HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-02-20, Page 1The Seaforth
The annual congregational meeting
of Egmondville United Church wns
held on Wednesday evening, Feb,
12th, with a. fair attendance, Rev., A.
W. Gardiner was appointed chairman
and Mr. J. S. Watson secretary.
After the opening exercises, re-
ports were received from the 'differ-
ent organizations of the church, all
of which wers very. satisfactory. The
receipts of the General fund were
well in advance of last year. The
Missionary givings also were in ad-
vance of last year, but the outstand-,.
ing advance was made by the Wo-
men's Association. A. feeling of ap-;
preciatiou and gratitude was ex-
pressed to all those who had helped
to make the work of the year so suc-
cessful, with the trope that in 1947 we
may press forward to even greater
attainments, The election of officers
for tete yen;: was, on the Board of
Stewards the new members elected:
Gordon McGonigle, Andrew Houston,
Arr-thnr Wallace and Elmer Cameron,
Auditors: John S. Watson, Jolla Mc -
Cloy,. Soe. Treas., Thos. Robinson,
The Township of McKillop passed
a bylaw at the last meeting under
which the township will pay tor
poultry killed by dogs. provided the
vi'eight. of .the hinds killed is over fifty
Place your order now for
Nut Stove & Egg Anthracite
also Buckwheat& Pea
Hamilton Coke
Reading Hard Coal
Olga Pocahontas
Steam Coal,
-E. L. BOX
The annual statement of the Sea -
forth Branch of the Canadian Red
Cross Society for the year 1940,
Balance cash Jan. 1, 1946, $ 291,29
General donations - 60.00
Campaign . , 1,851.40
Fund Raising Invents , 78,85
Miscellaneous 50.05
Designated Funds:
Workroom 174.00
Windsor Relief 10.00
British Civilian Relief 100.00
Remitted to Division $ 611,04
Wool and Materials purchased
from Division -
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister •
' 11 a.m., "The Temple and Its
m -SundaySchool.
2.30 ..
7 p.nt., "The Lord's Remembran-
Workroom, - 7.64
Campaign- (remitted to Divis-
ion) 962.05
Assistaaice 10 ex -service men
and families - 20.15
Miscellaneous 45.50
Designated :Fends: -
British Civilian Relief 100.00
Hibbert cC Logan Relief , . , 300,00
Windsor Relief ....... 200.00
Bal. cash Dec. 31,1946 718.06
Welcome to these services.
Edith H, Russell, Treas.
The appeal to the citizens of the
Seaforth and, adjacent communities
has been made during the past
month. The amount contributed by
voluntary subscription has not en-
abled this centre to reach the ob-
jective set for this area, but thanks
to the many willing contributors, in-
dividuals and churches and other
groups we have been enabled to
hale, a share in giving aid where it
is badly needed.
No further extension of time is
being planned for this area. so per-
sons or organizations still desirous
of rendering assistance can do so
this weekend. Leave your donation
tit one of the local banks.
At the annual meeting of the
Huron County Children's Aid. Socie-
ty held in Goderieh on the lith
February, the report of Mrs. Chaf-
fee, the Supt. disclosed that many
new demands had been made upon
the Society during the last 12
Months. The ending of the war war-
ranted ted the disbanding of the Ti..e
j;1 a year
The annual meeting of McKillop Mr. Ian MacTavish left on Wed -
Mutual. Fire Insurance Company nesday morning for Toronto where'
held on Friday, Fell, 14th, at 2 p.m„ he will be joined by two other form -
in town hall, Seaforth, ler members of his squadron which
Meeting was opened by chairmanserved overseas in the airforce slur -
for meeting, President Frank Mc-' ing the war and they will drive to
Gregor, who reviewed the activities New York from which place they
of year. '114r. McGregor stressed the will fly next week to Amsterdam
matter of losses, income from inter-' Holland, to accept p
pendents' Board of Trustees, a Do= est and that in 1947 we would come! B.L.M., the Royal Dutch Air Lines,
minion wide organization which had under the new Income Tax regula-. tan MaeTavish served with distine-
been operating for 4 years in 'behalf tions, Minutes of last annual meet- tion as combat pilot on the continent
of dependents of en in the Armed ;rig were read and adopted, I during the war and has successfully
Forces,. During that time-applica Secretary -Treasurer, M. A. Reid, passed the stiff examinations and
tions for assistance were received was then called on for Ms report:' other rigorous requirements to qual-
from 510 people in Huron County; Mr. Reid pointed out that the Com- ifY as a transport pilot of the Dutch
those applications amounted to $50,- pang assets had increased by. air line wich
operates commercial
368.00 of which 434,914.36 was $3547,80 also stating that the losses'I
airplanes throughout Europe
Tatted. This was considered by the were the third highest during the also to the Far East and to New
.ons with
more than usual -numbers at the an-
nual meeting, as 'reflecting a great
deal of credit on the discretion
used by the investigating officers of
the Ohildren's Aid Society upon
whom the duty of making investiga-
tions had been placed by the Depart-
ment. -
Mrs. Chaffee's report also dis-
closed that the first year of peace
had brought many new problems to
the Society. and those prbblems had
not come from the returned men but
from civilian groups that had be -
fourteen years he had been connect- .ork.
ed with the Company and were ap-I
proximately $4500.00 above average
for same period. Secretary also, in
reviewing losses pointed put that;
the company had six minor oil fires
which could have been very serious.
Also cigarette fires were increasing
and becoming a major hazard. He,
pointed out that in the two barn
fires no definite cause was known,
but one could have been caused by
cigarettes carelessly thrown away.
Auditors Report was given by Mr.
cone accustomed to the excitements E, P. Chesney.
caused by the largepopulationsere-Election of three Directors for a
ated by the pr of four air- ns three year terresulted in election
presence 1
er o of Mr. J. H. MeEwing of Blyth, R.
R, #1, Mr. E. J. Trewartha, Clinton,'
#3, and Mr. Harvey Fuller, Goder'
ich, R.R. n2, Mn S: H. Whitmore of
ren there was, howeve , t Seaforth, R.R. #3 was elecdted to f"'
"a soldier while he was away and signed for 1047.
Porte in this vicinity. A numb f
soldiers had married widows with
children and on their return have
been taking steps to adopt the child -
case r he of a child born to the wife of vacancy of Mr, A. Bros foot, 3e -
which he rejected on his return. Auditors E. P. Chesney* and J. Mc -
The housing situation created new Quaid were reappointed. 1
conditions as shown by the fact that An unanimous vote of thanks was
in the year 1940 there were only 18 tendered Mr. A. Broadfoot and Mr.'
CAMS of child Protection; last year A. W. M1Ewing for their services to
they amounted to 39, or ten more the Company during the years they
than in 1945. The number of child- had served as Directors. Mr. A. W.
von in care in 1940 was 57: in 1946 McDwing in replying expressed his
there were 83.. Every effort is mode appreciation and also outlined the
oge er •prog ' g the
Ito keep the family group t thprogress of the company durin
O'LEARY—HORWOOD as it has been found that a poor twelve years in which he had served
A quiet but pretty wedding took parent is often better for the child as Director, and in which the Assets
place in St. James> Church; Seaforth, than a substitute parent. "As a So- of the Company had increased ae-
on Saturday, February 15th when ciety" the Superintendent's report proximately 9125,000. He also gave
[Iter T. -P: Hussey united in mar- added "we are very conscious of tribute to the Directors, Agents and
riage Joan Horwood, daughter of this fact and so go very slowly be- work of Secretary -Treasurer for
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horwood of fore breaking up a home". bringing the Company to such a high
Cardiff, Wales; to Andrew O'Leary,' An appeal to• try to locate -the standard during that time.
Meeting wasth • 1 open
e n rover
a e R
wsado t
'Lear womanwhop
500 of Mr. and' Mrs, A. A 0 y, mother of a
Seaforth. The bride who was given 40 years ago was received, That WO -
in marriage by- the groom's father man is now the mother of a daught-
chose a two-piece blue suit, match- et 17 years of age but the call of
ing accessories and a corsage of red the blood is still strong and she is
Egmondville United Church roses. 'MMiss Celestine O'Leary, anxious to locate her own mother.
Rev. W Gardiner B.A.., B . SprMgfield as maid of honor wore a This proves the necessity for having
10 a.m., Sunday School 't matching ac all possible information
11 a.m., "The Joy of Salvation." sensories and a corsage of yellow about both the parents and adoptive
Th g • wa assisted by
two-piece brown suit, n 'ng - on recorda
7 p.m., "Undesirable Religionists" rows. a groom parents.
fth Mrs1`. Devereaux presided at pletecl "This part of our work
his brother Ignatius O'Leary, Sea- last year 26 adoptions were cam-
e .
9t offertor r Chaffee, "is the happiest
the organ and during the Y stated Mrs. C a ,
Mrs. Leo. Fortune sang "Ave Marie" phase abet we can forget many of the
A wedding breakfast was served at problems we encounter when we see
the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. A. 0'- the love, the security and the ash
LearY, with Mrs. O'Leary, receiving vantage waiting for a boy in an
in two -Piece blue. Following a trip adoptive home".
to London and Detroit the young in 1940 there were 24 unmarried
rouple will reside in Sea£orth.l parent cases; we now have 59, 28
Guests were present from Toronto,' ltew cases arising ill 1946, It is the
Major, E. Burnell, of The Terri-
torial Headquarters, Toronto, will
conduct the services at the Salvation
Army on Sunday, Feb. 28rd, at 11
a.m. and 7 p.m, and will also con-
duct public services on Tuesday,
Feb, 25th- at 8 p.m., and Thursday,
Feb. 27th, at S p.m.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Woman's Missionary Auxiliary
of Northside United Church was
held Feb. 13th with the Pres. Mrs.1
R. Lawson presiding. The opening
hymn "Jesus, United by thy Grace"
was sung followed with prayer by
Mrs. R. Lawson. Minuses of the Jan.
meeting read by. Miss A. Lawrence.
Business discussions taken up by.
Mrs. R. Lawson. Treasurer's report
read by' Miss' A. Ferguson. Christian t
Stewardship. Mrs. J. Finlayson gave
a reading Jesus talks about money.,
Watch Tower, Mrs. Hay gave a
reading. , Temperance reading by
Mrs. C. C. Keine, If you must drink;
do it in your own home". Circle 3;
had this pari of the meeting with,
Mrs. Cuthill as Capt. Theme: Fulfill-
ing our church membership in Chris
tan Fellowship. Hymn, "Rescue the
perishing, care for the dying" was''
sung. Scripture readings were read
by Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. W.• Webster,
Mrs. L. Webster, and Mrs. Harburn
folowed with prayer by Mrs. Cuthill,I
then hymn "In Christ:there' is no,
East or West". Collection taken
up by Mrs. Hanna. The topic inedi-
Missions in India was conducted as a
quiz contest by Mrs. Cuthill and'Mrs_I
R. Lawson, which proved very inter-
esting. Silent prayers were offered
Doctors and
Detroit and Springfield.
Society's responsibility to endeavour
to. secure support from the man
named as father; this is often diffi=
c:n1t but it is encouraging to know
The St. John's Rectory of Porti that a greater number are accepting
their part of the problem and are
Dalhousie was the scene' of a very, helping financially.
pretty weddilng' on Feb. 8, when the! Mrs. Chaffee -thanked the staff
Rector, Rev. Heater, united in tear-� and all others who had assisted in
riage, Miss Mona Mable, second the work during the year.
dau hter of Mr: and Mrs. David) Mr, A H. Erskine, the treasurer,
Henderson, of Pott Dalhousie, ani reported on the financial operations
Albert Edward Venus, fourth son of. throughout 1946. -
M.r. and Mrs. William Venus, now ofOfficers Elected -
Port Dalhousie and formerly of God- � The . officers elected were: Presi-
erich and Seaforth. The bride looked, dent, A, P. Wilkes; Vice-Pres't, Rev.
charming in 0 street -length got n of
turquoise. blue with brown aceessor-
les and the grooms gift, a gold, lock-
et; a corsage of red roses. Miss Doris
Venus, sister of the groom was her
bridesmaid, gowned in a street -
length' dress of rose and black acces-
sories and a corsage of pink carna-
nations. Mr., David Henderson, bro-
ther of the bride was best man. The
groom's gift to the bridesmaid was
a gold locket, to the best man, a Bit -
ver lighter: After the ceremony they
motored to the bride's home where
they were received by the bride's
mother, dressed in sky blue, and
mother of t'he groom dressed in dark.
reel, There were a large number of
guests. who showered there with con-
fetti and good wishes, after which
they sat down to a buffet lunch.
up for the MrsstonniY
Nurses in India. followed with pray-
er by Miss A. Lawrence. Closing
hymn "Father, Whose Will .is. Life
and good". The meeting closed with
Mrs.. Cuthill repeating the Benedic-
L. H. Turner; Secy, A. M. Robert-
son; Treasurer, A. H. Erskine; Dir-
ectors, Mrs. A. Taylor, Miss Wurtele
Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Major Smith of
the Salvation Army or her succes-
sor; C. M. Robertson, H. A. Me-
Creath. Associate Directors, Miss
Sara McLean, Miss Aubra Cleaver.
Advisory Comittee, H. M. Ford, H.
D. Helstrop, Mrs. F. R. Redditt, Mrs.
J. B. Reynolds.
Miss McGowan, who succeeded
Mrs. Chaffee as a welfare worker
When the latter became Superintend-
ent, gave a short address on China
in which country she had spent 4
years teaching school. Miss McGow-
an said that the Chinese were re-
markable for their cleanliness, their
honesty and their generosity and
cited instances to show how ready
The dining room being tasefully dee they were to help people, less for-
orated with pink and white stream-tunate than themselves. On one oc-
ers and silver 'bells. The wedding
cake centered the table and aft r
the .bride and groom had their wish
their cake the mother of the
tion. . upon
C. G. I. T.
The C,G.I.T. meetingg was . held
Feb. 18, 1947 at the `home of Mrs.
F. Willis. The meeting opened by le-
peating'the purpose, followed by the
Lord's Prayer. Hymn number 759
was sung by the group and 12 an-
swered the roll call. Margaret Ste-
bens read a letter which was re-
ceived from. the Girls' Work Board.
The call to worship was then read
by .Phyllis More, Scripture readings
were read by Patsy Brugger, Bar-
bara Nicholson and Peggy Willis.
Phyllis More then read a prayer,
followed by hymn number 763. Le-
ona Stevens reach the story which
was followed by taps. At the close of
the meeting' a delicious lunch, was
served. -
casion even beggars contributed to-
wards a fund to help the drought -
stricken people in our - own province
of Saskatchewan. '
groom had the honor of cutting it, A vote of thanks was . extended to
after which the guests had a good Miss McGowan, on motion. of R. A
time dancing until late. •
Staples and Rev. Mr. A11en. She had
On Jan. '24th a number of friends been introduced .by Mr. C. M. Rob -
of the
of'the bride gathered at the home of ertson.
Mrs. George Parkins, sister of the
bride and held .a miscellaneous
shower when she -received a large
!number of beautiful and useful
rifts, as well as on her wedding day.
Then on Feb, 1, a number of friends
I of the groom gathered at the - Legion
room to a stag party Put on by his
brother Charles' Vellus, and present-
ed him a sum of money, which
showed the high esteem in which the
(young couple are held. The groom
being . a returned man who spent
nearly 5 years overseas, has a host
of friends in Goderich anti Seaforth
I who will join with Port Dalhousie
wishing the young couple 'a long,
prosperous and happy 'wedded life,
Airs. C. `Nolte of tlensall, - who is
staying with her' .daughter, Mrs,' Mare
ford Cooper, Pgmo dville, has re-
ceived word that her sister, Mrs,
Wm. Gourley, .of Glasgow, Scotland,
has arrived itt lllytin to visit 'hes'
father, ItIr. Anthony llaggit, wlio has
reached the grand 'sge of 94 years.
Mr. Haggit enjoys very good health,
and wee' delighted to see his daugh-
ter after absence of 16 years. Mrs,
Gourley will also visit with oilier rel-
atives. both- in Canada and 1110 States.
At the Seaforth Lions Club pub-
lic speaking contest, Mary Lou Sills
aged 13, daughter of Mr, and Mrs,
Charles P. Sills, Seaforth, came
first in a field of three contestants.
Lorna Ellis came second and Peggy
Willis was third, Miss Sills is a stu-
dent in Grade 9 at Seaforth High
School, The subject was "Is Canada
Yet a Nation."
Mr. F. S Savauge, president of
the Seaforth Lions Club, opened the
contest and introduced the speakers.
The judges were Patrick McConnell,
D. L. Reid and A. W. Sillery. Miss
Josephine McIver ; entertained at
the piano.
general business and then adjourned,'
Following annual meeting a board
of directors meeting was held when
the following Officers were elected,
President, F. McGregor; Vice -Presi-
dent, C. W. Leothardt; See'y-Treas.,
M. A. Reid; Executive Committee,
President, Vice -President and Mir.
H. Alexander.
Fire caused damage amounting to
43,000 when the new poultry house
end contents belonging to Mr. Be-
dell Powell was destroyed about six
o'clock Tuesday morning on his pro-
perty, 'North Street, Egmondville.
The alarm was given by a neighbor,
Mr. Hartman Huisser.- Cause of the
fire is not known. Mr. Powell had re-
modelled the buildieg last slimmer
and made it into a
poultry house with
the tithe of the fi
about one thousand chicks and three
hundred pullets all of which were
The Seaforth Women's Institute
met on Tuesday afternoon at the
borne of Miss Thelma li'lgie, The
president Mrs. Paul Doig in the chair.
The ode and 1 he Lord's prayer
opened the meeting. Roll call was
"How 1 can boost the institute." :171n-
utes and treasurer's report were given
by Mrs. Leslie McClure. Letters of
thanks were received from Mrs. E.
Close, Mrs. Kenneth Chambers and
Mrs. Gordon McDonald, Baby hank
books were presented to Linda 51' -
Donald and Bobby Chambers. A letter
Of thanks was olso read from the St,
Luke's Church of England Infants
School, England. fur honey sent lust
year. The Institute is sending 41st to
mission hymn 'tether, whose will le
the China. Fund. Over 100 spare valid lire and good." was sung. and the
meat coupons were given by the meat- meeting closed with the benediction.
bens peewit t0 he sent 10 Ann Thi' [ted C'ross field their annual
Adapts' Overseas relief meat. The meeting on W'eilnesday evening. -Feb.
Institute will bold a donee in cameo' 121h. Rev. E. R. Stanway opened the
hall on 1'uster Monday ; the 00mu»i1- ineeting with seripture reading and
tee is Mrs, Itrlynunul. Nott, 111•x. :\n -'prayer, The minutes of tine previous
drew Cozier' and `r. (. F esecretary
Are Back
We're pleased to an-
notinc'e. that we have
the followii.lg popular
Westclox alarms in stock .
Big Ben 3.95
•Baby Ben 4:00
Travalarm 6.25
Tide 2.50
America 2.15
Dal: Watches 2.25
(Plus Luxury Tax 25.1
If you wish one of These
Westclox. we 1r0uld suggest
you make an early selection.
as our present slot[ is very
Fred. S. Savauge
a.,e,,,,,,,uew,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a da, m,11"11, nu+a n""""nun
re. Stanway Sr, returned to -t1tF-
ntause after a pleasant two weeks•
visit with friends in London.
The W. M. S. held their monthly
meeting on Tuesday afternoon. Feb.
11611. The president Mrs. H. Dal-
rymple. by reading a poem and pray-
er, opened the meeting. The worship
service was in charge of Mrs. C.
Haugh• after reading third and fourth
verses of hymn., "Father of Wren, iu
whom are one"; hymn. "Eternal
Ruler of . the ceaseless round," was
sung. Scripture readings were read by
Mrs. C. Haugh, Mrs. H. Dalrymple,
Mrs. A. Zapfe and Mrs. T. - Baird.
Prayers were offered by Mrs. R.
Scott and Mrs. H. Aiketitead. Hymn.
"In Chriet there is no East or West,"
was sung. The missionary programme,
"Medical Missions in 'India", was
taken by Miss E. Bowvey, Mrs, T.
Baird and Mrs. 13, Scott. The medical
1 (' i Ili Gouhe rn �nmctntg were lead by the
Huron County Federation hospitalize -1 W. McBee 1, Treasutcrs report
lion pian was discussed. Ains. Dole wasiven by Mrs. H. Dalrymple. The
requests that ail members talk this 1repots of the different cominitt.,'a
1 over with Their families met other l were given: (..ariing, by Mrs. Eyre;
95.1, members and ('(11(11' 10 11 deilnft' sewing:17
. by 1•:. Douglas; quilt. by
decision by the March nm slim;, Ii ( Mrs. 11. Ztr rfeand packing. by Mrs.,Mrs.,unable to attend please lel her Inuit Zaple,
J. Cairns, who reported the following
whether you W1811111 join or not. ,le` , ,Acres packed Mid shinned to head
lore ;hat date, 'Phe g"111-"" j thr u0fc•r in Torero') in 194ti: Hospital
' banquet will be held on 4In'il 10th ui snPpI1e lot sheets, leu lmspit al tuw.
17 p.m., in Seaforth 11ilcd t'lmreb.,pi', Una Nc•nit0tus bandages. tette
rickets are 41,•.0, t plate. The speri at I urticdes. Army and Airforce and sea -
speaker will be 1)t'. 1la11, 1\'esic'iu, man's comforts: 19 high neat sweat -
Rrtiversity, All mem hers are- asked 1 ors; I. hurtle spelt tuck -m. 2 scarves.
to make a list of - peretms whom they, •, pr socks and 1 pr. gloves .125)
modern two -deck 11h1n11 ehottid be turned and being 01 articles.• British. Civilian: 19. pr.
oil • heating. At send ia,to the ,March meeting. Mrs, •. st1t1'ttgs, 1 gal's sweater.
Ravtuoiitl. \oll, publicity direetot,i 's mitts, 1.8 girls' coats.
:e it contained 4.pr, children's t g
100 nudervests, 511 children's combin-
ations 70 gauze diapers. 15 child-
ren's swcate's and 9 pr: ehlldren's
knee . actin -42911 articles. 8 large
quilts, 1 single bed quilt and 3 crib
gniits--(1l); and 4 layettes consist-
ing of the following: 12 flannelette
nightgowns; 12 flannelette vests; 20
gauze diapers; 24 fnturelette diapers;
4 eiderdown blankets; 4 eiderdotvu
jackets; 4 wash cloths; 8 Pr. wool
boottees; 4 knitted wool bonnets—
(92). Hospital supplies 306, army, air-
force Bund 305010 comforts 35. Brit-
ish. Civilian 395, Total 726 articles
shipped. The following Officers were
elected: 'Hon. Pres„ Miss E. Bowey;
Pres.; Rev, E. R, Stanway; Jsl Vice
Pres., 11.rs. J. Cornish; 2nd 'Vice
Pres:, Mrs. A. Haar; Secy, Mrs, B.
Alterations were started this week
at the Odd, Fellow's hall and it is
expected the store will be crimpled
by Ferguson's hardware about. April
int; Sir. Gill intends to move his pool
room to the store in the. Royal build-
ing now occupied by Mr. Ferguson
and owned by Mr. Gill,
The Women's Hospital Aid met on
Tuesday, Feb. 18, at the Nurses' Resi-
dence. Following is the slate of offic-
ers for 1047:
Bon Pres., Mrs. Chas, Holmes.
Pres, Miss Alice Reid,
150 Vice•Pres., Miss Dorothy Parke;
Ind vice in•es„ Mrs. John C trick;
record, sec., Mrs. Bruce McLean;
-treas., 11115, Bert Shaw; visiting cm..
Mrs. David Wilson; new auditor. ;Mrs.
Grace Hoggarlh.
Representatives from churches:
Presbyterian, Mrs. Ed smith; United,
Mrs. Brightrall; Egmondville United.
Mrs. Harold Jackson; Roman Catb-
oat:, Mrs, J. B' 1.,McMillan;,Anglican,
Mrs, Harry Colbert; Salvation Army,
Capt. ,McBride,
Buying Com., Mrs. Reg, I\et'slelce,
Miss Denning, Mrs Beit. Shaw.
The Women's Hospital Aid will hold
their annual membership drive in
the near future. .
Word has .1)901 received of the
dearth - on February 3rd of Peter Mc-
Donald, of 1?lenty, Sask., formerly of
Grey - Township. 1 -Te had been in fail-
ing health for several months. Besides
his widow he :is survived by one dau-
ghter Mrs. ,Tames Speirs. one grand-
son Peter, three brothers, John and,
1anne$ of Grey Township, and Thomas
of Zealanclra, Sask., and one sister,
Mrs. A. McCuaig, of Seslorih,
then took over the meeting. 'I he
motto, "By their work ye shall know
Mrs. Paul Doig.
r ;vett by g
iheu" ryas g,
It was based on the me of the ]ate
Thomas Alva Edison. Tire• local Red
Cross (hive will be held in March.
The sunt of $2500 is set tor Seaforth
and community. Ahs, Andrew Crozier
read a poem "The snitller on eruteb-
es" by Edgar A. Cscst. MIs. Raymond
Nott read an article, "Thomas Edison.
husband and father," written by his
widow. Impromptu speeches 11010
given by Mrs, Dale Nixon, Mr's. Alex
Pepper, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Bit's,
E. Goudie, Mrs. Elmer Cameron turd
Mrs.' Gordon McDonald.
An animal naming contest was held
and a vote of thanks was tendered by
Mrs. Alex Pepper to the hostess. The
national anthem was sung and lunch
brought the meeting to a cllose.
A. well known resident of Seaforth,
Robert Eclwai'cl Jackson, died at his
home, North Main street, early Thurs-
day evening last week. He had 'been
ill five clays, after being in fail-
ing health for smite years. Borax in
Egmondville, he lied lived in Seaforth
most of his life and retired iron; the
tannery business about ten 7(<rre ago.
He was married in Calgary, March 28,
1914, to Mies Maty Catherine Camp-
bell, who died Nov. 7, 1937. In his
early Melte was active to all sports,
Particularly . lacrosse. 140 was a. mem-
ber of St. Thomas Anglican Cliur•elt,
Britannia Masonic Lodge and the
Sesfort.h Lions Club. He is survived
by four brothers, George sed Thomas
Jackson, Egmondville; Iuclge. J. A.
Jackson, Vancouver, and H. M. Jack -
sou ,
ack-sort, Tot'oit.a.
Funeral services were held Satur-
day afternoon at SL Thomas' Angli-
can Church, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert of-
ficiated. Interment in Maitland Bank
cemetery. The. (mllbe.uers were E. C.
Boswell, W. J. temiigau, James Ste -
Wart, J. 11. McMillan, Ross Sonet, G.
D. Ferguson. - -
Mr. Stuart McBride of Western
University spent the weekend at the
home .of his -parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Alvin McBride.
Scott; tress., Mr, H. 1". Berry. Audi-
tors, Mt. J. 117. Cornish and Mr. 1?..
Soot[. Advisory Bogi'd, Rev. E. R.
Stanway, Mr. `R. Scott, Mr. L. Hill,
Mr. R. P. Watson, Mr. J. K. Cornish
and Mr. F. Burdge.
The Februray meeting of the Stan-
ley .'Township - School Area was held
in - the Township Hall on Monday,
Feb. 17, with Mr. Hill presiding.
Minutes of January meeting were
read and adopted, Moved by F. Mc.
Cowan and H. Taylor, that the Board
become members of the Ontario
School Trustees & Ratepayers Associ-
etion. Moved by A. Parsons and W.
McKenzie that all accounts be panel
to date. Mr. II C. Lawson interview-
ed the Board in regard to't•enewal of
the general accident assurance and
eolipetsa tion. policy Tltese policies
were also enlarged to tale in SS, No.
6, on motion of F. McCowen mist W.
McKenzie the policies were renewed.
The Secretary was lu.struetedto ln.e:
sent hill for fees 10 Mr. S. Flewett for
pupil attending S5. No. 0 from Sept.
to. Doc., 1946. Mr's. Watson Webster
1"110 .engaged as supply leacher .to
tench at any time tri ally school in ch»
Arga, whenever needed, ]Moved by 13,'
Taylor and 55'.,McKenzle that aneetieg
rtdjourn to meet. in Verna, Elall on;
March 10th, at. 2.00 1.111.