HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-01-09, Page 5THURSDAY, ,JANUARY 9, 1947
Saturday Night
9 O'clock Closing
In order to conserve Electric Power, all
merchants and proprietors of shops in Sea -
forth. have mutually agreed to close their
places of business Saturday nights at 9
o'clock during the months of January,
February and March.
Seaforth : Chamber of Commerce
in Cardno's Hall
Norm. _Carnegie and His Band
Admission 40c
1.1.00 a.m.
Join in the salute to
Ontario schools. Each
week the Hi -Crowd goes
on .the air with a show
packed full of music,
variety and FUN! These
programmes are dedi-
cated to the students of
Ontario's schools as a
public service, broadcast,
b7 CPRB, Ontario's
Favourite Radio Station.
Rev. Stephen Gilbert, on of Rev,
and Mrs. C. F. L. Gilbert, who preach-
ed in St. Thomas' Anglican Church on
Sunday is leaving for his new charge
near Fort William.
Rev. Jas. Elford leaves Thursday
•to spend some time. at.Corunna.
Mrs. George Fearle and Mr. and
Mrs. George Henderson Owen Sound,
were week end guests at the home
Of Mr. and Mrs, Reg Henderson.
Misses Dorothy Smith, Fergus Bell,
Wilma Hay and Mary Duncan have,
returned to London University after
spending the Xmas holidays at their
homes here:
Mr, Ronald Sills has returned home
after spending the past week with
relatives in Toronto.
Mrs. H. G. Meir, Gerald and Patricia
Meir, have returned atter spending a
week's vacation with, relatives in
Windsor and Harron Island.
Mr, and Mrs, C. Glenn'.Garniss and
Patricia, Hamilton, and Mr, and Mrs.
J. A. Ballantyne, London, were recent
visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Garniss.
Sister Ann returned to Ottawa
after spending New Year' week with
her parents Mr: and Mrs, James
Nolan. She spent the previous week
in London visiting her brother Clar-
ence, who is recovering after, a seri-
ous operation. ,
Mr, ,and Mns. Jack Al.dington of
Varna; were visitera over New 'Year's
Day with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
,Aldington. -
Mrs. D'Orleon Sills is convalescing
in Westminster. Hospital, London,
after undergoing an operation.
Miss Lois Whitney, Wingham, spent
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs.' G. A. Whitney.
Mr, P. J. Christopher•, London, was
a New Year's visitor at the home of
his sister, Mrs, C. 11". Ironside and
Mr: Ironside.
Mrs. Elmer Rivers is spending a
month with relatives in Detroit.
Miss Marion Mason spent a week's
vacation with relatives in Detroit.
Mr, James Bristow is a patient in
Scott Memorial Hospital,
Mr. Moines Malone.. of the Veter-
inary College, Guelph. spent the
week end with his sister, Mrs, C'lar-
ence tlali)in and :4Ir, 'Malone.
Mit and Mrs. Joseph Malone and
family, and Mrs. Emily Malone, of
St. Columban. spent New Year's with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Malone.
Mr. Neil Beattie has accepted a
position on the staff of the Dominion
ivir. and Mrs. Tack 1411r\ab and son
Paul and Mr. Ross McNab, Toronto,
spent the holiday week at the home
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
The following teachers have re-
turned, to resume their duties; Miss
Gladys Thornpson, to Niagara Falls;
Misses Laura McMillan, Ria Hills
and Marjory Sicken, to Toronto; Miss
Margaret Grieve to Oakville; Misses
Peg Grieve to Dresden and Bessie
Grieve to Chatham.
Miss Teresa Eckert, London, spent
the week end at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert.
Miss Terry McIver, B.A., has re-
turned to O.C.D., Toronto, after spend-
ing the Xmas vacation at the home
of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Peter
1Vliss Mary McFadden, and Miss
•Agnes Purcell R.N. of Toronto spent
New Year'•s week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Nigh.
Mr, James Barron is in the Scott
Memorial Hospital.
Miss Muriel Campbell. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Campbell ot
McKillop. is staying with her grand-
mother Mrs. James Barron.
Mer. and Mrs. Fred Huissel* visited
tit the home of their daughter, Mrs,
J. A. Marcy and Mr, McKay. in
Stratford on Tuesday,
- Mr, Jack Drover, 0. A. 0., Guelph,
has returned after siiending the
Xmas holidays at the home of his
parents, Mr, and Mrs, William Drover.
Mrs. Wm. B. Kelly and Mrs. 3, A.
Killough spent the New Year week
with Miss Eva' M. Killough itt Toronto.
Miss Anne Moore of Toronto spent
the 'New Year's holiday here.
Mrs. John T. Crawford, Jarvis
street, broke a rib as the result of
slipping on the ice ou Market street
while returning home from shopping
last week. "
Mr. Jack Fortune and sisters Made-
line and Frances, spent a few days
in Kitchener the guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Moylan and Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Mrs. Bentham, Oshawa, spent
Xmas with her sister, Mrs. R. Town-
Miss B. Kirk and Mrs. W. Lyon
were the guests of Dr. and Mrs,
Kirk Lyon, Leamington, Christmas
week. •
Miss L. Young is visiting with
friends at Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams and
Jean, Clinton, spent Xmas with Mrs.
L. Webster and Jack.
Mr. and Mrs.. Harry Durnan and
Mervin, Mrs. H. Lyon were with Mr.
and Mrs, Earl. Guant, Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Townsend at-
tended the funeral of the late W.
Mills, Blyth on Monday:
Mrs. Edwin Wood. and Lois, Mr,
and Mrs. W. E. Manning, Gail and
June, spent Monday at London.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hesk, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Guant, Kenneth
and Fay, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyon, Frances
and Vera, were the guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs: Harry Durnan
on New Y.ear's Day.,
Mr. and Mrs. Beacom, Harold and
Edith, with' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lyon,
on New Years.
Mrs. Jo's Vodden suffered a
slight stroke recently, but is getting
along nicely.
The Peckett children have been
laid up 'with the mumps,
Master Mervin Durnan is suffer-
uffering with blood poisoning in his hand
but is improving.'
The Sunday School Christmas tree•
concert was a splendid success. One
of the high lights of the evening was
the presentation of several gifts to
Mr. Chas. Stewart, the retiring su-
perintendent who has sold his farm
and is now living near Clinton. Mr.
Stewart will be greatly missed in
the S.S. as he took a great interest
Rev. W. Fingland, Niagara Falls,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. E. Crawford, Teddy,
Mrs. J. Melville spent Xmas with
the Prests.
Mr, and Mrs. R, Youngblut with
Mr, and Mrs. E. Josling on New
Mr. Geo. Garret is in Clinton hos-
pital for treatment.
Mrs. F. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Manning and girls, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Wood. Lois and Ifenneth, were with
Mr. and Mrs. James Roberton on
Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon spent Xmas
day at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. R. Vodden.
Miss Esther Jamieson, Toronto• is
holidaying at the home of her par-
elite, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jamieson
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Shaddock is in the sick child-
ren's hospital, -London, for treat-
Miss Mary Caldwell, London, is
spending the Xmas holidays with
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cald-
- At St. Andrew's United Church,'
Bayfield, Geraldine Marie, eldest
daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Thomas
.Castle, Bayfield, was united in mar-
riage to Mr.' Lloyd Christian Win -
hold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Winhold, Tavistock. Rev. F. C.
Stotesbury officiated The bride,
who was given in marriage by her
father, wore a gown of white slipper
satin, cut on princess lines, the
front panel and sleeves decorated
with' insets in white floral pattern.
Her three -quarter -length veil of
white net was fitted with matching
crown studded with pearls, and she
carried a bouquet of Talisman roses,
baby's breath and fern. She wore a
gift of the bridegroom, a pearl neck-
lace with matching" earrings. The
bride's, sister, Miss Marion Castle,
-was maid of honor, wearing a gown.
of powder blue crepe with bodice
sequined in silver and finger-tip
veil of blue net caught in a match-
ing flower headdress. She carried a
!nosegay ' of white baby mums and.
red rosebuds, The matron of honor
was Mrs, E. Hosbes, sister of the
bridegroom, in a floor -length gown
of pink silk brocaded taffeta with
matching fingertip veil and caught
hi a flowered headdress. Her nose-
gay was of yellow baby mums and
rosebuds. The . groomsman was Mx,
Harold Winhold, Tavistock, brother
of the bridegroom. After the recep-
tion and dinner the couple left on a
wedding trip, the bride wearing a
fuchsia coat trimmed with black
Persian lamb and matching hat with
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Why wait? Phone today!
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Phone 255 STRATFORD, Olit.
8. J. Colby Manager
Hours 9 fo 5 orby comaedMlie0
Loans mado lo rmidenfs of nearby towns
Want and Por Stole Ade., 1 week 25e,
Repaired & Recovered
Also. Auto Seats and Backs,
Verandah. Swings & Steamer
Chairs Repaired. Free 'Pick-
up and Delivery
Phone 578,Stratford
For !hither information apply at.
Sox Furniture e Store
of this Clean, Family Newspaper
Free fromcrime and sensational news , .. Free from political
bias. , , Free from "special interest" control ... Free to tell you
the truth about world events, Its own world-wide staff of corm-
spondents bring you on -the -spot news and its meaning to you
sod your family. Each issue filled with unique self-help features
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, NoaStret,On 5, Maas.r
11 1 PH�y3
Zone... Slate
Plea° rend tamhle copies ❑ i, � o
The Christian Science
mlonitor. 3 1
ri Please send a otteano'sih J,,
L.J lrfel t,bsctitaims. '.
Ise St r.�I
black accessories and a corsage of
Talisman roses. On their return they
will reside in Toronto.
and For Sate Ads•, 1 week 25a,
We have nonsexed eureka atad' pullets to spare before Feb.
13th, and Cockerel Chicks throughout the season
We hatch Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Light Sussex, N.
Hampshires and White Rocks as purebreds and New Hamp-
shire X Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Light Sussex,
White Leghorn X White Rocks, as crossbreds
Nonsexed Pullets
. 16th to Feb.
10th, ,,, 14e • 25c
Mar. 6th,..... 14%c 26c
Mar. 10th to Api'. 21st 15c 270
Apr.' 24th to May 1st 14c 250
After May lst 110 28c
White Leghorns nonsexed are le less and Pullets are: 3c
higher, White Leghorn X White Rock crossbreds nonsexed
are lc less and Pullets are lc higher than heavies.,
All prices are subject to change without notice and delivery
cannot be guaranteed
Zurich, Ontario
CRONIN—At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal on Jan. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Alphonsus Cronin, St. Columban, a
POWELL-•At Scott. Memorial Hospi-
tal on Jan. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Powell, Seaforth, a Baugh -
DAUPHINEE = At Aberdeen Hos-
pital, New Glasgow, N.S., Dec.
27th to Mr. and Mrs, Edgil Dan-
phinee (nee Olive Aberhart) the
gift of a daughter, Donna Dar-
By direction of the Commissioner, The Honourable Mr. Justice
Dalton Wells, hearings for the Central Western Ontario area will be
held in the County Council Chamber, the County Buildings, Ridout
Street, London, for four days, or longer if' necessary, commencing at
10:30 a.m., Monday, 13th January, 1947. -
Persons who wish to give evidence or take part in the proceedings of
the Commission are requested to communicate with the Secretary
Donald A. Keith, Secretary,
Room 252, Osgoode Hall,
Toron to.
'Miss Loretta Roach, Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart and
Joseph Roach.
Misses Agnes and Mary O'Sullivan
with Mr. and Mrs, Seines O'Sullivan.
Misses Evelyn Givlin, Windsor,
and Irene, Stratford, with their fa-
ther, Louis .Givlin. Galt,and ,The
Miss Mary Murray,
Murray, Stratford, with Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Murray.
Visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Hollancl'for Christmas were Mr, and
Mrs. John Holland and Barbara,
Seafortlr, Misses Loretta and Joan
Holland, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs.
Con. Holland and Sandra, Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Holland and Leona of
London, Miss .Gloria -Holland, Wash-
ington D.C., and Grant Bailey,
Miss Mary Doyle, Detroit with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doyle.
Mr. and Mrs. James Carlin in
London. •
Mrs, D. J. O'Connor and Mr. Jo-
seph •Carlin attended the Carlin-
Raftis wedding in London on Satur-
Miss Beatrice Lane and Miss Le-
ona Holland, student nurses at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London, at their
respective home.
Miss Teresa Maloney, student
nurse. at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitch-
ener with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter' Maloney.
Mr: Basil O'Reilly, Kitchener,
with his mother, Mrs. Lucy O'Rielly.
Mn. and Mrs. Gerald O'Connor,
Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. :0' -
'Miss Irene McCarthy R.N., St.
Catharines, with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank McCarthy.
This is the only national
appeal to be made in
Canada within the rtext
twelve .mnonths for
Chinese relief.
eloweinufsi China,
to s o the •,1?'ziy food for him,
and inions like
11.. Waroravaged. China
This old peasant, his farm devastated by the
Japanese, is too weak to work. His diet for months
has been grass and roots.
Of China's people, 83 per cent. are farmers. Mil-
lions are in urgent need of food, clothes, medical
supplies. UNRRA's work is ending; .voluntary
agencies must carry on. Canada must do her share.
Will YOU help?
China, a good neighbor and customer, will not
a Good Neighbor, calls to YOU q
"Make cheque payable to CANADIAN AID TO CHINA mrd mail to Provincial Headquarters