HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-01-09, Page 3Classified Advertising HAM' CHICKS WIG HAVE CHOICE PULLETS For immediate delivery 18 weeks to laying. Prices reasonable. Order at once; Also day old chicles for Im- • mediate .delivery, Free entalogne. Top Notch. Chickeries,•.Guelph, On- tal'io, 11.1,1 7111' VALUA.RLE TIDIIl.- GOP started pullets now to give you eggs, in time ,for July -August ex- port markets. Some started non - sexed immediate delivery also, Or- der Tebruary-March dayolde now. Bray Hatcherly, 128 John N., Hamil- ton, (Mt, 130Y 1' WAIT 1'o PLACE YOUR order for 1947 chicks,. Waiting.. and shortages are the order of the 'day -but if you 'are. interested in sav- ing money -in getting the kind of chicks that live and grow, then write nory 10. TOO Notcll Chick Hat - chary' Top Notch chicks are noted for their rugged strength,' their ability to live, .grew and produce, They are the kind of chicks that You want 1n your poultry house, because they mean money to hou, Don't delay any longer write new to Top Notch Chiekeries for their 1947 pr(cellst •and catalogue. Top Notch Chiekei•ies, Guelph, Ontario, BEST CHICKS IN 25` YEARS Yee, that is what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow'. Chicks. All breeders are 100 percent free from pullorum. Order your chicks now direct from this arl and not bre 'disappointed. Tom Barron Leghorns $12,00 per 100. Pullets $2400,. Barred Roolt Mixed $12,00 per 100. Pullets $21.00. . White Rook Mixed 016.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00.: Brown. Leghorn Mixed $14.00 per 100, Pullets 325.00, Leghorn -Rock :Mixed $12.00 per 100. Palliate $25.00.. Red -Rock ' Hybrid 31.2,00 per 100. Pullets 521.00. Spe- cial prices on cockerels Guarantee 100 .percent live delivery to your station. 01.00 down, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- tario. X,AYIING AND READY TO LAT pullets for immediate delivery, We have some choice pullets left for immediate delivery. F111 up your peps now, Free catalogue. Also day old chicks .for immediate delivery. Tweddle. Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BAILRED, ROOKS & WHITE 1.,120.horns. Baby Chicks; Canada ap- proves three grades: let. 11,02. Chloka2nd, R.O.P. Sired Chicks. 3rd Approved Chicles. We sell the first. two grades Breeding stoelc pull- erum tested. Call write or phone Slattery's Poultry, Farm, Pickering, Ont. It 22. YOU HAVE EVIIIRPTHING TO gain ty ordering your 1947 chicks now. You assure yourself against Price rise, yet get full advantage of any drop in. price before delivery.. Moro than that, you will be sure of getting the kind of clucks you '. want on the date You Want them, All from well-icnown Pullorum tested Tweddle stook of proved 1iv- .,ability and productivity, We have been in business for 23 years. Out customer4,,;o14er Tweddle chicks year tftei'.y(ar because they know '\ they will get, livable, husky, heal. 1 thy, Proli8a111e'-birds; Write for our interesting catalogue now. It Is free; Also- laying and ready to lay Cimmediate 'delivery. IcklHatcheries Lime Fergus, .Ontario, X1RII1DIN'G . COCI\1RELS - R.O.P. Barred Rock cockerels, large, vigo. rows, individually pedigreed. C. Rosa round, Bennington, Ont. Df0li3S1.TO1Y POULTRY F A RDI Woke. You buy baby chicks for one reason. To receive dividends on your iOYegtnlent, you must be cer- tain where your money is Invest.. ed, We offer you baby chicks from n Poultry Farm with every breed- er bellorii pi tested and government banded. Telco advantage of our early order discount, VYrlte for, our 947 prlcelist and catalogue. IONIOTON POULTRY' FARMS, IONIITON, ONTARIO. GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Send what Mr, Broadhurst of Jolft 1(te, 'Inc., says about our chicks: AprIl. 30. 1046 -"The 208 chicks re- etved in splendid condition, not one ileac; and only one died since. They re the most vigorous bunch of clacks ever received and I - have been andling chicks for over 40 years." Order now and get the best. Here Lo our prices. !Barred Rock Mixed, 12.00; Pullets, $21.00; White Leg- orn, Mixed, 012,001 Pullets, 624,00; hlle Rock Milted, $16.00 Pullets, '6 00; Brett n Leghorn Mixed, )4 00; Pullets, 3286.(10; Hybrids ock-Red Mixed, $12.00: Pullets, ▪ 1.00; Hybrid Leghorn -Rock Mix- ed, 012.00; Pullets, $25.00. YOU also );et free snicks. Goddard Chick Hat- shery, Britannia Heights, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we glee 100 tree chicks (our : twice). Barred Rock. Pullets W1.115 White Rock Pullets $25.95. Vhlte Leghorn Pullets 324.95. Brown Leghorn Pullets 325.95; Red - Rock hybrids. 521.05. Leghorn- Rook Hybrids, 525,95. An chicks gold are from bloodtested'stoelt buck by high pedigreed stock. $1.00 books you corder, Balance C.O.D.. ,Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hutch. try, t'halham, Ontario CHICK BITERS, DON'T HISS IT. Largo 1947 calendar, twelve pages, three colors, thirty Illustrations. $etas how to succeed with Fisher chicks. 1?ree on request, 1ioher Or- chards, O'reeman, Ont. 01,111N0 AND CLEANING HAVE - YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning:' Write to us for Information, \Ve are glad to answer YOU!' questions: Department H. Parker's .Dye Worts Limited, 781 Yonge Street. Toronto, Ontario. 50401(510 i'O11 SALE 800-ACltE PARR ON NO. 2 111011- way, Leeds comity, near Thousand Island Bridge, :bordering on Lans- downe village, close to cheese fac- tory, Buildings 1n good condition hydro equipped, For further hnfer- ntatien write Box 120, 78 Adelaide WV., Toronto. GOO1) BUSH. VAR11I 1001; 1112NT. i"acl1 ties - Highways, Rai iway, Tuve'. Pontiac County_ Otherwise will consider snnmfll. Boa 111, Hhnwvitle, Que. 1.015 SA1,10 IBOt)1':LEP ON ROW TO TAN Furs, Buckskin leather at hone. sixty years experience; send 31.00. llama Tanner, .Box 804, Winnipeg Man i)111 1010119. WINTER CAUGII'I trotI .Produced from a lalre in the wildenese with nets set under th, tee. Frozen by the weather Tic freshest to he had. Prices delivered ,t your raliway station, freight rhatgea prepaid. Dressed Salmon Trout, 37;1c per pound; Dressed Whitefleb 30c per pound; Dressed Headless Pike, 221/sc, per pound Roma Rnd Pickerel, 30e per pound enders for 100 pound lots only ae. opted. Cash with order,- W. 1', Uenlpeey, p'lin Pion, Manitoba.. FOR SALE STJ0%%ARP 110RS70CLIPPG,fS, RIC, pairs for Clipmaster-Orates sharp- ened Iocksmiths. Baker's Sharp- ening Works, 253 13nn11 St.,, Ottawa, Ont. TIRES 01re are overstocked at the present of good used trade -in. -tires (guar- -. anteed tobe in exeetlont shape). 600 x 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.O.D. Spoclal equipment for Vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires, BEACON TIRE corner.. Queen and York - Stet, HAMILTON, Ontario. ONTARIO'S' 1500311 'MODERN I007301'P1111 T1RB ; 0110P 82000 WOODBRIDGE, R 1 V Ell frontage, ono acre, six houses.. Sllows 155'a' yearly profit. Priced for Buick sale. Stewart Mercer Realtor', Dunti00 St., Toronto. TU. 4145. HAIRDRIESSING. 1,71ARN 11211111)I0ES013$0' THE Robertson luethocl. Information on request regarding classes. Robert - 0011'S Hairdressing' Academy, 137 Avenue. Road, Toronto, 111700 WANTED GOLD GT,OVE LIiHITl0O, PILES- colt -nes a Jobfor YOU. Good wages and conditions. Learn a trade. Write for information,. MEDICAL D0N'T WAIT -EVERY stivREIuER 01 Rheumatic Pains of Neuritis should try' Dixon's Remedy.- Mun- ro's Drug Store 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish- the torment of dry eczema castles and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap, Point;you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and .ath- lete's foot, will respond readily to this stalii1es , odorless ointment, regardless of stow stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRIC17 $1.00 PER JAR Send, Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. E.. Corner of Logan. Toronto HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ---EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains. or Neuritis should try' Dixon's Rem- edy, Munro's Drug Store; 331 B1 - gin, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00. TREAT YOtRS17IF AT 11O51E with electro -magnetism for Arth- ritis, Rheumatism, insomnia, Vari- cose Veins and other circulatory ailments. Free explanatory newel: - lets from CoopeBemedles, Yonge Street, Toronto. PREENATONF,,HEALTH SALTS positively does relieve Arthritis and Rheumatism. Painful swollen joints reduced no matter holy long you have suffered. Months eupplY 91.00 postpaid. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver, B.C. DriuSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED - A, RODDINGTON RUTS. sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto .1 OPPORTUNITIES FOR W011EN BE A HAIRDRESSER` JOIN CANADA'S LBADiNG SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. IIARVWrite ATRDRESSING SCT3OOLS 358 /Moor St, 4V., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. ` ()PEER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVGIRY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street. (Mown. Cannde PATENTS FL'"TItEIis''ONAUGH A COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 1.4 Ring West, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. N10RSONAI, "EL1IAH COALING 11 C It L) R R Christ" Wonderful book free, Me- giddo .Mission. Rnehester. 11, _N.Y. APT'.' PHOTOG 1 R GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE • PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any' Slzc 100(5--6 or 8 t0&i,osaree 0110141.0 P17D ANO ('HINTED R.'Ie a MOUNTED rN'AIR012mt 1tS Sac Size 4 0 G" in bitten mounts Hand Colored and Framed Enlr,rgemeLte at special aches (1Pi''. Dl STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Dos 120, Poor oilier A, Tolronto Print Name end Address Plainly, COMET PHOTO SERVICE QuickMull Servlee, wurit uunran. teed, 25c per roll. Reprints 0c each. 6 x 7 coloured in folder mount, 75c. Box 6. Postal Station 11 Toronto. 'ERA!PING MINK - PUS - WOL1r '1'(A 1I'141(S. trap for bounty year round with best gland scent system money can buy. Particulars free, A 13 Fisher. Box 420. Calgary. Alberta tt A ','t', .1 WAN'L'ico -- A1,1., (01035) S 0 Jr dressed pou'try, Top prices for cop birds. Joseph Cooper Limited Poul- try Dept., 2054 Danforth Ave., To- ronto G. (Wetie custom gra(1-111;). Public Opinion Is Final Court Possibly in the whole history of the U.S. there has never been a greater issue at stake than now con - .,fronts that country, says The Mont- real Gazette. .If the unions can maintain their exclusive right to ignore the public welfare, then the very form of American d101003acy has been altered. If, on the other hand,supreme n he t sup et a natio at author- ity of government is sustained by '' public opinion, the joint social re- sponsibility of Labor, Management and Government will be acknowl- edged within the constitutional framework. The prize of success is a high one. The final decision tests with the fount of all civil authority, the people of the United States. GUIDED ROCKET IN. FLIGHT n3; This is the first released photo of "Timat", a guided missile which has been developed in great secrecy over a period of two years by the United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Not itself a war weapon, the missile is 14 feet long, weighs about 600 pounds, has a flying speed of about 600 miles an hour, and carries large quantities of instruments in flight. It will serve as a model for future missiles with explosive warheads and target seeking equipment. S tWTS OF By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") It might be well to say that, on general principle, we are notch against the Government sticking its fingers more than is absolutely necessary into matters of everyday life. But we do feel that one tiling that is badly needed in these and various other parts is a high Com- missioner of Sport -one equipped tl};m osre pus '30ntod to ,Hamid Ista st.fficient courage to use that pow- er when needful. * * 3 If we had such an official, and he was a proper matt for the job, we hardly believe that this so-called sports event advertised as the "White Hope Tourney" would be taking place. * 1 * Boxing is, of course, a grand and manly sport -or at least so all the best authorities claim; although We have an idea that if some . boxing enthusiasts could take a peek behind the scenes, perhaps have a look inside some well -beaten boxer's dressing -roost right after a bout, a good deal of the glamour might disappear. But this idea of tossing into the ring a bunch of untrained or half -trained ponies, some of 00110111 have never taken part in an actual bout before, and selling it to the public as a sport- ing event -that, in our opinion, is going a bit beyond the 1101 it. * * s, Back when Jack Johnson ruled the heavyweight roost, and there was a fortune for any white man who could beat hint -or perhaps it would be more exact to phrase it "for the manager of any white elan etc'.' -we had these "White Hope" things crcpping up in all parts of the land. The highways and back sozoq S1q ao; paanoas 1.1500 s,(aile tipping the scales at 100 pbuntls or over -the more over the better; and these, with their poor noggins filled with visions of glory and million dollar purses, were shoved through the ropes, often not even knowing how to hold up their hands, or which 4,ot to put forward, , The result, if memory serves aright, Yves more than one fatality -with how many more seriously or permanently injured wewouldn't even try to guess, But what of it? So Jong as it showed the promoters a profit -so long as we of the public would par to laugh our heads off at the clumsy antics of the big oafs -what did that 'natter? It was all heaps of fun, and proved to the world what a manly and fighting race we were: 4, i! * . So it wilt 1.0 this time. If the fans turn out in sufficiently paying quantities w'e'll he having plenty more of such affairs; nor will we of the sports -writing fraternity be at all backward in giving them plenty of publicity. But if comedy s should unfortunately turn into tra- gedy -if one of these clumsy no- vices should happen to be killed or seriously. injured -hello would be re- sponsible? 'Personally, we think it would be the Government, just be- cause of its failure to have some- body with authority enough -and sense enough -to put Ibis foot down and tell sports promoters where to . head itt once in a while. * * * In Hockey, we are happy to learn on the authority of Frankie Bou- cher, there 'is little or no possibility of the gambling element attempting any tampering with players, as has been the ease in football. "We have no reason to be suspicious," says Frankie, a ie, "as a hockey team is too much like a family group." * * * We would merely point out to lir. Boucher, in passing, that there have been family groups in which certain members proved to be more susceptible to temptation than others; and also that gambling on hockey hasn't, as yet, reached any- thing like the widespread' propor- tions it has in football, basketball, baseball and other sports. But it's rapidly getting to be big business; and the sooner the hockey moguls realize the real danger, and the need for constant watchfulness, the better for the future of the game. sr * # Maple Leaf Gardens has made a real start in trying to clean out the gaurbiing element; and it is to be (hoped that the management there won't weary with well -doing too soon, but keep up the good work. For that's what "the boys" them- selves are'figuring will happen. As one of them, who had been told that his presence wasn't welcome at The Gardens, said to us recently, "Aw, riots; they'll' throw us out on our ear a couple, times, and then Forget all about it. Before January is over we'll he back hl again as strong as ever." Sure -thing gamblers have one` thing, at least, in common with rats. It takes constant vigilance to keep your premises clear of them. * r And in case you missed it, we'd like to tell you about the latest gadget they',- been using to im- prove the game of football -and college football at that. It's a port- able oxygen tank, \with elet'u masks attached, that can be rusihed on the field whenever Tints Out is called, so that all eleven players' can simul- taneously get a suck or two of re- viving oxygen. Next thing, no doubt, will be a travelling hypo- dermic that will give any player who seems to be lagging an auto - made shot of hop in the arm. The desire to win is, undoubtedly, a wonderful quality; but sometimes we can't help wondering if some of these modern coaches haven't got justa teeny white too much of it for 'their own good. GOES TU OTTAWA Hon. John Ilracken, Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, has announced the appointment .of C, V. Charters of Brampton as Director of Public Relations for the Progressive Conservative Party. Mr, Charters will assume his duties at Ottawa at once. Clarence 1,', Charters is probably one of the best known newspaper anen in Canada. He is certainly known to every weekly newspaper editor in this country because un- til September of last year he was managing director of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, He. was associated with this or- ganization for over 1:5 years as a director and for t1.e last 1116 years was managing director, Printer'. and Publisher recently stated that the better newspapers and the better printing in Canada's weekly- newspapers in the past few years are largely attributed to his ceaseless efforts to help and im- prove the weekly press of this country. Clarence Charters • was born in Brampton, Ontario, in January 1882, the son of the late Sant Char- ters, publisher of the Brampton Conservator, Besides his association with the C.W.N,A. he ]las been honored by the Newspaper Association Man- agers of America whose head he was during the past year, In 1042 he represented the Cana- dian Weekly Press in a tour over- seas. To his new post lir. Charters twill bring not 'only a great news- ' paper and organizing background, but a keen interest In and knowl- edge of politics, Britain's Housing Britain's postwar housing drive reached a total of 120,531 houses completed in England and Wales by the end of November. The Ministry said that 1i2,208 further houses were planned, but had not yet been begun. In England and Wales last month, 23,610 families were housed by new building, repair, requisi- tioning, and conversion, It added. Carbon Monoxide A Stealthy Killer Beware of Carbon. Monoxide! This gas which has caused thousands upon thousands of ac- cidental deaths, does not appear ilhnature, It results -almost en- tirely 'front incomplete 'oxidation or the burning of material con- taining carbon. It is present during; eleaieNI storms, when buildingsburn up and after explosions and fires in mines, it is ,also produced in lime, brick and charcoal kilns. In the laboratory it is produced by beat- ing formic acid and oxalic acid with sulphuric acid. 'It is found in smoke and in rooms which hare been painted and sealed. Carbon monoxide is particu• iarly-dangerous becauseit has no smell. It is colorless and should not be 10111(sed with carbon di- oxide gas which is expelled from the lungs in breathing. Carbon monoxide is .the gas which kills persons foolish enough to run their motor car engines i11 an enclosed space such as a gar- age with the doors closed. Driving the car with the heater on and all the windows tightly closed, also can be dangerous: There's a drowsiness, and then -we11, anything can happen. When You -Think of SEEDS or FEEDS Think of KELLEY FEED & SEED CO. 778 Dovercourt Rd., TORONTO - ONT BE FIRM ! Always insist on Maxwell house Coffee. It's Radiant -Roasted by a spec cial process that captures all the extra flavor and goodness of the superb Maxwell House blend. MR`BETfl AflyiI "My smile is bright My hair is curly I take my BETAMIN Regale '4,4" ISSUE 2-1947 4 1ljMi'“i., 1P' "AO OTHER pS E DOES t, gJ AR� 111103.110; 1065 "LS Wart a SPRAY ER ti.. AS A 0; When your Hardie Sprayer k not busy in orchard or field It stands ready to do a lot of other lobs. Today Hardie Sprayers ore being used on thousands of dairies, farms and ranches for cattle grub spraying,. spraying mo- lasses. and other nutrient liquids on feed, sheep tick control, weed kllling,applying white wosh and all water paints, spraying bins, walls and stables with DDT. solutions and when Idle the lank-ls always kept full of water for instant use in case of tire. Any Hardie Sprayer will do an effective fire control lob. The Hardie Mfg. Company, Hudson, Mich. C. W. LEWIS Distributor, Grimsby, Ontario ....Write for the big new 2947 Hardie Catalog. PERFECT AGITATION • COMPLETE LUBRICATION MUTT AND JEFF- AND THIS WASN'T A JAPANESE COP EITHER j7 Ip WELL? HAND? LVDIDNTYOU DID DIDN'T YOU SEE I THOUGHT HEAR ME YoU • ME HOLD UP MY ' THAT WAS A BLOW MYHEAR' HAND? ; 6 BUNeH OF WHIM. ME BLOW Flu BAN AN ! y/N� MY HORN? By BUD FISHER YEN! I HEARD You BLOW YOUR jNoRN! -45 WELL, I BLEW' MY HORN BEFORE YOU BLEW YOUR WHISTLE! 80 $�I