HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-01-02, Page 6THE SEAFORTH NEWS_
14 Mrs. Looby will reside in Dublin,
Map Lawn Poultry
Farm & Haichery
R. 0. P. Sired S.C. White Leghorns
Barred Rocks Light Sussex Rhode Island Reds.
Day-old Chicks available weekly after Feb. 10th.
Started Pullets 4 - 6 wks.
We have been working on a Mock improvement Plan and have
purchased R. 0. P. Cockerels from one of the best R. O. P. `Breeders:
All birds mated and bloodtested'are of the large type Leghorn.
We operate strictly, under
Dominion Gov't R. O. P.
Ontario Accredited Flock
Hatchery Approval Policy
100% Blood Tested
Orders received for day-old chicks before Feb. 10th at
last year's Prices
Now price list on request
Phone Brussels 90-5. Harold France, Prop.
, With the passing of 1946 we recall
an incident in the lite of Duff's
United Church. Walton. or more than
ordinary interest.
In the late 50's of the last century,
among the new settlers who came to
build hones in this new land, were
James and Mrs. Sntillir•, who settled
on the 1St, Concession of Grey Tp.
where a family of eight sons and
t i lit r, ffrew to manhood and
ahu d Many of the seulels bad
t•r, ret Gorily home i11 the Old
i - 1 and soon plans were under• way
for 11•e building of a church. a tusk
wo ch was accomplished through en-
thusiastic co-operation, At the first
onm±ntiou service held in the church
t 1015. James Scitillie was elected
err; ordained as one of four elders,
an office which he adorned until tine
time of tris death flftytrve years later.
In 1566 when the Sunday School was
organized, Mr. Smillie became its first
superintendent. Froin that day onward
the name of Smillie has been closely
linked with the various organizations
and the life of Duff's Presbyterian
Church and, since union, of Duff's
United Church.
Last spring Miss Mary Smillie—flow
the only surviving member 06 the fam-
ily—tendered her resignation as treas-
urerof the church, having served in
that capacity for a period of forty,
five year's. In passing the writer won-
ders how many in this county have
matched that record. Forty-five years
is a long term in any office. To win
and hold the trust and confidence of
the growing congregation throughout
the years was no mean accomplish-
The ministers who have come and
gone found in Miss Smillie not merely
an efficient treasurer but a counsel- Christmas with Mr. Wm. McClure George Holtzbauer, Galt, with Mr.
for and a friend, ready always to go and family, and. Mrs, David But'ns.
the second mile, meticulous in detail: M. and Mrs. Gladstone Ca mpbell
jealous for the good name of the of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr,
At St, Peter's Cathedral, Satur-
day niorning, Rev. Wilfred 0'-
Roorke officiated at the wedding of
Miss Anna Raftis, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Patrick Raftis; of Arthur,
to Leo Vincent Carlin, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Carlin, of Seaforth.
St. Peters choir sang during the
ceremony. The bride was given in
marriage by her father. She wore a
light blue dressmaker suit,small
black ribbon hat with plastic bow
and veil trimmed with sequins. Her
accessories were of black plastic and:
she wore. a corsage bouquetof red
roses. Miss Margaret Holland of
Toronto, as '•bridesmaid wore a light
beige dressmaker suit, beige hat
withplastic trimming,. black acces
series and corsage bouquet of pink
roses. The groomsman .was the
bride's brother, •Michael Raftis, of
London, and .the ushers Were Pat
Raftis of Arthur,' also a brother, and
Harry Reynolds of London. At the
reception helk at Lynn Lodge,c. the
bride's mother received, wearing a
black wool suit, -winter white hat
and black accessories, a' -corsage
bouquet of white roses completing
her costume. The groom's mother
wore a brown dress, matching hat
and corsage bouquet of Talisman
roses. For going away the bride
wore a winter white..coat overher
suit. On their return from a trip in
the United States, Mr: and Mrs.
Carlin Will reside in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter,'
Chatham, and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus
Reynolds, Detroit. visited Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Carpenter; Gerald.
Feeney, Kitchener, with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, Mack Feeney;
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Williams and fam-
ily, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. John
McGrath; Velma Moore, Stratford,
with Mr. and 1VIrs. Leslie Moore;
Miss Dorothy Jordan, Kitchener,
with her mother, Mrs. Loretta Jor-
den; Miss Margaret Holland, Toron-
to, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs..
George Holland; John Meagher,
Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Meagher; Mr. and Mrs, Lannin, To-
ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Rourke; Rev. Rev. J.A. Feeney, London.
with Wilfred Feeney and other rela-
tives; Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCarthy,
Detroit, with Mr, and Mrs. John Mc-
Carthy; Mrs. Dan Costello is spend-
ing the weekend in Thorold; Mr. and
Mrs. Dan O'Rourke in Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf and
Leo Krauskopf in Stratford; Mr,
and Mrs: Pat Flanagan in Kinkora;
Kenny Burns, Windsor, with Mr.
and Mrs. David Burns; Sttgven John-
son, London, with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. J. Johnson; Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Riley assisted Mrs. Dale.
Mr. Jo1ur Reid and daughter,
Noss Averil Reid of Hythe, Alberta,
have been visiting at the homes of
Hugh Campbell, John McDonald' and
Jack Kellar of Walton, Edward
Reid, George Carter and Miss Mar-
tha Leiper of Londesboro, Normal.
Shepherd and Frank Marshall of
Mr. Gordon Buchanan returned
last week from British Columbia
and Spokane, Wash., to spend the
holiday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Buchanan.
Mr, Kenny Burns, Windsor, with
his parents, Mr. and. Mrs, Daniel
Mr. Steven Johnson, London,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. George, Holtzhauer,
Galt, with. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel -
Miss Mary Dorsey, London; with'
her mother, Mrs. L. Dorsey.
Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Krauskopf,
London, with Mrs, Catherine Kraus-
Miss 'Geraldine Dillon, Toronto,,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Dillon.,
1•Irs. Hannah Livermore of Dun-
dalk spent a few days with Mr, and
Mrs. Sant Storey and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Palin and family.
She was here for S.S. No. 2 Christ-
mas concert, which had a good at-
tendance and was much enjoyed by
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hunt of
London, Mrs. Gladstone Campbell of
Toronto,. Mr. and Nlrs. Homer Hunt
and family of Seaforth, Mr. and
Mrs, Thomas McMillan, Mr. and
Mrs, Robert McMillan and Mr, and
Mrs. Francis Coleman and children,
celebrated Christmas on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hunt and
Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Hunt and fami-
ly. of McKillop.
Mrs. Allen R.N. and Kenneth of
London are spending Christmas hol-
idays with Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Dor-
ranee and Edward.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Carter and
children of Seaforth, Mr.. and Mrs.
Harvey McClure of Walton, spent
The regular
m meeting of the Hul-
lett township council met on ' Dec.
16th in the community hall, Londes-
boro at 2 p.m. The reeve and three
members of the council were Pres- '
ent. The minutes of the, regular De-
cember meeting of Dec. 2nd and the
election of Dec. 9th were read. Movt-
ed by J. Ira Rapson and Geo, C.1
"DO YOU LOVE ME" in. technicolor
with Dick Haymes - Maureen O'Hara Harry James
THURS. FRI. SAT. in Technicolor
- Walt Disney's "Pinochio"
Conte and see the wonderful adventures of "P•inoehio"
Geppetto -- Jiniiny Cricket — Monstro and all the other characters of
this beloved' fairy tale
" In Technicolor
Night and Day" •
with Cary Grant and Alexis Smith
This filmization of the career of Cole Porter cannot fail to dig its way
into the hearts of all entertainment seekers. --Hear the inspiring
music of "Night and Day", "Begin the Beguine" and many other songs.
with Faye Marlow --Richard Crane — Martha Stewart
with Carol Landis and Allyn Joslyn
Brown that the minutes of Dec.I h ' S 11 DRO.
and Dec. 9th results of election bepoll clerk, $3; Ep cram ne
adopted as read. Carried. The cor-1 $4.50; Orville Rapson, poll clerk, $3;
respondence was then read. A dis- Frank Longman, A.R.O., $4; poll
mission 'then took place on the Hur-i clerk, $3; William Craig, 'D.R:O.,
on county 'Tuberculosis Fund. Also $4.90; Mrs. E. Bradnock, poll clerk, day afternoon from her late resi-
the prospective representatives for, $3; Thomas Flynn, use of school for, dente, with Kir minister, Rev. A. Wl.
the high school areas. Moved byi Elections, $2; Oliver Anderson, Gardiner speaking very touchingly
Geo. C. Brown and W. R. Jewitt hall, elections. $2; J. Mcliwing, on the' life of; the deceased during
that we do now adjourn this meet -1 school, elections, $2; James Medd, the time he had known her, mention-
ing for: one hour. to re -open the hall, elections, $2; David Ewan, re- ing especially the fortitude and
of Revision. Carried, Moved pairs for mower, $1; James Mc- courage in which she had concealed
by J. W. Armstrong and W. R. Jew-�. Cool, Londesboro st. lights, $5.45; the extent of her suffering, her
itt that the assessor adjust
the as- William Addison, Township Police, cheery greeting of her friends, her
sessment of lot 26, con.2 as part of , $251 Alex. Wells, grader storage, firmness in her belief and her kind -
property has changed hands. Car- $25; Dr. B. C. Weir, Board of ly motherly interest in her family.
•ied, Moved by W. R. Jewitt and Health, $99; Geo. W. Cowan., Excise During `the service, a beautiful se- r.
r -
J. Ira Rapson. that we strike off the stamps, $4.20; I{elland McVittie. lection Got be with you till we ,, •s .,�
assessment roll Shell Gas Co. $11. Board of Health, $9; Geo. McVittie, meet again", was rendered by f
80, Geo. Mann Estate $12.28, for 11.0.
ii. $9;, Armstrong, rmstrong, B.O.H. Messrs Ivy Henderson, Thos. Rob- 1
1933: Murray Lamb Drain .io, Les- $9; Geo. W. Cowan, B.0.11., $9; K. inson and Andy Scott, accompanied I
lie Ball .40, H. Govier ,08, Marshall McVitLies, mileage B.0.H., $1.05;* by Mrs. 3. McGregor on piano, also'
Young $2.11, K. Thompson .99, Hall Board, grant, $75; Municipal at the close that beautiful old hymn
Marquis Estate .61, Wilfred Scott World, elections supplies, $10,29; "Shall we gather at the river" was
.10, W. Whyte $14.92. Carried. Fred Prest, Londesboro et. lights, played by Mrs. McGregor. Interment •
Moved by J. W. Armstrong and $4.50; Joseph Riley, error on dog was in Ball's. Cemetery, Base Li^
W. R. Jewitt that the Court of Re tax, $2; Geo. Pollard, error dog tax, Road, with Messrs. J. S. Wats
vision be adjourned till our next re $2; Chas. Weymouth. error dog tax, Thos. Robinson, Wm. Mason, 1�
gulag meeting and we now open $2; Geo. W. Cowan, Voters' Lists, sell Dallas, Harold Shera, and J. 11.
our council meeting. Moved by $g4.75; Geo. Carter, Assessor 1946, Cross as pallbearers.
J. Ira Rapson and Geo. C Brown, $150; County of Huron, Tubercular Those attending from a distance
that Frank Tamblyn be appointed grant, $200; P. Glazier, brushing, were Mr. Will Smale, and W. R.
as representative to the Clinton $5; Hartz, Snell, brushing, $1.20; Smale, Detroit; Mr. Vincent Smale,
High School area; Arthur Grange, Fergus VanEgmond, snow fence, Jackson, Mich., Mr. Warren Smale,
Auburn, to the Goderich school ar- $5; Roy Dolmage, brushing, $3; Detroit, and Mrs. J. Posner, Detroit,
ea, Bert Irwin to the Seaforth High George Addison, contract, $5; John Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher,
School area; Ross MacGregor to the Armstrong, telephone calls, $6,75.Gerald and Vivian, Goderich; Mr,
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, I Alva Thompson, Goderich; Mr• 0.
MRS. ALVA W. WAY Oke, London, Messrs Ira Oke, Irvine
Carried. Moved by W. R. Jewitt -and:
Geo. C. Brown that we give a t ' Oke, and Murray Oke, Goderich,
of $200 t4 the Huron County granTub' The community was shocked to and Mr. and Mrs. T. Hurst. Atwood.
learn of the death of Lillian Maud Floral contributions included pillows
erculosis Fund. Carried. Moved by
Elizabeth Oke, beloved wife of Alva
Geo. C. Brown and J. Ira Rapson by family .and sister Ruth, St. Pet -
W. Way, who passed away follow- ersburg, Fla„ wreaths by Mrs. J.
that the accounts be paid. Carried. ing a heart attack Sunday morning
At this time Mr. Geo, C. Brown, Posner, Detroit, Mr. Wm. Smale and
Dec. 22, Although Mrs. Way had family,Detroit; Oke family, a\yam ,
as retiring councillor, spoke very
briefly on his term of office thank- been afflicted with a heart condition sheaf by grandchildren and sheaf b;, •
ing the council and township riffle -
arthritis for some years back, Mr. and Mrs. A. Routledge, Sea-
on their co-operation and the there was no indication that she was forth.
pleasure he had derived from, work- ailing more than usual as a result -of
ing with them. He wished all the these attacks, she had anticipated
Christmas with all the enthusiasm off,
Reeve, Mr. John W. Armstrong, on the past and had about completed
compliments of the season. The
behalf of the township officials, plans and preparations for Christ -
thanked Mr. Brown .and spoke be -1 utas and New Year festivities with
fittingly on the pleasure that all had her family and friends and her sud-
in working with ]tint during his term deft death et the approach of the
of office. Christmas season conte as a severe
Accounts: Percy Vincent, School blow to her loved ones. Lillian Maud
levy S.S. 9, $1108.69; Frank Raith-: Oke was born Nov. S, 1875 at God -
by, School levy U.S.S. 5, $410.81; erich, and was the youngest of four
C. H. Wade, School levy U.S.S. 11,' children of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Oke,
$512.42: R. S. Shaw, School levy, and grew up in the Goderich com-
U.S,S. 12; $575.67; Blyth Mun. Tel.' n unity; where she was well and fa -
System telephones and tolls, $3057..vorably known. On Aug. 29, 1899,
20; Brussels. Morris, Grey, tele.;
1l she was united in marriage to Alva
phones and tolls, $10; McKillop' W. Way, and during their married
Mun. Tel. telephones and tolls, $1,-, life resided in Goderich and McKil-
925.87; Tuckersmith Tel„ tele- lop Townships, and for the past 30
hones and tolls, $38.6.62; Feder- years in Tuckei'smith, where she had
ation of Agriculture, grant, $200; a wide circle of friends. Mrs, Way
County of Huron, County Rate' was of staunch. Methodist stock hay -
taxes, $16093.30; Bert Irwin, school ing been attached to the Goderich,
levy S.S. 1, $1275.01; F. J. Tyndall,' Kinhurn and. Kippen Methodist
U.S.S. 2, $546; Verne Dale, S.S. 3,1 Churches, and in 1923 followed that
$1316.40; Cecil Cartwright, S.S. 4,1 Church body into union and what
$1211.80; Fred M. Pickett, S.S. 5, is now known as the United Church.
$1359.27; J. H. Mowing, S.S, 3,1 of Canada. Mrs. Way, a lover of
$12.10.68; Kelland McVittie, S.S. 7,11, flowars and gardening, was an en -
$1058.15 ;
n$1058.15; Stanley Lyon, S.S. 8,' thusiastic horticulturist, and main -
$1303,49; William Govier, U.S.S. 10, tained her interest in that work un -
$492; William Hamilton, 5,5• 11,',til the last. It was here where she
$11.57.69; Clarence Ball, U.S.S. 12, found the Comforter which gave her
$799; Thomas Flynn, S.5.5. 2, $1,--' the fortitude and courage to carry
1.08.3(1; George Carter, Voters' lists, on midst adversities and physicals
$5,60; Geo, W. Cowan, telephone; afflictions. Mrs. Way is survived leyj
calls, $10.37: Secord McBrien, 'Flee.= her husband, 2 sons. Casey Charles
tions D.16.0., $5; Ephriam Clark,' Way, Clifton Clare Way, Tate of
poll clerk, $3; Bert Beacom, D:R.O., the R.C.A,F, and now a patient at
$4,00 Leopold Watt, poll clerk, $3;I Westminster Hospital; 4 daughters,
Mc. and Mrs. John Krauskopf and Joseph Flynn, D.R.O., $4.50; Ber- Mrs. Russell Dallas, (Ellen), Mrs.,
Mrs. Geo. Krauskopf, in Stratford. nerd Tighe, poll clerk, $3; Thomas Gen. Jackson (Ida Maud), Mrs. 3.
Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Flanagan in Millar, D.R.0., $4; Emmerson Ilesk• R. Cross (Gladys Ruth), and Mr,;.
Harold . Shera I(Evelyn) ; also 7
grandchildren and one sister, Mrs.
Ruth Schultz, St. Petersburg, Fla,
• A private funeral was held Tues -
Mr. anti Mrs. Joseph Carpenter,
church and generous in the support of 1 Mrs Edwin Hunt.Chatham, and Mr. and MTS. Feigns
every worthy appeal.
Miss mt e, .
Mr. Gerald Feeney, %Kitchener,
ada—we salute You. Mr, Hugh Gordon, Mt. and ribs, _ ,
Ross Gordon and daughter, a parents, Mrs• Mack
The above trihttte will be of interest Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, John Feeney
to many readers, and more espec:iallY Lillie. VIr• slid ll'I'r's. Dan Williams and
to former pupils of Miss Smillie now 1 yl,,. anti Mrs 3, H.. Storey
and L'anr
widely scattered. It acmes from a i1Y spent Christmas with NIr. and family, Detroit„ with Mr, and Mrs.
friend who has known and appreciated Mrs, Wilmer Cuthill of Walton. John McGrath.
the whole -hearted devotion which bIr. and 111rs. Thomas A' oMillan• James, John and Joseph Morrison
went into the church work by Miss 17r, sail Mrs. I'3ohert McN[llluu said
Smillie, 1Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Britton spent with their parents Mr. and Mrs
;Christmas in London. James Morrison.
VVALTON MI. Harry Palin line purchased a pelma Moore, Stratford, with Mr.
Mrs. Ida McTaggart has returned
new seep.
Mr. Thomas McMillen and sour are and Mrs. Leslie Moore.
home from a visit with relatives ,porting a brand new Chevrolet car. :Miss Dorothy Jordan, Kitchener,
near Seaforth. Mt. and Mts. Stewart Dohnage' With her another, Mrs. Loretta Jor-
Mrs. George Jackson has return-
Wayne and Ilene spent Christmas Ilan,
with 11i'. and Mrs. E. Clarke.
ed home from Seaforth hospital. 1 Mrs, Dorothy Thompson is spent:- NIr. hetes Newconte, Montreal,
Mr. Frank Marshall, Ajax, and ing the Christmas holidays at her with Mrs. Newcome and Mr. and
Barry, Kitchener, at. the home of home. Mrs. William Stapleton. ,
Miss Jean Taylor 04 Seaforth spent. p
Chair parents, Mr, and Mrs, J°lin Sunday with Mr. War. McCiure end Miss Margaret Holland;, Toronto,
Marshall I family,
Mr. John Bennett, Kitchener, and 1 +
1 Mr. and Mrs, Jelin McNichol and ileynolds, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs,
Smillie, faithful and devoted Aubrey of Blyth spent Christmas with Joseph Carpenter.
servant of the United Church .of Can- 10It' and Mrs Satre Storey and family. •
I l iso liter spent with hr• arcate Mt' and
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ki h at George Holland,
the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Robinson : John Meagher, Goderich, with his
Mrs. W. J. Bennett. 1 The death occurred in Stratford parents, Mr. and litre. J., Meagher.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. McDonald General Hospital of Pearl Elliott, ents,,aul Givldn. London, with his
and family entertained the follow -
beloved wife of. Charles Robinson, Mr.father, Joseph Givlin.
ing guests for Christmas. HughMr. and Mrs. Tamman, Toronto,
Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar: with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O.Rourke.
of Walton Mr. and
1 Mrs Wn' Car DUBLIN
• t red Mrs George Carter, Mr.'L
Looby—O'Rourke Rourke
era Mr. and Mrs. Jack Molyneaux
Glen Carter of Londesboro, Mr. an [n St Pat
rick Church, Dublin,' with Mr. •and Mrs. Thomas Moly-
Mrs. D R McKenzie of Lucko ,'
on Thurs., Dec: 26 at 10 a.m., then neaux.
Mr.. and Mrs. Watson Reid of Blyth,
marriage took place of Kathryn Rev. J. A. Feeney, London, with
Mr, John Reid and daughter, Miss, Geraldine O'Rourke, youngest.daug-
Averil Reid of Hythe, Alberta, liter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. 0'- Wilfred Feeney acid other lelatives:
Mrs Pat M,Gale'and little son Row ice Dublin, to Clayton Philip Miss Mary Costello with her Marr
• Toronto with her husband. by, G S B St Basil's Seminary,
Cenneth left in the afternoon on I
001 cc,
son of Mrs. Looby, Dublin, ants, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello,
Christmas to spend the holidays ]n Mr.
the late L. J. Looby. Rev. A. R. Loo-
and Mrs, Dan McCarthy,
Toronto, performed the ceremony broil; with Mr. and Mrs. John 1Me-
Congratulations to the teacher
music teacher Mrs
Wendell, the pupils and all taking,
Part in the entertainment at S.S.
No. 11 where a splendid program
was presented to a record crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Dale had a
lively home on Christmas as t
entertained -Mrs. Selena Riley, h
children and their families. Mrs
r•nd sang the Nuptial Mass. Rev. Dr. ' Cattily.
a -t
the sane- di the
insis n
Ffoulkes was presentMrs. Dan Costello t. spending
tuaty. The attendants were Mr. and weekend
with hersister in Thorold.
Mrs. Gus Denonnne of London, bio-
then -fit -law, and sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs, Dan O'Rourke in
The bride was dressed in winter Stratford.
..shite with snatching accessories and
"nrsagc of orchids. The matron of
honor wore a two-piece suit of win -
Vol' blue and corsage of orchids. Fol-
lowing a motor trip east, Mr. and
V' +
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