HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-12-12, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Snowdon Bros„ Publishers
Mr. and Mrs, William Elliott of
Mitchell at the home of. Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Buchanan, her brother,'
Mr. S. Love of Saskatchewan has
'been visiting his mother Mrs. 3. Love,
and his sisters and other relatives,
The funeral of the late Mr. James
Lawson of the 8th line of Morris TP.
took place Monday, Dec. 9th, to Brus-
sels cemetery. FIs bad been in tailing
health for some time and passed away
on December 6th.
Operation of the sawmill has com-
menced, the mill being operated by
the Pahner brothers of Walton. The'
operators are sawing logs front their
own bush as well as doing some cus-
tom sawing. The logs are mostly
Maple and beech and are of fairly
good quality. Several farmer's of
the community are employed at the
•Don't forget the Winchelsea School
concert to. be held in •the Elinrville
United Church on December•1G. com-
mencing at 8 p.m. sharp. Santa Clans
will call et the close of the evening
and everyone is welcome,
Mrs. Wesley Heywood was removed
to 'St. Joseph's'Bospital du Thursday
and underwent an operation and is
doing as well as can be expected. •
MI'. Wellington Bell of Detroit spent
the week •eiid with itis parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Thomas Bell.
• Miss Wanda Stephen visited, on
Sunday , with Miss Gladys. Batten of
Winchelsea, the occasion being Mr's:
Batten's aol lrladys' huthdaY.
Miss Florence Bell, RV., and Miss
91110000 Miller of London visited over
the week end with Mr. and' Mrs.
Thomas Bell. •
Mrs. Clifton Brock and Mr. and
MIS. Clarence Hawkins of Woodham
are,spending a•few days in Toronto.
Messrs.. Laurie- and Murray Stephen
of London visited over the week end
With their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Stephen.
Mr. Lloyd•Dobbs, Mr. William Doblts
and Miss Marie• Jennison in Langton
visited over the week end with 1\4r,
and Mrs. Minor Dobbs.
Mt and Mrs. William PybusMrs.
Richard Johns and Bessie of Exeter
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
\Villiam Johns.
On Sunday December Sth there was
a special service in Elimville United
Church at 7.30 in the evening. Rev,
A. B. Irvin of Exeter was guest speak-
er and the Paul family of ICirkton sang
two lovely numbers entitled "Looking
Beyon.d," and "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought." A special collection was
taken in aid of the W.A.
A very enjoyable evening was spent
in the Township Hall Friday evening
when Mrs. Wilbert Batten held a
birthday party for her Daughter
Gladys. The evening was spent by
dancing and lunch was served. after
which a Large cake. decorated with
sixteen candles was lit up. They all
sang Happy Birthday to Gladys and to
Mrs. Batten as it was her birthday
also. Mies Ruth Skinner read the ad-
dress and Mrs. Harold Bell presented
Gladys with a lovely silver bracelet
and to Mrs. Batten a wall bracket.
Mrs. Batten expressed her thanks on
behalf of herself and Gladys and
everyone sang "For they are jolly
good fellows." Everyone enjoyed
themselves and all had a lovely time.
The address reads as follows: Dear
Gladys: \Ve, your friends, have gatlh•
ered here tonight in a social way to
celebrate with you your sixteenth
birthday. Birthdays only come once a
year and we hope this birthday will
be one of the pleasant ones for you
to remember in the future. You have
not come far along life's highway, and
the years pass quickly by and as they
slip away they bring many changes.
However as you travel into the future
and wander down love's romantic
lane. may your days he filled with
good luck, health and happiness, As
a token of our friendship we ask you
to accept this gift and we hope you
may be spared to enjoy mangy more
birthdays. Signed on behalf of your
Plans have been made for the an-
nual Christmas concert to be held in
the Sunday school room of the. Unit-
ed Church. A committee to arrange
the program was chosen with Doug
Lawless as the convenor. Other
members are: Misses Marjorie Hack -
well, Elve Sholdice. Mary McDonald
and Ross Lawless. The concert will
be held on Dec. 20.
Several new books have been ad-
ded to the library collection.
Russel Marks has almost com-
pleted his new garage on the lot ad-
jacent to the hotel. It is expected
that the proprietor will move to the
new quarters early in the new year.
The new structure will contain mod-
ern equipment.
The Fireside Farm Forum met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Dexter, Monday with attendance of
.25. After an interesting discussion
a social time was spent. Lunch was
served. Next :Monday night the Farm
Forum will meet at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Austin Dexter.
avtd4u- 6xene c5ivr0
She'll appreciate your thought.
fulness in the selection of a gift
she'll adore and enjoy for
years to come -
1847 Rogers Bros.
We also have a complete i0stock of Jewellery, Watches.
Silverware — 1847 Rogers
Bros., Wra. .Rogers, etc. -
d Ladies & Gents Signet &
Birthstone Rings P
Toilet Sets —Brush,
and Mirror
J. A. Westcott
Seaforth Phone 218
removed in London hospital last
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Perry and boys
of Cranbroole visited Mr,. and Mrs.
Irvin Rock on Sunday.
Mr. and Mr's. Carl Mikel and
family" of Fullarton visited Mr, and
Mrs. Jerry Doerr on Sunday.
Mrs. Leslie Byerman underwent
a serious operation in London Hos-
pital on Monday.
S.S. No 8 Me'KiliopChristmas
Concert will be held on Thursday
Dec. 19th.'
Mr. Zurbrige of Listowel occu-
pied the pulpit of the Evangelical
Church on Sunday.
Bethel Christmas tree, Friday
evening Dec. 13th at 8:15. •
The W,M.S. of the United Church Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, last
• l- We are ]eased to report his
condition is favorable.
day school room orf- Wed. afternoon
Dec. 4th with a good attendance
and the meeting opened by singing
hymn 57. Mrs. Wilfred Mellis read
the scripture. Hymn 50 was then
sung and Mrs. Hinton led hr prayer
after which hymn 132 was sung.
The topic, Christain Youth brings
new life to new tasks, was given by
Mrs. Harold Jones, The meeting
closed with a hymn and the Mizpah
Benediction. A dainty lunch Was
served by Circle No, 1.
Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto
spent the weekend with her mother,Mrs. I. Jarrott.
Mrs. G. Dalrymple spent Sunday
with her son Mr, and Mrs, Garnet
Dalrymple in Seaforth,
Mr, and Mrs. Bernard Keyes and
Marlene of Varna spent Tuesday
with Mr. - and Mrs. H. Jones.
Mr. James Jarrott 'underwent a
W.M.S. m
Hold Christas Meeting very serious operation in Scott's
told their Xmas meeting in the Sun- wee p
GEORGE FORMBY — Thur. Fri, Sat.
in "I DIDN'T DO IT" Now Playing
lror lots of fun and laughter, come and spend an evening with George
MON. TUES. WED. "The Bells of St. Marys" -
1st show 7 p.td,
2110 show 9.30 p.m. with Bing Crosby Ingrid Bergman
It's "Father O'Malloy's" new miracle of marvelous entertainment,
Great stings with 13ing at his lyrical best ! Great story—with all the
Heart of incomparable Irigrid ! Great fun — made by deft touches
of the director of "Going My Way"
THURS.. FRI. SAT. "The Runaround"
with Rod Cameron — Ella Raines — Broderick Crawford
A misbehaving' honey! - A misguided sleuth. What happened to then
from Boast-to•coast couldn't happen any funnier !
Co,nirrg,. 'A Night In Casablanca
with the Marx Bros.
Mr. Wilfred Scott and 910. Ed Dor-
rance spent Monday in London on
Miss Jennie Mann had the misfort-
une to tall recently and break several
ribs. we hope for a speedy recaverY.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wakefield re-
turned home on Saturday after spend-
ing the past two weeks In London,
with their son Charles and Mrs. Wake-
field. 'We are pleased to learn Mrs,
Fred Wakefield is enjoying better
What might have proved a serious
accident, 861'. Charles Riley while out
shooting rabbits, both barrels of his
gun exploded, throwing his gun some
distance behind hits, Nothing serious
happened. except that. his pocket was
torn off the coat he was wearing.
.Ir. Wm. Koehler attended the
hockey match in Toronto on Sat-
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daniels of
Galt were weekend visitors with Mr.
and Mr.'s. Jerry Doerr.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Weitersen
and family of Bornholm were Sun-
day visitors with ly10. and Mrs. Wni.
Mr. Jerry Doerr had his tonsils
Attorney -General
will speak on
over the C.B.C. Ontario Trans -Canada Network
From 8.00 to 3.30 p.m.
THURSDAY, December 12th
A critical power shortage now exists in Southern Ontario. Savings in
the use of electricity will be needed on the part of all citizens in order
to avoid serious difficulties during the present winter period, and Hydro
is asking all consumers to conserve electricity wherever possible in order
to relieve this situation.
Factories and industry are asked to switch from day to night opera-
tion, in whole or in part, wherever possible, and also to effect all power
savings practicable. Street lighting should be reduced to the lowest
level consistent with public safety.
• Eliminate the use of electricity for signs, billboards and store windows
from 8 a,m. to 8 p.m.
• Eliminate all Christmas decorative lighting until Saturday, December
21st, and again after January 1st.
• Turn off lights when not required.
• Use the minimum number of lights in the living -room, consistent with
good vision.
• Do not use electric air heaters and grates.
• Use electrically heated water sparingly and check leaking hot water taps.
• Do not use range elements on "high" when a lower heat will serve,
and turn off all elements as soon as possible.
• Cook oven meals as often as .possible and avoid the unnecessary use
of surface elements.
• Turn the radio on only for programs desired; if not listening, turn it off.
• Operate electric toasters and other small appliances only as needed.
The electric power shortage is a general condition following six years
of war and arising from the fact that it was impossible to proceed with
the development of sufficient new power sites during the war because of
the requirements for war production. Since the war, the critical shortage
of men and materials has seriously delayed the development of new
sources of power.
The Commission has been reducing loads within its direct control,
wherever possible. These reductions are not .enough, and it is now
necessary to appeal for assistance on the part of all consumers.
Hydro appreciated the splendid voluntary assistance on the part of
its consumers during the war, and believes that similar co-operation will
be forthcoming at this time.