HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1947-01-02, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1947
0.11.A. Intermediate HOCKEY
Stratford Legion at Seaforth
TUESDAY, JANUARY 7 - 8.30 pmt.
Adults 50c Children 25c
mowwwwwwwwwwweewkw listingof .readings, recitations, dia-
logues; carol singing,- numbers by the
Sunday School orchestra and other
sacred. Christmas numbers Which was
' very much enjoyed by all present.
Rev. Arthur Penman ably acted as
• chairman for the occasion. At the
close of the programme Mr. Charles
Stewart, who has been superintendent
of the Sunday School for the past 14
years, and who has resigned the posi-
tion when -moving to Clinton,. was
called to the platform and highly com-
mended by Rev. Penman for his faith-
- AT
ful untiring services as superintend-
ent. He also said he voiced the opin-
H lilt of all present: A feeling of deep
regret of Mr. Stewart's removal from
the vicinity, He then read the follow -
J lug address: Dear My, Stewart. We
the officers and teachers and memb-
ers of the Sunday School wish to let
you know how deeply we appreciate
your services as superintendent of
the Sunday School for the past 14
years. It has not always been easy,
for yon to be In sena' place, especially
when' the roads were had hi winter,
yet you were seldom absent. You have
always been eiteeeful altbo.ugh there
have been times when you must have
been clisconeaged. We are sorry that
it is impossible for yin to be with ne
any longe'. We wish you God's bless-
ing in whiehever church you may at-
tend, and we hope you may continue
iu Sunday School work. As a slight
token of our appreciation of your
work among 08 we wish you to accept
the gifts. Signed on behalf of the
Sunday school, B'u'ry" Snell. Jack
T niblyn. The gilts consisting of a
handsome electric floor lamp, a two -
hunter eleetric hot plate a pickle
(.st'at'ic to aet0r and a beautiful walnut
magazine rack were then presented
by 'Harry Snell, Jack Tamblyn and
Lorne Hunking. Although taken com-
pletely by surprise Mr. Stewart thank-
ed the members of the Sunday School
for their kindness, and sald'how deep-
ly, he regretted leaving Londesboro
that he had enjoyed the work; also
thanking the teachers and members of
the executive for their splendid co-
operation and closed by wishing the
Sunday School every success and
God's richest blessing In the future.
The congregation then arose and with
Mrs. Edwin Wood at the piano sang
that beautiful old hymn "Blessed be
the Tie that Binds."
Before entering upon the duties of
superintendent Mr. Stewart taught an
adult young ladies' 'class for three
yeare, in recognition of which at his
retirement he was presented with a
handsome teacher's Bible. Mr, Stew-
art ]las also been active in church
work, being a member of the board
of managers for 17 years and an elder
the past eve; also tor many years
treasurer of the Londesboro Branch
of the Upper Canada Bible Society.
Thur. Jan.
8.30 P.M.
And now we give you the
opportunity to see a bunch
of smart, speedy hockey
players in action
The Galt Team is
"We'll -be seem' ytt"
Season Tickets
Reserved Seats for Inter-
mediate 0. H. A. scheduled
Hockey Games
Saturday, January 4
Repaired & Recovered
Also Auto Seats and Backs,
Verandah. Swings & Steamier
Chairs Repaired. Free Pick-
up and Delivery
' Phone 579, Stratford
For further information apply at
Box Furniture Store
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You may arrange a House-
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how long you want to take to
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Why wait? Phone today!
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29- Downie St., corner of Albert
Phone 255 - STRATFORD, ONT.
B.J.. Colby Monoger h'
Hours9 by agp to 8-orointment
tine nE mode to residents of nearby fowls
The Londesbo'o United Clnn-eh
Stuulae School held 151811' annual
Christmas tree and concert, oh Mon-
day evening in the .school room of
the church with a full house. A splen-
did programme was rendered by the
'members of the Sunday School, con -
S.S. No. 9 Hay. & Stanley held their
Christmas concert on Friday afternoon
with chairman being Mr. Clarence
Pante. A programe consisting of
choruses by school, directed by Mr.
Sant. Rennie, music director, "White
Christmas" and "The Holly and the
Ivy." Several dialogues were present-
ed by older pupils anis drills by the
Junior pupils. Santa Claus came and
unloaded the parcels to the children
from. the well laden Christmas tree.
After New Year's, Miss Westlake of
Bayfield will commence teaching 011
January 6th.
SIr. and Mrs. L. Faber and fancily
of Kippen, and Mr, and Mrs. Faber
of neat' Exeter, visited Mr, and Mrs.
Rudy Oesch.
Mrs. Clarke and Will, Mr, and Mrs..
Lloyd Finnigan, Bertha and Bobby,
visited Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Attridge and son of Godericli.
Mr. and Mrs. David Oesch and fain.
ily with Mr. and Mr's. Alvin Rader of
Mr. and Mfrs. Sato Hey with Memb-
ers of their family from Go(lerich,l
Brucedeld and London.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey and
fancily of Gnclerich and Mrs, Ffscns
and Darleen of Kitchener and Clemens
Jeffrey and Robert Ducharme with
their parents.
Mr. and Mrs.- James Dinsmore and
sons of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Dinsmore and Jim,
Miss Phyllis McBride of Stratford
Mt. Kenneth Parke and John Baker
of Clinton collegiate are holidaying
with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ronnie moved to
Blake and are getting'settled in their
hone vacated by her. Denonmie.
Miss I7uleen Ducha'urn visited her
graldparents, Mr, and Mrs. Oscar
'luchac'nte. .
Mr. anti Mrs. Philip Murch, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. std Mrs. Alvin
Cooper ants family visited on Sunday'
with Mr. and Mrs. Norm Jaques of
Zion, 100 occasion being Mr, March's
birtitda y.
Miss Marion. Murch spent the week
end with Mis Wilma Veal of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly and fam-
ily and Mr. aid Mrs. Weston ,Horne
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Hogg of Thornclale,
Mr. John Ridley spent C'hrisl.ntiis.
with Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brock of
Ml. and NIrs, Howard Otis . of Wood
stock are spending a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd johns,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spa.riteg
fancily spent Christmas with Mr.
hIrs. Elate Parish of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle
family spent Wecines with Mr,
Mrs. Franklin Skinner's,
Mr, and Mrs. Melville Skinner
Ross spent Christmas with, Mr,
Mrs. Fred Ford of Ellen.
an d
Mrs. Ethel M. Henderson, Director
of Weaving at School 'of Fine Arts,:
Banff, is visiting at the home of Mise
Winnifred Savauge.
Miss Ann.McLaen of Toronto spent
the week end With her parents, Mn
and Mrs. W. E. McLaren.
Mr. and: Mrs, Raymond Kaiting and
two children of Grand Bench and Per.
and Mrs, Keith McLaren and five
children, Cromarty, were Christmas
Day visitors at the parental lnoine
with Mr, and Ms:s. W, )31.'lylcLaren,
Mrs: 'Ella Thomas of London spent
the holidays at the home of Mrs. W.
Nichol. Mrs. Thomas returned to the
city ou Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Upshall of
Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Upshall of Hamilton spent Christmas
et the home of Mi. and Mrs. Frank
Mr, Kenneth Hogg of Peterboro
Josepspelit hBChristegg.mas at the home of Ml's.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott 'and fam-
ily, .of town, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth,
Harrison and family, Brantford, Mr..
and Mrs. Elmer Scott, London, spent
Xmas day with Mr. and -Mrs. Wilmore
Miss Minnie Hablrirk of Goderich
spent the holidays with her sister,;
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dale.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trott and
Ann Lorraine attended the Looby
O'Rourke wedding at St. Patrick's
Church, Dublin, on Thursday.
Rev, A. R. Looby, C.S.B., St. Basil's.
Seminary, Toronto, was a holiday
visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
C. A. Trott.
Mr. Charles Ruston, who was ill in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London, re-
turned home last week,
- Guests at the home of Mrs. James
Murray on Christmas were Mr. and
Ml's. Dan Crowley and family, and
Miss Barbara Kelly of Kinkora, Mr.
and Mrs. Basil Brown and Miss Ev-
elyn Murray of Toronto, Miss Mary
Murray of Stratford, and Miss
Julia Murray of Mitchell.
Miss Mary Andrew, Clinton. nit'.
George Andrew and Don Chamberlain,
London. Mr. and Mrs. Ilnest. I;vm
and family, of Fowler, were Christmas
visitors with ltTr. sad Ars. Norman
Mr. James Scott heft for Washing-
ton ou Thursday. Mrs. Scott. returned
to Termite Monday after spending
Christmas with Mrs. II, R. Scott.
Mr. Mac Ritchie, Montreal, spent
Christmas with his parents, IZev. and
Mrs. D. Ritchie,
Mr. and Ml's. Murray Stiles are
visiting with the latter's uncle, Mr.
Thomas P. Johnson, Flint, Michigan.
Miss Rebecca Shinen spent a few
days this week at the home of her sis-
ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Willie Fleischer and Miss Ruth Shinen
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lamont, Detroit,
were week end visitors at the home
of the former's brother, Mr. Frank
Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto, spent
the Xmas holidays at her house here,
Mr, and Mrs. William Andrews and
son Bobbie, Norwich, and Mrs. S.
McMillan, Stratford, were New Year's
guests at the hone of his brother, bit-,
Edward Andrews and Mrs. Andrews.
Mrs, C. C. Baine and daughter Miss
Luella Kahle, of Ottawa, were in
Blyth during the week end attending
the funeral of the late J, W. Mills,
which took place on Monday to Blyth
Union cemetery,
Mr. and Mrs. Rae Prike and Sharon,
Stratford, spent Xmas et the home of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudtnore and
daughters Dolores and Dixie Ant, St.
Catherines, were holiday visitors at
the Moine of her parents, Mr. and Miss.
Cecil Oke.
Mr. Lloyd Dinnin, Windsor, spent
the holiday season with his mother,
Mrs. Ernest Dinnin.
Miss Ada Mae McLellan has return-
ed hone after visiting with relatives
in: Detroit.
Dianne Mowat of London is spend-
ing the holidays with Mr. end Mrs.
E, H. Close. Harold Mowat of London
is also- their guest over New Year's,
Misses Betty and Adrienne Bannon
were week enol visitors at the hone
of their sister Mrs. Dolph Masse and
Mr. Masse, Windsor.
Mr, and Mrs. D. Krauel and daugh-
ter, Brantford, were recent visitors at
the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Dale.
Misses Bessie Grieve, Chatham, and
Margaret Grieve, Dresden, spent the
Xmas holidays at the home of their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thoma Grieve,
Mr, and Mrs, Frank White, Brant-
ford, were Xnias guests at the home
of her mother, Mrs: Brine Cleary. -
Mr. Frank Cudmore, Wallaceburg,
spelt Xmas week with Mrs. Cuthno'e
and Nancy.
Miss Hilda Kennedy, London, spent
the Xmas season at tate hone of her
mother Mrs. Roland Kennedy.
Xmas guests at t e.hone of Mr, and
Mrs. George Reeves were Mr. and
Mrs, William Webster, and family,
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, William Neely
and fancily, Stratford, and Mr, and
Mrs. James Nott and family, Clinton
Mt'. and Mrs. Bert Van Igmoucl
Regina, visited with relatives in town
this week.
Mr. George Daly, Erindale, was a
Xmas visitor at the hone of Inc par-
ents, lair, and Mrs. J. F. Daly.
Miss 'Aim Christopher, London,
spent life Xmas holidays at the home.
of her hunt curl uncle, Mr. ants Mrs.
Gordon Dick.
Niles Mary Crowe, London, spent
the week encs at the house of her
brother and sister -iii -law, Mr. sails
Mrs. E. Crowe.,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith and fam-
ily, Toronto, spent New Year's at the
hoiue of her father Mr. Thomas Lane.
Mr. Ross Rennie, Toronto, spent
Xmas at the home of his parents, l9Ir,
and Mrs. M. R. Reunte.
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon McKellar and
' ait01'S
• Xmas Toronto, were nas vt
nils T
fa v
the homes of Mr. and Mr's. W. D.
Snaith and Mr, and Mrs. M. McKellar.
Mr. J. Dunn, London, and .son Mr.
Joe Dunn, Wlnclsor, spent the Xmas
season at the home of the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Dunn.
Miss Zetta Dunlop, R.N., Trans-
Canada Airline hostess, Monetou, N.
B., was a New Year's guest at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Gordon. Rennie, Snndrilge, has
January Clearing Sale
Of Men's, Women's and Children's Winter Wear
Fur Trimmed
Smart little fur trimmed
Coats in a wide range of
colors. Sizes 6 to 16 years
Regular $11.95 for
Regular $18.95 for
Every Snow Suit in this
stone is reduced in this
Big Sale! Plain or two-
tone Melton or Blanket
Cloth for real warmth;
many have hats to match.
Sizes 4 to 14 years
Regular $9.75 to $12.95
7.75 to 9.95
Millinery Sale
Every, hat in our hitllinery
Department must he sold,
All this season's
25 per cent
Tremendous Reductions
on Ladies' Coats
and r sses
Tuxedo, belted, fitted or slip-on styles, in Blue,
Cocoa, Grey, Aqua, Wine, Brown, Green, Black
and Fascia, trimmed with Persion, Fox, Squirrel
and Menton
en's yr
REG. 35.00 FOR 26.25
REG. 45.00 FOR 33.75
REG. 50.00 FOR 38.50
REG. TO 69.50, 52.50
Short, three -quartet' 01'
long sleeve style, in new
Winter Dresses of Wool,
Gabardine, Crepe or Spun.
materials, in all the popu-
lar shades and styles
Reg.' 7.95 to 22.50
on sale for
t Sale
45 Smart New Coats. all this seasons latest. in Slip.ons and Raglans,
in Tweeds, Fleeces, Velours, Barrynros's and Elysirns. Size range
froth. 36 to 46, Colors are Brown. Oxford, Blue, Grey and Tweed
Reg. 24.50, FOR 19.50
Reg. 29.50, FOR 23.50
Reg. 35.00, FOR 28.00
Reg. 45.00, FOR 36,00
Men's Tweed Suits
Greatly Reduced
26 only. this season's smart Tweed
Suits, in Peck patterns or popular her-
ringbones. Colors are Sand, Brown
and Grey. Sizes 35 t0 42 in the lot
Reg, 29.50, FOR 23.50
Reg. to 35.00, FOR 28.00
Reg. 37.50, (2 pants)
FOR 29.50
Special Values in Men's Department
LiNED COATS -Regular 23.95 to 27.50, FOR 17.20 to 22.00
MEN'S MACKINAWS ---Regular 12.95 to 14.95, FOR 10.35 to 11.95
BOYS' WINTER BREECHES -Regular 3.50 to 5.25, FOR.. 2.80 to 3.95
Sizes 6 to 16 years
BOYS' PARKA COATS -Regular 9.75 to 18.95,.. Reduced 20 Per Gent
Sizes 12 to 18 only
BOYS' MACKINAW COATS --Regular 11.95, FOR ,..9.s0
MEN'S & BOYS' SKI CAPS -Regular to 1.35, FOR 98c
BOYS' SNOW SUITS --All styles Reduced 20 Per Cent
ve : irsO,
returned home after visiting the past
few clay, at the home or his Parente.
Mr. and Mrs, M. R. Relurie.
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Shierlaw, Ot-
tawa, have returned home after spend-
ing the past weep al the lnonte of the
latter's parents, Mr, and slit's, henry
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Savauge, To-
ronto, were New Year's visitors at
the , homes of their parents, Dr, and
Alt's.. F. J. Bechely and Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Savauge.
Mrs. John Rathwell of'Varna is
spending thy waiter with Mrs.. Alex
PATTERSON-To Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Patterson (nee Marion Wal-
lace) Dec. 18, 1946, a baby girl,
6 lbs, 14 ozs. in Kentville hospital,
Nova Scotia.
ELDER -At Scott Memorial Hospital
on Dec. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Ha'old
Elder, Hensals, a son.
KLEINFELDT - At Scott Memorial
Hospital, on Dec. 29, to Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Iileinfeldt, Dublin, a
111sGR17G011 At Scutt Memorial' Hos-
pital, on Det 2e, to AIr. awl Sis's.
H. A. McGregor, Sc Hirth. a sat.
SCOTT --At Scutt Met/cilia) Hospital,
on Dec, 30th, to Mr. n1111 Mrs. Jetties
Scott, Cromarty, 0 son.
Holiday visitors: Mrs. Stelck with
bei brother.
NIiss Gladys Beatty with her
mother Mrs L. Beatty Who we are
sorry .to repf'l is under. the doctor's
care, but we hope soon to see 1109
about agate.
The Anderson family' d•itit Mr. and
Mrs.' D. Anderson.
The Elliott family at. the Home of
'w M. Elliott:
Mrs, Mr. c mn]
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Choler and
little daughter with Mr. ,and Mrs, lee.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Horner and Mary -
lee Mr. and Mrs. 0-. Homier and fam-
ily, of Clinton, Mrs. .T. Rathwell and
Mrs. M. Reid at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Ings.
Mr. and tdrs. John Dowson and
Glenn with Mrs. Wm. Hart,
The Smith family al the Smith pat-
ental home.
0111 of town: lir, and Mrs. A. Mc-
Connell with relatives 01 Toront o.
11It. and Mrs. Soper suet farclily witIi
retail yes in S1 refiord seine.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott with the
Ball family in Clintmr.
Littls' Mary ifeklin won the touch
coveted hasket of groceries displayed '
111 Soper's window. Mrs. leen Keys
Was the next best guesser and Mr.
Smile e111110 In third. •
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Carlin spent
Xmas in Lpndon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shea spent
Xmas in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. John. O'Reilly of
Stratford spent Xmas with Mr. and
Mrs. John Moylan,
Mr. Stephen Johnson and Rose
Ann McKeon, and Mr, Martin Mur-
ray 'and Tlteresea McPhee, all of
London spent Xmas day at the for-
mer homes: