HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-01-09, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Maple Lawn Poultry
Farm & Hatchery
R. O. P. Sired S.C.White Leghorns
Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds
Day-old Chicks available weekly after Feb. 10th.
Started Pullets 4- 6 wks.
We have been working on a Flock improvement Plan and have
purchased R. 0. P. Cockerels from one of Lite best R. O. P. Breeders.
Ail birds mated ,and `bioocltested are of the large type Leghorn.
We operate strictly under
Doniinion Govt R. O. P.
Ontario Accredited Flock
Hatchery Approval Policy
100% Blood Tested
Orders received for day-old clicks beforei�eb. 10th at.
last years prices
New price list on request ,�
Phone Brussels 90-5. Harold France, Prop.
.Wallace, entitled, "Facing the New
Year." Mrs. MecWilliam read the
last chapter of the study book on
missionary work in Africa. The roll
call was answered: by 10 members.
and there were two visitors present.
The Glad Tidings prayer was given
rs. M
Grace Chalmers.
's a
e Un
William read a portion of "Th
trodden Path,". then closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
The Ladies' Aid Society met at
the close of the W.M.S. meeting,
with'Mi•s. Houghton in the chair.
The roll call was answered by 11
members. The minutes were read by,
Mr's. Tom Laing, and the treasurer's
report was given by Mrs. Andrew.
McLachlan. Several items of busi-
ness were discussed.
Ross McLellan, Egmendville, with
'Gordon Houghton.
Mary Agnes Hamilton has return-
ed to Toronto University., Mrs.
John Scott with Mr. and:
Frank Scott, Carlingford,
Lorne Wasman has returned home
after two weeks with friends in Sea -
Miss Donna Kemp has returned to
her home in Mitchell. '
Miss Marjorie Parker, Seaforth,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs• Dar-
rell Parker.
Teddy and Jo -Ann MacDonald
have returned to Mitchell after holi-
daying with Mrs. B. MacDonald and
Olive Speare.
Donald McKaig, Goderich, with
his cousins, Christina and Angus
Snowden. Bros.., Publishers
T spending. sec. Mrs. John
turned to their schools: Miss Violet Armstrong and Miss Clare McBride;
HARLOCK Seaforth Beavers began to find Petrie to Sault St. Marie, Miss Mar- Missionary Monthly sec'y Mrs. Hai,
We hope everyone has enjoyed a gThursdaynight, garet
eta Ato London,; and Miss Betty Mrs. Ieys; Associate
S Helpers ' sec'y
their. ice -lens in a asci Henry to Miss Janet veyKeys; Associate
ie season exhibition game whenuperintenclent
very mens Christmas and wish to p' of systematic givings, Mrs. John
an a New Year of health, happiness they s 7-5.tIt the fast Galt Legion- Allan to Hyde Park.
and prosperity. mires 7-5. It was the Beavers' fust Miss Marie Homier of Bayfield is b�1eTZniley; Temperance sec.'y. Mrs.
Some of the Cln'istmas"gatherings workout against strange opposition a guest at the home of her autos Mrs, Russell Erratt; Community Friend -
were Mr. Reece Ferris, Mr. and and they gave every evidence of A. Holmes, ship sec'y Mrs. Ehnen Keys; Baby.
lh•s. Wm. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Eddy making a fine showing in their in- Prayer services are being held Band sec y, Mrs.. Richard Robinson;
Dou las of Harlock, 'Mr. termediate Ti"" grouping. here this week, organist, Mrs. Elmer Keys; assistant
i^ •e' next Surr- organist Mrs. Russell Erratt; Birth -
The December meeting of the
Goshen W.M..S. was held at the
homo of Mrs. Clare McBride. Mrs:
John Armstrong presiding. The
meeting opened by Miss 'Rev:' Hern.
The hymn "0 Little town of Bethle
The scripture as
a n' T e s w
hem was sung. p
read by Mrs. John • McKinley. The
first part of the program in Mission-
ary Monthly. A Christmas: candle
lighting service was given by several
members. The hymn It came upon
a midnight clear" was sung, follow-
ed by the second:candle lighting
program. A .short prayer was offer-
ed by Mrs. John Armstrong. A carol
"The First Nowell" was sung. Mrs.
John McKinley gave a reading "How
to entertain the Master". Mrs. El-'
finer Hayter sang a solo, Mrs. Rus-
sell Erratt accompanied her on the
Mrs, Bert Peck who has moved to
Kippen was presented -with ..a ^ pair
of wall ]]rackets by Mrs. Clare Mc.
As Mrs. David Stephenson is mov-
ing to lilgtnondville soon, Mrs.. 'Will
Clarke presented. her with book-
ends, Mrs. Billie Hayter reading her
address. The . carol "Joy to the
World" was sung. The meeting was
turned over to Rev Hern for election
of officers, after which lunch was
served. Officers -Hon. pres., Mrs.
John McKinley; pres. Mrs. Elgin
McKinley; ' 1st vice-pres., Mrs. Will
Clarke; 2nd vice -pies., Mrs. Elmer
Hayter•, 3rd vice-pres., Mrs Rich-
ard Robinson 4th vice-pres., Mrs.
McKaig. ' .
• John Armstrong; •treas , Mrs, Rug-
. sell
sell Erratt; recording set., Mrs. Wm.
Hayter; corr. & Lit.. sec'y 'Mrs. John
7-5 VICTORY OVER GAL The following - teachers, after McKinley; press. sec'y Mrs. Harvey
the holiday here have re Hayter, supply
Bell and g )took 1 lead after At themorning se yie
i12 Albert V
olden of near' Seaforth an early
ea o
Mr. and firs. two minutes and five seconds of day the sacrament of the Lord's des "und sec'y, Mrs. 12obt. Peek.
and Mrs. _ er
l London at Play in the first period when La- Supper will be observed. Prepare-
Tile ho el and Niaand o on on Bute scored the opening goal on tory service will be held on Friday
Tile home of Ma and ears. Joseph P
Bewley ley slid Walter, near Walton. T'awcll's assist. Ellwood gave the at 2:30.
Mr. and firs, A• W McEwing and home club a two -goal lead two min- The W.•M•S. will Bold the meet-
1Im of Harlock, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. rtes later and Martin made it 3-0. at ing on Friday at 1:30.
'Penner and children of near Bruce- 1:05. Johnston scored Galt's first
cid and Mr. and Mts. Norman goal of the period at 7:35 and La-'
Lloyd and children of Clinton with Bute came hack at 15;02 to add his DUBLIN
thi 1
ecoid counter In is Leavy -Scor -
a. a Mrs.
Jack m. wing.
Mr. and Mrs..Wm. ICno:t and ing period.. His tally carne after Aa I'tit�clnNlaloaeytand Mos1dS ]iulntan�
children of Harlock Mr. and Mrs. scramble in front of the Galt net.Hiss Lois Rogers, Srs. Sid with
Audrey Knox and Jimmie of few seconds before the period ended g
Kitchener and Miss Levine Knox of Fox scored Galt's second goal. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ilemfeldt. I
Toronto at the home of ]Sir, and The boys began to feel the strain Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon and
• 1 turaI re -Donna Hugh Gordon; Seaforth, Mr.
Mrs, Thomas Knox in Londesboro. 1 i the second pester, a .na -'-Mrs. Ross Hurdle, Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Beacom of , action in their first game, and the andsnoldLamont, Delhi,Mrs. George
Harlock, Mr, .and ':Sirs. Geo. Neal play slowed down considerably.•
and young daughter of ICirkton Eight minutes
Seas Graham, Mitchell,
Miss Mary ME.
and Mr. and Mrs• Joseph Lyon thand opened
children of near Londesboro at the forth and Roseburgh scored for Clarence Cully,' Mitchell, with Mr.
hone of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bea- Galt at 16:60.. Both goals resulted and Mrs. J. Malcolm..
coin and Mr. Harold and Edith from scrambles in front of either Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin with
Beacom, in Londesboro. I net when defending tennis failed to Mr, and Mrs. James Broughton, At-
• wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knox and elc'''ai'Thproperlys put on a burst of Mr. and Mrs• Jack Malcolm with
Harlock, nMde and Mrs• speed in the final frame with Mills Mr. and Mrs. Ritz, Monkton.
Fred Shobbrook of Londesboro and scoring at 2 :12 to put his team
Mr.hand Mrs. Cliff Shobbrook se within one goal of the Seaforth Rhinehold H. Rock
Charlie of near Londesboro at the five -goal total. But at 4:35 Mep'ad• Rhinehold Henry Rock 'hied sucl-
home of Mr, and NIrs, Leonard din came back to give the home denly Tuesday morning al. the hoine
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibbingsei•tip another comfortable margin of NLS. Jason Burchill, Mit'.c'.he[l,
hi O'Shea 'allied the last Seaforth where he had made his home_ for the
and children of near Clinton at the at 13:25. ailing through the; last four months. Born in Logan town -
home of "Air. and Mrs. Isaac P.apshe lecevi^e wish McFaddfn as fist-+ ship, Oct. 7. 4873, he was a'son of the
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt, Archie m roust scored for Galt at late Mr. anci this. Ceotge Rock (foi•-
merly Catherine Hess). 1le had lived
,r,.3. ,b)t,„... defence : in Logan township all his life until
rtvar4e. :tleFa:l , going to Mitchell four months ago.
ra trl) ; alternate Fitts years ago he married Mary
? Rouile, O rerbv ' Rabe who predeceased hint by- 12
* e•. Goodrow. Wri_' t years. Six yens ago he married Mrs,
r" Brown; defence, 4, e:•leail, Wallace township. She
forwards. Johnston, rlleil fit• years ago. He is survived
alternates. 13eVere by Pots• sons. Wilfred Of -Mitchell,
er. Court, Turn-, l 11tillenvsi'10f Sclr roll etd. ont,, Arthur
wasklin. Kenny,.
six daughters. Mrs. E..Tacobs, Detroit,
Mich Mrs. Fred li'emnck. Mitchell,
Mrs. .1. Kinsman. Stratford, Mrs. N.
Beuetntinn, IliKillop, Mrs. Fred
hayed, Logan. Mrs. Llewellyn Mantle,
Dutton. There are 22 grandchildren.
He was predeceased by two sons,
The body is resting at the Lockhart
funeral chapel, Mitchell, where fune-
ral services will 'be conducted Friday
afternoon at 2.30, Rev. A. IT, Johnston
of Main street l'nited Church officiat-
ing. Interment will be in Woodland
Donald, Jim and Jessie and Mrs
Watt Sr Mr. and Mrs. Nelsen Lear.
June, Miss Doris of Hamilsost. a :•
Helen tteachert at the home of M'
and Mrs. Reiland MeV t .e-
eveniing dinner and evenines
- Mr• and Mrs. ♦nt.ua
entertained friends or Ch sa-
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Fare; e
family and Mr.• Win. Shepherd 0
.-Clinton. Wilma returning 1*-.-.. ::err
to Clinton.
:Sir. Archie Watt was r.c, .e far a (3•••;••"9":''
few days before Chri turas having to STRATFORD 7, SEAFORTH 4
return to Canrp Borden on Thum The Stre-ford Leginu hock,-yght"stn
clay and was home again over the invaded eaforih Tuttsclity nit to
•weekend returning tri Canto Borden m e, the Beavers. In ;in intermediat.a
Sunday night. B OHA game. and the visitors left
Mr. Robert Leiper and Miss Agnes with a well earned 7 to 4 victory
Leiper of Toronto spent Christmas cues iii' minute, of fast and keenly
at the home of their mother, Mrs, fought hockey. The Strafford lads
Annie Leiper, Guy, Ton and Jean came trout behind to take the ver -
Leiper. Mr. and Mrs. John Leiper dict. The Seaforth squad fought them
of Clinton were also hone for the all elle way, showing Some great tot
day ;ward w m k, and defensit e play, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox and being well backed up by Dotson in
children, ,Mr. and Mrs. Graydon their nets. Ken Rohfritscli Starry loft
Neal and Murray of Summerhill winger I'or the n inuere, 15,01 1 mark-
. spent Monday evening before Christ- err than but In spite of this he was
mac at the home of bit'. and Mrt the star. lading niunerous sti•atiord
• Ernest Knox. NIrs• Frank McGregor • rushes clicking for two goals and s
who has been laid up with a bad ]leis of as13,10• For Setrtolth the 01'
cold was unable to go. ch[ds go to Debut Ie. Powell, Ctimelee
Miss Helen McGregor of St. Cath- and Cassidy. A total :of eight pencil-
• arities is home on Christmas boli-
ties were handed oat by referee Nip
days and does not need to go back Henderson of ingeraol7, five: 'being
till Satardav drawn by Seaforth players and three
M1', and Mrs, Watson Reid and `hsrg'm d to SLraiTurd..
Mr. Davol and :Miss Mary Reid en- slim ford Legion .C'oa1 1Tesse: de-
ter; ained
rtertained friends on Christmas day. !',-•use. Ayers•. Burns; eeutr'. Ni511,
Sunday afternoon, after church. wings, slave y. Roll frit sch; alternates,
Mr. • ,rd Mr, Arthur Colson spent a . i;nr•dett Initalrarme. D. C:,isaltene. 1,
frau hours at the hone of Mr, and , ,soli nee, McGee. iSlattlties.
leo Watt and enjoyed a turkey st,utm tri - Goal. al. Dotson defence.
so truer. The turkey was a treat from ‘sioilisies Iilase v . ec.n11 Mc ['nick n ;
bit . Watt So. who has been staying tin. • i.sidy c.nrriegi alternates.
at the home of her son Leo, , for t t,w, I1 Ellwood, Wright ',Andes
Fogle time.. I 1tele roe, Liende r. nti, tn..e .soil.
We wish to . extend sincere Byrn-,
pathy to Mrs. Wm. Mills of Blyth,;
' and son Earl and family, also bro-
thers and sisters and friends. The
late Mr. Wm. Mills of Blyth was
horn and raised near Harlock, at-
tending Harlock School and Sunday
School, hat has lived in Blyth for a
geed number of years, He passed
away on Saturday after a lengthy
The Women's Missionary Society
held the first meeting of the year at
the home ,of Mrs. Tom Laing, with
the president conducting the meet-
ing. The scripture lesson was react
by Mrs. 'William Houghton, followed
with prayer by Mrs. Jessie Hamil-
ton. A paper was read by Mrs. John
Little -Elliott
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the hoine of the bride's mother,
Mrs. George H. Elliott, Clinton,
when her eldest daughter, Edna,
was united in marriage to John
Earls Little. son of 'the' late Mr, .and
Mrs, John Little, Brussels, Rev. W.
Woolfrey officiated. The wedding
march was played by the bride's
sister, Miss Jean Elliott. The bride,
given in marriage by her brother.,
Edward W. Elliott, was charmingly
attired in a street -length dress of
Chinese Cherry Crepe with a cor-
sage of Johanna Hill Roses. The
bride was attended by her sister,
Miss Pearl Elliott, who wore a steel
blue crepe dress with acorsage of
pink rapture roses. Tho best man
was Ray Crawford, Brussels. The
bride's • mother received, wearing a
navy bine crepe dress with a norsage
of pink Virginia Carnations. She was
assisted by the groom's sister, Mrs.
A. James, Clinton, who wore a grey
crepe chess with a corsage of red
briarcl:iffe roses. The bride and
groom left 011 a trip to London anti
Detroit, anci on their return they
will reside fn Clinton.
Want and For Sale Ade.; 1 week no,
with Faye Marlow - Richard Crane Martha Stewart
This picture records the trials and tribulations of three tomer AAF"
Pilots trying to make a go of private air -freight service.
with Carol Landis and Allyn Joslyn
A Comedy spiked with the doings of Gangland
with Ted Donaldson •- Margaret'Lindsay Conrad Nagel
"Ace", the Wonder,Dog, in the role of "Rusty" is a beautiful animal.
NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT. In. Technicolor "
with Willard Parker Evelyn Keyes Larry Parks
This is a superior brand of Western entertainment in Technicolor
with Olivia DeHaviland
The following: is the schedule for
the Cyclone League in Exeter for
this winter. The cyclone trophy, do-
nated by J. A. Traquair, of Exeter,
is to be given to the winner of the
regular schedule. Lucan's home
games are to be played in the Exet-
er arena.
9 -Dashwood at Lucan
9 -Grand Bend at Exeter
9-Hensall at Zurich
10-Lucan at Grand Bend
13 -Exeter at Hensall
7.3 --Grand Bend at Lucan
14 -Zurich at Dashwood
1(i -Exeter at Lucan
16 -Grand Bend at Zurich
17-Hensall at Grand Bend
20 -Grand Bend at Hensall
.21-Lucan at Dashwood
23-Hensall at Lucan
23 -Zurich at Exeter
24 -Dashwood at Zurich
24 -Exeter at Grand Bend
27-Lucan at Hensall
23 `Grand' Bend at Dashwood
30-Lucan at Hensall
•30 -Dashwood at Exeter
31 -Zurich at Grand Bend'
Feb. 3 -Dashwood at Hensall
4-Hensall at Dashwood
6-Lucan at Exeter
7 -Exeter at Zurich.
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