HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-01-23, Page 45
Maple lawn Poultry
Farm & Hatchery
R. 0. P. Sired S.C. White Leghorns
Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds
Day-old Chicks available weekly after Feb, 10th.
- Started Pullets 4 - 6 wks.
It'w, have been working on a Flock improvement, Plan and have
purchased R. 0.P. Cocdccr tk from cue of the best 12. 0. P. Breeders.
All birds stated and bloodiested are of tine large' type Leghorn.
We operate strictly under
Dominion Gov't R. O. P.
Ontario Accredited Flock
Hatchery Approval Policy '
100% Blood Tested
orders received for day-old chicks before Feb, 101)1 at
last year's prices
New price Imt an request.
Phone Brussels 90.5. Harold France, Prop.
,4116/ lAgad9Saerinfaines6Wch7:ASifi eAti ABll9AllBt URIVe,e t
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet MoFalls and
family of Exeter visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Weston Horne.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Otis of Wood-
stock spent the week end with the
Tatter's parents,_ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Johns and Miss
Shirley Johns visited on Wednesday.
We have just received a carload
of Cement, so hurry and get
your order tilled.
A. good supply of Insulation
still" a vai'lable,
Also plenty of. Lump and Nut
Coke and Alberta Nut,
Our Small Egg and Nut Anthra-
cite is on the way so will fill
your orders soon.
Seaforth Supply
Fuel Ltd.
of world and local events
are brought to you on
CFRB'S regular news-
casts. This is just another
phase of the BALANCED
broadcast schedule. For
example .: :
A,M. AND 6.30 P.M.
12.30 P.M.
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long" of Mr. David Tough and Mrs. Hay of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foster and
Beverley of Granton visited on Sum'
day with Mr. and Mrs. Janes Hey -
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbrtdge and
family of Winchelsea visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Cooper.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Johns visited on
Friday with Mr. and Mel. Grant Rat-
cliffe of Anderson,
Mr, and Mrs. ,Gordon Penhale and
Ysunily visited on Monday evening
with Mr. and Mrs, Donald Penhale of
; Miss Florence Bell, R. N., and
Messrs. Laurie and Murray Stephen
of London visited with their parents
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern of Whal-
en visited ou Sunday with. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Kerslake.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank King and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry. Finkbeiner of Ste-
phen visited on Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Everett Skinner.
Miss Shirley and Mr. Harry Jaques
of Zion spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bell.
i" The newly organized Mission Circle
held their first meeting at the church
'on Thursday evening, Jan. 16th. The
meeting- opened with hymn 252 foi-
lowed by Mrs. Mair leading in prayer.
The scripture (John 12: 24-32) was
read by Marlon Mulch. 13usiness was
taken care of by Mrs; Malt Fro-
grams for the following year were
then made out. The meeting closed
with hymn 249 and the tliizpah bene-
Brantford were married at the manse
on Jan. 7th; we welcome Mrs, Tough
to our village.
Rev. and Mrs. E. Stanway spent
a few days last week in Toronto.
Mrs. John Grainger spent Satur-
day with her daughter in Goderioh.
.err. and Mrs. Fred Bonthron of
Hensall visited Mr. C. D, Simpson
on Sunday.
.Misses Mary .McCully and Hazel
tilling spent a couple of days last
week. in Toronto.
Mrs. H. Berry entertained mem-
bars- of her group on Monday even-
n Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitzpatrick spent
Sunday with friends at Kings-
The many friends of Mary McCul-
ly will be sorry to learn that she is
in Seaforth Hospital where she un-
derwent a serious operation. We
hope she will soon be better and
home again.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hanly of
London spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Scott.
Miss Genevieve Smith and friend
of Stratford spent Sunday with
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Johnston spent
Sunday in Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mustard spent
the week end in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hanley of
London were guests at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott on Sunday.
Mrs. George Pinkney and daughter
Doreen of Walkerton visited with her
mother Mrs. W. Pepper over the
week end.
The Red Cross met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, C. Haugh last Thursday.
The annual meeting of the Red
Cross will he held in the Odd Fellows
hall on Wednesday at 3.15. Feb. 5th,
The annual congregational meeting
of 13rueeflelii 'United (:hni•ch will be
held on Wednesday al 3 p.m.. Jan. °9.
Continued From Page One
Huron resolution recommending that
nursing training schools be re -opened.
in smaller hospitals,
W. H. Golding, M.P., acknowledged
h resolution protesting the bringing
of Japanese and their familifts into
Western Ontario, and promised to
present it to the proper authorities
at Ottawa. ,
The Township of Howick submit-
ted a resolution asking that the
amendment to the assessment act
regarding penalties on unpaid taxes
be replaced.
The Coifnty of Oxford seeks con•
currence in a resolution that it be
made compulsory .for any Person who
obtains a motor license, to obtain the
proper insurance also.
The Western Counties' Health and
Occupational Centre, London, ack-
nowledged the gift of a radio, and
subscriptions to local newspapers for
the pavilion.
Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton physician
to the Hurcin County Home reported
that the present year "has resembled
aho y
Authorized by the above the fol-
lowing "Rules Respecting the ,Sale
of Hogs" were unanimously agreed
tp by The Negotiating Committee
and approved by The Farm Prod-
ucts Marketing Board.
Rules Respecting The Sale
Of Hogs
1. All hogs slaughtered by'a li-
censed processor, where Dominion
Government hog grading 'facilities
are available, shall be graded in ac-
cordance with the Standards for
grades set forth in the "Regulations
with Respeet to Hog Carcass Grad-
ing, being P.C. 2064, dated July 27,
1939. as amended by P.C. 2197,
dated Maroh 80, 1944, made under
the Dominion Government Live
Stook and Live Stock Products Act,
1939" and amendments thereto.
2. All hogs purchased by a li-
censed processor, where - Dominion
Government hog grading facilities
are available, shall be paid for on
the basis of the grade as shown on
the grading certificate issued by a
grader under the Hog Carcass Grad-
ing Regulations_ under the Live
Stock and Live Stock Products Act,
1939, and amendments thereto, with
eke match' you had to have price differential between grades.
. All hogs purchased by a li=
your seat reserved." Three were 14 censed "buyer" for resale to a li-
transtants admitted; '3 released; 3 censed processor where " Dominion
transfet•t•ed and 11 died. The -weid Government hog grading facilities
palities sending applicants . were:. are available shall be paid for to the
Stanley 1; phen 2. 2; Grey 1; ' CIiu
loll 3 Stephen 2• Witagham 1; Ctin producer on the basis of the grade
d' certificate
ton 1; Colborne' 1. Hay 1. the average as shown on gra m+*
age 74.: number of inmates at present issued by a grader uner the ,Hog
93; staff 3. Carcass Grading Regulations under
The County . of Victoria requested, the Live Stock and Live Stoek Fro -
concurrence in a resolution asking ducts Act, 1939, and amendments
that full-time game wardens be ap– thereto, with price differential be -
pointed; that fines for illegal fislihtg tween grades.
be increased, with corresponding in-; 4. ATO grading certificate shall be
creases for second and third offend -used as a basis of settlement for any
ars; that more minnow ponds be hog carcasses other than those for
established. for which it was issued.
Tbe county of Wellington .asked producer's
endorsution of a resoliltion request-' S. Every ' "buyer", p
ing the Department of Highways to agent or processor's agent, (or pro-
c•outribut' 75 per rent of the cost o1 eessor in case of purchases direct
snow plowing on municipal roads. from producers), shall place, or
rause to be placed, a distinct and
T Seaforth
"Two Guys From Milwaukee" ,
with Dennie Morgan --Joan Leslie — Jack Carson
A• spirited comedy -'•-' peeked rilil or 'life and 5!) Lert:ainni en which
everyone onJOYs
MON. Tuns. WED."The Searching Wind"
with Syvia Sidney — Robert Young — Ann Richards
A picture of dramatic forcefulness based on Lillian Hellmgn's play by
the same name, tracing the course of history from Mussolini's 'March
on Rome to the sell-out of Czechoslovakia
"The Bride Wore Boots"
with Barbara Stanwick —. Robert Cummings — Diana Lynn
Tits piece of farcical entertainment is a, bundle of liveliness eiid
humorous situations that should please most theatre -goers
with Gail Russel and Diana Lynn
with Wm. Gargen — Jean Rogers — Philip Reed
Telephone People
Are Hard to Please
No matter how good the service is, telephone p::uple are
always keen to make it better , . , to heat their own record.
We arc breaking all records with our 3100,000.000programme for
Its switchboards and 1 e rlmgs,
T frr room drat, 7Pured oirrthing money can't
(sat ihe pride evtry 1: r le ,iic cra,,pony takes in
, ;, tr,,rr,,. ill bn,M ,er ,c... -t ih-• b,'a 1 cost.
Brown Smyth, reeve of West Wa-
wanosh, is the first bachelor in the
history of the county to be honored
with the highest office in the gift of
the citizens—the wardenship.
Mr. Smyth farms 150 acres in
West Wawanosh where he was born
and has lived all his life. 'Ht is a son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Smyth. He has served his native
township as councillor for nine
years and his fifth as reeve. He is
highly esteemed for his integrity.
He was school trustee for five
years, is a Liberal in politics and a
member of the United Church at Sc.
Helens. The last warden elected
from West Wawanosh was the late
Charles Girvin, elected in 1878.
He has been a good debater in the
county council and has served on
many of the important committee:.
He was chairman of the county
home committee in 1946 and of the
property committee in 1945, and has
been a member of the legislative,
education, warden's and executive
Recommended by the+t�•3�
Committee appe snmer a
vi ion of the On t- Ear
cern' Marketing Scheme.
Approvoe ra.
jiarke r B 'if -727.-1:1-
'72',. -
•L Y,.- ..
specific tattoo mark of identity, or
other mark of equal value approved
by the producer, on each hog of each
farmer's lot before they are allowed
to mix with other hogs.
6. When hogs are processed where
Dominion Government facilities are
available prices quoted for hogs and
all transactions, including final set-
tlement to the producer, shall be on
a warns dressed Grade A basis, with
price differentials for other grades.
7. Every processor, buyer, pro-
ducer's agent and processor's agent
shall make out and sign a receipt on
a prescribed form, or on a form ap-
proved by the local board, showing
the producer's name, address, num-
ber of hogs, their mark of identity
and shall cause same to be delivered
to the producer at the time the hogs
are received by the processor, "buy-
er" or agent.
8. Every producer's agent, or in
case of direct sale every processor
shall retake out, or cause to be made
out, and furnish to the producer at
the time of final settlement, a state-
ment showing for each producer's
'tot of hogs:
.4_ Which have been sold to a pro-
oe;sor where Dominion grading ser-
-ric-as are
and address of the pro -
=erne and address of proces-
o, dare received by processor,
date of slaughter,
o oral number of carcasses,
identification mark,
warm weight of each Caracss,
number of carcasses in each
?rade of each carcass,
1St the price paid per pound for
each. grade or the differential be-
tween grades.
ar moss amount paid, delivered
Seeds Fertilizer.
Place your orders now
Phone 9
to processor's plant, condemnation
insurance deducted,
ITT amount of all deductions, in-
cluding transportation, agent's eom-
tnean mission, and other charges, .
age•rt, cm) net amount to the producer,
he'.1 mean r - B. which have been sold etas pro -
F as a_ant a. f
cessor where Dominion grading a.
cilities are not available clauses (h),
Om 1 and ('1 of Section (A) may be
itis date forward will 9. Every "buyer" or processor's
March 31st, 1.948, •gyp agent shall make out, or cause to be
=rruid be made to fine, made out, and furnish to the pro-
duces at the time of final settle-
ment, a statement which shall show,
i(a) name and address of the pro-
(b) -fame and address of the pre.
(c)ordate received by processor,
(d) date of slaughter,
(e) total number of carcasses,
(f) identification mark,
(g) warm weight of each carcass,
(h) number of carcasses in each
(i) grade of each carcass,
(j) the price paid per pound for
each grade or the differential be-
tween grades,
(k) net amount to producer,
except that in case of sale to,a
processor where grading facilities
are not available clauses (h), (i)
and (j) of this section may be omit-
ted. -
10. A producer's agent shall not
receive a commission. or any remun-
eration of any kind whatsoever from
other• than producers; and a proces-
a;aed. Ali lieen es,
: (i)
'41'e have nonsexed chicks and pullets to spare before Feb.
13th, and Cockerel Chicks throughout the season
We hatch Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Light Sussex, N.
Hampshires and White Rocks as purebreds and New Hamp-
shire X Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Light Sussex,
White Leghorn X White Rocks, as crossbreds
Nonsexed Pullets Cockerels
Tan. 16th to Feb. 10th 14c 26c 5c
Feb. 13th to Mar. 0th 143te 26c 5c
Mar. lets to Apr. 21st 15c 27c 5c
Apr, 24th to May 151 14e 25c 70
After May 1st 13e 23c Be
White Leghorn nonsexed are lc less and Pullets are 3c
higher, White Leghorn X White Rock crossbreds nonsexed
are le less and Pullets are 1c higher than heavies.'
Ali prices are subject to change without notice and delivery
eanuot be guaranteed
Zurich, Ontario
Products Marketing Board,
.:,,went Buildings, To --lata, Ont-
t'nder "Marketing" the Scheme
u 0 further :amendedby the addi-
tion of Section:
l -)a, No processor or buyer. shall
buy hogs except from a buyer, pro
eessor, producer or producer's agent.
Section 11, sub -section (1), pro-
vides, "There shall be a cam -nit -tee
of ten persons to be known as "The
Negotiating Committee" five of
whom shall subject to the approval
ni' the Board be appointed annually
by the local board and five of whom
shall be appointed annually by the
licensed processors."
Sub -section (2) provides: "The
Negotiating Committee may:
(a) negotiate and settle agree-
ments respecting:
(r) minimum prices;
(2) forms of contract;
(3) conditions of sale; and
(4) fulfilment of contract:" etc.
Subject to the approval of the
Farm Products Marketing Board,
Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont-
sot's agent shall not receive a corn- L 1. In the case any regulation in -
mission or any remuneration of any eluded in the Hog Grading Regula -
kind whatsoever from other than tions under the Live Stock and Live
processors Stock Products Act, 1939, and
amendments thereto, have not been
included, amended • or varied by
these rules the seine shall be deemed
to he in force in Ontario..