HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-01-09, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS To the Electors of Seaforth My sincere thanks to all who exercised their franchise on Monday and to your confidence in electing' me Mayor for:. 1947. I also wish to thai'tk all those who offered cars and assisted as scrutineers MERTON A. REID ti To the Electors of Seaforth I Wish to thank you for the splendid support given me in the election for Council on Monday. B. F. CHRISTIE To the Electors of Seaforth THANK YOU FOR THE GOOD SUPPORT GIVEN ME AT THE POLLS ON MONDAY E. A. McMASTER To the Electors of Seaforth I appreciate the support of the ratepayers of Seaforth at the electious Monday Willett resulted in my .election as Councillor. WALLACE ROSS • THANKS The Electors of Seaforth have been good to me, and for this I am grateful, and shall endeavor to justify the con- fidence they have 'placed in me. F. SILLS To the Electors of Seaforth I wish to thank my sup- porters in the Election on Monday; and to extend to all the Compliments of the Season. W. R. SHAW doing fractured her thumb. The many friends of Mr. John Kaiser are pleased to • hear he is somewhat improved after his recent illness. Miss Norma Sangster and Mr. Douglas Sangster of London spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. The stores and all places of busi- ness in Hensall will close at 10 o'- clock on Saturday -nights during January, February and March. Mr. Relit. Sangster Ieft,for the ► Re -habilitation school in Kitchener t-1EN,SALL after spending the holidays with his Miss Goldie Cross R.N. returned mother Mrs. Minnie 'Sangster. 70 her duties at Westminster Hospit- Skating and hockey games have ;. London, after spending several been much -enjoyed on our local rink ► ,ay= last week with her parents Mr.. during the past week, the ice is re - and Mr:. W. B. Cross. ported to be in excellent shape, Mi:; Amy Laramie returned to London after spending the holidays, ELIMVILLE with her mother, Mrs. Laramie, and;, Patsy aacid Master Terry sisteMr.1'. Ties Greta in Montreal I Dobbs of Longton are spending a ► s2. C. Joynt iss in few weeks with their grandparents, ► this week. i Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs. holidays C visiting h spent the tures. %+olidays members of herMr.. James Sinclair returned to is family in London and Chatham. , � London after spending two weeks' ► Mr. Carey Joymt has resumed his• holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson studies at Osgoode Hall following Woods. ► t the vacationarea his home here. Nev Yeats visitors were: ► l'Iiss Margaret Glenn who under- Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Grego and ► went an appendix operation in St.i Billy and Mrs. M. Routley of Kirk- Joseph';- Hospital, London, last week, ton with Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Routley • is improving. Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman and ► ' family and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brad- en rad- a•t,nlp operation inB St. Joseph's anan underwent' thaw and David of Seaforth with al, London. on Monday, and her_ Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman. many friends wish her a complete Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock of Win - recovery. f chelsea with Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs. 11 ,l Ezra Rigel. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner, his ,laughter, ErmaI and Kiefer Kent Laverne, Rnth and Elgin with Mr. fey, Mr. and litre. Ivan Kipfep rents and Mrs. Reginald McDonald of Ex - Mr.Year's with the latter parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Glenn rind Lois " t \Ir and Mpg. Howard Otis of. at Port Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Woodstock returned home afterf Kiefer are remaining for a visit, l c ending two weeks with the latter's r The monthlyliarymeeting. of the Even- arents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns, in•r Auxiliary of Hensall Lmted. l Penhale and. l'Tr. and Mrs. Donald rhurch will be held at the home of., Sheridan .of Winchelsea, Mrs. Wm, Miss Edna Saunde•cock on Monday r of the Christmas zeason took place evening Jan. 13th. Miss Ellis will* Veal, Wilma Ross and Norma of in St Michael's Church, London. on Mut c h Harry 'a- titre. H tJoan Fr n n i V Mr a dwhen Exeter, x • a ' Saturday y morning d Bookon begin the New Study I Donna and Laurie, and VIr. and l'Irs. "India". fins, B. devotional will have ccs, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ndon la,...- Lon - Kyle Lo r Turch Sr much ave., a N n el Harry Hamilton, H Fran - charge e of the exercises. and Mis. Norman Jaques, Harry and K. S. Ha t Mrs. andddickMrs. Redden, rs,l Shirley of Zion, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin don, became the bride of Joseph Kyle and Miss Gladys Luker form n; Leona and Aldeen, Mr. and Patrick Meagher. son of Mr. and the social committee. A large attend- . Alvin Cooper, Lenore and 1's. John Feeney, uncleIof heblin. gev. J. room: once is requested. .Ross Mr 4 Rtdlethe v M. Johnnceremonyand Flo d ythe performed Rev, the funeral of Zurrich ate eter' Skinner, Mr. and Mrs, Philip Murclt performed sung Baker ataBonthroit so Funeral and Marion with 1 1. and Mrs, Har -1 Su Forid.ial ttRev. A.ass L. Ma oche was Ti Hensall, last Friday, Tan. 3. Inter- old Bell. the sanctuary. Given in . marriage raenMiss Florence Bell and Miss Mil- by her father, the bride looked love- Thetpallbeare •s werwas in e C, Parke,eiC.I dred Miller of London visited over . Roy the weekend with Mr. and Mrs., l in a gown of white taffeta with McGinley T, Dinsmore. Ro Lall of yoke of nylon marquisette, The Messrs J. and W. Armstrong, all of Thomas Bell. ' bridal veil was gathered to a band - Mrs. Charles Stephen, Laurie, of earls and fell in soft folds over Zurich many friends of Mrs. A. A. Murray, Wanda, Domtie and Betty herdressforming a slight train. Spencer are pleased to hear site °s• Ann spent New Year's Day with Mr' She carried a bouquet of deep uaed improving following her recent ill and Mrs. Wm. Stephen of Woodham. Better Times roses with white satin Messrs Tioward Pym an Emerson streamers and her•only ornament Hess. l'enliale returned home Monday Newt Year's wthtMrs. Shuter at the after speeding four months in Al- was a necklacegof pearls, a gift of home of Mi-. and Mars. Wesley Rich- recta, They wen t• to the coast before tendedhe rbytM s Marionbride Meagher, ardson in Goderich. returning home. They left early 1: sister of the bridegroom and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker ands September on the harvest excursion. TCathryn Hamilton, her sister Both Mrs. Enoch Parker visited recently; . with Ma I wore floor -length gowns. Miss Meag- her Mrs. Gordon Parker ONLY ONE FEDERAL he• was in pink net and taffeta with in Exeter. 1 MEMBER FOR HURON 7. touches of turquoise blue. Her shoul Miss Collins of Brucefield spent der veil in the same shade was New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Roy caught to her hair with turquoise Brock• London and Windsor areas will clips. Miss Hamilton's gown,in a Mr. Wilbert Dilling has been can- likely each gain an additional ntem- paler shade of pink was of crepe fined to his room with an attack of ber when redistribution for the with embroidery at the waistline jaundice. twenty-first Parliament of 255 and her headdress was a pleated rib - Miss Barbara Michie 'returned to members is, carried out at the forth- bon halo with a large bow at the her duties as junior teacher at the coming session of Parliament. side, Both attendants carried arm Public School after a pleasant holi- At the same time, however, -con- bouquets of pink snapdragon tied slay at the hone of her parents Mr, siderable changes will be necessary with pink and blue lace. Kenneth and Mrs. Jas. Michie, Brussels. in the boundaries of several smaller Hamilton brother of the bride, was Mr, and MTS. W. A. MacLaren ridings in Southwestern Ontario, best man. Usher's were William Car - se • and daughter Miss Marion of God- and two or three existing may dieap- lathers and Patrick Johnson. Mrs. erich and Miss Lois MacLaren R.N. pear in that process. Frank Fans presided at the organ. of Kitchener spent New Year's with Pretty certainly, Huron and Members of Sodality of the Blessed Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. Perth, which now have three seats Virgin Mary of which the bride was Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans and son between them. will be cut to two a member, formed a guard of honor returned to their home in Waterloo seats for the two counties. preceding her up the aisle. They after spending the holidays with Likewise, pretty certainly, Brant wore pastel gowns and carried bou- Mrs. Evans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Brantford ridings will be inerg- quets of flowers. A reception was R. Y. MacLaren. ed. held at Catholic Culture Centre. ' Mr. Bell Elliott returned home Tt is possible that Bruce and Grey Mrs. Hamilton received in a street after a week's visit with Mr. Bill counties, which now have three length dress of black and gray wool Carson, in London.members, may he reduced to two and crepe with vivid colored em - Mrs. G. M. Case spent a few days members. broidery on the sleeves, She wore a last week with Mrs. Mary Hennesey For the forthcoming distribution, plumed hat and shoulderette of in London, based on the 1941. Dominion census, briarcliff roses. Mrs. Meagher, Miss Jean McQueen visited over the constituency quota 18 45,678 mother of the bridegroom wore a the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don population, compared With 44,186' in turquoise blue wool dress with small Rigby and Donna in Blenheim. the present Parliament.„black hat and shoulderette of Holly - Miss Jean Brandon returned to Fourteen thousand, four hundrewood roses. For the wedding trip her duties as Intermediate teacher and thirty-one population of London east the bride wore a black dress at the Public School after a pleasant City proper is included in the Fed- with touches of gold, a green top vacation at her home at Bayfield. eral constituency of Middlesex East. coat with black accessories and cor- Mrs. Stewart Bell had the raider- The 22,822 population of Middlesex- sage bouquet of Supreme roses. On tune last week to jam her right West 15; quite low. ' their return the couple will reside tri hand in the cistern pump and in so The Essex West population' show- London., ed a jump from 64,112 in 1931 to 82,146 in 1941, owing mainly to 10,105 former Walkerville popula- tion in Essex West constituency. On . the fringe of the Southwest- ern Ontario area, it would look as it Haldimand riding with only 21,- 854 population, will disappear, Also; Wellington North with 23,605, and Wellington South, • with 38,441, will probably be,anerged into one riding. Huron -Perth now embraces 3,321 of Perth population, which will like- ly be added to Perth, and the two Hurons merged into one riding. Southwestern. Ontario constituent. cy 1941 and 1931 Dominion census figures, x denoting decreaseare as follows: Constituency ,1941 1931 x -Huron -Perth 21,539 22,661 x -Huron North ' 25,524 26,095 x -Perth 46,373 47,816 x -Bruce 29,371 29,842 x -Grey -Bruce ,, 34,712 35,736 Grey North ., , 34,757 ` 34,40.7. Norfolk 35,611 31,359 Oxford . . 50,974 47,825 Brant , 22,511 21,202 Brantford . 34,184. 82,2.74'. London . 64,833 59,821 Middlesex East 39,611 34,788 x -Middlesex West 22,822 23,632 Elgin 46,150 43,436 Kent .. 53,4741 50,994 Lambtonfent . , 34,009 33,707 Lambton West 35,762 33,580 x -Essex East 57,395 62,956 Essex West 82,146 64,112 Essex South .... ,33,815 31,970 Woman Killed at Goderich Hockey Match An investigation has been ordered into an -accident at the Goderich rink on Monday night that cost -the life of one 1101)1511 and sett four others to, hospital when a cable' balcony rail snapped throwing 11 persons onto. the ice. Coroner W. F. Gallow, M,D., has ordered an inquest into the death of Mrs. Frank H. Wood, of Goderich; who flied shortly after being removed from the rink to the hospital. The coroner stated the date or the inquiry would depend on the recovery of the four remaining in hospital. In hospital on Tuesday were Bobby Gardiner. 11, suffering eoneussiou, 131117 Wood, son of the vic.tint, also with eoneussion, 55. M. McDonald, brother of the dead woman, with both wrists fractured, and John Stoddart, with injured elbow and possible skull fracture. The condition of the four was saint to be "fair". Six others suffered a shake ing up and bruises, The rink authori- ties said that the press of spectator's against the steel cable along. the edge of the balcony became too great when a tight developed during the OHA junior game In progress. As the cable snapped the spectator's letuing against the rail were precipitated Onto the ice, Many of then.' lauded on their heads. An autopsy perforated oft the body of Mts. Wood revealed she died of a fractured skull, the coroner revealed. The funeral of Mrs. Wood will be held Thm'stlay afternoon at Goderich, Mrs. Wood was the brute' Catherine Isabel MacDonald. She was born in Kincardine. She came to God - evicts 89 years ago when her husband omitted an automotive agency and pool room. She was an ardent lover of hockey and was known for her gen- erosity in aiding young hockey play- ers. As owner of a large tourist home and cabin colony she was widely known to the traveling nubile. Mrs: Wood was a member of Knox t'burcdi and active in the work of the ladies. She was a member of the Rebekah 1..odl;0. 13cr husband flied in 1946. She is survived by live sons. DUBLIN Before an altar decorated with red roses one of the prettiest weddings In Memoriam Clarke-ln loving memory of ' Mrs. Geo. Clarke, Varna, who passed away five years • ago, January 9. 1942. Oh how we 111158 you; How, our hearts seem to yearn, And our thoughts ever turn To those days of long ago; All this world would' we give, If once more we could live O'er the years that you loved us so.. -Ever remembered by !husband and family. FOR SALE Little boys' coat outfits for winter sizes 2, 4, 8. Apply evenings at Miss Gallop's house, East William St., FOR, SALE 25 tons baled hay, good quality. Doug, Robinson, R,R. 1,• Zurich, phone Hensall 97r24. - FOR SALE Ladies' raccoon coat, size 36.35, al- most like new. Inquire at News Office. FOR SALE One sow due Jan: 10, phone 662 r 11, Seaforth central. . FOR SALE 7 roomed house,hydro, water, large barn and 6 acres of land. Nor- man Sanderson, Seaford'. FOR SALE To arrive a car of Alberta. lump coal. Krauskopf Bros., Dublin. Phone 361'13, Dublin. TABLE TURNIPS At our barn, sound''and free from frost. ,4 ton lots or less at 50e per hundred lbs. What can you feed your self, your milking cow or -lay- ing ,hers, containing so many :vita- mins for so little money. Act now by phoning your order ahead as supply is limited. •.T. E. Hugill and Son, phone 34- 616, Clinton. PIANOS - We have for sale 2 choice up- right pianos for immediate 'delivery, or if you are intending purchasing a new piano this year, place your order with me now. It takes months to get orders through from the fact- ory, as they are short of materials with hundreds of orders .booked ahead -call now. J. E. Hugill, Agent, phone 34-616, Clinton. We deliver anywhere free of charge. ,COOK STOVE As we are putting in a circulating -oil burning heater, we have a good heating wood or coal burning cook stove, with warming closet and res- ervoir. This stove is still in use in our hone and can be seen any day if you call in. Priced to sell. Phone 34-616 Clinton, J. E. Hugill. ' BABY CHICKS Order your day old chicks from a Breeder Hatchery under O.B.S. supervision. We are offering S.C.W. Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks for February and March de- livery. Leghorn x Rock and Rock x Leg- horn crossbreds for April, May and June. Glazier Poultry Farm, Phone 617 r 31, Clinton. SUPPLY TEACHERS WANTED The undersigned will be pleased to receive the applications' of any one who is qualified to act as eupply teacher in Tuckersmikb. School Area, which include Sections 1. 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 Tucltersmith, and who would lie able to supply for a 'day, 0 week, or a month on reasonable short notice. Ap; pilcants to state qualifications, and what schools they might he available for and anything else relevant to the position. Apply to S. H. Whitmore, Sec., Tuekersmith Township School f 1'h. Sea o k Area No. 1, R.R. 3, Auction Sale Of young dairy cows, young cattle. and pigs at Porter's Hill, 3 miles onTuesda` t vine y, In s of o e west H Jam 14th commencing at 1:30' p.m. consisting of: CATTLE -20 choice dairy cows, fresh, springers and balance to freshen in .March and April; 15 yearling Holstein heifers; 12 'year- ling Durham heifers; 10 Holstein heifer calves; 4 Jersey heifers. PIGS -York sow with litter; York sow due in January; 2 young sows. Terms -Cash. This is a sale of , good quality stock and sale will be held under cover. A. E. Townshend, Proprietor, Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1941 At Finnigan's It is indeed good at•this festive season to look back over the past year's association with you and reflect on the understanding and co- operation that has been so pronounced in our 'business relations.' May we take this opportunity to sincerely thank you not only for your patronage, but also for your kind consideration and may your have A Happy Prosperous New Year W. J. FINNIGAN & SON Card of Thanks Mrs. Angus McQuaig and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the many acts of kind- ness and -sympathy during their re- cent bereavement, also to Mr. Whit= ney and Rev. Mr. Workman, Card of Thanks I wish to takethis opportunity to thank all-whb sent such lovely get- well cards, treats andflowers to me while ill in Scout Memorial hospital, and to those who called and to my special nurse, Miss Grainger, the nurses at the hospital and Dr. Gor- will: Mrs. Will Stoddart. Card of Thanks To the Ratepayers of Tuckersmith- I wish to express my appreciation oil your continued confidence in me as indicated byyour re-electing me as your Reeve for 1947. Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. ARTHUR; NICHOLSON JANUARY MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, January 21st at 2:00 p.m. • All accounts, notices of deputa- tions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 18th. N. W. MILLER County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. NOTICE Cinerarias, Cyclamen, and other potted plants. Also cut flowers. Baker's Greenhouse, Seaforth. PIGS For Sale 14 good strong pigs well started. A, R. Dodds 833-14, Sea - f orth. FOR SALE 1 set of sloop. sleighs as good as new with log bunks on. Apply to Harold Connell, Varna, Ont. Phone 76 1' 16, Hensall. FOR SALE One Louden litter carrier Om - plate with track; 1 Louden feed box and carriage with- track complete. Also one Portland cutter. A11 in good shape and cheap • for quick sale. Lawrence Ryan, Walton. CANADA'S ORIGINAL CA A�pMAII PIPE TOCo OLD CI4UM FOR SALE 11 story frame dwelling, John 8t. Modern dwelling centrally located on North Main Street. 50 none grass farm on highway -near 5t. Colurnban, ng buildings but would be suitable for Poultry farm, M. A. Reid, Seaforth WANTED! Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION - WE DO THE LOADING DARLINGL& CO. OFCANADA Phone COLLECT Seaforth; 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r,6 FREE ANIMAL SERVICE 4. OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CAITLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed • Simply Phone Collect MITCHELL 219 '4 INGERSOLL 21 STRATFORD 215 WE DO THE REST WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO,, McConnell & .. Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. Mcdonnell, H. Glenn Hare SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone. 174 , Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments , Phone 173 Watson & Reid •INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, - ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- . ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. . The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. . HEAD. OFFICE = SEAFORTH, Ont: Officers - President, .F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M.. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, ,Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, . Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; D. 2, Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me - Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, - Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; IL F. McKercher, Dublin; J. P. Prueter,, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance - or transact .other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers, addressed to their respective post offices, 'SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.D., Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D„ Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 pan., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27.' JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A•,M,D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H, Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M,D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Oplithalntic and Aural Institute Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday iu each month from 2 to 4 9.tri, - 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., - SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable ustable Hoa - pit al Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 JOSEPH - L. RYAN TI AIIC NEER O Licensed in Huron and Perth Specializing in Farm Stock and Farm Implements, and Household Effects For information phone 40 r 5, Dublin E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies ,(rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- velope with price lista 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co,, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FOR. SALE Portable drag saw . mounted on wheels, cut 35 to 40 cords per day; complete with log carrier, motor, etc. Price $125. George Regele, phone 634r16, Mitchell central. . SHIPPING TURNIPS WANTED 3/ to 6 inches, Highest price paid. Buying for Scott's Elevator. Phone us before you sell. Edgar Cudmore, 171 r 14; Exeter. Alb Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAPORTS SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint - Ment any other time, or• phone,. 41J. Exeter.