HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-02-13, Page 3CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE stock of all Lightning Rod Mate - tittle on hand and can supply Ime. mediate delivery. .Why, not write and enquire about a dealerahlp for your territory?. Our equipment ie the best on the market and our prices most reasonable. The 13. Phillipa Co. Ltd., 200 Main St,; To - reale. BABY CHICKS HIGH PRODUCTION CHICKS WE SUPPLY YOU WITH THIO best that can be produced your In terest is our objective. Order one Month ahead this year and reap the early Fall prices. Bred -to -Lay Harrod Rocks. S.C.W. Leghorn UP Sired. WhiteGiants heav- reed Leghorn X Barred Rock Hy - bride the best laying strain. Order now for February. Miller's Chick Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. TEE GOVERNMENT SAYS "BUY Jan., Feb., March chicks to produce the necessary quantities of eggs." .These early chicles mean more profitsfor you. We have started corkerela, Immediate delivery, also.., odd quantities dayold chicks. Or- der March -April chicks now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. ORDER TOP NOTCH CHICKP now for the 1547 season. By order- ing now you will get full advan- tage of any drop In price before delivery And assure yourself against any possible rise in price. Mere than that, you will be sure of having your Top Notch chieke de- livered on the date you want them and the breed You want. All popu- lar breeds and some tine cross breds to choose from, sexed or straight run. All breeders are Gov- ernmentApproved Pullorum tested breeders of .proved livability and productivity. Our method of selec- tion before shipment assures you Of fine, ,strong birds and 100 per- cent. live delivery. Make this year more profitable by ordering all the Top .Notch chicks you can handle. Send today for our free catalogue and order early. Top Notch Chick - arias, Guelph, Ontario. SEVENACRES CHICKS Government approved, nine varie- ties. Price list, J. R. Harvey & Son, Guelph, Ont. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that is what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders are 100 percent free from puliorum. Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappointed, Tom Barron Leghorn, 012,00 per 100. Pullets $24.00. Barred Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets 021.00. Whit. Rock Mixed 015.00 per 100. Pullets 525.00. Brown Leghorn Mixed $14.00 Der 100, Pullets 025.00, Leghorn -Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets 525.00. Red -Rock Hybrid 412.00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. Spe- cial prices on cockerels Guarantee 100 percent live delivery to your /station. $1.00 down, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On• tarlo. BARGAINS IN TWO AND TRREE weolc old started chicks non -sexed, pullets and cockerels in many breeds. Also laying and ready to lay pullets. Send for special price - list. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. WE'VE BEEN 22 YEARS IN THE hatchery business and have learn - Ed one important thing—that the customer is theone who must be satisfied, that's why we value those repeat orders that )seep pour- ing in and letters like this: Bel - wood, Ontario, -August 13, 1946. We really think that the ten hundred and fifty Barred Rock chicks which we got this year from the Twad- dle Chick Hatcheries are the finest we have ever had in our chicken experience. They were hatched on March 8th, grew and developed very rapidly with exception- ally few losses. The pullets started to lay on July 16th. 482 cockerels were marketed off the range on. June 26th all rated tops. Please book our order for 1200of the See, clal Mated Barred Rocks for March 1947. Mrs. Fred J. Fischer", You too, can get these results with Tweddles Challenge, there's an abundant market for all the high priced tall eggs you can produce. Great Britain needs those eggs and will give long -term contracts — but she wants those contracts filled, so how about it. You canfeather your own nest next Fail, if you buy early chicks now. Send for free cate- logueand special early delivery' •pricellst. Tweddle ChickHatcheries Limited, : Fergus, Ontario. POULTRY -KEEPERS Success In raising baby chicks for anent and production means satis- faction from your investment. This 1s our aim—satisfy the customer with chlcics hatched from all breed- -Mg stock that is government band- ed and pullorm tested. Write for ,our 1947 price list and. catalogue. Monkton Poultry Farms Monkton, Ont. GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr. Broadhurst of Jol1- ette, Que., says about our chicks: April 30, 1944—"The 208 chicks re- -- ,calved In splendid condition, not one dead end only one died since. They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever received and I have been handling rhicks for over 40 years," Order now and get the best. Here are oar prices Barred Rock Mixed, $12.00: Pullets, - $21.00:. White Leg- horn, Mixed, 51200: Pullets. 024,00; White Rock Mixed, $15.00 Pullets, 025.00: Brown Leghorn Mixed, ds 414.00; Rock-Red ru Mixed, 525.00; 812 00; Pullets, 521,00; Hybrid Leghorn -Rock Mix- ed, 012.00; Pullets, 125.00. You also get free enlcics. Goddard Chick Hat chery, Brltnhnln Heights. Ont. A)HICK 'IBOYEItS, DON'T MISS IT. Largo 1947 calendar, twelve. pages,, :three colors, thirty Illustrations. Tells how to succeed with Fisher' chrids, Freeman,eOnt t .Fisher Or- chards. 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 tree chicks (our choice).- Barred Rock Pullets SVhite White Rook Pullets $24.95. • Brown Hybrids.rn P 521.95. Leghorn• Rock Hybrids, 425.95. All ohtelte sold are from bloodtested stock, back by high pedigreed stock. 61,00 books you rorder, Balance C.O.D. ,Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch ery. Chatham. Ontario, FAST - FEATHERING BARRED Rock approved chicks All of our chicks are hatched from our own "_Selected .breeding stock. which 'is Government pullorum tested and banded. Sexed chieke .:are guaran-, teed 90 percent accurate: Quality 'and satisfaction guaranteed.. Write for prIee list:' ,and, partlettlara.. Lt iielstern and'Dons„ Huntsville, Ont, BABY CHICKS STARTED PULLETS. 2 4 WEEKS February delivery. Cash to on the early egg markets, Also Started cockerels and mixed 0111c1cs, Send for Weekly Special List. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, .Ontario. BABY CHICKS NEW HAMP. ehirea, fest feathering Barred Rocks and Red -Rocas Hybrids, blood -tested under Ontario breed- ing station, not a single re -actor found. Mixed 14c. pullets 25c each. Write your order in at once, Hard- ing Smith, Sparta, Oht. YOU CAN GET A HEAD START if you purchase some of our two and three week old started chicks We have 'many breeds in non -sex- ed, pullets or cockerels. Sendfor reduced. rice!iet. Also la in and ready. to lay pullets. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. 3 & 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS It pays to raise capons, Theprice of capons Is approximately '50 ib.' higher than the price of cockerels. Prices of heavy breed 3 weelo old to March 21st 250; to May 16th 27c.; after May 16th 30c. Prompt deliv- ery. Order from this ad. or send for full particulars. Lakeview Poul- try Farm, Wein Bros„ Exeter, On- tario. "OXFORD" APPROVED CHICKS live, lay and pay. They are the re- sults of twenty-one years of care- ful selection and breeding In 0. B.S. They have to be good, because we want the very best kind of chicks for our own flocks — big, vigorous and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Barred Rocks. White Leghorne, Hemp. x Rock Crossbreds, Hemp x Leghorn Crossbreds. Rock x Leg- horn Crossbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co-op- erative Produce Company, Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock, On, tarlo. HEAVY COCKERELS $4.00 PER 100, Hollywood leghorn pullets 526. PolRock,2red,0Sussex and HY- us- Icy guarantelets ed to 1pive chicks from bloodtested pullorom free hens, Chicks sired by 280.300 egg males, with high egg records for past ten generations, Their Inherited egg laying ability added to their extra health and vigor make them the best chick bargain for 1947. Write for early order discount and free calendar, or order direct from this ad, we can make immediate ship- ment airing January and Febru- ary. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, 1 nt.. Can BREEDER HATCHER' OF 5000 breeders It is not too early to book your chicks for 1947 to he assured of getting Lakeview super bred chipka when you want them. Buy your chicks from a reliable well established Breeder Hatchery back- ed by 5000 hens, pure breds and all popular hybrids. Start your chicks early. Chicks started then show biggest profits. Send for Price List, large illustratedcatalogue and Poultry Guide which tells you how to raise better pullets. Also ask for Weekly Special List of heavy cock- erels and 'overhatch' hatch -day Specials, and New Pot Type Queen 011 Brooder Stoves. SPECIAL PRICES HEAVY Cock- orels. Day old or started, also day old or started pullets and mixed. Prompt delivery, Lakeview Petri - UT Farm, wreln Bros., Exeter, On- tario. HATCHERY .APPROVED BABY chicks—from blood -tested Govern- ment Inspected Breeders, Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Pure Breeds — Barred Rocics, White Leghorn & Rhode Island Reds— your choice mixed 12e each. Hl-Dreds—Red X Rock Red X Light Sussex & Leg- horn X Barred Rock—mixed 12c, Pullets 22c, Cockerels 4c. All high production strains. All breeds available now. Enclose ad and lc per chick deposit, balance COD. Blenheim hatchery & Poultry Breeding Farm, Blenheim, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE VOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We are glad to answer your questions. Department 15. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. Toronto. Ontario, 1,5 Reis ('4214 .91. i! FOR SALE — IMPROVED LEVEL Perin, fenced, good soli buildings, water, Write Thos. Blythe, Fu,l- lier, Sask., Can. ' 400 ACRE DAIRY FARM FOR sale in Grenville County, hydro,' Water In barns, creek and never failing well, good barns and out- buildings, stable for 70 head cat- tle, 10 horses, 150 hens, 125 hogs 250 acres cultivation, balance hard and soft wood. Sell with or without stock and equipment. Reason for selling, other interests: Box 131, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. 14,000, HUNDRED ACRES. FIFTY Maple bush, fifty tillable, brick house, good buildings, hydro. Gar- net Hodges, Delta, Ont. FOR SALE: TWO CHOICE STOCK Farms of 100 acres each on county road, double set of buildings com- plete, close to school, church, store, Lambton County, 57,000 each or $14,000 together, For details apply Len Higgins, 1164 Cadillac St. Windsor, Ont. ELECTRICAL EQUIP0t ENT FROM STOCK NEW; n.c. - d.5, C.G.D. Welders Welding rods, ac- cessories.' A.C. or D.C. motors, all sizes, 25 or 60 cycles. Electric hoists % to 6 Ton. Spot welders 8 to 250 K.V.A. Gas engine generator plants, also WIND CHARGERS, 6-12-82 Volt, Alrcooled gas engines, : -Worm reducing gears. Gas driven pumps also complete electric Pumping Systeme-Shallow-Well or Deep Well 100 to 650 Gal. per Min, also Trans- formers. Alliance Electric Works Ltd., 1079 Beaver Hall Hill, Mont- real, or Write nearest orrice Halifax Rouyn - Toronto — WINNIPEG — VANCOUVER. 01001 5ALE, ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SA0E, TRACTOR TIRES, made of 'rubber," suitable for bolt- ing- on steel wheels, 510.00 each, rear wheels; -$5.00 each, front wheels: When ordering state diam- eter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. 5 Wiltshire Ave.• Toronto,, Ont. . ESTABLISHED TURKEY FARM on paved highway equipped for one thousand birds. Close to clues" and towns, with excellent retail sales Box 110,'73 Adelaide ,W., Toronto. FUNIC (I -HYBRIDS — GROW 1001 tri bu.sbel, of big, sound ears:' big. ger tonnage of silage. Farm proved for: tour col!, moisture„ maturitl rondilinns: Free! Attain Ctrculnr end Trunk Corn Guide; tells ' true interesting• research; story. . behind Funk G•Hybrtds' high yields' etagdahlllty, • !tweet -disease .resist.. Ince:, Write today. bathes Grant "& San,- Cotten]; .OAtari°. • FOR SALE FREE PERENNIAL FLOWER Seeds and Plants, also Special tow prices on Strawberry, Thimble - berry, Asparagus and other Nurse- ry stock. Send for catalog, May, - farm Nursery, Galt, Ont. FUR, GOATS FROM 952. REPAIRS $6.00 up. Muffs, chokers, other bar- gains, Write Dept, W,, The Fur- rier, 1276 Queen W„ Toronto.. GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY leaf tobacco. Large 'Red or Ha- vana, 0,84 cte, per pound; Obourg or Ruse Quesnel, 0.94 cts. per pound: Small Canadian $1.20 per pound. Shipped' postpaid. Specify 1f mild or strong wanted, N. Landry & Co., 3127 St. Catherine St., ,East, -. Montreal, Que.. HOME-MADE RAT TRAP, NEW idea, cheap, safe, efficient. One dollar for plans to build your own traps. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ro- bert Robbins, Patriot, Ind., U.B.A. LINOTYPE FOR SALE MODEL 5 LINOTYPE, NO 11517. 1 magazine, running condition, complete with motor, gas pot, font 8 pt. mats, with Ohelt, black. Room 425. 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. NEWEST TYPE OIL -BURNERS, Radios, parts and test equipment— information for stamp. Economy Distributors, Kingston, Oat; "NEW POT TYPE QUEEN OIL burning brooder stoves". We have used these with outstanding per- formance. Book now for Winter and early Spring delivery. We can give prompt delivery If you act quickly. Lakeview Poultry Farm. Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontario. NEW 200 AMPERE WESTING- house aircraft generators in fac- tory sealed cartons. Makes Ideal welder. $25.00 F.O.B.. Olathe. 60 lbs. Blackhawk Distributors, Box 89, Olathe, Kansas. NEW 5/8 JOHNSON- GASOLINE Engines, 847,10. Electric Lighting Plants 582.50, immediate Shipment. Currey Bulmer, Eglington & Bath- urst, Toronto ONE, 30 h.p. BOILER AND STOIC- er for sale. Georgetown Manufac- turing, Georgetown, Ontario. P.D. BROAD BREASTED BRONZE toms and hens, from blood -tested breeders, Range raised. Hatching eggs Mrs. Jack Shaver, R.R. No. 1, Port. Burwell, Ont. RETREAD TIRES, ALL SIZES. Good as new. Firestone design. Write for price list. Prince Tire Shop, 771 St. Clair W, Toronto. SHI5LLGRAIIT SUPPLIES LEARN THE INTERESTING AND profitable shellcraft hobby. Begin- ners kits 52, C.O.D., includes com- plete instructions, 111ustratione and supplies for three brooch and ear- ring sets. 5 Rockeliffe Blvd., To- ronto. 9. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE double0 garage n Orono b1% eacres land—all conveniences—new home with lovely garden, berry patches, shrubs, etc. Possession April lat. Long Bros„ Licensed Real Estate Brokers, Port Hope, Ont. THE NEW MARTIN LOADER IS available now. Fits practically any tractor. Write for descriptive lit- erature, to E. C. Maunder and Co., P.O. Box 145, Hamilton, Ont, TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade -1n tires guar- anteed to be In excellent shape). 600 x 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE corner Queen and York Ste., HAMILTON, Opta rio. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP Dealers Wanted TWO, CONDE MILK PAILS WITH extra pulfator. Reasonable, Box 379, Georgetown, "YOUR BEST BET IS CORONET." Subsrrihe now. Complete list of popular magazines. C. LaBarre, P,0. Box 220, Burks Falls, Ont. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy. 117 Avenue Road. Toronto HE0P WANTED WANTED Engineer 3rd Class Papers 48 HOUR WEEK, GOOD WORK- ING CONDITIONS, WEEKLY IN- CENTIVE, BONUS. WELFARE AD. VANTAGES. APPLY IN PERSON. THE C. S. HYMAN CO. LTD., LONDON. ONT. COOK OR COOK GENERAL, JULY and August on Muskoka Farm (near lake) where some tourists are kept. Send full particulars and salary expected. Mre. E. W. Brlese, R.R. 1, Utterson. GOLD GLOVE LIMITED. PRES- cott has a -job for you. Good wages and conditions. Learn a trade. Write for Information. WANTED THOROUGHLY ExrE- rlenced horseshoer for dairy. In large Eastern Ontario city. Steady year round position. Excellent working conditions. Apply 1301 No. 132, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED Unskilled Tannery Workers OPPORTUNITY 01011 GOOD PAY. WEEKLY INCENTIVE 110N,L1S. WELFARE ADVANTAGES. 5 DAY WEEK. APPLY LN PERSON. THE C. S. HYMAN CO. LTD., LONDON, ONT. HELP WANTED 51NGLE MAN WITH GENERAL farm experience, used to horses and Reply tby lettere to Box 134,position.und 8 e- laide W., Toronto,. or telepone AD. 8801, giving references, wages ex- pected and experience. MEDIOAL A TRIAL—EVERY. SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try. Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store,; 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid, 51.00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will - not disap- point you. Itching, scaling.-. burning eczema, ache, foot, worm 'dim les and ath- o willrespond readily l, stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or, hopeless they may seem, PR7CF. 51;00 PER JAR Send Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E„ Corner of Logan Toronto, TREAT YOURSELF Al HOME wittl electro -magnetism for Arth- ritis, Rheumatism, Insomnia, Vari- cose Veins and other circulatory ailments. Free explanatory pamph- lets from CoopeRemedles, Yonge Street, Toronto. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIX- on's Neuritis and• Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good results, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid 51.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sella, exchanges musical tnatru- meats. 111 Church, Toronto 2, OFFER To INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL: Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages,, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or, Call MARVELSCHOOLS ESSING 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 44 King St, Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, PATENTS FE'pitERSTONAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Informationon request. 0116RSONAI, STUTTERING — CORRECTED MY - self completely. Anyone should easily. Inexpensive proven Instruc- tion. Hew Fleming, 317 Homer, Vancouver. WANTED BY RESPECTABLE middleagedbachelor on farm, 5 [Mien from to tv n, respectable middleaged widow as housekeeper. With pay $10 per month. Apply Andrew Lawson, R.R. 1, Clinton, Ont. LOGIC! 1 $10 REWARD FOR ANY watch we cannot repair; best work- manship; written guarantee, Atlas Watch Repair Co., Box 91, Station "G". Montreal. ((ELIJAII 0011116(3 BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book free. Me- giddo Mission, Rochester, 11, N.Y. FREE: BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE Course • offering beautiful diploma. Write Radio Bible Course, 12 Fifth Avenue, Winnipeg. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING MASSAGE — n profession that to not over• crowded and one which offers fi- nancial security. Complete training In nine months. VETERANS being trained through D.V.A. CANADIAN COLLEGE OF MASSAGE 97 AVENUE ROAD SUITE A-5 TORONTO PHOTOGRAPH] COMET PHOTO SERVICE One Day Mall Service, work guar- anteed 25e per roll. Reprints 3c each, 6 x 8 Golden Septa Mounted 69e. .Box 6, Postal Station D, To- ronto REPRINTS 3c EACH Send 1's 1'oor 01d Negatives 2 ENLARGEMENTS 2005, 4 x 6 in Folder Mounts Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures Developed and Printed 25c Enlargements framed 7 x 9" Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black finish 74, if picture colored 94c. We make prints and enlargements from prints of lost negatives. DEPT. M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Rex 1211, Post Office A, Toronto 1111E11 — 4 x 0 (BRILLIANT EN- largement with each roll of film Bent to us for processing.', 6 or 8 ex- posures 25c coin, Careful finishing by experts with 12 years experi- ence. Send to Arn Wnlceltng, Photo Finishers. Dept. B. 214 Dundee SL. London, Ont. STAMPS FROM : COLLECTION STnR's'ED 1896 can supply following Canada Postage Stamps. 80 different 50c. 210 different 95.011 G. S. Smyth, 110 Bulmorsl South, Hamilton, Ont. Device May Make Air Travel Safer • An automatic flight recorder` de- signed to promote safer air travel has been .developed by the General Electric Company, The new device will help prevent accidents by detecting possible dan- gerous airplane or pilot tendencies and warning a pilot by audible signals G.E. said last night. It also will furnish recorded data to help determine the cause of aa accident to a plane. The flight recorder provides air- lines with "easily -read" records of a plane's altitude, vertical accelera- tion, airspeed and other personal data, the company explained. The records are not affected by altitude or temperature and can re- main submerged in salt water for several days without damage, G.E, added. Post Offices Help Save Lives At Sea Every post office coast station in Britain maintains a constant watch, day and night, for distress and emcrgenlcy calls from ships at sea. On receipt of such a call commer- cial working is suspended. Informa- tion received from the ship regard- ing the nature of her distress, and the kind of assistance required, is passedimmediately to the appro- priate authorities who take what- ever action is necessary. In addition, the coast station takes a radio bearing on the shipin distress, and re -broadcasts on full power all the information received, so that in the case of a ship too far away for help to come from the land, other ships in the vicinity may proceed to her assistance. STAMPS STAMP COLLECTORS BARGAIN 100 all different, worldwide packet, only 25c. Try our economy approv- als too. Dowse, 48 Bowood, To- ronto. WANTED HARDWARE , 011 FARM IMPL10- ment Business wanted for cash. Prefer town or large village. Box 131, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED — ALL KINDS OF dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poul- try Dept., 2054 Danforth Ave., To- ronto 0. (We do custom grading). You Will En507 Staying At The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO es Every Room With Bath Shower and Telephone • Slagle, $2.00 up— Double, 53.50 up • Good Food. Dining and Dow- ling Nightly Sherbonrne et Carlton Tel. RA, 4111 ISSUE 7-1947 Poles In Canada With few exceptions Polish war veterans who immigrated to Can- ada for work on farms are proving highly satisfactory in Ontario, the Ontario Department of Agriculture recently revealed. Posltcs of Mecca relieve pain, bring out core, heel/ quickly, no Ker. 2911, 35c, 505, 51.00, °MECCA" OINTMENT FOR CAWS r Co1DSUF, GENTLE RELIEFwim�UCKLEY'11 Faster Penetrating WI -UTE Rus SAFES Protect your ROOKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a raze and type of Safe, or Cabinet,for any purpose. Visit us, or write for prices, etc., to Dept. W. - drj.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 146 Front St. E., Toronto . Established 1855' 12 r0 YS?S0 0554STORES HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufac- ture in our factories — Harness Horse Collars, Sweat Pads. Horse Blankets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods and you get satisfaction, . Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., Ltd. 42 • Wellington St. E„ Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 0 For constant Pleasure N !EXPORT" Cigarette Tobacco MUTT AND JEFF— MUTT IS SOME RECORD BREAKER — Elf WHAT? WELL,MUTT.I FINISHED ,MY LATEST INVENTION! THE AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE MESSAGE RECEIVER!' Y6U SEE IF YOU HAPPEN To BE OUT ANDTHE'PHoNE RINGS, IT AUTOMATICALLY PICKS UP THE'RECEIVeR AND. SAYS;'NELLO'AND THEN 7T'RECORDS THE MESSAGE of THE PERSON CALLING ON THIS RECORD! THAT WAY YoU'LL NEVER MISS ANY CALLS!YoU .L HEAR EVERYTHING! I'M SORRY HE IS NOT HERE NOW, IS THERE" ANY MESSAGE? By BUD FISHER YES, THIS IS MRSMUTT!TELL• HIM THE RENT IS DUE AND I WANT HIM To COME OVER AHD,IrELPME WITH THE CLEANING.. MOTHERts �oMwo- i r� �a