HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-01-23, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1947,
in Cardno's Hall
Norm. Carnegie and His Band
Admission 40c
The Annual Meeting of the
Seaforth Agricultural Society
will be in the
Carnegie Library
at 8 p.m.
Movies to be shown by
Mr. J. M. Scott
Without Endorsers!
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Also. Auto Seats, and Backs,
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Early in February we will have a.
cal' of No. 1 "Alberta. Lump" Coal
from the Deep Seam Mines. We
will offer it direct from car
Continued Prom Pogo one
Mr, Jack Daly, Edmonton, was T'he treasurer, Mrs. 3. B. Mussell
called home this weep owing to the
of Seaforth, reported that eontribu-
serious illness of his father, Mr, J. F. tions for 1946 amounted to $3,138,
Daly' consisting of $2,900,47 from senior
Mr, and MI'S. 1 , Robinson, Toronto, auxiliaries and Home lelpers, $58, -
were week and guests at the home of 26 from girls'' groups, and $177.42
Mn. and Mrs. M a ShSam from the Mission Bands. This was
Mrs, S,Mdcat the" omettord, scent 311,94 above the allocation. and
the week end at. home of Mr, and $
Mrs, T. O. Fox and Mr.,and Mrs. Ed was niost encouraging. $142 was
Andrews, given to supply work, but this is not'
Messrs. Neville McMillan, Listowel, included in the allocation. •
and Mlles McMillan, Toronto, spent The Ontario allocation for 1947
the week end at the home of their is 121,000; for the Synodical Society
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. MSMillan. of Hamilton and London, $49;700,
Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, was a and for Huron Presbyterial, $3,000.
week end visitor at the home of her Egli auxiliary was asked to send in
mother, Mrs. R. Kennedy. its contributions regularly, and to
' Relatives from a distance who at- try to meet its allocation before the
tended the funeral of the late Mr. A. end of the year.
L. Porteous included his nephew, Mr. A pleasing feature of the after-.
Lea Aiken, of East Amherst, N.Y„ noon session was the presentation
• Orders Solicited his niece, Mrs, Laura Graham, of of an honorary life -membership cer-
Lockport, N.Y., and his brother and tificate to Mies Teekoll, Mrs. A. Tay -
J. H. wire, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Porteous of
SCOTT Seattle, Witeb. lor paid tribute to the ,splendid work
done by Miss Jeckell in the Pres
Phone 33G Miss Winnifred Slattery, Owenby -
Sound, spent the week end at the terial for many years, and the life
home ofher brother, Mr. ,lames Slain member secretary, Mrs. Walker,
made the presentation.
Miss Jeckell said it had always
been a pleasure to take part in
missionary activities, and expressed
her sincere thanks for the honor con-
Miss L, Reith of Toronto was the
guest speaker in the afternoon. She
stressed the need for good books and
gave many fine suggestions along
this line. She told of the many op-
portunities for service both at home
Seaforth 'Council attended in a ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Laudenhcah, and abroad;pehow Johnhymn bookstheir and
lett on Monday of this weep to train the languageeel had be sent Uown
body and presented a motion ut been sent to Ukrain-
which they hoped the same cordial as a nurse at' St. Joseph's Hospital, ians in Europe, along with clothing
relations as had existed in the past' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLachlan that is so badly needed; how good
would continue, of Cromarty and Mr. and Mrs. Jack, books wild magazines are welcomed
A. grant of $25.00 was trade to in lumber camps and isolated dis-
Allington of Varna were visitors with
the Salvation Army. C. D, Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aldhigtot last trigs, and how great is the need for,
was paid $5.00 for use of his house „eel,. more workers at home and abroad.!
for. Court of Revision for the Judge, Mt., and Mrs, Frank Sills Jr, and 1 The speaker told of the splendid
and Jas. Hay and E. P. Chesney son Jimmie have moved - 10 st, work being done in British Guiana;.
were paid :$6.40 and $43.25 respec- Marys. Mr. Sills has secured a poli-, of the work to be ie -opened in For-
tively in connection with sane eotirt. tion in Striitfo•cl. !mesa: of the great opportunities to
Officials for the year 1947 were Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Coombs leave day in India; of the open door at the
appointed ars follows: Sheep and of Jan. 30th to sail from New York present time in Ghina, and conclud-
Poultry valuators, H. M. Chesney, for England. They will make their ed with the words, "Orr church calls
Howard Crich,- A. B. Bell; Fence home in Beccles in Suffolk. Mr, and us to advance on all fronts. May
viewers, Wm. Workman, Alex Mrs. Coombs hope to return to Can- each one of us be inspired to work
Broadfoot and 'Robert McLean; ala some day. Mr. Coombs joined the harder than ever that the world may
Poundkeepers, J. S. Cluff, John Royal Engineers in .Imre 1940 11101 be won for Christ,"
Broadfoot, Leslie Lawson and Mel- went overseas in August of the same) Mrs. Thompson expressed the
vine Traquair; Weed Inspector, W. year. Early hi 1941 he met Marguerite thanks of all present to Miss Reith
S. Broadfoot; Road Sup't., Robt. Tones, whom he married the following: for her fine address.
Dalrymple; Member Board of summer. Mr. Coombs returned to Gun- The recording secretary, Miss 13,
Health, Gordon Richardson. ala in ,Issue 1945 and Mrs. Coombs! Campbell of Seaforth, gave an ex
The Clerk was ordered to sub- came ten mouths later. Since livings tellers report of the work done dua
scribe for 8 copies of. The Municipal made atthost iof acquaintances.lle Mrs. os has{ ing the year. There are twelve senior
World for use of Council and Off i- Mr. and Mrs. T. A. G. Gordon are auxiliaries, four girls' groups, five
oats and membership of $5.00 each spending two weeks in Montreal. mission bands and 175 home helpers,
paid to the Ontario .Good Roads As- Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLeod and with a total membership of 700, an
sociation and Ontario Association of son, Port Huron, were week end visit -1 increase of 23 on last year. Encoun
Rural Municipalities and Chas. Mac- ors at the hone of Mr. and Nfrs. E. J, aging reports were received from
Kay and Roy Pepper were appointed Box, .- 1 all departments, and great Credit
as delegates to attend the Conven- Mrs. George Finlay and son Doug- was due to all those who contributed
Con. Insurance Policy on the grader las, Stratford, spent a. few days this in any way to the success of the
t' Ameri-oof herparents, Mr. woe ha
Bi British weltat the home ek that was undertaken.
Hewed with thei e u de tttken
was renewed
m k. John Currie. S i x11
an through ui M s o th was x r
Assurance Comvn a expressed 1
can I 1 ed to 1
Company Y P 1
then agent, M. A. Reid, for the year Mr James Graves of Manitoba, is who had suffered bereavement dur.
1947 with premium of $126.05. visiting at the homes 0f Mr and Mrs. ing the year, and the secretary was
This policy provides insurance of Robert Carnoehan and Miss Vernaasked to extend greetings to MIS.
$50,000 for loss or damage resulting Graves. 1Fox, (laughter of the first president,
from Bodily injury to' or the death Mrs, G, A. Whitney is *pending Ute
TUCKERSMITH. levy and Mrs; Slattery.
Mr, and .Mrs. Jack Shockcor and
Tuckersmith Municipal Council daughter Miss Gloria Shockcor, De -
held 'their inaugural meeting qn t•oit, spent the week end at',he home
Monday, Jan. 13th, 1947, with all of Mrs. Barbara "Sykes.
members present and thede- -M
Reeve in r. Joseph O'Reilly and Miss Mar'.
the chair, 17ach'member took thegent O'Reilly, Kitchener, spent the
elaration of office before the Clerk week enol at the home of their par -
and Rev. Mr. A. W. Gardiner attend- ents, Nlr. and Mrs. Albert O'Reilly,
ed and invoked Divine Guidance op Mr. harry Scott, Loudon, was a
the deliberations of the Council for week and visitor at the home of his
the ensuing year. He was thanked mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott.
for his attendance. Miss Katherine Laudenbaeh, (laugh -
of any one person and an additional week in Woodstock with her slater,
$60,000 for loss or damage resulting Mrs. Farrell.
from bodily injury to or death ' of NEW CANADA YEAR
Iwo or more in any- one accident. It BOOK PUBLISHED
provides an insurance of 520,000 for -
damage to property of others and Two wartime accomplishments,
for collision insurance 550.00 de- information on which was not avail-
duetible of the actual cash value at able for publication earlier, are in -
the time •of loss or damage and for eluded in the 1946 Canada Year
fire in transportation actual cash Book, just off the press at Ottawa,
value of grader at time of loss, The .two special wartime feature
Council approved the purchase of articles in the book are: "The reta-
a snow plow wing to be used on tion of hydrography to navigation
Alex Boyes' plow and also paid a and the war record. of the hydro -
prize of 55.00 to Win. Rogerson in graphic and map service." and "The
connection with the Provincial Plow- British Commonwealth air training
ing Match. plan," The latter article is a sum -
Accounts were passed as follows: nary of the R.C,A.F.'s major role
Court of Revision and Election, in the Second Great War.
$59.65; Relief, $10.00;' Rebates re The book also contains some
Fed. of Agriculture, $4.54; Printing important data concerning Canada's
$25.00; Grants, $30.00; " Roads, transitional period from peace to
$126.05. Council adjourned to meet war in articles entitled: "Canadian
Feb. 1st, 1947, at 2 p.m. agriculture during the transitional
E. P. Chesney, Clerk period," and "The outlook of the
mineral industry in relation to the
Citizens of Seaforth •
Your Council Requests Your Co-operation
Main Street, BETWEEN 6 arm, AND 9 a.m.
economic development, of Canada."
In addition to those special •ar-
ticles the regular chapter material
in the book has undergone a thor-
ough -going revision to reflect latest
developments that have so far taken
place in the postwar period. "Post-
war reconstruction," and Rehabili-
tation of ex -service personnel" are
two of the articles which outline
Canada's undertaking in preparing
for peacetime years.
A summary of discharge gratui-
ties for service personnel and re-
habilitation allowances, reviewdng
legislation passed to help the war
veterans, forms an interesting sec-
tion of the book and for the first
time a new chapter on national de-
fence has been included, warranted
by reason of the importance• de-
fence has assumed in view of Cana-
da's world position. •
The book contains its usual sta-
tistical data and with its informat-
�� I ive pages on various phases of Can-
a .,,41ra 5K1,... tdian life, such as lists of post of-
fices, population, trade and com-
We Have A Heaven To. Gain
and A Hell To Shun !
"He that believeth'00 hint (Christ) is not condemned: but he
I:hal; believeth not is condemned. Matt. 3:1.5
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son
that whosoever lielievetlr in hint should not perish but have everlest
ing life." John 3:10
TUNE, IN: Pilgrims Hour 7-7.30 EST Sunday Evening
Local Station — CKLW Windsor
Old-fashioned, Revival Hour—rebroadcasts on many stations..
at various hours
Chas, E. Fuller, P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California
inerce, is almost encyclopedic in
Another new section. introduced
in the labor chapter, is an explana-
tion of the workings of Canada's
vocational training organization.
As the result of material short-
ages the supply of books is limited
and orders should be placed with
The King'sKing'sPrinter at Ottawa as
soon as possible to insure delivery
The book this year contains refer-
ences to standard information which
has appeared in previous publicat-
tiots, in order to conserve material
and space.
Vanishdd On Her Honeymoon
What happened to a pretty newly-
wed, last seen by her husband while
On a •honeymoon bunting trip? Her
disappearance prompted one of the
West's greatest searches. Read about
this baffling real life mystery • in
"Lost Ladies—Where Are TheY.
Now?", beginning hi The American
Weekly with this Sunday's ,(January
26). issue of The Detroit Sunday
and to les, H. Arnold of Hensall,
the only remaining charter member.
The allocation of $3,000 for 1947
was accepted, and an invitation was
accepted to -hold the fall rally in
September at Seaforth.
It was suggested that the Auxili-
aries make a special effort this year
to help the girls' groups and missibn
bands, who will be the coining mem-
hers of the Society.
Mrs. K. McLean of Exeter, key
woman for the Presbyterial, gave a
brief report of the special meeting
held in London in December, and an-
nounced that the first meeting of the
Synodical Society of Hamilton and
London will be held in Stratford on
April 14, 15, and 16. Eleven dele-
gates from each Presbyterial will be
provided with billets; so each auxil-
iary in Huron may appoint one dele-
A vote of thanks was tendered to
the Clinton ladies for their hospital'.-
abbit Drwle
Sponsored by
Seaforth: Game & Fish Assoc.
12.30 P,M.
Truck Provided
If weather t e does not permit this
Drive will be held the following
Committee in charge: Jack Wright
Attie Hildebrand
• a
Farrier - Higgins
The marriage of Mary .Ferrol, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Higgins,
Morris township, to Carman Wesley,
, and to rs. Tm, t- ou 141, and Mrs. W. R. Farrier,
ingtypreaidenMh, forhothepsonsplenthedid ser-refiWliitecliurofxch, took place- in Knox
vice rendered during her term of United church, Belgrave, Rev. 0, H.
office. Dunlop offieiating. The couple will
Mrs. Thompson expressed her make their home at New Toronto.
thanks to the members for their fine
co-operation at all times, and called Clinton Mayor Married
on Mrs. R. Eberhart, of Seaforth to
preside for the election and install-
ation 05 officers,
Mrs. G. Bisset of Goderich was
elected president for 1947, She
thanked the members for the honor
conferred upon her and asked for.
the continued co-operation of the
members of the Presbyterial. The
meeting closed with prayer for God's
blessing in the coming year.
The officers for 1947 are; Presi-
dent, Mrs. G. Bisset, Goderich; 1st
vice-president, Miss A. M. oll,
Blyth; 2nd vice-president, Mrs, H.
C. Dunlop, Goderich; 3rd vice-presi-
dent, Mrs E. Lawson, Auburn Sec-
retary M>,ss B. Campbell, Seaforth:
treasurer, Mrs. J. 13. Russell, Sea -
forth: girls' work secretary, Mrs. W.
J. Thompson, Seaforth; Mission
Band secretary, Mrs. :D. J. Lane,
Clinton; home helpers secretary,
Miss L. M. Jeckell, Exeter; literature
and library secretary, Mrs. W. G.
tllacEwan, Goderich; life member-
ship secretary, Mrs. G. Walker, Hen-
sall; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. F.
Ross, Auburn; press secretary, Mrs.
A. Taylor, Goderich; welcotie and
welfare secretary, Mrs. C. Hudson,
Hensel': supply secretary, bliss M.
E. Brown, Exeter.
FORTUNE—At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal. on Jan, 16th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Lionel Fortune, Seaforth, a. son.
GARDINER—At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Jan. 10111. to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Gardiner, Kirltton, a daugh-
KRAUSKOPIP -- At. Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Tan. 20th. to Mr, and
3l r s.ams TC
J e rauskopf. Dublin, a
O CONNOR--At Scott memorial Hos-
pit,rl, an Inc. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph O'Connor, Dublin RR 2, a
A quiet wedding took place at the
home of the bridegroom in Clinton
when Drusille Jane Shaw, daughter
or the late Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Shaw,
Harriston, was united in marriage to
Adan. Tames McMurray, Mayor of
Clinton, Rev. W. .T. Woglfrey, minister
of Ontario street United Church,
to learn
Harold Finlay
Maln Street, Next to Christie's
o disnA .fp fe
Cans .0 A
ip1 �' ,tgccloe ;siftma
lief o1
ari{saen_ of
This is the only national
appeal to be ni.ade its
Canada within the next'
twelve nbontls for
Chinese relief.
...the wily food for
and millions like him,
iwar-ravaged China
This old peasant, his farm devastated by the
Japanese, is too weak to work. His diet for months
has been grass and roots.
Of China's people, 83 per cent. axe farmers. Mil-
lions are in urgent need of food, clothes, medical
supplies. UNRRA's work is ending; voluntary
agencies must carry on. Canada must do her share.
Will YOU help?
China, a good neighbor and customer, will not
PR leweeoeis/ China, a Good Neighbor, calls to YOU!
CAN h DI '. N AI ,sly, TO C +ft INA
Make cheque payable to CANADIAN AID TO CHINA ane snail to.,
Provincial or Local Headquarters; or to any Chartered tunic
Ontario Committee Headquarters—Room 101. 371 Bay Si., Toronto '1,
Chairman—FI, 11, Burgoyne, St. Catharines, Ontario,
Vice -Chairman --C. 1t. Rowntree, London, Ontario,
Treasurer—E. J. Case, Imperial Bank of Canada, Bay and Temperance Sts., Toronto 1.