HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-02-13, Page 5S THURSDAY, FEBRUARY '13, •1947 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Local Oratorical Contest Sponsored by Seaforth Lions Club to be held in'Seaforth High School Friday, Feb. 14 at 1.30 p.m. Admission Free. Everyone welcome 9 -• al ,411 LOANS Without Endorsers! It's truel Ho i»e hold Finance, Canada's oldest and largest. Small Loans Company makes loans from $20 to $1000, onyour car, furniture, or note without endorsers or bankable security. Take aa long as 12 or 15 months to repay. Or, even 20 or 24 months on loans of larger amounts. You may arrange a House- hold Finance loan, promptly, with no delay. Just decide how much money you need, and how long you want to take to repay. Then visit one of our convenient branches, or phone if you wish. Your money can be ready the same day you apply. Why wait? Phone today! HOUSEHOLD FINANCE RACKED OP 69 YEAR OF EXPERIENCE 2nd Floor, Royal Bank Building 29 Downie. St., corner of Albert Phone 255 STRATFORD, ONT. 8..l. Colby Manager. S Hours 9 fo.5 or by appointment Loom made to residents of nearby towns OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer (!hairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery STRATFORD TJPHOLSTERING COMPANY Phone .579, Stratford For further information apply at Box Furniture Store SEAFORTH TOWN TOPICS Mrs, R• S, Hays, Miss Mary Hays and Mr, George Hays were: in Tor- onto last 'week attending the Stone - McLellan wedding. Mr; George Varley of St: Cathar- ines, leas purchased the farm of Mr. R. Dalrymple in Tuckeramith; consist• ing of 50 acres, and will take pos- session shortly, Mi., and Mrs. R. Dalrymple are occupying their house in Egmondville, which they moved to the village Hist year from Beechwood. The most recent tests on" town water have been reported first ,class, and the recent trouble is all cleared up, Dr. Brady, reports. Mrs, J. E; Willis is spening a few days at the home .of her sister, Mrs. Russell Walter and Mr. Walter, in Dundas. Master 11oh Haney returned home Saturday after being a patient in St. Joseph's -Hospital, London, for the past five weeks. Mr. Lorne Webster has purchased Mr. William McLaren's residence on 1Vest. street. Mr' James Kelly spent the weak end with relatives in Toronto. Mr, Harry Scott, London, spent the week end at the home of his mother Mrs. H. R. Scott. ' Mr. C. E. Smith is confined to his home . through' illness. Mr, Frank Ryan has returned to Western Univel'6ity, London, alter spencling the past week at his home here. 'institute meeting will be held on Tuesday Feb. 18th. at. 2.80 at Thelma Elgie's home. Postponed owing to the condition of the roads. WALTON According to one of the oldest res- idents of Walton, Freeman Hackwell the storm on Sunday was one of the iisszammcgonamismasszmwan "Pittston Coal" We have This Splendid "Pennsylvania ANTHRACITE in Nut, 'Stove' and 'Egg' size and can make Immediate delivery — 100trj,; .Anthracite, of all orders received "Alberta Lump" We have it: Bright, Clean Hard Structure `Coal from the Deep Seani Mines" J. H. SCOTT Phone 335 SEAFORTH Harold Finlay Interior Decorating PAPER HANGING SPRAY PAINTING FLOOR SANDING Main Street. Next to Christte's Seaforth @C) DALY'S McKI N LEY'S CHICKS FIRST HATCH WILL BE ON JANUARY 16TII Vivo have nonsexed chicks and pullets to spare before Feb. 13th, and Cockerel Chicks throughout the season We hatch Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Light Sussex, N. Hampshires and White Rocks as purebreds and New Hamp- shire X Baited' Rocks, New Hampshire X Light Sussex, • White Leghorn X White Rocks, as crossbreds PRICES ON HEAVIES AT HATCHERY Nonsexed Pullets- .Cockerels .Ian. 16th to Feb. 10th 14c 250 5c Feb. 13th to Mar. 6th 26 Mara 10th to Apr, net 15c 2tc 5c Apr. 24th to May lst.:.. "leat/z26ce 76cc After May lst 13'c 23c 8cr White Leghorns ' nonsexed are 1c -less; and Pullets are • 3c' higher, White Leghprn X: White -Rock crossbreds 'nonsexed. are le Tess and Pullets •are lc higher -than heavies.' ' All prices ale subject tb change without notice 5011 delivery ' - canuot be 'guaranteed N cKINLEY-' FARM " AND .:.HATCHERY Zurich, Ontario worst that hit the community in the last 25 years. The drifts on the main street, "according to Mr. Hackwell; are the highest that he can recall. Drifts ranging from five to 12 feet' in depth made travel, even on foot, almost impossible. The drifts on the roads made it necessary to close the school until plows clear the piles of snow from the streets. Schools in the surround- ing community have not held classes since last Tuesday because of the condition of the roads. In the schools that did attempt to hold classes only a very small fraction of the pupils, that being the senior boys, fought their way • through the snow -clogged roads. I The noon train running from Guelph to Goderich was ,over ate: hour late. Miss Edith Hackwell of Stratford spent the weekend at the home of her father, Joseph. S. Hackwell. A large, number of friends from the village attended the funeral of late Edgerton Roe of 14th of Mc- Killop. - Mr. Harold 'France of Maple Lawn Poultry Farm and Hatchery, is quite busy these times preparing for the spring hatch. , , Miss Bernice Hackwell, nurse -in - training at Stratford General 'Hos- pital, spent the weekend at home. Mr. William Bolton of Rochester, N.Y., is spending a few days with his bros.; Sam and Earl Bolton. Mr, Nelson Reid of the south Gravel Road, is kept quite busy these days operating a large snow plough for the County of Huron. Mr. Robert Kirkby has sold two race houses to Quebec buyers.. Mr. Norman Williamson while un- loading coal at Walton station had quite an exciting chase after his team, they took fright at a passing freight train, running up the track, causing considerable damage to har- ness and sleigh Mr. Orn Baker of Blyth is visit- ing at the home of Robert Kirkby. 1216o1:131229 NOTICE We are Intending to hold a Grain Competition in connection with the Seaforth Agricultural Society Fair. We can secure a limited amount of Beaver Oats tor a competition. Will those who would like to enter please, notify E. B. Goodie, Chair- man of the Committee. phenc. 001 possible. of sit 1' 2 as soon a6 L)0Lots bushels will be sold to each com- petitor. This would be a splendid 'opportunity to get in on a new variety of the very best seed grain. Seaforth Agricultural Society DANCING! in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth Saturday, February 15 NORM CARNEGIE AND HIS BAND ADMISSION 50c DANCE! In Dublin Parish Hail FRIDAY, FEB. 14TH Refreshments & Good _Music SEAFORTH HIGH SCHOOL presents A MUSICAL EVENING FridayFebruary21 , IN HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AT 8.30 P.M. FEATURING MARY McDONALD, Pianist Outstanding Canadian Pianist who has staged a recital in Eaton Auditorium and has accompanied .several Metropolitan Opera stars while,,pianist of the National Opera Club of New York ILONA MILIAN, Violinist A Hungarian Violinist and First Prize Winner. for Violin. at the C. N. 111. FREDERICK MORRIS, Baritone Ouo of Canada's Finest Baritones, who has sung on Radio, in Opera, and on the Concert Stage. He has just completed a three month Concert engagement at Banff Springs Hotel and Chateau Lake Louise, ADMISSION: CHILDREN 20c; ADULTS 35e. (Tickets may be obtained from any High School Student) eb9A2s mmtettwitapgutopteuws.-resa R trcH Sf',6 mewl F?c7i8'tiGRA CO - OP .CHICK STARTER AND CHICK GRIT Grass Seeds Fertilizer Place your orders now SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE Phone 9 1 ,omments on EVERYBODrS BUSINESS "Do you know," Harry asked rne, "what 4,000,000 workers look like?" "No, but I readl somewhere that four million dinner pails would reach from Winnipeg to Calgary." "That helps to visualize the number," said Harry, "but the interesting thing about the four million work- ers I am talking about, is that they all carry life insurance whether they carry dinner pails or wherever they eat. They are people like our neighbours who live in the houses we can see from here. There are two farm families, then a garageman, a'sales- man and his daughter who is a stenographer, three factory people, two teachers, an ac- countant, a banker, a mer- chant and a contractor." Life Insurance in Canada is big business because it is the total of the policies of mil- lions of providers who make progress in safety. Lite Insurance is a business built for everybody, a great enterprise which protects thefuture of more than foot mictionclic holders and their loved P Y 0005. Life insurance offers a system- atic and easy way to save.. Consult an authorized agent about a plum best suited to your requirements. w,' ONTARIO'S future prosperity depends directly on a sufficient voltuue of production to satisfy domestic needs and assure for Canada a pre-eminent place in the markets of the world. Take the electrical industry for example :. never before has the demand, both here and abroad, for -the .products of Ontario's great electrical plants been so great. Production must be in- creased ... but to meet new production goals, skilled hands -are needed. For them great opportunities lie ahead. Higher wages, job security, better working conditions are within easier reach of those who have mastered a skilled occupation. • Today, through the plan sponsored by the Department ,of Veterans' Affairs;. and other agencies, thousands of young worker are being •trained to 9neet• • 'the electrical and other industrial needs of,ihie, Provmee •:.Graduates of •Giese rehabilitation courses are now ready 0U'take their place's in Ontario's. ;. industry.: Available to: you are veterans, -welt st'arted on the road ekiUed: electrical trades such as electrical construction and mamtepanee, radia,qud electrical servicing and motor winding Seel. them out ,with confideileir:,` They are your future craftsmen. Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) MOTOR. WLN11►H1'l: The Motor Winding Course enables tho atndont to understand intelligently the operation and repair of motors. Graduates of this coarse, -available at Hamilton and' Toronto, have a prattles] knowledge of the different types of winding and re -winding of motors as large as 10 and 15 h.p. Vocational training courses in tete arts, professions and trades are offered at training 'centres located, in the following cities and towns in Ontario: Toronto, Lon- don, Hamilton, Kitchener, Windsor, Ft, 1Dillianr, Brockville,. Prescott, Kingston, North Bay, Ottawa, Guelph, Kemtptville, 73aileybury. .e