HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-01-23, Page 1The Seaforth News
WHOLE SERIES, Vol. 70, No. 4
•• Brown Smyth, reeve of West
Wawanosh, was, elected Warden of
Huron County. for 1947 at the opening
session on Tuesday afternoon at
Goderich. He was ehesen m a caucus
of Liberal meMbers. Runners-up for
the honor were Reevet Cecil Wheeler
of Morris, and. John Armstrong, of
Mullett. The newlyelected warden
was escorted to the dias by R.
Shaddick, last year's warden. County
Judge T. IC Costello -administered
the oath of office and congratulated'
the -warden. • • a
In his address to the Council War-
den Smyth said it was feelings
of gratitude that 'hestood before
them. He expressed his .pleasure that
the honor had come to him as the
representative of ,Wast Wawanosh, as
the last reeve to win the honor *as
in 1878. He felt that there would be
hew and difficult . problems to be
faced during the year and asked for
co-operation. He'expressed synipathy
for Reeve J. V.:Daly of Seaforth, in
his illness. He concluded by promis-
ing "to give of my best"
Correspondenee read by- • Clerk N.
W. 'Miner included a resolution from
the counties of Northumberland and
Durham recommending a minimum
exemption of income tax of $2,001)
made applicable to all wage earners.
"not solely to members of parlia-
Letters of appreciation were read
from Dr, Sherwood Fox and G. W.
Little, acknowledging the grant ot
$5,000 to the building fund of West-
ern University.
The counties of Simcoe,
ton, Elgin and Kent, advised that
they concurred in the County of
(Continued On Page Four.)
Northside United Church
Rev. IL V. Workman, Minister
11 a.M.. Morning worship. Subject
"Publie-Spirited Citizeuship."
2.31) p,m, Sunday School.
7 p.m. 'A Brand Plucked From The
'Welcome to these services.
First Presbyterian Church
10 a.m., The Sunday School.
11 a.m. and 7 pan., Public Wor-
ship; The Minister will preach.
Monday, January 27th at 8 lam.
The 'annual meeting of the congre-
gation in the 41anday School roma
All members are urged to be present
.Sunday, February 2 at 11 a.m.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
The annual business meeting of
Huron Presbyterial W.M.S. of , the
Presbyterian Church in Canada was
held in Clinton Presbyterian Cherch.
on Tuesday, January 141th,, with
Moaning and'afternoon sessions.
The attendance was not quite so
large as usual, owing to road con-
ditions, but there was a good repre-
sentation from Clinton, Exeter, God-
erich, Hensall and Seaforth.
The President, Mrs. W. S. Thomp
son of. Seaforth, welcomed- the dele-
gates,- and took .part in thn devotion-
al period with Mrs. R. Scott of Sea -
Mrs. Thompson gave a fine New
Year's message, emphasizing.' the
blessings God has given, and urging
that every member of the Society
should heed the call to go forward.
Reportsof.- the year's work were
presented by the departmental sec-
retaries and ,were most encouraging.
The lifemembership secretary,
Mrs. G. Walker of Hensall, reported
that 15 lifeanemberships, 25 seals,
two.'honorary membership certifi-
cates and one "In Memoriam" had
been presented, making a total con-
tribution of $725. the highest for
many years.
The supply secretary, Mies M. E.
Brown of Exeter, reported that $140
had been sent to the Provincial sup-
ply secretary, two layettes had been
sent to Rev. Mr, Fesenko to be in-
cluded in a bale for the Ukraine,
and a bale of quilts, children's
clothing and Christmas gifts had
been sent to Mr. J. Y. Garrett, Ross -
burn, Manitoba, for the Indian Re-
serve. Letters were read from Mr.
Fesenko and Mr. Garrett, express-
ing their appreciation of the fine
contribution made by the W.M.S.
Mrs. G. Bisset of Goderich, Mere -
tare and library secretary, reported
that $52.69 had been received for
literature and supplies. Five auxil-
iaries had missionary libraries, and
it was urged that greater use be
made of the material available.
' In the library department, Mrs.
Bisset reported that over 100 books
had been • t to Mies CoraHunt,
' deaconess at Prince Albert, for Sun-
day school libraries, and they had
been welcomed .on rainy days at
summer camps.
Magazines were sent to a mental
institution, and men's books and
magazines were sent to Frontier
College. These were much lumreciat-
ed, and as boxes of books are sent
by them every week to various
camas it was suggested that the vari-
ous auxiliaries could send their own
collection, as freight charges are
paid on shipments of 100 pounds„
It was stated that any auxiliary
wishing to have a display of litera-
ture at its meeting may do so by
writing to the office in Toroato, and
paying return postage.
Mrs. C. Hatdson, welcome and
welfare aecrelara, reported a splend-
id year in this department. New -
J091919 had been welcomed, calls
made to welcome war brides, -a
number of removals were reported,
and 1542 calls made on sick and
shut- in members,an increase of
458 calls on last year.
The Mission Barad secretary, Mrs.
D. J. Lane of Clinton, reported fine
work"clone by capable leaders of the
five Mission Bands, with Seaforth
the banner Mission Band in mem-
bership and givings. A successful
rally was held in the fall at Goder-
ich, when the MacGillivray Mission
Band celebrated its sixtieth anniver-
sary, and tribute was paid to Miss
E. Wiggins for her many years of
faithful service.
Mrs. Lane stated that children's
books and Sunday school papers in
good condition may be collected by,
Mission Band members to send to
British Guiana.
The report of the girls' work sec-
retary, Mrs. H. Rivers of Goderich,
had many interesting items, Thera
.are three groups in Goderich, with
35 members, and one group in Sea -
forth with twelve members. Their
activities included presenting a one -
act play, a Christmas pageant, as-
sisting with ohurcb music and ;jun-
Iier congregation, a girl's tally with
'Mira B. MacMurchy al guest speak-
'er, comp e mg a layette, having
bazaar and afternoon tea, entertain-
ing their mothers, msing the study,
,book, having an occasioned party,'
said making a total contribution of
$58.25 to the Society.
Miss L. M. Jeckell of Exetet,
home helper secrelta7)57,hcgnave a fine
with tai°etnisv e f nit3milbe3e1.1::se!.11e4lx;
, ppm There are
I are subscribersto Glad Tidings, and
1 460 calls were made during the year.
Miss Jeckell stated that there is a
wide field in every church where
W.M.S. membeis may find new
home helpers, if .eveyyone would
The report of the Glad Tidings
secretary, Mrs. F. Ross of Auburn,.
showed a aotal of 302 subscriptiona
for 1946, an increase of five over
the previous year,•and the hope was
expressed that the increase would be
t The press secretary, Mrs A. Tay-
lor of Goderich, reported that more
items of interest had been sent in
for the Glad Tidings, and hoped this
would continue. Presbyterial meet-
ings had been fully reported, and,
publicity given by the local papers
was greatly appreciated by the
memberscoonfont.hode oTi.pciaegt.7.Fh„
Sunday, January MIL
St. Thomas", Seaforth
10 *a.m., Sunday School
11 a.m., Morning Prayer
7 p.m, Evening Prayer
St. Mary's, Dublin
2:30 Sunday School
8. Church Service,
The Rector, Rev. C.F.L. Gilbert,
B.A., at all services.
Egmondville United_ Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B,D.
10 aan., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Christian Life."
7 pm., 'Privilege Humbly Pos.
Death cams Suddenly as the result
of a heart attack a.bout 11 a.m., Tues-
day, Jae. 14, to Mrs. Harry Nehnes,
38 Breithaupt street, Kitchener. Mrs.
Nelmes was fatally striclten at heY
home. Born at Beechwood. Ont., (Mc-
. Milos)), on Sept, 17, 1882, 1VIrs.
Nelms was the daughter. of the late
Mr, and Mrs, William Evans or Beech-
wood. She was married 86 years ago
at Dublin, 'Ont. Nelmes Was El
member of the Sacred Heart Church
and or the Christian Mother's SocielY.
Besides her husband she is survived
by two sons, JoSepJA and Hubeet of
Kitchener; one .daughter Eileen (Mrs.
C. Kroetch) Kitchener; two bro-
thers William or Galt and Joseph of
- Los -Angeles, Calir., and two sisters,
Mrs. J. FL Quigley of Seerortb, and
Mrs, Catherine Longeway ot Detroit.
• The funeral was held on Friday with
prayers at the Lippert -Collin funeral
home, Kitchener, at 8.30 a.m. follow-
ed by requiem mass at Sacred Eeart
Ohuach at nine o'clock, The Rev.
Joseph Capige, officiated end inter-
ment was made in the Mb Flope R. C.
Workmen last week completed re-
inoval of the pipe organ which has-
- served -the congregation of First
Presleyterian Oliti.ach for over forty
The new organ, which is being
constructed by the Casavant relies
of St Hyacinthe, QUebee, will be a
large two manual instrument of
twenty-three stops and will be In-
stalled early in April.
Reserve Monday, Feb. 3rd, to
hear Squadron Leader Haagen, who
will address the Red Cross annual
meeting to be held in the Separate
School auditorium.
The Adult Fellowship group of
Nortbsirle United Church,- held their
monthly meeting on Monday even-
ing Jan. 20th at the home of Mr. add
-Mrs. Wm, Campbell, with the Presi-
dent, Mr. John Stevens, presiding.
After singing "0 God Our Help in
Ages Past", Mrs. Chas. Wood read
the scripture, St. Mathew 5 13-16
and Vera Mole led in praYer. The
minutes of the December meeting'
were: read by the sec., Ruth Cluff,
Beihg "Literary" 'night the program
followed along those lineS and Mary
Pryce ably portrayed the life of the
lateral -I. Isabel Graham -of Seaforth.
Two of her poems "A Friend , or
Two" and "If We Knew" were read
from hey book "Be of Good Cheer".
Mo. John Beattie, our local poet
then related to us a short synopsis
of his life, also places of interest
visited in later ,years, Mr. Beattie
then quoted several of his poems
concluding with ,aashort outline of
the "Life and Ilatierns" of Robert
Burns, whose birthday we are soon
to celebrate. "Air the Way My Sav-
iour leads ine" was sung and the
meeting closed by Rev. Mr: Work-
man giving the Benediction. A musi-
cal Quiz was conducted by Tom
Wilbee and a social hour followed
during which coffee and doughnuts
were served by the social committee.
On behalf of the members a vote of
thanks was extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Campbell by Laura Mole and
seconded by Edith Hillen.
List of officers for 1947. Preaa
dent, Mr. John Stevens: Secretary,
Miss 12 h ff , • P
Wilbee; Treasurer, Mrs, Turnbull;
Program Committee: Mrs, Tom Wil -
bee, Miss Audrey Hall, Mrs. Chas.
Wood, Chas. Pinder and Chas.
Social Committee: Mrs, Man.
Campbell, Miss May Payee, Ilifiss
Thelma Elgie and Mrs. Chas. Pind-
er, Press Secretary, Miss Laura
Mole; Pianist Miss Laurene Brough-
ton .
W .
A '•
The Monthly meeting of the Wo.
trion's Missionary Auxiliary of North
Side United 'Church was held. Jan.
161 b. The president Airs. R. Lawson
presided, and opened the meeting
with hymn Come let ue King of 3
woriderful love,' followed with prayer.
Roil call of the officers for 1947 by
Mbis A. Lawrence. then Rev, Work-
rint0 cinulticte.q1 the installation of the
officers. Mnintits of the executive
int.'eting and the December meeting
rend by Miss A. Lawrence. Business
iliseassio as taken tip by Mrs. R.
Lit wsen • Treasurer's report rend b.r
Miss A. Porgatson. .Chrislian Steward -
slab. Mvs. J, Finlayson gave it Nadine
"this is my Father's Work": also
told us n11001 our 'Love Box' we lmv,•
deelded on -Cm this year. Tempel:nose
rea tibia by Mrs. C. C. Keine, a true
story. Circle •1•11nd charge of this part
of the meeting with Mrs. Aikenhead
as Captain. Scripture readings Were
read -by Mrs. A, Reid, Mrs. Leenting
and Mrs, H. Lawrence, :followed with
prayer by Mrs. F. Storey. A hymn
"Shine Thon. 1111011. ns, Lord" was
sung, The topic was taken- by Mrs. 14.
Lawson, 'The India Programtne' en-
titled 'Christian Youth bring new life
to new tasks.' Offering taken up by
Mrs:,. P. Finnigan. The- Meeting' closed
with singing hymn In Christ There 15
110 East or West, followed with the.'
Citizens of Seuforth Red Cross
Area are row C ,*- contribr
Bons to the. Aid to China, Fund.
1, tl • .0 n ihe ince
press, the clergymen ot the churchet
and the citizensgenerally the peo
ple have been duly informed of the
urgent need and the method of rMs-
ing.the $2,500 requit•ed from this area.
With each citizen taking a personal
responsibility in making his or her
contribution as soon as possible, the
objective ehould be readied.; ' •
Pleeee least your ,coritributions at
the places authorized to. receive them,
viz.,. the Local Banks, Daly's Garage,
Whitney's Furniture Store, Beattie's
Variety Store, a Dorsey's Shop;11'
Seaforth: In Egmondville Mr. Toni
Robinson win receive contributions
and the stores in Walton. The Mc -
Killen Pastoral charge has arranged
already to give support to the fund.
Public spirited citizens in Tucker -
smith, MeRillop and those afflatus of
Rulleta and Grey townships in this
area, are requested to bring in con-
tributions as soon as possible. The
campaign is on until January 81st.
Let us co-operate in this our common
Tho January meeting of the Stun
ley Township School Area Board was
held in the township hall on Jam 11,
with all trustees present. nante13.
Messrs. Lyle . Harvey Taylo..
Archie Parsons, -prank McCowan mtd
Wm. MeKenzie. aar. McKeezie is r9,1
new member an the board. The Ares
consists or Sections 1. 111, 14 7. moll
6, Dr. R. 0. Staples, inspector of:
Sellouts, WIERE PF00(111 10). short thne.t
.Alr. Lyle Hill, who wi, elndrunin
of the board for the pos1 Year, was
again elected to that offkP. Mr.!
George L. Reid. was uppointed Eisuret-
pry-treasurer. .
School Section 6, which joined the
Ai -ea at the beginning or the year.
presentoa their books anti bank
count tor $795,94, it WEEM (1.001110(1 Uhl
this seetiou would raise 1.4 m1110
above the basic rate for the years
1947 and 1943
The following motions were passed:
(1) That the secretary raise the in-
surance on the Varea, School in keea-
ing with the other schnola in the
Area. (2) That a lettPl. SE.MIF to
Ala Flewell re pupil. attending No.
6 school. (2) That all 00(111)15he
paid tip to date. (4) That Mr. Wilfred
Chater be given the contract of care-
taker- of &S. No. 11,
Mr. Trolls intt,rVii.Wiqi IN! Hoard 111
to „ of era on kis salary.
which. WEIR granted. Tenders wet,. re-
ceived for 9 cords, ot wood, b1
EttEXt meeting will he held
Varna school on Feb. ilth at 0.30 pin.
Meeting at bus. Walter Pepper's
with the new president, Mrs, Erna
Whitmore, presiding. Roll call show-
ed an attendance of eighteen mem.
hers and three visitors present. Sug-
gestiona for making the meetings
interesting brought forth some .new
idaas. It was decided that the same
group having the meeting provide
both the program and the lunch.
Mas. Walter Pepper was appointed
to. the Social Committee in place of
Mrs. Fear. It was decided to contin-
ue with the cleaning of the church
i and, Mrs. Joan Turner was appointed
to: look after it. It was decided to
make a donation to the T. B. Fund.
The Chinese Relief Fund and the
Cancer Fun . 'Red Cross u o s
were given out to MIS. W. Lands-
1borougb, Mrs. Frank Walters, Mrs.
Fear, Mrs. E. Crich and Mrs. Me -
Gregor. IVIrs. Whitmore cons:Tabs-
: lated group three on wit -mil -1a the
contest for the yesta 1946 and the
three losing groups treated there to
a supper at the meeting. The pro-
gram consisted of a reading by Mrs.
Walters. A mouth organ selection by
Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Erlin Whit-
more conducted -a Very interesting
contest on spices. The next meeting
will be in charge ef group two. The
members were asked to bring their
old Christmas enacts to the meeting
The meeting closed with the Home -
the going was heavy places. By maker's prayer.
Wednesday morning the main roads
were opened again by 'snowplows.
The worst storm of the winter
struck Seaforth district on Tuesday
when blinding snow slowed up traf-
fic. The school bases were unable to
take pupils home after school and
the high school pupils :from the
country were billeted with friends
in town over night. One Seaforth
mail driver, Mn Ben Rising, suc-
ceeded in' making his complete
rounds on Tuesday with his car, but
C.C.F. ZONE No. 9
A large group of delegates from
the constituencies of S.Wellington,
N. and S. Waterloo, Perth and Hur-
on -Perth attended a C.C.F. Zone
council meetin • at the YMCA
Stratford, 'Wednesday evening, Jan.
150. The meeting was presided over
by IVIr, John Walters of Kitchener.,
After the routine business a discus-
sion was held on ways and means.
of furthering interest in
'work. Mr. John Walters reminded;
the group that scientific observation
of plant growth had proved that
the growth of plants came in fits'
and starts. He also remind -ed thenl,
that when electricity first carne into'
Use only a few unclergood it and;
many condemned it, yet it had come
11110 general use despite the objec-
tions raised.
Refreshments were served by the -
Ladies Auxiliary of the Stratford
C.C.F. Club. The neat meeting will
be held Wednesday eveniag, Feb.
10, at which Mr. Murray Grainger,
Varna, will be guest speakei.
John Pottey, a pioneer of Blyth,
died at the home of his son, Charles
Potter, Parkhill, on Friday, follow-
ing a short illness Mr. Potter was
born on the Sad concession of East
Wawanosh and in 1884 he was maa-
ried to Emily Cockerline of Morris
townsliip, who predecoasecl him in'
1940. -Following their marriage they
farmed for several years on the
third concession of East Wawanosh,
but more than 40 years ago they
moved to Blyth where Mr. Potter
was manager of the grain elevator
for Hay Brathers. They, lived here
continuously until after the death of to ,
Mrs. Potter When Mr. Potter left to
make his home with his family.
leaves four daughters and one son:
(Elsie) Mrs. Jamieson, Kitchener;
(Mary) Mrs. Davidson, Sarnia;
(Alpha) Mrs. 13radburn,- Seaforth;
Mgt) Mrs. Tideswell, Canilachiett
Charles of Parahal; one sister and
two brothers, MTS. Chris: Johnston,
"B.C.; Dr. William Potter, Iowa., and
George' Potter,' Sarnia. Following a
prayer service at 1;30 p.m., Mon-
day, at the home of his son in Park-
hill, the remains, were brought to,
Trinity Anghcan Church, Blyth.
The annual meeting of the Vestry
of St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth,
was held on Monday evening Jan.
20th, The Rector, Rev. C. la L. Gil-
bert, presided, and opened the meet.
ing with prayer. A goodly number
were present, representing the gen-
eral membership and the various or
ganirations of the church, The Vest!,
ry Clerk, Mr. Gordon Wright, was hi
charge of the minutes. The Rector
made his- regular statistical and
general report; showing some ex-
pansion in almost every particular.
A splendid financial report, fullyaudited,
audited, was presented by the
People's • Warden, Mr R. G. Parke,
showing all obligations met, includ-
ing some increase in the year's Mis-:
sionary Budget, and an increase in
endowment funds owing to a gener,
sou gift -made during the year.
Reports of organizations, showing.
a great deal of faithful work, were!
presented as follows:— The Ladies':
Guild and Ladies' Memorial Windovs
Fund, Mrs. A. J. Reid; The Wo-
stan's Auxiliary, Mrs. R. G. Parke;'Social Service Department of the;
W. A., Mrs. A. J. Reid; Girls' Aux-
iliary, IVIiss Lillian Southgate; Chan-
cel Guild, ariss Mary Johnstone;
Choir, Miss Clara Pinkney; Sunday
School (Serar-Treas.), Mr. Walter',
Boswell. The A.Y.P.A., recently re-'
organized, had no report, but was'
represented by alr. Harry Earle and,
'Miss Mary Johnetone, President and
viee-President reapectively. The
thanks of the m ,
sea to the workers in all organizaa
tams for their fine work.
The following offaerswere elect-,
ed: Rector's Warden, Mr. T. T.
Jackson; People's Warden. Mr, 11. G.
Parke; Lay Delegates to Synod,'
Messrs. H. G. Moir and William
Archibald; Substitute Delegates,'
Messrs. Robert Archibald and T. Ta
Jackson; Auditors, Mr. E. C. Bos-'
well and Miss Mary Johnstone.; Vestst
ry Clerk, Mr. Gordon Wright. Board
of Mariagement: Messrs. E. C. Hos-
well, John Earle, E. L. Fox, Ha.
Pretty, Robt. Archibald, L. Strong,'
G. Wright, W. Hill; also Mr, H.
Lexie, representing A.Y.P.A., Mrs.
A. J. Reid, representing the Ladies' .
Guild, Mrs. W. E. Southgate, repre-
senting the W.A., and Miss Clara
Pinkney, representing the Chancel •
Guild. Sidesmen: Messrs. Fred Mc. '
Oaviri, Chas. (ole,e, Bruce McLean.
Geo. Pinkney, Meir, E. L, Fox,
Gordon Wright, Jno. Oldfield, Wm.
Smith, Robt. Archibald.
• After the conclusion of the reg.-
tiler business, Mn 11. G. Parke fa-
$1 a 'year
Jenkfs aw:sseaVagakif
ire Yjies/ have ye
the fe//ow a
poet P/EX2Ce walch /
Phone 194
Res. 10
to. continue the birthday fund. Miss
Thum read three stories on India.
Mrs. Rola. Taylor and Mrs. Anson
Coleman each read pieces. Miss Hem-Il
offered pryer
a.for mna
issiories in,
India. We closed by singing *Christ
'for the world we ging." and benedic-
,tion. .4 social 11011F WEEK StlellE.
voured the meeting by reading pas
',Ages from a History of the Parish
df St. Thomas', Seaforth, which he
had written at the request of a local
tiriranization. The account proved
most interesting, and the meeting
Passed a resolution that a ropy be
placed among the Chureh Records.
The meeting closed with the Pane -
diction, pronounced by the Rector.
'present in Victoria Hospital, Loa -
'don. svhere he underwent an opera -
:tion for the removal of his knee cap.
fIt is now over a year since Mr. Hin-
ton had the misfortune to fall on the
tice and since that time has been
;confined to his bed and has had
;many operations. 'We hope that this
operation will prove successful and
,he will soon be able to be around
,once more among his friends.
Mrs. John Wien of Crediton is
Spending a few days with her sister
H rb a
Mr and airs Arnold Gackstetter
,apent Sunday with the latter's broth-
er and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Ferguson in St. Thomas.
Mrs. Havel& Jones is spending a
few days with her sister and broth-
er-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Golden West-
lake of Hayfield.
Mr. Clarence McLean of London
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Johnson.
Mrs. Archie Parsons anti Donald
'o;re spending some time. with the
:lormer'a parents Mr. and Mrs: Jo-
seph Linden at Denfield, Mr. Linden
is seriously W.
Rev. Mr -M
. Hinton,Minister of St.
.-k.edrew'S United Church here is at
A hinhly 0,40f:rated resident passed
way 011 Tuesday'. Jan. 21st. in the
person 00 Sarah L. 91, Ma an. widow
of the late John McLeod her Rapti
9001'. Mrs. McLeod had tn,a 111 lor
about a year and e half. Burn in Ole
tOwnshin: of Blonsaard, daughter or
tae late Mr. and Mrs. George Me
Mhe ann, shad lived In Ethel before
0001199 to Seaforth about thirty years
:ago. She was a member or asst
Bresbyberian Churvh, Her only soli
• .
Surviving is one daughter. Mrs. John
H. Storey of McKillop, end one bro-
ther and two sisters, Mrs. Hurry Me -
Mann of Victoria, B.C., Mrs. Thomas
Williamsou of Victoria, and
Mrs. William \\roods of Reaforth.
There are eleven grandchildren awl
lane great grandchildren. .
'Phe funeral takes place on Friday.
jon, 240, from the G. A. Whitney
funeral chapel to Brussels cemetery,
Rev, W. J. Patton officiating.
Stanley District L.O.L, met in the
Orange hall, Tuesday evening, Jan.
la and elected the following offic-
ers: Dist. P.W.M., Nelson Reid; W.
M., Watson Webster; D. NI., Gleno
Slavin; Chap., C. C. Pilgrim; Rec.
Sec., a Watson; FinaSeca J. Holm-
er; Treas., B. Rathwell; Marshall,
Purdy; lst Lect C Gethinhardt-
and Lect., L. Clarke,
• The January meeting of the Varna
W.M.S. was held at the 'home of Mrs.
'Wat Webster. Mrs. George Heid,
leader of the group in ammo, con
`ducted the worship service from the
monthly. We sang, Come let us sing
of a 13011 11001111 Love, and, Stand up
and bless the Lord. Mrs. 43', Steph
M 4401,1, Stephen-
son, 11015, Taylor and Mrs. 11,
Keyes each rend the scripture pass-
age,. We then sang, In t brist There is
!no East or West, The president Mrs.
T..,ee McConnell look eharge of the
• bitsiness and spoke 1 few 001(15 tor
no opening year, Mrs. Will Rohl, a
life-long member trt 30000 and Bay-
: field was present and was called
upon, Mrs. Wie Stephenson ('5011 1110
i•addreSS and Mrs IV Johnston pre-
sented Mrs. 'Row with o bodroom
bohoir or, the society, Mits.
Ilioid expressed her thanks. The toll
call Was anawored with new year's
thought. The treasurer report ed our
allocation was Well over -reached. The
text Word ter February will be chosen
by Mrs. W. Reid. Mr', J. Rathwell.
new staying in Sea forth , sent 1100
thanks for her Xmas 100110. Rachel
Johnston was appointed' convener Of
the 1)111011 committe.e. It was Aecided
r.A. meeting of 19(7 was
held thb
in e basement, 118 the church
with good attendance. The minutes
of the last meeting were adopted,
and the roll call by paying of 1947
fees. Our president Mrs. Leo Stephen-
son asked the ladies to suggest ways
of making money for the year. It was
moved by Mrs. 0. Millson and Mrs.
James Hugihh that we all work to
gether and each lady be responsible
for a quilting or as social flet.001100/1
sometime in the year, The business
of the victory bond was discussed and
Cleared 119, 1) was moved by' Mrs.
Hugill and Mvs. Britton that we send
$25 to the Chinese Relief Fund. moot-
ing closed by by= 474 followed by
the W.M.S. program.
The C.G:T.T. meeting, Jan, 21st
was held at the home of Miss Mar-
garet and Leona Stevens. The meet-
ing opened by singing several C.G.I.
T. songs followed by the "Purpose",
the Lord's Prayer was then repeat-
ed. The minutes were read and tip -
prayed. Twelve answered the roll
call. A letter was read from a form -
ler member, ,Anna Dupee. The devo-
tional part of the programme open-
ed ba all singing "Eternal Father
strong to save". Jacqueline Habkiale
then read "The call 'to, worship".
The offering was received and busi-
ness was discussea. Leona. Stevens
read a prayer followed by scripture
readings by Peggy Willis. TheastorY
was then read by Patsy Bruggea and
Barbara Wright. "Breathe on me
breath of God" was then sung fol-
lowed by Taps. At the close of the
meeting lunch was served.