HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-12-12, Page 7CHRONICLES OF GINGER FIM' By Gwendoline P. Clarke Well, there should be a little more butter on the market now. )3ut definitely! You see, we at Ginger Farm have gone out of the, milk business and into the cream. That is something I have been wanting Partner to do for some time but—welt, shipping milk when one .is short of, help looks the easier, also the financial returns appear to be better. I say "appear" `.because that really is a debatable question. In hard cash the weekly cream cheque at present :prices cannot compare . with a milk cheque at all. But then there are so many angles to consider. Personally 1 fidd a little skim milk around the house is quite an asset. So often I have wanted to make things in the past and didn't because they took too much • milk. Of course :I could have used whole milk but—many of you will know how it is --a milk -ship- ping farmer's wife doesn't use any - more milk than she has to, especi- ally if the cans ere down a bit. Most shippers are on a quota basis and those cans must be filled no matter what. Another good thing about separ- ating—it is just grand to have a little cream for special occasions. Last week when Second Niece was here: we had fruit and whipped cream for dessert. And was that ever a treat! Now please, dear friends, don't write and tell me we should be ashamed to be so extra- vagant; that there are people starving in Europe and that the cream we used should properly have gone into butter. That is probably all very true, but you know, we don't intend to live on whipped cream. And surety it is hardly an ex- travagance to make use of the fruits—in this case the cream—of one's own toil? That is, if it can be used to advantage. * * * And of course we are not the only ones to benefit in this change over from milk to cream. The pul- lets are daily increasing their out- put of eggs as a result, and the cockerels, shut up to fatten, show evidence of fleshing up more rapidly because of having their stash mixed with milk instead of water. However, when we •decided to make this change there was one big fly in the ointment. We couldn't make a job of it without buying a new cream separator—the old one was really past praying for. So we bought a new separator— and while we were at it we got one with a power motor attached. So now we are really set, although 1 might add a separator is an ex- pensive piece of machinery and re presents the price of a good many cans of cream. Maybe if the price of butter goes up it will hart less if a few -people remember that. Separating is also hard work— that is if thereis very much milk. to go through. It has always wor- ried me 'to see Partner doing the job but now it is no trick at all. A few turns of the handle, a flip 'of the switch and away she goes. In fact I 'often do the separating while Partner is feeding the cows. However, as if•to remind us that no plan is ever perfect, last Tues- day the power went off. It was on when I left the house but when 1 got to the barn everything was dead. Of course the separator had to be turned by hand—and that is one time I didn't do the job. And don't think we didn't have some fun getting the separator in- stalled. If you do you want to try it sometime, We placed our order early in the summer. After a few weeks we got the separator. Sometime later the motor arrived and in due time both were installed. But it took us two months to get a switch—just a little switch to start the motor going. And that's the way it goes. • * * Don't you think these shortages of little everyday necessities are really getting people down? It is the constant irritation—or being frustrated at every turn, the hind- rance to our work . . things like that have a way of making people irritable and impatient. And of course we should try not to be. I sent an order away Inc other day for a number of small things which came to nearly five dollars. What I got back was one parcel to the value of 19 cents! Quite a joke, wasn't it? The Taxes We Pay A gallon of ordinary grade gaso- line (at Toronto) costs 3;.% cents. Federal tax is eight cents, provincial tax is three cents, add approximately three and a third cents for other taxes. That means, the fuel that makes your car go places is being provided for arourd 18 cents a gallon. That package of cigarettes costs you 33 cents. About 22 cents of the amount is tax, only 11 cents for the cigarette store, the distributor, the manufacturer and the tobac- co grower, The Financial Post. Sunk Tirpitz HORIZONTAL wings i Pictured Brit -60 Moved 1 ishflyer, Wing through air Commander 62 Mend r J. B. --64 Celebration 5 Part of plane 65 Evaporate '9 His squadron 66 Wagon was successful VERTICAL in —ing the 12000 pounds Tirpitz to 2 So be it! destruction 3 Id est (ab.) 13 Sign 4 Explosive 14 Great Lake (ab.) 15 Operatic solo 5 Us 16Northeast 6 Important (ab.) metal 17 Toward 7 Egyptian river 19 Oleum (ab.) 8 Germanium 20 Any 21 Transpose (ab.) 22 Negative 24 Eaters 25 Tellurium (symbol) 26 Fish eggs 28 Vegetable 30'Stove part 32' Woody plant 35 Three -toed sloth 36 Musical note 37 Erect 40 Plant 42 Metal 44 Golf device 45 Him. 46 Song bird 49 Behold! 51 International language 52 Paid notice 53 Doctor (ab.) 54 Sodium (symbol) 56 Egyptian sun ,god 58 Pertaining to (symbol) 9 Forbid 10 Either 11 Tiny part 12 Prevent 18. Lyric poem. 20 Snake Anewrr to Provlous Pulsate MIUME9[110M9 jsv©0©o© 1110©E,DOOil�i 99l13nlr1 mrit�( i';iulLI©N119l01©lg1fi ©100©®1EIiaG10©© 1111 U -CEN. nr�i�l WOMB li wll.u5M o©t3o151 EMM L�f GI©O N Wfl HIM SI MPSOI't tater©©m ful�t0 • - 1 1t 11 Ii s l fll®®©© f.`d© ©QpIR EA©1I0 ©519/ tuJ®© ©foiUl�C9tal dIILa7© 23 N: tive meta 1 25 Paving substance 27 Upon 29 And (Latin) 30 Boat paddle 31 Compete 33 Make a mistake 34 Even(contr.) 38 Dined 39 Rhode Island (ab.) 40 Iron (symb'ol) 41 Long fish 43 Slight' bow 44 Five and five 45 Cavity 47 Unemployed 48 City in Russia 50 Not matched (Scot.) 51 He heads an — squadron 52 Exist 55 Sum up 57 An 59 Near 60 Frequency modulation (ab.) 61 Weight (ab.) 63 Measure of area, oraquastcpar.Tbealy hiestiaarparxn,soarer Ot 2p+mar ilea atergiligit e, rs 4r. n .. TABLE TALKS .. Firdt 61:,*4:eitail airatt YoVic$ horstWal> C•rw/e t1441iG 44ni 4Oeatotnral,044iJ(I421633PtilRi CHRISTMAS' DINNER Appetizer (Tomato Juice; Grape -Ale or Fruit Cup) Roast Turkey, Chicken or Goose Giblet -Cube Dressing Mashed Potatoes Brown Gravy Mashed Turnips and Peas Cranberry Sause or Currant J elly Lettuce with Russian Dressing Plum Pudding with Fluffy Sauce or Mince Tarts Coffee Steamed Carrot Pudding 14 cup mild-falvoured fat 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 cup grated potato 1 cup grated carrot 1% cups raisins 1 cup currants B cup mixed peel, chopped VA cups all-purpose Or 13/4 'pastry flour teaspoon sale I/ teaspoon cinnamon • teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda Cream fat and sugar thoroughly. Add beaten egg, then potatoes, carrots and fruit. Mixandsift flour, salt and spices and add to first mixture alternately with water in which soda has been dissolved. Blend well. Turn into greased moulds, filling theist two-thirds full, and steam steadily for 3 hours. 12 servings. NOTE:—lf currants are not available, increase the amount of raisins used. Fluffy Sauce 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon flour cup water 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 teaspoon orange rind 1 egg white cups Combine' sugar and flour.. Add water slowly. Cook over boiling water until smeoth and thickened, stirring constantly. just before serving (while', still hot), add orangejuice and rind and pour. mixture slowly over stiffly beaten egg' white. Blend well and serve immediately. Makes about 1i4 cups sauce. Grape -Ale Cocktail 154 cups :grape juice i%cups ginger ale Chill ingredients thoroughly, m'ix and serve. Ice may be added if desired. Makes 3 runs. 1/4 Giblet Cube Stuffing Giblets cup mild -flavored fat 2 tablespoons chopped onions 3/4 cup chopped celery 4 cups lightly toasted %-inch bread cubes 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 1 % teaspoons salt IA teaspoon pepper teaspoon poultry seasoning '/ cup giblet broth (about) Simmer giblets in salted water for 30 minutes, then chop finely. Save '/: cup of the broth for dress- ing, use the rest in the gravy. Cook onion and celery in fat until clear. Mix with bread cubes, parsley and seasonings, giblets and enough hot broth to moisten cubes slightly. Sufficient to stuff a 5 -pound chicken. Drought Kills Sheep Drought cut down Australia's sheep population by 20,000,000 in in four years up to April, the Aus- tralian statistics bureau reported. In 194.1, 18,000,000 sheep died and 9,000,000 more in 1945 and early 1946. Australia now has 06,396,- 000 sheep. Earth's Photo Made From 65 Miles Up Scientists who 'senta motion picture camera aloft in a German V-2 rocket obtained photos of earth at an altitude of s5 miles. The best shot was obtained at. around 65 miles altitude and covers an estimated 40,000 square miles of earth at the horizon, with the camera around 720 miles away. It shows cloud between earth and the camera; the earth is dis- tinguishable and the sky and earth may be seen • at the horizon. Scientists said the earth's curvature may be noted in this picture. Christmas Eggs Enough eggs to provide every man, woman and child with an ex- tra one for Christmas now are on the high seas to Britain from Van- couver. The biggest shipment of shell eggs ever made from Canada to Britain — 3,886,500 dozen — left the west coast port November 6. SAFES Protect your, DOCKS and CASH trona F1RE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of 'Sider or Cabinet, for ass' purpose. Visit as, or write for prices. etc., to :..Dept. N. a.6cJ.TAYLQ4 LIMITED *ONTO SAFE wORKS. 146 Frost St. E.. Toronto Established 1985 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention Consult your nearest 'Harness Shop about Staco Harness Suppliea. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are., right, and So areour prices. We manufacture 'in our fee. tories — Harness. florae Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Florae Blum keta, and Leather Travelling Goode. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and ynu set satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE an any other bra stwellikee. 1 if AXWELL HOUSE contains choice Latin-American coffees. It's blended by experts and. Radiant Roasted to develop fully every atom of extra flavor and goodness. MH -77 A Product of Guano! Foods 82 YEARS We have been making and 01- ting Trusses for eighty-two years. You can place yourself In our hands with the assurance 01 receiving skilled and conscien- tious attention by means of the most modern methods of mechanical, assistance. ill 1��i�1111Illov �1 AUTROPS & COXA JOCIflJ11C54 "a T. TORONTO PHONE EL13tN 1622 IOP—Play Safe ARE YOU S LIGGEGTI N,Ct THAT THIS MAlJ 15 A POACHER ? By J. MILLAR WATT BUT I F Z WAG A PHEASANT I'D SURE ROOST H Ifs H ( "777% •issued Ow The'9N1 eta 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ®U® Il ® 15 ®UU 16 ■ 0,11 18 r :19 ■ j,,' 220 ■ 21 U 22 23 ' 24 ;®�® 21a : 28 29 la31 ®■ o 32 ®33'34 S. `r h S f .,,,,,,,1 36® ii 3t3. 34 Oav C 40.41 _® 4Z, ■43 } 44. ®® 45 46 II� 47 413 � `r f'� 49 So 51s„...,52 .Psi' J q . 54 5'5 il.1 LA 56 57 58. ■59 U 60a 62 63 ®® 64 ®®® 65 ■®� 66 ®� 7 oraquastcpar.Tbealy hiestiaarparxn,soarer Ot 2p+mar ilea atergiligit e, rs 4r. n .. TABLE TALKS .. Firdt 61:,*4:eitail airatt YoVic$ horstWal> C•rw/e t1441iG 44ni 4Oeatotnral,044iJ(I421633PtilRi CHRISTMAS' DINNER Appetizer (Tomato Juice; Grape -Ale or Fruit Cup) Roast Turkey, Chicken or Goose Giblet -Cube Dressing Mashed Potatoes Brown Gravy Mashed Turnips and Peas Cranberry Sause or Currant J elly Lettuce with Russian Dressing Plum Pudding with Fluffy Sauce or Mince Tarts Coffee Steamed Carrot Pudding 14 cup mild-falvoured fat 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 cup grated potato 1 cup grated carrot 1% cups raisins 1 cup currants B cup mixed peel, chopped VA cups all-purpose Or 13/4 'pastry flour teaspoon sale I/ teaspoon cinnamon • teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda Cream fat and sugar thoroughly. Add beaten egg, then potatoes, carrots and fruit. Mixandsift flour, salt and spices and add to first mixture alternately with water in which soda has been dissolved. Blend well. Turn into greased moulds, filling theist two-thirds full, and steam steadily for 3 hours. 12 servings. NOTE:—lf currants are not available, increase the amount of raisins used. Fluffy Sauce 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon flour cup water 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 teaspoon orange rind 1 egg white cups Combine' sugar and flour.. Add water slowly. Cook over boiling water until smeoth and thickened, stirring constantly. just before serving (while', still hot), add orangejuice and rind and pour. mixture slowly over stiffly beaten egg' white. Blend well and serve immediately. Makes about 1i4 cups sauce. Grape -Ale Cocktail 154 cups :grape juice i%cups ginger ale Chill ingredients thoroughly, m'ix and serve. Ice may be added if desired. Makes 3 runs. 1/4 Giblet Cube Stuffing Giblets cup mild -flavored fat 2 tablespoons chopped onions 3/4 cup chopped celery 4 cups lightly toasted %-inch bread cubes 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 1 % teaspoons salt IA teaspoon pepper teaspoon poultry seasoning '/ cup giblet broth (about) Simmer giblets in salted water for 30 minutes, then chop finely. Save '/: cup of the broth for dress- ing, use the rest in the gravy. Cook onion and celery in fat until clear. Mix with bread cubes, parsley and seasonings, giblets and enough hot broth to moisten cubes slightly. Sufficient to stuff a 5 -pound chicken. Drought Kills Sheep Drought cut down Australia's sheep population by 20,000,000 in in four years up to April, the Aus- tralian statistics bureau reported. In 194.1, 18,000,000 sheep died and 9,000,000 more in 1945 and early 1946. Australia now has 06,396,- 000 sheep. Earth's Photo Made From 65 Miles Up Scientists who 'senta motion picture camera aloft in a German V-2 rocket obtained photos of earth at an altitude of s5 miles. The best shot was obtained at. around 65 miles altitude and covers an estimated 40,000 square miles of earth at the horizon, with the camera around 720 miles away. It shows cloud between earth and the camera; the earth is dis- tinguishable and the sky and earth may be seen • at the horizon. Scientists said the earth's curvature may be noted in this picture. Christmas Eggs Enough eggs to provide every man, woman and child with an ex- tra one for Christmas now are on the high seas to Britain from Van- couver. The biggest shipment of shell eggs ever made from Canada to Britain — 3,886,500 dozen — left the west coast port November 6. SAFES Protect your, DOCKS and CASH trona F1RE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of 'Sider or Cabinet, for ass' purpose. Visit as, or write for prices. etc., to :..Dept. N. a.6cJ.TAYLQ4 LIMITED *ONTO SAFE wORKS. 146 Frost St. E.. Toronto Established 1985 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention Consult your nearest 'Harness Shop about Staco Harness Suppliea. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are., right, and So areour prices. We manufacture 'in our fee. tories — Harness. florae Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Florae Blum keta, and Leather Travelling Goode. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and ynu set satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE an any other bra stwellikee. 1 if AXWELL HOUSE contains choice Latin-American coffees. It's blended by experts and. Radiant Roasted to develop fully every atom of extra flavor and goodness. MH -77 A Product of Guano! Foods 82 YEARS We have been making and 01- ting Trusses for eighty-two years. You can place yourself In our hands with the assurance 01 receiving skilled and conscien- tious attention by means of the most modern methods of mechanical, assistance. ill 1��i�1111Illov �1 AUTROPS & COXA JOCIflJ11C54 "a T. TORONTO PHONE EL13tN 1622 IOP—Play Safe ARE YOU S LIGGEGTI N,Ct THAT THIS MAlJ 15 A POACHER ? By J. MILLAR WATT BUT I F Z WAG A PHEASANT I'D SURE ROOST H Ifs H ( "777% •issued Ow The'9N1 eta