ 1 1 ► ► - ► r . ► 1 ► 1' ► 4 ► ► Brook, the church officials and Mr•i NO TRESPASSING Jotter, caretaker, for their kindness. Kindly take notice no more using in granting them the use of the • my in otterty as a highway detour =dioolroom tic., for this mooting. nvithoct my pc.rmissiot. In notifying Mrs. Matthew Clark succumbs 700 may I respectfully suggest that. Suddenly ' you get in touch with your municipal Mrs. Matthew Clark, passed away servants and demand that this part suddenly on Thursday, Feb. '18th in of the road] lye kept passable, and also her 77111 year, at the home of her that. negligence on their part does not granddaughter, Mrs, Harold Beaver, authorize a detour without an tw- in Exeter. The deceased was Lor- rangement for the satire. F. Bruce merly Emily Cottle, and spent. most mead, Lot 26, ('on. 5, McKUIOP• of her life in this vicinity. Surviv- Mug are two daughters, Mrs. Alvin Auction Sale 'Warta, Hensall, Mrs. R. D. Bell,' Sale or Estate Tu .suction Sal G\\.V.A. London, Louis,u, fo'fKip en Hensall; one' Rooms, Seaforth, on Saturday, l"ob. sen H elwOo , two sisters,' ,22nd. at 1 11.10. CamJohn Hazelwood, Hensall. Mrs, 10 piece dining room suits, Italian Campbell, Seaforth, Private funeral itosltli iece e style, solid oak,0119 Eng - service was held from the T. Harry, Balt bush,: table, Omits, buffer; china Eng - Hoffman Funeral Rollie in Dash- cabinet and serving table. The carv- ing o1 this suite is exquisite. wood, Saturday, at 2 pan. with in- terment in Exeter cemetery d d Annual Meeting g Y 3 Piece inlaid Sheraton nutltogany _ Lar el AtteFn a bedroom suite and mahogany dressing A large representation of mem walnut dinner wagon, Al con•. hers and adherents of Carmel Pres-Itable.clitiAn. Che.te w riield • occasional chairs. byteria1 Church attended the Pot- 3 ottomans, tables; pedestals, veran- clan furniture, electric lamps mirrors, kitchen utensils, rugs, curtains, CHINA, including some Limoges dishes (Violet pattern). Terms cash. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Luck supper and annual meeting rat the schoolroom of the church on Friday evening. Rev. P. A. Ferguson was chairman for the evening and the meeting' opened by singing "The Church's one foundation". The scrip- ture lesson Psalm 122, was read by Rev. Ferguson who also led in pray- er. Mrs. It Simpson favoured with two readings, Mr. A. W. Kerslake acted as secretary for the meeting, and read the minutes, The follow- ing reports given were very inter; east of Clinton Radio TSchool, on erring and all showed a proslierou, Wednesday, March 5th, at 1 p,m. Cattle -1 purebred Durham- bull; 1 Durham cow 6 years old, due time of sale; 1 Durham cow 5 years old due in March; 1 Durham cow 9 years old. fresh 3 weeks; 3 Durham steers, wt. 900 lbs„ 3 Durham steers, wt. 800 lbs.; 2 Durham heifers, wt. 850 lbs.; 4 Durham heifers, wt, 800 lbs.; 5 Durham yearling steers; 5 Durham yearling heifers. Pigs -10 pigs, wt. 160 lbs.; 1 sow due middle Maroh; 2 Tamworth ROWS due March; 1. Tamworth sow due April 1st. Sheep -16 well bred Leicester ewes, due March 200.; 1 young Leicester ram.. Implements — 7 EL MasseyHarris binder, 14 disc Deering drill; 1 Mc- Cormick cultivator; 1 Cockahntt rid- ing plow; 2 walking plows; Frost & Brood gang plow; rubber tire wagon; 1 wagon; 1 gravel box; stock rack; number wagon wheels; root pulper; hay fork car & 150 ft. rope; 1 sheep feeding rack; 12 cotton grain hags; horse collars; set double harness; set single harness; 1 set breeehittgs. Forks, shovels. 1 gas lantern. Hay -10 ton mixed hay, 1 bus, red clover seed. -Number sacks of Warha poI awes. . c Potiltry Egniprnevt 001ony house 10x12; colony stove and hover; num- ber . o d car wheels &' tires 30x04/2. Few Household Effects and articles too numerous to mention Terms cash. ALBERT PEPPER, Proprietor. Harold Jackson Auctioneer. . 19. P, Chesney, Clerk, a 10u h. Parcel 2=Lots 3 and 4, Con, 3,. 2110 acres. Bank barn of Lot 0; two frame barns on Lot 4; 180 acres of workable land; 8 acres of ,NO. 1 staple bush, This Is choice clay loath and will be offered 111 one -o8 two pa7•acls. Terms- ('tutltels cash; Farm,—Re• serve hill, 10% down,, balance. in 811 days. - TPII) MUNN, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. -L. P. Chesney, Clerk. Clearing Auction Sale Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Mary Sproat Hays. s of T Stan wbo end the rtic ly date, d led tins then Of will whose no oc Se uat ONl\ •s f All person having claims against the . Estate Mary Sproat Hays, late of the Town of Seaforth and Village of Stamford. Centre, Widow, deceased, died on or about` the 29th day of January, 1946, are hereby notified to s in to the undersigned on or before 21st clay of February, 1947, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said last mentioned d , the assets of the said estate will bedistributed amongst the pal -ties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall have notice, to the exclusion all . others, and the undersigned not be liable to any person of se claim the under- signed shall t then have notice for the assets s lisU'ibeted or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth, Ont., this 3rd day of February, 1947. AMC ELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitors or the Executrices Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, and Implements. -- At Lot 40, Con. 2, Tuckersmitli Twp. L.R.S. 114 miles south and 11,4 miles year's work accomplished. The ses- Mon report was given by Mr. John Stewart; W.M.S. •report by Mrs. A. D. McEwen; Sunbeam Mission Band, Mrs Roy MacLaren; Arnold Circle, Mrs, F. G. Bonthron; Ladies' Aid; Mrs, R. Cameron; Board of Mana- gers, Mr. Glenn Bell; Mrs. J. W. Bonthron favoured with a vocal solo "A Wee House 'mong the Heath- er" accompanied by Mrs, Malcom Dougall at the piano. Important mat- ters of business were discussed. The meeting concluded with the. -doxology and the benediction. Mrs. Stewart Ball Addresses institute Meeting The February meeting of the Zur- ich Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Merano Oesch on Thursday evening Feb, 13th and was largely attendedr Following the opening exercises the president took charge of the meeting. Minutes were react. The Treasurer, 'Mrs. N. Geiger gave her report. Business discussion, Roll call was answered by "My Mother's maiden name." The guest speaker, Mrs, Stewart Bell of Hen- sall gave an interesting and fitting address on the theme Hospitality'. Mrs, Rose offered thanks to the speaker, the hostess and those re- sponsible for the arrangements, aft - err which the National- Anthem was sung. Crokinole was then enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Oesch and her assistants, Mrs. Lloyd Bedard, Mrs lyl Durand, and Mrs. Erb, served a • AT FINNIGAN'S DEEP SEA SALMON AT FINNIGAN'S STORE, BUY IT AND TRY — YOU'LL SURE, BUY MORE. BROIL IT, FRY IT UNTIL IT IS . BROWN. FINNIGAN'S SALMON: THE BEST IN THE TOWN. Bi -weekly sh p ip uientS of Fish and Sea Foods, also Dates- 25c lb. Figs, Prunes, Tapioca, Socias, Fancy Cookies. New stock of Drl-Kil and Kila Lice Powder. Dri-Kit your stock now, All Kinds Disinfectants The Best in News — Free Press Star and Montreal Standard' W. J. FINNIGAN & SON BO X ,.V I a irt. a, AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Office ' Residence 43 18 Notice to Creditors to the Estate of Adrian L. Porteous All persons having claims against the Estate of Adrian L. Porteous, late of the Town of Seaforth, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 14th day of January, 1947, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of Febru- ary, 1947, full particulars of . their claims. Immediately alter the said last mentioned date, the assets Of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, ,and the undersigned will not be liable to any Person of whose claim the under- signed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed dr any part. thereof. Dated at Seaforth this >h•d day of February, 1947. HAYS, McCONNELL & Seaforth, Ont. Solicitors ,tor the Executors 0f Farm Stock, implements, Grain & Feed. At. Lot 9, Cot 1, Stanley Township, 11/4 utiles south of. Bruce - field on No. 4 Highway, 011 Tuesday, March. 4th, at 1 P,01. sharp: Horses.—Grey mare 12 years old. Cattle — Durham cow 6 years o1(1, due March 1st; Durham cow, 6 years. old, clue March 12th; Durham cow 7 years old, due April. 8th; Durham cow 9 years old, due May 6111; Durham a old,calf t foot Durham cow 7 years cow, 6 years old, calf at foot, Dur - tram cow. 10 years old, calf al foot; Durham cow 5 years old, due Aug, 17th; Durham cow 3 years old, due Aug. 29th; Durham cow 8 years old, due Sept. 6111; Durhani'heiter 2 years old, due March 15th; Durham. heifer 2 years old, due July 151; Durham heifer 2 years Old, due Aug. lot; 2 Durham steers 2 years old ;.4 Dur- ham steers rising 2 years; 4 Durham heifers 7 months old; 2 spring calves; bull calf 4 months old;' heifer calf 4 months old; registered Shorthorn bull (No. 261565) 5 years old. Pigs -12 pigs 3 months old. Poultry & Equipment, 175 Rock x 'New Hampshire '(hybrid) hens; col- ony house 10' x 12'; 2 range shelters; coal brooder stove. Implements—Massey-Harris binder 7 1t. cut; Massey ,Harris mower 5 ft, cut; Massey Harris spring tooth cul- tivator; Massey Harris steel roller; Massey Harris bean cultivator with. Puller attachment. International man- ure spreader; International hay rake; Noxon grain drill; Cockshutt, riding' plow; International walking plow; 4 section harrows; 1 row scuffles; wagon; hay rack; gravel box; sloop sleigh anti flat rack; Renfrew scales (2000 lb. capacity); bag truck; bag holder; Chatham tanning mill; CY- clone grass seeder; hay knife; bay car; 160 ft. of rope; 4 sling ropes; top buggY;, cutter; pump jack and 1,4 h,p. electric motor; work bench; root pulper; galvanized water tank; oak barrel; Delaval cream separa- tor (600 lb. capacity); Daisy churn; cross -cut saw forks; shovels; whif- fle -trees; neckyokes, and numerous other articles. Harness -Set of back band ]farness' and set of double breeching; horse collars and collar tops. Grain & Peed -200. bus, Ajax oats (suitable for seed); 600 bus. mixed grain; approximately 6 tons of mixed hay. Terns cash. No reserve as farm is sold. JARVIS HORTON, Proprietor. 14dw11111 FV, Elliott, Auctioneer. Card of Thanks I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for the help, boxes, fruit, cards, etc., given me in my recent illness; also special thanks to Dr. Jamieson and the men who so kindly helped to break roads. MRS. ,ALBERT CLARHE WOOD WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until March 11 for ap- Proximately 40 cords of 12 inch good. body hardwood. To be delivered in varying quantities to the schools .of the Tucker'sntith School Area by June 1st. For further particulars apply to S. I4. Whitmore, Sec.-Treas., R. R:. 3, Seaforth. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Charles Robert Stephenson. All pe1•sous having claims against the Estate of Charles Robert Stepinen- soin, late of the Pillage of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Retired Farrier, deceased, who died o1 or about the 10th day of September, 1946, are hereby uotifled to send in to the tindersigried or or before the .28th day of February, 1947, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets oi'the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto ,having regard only to claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice, to the exclusion oto of • it hers and the under- signed t .will not be liable to any per-. son of whose claim the undersigned shall not . l'.hen have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. f. Dated at Seaforth this :lid day of February, 1947. MOCONNELL & HAYS Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administretrix McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Haus SEAFORTH, ONT: Telephone 1x¢4 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 ' Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Clara, Companies. The McKillop Mutual: • . Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, Oat, Officers • President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonbardt,. Brodhagen• Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Raid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Freak McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoet, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bit t - holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; FOR SALE I John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo - Electric grinders, 10 -inch tractor Erving, Blyth; Hugh Alexandr, grinder, 1 good used electric grind- Walton; George Leitch; Clinton. Agents er, electric brooders, electric stoves, John E. Pepper, Brucefield• R. F. coal and wood stoves, also refriger- MoNercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, ators. A. E. Querengesser, Brodha- Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth, gen, Phone 74014, Dublin central. parties desirous to effect rusuranee or transact other business, will be promptly n trended t0 by applicatiotas to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. WANTED Maid for general 'housework, pref- erably over age. of 20, and live hi. Mrs. David Oenunell, 176 Elizabeth street, Stratford.` WANTED Elderly lady wishes board, large roost, furnished or unfurnished, it Seaforth or vicinity. Apply to Box 127, The Seaforth News. FARM FOR SALE 50 acre farm, good buildings, hydro, large hen house, in Hibbert Township. On Main road. Apply at The News. FOR SALE Collie clog 1r/ years old, good "for cattle. Phone 665 r 3, Seaforth. John McGowan, FOR SALE 200 bushels of buckwheat, suitable • for Walto seenc1 Phone Aly 831 r 15, Seaforth.Jt FOR SALE Colony house 1114x157, six pigs weaned a week. Also lased DeLaval cream separator. --Apply to Lawrence Ryan, phone 830 r 5. Seaforth. FOR SALE Dwelling Pr'Operly with outbuild- ings suitable 1'or p0ultt•y. at li'altoio, 134 story frame dwelling, John 100 acres, 12 acres of bush, Town- ship of Hallett, Lot 14, Con. 6, Brick house. Large Batik Barn with other good outbuildings. Water in Buildings. Possession April 1. Reasonable terms. 50 acre grass _farm on highway near St. Columban,. no buildings but would be suitable for nonit11' farm.. M. A. Reid, Seaforth ®'CANADA'S AVA®A 5 011101140. AI1C • AROM pC�O PIPE ?o% c SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. 1•. A. McMaster, M.B.; Physician Dr, P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.nt. Appointments for consultation may- be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Burgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth WANTED ! Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION — WE DU THE LOADING OF CANADA LIMITED Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r-6 DARLING & CO. FREEANIMAL S OLD •DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone Collect - MITCHELL 219 .a INGERSOLL 21. STRATFORD 215 WE DO THE REST! DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moo•efield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng, At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p,rn. -- 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., S11IAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital tied for rent, Agent for Mitch10( Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 66 JOSEPH L. RYAN AUCTIONEER Licensed in Huron and Perth Specializing in Farm Stock and Farre Implements, and Household Effect= For information phone 40 r 6, Dublin FRANK KIRKBY Licensed Auctioneer Satisfaction guaranteed, Reasonable. rates 842 r 24, Phone: Seaforth Address—Walton; R. R, 4 E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND -REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH,ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 ' PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- velope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74. Nov -'Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. SHIPPING TURNIPS WANTED 3/ to'6 inches. Highest price' paid. Buying for Scott's Elevator. Phone us before you sell. Edgar Cudmore, 171 r 14, Exeter. Seaforth Monument Works T, PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFOR'PH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. f®OM111110.