HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-12-12, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1946 THE SEAFORTH NEWS WisPOWAIIWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWICWWWorem a. Range Shelters AN OPPORTUNITY TO GET MATERIAL FOR 30 RANGE SHELTERS NOW IN STOCK at $9.00 each. Spring, will. be more difficult to procure next 1 0 )rill', with possibility of increased prices, Get your requirements now. Scott's Pouliry Farms J. M. ScottPhone 851 r 32, Seaforth Thor mermr. '0 Sun6a9 5 -coke! Carefully selected re- ligious programs are offered on the day of rest ... filling out a week of BALANCED broadcasts on MB. Church Services 11 A.M. 7P.M. Sundays ,W.HI:RE YOUR -'FAV,O U RITES, ARE-. How to Borrow at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Cath I Choose a monthly payment pian Lean I You t 6 12 15 20 24 Det 'Qaymte paymta payrnta Paymts haymta 525 54.30 50 8.78 100 17.55 150 20.33 200 36.11 308 53.88 500 87.78 700 1122.87 1000 I 175.53 $0.17 13.76 18,34 27.60 46.89. 04.18 01.08 $7.40 11.24 14.58 22.48 37.97 52.98 74.94 117,47- 29,12 40.77 58.25 834.55 45.02 Select the -,mount you need, payment play you prl,fer. Vis lourof£cenrar angc your loan 1y phone. No endorsers or bankable security needed. Your money can be ready the snore da' you apply. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE rya1 OWED BY 64 YEP115 OF EXPERIENCE r;,J 2nd Floor, Royal Bank Building I�JxP 29 Downie- St., corner of Albert Phone 255 STRATFORD, ONT. 8..1. Colby Manager Loam made to residents of nearby towns r.ci474747525ZS'i s7474c747G7G7F74s+, 5747447S7C�1 Convert Your Ford Tractor To 6 FORWARD SPEEDS 2 REVERSE SPEEDS 2 POWER TAKE -OFF SPEEDS WITH THE SHERMAN TRANSMISSION ' IN STOOK AT DALY'S GARAGE Ford and Monarch Dealers �unsuuuunaaiauuuusoasmum,a,na„imn„alum,,, sn Highest Prices paid for DUCKS GEESE and JACK RABBITS Par d ale Poultry PHONE 152 MITCHELL Musicale Presented by Pupils of St. Joseph's School of Music, Seaforth, TUESDAY, DEC. 17 at 8 p.m. St. James' Parish Hall Rummage Sale IN ST. THOMAS' CHURCH PARISH HALL TUESDAY, DEC. 17 AT 2.30 Auspices he� ices of the Ladies' Guild r� IN STOCK Pennsylvania Anthracite Alberta Coal B. C. Shingles JOHN B. MUSTARD LUMBER & COAL CO. Phone 618r 11 Brucefleid IMICSICSIMMICNIMPiSSIVICSIIMW !Seaforth Beauty Salon now open For appointment Phone 157 Over Whyte's Butcher Shop MAIN STREET - SEAFORTH D -A -N -C -E ! Dublin Parish Hall FRIDAY, DEC. 27 Moonlight Serenaders Dancing 10-1. Admission 50c DANCE! in Cardno's Hall Saturday, December 14 Norm. Carnegie and His Band Admission 40c Old Time Dance ! CROMARTY HALL THURSDAY, DEC. 19 Music by Howe Orchestra Admission %l00. Everyone welcome Dairy Farmers Call in at the Goodrich Tire Store, Seaforth, and see the new VACUUM PORTABLE CLEAN - EASY MILKER Runs with hydro or gas motor Jack Kelland, Agent OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 579, Stratford For further information apply at Box Furniture Store SBAFORTH -TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman and 11'21'. .and Mrs. Dalton Diegel 'el ver 1 e week end a's visitors tt tchem th e of Mr. andMrs. s. E.Hudson., M. Wind 1Set Mr. Donald Dale, Ooboui'g, is spend- ing his vacation at the home of his mother and sister Mrs, George. Dale and Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Crozier. Mrs, J. Rau has returned home 1',o Zurich after spending .the past week at the home of her daughter, Mr's. John Regier and Mt, Regier, Mr. Harry Scott, London, Spent the week end et the home of his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and son dinimie of Stratford were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, G, A. Whitney: Be sure to hear S/L E. Harstol speak at the Separate School Thurs- day evening, Red Cross auspices. M,. and Mrs. Svend Ross, Detroit, were week end visitors at the hone of the latter's sister, Mrs. John Regier: Mrs, Ross remained for a week's visit, Mr. Neville McMillan, Listowel, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan. Mrs: J. McCluskey,, Stratford, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert. Pte. Patrick Cleary, London, spent. the week end at the home of his par - eras, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dunlop and fam- ily of Galt were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Storey. MrsT Charles Theohold underwent 0 successful operation in Scott Memor- ial Hospital this week. Mr, Fred Scott and daughter, Owen Sound, are visiting at the Monte of his parents Mf. and Mrs. Robert Scott. Mrs. E. C. Case and Mrs, Stanley Garnhism, McKillop, have ret151215d home from Sault Ste. Marie, where they have been the guests of Mrs. Case's daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marinelli, for the past week. The many friends of Mrs. F. C. Anderson will be pleased to know that she is improving nicely following her recent illness. Mrs. Will Ritchie and daughter Elsie and Mrs. Thomas Blake of Luck: - now spent the week end with their sister Mrs. George Coleman. and bro- ther Mr. J. T. Webster, Egnlondville. BORN HAGAN - Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hagan (Angela Burke) wish to announce the birth of a son at St• Joseph's Hospital, North Bay, Dec, 8th, 1946. WALTON Death Of Mrs. MorrisoSo- The sudden death of Annie Mc - Gavin, widow of the late Robert Morrison, occured at the home of her son-in-law, Thomas H. Leeming, on Thursday, Deo. 5, after an illness of 5 days. Deceased was born in Stanley Township and was in her 80th year. She was married 53 years ago last February. Her husband pre- deceased her 47 years ago. Surviv- ing are one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Leeming of McKillop two grand- children, W. J. Leeming and Mrs. James Clark, also three brothers, Join, J. McGavin, Albert McGavin, and Isaac McGavin, all of McKillop and a sister, Mrs. John L. Kerr, Sea - forth. The late Mrs. Morrison was. a member of Duff's Church, Walton, from which the funeral took place on Saturday at 2 p.m., with the Rev: R. G. Hazlewood officiating, The pallbearers were Messrs Charles McGavin, Gordon McGavin, Graham Kerr, James Morrison, James Clark, and Bert Hemingway. Flower bearers were Messrs Willis Dundas, AlexDennis, Percy Little, Wm. Ross, Dave Watson, and Thom- as Storey. Hlterment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery. ST. COLUMBAN The monthly meeting of the C.W. L. was held in the parish -hall with the president presiding. The meet- ing opened with prayer. The minutes as react were adopted. A letter re- garding the diocesan convention was read. also a letter of thanks from the Sisters of Atonement, for liter- ature received. The treas. report showed a balance of $66.52. A do- nation of 010. is to be sent to the Sisters of Service. It was decided to donate 010. to help purchase flowers for the Altar, also to give a dona- 'tion to Fr. O'Drowski, and to send boxes to sick and shut-ins for Xmas The meeting closed with prayer. The winners of the Lucky door numbers at the recent social were Mary Horan and Joe Kale. Also at this social, Mary Stapleton of Dub- lin was made the recipient of prize money donated by the diocesan C. W,L. to the winners in the recent diocesan essay contest, which was to high school pupils in the diocese. Miss Stapleton wolf fourth prize, and is to be congratulated on ilei' success. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Desch and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Desch attended the funeral of a friend at. Milverton on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. John Denomme and family are this week moving their household effects to their new hone at Drysdale, where Mr. Denolnnle will carry on his store business. We wish them success. Mrs. C. Meyers of London visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hey, oil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stel`ok were in the vicinity Sunday from Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey were visited by Mrs, Jeffrey from St. Joseph's. Mr. Norman Jarrott of Kippen Visit- ed his niece Mrs. Harold .Finlay, and family. n December meeting of W.M.S, is be- ing field at the parsonage in Varna on Thursday afternoon. Miss Phyllis McBride visited with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Bride. The public school will hold a Christ- mas entertainment the afternoon of Dec, 20 this year. VARNA L.O.L. 1035 held its annual meet- ing on Thursday evening last and elected the following officers for 1947. W. M Russell Gonsi t t D. M. Lorne Coleman, Chap. Chas CPil- grim, Rec. sec., Robt Taylor, Fin. Sec:, Ralph Turner, treas. John Os- trom, lst Lect., Frank Smith, 2nd Lect.,Loyd Johnston, Marshall, Mar. ray Hohner, 1st Com. Geo. Clarke. The officers were ,installed by past County Master Ben Rathwell, after which 1011013 was served. The 'United Church S.S. Christ- mas entertainment will be held on Friday evening Dec. 20th. The December sleeting ofthe Varna United Church W.M.S. NV Fl held at the home of Mrs. Anson Coleman. Miss Horn had charge of. the pleating and the program from the 010121hly was followed. We sang 0 Tittle town of Bethlehem. Miss PIern lead isa, 4, cam! lighting A c u !: and offered prayer, b au o service was used, Jour ladies each 111 culril and b c ca Ritoui ihe � 5Orli e read , t nucha. 11; came.. upon the Midnight 110111', was then sung. Four women, re presenting Canadian women's work, each lit a candle and read a piece. . prayer was thenoffered and 100 011110 the First Nowell. The offering we. taker and a dedication verse. read The roll call was answered with the word Jo;v lhn election, of officers re - suited as follows: Pres., Mrs. Lee ;41c Connell; lst vice, Mrs. AV. Johnston! 2nd vice, Mrs. A. McConnell 3i'rl vier Mrs, S. Keys; - rec. sec., Mrs. Frit' Reid; treas., Mrs. Geo. Reid; corr. see., MIS. Wat Webster; associate 1151pe1'11, Mrs. 10'. Johnston, Mrs, B. Rathwell; 11055. m011011y, Mrs. 13. • li Mrs. Anson son 1 (,.' stewardship, di,i Keys; 1 ll, Y Coleman; baby band,c Da McCIY- wont, Mrs. -Bob Taylor; temp See. Mrs. W Stephenson; Supply sec,; Mrs. Stephenson; Press sec Mrs Fred Reid; comm. fr. sec., Mrs. MoClytnont, Mrs. 13511 Keys, Mrs. Bruce Mc- Clinclley; organists,, Rachel Johnston, Mrs, Wet Webster. Meeting closed by all repeating' the Mizpah. benediction. A social 120111' was spent at the close. 3'Iiss Rachel .Iohueton returned home from a two weeks' visit with friends in Toronto, Oshawa and Well- ington. and also attended the, Royal Winter Fair, THE&" COMMUNITY BANK Our banking facilities are at the service of all the community -manufacturers and merchants, employees and housewives, all trades and occupations, every type of activity: We operate current and savings accounts for individuals and organizations. We make business loans and personal loans, and loans against Victory Bonds, life insurance and other. forms of security. We make money remittances anywhere by mail or tele. graph, sell and buy foreign exchange, attend to collections and act in a general advisory capacity where financial matters are concerned. Our full services are available at our nearest branch: THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SEAFORTH BRANCH - G. C. BRIGHTRALL, MANAGER `14Nommosimminumoommommoof All through the hohday season telephone opere.lors will he or. duty and all Long Distance lines in service to handle the thousands of extra calls we know will be made. Most of these callswill be completed promptly. Occasionally, .however, there will be some delays. If your Christmas call is one of those which cannot be put through' immediately, you may be sure we'll do everything possible to keep delays to & minimum. TH1 8ELl TELEPHONE COMPANY of rANAOS