HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-12-12, Page 1The sea orth NcI:!
At a recent meetingof the Minis
terial Association plans were made
'for the annual Week of Prayer ser-
vices to be held this year from Jan
nary 6th to the 10th. The services
will commence each evening at 8
and the offerings will be devoted
to the work of the Bible Society.
Following is the Schedule which has
been arranged:
Monday Egmondvilie United
Church, Rev, H. V. Workman.
Tuesday Northside United
(Church, Rev. Richard H. Williams.
Wednesday — Salvation Army,
Lieutenant MoBride.
Thursday First Presbyterian
•Church, Rev. C, F. L. Gilbert.
Friday — St. Thomas' Anglican
Church, Rev. A. W. Gardiner.
Blyth—Frank`. Bainton.
Colborne—Statief Snyder
E. NV'awanosIr-J. D. Beecroft.
.'Goderich Twp. George C. Ginn.
Hensall--Alvin W:. Kerslake•
Hullett :John W. Armstrong.
Stephen—Roy. Ratz, Arthur J. Amy
(deputy reeve):
Wingham—Murray Johnston. •
Turnberry—Walter H. Woods.
Morris—Cecil Wheeler.
Ashfield—Cecil Johnston.
Goderich—George G. MacEwen.
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister.
10 a.m, Sunday School.
11 am. "Ideals Have Changed Hu-
man History"
7 p.m• "The Desire of All Nations
Shall Come."
Come, let us Worship Our Lord.
Dec. 15th. Third Sunday in
St. Thomas', Seaforth-
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., Morning prayer. 'Unveil-
Unveil-ing and Dedication of window in
memory of Arnold Archibald.
"Greater love hath no man than
7 p.m., Evening prayer.
St. Mary's, Dublin:
2:30 Sunday School.
3. Church Service and Sermon
The Rector, Rev. C.F,L.. Gilbert,
B.A., at all services.
Sunday School Xmas supper and
party St. Thomas' Parish Hall, Fri-
day, Dec. 20th at 6 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
10 a.m., The Sunday School—an-
nal 'White Gift service.
11 a.nr., and 7 p.m.—Public Wor-
ship: The minister will preach.
Tuesday, December 17 at 8:15—
The Tuesday Night Club Christmas
party at the Manse.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, .B.A., B.D.
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Eternal Christ".
7 p.m., "Real Christians".
This is the third of three articles
dealing with the Hospital Aid and
its work.
This coming week we will be mak-
ing plans to re -organize the Hospital
Aid of Scott Memorial Hospital. The
churches and women's clubs in this
district will be asked to name repre-
sentatives to attend this meeting. It
will be addressed by members of
Under the new Provincial Hospit-
al program, every Township in area
is represented on Hospital Board,
under the able supervision of Minist-
er of Health, Russell T. Kelly. The
outlying districts are not only being
heard but are being actively repre-
sented on the Hospital Hoards of
the Province.
To the women of the Area being
served by Scott Memorial Hospital,
we say we need the Hospital ' Aid.
We need the help of the women to
make it a.success. -
A large attendance was present at
the final meeting for the year of the
Tuckersmitli Ladies Club, which was
held at the home of, Mrs, John Turnor
on Wednesday. The roll call was
answered by suggestion for Christmas.
All annual reports were given, which
showed a very eucoesseul year. Up to
date group 3 have the highest stanch-
ing in the Money making project, The
president Mrs. William Pepper thank-
ed .the members for their co-operation
and a hearty vote of thanks was ex -
'tended to Mrs. Popper for bar faith-
ful service during the year,,The pro-
gramme consisted of an instrumental
by Mrs. Ernie Crioh and a solo by
Mrs. Edwin Johns accompanied by
Mrs, Crich.• The .hostess assisted by
group 4 served a delicious lunch.
The regular December meeting of
the Seaforth council was -belch ou Mon-
day night with all members present.
and Mayor Cluff presiding. •
Mr; F. S. Savauge appeared re stip-
port for thi:' Christine' Seal fund.
An application for .permit from Mt'
W. G. Gill was granted to erect a gar-
age at the Royal apartments, esti-
mated cost $200.
A'letter was lead from District 4
Association of the Assessing Officers
of Ontario, and the Clerk was in-
structed' to attend' if he cieemecl it
The War Assets Corporation replied
to the town's inquiry re fire truck,
stating all fire. trucks had been ttlrtted
over to the manufacturers for resale.
The Ontario Minister of Highways
wrote giving information about flasher
for the Main intersection, Installation
would. cost .around $200. Poles aright
be necessary at the corner to support
the tiasher, Laid over fol' next year's
Boxing Day, December 26th, will
be a public holiday as in past years,.
on proclamation' of. tire Mayor.
A bylaw was passed naming C. M.
Smith as the town's representative to
the Seaforth High School Board, under
the riew high school area arrange-
ment. Instead of three appointees, the
council will in future have just one
annual appointment to the high school
Reeve J. F. Daly gave the report of
the streets committee, outlining the
work done during the year. A quantity
of glazed tile had been put in, streets
graded, and crushed stone applied,
Shortage of cement had prevented the
laying of some new sidewalks. An
order is being placed for a carload of
glazed tile.
A bylaw was passed providing for
the nomination meeting on Dec. 30th
and a poll, if necessary on Jan. 6th.
The polling places were panned as.
follows: Subdivision #1 at Teall's
Garage, R. E. Bright, deputy, Wallace
Ross, poll clerk; • Nos. 2 and 3, at
Cai1no's store, W. E. Southgate, de-
puty, Fred Wigg, poll clerk; No, 4 at
F. Kling's vacant store, J. P. Bell,
deputy, J, A. Case, poll clerk; Nos.
5 and 6, at library, D. L. Reid, deputy.
Helen Bolton, poli clerk.
A grant of 3150:was mads to the
Christmas seal fund. Councillor. Reid
explained that there will likely be a
clinic for the T.B. test operated some
thing like 'the blood donor clinics and
handling 1,000 people a day.
There was discussion about provid-
ing a room for the county school
nurse and use of a room on the third
floor of the town hall was granted for
an office.
In accordance with letter of ap-
proval from the Dept. of Municipal
Affairs dated Sept. 13, 1946, the coun-
cil granted to the Canadian Legion,
Seaforth Branch, the sum of $5,000,
these monies to be placed in a sep-
arate account until required by the
Legion for the purpose of building
memorial hall.
The council adjoiiriud to meet again
for the final meeting of the year on
December 16th.
The December meeting of the
Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas Church
was held in the Parish hall on Tues-
day of this week. Nine members
were present. Mrs. McGavin, the
President, opened the meeting with
the Gospel for third Sunday in Ad-
vent followed by a prayer for the
Parish and the Lord's prayer in uni-
son. Reports from all committees
were received and plans made for
holding a rummage sale in the
Parish hall on Dec. 17th and mem-
bers asked to contribute articles for
it. Mrs. Gilbert invited the members
to hold.their annual meeting' at the
Rectory on the second Tuesday in
January. After the offertory was
dedicated the meeting closed with
the benediction.
There appears to be a good de-
mand for electric brooders at pre-
sent. An electric brooder advertised
in the Seaforth News last week was
sold by 6 p.m. on Thursday, and
there were further inquiries during
the evening and next day.
1'n honor of the 35th anniversary
of the marriage of Mr- and Mrs. J.
A. McLachlan, a family re -union
was held at the home of their son-in-
law and daughter:. Mr. and Mrs, T.
N., McCartney, on Friday evening,
Det. Pith. Other members of the fain-
ilypresent were Mr. and Mrs, P.
Simpson and Betty Jean and Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. McLachlan, June and
Jack. A sumptuous fowl dinner was
enjoyed and the family spent a
pleasant evening together, On - be-
half of the family -Mr. Simpson in a
few well chosen ; remarks offered
their felicitations and congratula-
tions, and their son presented them
with a beautiful chenille bed -spread.
Although taken entirely by surprise
Mr. McLachlan thanked the family
for their kind thoughts and gift.
Mrs. David Holland from Sa-
skatchewan was a guest on this oc-
The Red Cross codially invites the
public to an open meeting in St.
James Separate School on Thursday
evening Dec, 12, to hear S/L Earnst
Harston, The meeting opens at 8:15.
There are two quilts to be finish-
ed and Mrs. Reid, convenor of • the
quilting committee would like her ance-
quilters to meet at the Red Cross "How did you get this informa-
rooms, Friday, Dec. 13, at the usual
The following is a summary of the
Findings sent to the Ontario Farm
Radio Forum Office following the
broadcast- of: December 2nd, The
subject of the meeting was "Do Sci-
entific Advances reach the farmer?"
Huron reports 34 Forums for
week . of December 2nd. Prepared by
Wesley Neelands, Ontario Secre-
Wasn't there a time, not tdo far
back in the past when farmers were
on the :whole, suspicious of new fan-
gled methods? Whether or riot those
sentiments were generally held, let
it be proclaimed that today no such
sentiments axe 'to be :foundany-
where in the province of Ontario.
Certainly they do not exist among
Farm Radio Fbrum members.
"How has scientific information
helped you on your farm?" The
Forums were asked on Dec. 2. Hard-
ly a scientific advantage of the past
decade is not mentioned by several
Forums. Better grain and forage
crops have resulted, it's acknowl
edged, from better seed, better fer-
tilizer and tillage practice. Second
on the list Forums mentioned the
improved livestock, dairy cattle and
poultry improvements are the out-
standing examples here. Sprays and
spray calenders have given assist -
tion?" We wanted to know. The
hour. power of the printed word is dem-
onstrated by the fact that 317 For-
ums mention their chief source of
scientific information is the Weekly
Farm Journal. These papers, to be
found in every Ontario farm home,
are rural people's chief source of
scientific information. As a close
runner up to the Farm Press we
give you that hard working friend
of every fernier, the Agricultural
Representative. His activities and
advice earn for him unqualified and
unstinted praise from Forum mem-
bers. It's agreed too, that our Agri-
cultural Colleges and Schools are
doing a good job. Short Courses, it's
felt, have contributed a great deal.
to the better understanding of mod-
ern technique.
led in prayer. The scripture reading • "Hew could the Department of
St. Luke II, 8-14 was taken by Mrs.1 Agriculture and Colleges improve
.Snyder. A solo "Jesu Bambino" by, their ; methods of bringing informa-
Mrs. Brown Higgins accompanied by trop to fanners?" There's a demand
Mrs. Jas. Stewart at the piano, was for more speakers, more agricultur-
nruch enjoyed. "The First Nowell", al films, more short courses, more
was then sung and Miss Fennell gave use , radio. Pamphlets, it is felt,
the topic ih the form of a Christmas' shoul -•' be more attractive. Six For-
etory and proved very interesting. I ups recommend the use of the corn -
Numerous Xmas gifts brought by is strip method to disseminate in-
the members which had been placed i formation. More experimental farms
at the Xmas tree were opened and' and experimental plots would be an
displayed, later to be sent to the assistance.
hospital at Gypsumville. Meeting
closed by singing "0 come all ye
Faithful" and by repeating the rills
nail benediction. A social hour fol-
lowed and a delicious lunch was
served by the social committee.
There was a splendid attendance
at the Christmas meeting of the Mae
Lane Auxiliary held Tues. evening
Dec. 10th with Mrs. B. Christie pro.
siding. Mrs. R. Savauge opened the
meeting by reading a poem "Christ-
mas begins -with me". The opening
hymn( "Silent Night" was sung after
which Mrs. G. Johnston read the
minutes of the November meeting.
Splendid reports were given by the
various secretaries and according to
the treasurer's report we closed a
very successful year. Miss Abbie
Seip, Captain of Circle 3, then took
charge. After singing "Hark! the
herald Angels sing" Mrs. E. Close
Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield.
On Saturday was the scene of a
I charming wedding when Lorna Pearl,
• daughter of 51r. and Mrs. Walter
Westlake of Bayfield was united in
marriage to Merton Edward Merner,
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. E.
Merner, Bayfield. The church was dec-
orated with pink and white chrysan-
themums for the occasion, Rev, L. V.
!Pocock of Hespeler officiated, The
' soloist was Miss Betty Lou Larson.
who sang "l love you truly." The
lovely young bride, given in marriage
by her father wore a white faille taf-
feta gown. Her finger tip veil was held
in place with a coronet of orange blos-
nolns and she carried a cascade bou-
quet of white rapture roses. Her sis-
ter Miss Gloria Westlake acted as her
sister's bridesmaid, and was dressed
in pink faille with shoulder length
veil and small feather hat and bouquet
of white carnations. Miss Elsie Leitch,
cousin of the bride, was maid Of
honor, dressed 'in pale blue taffeta
with finger tip veil .and headdress of
feathers and carried, white carnations
bouquet. The groomsman was Ken-
neth Merner, brother of the groom,
and ushers were Mr. Arthur Durham
of Hespeler and Mr. Grenvile Atkin -
BRODHAGEN son of Bayfield. After a dinner and
Mrs. Aug. Hillebr'echt has been
visiting with her daughter Mrs. John
Mueller and Mr. Mueller, in. Hamilton.
Mrs. Don Stanch and sot Warren of
Kitchener spent few days'with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Queren-
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Querengesser
have moved into their newly renovat-
ed home next to their farm, which has
now been taken over by their son Ivan
Mr. Carman Mogk of Wallaceburg
spent Sunday with bis parents Mr:
and. Mrs. George Mogk.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kennedy, Stewart
and Carol of Ailsa Craig, with Mr. and
Mrs, Albert Hinz on Sunday,
Farm forum was held et the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. & Harold Mogk
on Monday evening. After a lively dis-
cussion on chemistry, the recreational
part of the evening was spent in play-
ing euchre. The winners were Miss
Aletha McMillan, Manuel Byerman,
Mrs, Norman Bennewies and Russell
Slroldice. The meeting will be held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton
Hinz next Monday evening.
Quite a number from here attended
the Christmas concert at S.S. #3
Logan, on Monday evening. Mrs. Fred
Herbert is the teacher there.
580 lbs. ,of used clothing for Europ-
ean relief was collected at St. Peter's
Lutheran. Cheroh and has been
reception at the "Little Inn," Mrs.
Westlake received guests in a navy
blue crepe dress and blaolt hat and
black accessories, and wore a corsage
of white carnations. 1VIr. and Mrs.
Merner left by motor for a wedding
trip to Toronto and points east, the
bride travelling in a powder blue
crepe dress dna muskrat coat and
brown accessories. They will reside in
The Huron Road School Section 1:
Farm Forum held their meeting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alpert Glazier.
Discussion for the evening was "What
is Chemurgy." Two very interesting
contests were enjoyed by all and then
lunch. The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William
Holland, with every one welcome;
Mrs. Fred Watson was hostess for
a tea in honor of Miss Minnie Penhale
en Nov. 27 who was married Nov. 30..
About forty neighbors and friends
gathered and presented tine bride elect
with a lovely Kenwood blanket and
address, signed on behalf of the ladies
of the community by Ethel Watson
and Rose Scotchmer. The afternoon
was spent with contests and a, delici-
shipped. bus lunch was served.
Hensall's former councilors were
defeated at the polls in .favor of foto
new men. Results of the voting were:
Robert H. Middleton, 267.; Orville
Twitchell, 227; William MeTurk
Brown, 195; Wiiliamn G. Parise. 152.
The defeated candidates were Edward
W. Fink, 104; Melvin Moi. 103; How-
ard W. Hyde, 91, At the election 60.2'i
of the vote was out, Alvin W Kers-
lake bad previously been given an
acclamation as reeve.
J. Ira Rapson headed the poll in
Hullett township elections on Monday
to choose four council Members from
six candidates. Those elected were
Mr, Rapson, 354; William R. Jewitt,
336; William J. Dale, 297; Leslie Reid
285. Defeated candidates were George
C. Brown, 239, and Arthur Clark, 192.
The reeve, John W. Armstrong, et
Londesboro, had previously been re-
elected by acclamation.
Mr. and Mrs. Webber and fancily of
Usborne were Sunday guests at the
home of the former's brother Mr, and
Mrs, Orvall Webber and family,
Mrs, Eliza Smith, a much respected
resident ,el the village for almost 30
years, has • disposed of her property
and moved her effects to London on
Our busy miller Mr, J. Alelington
has purchased the estate of the late
Thomas Dennison, and Mr. and Mrs.
Aldington moved to their new hone
Mrs. Brdadfoot and son James, of
Parr line, were guests at the home of
Mrs. M. G. Beatty and Miss Mossop.
Mrs. Frank Grieve and little son, of
Seaforth, after spending some weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Elliott, returned to Seaforth Sunday.
Mrs. Gertrude Reid, a lifelong resid-
ent of Stanley has proved to Bruce -
field. She will be missed 111 her old
community. The best wishes of her
Many friends go with Mrs. Reid.
School entertainments are coming
fast and thick, and the kiddies are
looking 'forward tq a merry -making
Our village stores present a pleas-
ant front & have you deposited Your
lst prize in the bean box in Sgper's
window; watch me walk off with that
nice basket. rand Miss
Mr. and Mi
rs. V hner Reid
Mona attended the wedding last week
of Eduili Merlin, eldest' daughter Dr.
Harvey and Mrs. Reid, of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs: M. Elliott attended
the funeral of the latter's cousin, Mrs.
Morison, of Walton.
Young People's Society of Carmel
Presbyterian Church had as their
guest speaker Rev. R. H. Williams of
First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth,
ou Monday evening, A social hour
followed and refreshments served.
$1 a year
Dresser Ser
Complete to
Gift Chest
Locket and Chain $6.00 Ladies Birthstone Rings $5.00
Dresser Set Complete in Gift Chest 59.00
Jeweler & Optometrist
Res. 10
Mrs, Jas. Thompson left last
week for a visit with relatives and
friends in the West.
Mrs. Griffith and son Larry of
Niagara, -have been recent guests at
the home'. of Mrs. Griffith's sister,
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
The Christmas meeting of the Kip -
splendid Christmas concert pen East Woman's Institute is to be
was presented by the boys and girls held at the home of Mrs. W. Work -
of S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, last man on Wednesday, Dec. 18th at
Thursday night. Rev. E. R. Stanway 2;15. Roll call isto be a gift or two
to be sent to the Children
was chairman while the boys and 's War
girls did their parrs well. Credit is Memorial Hospital. There will be an
due to their teacher Mrs, •Campbell exchange of gifts by the members.
and their music instructor, Mr. Sam Santa will be there. Collection will
'Rennie. go to Woodeden hospital. Everyone
The W M.S,. held their Christmas welcome, specially the little folks.
candle hght --service on Tuesday
afernoon. The president Miss Bowey
presided. Meeting was opened with
silent prayer followed by prayer by
the president, who also read our
Moderator, Rev. T. W. Jones'
Christmas message; An Indian carol
"Let us go and worship Jesus" was
sung. The nominating committee
presented the following slate of of-
ficers for 1947. Hon. pres„ Mrs. A.
Mustard Sr., past pres., Miss E.
Bowey; pres., Mrs. H. Dalrymple;
1st vice. pres., Mrs. C. Haugh; 2nd
vice pres., Mrs. W. Scott; rec. sec'y,
Mrs. T. Baird; tree-,. Mrs. H. Aiken -
head: cov. sec'y, Mrs. W. Moffat;
Christian Stewardship sec'y, Mrs, R.
Scott; expense fund treas., Mrs. J.
Horton; community friendship sec y,
Mrs. A. Caldwell and Mrs. E. Stan-
way; 'supply sec'y Misi M. Swan,
Mrs. L. Hill and Miss M. .McIntosh;
Literature sec., Mrs. G. Anderson
missionary monthly sec'y, Mrs. A.
McQueen; associate helpers sec'y,
Mrs. R. Allan; temperance sec',,
Mrs. M. Stevens; baby band supt.,
Mrs, J. Thomason; mission band
supt. Mrs. F. Boyce; pianists, Mrs.
A. Johnston and Miss M. McQueen.
After the business Mrs; Dalrymple
took the chair for the candle Light
service. A poem was read, hymn "0
little town of Bethlehem" was sung,
scrinture reading• Isaiah 9: .2-7 was
read and hymns "Come Thou long
exnoctei Jesus" was read as a
prayer. Those taking the Indian wo-
men's nart were Mr's. H. Aikenhead,
Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. ,T. I-Torton and
Miss M. Swan. Hymn "It came upon
the midnight clear".was sung. parts
for the Canadian women were tak-
en by Mrs. R. Scott, Mrs, A. Mc-
Queen, Mrs. C. Haugh anti Mrs. T.
Baird. After prayer by Mrs. Scott,
hymn "The first Nowell" was sung,
offering was given, Mrs. Dalrymple
read the dedication and closed the
meeting with hymn. "Joy to the
Organist Honored —
Following the regular choir re-
hearsal at the Hensall United Church
on Friday evening the members were
invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs,
G. M. Drysdale, where Miss Greta
Lammie, ATOM, organist, was the
honored guest. During the social hour
Mr. Cornelius Cook presented Miss
Laramie with an electric tea kettle.
and Miss Gladys Luker read the oc-
companying a.cldress. Miss Laramie,
although • coinpletely taken by sur-
prise, expressed her sincere thanks.
Mr. S. G. Rennie, choir leader, gave a
short address and vote of thanks to
all who arranged the presentation.
Rev. Sanderson also spoke briefly.
'Tire Hermit Baseball team and of-
ficials enjoyed the delicious banquet
at the New Commercial Hotel on
Friday evening. Following the banquet
:Mr. E. L, Mickie, manager of the
local tear. spoke; also Mr. David
Wilson of Seaforth. past President of
the League, gave a. short address. Mr.
Stanley Tudor presented the Iluron-
Perth eup to the Hensall Baseball
The Hensel). Public school will hold
their annual Christmas concert in the
Town Hall. Heiman, Thursday even-
ing, Dec. 19th, commencing at 7,36.. •
Miss Marion and Joseph Meagher
and Miss Joan Hamilton, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton,
Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Burns in