HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-12-05, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1946 .e�..Em!o Vis. WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE -- THE 076, OF OUR I7 New BEAUTY SALJ\ AT SEAFORTH J WEDNESDAY, DEC.4th e/Pat ti •1 It Is Our Aim - - to render to our patrons, the utmost • in service and satisfaction. Our salon has been completely moderniz- ed and equipped in order to make this service to you, our policy, APPOINTMENT PHONE 357 SEAFORTH BEAUTY SALON • MARY CLARKE ELVA KEITH MAIN STREET SEAFORTH Special Christmas Prices FOR Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys Feathers and Horsehair PARKDALE POULTRY PHONE 152 ' MITCHELL, ONT. THE 'SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Charles Andrews, L'ol- lowing a car accident. Mrs. Andrews' was the .former Annie Mei'o, daughter of Mr. Joseph Moro, N. Main street Mrs. George Eaton has returned from S. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she underwent an operation. She, is convalescing at the Home of. her, daughter; lVlre. F. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs, George Scoi6ield and daughter _Nancy, Detroit, 'were week end visitors at the home of the laat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Arnold Case. Mrs. S. McMillan, Stratford, was a' week end visitor at the homes of her. daughters, Mr. and Mrs. E. Andrews, and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Fox. Mrs, Adam Hsndersdn was a recent visitor at the Monte of her soil and daughter-in,law, .Mr, and Mrs. Reg meld Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Kerr and son, Buffalo, were week end visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs.'James Kerr. Miss Grace Kreuter, Toronto, was a visitor ae the hone of Mr. and Mrs. A. McQueig over the week end and attended the Barry -Hawkins wedding. Mr. Harry Scott, London, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. H, R. Scott. Mr. and Mrs, D. G. McGuire, of Beach -o' -Pines, are spending the win- ter with. Miss Florence Fowler, in Seaforth. Mr. Andrew Little left on Saturday to spend the winter in Brantford. Mr. Ernest Clarke, Victoria College, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Clarke. Mr, Roy Vodden, Harpu hey, under- went a successful appendicitis opera- tion in Scott Memorial Hospital last week. Master Bobhy Henderson returned to Trenton with his aunt, Mrs. Victor Weymss, who was a recent visitor at the home of her sister Mrs. Reg. '6Ienderson and A'Ir. Henderson. Miss Ruth Carnochan, London, was a visitor this week at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes' Carnochan. Mr. Roy Weiland, Toronto, visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland, Egmonclvilla. Mrs. F. C, Anderson, James street, who was seriously ill for a few clays, is improving. COST NO MORE OBTAIN THEM' FROM YOUR Convert Your Ford Tractor To 6 FORWARD SPEEDS - 2 REVERSE SPEEDS 2 POWER TAKE -OFF SPEEDS WITH THE SHERMAN TRANSMISSION IN STOCK AT DALY'S GARAGE Ford and Monarch Dealers How to Borrow at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Casts You 8 12 15 Get hewers paymts paYmis 825 $4.99' 50 8.79 18)) 17.65 50.17 $7.90 059 26,38 13.71 11,24 Choose o monthly payment plan, 20 paymta 2011 92,11 1834 14,00 dile 50,80 .2780 22,48 517.47 590 87,76 45.84 37.47' 25,12 7011 12%87 61,18 62.46 47,77 11109 175.53 71.58 74.64 59.5 24 paymt $34.95 46.02 Select. the amount you need, payment Nen you pr,.fer. Vis't our omceor arrange your loan by phone. Noendorsers or imitable security needed. Your money i•,m be rcarly the same day you apply. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE. ,y,,,n:ad.;avo- 10514E5 e5 00 51400000 EXPERIENCE 2nd Floor; Royal Bank Building 29 Downie St., earner of Albert Phone 255 STRATFORD, ONT. 5. J: Colby .Manager Loans made to residents of nearby towns CONSTANCE Miss Donelda Adams spent the weekend in London with her friend, Mrs. Jack 'Gunnmow, and Mr. Gunn - mow, and with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McDonald. The Christmas service of the W. A. and W.M.S. will be held in the schoolroom of the Church on Thurs. afternoon, Dec. '12th. A good pro- gram is being provided. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter attend- ed the fortieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, Clinton, at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Osbaldeston. ST. COLUMBAN The funeral of the late Mrs. Cath- arine Evans was held at St. Collin'', ban Church on Thursday morning last with interment in St. Columban Cemetery. Among those from a dis- tance who were home for the funer- al were Mr. J. Atkinson and Misses Mary and Anna Atkinson of Toron- to. Mrs. Evans, who was in her 94tb year, had been ailing for some fif- teen years and was in bed for two years, during which time she was attended by her daughter. Miss Nel- lie Evans. Her husband predeceased 'her fifteen years ago. Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Owen Flynn of Clinton; Miss Nellie Evans, Sea - forth; Mrs. J. M. Montrose, Detroit, Mrs. Jos. Atkinson, Dublin, and Mrs Frank Nagle, Detroit. There are also two sisters, Mrs. Johannah.Roach of St. Columban, and Miss Bridget Cur- tin of London. And 13 grandchild- ren and 17 great grandchildren. , LADIES ! ! FOR YOUR St CHRISTMAS APPOINT - I MENT CALL VOGU BEAUTY SALON? Commercial Hotel PHONE 31 1 GRACE SCOTT Graduate Hairdresser OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and' Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 579, Stratford For further information apply at Box Furniture Store SEAFORTH DANCING!. IN CARDNO'S HALL SATURDAY, DEC. 7TH NORM CARNEGIE AND HIS BAND ADMISSION 400 CHRISTMAS CONCERT A Christmas Concert will be held in the schoolhouse in S.S. No. 2, McKillop, on Dec. 10th at 8 p.m. All welcome. CLARE ECKERT Clare Eckert, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, Sea - forth. passed away in St. Joseph's hospital, on Friday, November 29th in her 29th year. Clare had been well known and favourably regarded by young and old in this community. Her young life, one of courageous devotion to duty, family and friends was outstanding. She was a popular and efficient teacher in S.S. No. 4 Hibbert, North Marden, Riverside, and at the time she was taken th, was on the staff of St. Mary's School, Hamilton. Surviving are her parents, three brothers, Con. Seaforth; James, Ridgetown; Aldie, Lonon, and four sisters; Sister Mary Stephen, London, Mrs. Arthur Devereaux, Seaforth; Edna and Teresa, London. Funeral services took place Mon- day morning with Solemn High Mass at 10 o'clock in St. James Church. The Pastor. Rev. T. P. Hussey, celebrant, Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes, Dub- lin, Deacon, Rev. E. R. Glavin, Stratford, Sub -Deacon, and Rev, Father Ryan, Hamilton, Master of 'Ceremonies. Also present in the Sanctuary were Very Rev. Dean Egan, Stratford, and 'Rev. Elwyn Morris, Simcoe. The flower bearers were Thomas Morris, Ellis Grondin, Joseph Mel- ady, Herman Durham, Walter Enne- tt, Ignatius O'Leary, Norman O'- Connor and Paul Bezaire. Pall bear- ers being John Fortune, Joseph 0 Reilly. Joseph Devereaux, James Devereaux, Thomas Melady and Jer- ome Manley. Burial rites, conducted by the Pastor, took place in St. James Cemetery. McLEAN MCGAVIN St. Thomas' Anglican Church was the scene of a pretty wedding when Rev, C. F, L. Gilbert united in marri- age Audrey Arnie, eldest daughter of Mr. "and Mrs. George McGaviu, and Bruce Maxwell McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs, David McLean, Tuckersmith. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was charming in a door length gown of white nylon marquisette over slipper satin, fashioned with bouffant skirt; long bishop sleeves and high neckline with matching finger tip veil, trimmed with seed pearls and carried a white prayer hook with red rose buds and streamers knotted with white baby mums, As bridesmaid 1Vliss Marion Mc - Gavin of Stratford, sister of the bride, was pretty in a door length gown of pink suede dot net, long fitted torso with full skirt, lantern sleeves and shoulder length veil trimmed ,with pink ostrich tips and matching mit- tens and' carried a bouquet of pink carnations, white baby mums and baby's breath. Mir. Maxwell Switzer of Kirkton, cousin of the groom, was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Willard Legg of Goderich and Ross McLean of Tuckersinith. Mr. Allen Elston of Cen- tralia, cousin of the bride, sang "0 Promise Me," and during the signing of the register sang 0 Perfect Love, accompanied by Mr. George Clarke, organist of the church. For her dau- ghter's wedding Mrs. McGavin wore a black crepe dress with gold sequin trim and corsage of red roses. The groom's mother wore a gown of fuch- sia crepe with corsage of talisman roses. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home. when a buffet lunch was served by Miss Leone Hotham, Miss Francis NIat- thews and Mrs. Willard Legg. For travelling the bride chose a nue green wool crepe dress, powder blue coat and black accessories. On their return Mr. and Mrs. McLean will reside in Seaforth. THE HURON OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION OF TORONTO The forty-sixth Annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys Association of Toronto was held Monday, De- cember 2nd, at Jesse Ketchum Hall, Davenport Road. The following members were elected for the 1947 Committee. Blyth and Londesboro, Mrs. W. D. Sprinks, Mrs. C. Hol- lingshead; Brussels. Miss Eva Bry- ans, Miss Vera Gardiner, Mr. Wes. NlcCutcheon; Clinton, Mr. E. Floody, Mr. E. W. Hunter, Mr. T. G. H. "Mike" Cook; Exeter, Miss Sadie Walker, Mr. K. C. Stanbury, Mr. Mr. B. H. h, M .B lrc Gordon Fowler; Goderich, McCreath, Mr. Ralph Sheppard, Mr, H. B. Stowe; Hensall, Mr. Rave Pat- terson, Mr. W. Buchanan; Seaforth, Mrs. J. A. Brodie, Mr. Robert Mc- Kenzie, Mr. Gerald Stewart; Wing - ham, Mrs. Geo. E. Young, Miss Mary McGregor, Mr. Ralph Carr; Wroxe- ter and Gerrie. Mr. D. W. Dane, H. Jackson, Zurich, Mr. McDowell. The Executive will be elected by this Committee at a later date. The winners of the bridge and euchre held after the meeting were: bridge, Mrs. C. Sherwood, Dr. J. G. Ferguson; Euchre, Mrs. Gordon Fowler, Mr.. David Thompsoli. BORN. DALE.—To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Dale, of Hullett, in 'Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Dec. 1, 1946, a daughter. JOHNSTON—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Nov. 2Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnston, Clinton, a son. McLEOD—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Nov. 28th to Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLeod, RR3, 'Seaforth, a son. BENNINGER—At Scott Memorial hos- pital, on Dec. 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Benninger, Dublin, a daughter MCDONALD—At Scott Menioriel Ios- sMcDonald, RR2, 1SealorthM, Gordons. ota daughter. ADAMS—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Dec. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth. Adams, Seaforth, a daughter. Christmas Carol Service BY SEAFORTH PUBLIC, SCHOOL FRIDAY, DEC. 13, 8.15 NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH 100 CHILDREN'S VOICES Presenting the Christmas Story in Song Silver Collection at the Door Miss Mabel E. Turnbull Director Mrs. J. A. Stewart Organist PLEASE BE ON TiME BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Archie Mustard and Brian spent a few days the early part of last week with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Sam Hey, at Blake. They were ac- companied hone with Mrs. Mustard's sister, Mrs, T. Young and daughter who spent the remainder of the week with her sister. Mrs. R. Allan and Nlrs. F. Boyce were appointed delegates for the Sun- day School to attend the Crusaders' Cavalcade in Wesley Willis Church, Clinton. Mrs. R. Watson and Mrs. C. Haugh attended the services for the W.A. and the W.M.S. at the Crusaders' Cav- alcade in Clinton on Tuesday after- noon. The final rally of the Crusaders' Cavalcade will be held on Thursday evening when an address will be given by Dr, Robert McClure, who has spent some years in China as a missionary. The Red Cross will hold their next meeting at the home of Miss E. Bowey on Dec. 12th. Will those having sewing or knitting return the sante to be packed at the close of this meeting. The WA. held their annual meeting on Tuesday when the following offic- ers were elected for 1947: Pres„ Mrs, W, Henry; 1st vice pies., Mrs. W. McBeath; 2nd vice pres., Miss M. Mc- Donald; rec. sec., Mrs. L. \Virscu; col, sec., Mrs. R. Scott; treas.. IVUs. H. Dalrymple; lit. see.. Mrs. A. Foote; pianist, Mrs. G. Henderson; der., Mrs. W. Scott and Mrs. H. Aikenhead: Manse co., Mrs. A. Johnston, Mrs. P. Burdge, Mrs. A. Zapfe and 1VIrs. E. Thomson; church conn., Mrs. H. Berry, Mrs. F. Rathwell, Miss E. l3owey and Mrrs. J. Horton. Flower coin., Mrs. 11.. Dawson and Mrs. A. Hohner; Prog'. cont., Mrs, Edgar Allan and Miss M. Swan; visiting cons., Mrs. A, Caldwell, Mrs. D. Fotheringham, Mrs. 176. Day - man and Mrs. S. Ross. The amount raised by groups was $734.35; Group No. 1 under Mrs. Hohner $248.1S; Group No, 2 under Mrs. R. Scott $235.31, and. Group 'No. 3 under Mrs. A. Zapfe $250.36. The leaders of these groups wish to thank the members and Home Helpers for their work and donations. Mr. and ,Mrs. Ranald McKenzie and Edwin and Lois of Detroit spent the week end with Mrs. H. Zapfe and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs.. Gus Vothe visited Mr. C. D. Simpson on Sunday. Mrs, Allan Austin of London spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. C. Dutot. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zapfe and Wayne .of London spent the week end with friends in the village. Mrs. Ross Scott spent a few days last week with friends in Hamilton. Mrs. Alice Hohner spent the week end with her sister in Exeter. BEECHWOOD The death of Mrs. Catherine Evans occurred at her h.omue here last: week. She was in her 94th year and leaves to mourn her loss five daughters, Mrs. 0. Flynn, Hullett, Mrs. J. Montrose and Mrs. F. Nagle, Detroit, Mrs. Jos: Atkinson, Dublin, and Miss Nellie at. home. Mrs. Evans endeared herself to many, especially her neighbors, with whom she came in daily Contact, and will long be remembered for her kindness and sympathy to them in times of need. Mr. and Mrs, Frank ICnauskopf and Mr. end Mrs. 3. Loughlin spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Hara. A large number from here attended the .funeral of Miss Clare Eckert in Seaforth on . Monday. Our sympathy goes out to her parents, ,Mr, and Mrs, J. M. Eckert and family, in the loss of one so young and dear to them. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds, Lon- don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Carlin. PREMIER GEORGE DREW will speak on a subject of GREAT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE over a network of Ontario stations From 8.00 to 8.30 p.m., fil011SDAY, December 5th Listen to Station CBL TORONTO 8, 9.� ?J We also have a complete stock of Jewellery, 'Watches Vu.' e Silverware -1847 Rogers Bros., Wm. Rogers, etc. Ladies & Cents Signet & Birthstone. Rings Toilet Sets — Brush, Comb, & Mirror L('SHOP EARLY — A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas J. A. Westcott SEAFORTH PHONE 218 BRODHAGEN Mr. John. Anistein is getting along nicely after a serious operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last Wed- nesday: ' Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz; IViuni• fred and Maureen, visited their daugh- ter Mrs. Don Barber and Mr: Barber at Guelph on Friday. It was the or. casion of Mr. and Mrs. Hinz's 24th wedding anniversary. Farm forum was held at the home of 1VLr. and Mrs, Manuel B4 arnan on. Monday evening Progressive euchre was played and a delicious lunch was served. Winners were Dalton Hinz. Airs. R. Sholdice, Mrs. Geo Mogk unit Mrs, D. Hinz. Next Mondry it will b1' held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ge,,. Mogk. Mrs. Howard Querengesser and Susan are -spending' this week with Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Diesel in Waterton LON DESBORO Mrs. Bremner of Brussels is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Beacom. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Riley, Goder- ich, Miss Fern Watson, London, spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Watson. Miss Alice Fingland spent Tues- day at Wingham. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. J. Harvey, Clinton, which took place on Tues- day afternoon. Mrs. W. E. Manning who went to visit with friends at Brampton last week returned on Wednesday of this week. Jack Tamblyn left Tuesday mor- ning to attend the Junior Farmers convention in Toronto this week. - The friends of Mrs. J. Tamblyn Sr. will regret to hear that she is quite ill at the home of her son, Mr. Frank Tamblyn. The will -lieu's point of view gets its share of attention on Cl' RB each week Everything of interest to women is given expert treatment another phase of this station's BALANCED program schedule. You ladies shouldn't miss .. i i i KATE AITKEN i 10.30 A. M. i DAILY i 13 JEAN BAIRD 3i3 i 2.30 P.M. f i DAILY i WHERE YOUR FAVOURITES ARE